The Brussels Post, 1964-12-17, Page 5Co . The 'Electors Of (rey Township Aly S111C0i0 (11/11.146 1S. cai,e110,ea to all those who sup- ported toe in the recent Grey Townsnip election, re-electing Inc. as a School Trustee. 41 i5iiiliti you, one and tu: Season. cne of. the T. eik.".A.1-014, 6041161fidS loOlfter. 014'410,1160 T41(1844444 MOO. ‘Ifelf"Pr,tr17,717,-,"7" VP,Ir•PIV -"*"•,""'"*”."'"vIrrr-rn."... rwvor As ()Warman here .expiiess lily of iny. fellow Board et the community, BRIDE IS HONOURED WITH PRESENTATION A presentation was held at S.S. No. 3, grey school on Friday evening for Mrs. Barry 8raut (nee Pat Chapman), with about thirty five in attendance. Sievena.l games were enjoyed, ably conducted by Mrs. Grace Wilbee. Following the games the bride, her, mother, Mrs. Aileen ChaPInsti, and sister, Mrs. Barbara Ward, were called to the front, which was decorated with bells, and streamers. Au addreliii was read by Miss Linda Jackliii and gifts were presented by Misses June and Ruth Wilbee and Dianne `Turnbull. Mrs. wain, :Akio:, a suitable reply, and everyone joined in singing "'For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" Hostesses for the occasion were Miss Linda Jacklin, Mrs. Mildred Hardy, Mrs. Grace Wilbee, Mrs. Myrtle Nieh*On and Mrs. Reta Jacklin. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Organist: mile bharan Storey aglillater; AOY. A. M. JOhneten BA.. iSLA 9:46 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 s.m. Public Worship Service. PRESBYTLIUAN CHURCH IN CANADA MELVILLE CHURCI-. I/limiter: /ter. W. J. Morrison MA. Organist: Mr*, Prank l'nompson LINN 10;00 a.m. Church School Christmas Mini Strip 11:00 a.m. Christmaa Service Sensch Tapia; "The Miracle of Christmas" AVerYone Welcome ANtsi.,ACAN OF CANADA itacito: Alter. U. L. Jennings N. Orlfaniat: Mrs. B. Allhott JOHN'S 11 am. Carol ServiCe and Chure.li Sch001 St. ALBAN'S, ATW001.) ' p.m. Holy Communion and Church School CKANicittU0k, WYMS December Meeting The December.meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the home 'a Mrs, A:ex Steiss with ten members and one visitor present. The leader, Mrs. States, Xoli:owed the (.),htristinas theme throughout the meeting. The meeting was opened with the call to worship and prayer. Alta. Whitfield presided at the piano for the singing of Cnristmas hymna„ Luke 1-20 'was read alternately. Readings appropriate for GI' tristmas were given by Mrs. 'Veitch, Mrs. Engel, AVIrs. Evans and Mrs. Strickler. The topic "No Room in the the inn" was read by Mrs, John Perrie. Mrs. Earl 1)11411, president, conctucteci the business which included the reading of the minutes, roll call, offering and general discus- sion. A favourite Christmas carol w,as given in response to roll call. Folloviing the closing hymn Mrs. Steles pronounced the Bene- diciton. The election or officers then took glace with Mrs. Stan- !leY Fischer, presiding and Mrs, Mac Engel, as secretary. The officers for 1966 are: President Mrs, Earl Dunn, Vice-Pres. Mrs, C. Veitch Secretary Mrs. Alex Steiss Treasurer Mrs, John Perrie Welcome and Wei fare Sec. Mies Mice J. Forrest Supply Sec, .... Mrs. John Schnook Literature & Library Sec..... Mrs. Dick Bradshaw Glad Tidings. Sec. hise. M. Engel Pianist Mrs. Whitfield Press Reporter Mrs. Engel Auditors Mrs, Stangey Fischer, Miss Alice Forrest C.O.C. Leaders Mrs, Stuart Stevenson and Mrs. Leslie Knight Mrs. John Perrie wily: be host- ess for the January meeting GENTLEMEN'S CLUB ',JEWS ITEMS The Gentlemen's •Glut) are, out for new members. The challenge games with the Legion will soon be starting and, tins year we have a beautiful trophy to fight for. Ws nice of the Legion to keep it for us, Keep it polished up 1111(i in good shape until the Baines get under way. We know exactly where it will be placed when we bring it home. La fact, we spent two afternoons potting up a mahogany shelf. Yes, you farm boys get up those Club steps. it's only a to belong; and if you lia,ven't got a loose one come up anyway. it, is vvitrm and com- fortable and the best fellows in the world gather there 6 days a week. Come up for a full after- 'noon or three games. This will give you plenty of time for re- freshniients and do your business. One great advantage in belonging to our club, is your wge will be proud you are, spending your time with gentlemeu. We do not play in the evening, prefer home, pipe and slippers and a few arguments with the head of the liouse. It's too bad women were given the vote, especially Grit women. Civic election is, over. My mind was made up how to vote but its an open mind. A tank lull of furnace oil, or a couple of new snow' tires could have in- iluenced Inc. A wizen quarts of 11111E, a iew tree Ilan cuts or Some carpenter repairs would nay() been accepted. Tile worst part of election day is waiting for the big shots to count 'the This is the slowest group that ever assembled in our village, 11l a tlie exception of Ivan Camp- bed's ponies. They are, of course. nearly all Grits, and copy Ot- tawa. The Liberals have been in power now away over a year and have accomplished four things. TheY raised their salaries. Judy La Marsh quit smokiug. Harold Banks was nelped across the border and now some of them are mixed. up with narcotics. Well, 1 say ir a poke in the right place with a needle, whether it contains dope or not, will hurry them up. Let thein jab themselves all they like, and send a few needles up here, I was disappointed in not being nominated for the Reeve- 'ship. My hat was in the, ring but no one nominated me. Did. they forget, or was 1 ignored? Some or, my friends were comparing me with, and calling me Miss Whit- ton. Charlotte was, of course, the Mayor of Ottawa. Well, Brussels will rest in peace another year. If the citizens Nv,on't nominate the best brains they can't expect the best Reeve. Truthfully Yours. 31. 4. Y. 'HANK YOU of the: ,k4ustiela School 1.$9301 for 31164. sincere apPrecla,Uon for the co-we:410B meinners. the school staff, and residanta May you all enjoy Happy Holiday Season. HOWARD BERNARD 41Whlig440a106M)* 141:YAWWAWWSIIht SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE FEATURING THE Choir of Melville Presbyterian Church, Brusse will be held in *he Church Auditorium, on SUNDAY, 20th DECEMBER COMMENCING 7:30 p.m. "THE SHEPHERDS' CHIRISTIVIAS" A SACRED CANTATA FOR MIXED VOICES will be sung by the Junior and Senior Choirs, under the leadership of Mrs. Frank Thompson, organist. Special Offering For. Choir Funds Minister: Rev. W.J. Morrison, Organist: Mrs. Frank Thompson "Come Let Us Adore Him" .• ,Vie Ait Mt M. Ata allgaigArr04111i'Z)W- TWO fa II FEEDS umiTaD of Brussels wish to announce SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL OAT LE FEED FOR THE PERIOD OF November .20 to December 19 During this period all cattle feeds are reduced off card price (Regular Retail Price.) $ 5.00 per ton dairy month discount $ 5.00 per ton bulk discount (bags exchanged) $ 1.00 per ton pick up allowance at mill $11.00 SAVINGS TO YOU Pan your winter feeding program now and make extra, profits this year on all dairy and beef feeds by saving $11.00 per ton on every ton bought in Dairy Mouth. ENQUIRE AND BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR DELIVERY BEFORE DEC. 19, 1964. "The Most Value for the Farmer's Dollar, "The Most Value for the Farmer's Dollar" Call 199 Brussels Everyone Will Enjoy Don't Forget Use . 3 • 3 • MAK Reir.6%, •• • PROCLAMATION BOXING DAY Saturday, December 26th A, PUBLIC HOLIDAY To Fall In Line With Other Municipalities Viiiage of Brussels C. J. Krauter, Reeve XV G7' .•c 2.1%.5f.A":3; Christmas Special ICE CREAM Bach carton contains a delightful trait mixture including red and green cherries, oranges, pineapple, pears and Paschal, Be Sure To lieep Plenty In Your Freezer DUrinit The Holiday Season COUSINS Fresh. Creamery Butter in All Your linking And On The Table TOO