HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-01-28, Page 1$2.00 A Year Advance — !i2.50 To U.S.A. THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, JAN. 28th, 11165 POST PUBLISHING HOUSS
Duff's United Church
Hold 'Annual Meeting
Members of Duff's United
Church held their annual meet-
ing Thursday evening. Rev. A.
Higginbotham led in devotions,
with Mrs. Martin. Bean as plan-
Mrs. Harvey Craig was: AP-
pointed secretary for the evening
and read the minutes of the !apt
annual Meeting.
The annual financial statement
showed favourable reports from
all organizations. Mrs. lmerson
Mitchell, UCW president, explain-
ed some of the work done and
Mrs. Campbell Wey, secretary,
rePorted on the Year's activities.
Mrs. Nelson Reid Ontlined the
work of the Sunday School.
Mrs. Roy Williamson gave the.
Mission. Band report end Mrs.
Ronald Bennet the work of the
Boy Scouts with their leader
Barry Marshall and George Hib-
bert, also the newly formed Cubs.
with William Humphries as leader
and Emerson Mitchell, Howard
Ha elm el 1 and Douglas Kirkby
Jan, van Vliet, Barry Marshall,
Mac Shoklice and Laverne Godkin
were appointed to replace the
19(15 retiring stewards.
Board of Trustees for 1965
include Wm. teeming, Andrew
Contts, John McDonald, Roy Ben-
nett, Donald McDonald, and
Gordon Murray. Jas. Smith and
Douglas Fr,aser were appointed
auditors. Church representative
to United Men's Council, Alvin
McDonald, alternative, Allen
A decisjpn was reached to hold
the church centennial in Sept-
ember. W. R, Sholdice, James
McDonald, Mrs. Wes. Hackwell,
Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs.
Douglas Ennis were appointed
as a centennial committee.
Mr. Higginhethare: thanked all
church officers and leaders for
'heir work.
Clarence Martin, clerk of the
session, moved a vote of thanks
to the minister, his wife and fam-
ily for their splendid work
throughout the year.
W, L. Backer is a patient in
Wingharn, Hospital.
Briati Pollard, sun of Mr. and
Mrs. George Pollard, was admitted
to Clinton Public flospital. Mon-
day, -for an appendectomy.
Mr, and. Mrs. Win. MacDonald
end Mr. Arthur Pox attended the
golden wedding anniversary on
January 20th, of Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Bryce, et their home in
Go to the erena, Friday' Melt.
Ralph Shaw is Sec.,Treas.
Of New School Area hoard
Morris Township School Board
met in .the Public School, Brus-
sels ..Tanuary -20th, All mew-
here were present.
Trustees J, Elston G, McCutch-
eon and B. Elliott were elected,
for a term of two years, J,
Stewart and C. Haines for one
Motion Haines and Oliott that
the application of Ralph Shaw
as secretary be accepted.
There were seven applications
for this position.
Motion McCutcheon and Elliott
that the accouht be kept in the
Canadian Imperial Bank of Com-
merce, in Brusse18, and that
cheques be payable at par ire
Blyth and Winghaln.
Motion Stewart and McCutch-
eon that Secretary order a minute
book, a cash book and six sub-
ecriptions to the Municipal World.
Motion Stewart and Elliott that
caretakers be appointed for the
anal schools.
Motion Stewart andk Elliott that
the village of Brussels be allowed
to use the school snow blower for
sidewalk snow removal on a trial
basis for one month at the rate of
one dollar per hour, the village to'
supply gas and oil and he respon-
sible for breakage,
Motion Stewart and Haines that
the use of Brussels School for
dances he discontinues until such
i.inIrt as the question of Insurance
•• investigated.
Motion Haines and McCutch-
-.on authorized the payment of
Brussels Hydro $ 43.70
Blyth Hydro 29.22
McFeven's Grocery 2.34
McDonald Lumber 29.61
Snell's Grocery 7.35
,Las. Smith 30.00
Brussels 1Telephone 14.45:
Druesols Post ,,,,,,,, .... 3,00
Coal Yard, fuel .... ..... 10912
alcifienl Hardware _ 12.56
Meehan. Hardware 4.71
GI. Mutter, fuel 89,96
Blyth Standard 3.35
Alexander Hardware 11.11
Ad van oe Times 3.93
1-Tood School Supplies 21.90
The Secretary was authorited
to issue cheques to pay Teachers'
and caretakers' Salaries and
hydro hills when dire.
The next Board, meeting will he
held, on February 3 when the
Trustees plan on visiting the
The regular meetings of this
Board will be on the first. Wed-
nesday of each. month.
:Lathes Elston Relnt Shalt
elmirmaT fieOretal
W.'1, Have Panel 'Discussion
At Their January Meeting
The January meeting of the
Majestic W.I. was held in the
Public Library on January 14th
The, Ode, Mary Stewart Collect,
opened the meeting. The presi-
dent, Mrs, J, Lowe, wai in the.
chair. The minutes and t seas-
urer's report were given. There
is a balance of $51,77. The com-
mitte e reported 17 Christmas.
Cheer boxeS were sent out. It
was moved to send two of the
members in hospital, cheer cards.
Miss Deptude stated Achieve-
ment Day for Club Girls will he
held in HoWick Central School on
February 6th.
It Was decided to have a Dutch
Auction at each meeting. Mrs.
George Davis, and Mrs. A. Engel
to bring articles for Pebruary.
A discussion followed on Ways
to add to our finances. A bake
sale will be held February 13t.1t
Each memb'e'r to help as much aS
A committee to see about a
quilt to be made and tickets sold
on are to be Mrs. L. Nichol, Mrs,
11 Hemingway and Mrs. E.
A card party will be held on
it 12th,
Mrs. Wm, Eivans, convenor of
Resolutions then took the chait.
Community singing, led by Mrsi.
D. Hemingway, followed. A panel
discussion on Resolutions was
conducted. Mrs. D. C. Matheson,
Mrs. Robert Raymond, Miss Mae
Skelton and. Mrs. E. Cudmore
were the members of the panel
Mrs. H. Devntes gave current
events. Mrs. A. Engel gave the
motto "The rung of a ladder was
never meant to stand on, but just
to rest your foot on".
The roll call brought out some
interesting suggestions. A con-
test was followed by a delicious
lunch served by Mrs. E. Wilson,
Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. E. Cudinore.
Mrs. Devries helped in Mrs,
'Wilson's absence.
The Queen closed the meeting,
We would like to take this
opportunity to express our thanks
to tin our friends and relatives
Who gave gifts or helped in any
way to' Make our recent Preeent-
atioh an onioyable occasiOri.
Reath and Wayne Weed
TF,NT'AS — To Mr. and Mrs
Albert TeeiPas. Brussels. in Lis-
towel Hospital, on Weclnesdny,
,Taininey 21th, — daughter,
Brenda, a sister for Brian.
o to FrilltiT night,
Why Not Lend
A Hand`
This is Minor Hockey Week in
The local managers of hockey
teems here have slated a full
night of hockey, or Friday night
at the Brussels Arena,
So come out and help the lade
along. Don't send take your
boy to the arena and stay and
watch him, play. Show' that you
are behind sports in Brussels:.
FM. further particulars see ad
en inside page,
Melville Presbyterian
'Women's Guild
The first meeting of 1965 was
was held in the church parlour on
Tuesday evening, January 1.8th.
Winnifred Fidgar presided for the
opening exercises and read an
tinspieational poem after which
"St.andiiig at the Portal of the,
Opening Year" was sung. Jean
Higgins led in prayer and the
scripture Luke t ; 141. was read
in unison. A helpful mesectise en-
titled 'New' Year Thoughts" was
delivered by Kate Wilson.
The business part of the meet-
ing was in charge of the new
president, Aileen Mutter. The
Secretary's and Treasurer's re-
ports were read and joining fees
The books to be used for the
year were discussed and it was
agreed to continue with "Inspir•
admen Talks For Women" and
'Thumb Women At Worship",
which are very satisfactory.
It was decided to form sides
with Leona Armstrong and Jean
Snles as captains.
The Guild would be more than.
pleased to -welcome new members
to the group.
The February ineetingwill take
the form of a Pot Luck Supper.
Charades were enjoyed at the
Mose of the meeting and tasty
sandwiches, served by the Comm
mittee, Winnifred Edgar, Kate
Wilson, and Jean Higgins.
NeW Brownies Etirofled
On Tuesday night seven new
Thownies were enrolled by Capt-
ain Kellington. They Were Kira
Sullivan, Susie Speir, Julie
Hanna, Lori McCutcheen, Joyce
Pearson, and Dianne Therilati.
One Brownie, . Joan Simpson,
walked up, and one Breernie,
Joan Elliott, flew up, to Guides.
They were presented with their
certificates by Brown Owl
Stephenson of the 1st Brownie
Brownie Pauline MCCutcheon
flew up to the Guides and Was
presented with her dertificate by
Brown Owl Bone of the 2nd
Horticultural Meeting
Accept Slate Of Officerse
The annual meeting of thEe
Horticultural Society was held in..
the Library on Monday iBilliary-
1.8tft. Mrs. H. Smalldon took the-
pianist place for 0 Canada, follow-
ing Mrs. C. Hemingway, vice-
president, in the chair, read, a
lovely verse on January.
Minutes of the last meeting•
were read and adopted. Correa-
ponden.ce followed. Suggestions-
were given for next year's pre,
Moved by Mrs. Rann, seconded
by Mr. Knight that suggestions
be written on paper, first. for a
name, then ideas of landscaping
the corner plot given. by Mr..
Oldfield as a Horticultural project.
Mrs. Rann. as head of the nom-
inating committee. read a list or
directors. The president and-
vice president were chosen at the
The officers for the coming
year are:
• 1st Vice Mrs. D. A. Rann.
21nd Vice Mr. A. Knight
Sec.-trees Mrs. E. Shurrie
Directors (for 2 years)
Mrs. W. Edgar
Mrs. 'Wes Kerr
Mrs Leonard Meehan
Mrs. PPrt Hemingway
Mrs. Harold Smalldon
Directors (for 1 year)
efts. Ross Bennett
Mrs. Don Dunbar
Mrs. R. Gemmell
Mrs. Wm. Miller
Mrs. George Wheeler
Auditors Mrs. John Speir.
Mrs. Marie Davis
Pianist ........... Mrs. Walter Kerr
Assistant —. Mrs. Fe Ourtingham
Press Reporters ..... .......„.. Mrs. E.
Cudmore. Mrs. E. Shurrie
Moved by Mrs. Rann seconded
by Mrs. L. Machan the slate of
officers be accepted.
Mrs. McCall won the door prize.
Hostesses were Mrs. Rae Craw-
ford. Mrs. Harold Spell'. Mrs.
Clarence Yuill, Mrs. Pletch.
Conveners were Mrs. R. Clem-
, men, Mrs. F. Shaw.
The, next meeting, in March,
.Mr. C. Epps of Clinton is to be the
guest speaker. New members are
always made welcome. Come tie
the meetings and learn about.
Congratulations to Miss Dere-
thy Elliott, daughter of Mr. and.
Mrs. O. Elliott of Brussels, who
won filtt place In the grade seven
and eight class in the public
speaking competitions sponsored,
by the Wingham Branch of the
Royal Canadian Legiort, end te-
. eetved the Dr. W. A. Motilbbon
Mrs. Cart