The Brussels Post, 1965-01-28, Page 21111,TROAio JAN. Otia. "...1.11.1.Nrr" t'?icr •r•wermiroTioromrarr•mot-","*"..""IT!!'!..".....,....r....!". JiliUSEIELS POST, littv4sids, 11•11.6,1.•,......111.11.1•11MMIIRD Niaitilind .Witt Annual Meeting untended for last Week) ineinours Pree- hyteriut buciely or the W.4/6. of. toe Preebyterien tenuren, iii Qati- oda held toeir auriutil iticetiliji mil .1.,tichnow ber.e.S by t mean 1.4oeknew. Jahaary • .(lieorge bi1.0.404'144n, Itipley in tau phair, 6titherlawl opelied, meeting with prayer. Alra• McLean and4/re. :levee gave the, Meru- lee dt-vutions using as, the Script- tee.; el,. explainieg. 10.1 ba,,iness firms take stock 04; the. or the New rear sO eeouiti we as individuals do the same. Let us take stock. of our Ivoi4Itgiul assets and think of N nat we should do with them during the coming year. Let us in leee enlarge our vision, let us • give more freely of our time, talents, and substance. A. short note or thanks as friend to friend was read as. re, ceived from. our late president,. Mrs. 11-. L. Speir, by- Mrs. Alvin. • • .. his. Morgan liendeepoa .ot Liicknow, on behalf of the lathe* of Lucknow church, Welcomed all the delegates and hoped. their day would be pleasant. .ilhicouraging reports were giv'- eu the secretaries of the (in.:feet:at phases of the work for letle„ some reported increased intonliership and others increased revenue. Ails, li. f . _daerieuzie or Asa- eutio a letter re information auuuL tile new way each Auxiliary will be allocated ior 1S65. A cora- was named w deal with this matter, Mrs. .0. K. Mac- Keeizie, Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Mrs. Morgan Henderson, Mr. Douglas Graham. Alt.L.r the luncheon near __J tilt* meeting was called to order. The devotions for tee afternoon were, taken by taree Bluevaee ladies, Mrs. Bernard Thomas, the script- ure, i 0. i. is ..etineuy, 1)1 a,„,, ci• aim ioi s. It. J. lueiViurray Lite soUreLury- dealing with the taeughte as taken from our ,Lord's prayer as recorded in 6t. Matt. gospel. Let us give thanks ri: unanswered prayer, for in Luis way we receive patience and, patience is a form of love Lour tortures all things. Patience is * lorni of faith which over-comettn the world. Only as we reveal our love for our fellow-men can we reveal our true love for (fed. Roy. W. Morrison of Brussels gave the 'greetings from 2resby. and remarked that initials W116 nave a Meaning. W stands tor women who liaer.e force and power to do their duty. M. is for the „Missionary spirit that women. have concern about both foreign e.nd, home. S for social, we must 'have joy in our work to . have 'fellowship for the Lord. Jesus Christ. A fitting memorial service was. conducted in honor of Mrs. W. L. Speir, President of Maitland, Presbyterial until she was called to her eternal home on Dec. 20th 1.964. ROY, Mr. Morrison paid her niemory a fitting tribute iii speak, queli tics as a 1.1;11(-4 ou4.444, and. ner. faith, itynybo. LU tetai 1ti SILO U.t aOY p4tay Olat 1,A#Li4 kOt 04; iounis was placed Qui Lie JAL,10.1/11 tatilt.L: 114 11‘44% iwaU4:, later ty tie given to toe Laicicuow, .NUrk. Vile 111,111(14: U! silences Nviis Oosvrs'eu 1litci. wen. tile words of that beautiful nynih was sung, et* or all Lae saints wIlo iyoui weir labourS rest", airs. p. motiatt introduced the guest spcuioir, Miss Ann Howson, of London now serving as missionary nurse in Nigeria, at present at uoute on furlough. Nigeria has been siow in develop- ing their natural resources but they are now entering a neW era of expansion. l'ne nuepaai that Miss lloWsou works in has, 10.0 beds but only one elector so the need al educated and dedi- cated workers is very great. especially for health and edu- cation projects. The Lord's com- mand is still very urgent -Go Xe into all the World and Preach the Gospel". Our Christian Church reaches out everyWhere and we know it brings problems, fears and eronderment but we must look upon this work as sharing with others and with God. The offering was taken and dedicated by Mrs. McKinney of Teeswater. Mrs. It. McAllister of Dungan- non brought in the slate of officers lot 1965 and these were accepted as read. Miss. Anna Howson read a passage of script- ure and installed the officers. Mrs. George Sutherland in her closing remarks thanked all who had taken part and asked the co- operation of everyone for their THE VAUXHALL SERIES 101 VICTORS gni Pronounced vertical curvature of doors and window glass gives the Vauxhall Series 101 Victors.. • a new and eyeecatehing style of line, plus a gain of four inches in shoulder room for only halt- an-inch extra in .outside width, Shown here is the Victor. help in the year ahead so we can go ahead with new zeal and re- newed ,faith in, our missionary endeavours. The lil,M.S.1\lotto written by Mrs. Alvin Mundell of Belmore was sung and Mrs. Hamilton Mc- Kinnon closed with prayer. • Officers Honorary Presidents....,,1,.1,. Miss Marion Williamson, Wingham Mrs. Allan MacAuley,, Ripley Past President Mrs. F. Moffatt, Wingham. President ivies. George Sutherland, Ripley 1st Vice Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Behnore 2nd Vice Mrs. Ted 111n3lish, Wingham lird Vice Mrs. Bernard Thomas, Wingham, RR 4 4th Vice ars. Mel Ritchie, Kincardine Historian MUM Pis Ca )tingannon Asst. Historian Mrs. P•torgan Henderson, LucknoW Treasurer Mrs. D. H mac- Kenzie, Ashfield Secretaries Recording Mrs. Wm. Ford, Wingham Correspondence Mrs. Thos. Currie, Wingham Press' Mrs. R, J. Maturray, Nuevale Afternoon Aux. Mrs. F. H. Croiney, Kincardine Bvening Aux. Mrs. John Day, Wingham Girls' Aux. Mrs. Henry Kenzie, Ashfield Children's' Aux. Mrs. Stanley Fischer, Cranbrook Home Helper's. Mrs. 0. Campbell, Molesworth Welcome & Welcome Mrs Walter Ballagh, Teeswater Library & Literature , Mns W. MacDonald, South "finless Glad Tidings. Mrs. Robtert McAllister, Dungannon Supply Miss Sadie. Johnston, Ashfield Life Membership .... Mrs. Hamil- ton McKinnon, Ripley Members Without Portfolio mis. W. J. i\lorrison, Brussels Mrs..voraou mowbray,•Lucknow Mrs. Dave Neilson, Gerrie Mrs. Dawson Craig, "Whiteelittrell Mrs. Stuart Stevenson, Cran- brook Mrs. Howard Harris, Moleswortli Mrs. Ira Dickie, South Kinloss Mrs. Leslie Knight, Cranbrook Auditors Mrs. Morgan Hen. derson, Lucknow, Mrs. Douglas Graham, South Kinloss A. social time was had over a cup of tea and Miss. Howson showed some of her slides on Nigeria. Criteria Hydro Photos Ontario Hydro forces are btiSy developing resources t0 meet increasing power demands. For the third year in a row coal-fired stations played a vital role in supplementing the sharply reduced output of hydro-electric plants as a result of low water levels. Highlights of the 1-irootit program include, clockwise: A Hydro crew working in sub-zero \veather on Kipling hydro-electric project in. James Bay watershed; helicopter airlifting hardware for Extra High Voltage line under construction near Parry Sound; specialists attaching tubes through which natural uranium fuel will enter reactor of Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station betWecn Kincardine and Port Elgin; water "cannon" blasting loose rock from wells of ChippaWit poWer canal at Niagara Falls in preparation for rehabilitation, scheduled for completion hi 1965.