HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-02-11, Page 3TOE H U RAN IGN,AL, FRLDA Y FEI3RU Y 11, 1881. Township of Colborne. tatement in Detail of the Receipts and Expenditures for the Financial Year from February. 1st, -1880, to January 3Ist, 1881, BY A_ SANDE, TRI3AS1:71. 1- R. RBOI1<IPT8. Te Cash on hand from financial year 1879, " Treasurer's Note cashed, Non -Resident collections, License Balance for 1879, License for 1880, Treasurer's Note diaouuuted, From Cemetery lots sold, Clergy Reserve Fund, C. C Crabb, J. P. fines, John Kernighan, J. P., fine., C. C. Crabb, J. P., fines, At Non -Resident collections, es John Robertson, P. K. fines, Clerk froiu sale of Cemetery Lots, Collector from Roll of 1880, W. F. Kay, taxes for 1880, ,1 'o a " u c, 44 4e et Of 4' t4 Total. EZPHNDITU RE. SCHOOL t. By Oaah, School Section No. 1. a4 a 44 2. '4 a' 14 si 1' & 4t 14 Ashfield Union, Wawsncah • • R. C. S. 8. Goderich, Total. 4' 6. 6. 7. ROAD' AND IEUDosa. Q forgrsysl, 1179, Wifin " " John MoWhiney, " " " Michael Healy, timber for culvert, 41 I4 " for building culvert, " Jae. Strachan, for repa•ir•ing ' ` " Geo. McKee, for ditohing, 14 44 " for road work, -" D. McKinnon, for road work, " Thomas Dodd, for gravel, " Wm. Young, for road work, 41 '1 4 14 44 " Geo. Evans, " '. " John Barker " " W. Strachan, " " Ro n, " " Geo. Dawson, 4' " S. Linfield, 1/ 'r John Barker, " " Gee. Aisnit, ' • •' D. McKinnon," " • D. CsmpinS, " " W. Van.to644 " " Geo. Dunbar, " 1 " " D. McLaren, " " " A. M. Campion, for gravel, 14 11 44 at •• Haynes & Hodge, for lumber, " It. T. Haynes, for culvert, • • Wm. Young, for road work, a t Geo. Bissett, " 4 " Jacob Wilson, " " " A. Davidson, " t4 " Joseph Healy, for culvert, " Geo. McKee, for bridge, " John McLeod, for road work, " John Barker, " ` 1 t " Wm. Morris, " t' ' • D. Campion, 11 " John McLeod, for gravelling, 11 Patrick Gallagher, for culverts, " `John tnchanan, (or gravelling, " N. Nott, for grovel, .4 }L Healy, for culverts, George Evans, fur gravelling, " George Bieeit, ,. " Ea. Strachan, " Cleor a Wilda, " 4 4 Geo. imine •• Gco. McKee, for gravelling, 11 John Stevens, for road work, " M. Healy 1t 4t GG�eoty....M,��cK ai_�ee, s 41 41 '( Tt" Young .4 14 " 4 Andrew Creels ' • • . ' . " H. Horton, " ' " D. Campion, -'r .4' " D. McKinnon, 14 di " Jas. Davidson, " " " Geo. Bissett, « It " Jacob Wilson, " " " Wm. Young, " " Robt. Buchanan, " " A. Sand., " Wm. Young, " John Barker, ' 11 44 't " CC 44 " rt " it 11 '1 4t 4i t4 t4 .4 4' " 4' 4' 44 '4 14 " it t' t' t' 4' 44 et 4' 41 Jas. Jones, t' `, John Stewart, for ditching, Michael Healy, for culverts. A Deviation, " 11 John Brillion, 't ' t 1 James Long for gravel, A. Sands, ,i James Olen, al Joseph Goldthorp, for lumber, 41 44 al for read work. Jas. Jenkins, 11 ' ` " John Stevens, 11 Thos. ?redoes, 41 " R. T. Hones, for gravelling, Jen assns, i1 Wo. IKske, for gravel, 44 M. ��~' 'I 4' David Bete, 1 , • A J. Caldwell " r Thos. Dodd, " " Win. Taabbne, for lmtaber, 4' N. W. Nott, 1' • 228 12 300 00 87 67 16 17 233 14 9ti0 00 26 00 19 81 4 00 3 00 12 00 70 46 4 00 12 00 8,466 16 38 54 10,976 07 $ c. 916 69 676 86 441 30 409 2 1,006 81 276 40 107 16 94 16 70 59 4,406 61 $ 11 60 186 2 86 800 6 00 1 00 8 00 14 00 7U 90 3 60 4 50 10 00 '1200 500 16 00 3 00 1 50 60 00 10 45 9600 11 76 14 00 7 00 200 66 3 30 18 33 10 96 60 63 00 360 68 00 7 60 2400 1.60 5 00 1 26 8 76 50 00 20 00 40 00 3 00 • 11 GO 87 18 44 11 57 82 20 00 49 68 12 13 75 4 00 10 50 17 60 6 00 1 57 3 75 16 60 3 76 50 00 2 50 60 6 00 15 32 1 00 5 25 400 100 00 73 26 6 26 2 00 6 00 10 00 9 00 300 146 1466 960 72 750 1 11 66 100 4 M 10 as M 11111 411 1 FS 460 Devih Borers Roston, for repairist aaiper, " William Robotics, few William Downs, for mon. , George Wilds, for 1raysllbtg, James Symington, for culvert*, John Snyder, for gravel, Thomas Borns, " Nicholas Morrish, for lumber, Hayne. & Hodf[e, McDonald Estate, Inc gravel, Wilson Old, for advert, Thoma. Gledhill, for gravel. 44 44 44 4/ '4 SS " " '4 '4 14 4/ 41 41 " 41 14 14 44 41 41 " Patrick Gallagher, for n,ad work, Hillary Herten Richard Walters " 14 Heennryfor shovelling anew, John'9Ic , Inc lambert Thomas Presious, for shovelling snow, Henry Austin 1/ t ` Abraham' Beit, for gravel, McDaniel/ Hetat. " ` ` Saltine} Caldwell " Total CHAirlY. By Cash H. Horton, wood for Mita. Webb, Cash, Barker, wood Inc Sinclair, •, 11 It 41 44 41 • • Henry Martis, " Mrs. Jas. McLean, as charity, 4' „ 11 t4 D. McLean, grave for Sinolair's child, Colin Sinclair, as charity, D. Mclean, for digging 8ineaids grave, ' • George Barry, undertaker's account, City T essuner, London, for L. Sharpe. Mon. Sanderson, as charity, . F. Jordan, medicine for Sincla;r, " Geo. Cattle, • t " City 'Demurer, Londe., for L. Sharpe, " Colin Sinoiair, as charity, " William Hutchinson, as chant', • t GeoCampbell, rent for Mrs. Smola " City Tre ensurer, London, for L. Sharpe, '! John Barker, wood for Mrs_ Sinclair, " Mrs. Sinclair, taxes remitted, 44 • 't 4t 33 weeks' charity, " John Barker, wood for Mrs. Sinks: r , " Mrs. Sinclair, 2 weeks charity, By Cash, J. , 41 •t 4' Ic 't 11 ft 4t .' CI 't 'c '4. 4' " 41 444 44 14 if Total nENDEIE.. A. McDonagh, un Vote Lists, �ta' s000nnt. ' Stationery ou nc, 't Care of Hall, A. Sands, 3 years postage and stationery. C1'1604'11 & Aldricl., for printing, George Panora, for tape line, George Bissett, Statute Labor refunded. Joseph Healy. " `t John Fisher, error in School Section refunded, J. Robertson, •• 44 John McQuarrie, error in Aiseeement refunded, David Fiaher, dog tax refunded, Ed. 8trsc n, " 4t Wm. Barkw.11, , • , ` Jas. McCashlin, Mrs. Sharky, " Robt. Kerr, Wei. Jones, repairs at Township Hail, Thos. Frydr, wood for Hall, Agee! Printing Company aoosunt. Star, for advertising, Expositor, for fence viewers' guides, T. J. Meerhouse, for stationery, David Campion, fur cutting thistles, Treasurer'. Note paid, " Avid Campion, error in dog to-. $Jud Neilson, ' 1 (I ' Garb, for election expenses, H & H. , fo. stationery, George parsons, for spikes, Star uMoe, for printing, Signal silos ` ZOPEBA, from Brasil, is now owo. into (aasada. It is a sand peegatiee, as a wonder Ha gil C Straohafl'S and energy to w. .speaks+ of the hollow stoosaoh, s Ind hmng the acids It is anti -b and carries 4 all bile, op the lever, Owes diteetionand s j health k ls.e � �Rad o and the us Ab'Al. for a ten cent •aaple bottle acid Zeroes the new compound, Lege eight ounce bottles 76 cents 1764 c.4 -O PO • •THEY AIL DO n.' -To beautify the teeth and give trMTanee to the breath nee ` Teaberry' the new toilet gem. Get 6 cent wimple. 176: f 26 �w'. 0000e.--uaATvve} sac t:atooICTI11O. 4 75 rtvlgh ltawwl•gae of tt►e amoral 60 �.�d tksh. dCooaa. 11a tabic. eta • wwr 7 env err wraga wt►ll�r to are t�M�L,e ver there is a ••«:, vee +cape Was • laud k4 urttned sad. 4 Rnooitrt d frame OeitlLa- Nota onir la Pocket. - Jtiss NM et Oo., tio.tsap.tnto Chemists. de.,of s Ckoeonol eeoee for aferno�oa� atm use. 19L1 6 00 12 00 6 9 12 66 936 13 56 2 75 13 07 13 00 2 60 4 00 2 40 10 60 286 2 96 4 12 4 98 5 00 300 11 00 10 30 7 96 1,764 42 �0 968 350 280 3 00 2 OD 3 00 1 00 1 00 100 4 00 100 14 50 46 75 46 75 2000 3 00 41 16 46 25 51 00 10 00 20 00 46 25 325 3 62 66 00 t 15 4 00 Camping out in the pule woods has been recommended to ooneumptive pa tients, and the Rev. Dr. Murray, in hie book on the Adirondack., mentions a re- markable nature. Every one .Rioted with pulmonary disease cannot make it convenient to camp out, nor 15 it neoes- vary, when all the benefits of the treat- ment are procurable by using Gaae's SYZLTP or Rao grimes Gan, scientific preparation, which presents, in s concen- trated and agreeable form, all the virtue of this native medicinal gum. As s cure or Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat and era, it is invaluable. Sold by all Price 25 and 50 oenta per --Add. 449 90 George Johnstone, error in btatute Labor, John A. MoDonagh, registering birtha, mar- riages. ar- ria ee and deaths, .12 10 John Notmsn, 4 copies Statutes, $ c. 9 60 400 4 50 590 6 00 11 00 4 60 3 00 1 50 4 55 368 1 17 1 00 1 00 1 00 oast The olielCo � Pacell aewvlea alw'nge kept es band, rad at Yrwes Mot cack say honer In IFS trade, CA/01 PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE. The-t*W &sad -south side oeCoast Wesiss Oquera. 1762 knew by 1). C. fiTRACH.hN We are now prepared to All mad ship orders for Trees. Arc., for rain Pirating. Descrfptivi c'ricr Catalog -nor rtaue w applicants. • (Iso. Lamas & Sox. 100 00 100 7 41 2 75 '23 60 5 00 75 1 50 2 65 10 00 314 00 1000 00 1 00 100 28 50 640 900 4 60 300 Total ,COUNTY nTEB. By Cash, A M. Ross, payment of County Rate. 4 '1 14 Total, t4Ai.1ti 6N. By Cash, Raby WUliama, for Auditing, ' Alex. Reid, John Beekman, for Aaaenain:y.. William Young, Reeve, Anthony Allen, Deputy -Reeve, Petri.k Carroll, Councillor, Jima John Boyd.. • 4 j, .4 4t e4 14 4t n 4' et it 44 '4 44 4' A. . Clerk, A. Aad., T seer r . to Vaasflene, Collector, RBIs Reeve, ielectin¢ jernrs, Week, Ameeor. Total, RIiCAPTI ULATION. Waripi MMlhaw ow bawd 1,503 36 $ 0. 1,127 81• 1,261 69 2,389.50 :e. 3 00 300 60 00 26 00 26 00 2600. 25 00 96 00 80 00 70 00 70 00 2 00 2 00 200 41700 $ 0- .10,976 .10,976 07 10,019 70 WM. MITCHELL - i. w -14- 2, �OHNSTON'i'%' SARSAPARILLA alliii61111, i1T9ii11i• I Lad for Purifying the Bdsod.' 1t h ts been m awe ter tO yearn and nes Proved to be thn beat f`ieressem w the 4 ,nrkstg 61.:lt BEA U&C H1t PAIN TaIN E111'ICDEPUlPLt 3 Oft Ort 13ACIC.MC F*CE. i4YENStA..1'Il.k:t. end W Diseases est atiso f:mh a Disordered Liver or an ca ore blood. Thetuantls of our best •uwple cairn it and ltive is to their dig- ,Iren. Physicians preecrtbo it dally. Tboie vrb11. . t> >' eAtA make Crook � it to Dock, t+oodu- raadarsparUla. Wild 'Merry, Stfl Daud.11oa� Sassafras. ras. rtr,grora ands w-• -kaowo valuable 60015 and ietrba ltlsstrlcttl vegetable and can• tilt hurt the mai delicate coeraitotba t I nn+ of the beat modicums lame for Bexutatins the Bowels druRtttR a It 4e Fddd by 0!1respnaaible at one doper fors Wart bottle.., e4x betties Inc not ddtlam l(��_ of tAamedc.exn thdiwc*st send as .M dotter, sod we wW mood is to 15. V. MIMI a C3 , gaff Ahtem arsons Own For sae by jams WILeow, Chemist and Druggist. Or HOP BITTERS. (A Medici/se, oat n prude, . , CONTAIN! naps. =roar, Ruvuma, mg, DANDELION. Aa n Toa t'saerr A5D rcwr M5. OAL Qe. is /.4 h0t Alai. 4' Moa 13r11e1M. riIlNZ ruiz�: All oimaioaie easterners. newels, meet, (.Icer, 1Ue w.r�''�a, 5+,n d 1.614.. y Organ*, Nor vowo imale O:asjlMlata.`t+•otaiv $1000 IN COLD. Will he paid fora r.,N..Treem set ears Or hely, Cr cur MO n• IN; tar fn:: yr laj.4{.uae VW1a t5 tb,-i+1. Art yosr alrttast toe Deet' ?Mora trod try /'bp Ar 14a1.re POI tree. :Asko gam biber. b.t.17 Ism e 1etagMlifellstib.erreto Deeabsastt4 t e. a gbatre sad Elirsennr stare Jirli +trst.As Af.a.w.de HFaaWsta x. T.,♦ T.a•b,41N Hap www H(,. oi,_ KEEPS " THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ' Groceries, Crockery & Glassware 66 96 • We and each of Chtx and F d t 1 us. the undersigned, do hereby certify and de- ned the above accounts, and compared the unto correct is each and every particular. •nd, 1881. tine OW? alaaaft two* >» atratr8+e- •ef t.• 5.331M''e tsar . WV, ams yid'. '. Areima(ifetee a. at 013..0.` e A R kPa A '.' egad" VI trYOW►a IN TOWN -AND MAKES TEAS A SPECIALTY. GIVE HIM A CALL. 1751 W. MITCHELL, Hamilton Street, Goderic HARDWARE OF E VERY DESCRIPTION Mud to Bottom Primal Farm and School Belle Household Hardware -tit dissent prime. Builders' hoistware and Tools at Wholesale Prime. Large oentareetnfilled at )1(aaufacturer5' Price. G_g_S 0 : s, C+ODERIaH. 1751 Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. (21-_ BARRY, CABINET - IERl IIBBERTAIER Hamilton Street, Gods rich. A good assortment of Kitchen. Bed -room. Dining Room and Parlor Furniture, Ruch Val Ta- bles, Chairshair, cane and wood seated), Cupboards, Bed -steads, Mattres.os, Wash -stands, Wangs., Soho, f What-Nots, Looking 015.504. N. B. -A. oompiete..ttortment 1.f Collins and lihroada always on hand. also Hasavrs for hire at reasonable rater Picture Framing a specie:t) .-- -• call solicitfd. 17..1 0. BARRY Red, White and Blue ! Acheson GEORGE Acheson New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery, JUST ARRIVED, q�1T.T.II TQ CHBAP_ l!'• BOUND TO GIVE BARGAINS! 1751 4' MEDICAL HALL. .I GOD ERICH. F. JORDAN,. Chemist and Druggist, M4IU ET SQUARE, GOI)ERICH. wholesalePatent Medicines nailer Horseand OaWe Medi ines, Perfumery, Toilet Arto icle. &o.Artist Colors. Physicians' Preecrlptlens orrefally dispensed. en 41187t = ,witslind XL:IP* vasdpias ) ti ordoeb abt•t. vow an4 as.alr pocked Haney iw+.ti ,.clay.. RABY WILLIAMS, ! t DONALD McMURCHY, Auditors. Til<g«� WV%tans%tltM GEOGE CATTLE, Chemist & Druggist, boater ini'urr Drugs and Chemi.ato, Fancy and Toilet Artida, &c Imported Havana and Domestic Cigars, Pipes, ITobaccoa!8rc. 1'hysioisea' Presortrtpaa.ad Pawky Retwlpta carefully perparwd at al. ht;ur. OOVRT HOUSE SQYTARE_ 1751 The OLD Family Grocery. f;. IL OLD, - - Square, W here heti sueldiso are arrid weir lbw tda IM7 ratl w .s taefe r rhe benefit of Aar ag now w �r awe supiewo ►iutaarta, emend swesinTraiweas Leola51w •as•e. 4M.. 4M,. woe. fhil 4iinpittl6iot of aoQa», erre and L1e+enonn. Tom from sdss • maim Affietwoot of (RoeWKRY 1.elaAin% DINNER and. DESENT SETS, TOILETS, &c. sir TRY o47R 4 C. TEA -wear •Awn iX THE IVARICIi!T 1a 94=1[1D]i[1Bn1E TS30 PL.AO* -O'D>BA-'A OLD EFT N t> O 0 OLD. Oquarw 1770 ,ver -""61"ry 1 tr to KO K W T .. ly >a"'/ 'Ur I fie H 1 hoer. rarrnariar Fries 25 and 00 melt. per Weds. -ad I rite Ageat at