HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-02-11, Page 1Ill R�gTY•1rUURTH YaAft. W aiOJ s. x L II Bltlt lr73. 1 GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1881. MoOILLWCUHDY BROti. Pv $1.30ATZAR INAD'A C New Advertisements. Wyyted lir,it�eeyJr,. Nt toe Dr..eaeMoil. Mig���rM T. & JJ. storey• yFw ass 1n�� J. Maunders. t;,t. Great hale- -J. C. DeUor. ifa- Jaeaas O.. Bal!. tiga Notioeli.l[ae t1. .i NEWS ABOUT HOME: **A. shiers amtittryi sores, Aa' ash TOInli M. Phantaansa sora in Victoria �Hall on Monday evening. Mrs. Postman hes been visiting friends in Brantford during the past week. BAv%Dus, the Variety .tore nun, advertises his removal to his new stand before march. Mr. and MILE. E, Wade. ,if Brussels, are in town, and are looking well, we are pleased to note. Rev. Mr. Pritchard, of Manchester, ocoupied theulpit of Knox Church ac- ceptably on Sunday evening last. Mr. Ross preached his fuel semen in Knox church on Sunday morning last, prior to his departure for Cote de Neiges. Poerrowee. - Tno skating carnival announced for to -night, has been post- poned until Tuesday evening, owing to the thaw. Arrorwrse. - We are pleseed to learn that our townsman, John Aikenhesd, V. S., has been appointed by the Lieut - Governor Veterinary Inspector for this district. PsaeoNAL.-Mr. Watsouof the Ens of Kerry A Watson, whole,sale drtggist', Montreal, paid a visit to Goriertch last week. He was the guest of his relative, Capt. Gibson. TwtnxsD.-Last week there were 25 prisoners confined in Goderich gsoL This week the number has been lessened by five. We would like to 'nth for the N. P. -no prisoners. FARM SOLD. -The Campbell farm, part of lot 3, oon. 8, Colborne, consisting area, of 50 res, was on Saturdaylast sold to Mr. Barkwell, who owns te adjoining 50 acres, for the sum of $2,900. Mr. John C. Currie, auctioneer, conducted the sale. MeraoursT CoxvnrnoN. -The Class Leaden, and Local Preachers Conven- tion for the Goderich District Mctbod- iat Church of Canada will be held in Clinton, commencing on Wednesday the :.3rd inst at 2.30 p. m. INVITED m RestajN.-The quarterly ,f6cial meeting of the North 8t. Metho- diet church, held on Monday evening, by a unanimous vete, invited the Rev. Dr. Williams to r•e•uaiu with theta the third year, as they• pester. The meet- ing showed good )adgment in thus se- curing the services of the Rev. Dr. who hes proven himself to be an accomplished preacher and painstaking pastor. Cot:rev L 0. L -'Phe County Lodge of North Sulam. [net in the Orange Hall at Wingham last Tuesday. Representa- tives from all the lodges' were present, numbering in MMI about 1011. The fol- lowing oQcore were elected: -H. Per- kins, Gerrie. C. M. ; L Netherby, Blyth, D. C. M. ; W. Wilson, Dun.sunon, 0.C.: C. V. Flood , Blyth, C. S.; Wm. Gill, Blyth, C. t ; Jas. Young, Brussels, C. D. C.; G. Stokes, Gerrie, C. L ; B. (Jerry, Brussels, C. L P. M. The next annual meeting will bo held in Brussels. A Foe?. -Business men rho object to support a newspaper because it oes not express editorial opinions to suit them, display great ignorance of the tint principles of business. A properly conducted newspaper- no matter what its editorial opinion may be -adds value to every property in the town where it is published. Advertising in a news- iper is • matter of business, and it is in the interest of business men to patron- ise the paper that does most to advertise and build up the town, and place his advertisement where it can be seen by the greatest number of readers. -[Ex. Dlvtr,Iox CouRr. - The adjourned Division Court met on Monday, and after the disposal of a number of cases, was further adjourned until Wednesday bet, when all the business was disposed of. There were no important casts. FURsre. ---Mr. Yorbea was met at eased weft tsaptee of srer•sd. MIt38IONARY MEETING. the railway station yesterday by Mears. — The Count Grand Black Chapter of Williams, Colborne mei Kheyperd, 3 Pte Aare Address by Nev. err. Campbell, rectors of the Mechanics Institute the County of Perth held their annual t.esdes, time llWtea .Agent, and Mr. Thome McGillicuddy of meeting in St. Marys on the 19th day Tea Swum. Mr Forbes beard traces of of January, 1881. There was a large at - hard work, and his lecturing tour is as tendance of delegates from Goderich, trying in ite way on the conatitutiou as Blyth, Listowel, Stratford, Parkhill; Pe - the reporting of ssuguivary battles. The trolia, and 8t. Marys. The Chapter was lecturer says he will clear Canada in a (Mellott by County Preceptor W. H. week's time, but may return for a week Murray. The business oftheChapter in April. We go to press hefore the shows that the cause is reviving in this hour of the lecture. County. The following ulbcers were elected. vis:- A HEAVY Taaw. t hi Tueeailay a Sar Knt. W. H. Murney, C. G. Preceptor, heavy thaw set in and continued until Ooderieh, ee-electeSir Kut Caton Thursday. The huge pile of anew fast Will's, D. �d); . G. Prwoeptor, St. Marys ; disappeared before the drizzling ram and KntAvid linthour, C. G. Chap., warm atmosphere, and large pools of St. Marys ; Sir Knt. B. F. Holmes, C. water formed on the Square, and on some 0. . , Park Hill ; Sir Knt. Samuel of the leading streets. The "'veins Ryan, .. Reg., , Thedford•; Sir Knt, were in a bad state fora couple of days. R m'. McGill, C.0.. Tram; Blyth In the country the roads are almost Knt. C. V. Floody, D. C. G. Trsse , impossible. The stage for Dungannon Blyth ; Sir Knt. J. B. Edward, G., C. did not go further than Smith's Hill on Lee Goderich ; Sir Knt. Wm. Ellis, Wednesday, end no mail from Luck- D. Lt. (d. L, Blyth ; Kir Kut. (;eoe�. now arrived on Thursday. The sudden O'Banyon, C.G. B , Se. „Marys ; 8ir and heavy thaw gives the lie to the Knt. Samuel Pare, D.C.G. S. B. , Liao - predictions of Moses Oates, and the wee. ; Sir Knt. W B. Wilson, whole school of weather prophets. Stratford ; Sir Knt. Geo- Wileoa, D.C. Sats ArroItersD CuNewasLi. -- On G. Cen., Petrolia; Sir Knt. Robe. Clyde, Wednesday afternoon a bibulist was C. G. Pur., St. Marys ; Sir Knt. Geogs meandering around the Square. when a Hawkins, 1st C•G.Cota., Port , well-known resident, named Alick Sim- Bir Knt. J. S. Mchiath, 2nd C.G.Oose. mons, took it into his head to arrest hire. Goderieh ; Sir Knt. J. L Wile.., id They say a ., "fellow -feeling maks+ us C. G. Com., Peteolia ; Sir Knt. Thome wondrous kind" and some people say Cunningham, 4th C. G. Com., Parkhill ; that motives of this sort prompted Alick Sir Kot. H. McBride, 6th C. G Com.; in his action; but be this as it may, he Point Edward ; Sir Knt. Rm. Duaesith, assumed the functious of a constable, Lith C. G. Com., St. *aryls ; Sir Knt. arrested the offender against sobriety. Wm. Little, 7th C.O. Com., ListoweL and brought him to the locknp. When At the close of the meet ng the breth- there, he was unable to lock up his pus- ren of St. Marys entertained the dele- oner, and Constable Sturdy couung along gates to an oyster supper. at Bro. Caton shortly afterward, the arrested man was Willis' hotel. set at liberty and Simmons was repri- manded for arrogating too much power to himself. Words ensued, and the up- shot of the matter was that Alick was • A Walosrr Boov. - According t• an Orangeville paper the new county coun- cil of Dufferin is the heaviest body of men in the Dominion. There are 13 members, and their united weight is 2,704 lbs, or au average of 208 lbs each. The deputy -reeve of Molancthon takes the lead, he weighing 268 lbs; while the reeve of the same township is the small- est man in the council. Verily, the race of giants is not passed away. In the Murcia oouncil there are several gentlemen who are by no means feather- weights, but their average avordupois would be fax below that of the men of Dufferin. FOR FAUX, GAinDEN, AND HouaaaOLD. The mil'rked advanoed begun with the 40th volume of the American Agricultu- rist is well mentained in the number for Feb. 1st now before us. A hundred or an of engravings and sketches illustrate a large amount of useful, practical infor- mation for Out -Dior and In -Door Work. in City, Village, and Countay. A11 will by pleased with the $7110 CountyCottage; Concrete Houses; Propagating the Grape; Preventing Balling of Horses; New Planta ; How to Carve aTurkey, illustrated, etc., All want thin paper. $1.50 a year; 15c. per number. Orange Judd Company, Pabliahera, New York. MORE Motais roa Mtcsioix.-Our townsman, Mr. A. M. Polley will, on Wednesday nett ship 16 more horses to Michigan. M r. Polley has done a large trade in exporting horses this season, and has put considerable stoney in ci:- t illation among thn farming community. AMPUTATION. -For some years past, Mr. J. Allah, of Colborne, has been suffering from a decaying <;f the hones of the right hand and wrist. On Thursday last, Dr. Taylor, assisted by Dr. Mc- Lean, performed a very successful sur- gical operation, by amputating the arm At the wrist. We understand that Mr. Allan is now getting on very nicely. "rue in" to ruminate upon his fo ,lull profession of the town of Godench, held action. at the Court House, on the 8th Febru- VALsrrrllte DAY. -Monday neat will 1881, to consider the Judicature Bill be Valentine Day. Thousands of utias-' ives, sentimental as well as comic. will pass from hand to hand. Some will get mad at receiving a picture of a red -nosed. hang -dog looking individual, with even mere villein° us doggerel below the figure; but others will laugh heartily at the "ugly mugs" sent them. We have chosen the Valentine we would like to get. It is printed for the Government of The annual missionary meeting, un- der the auspices of the Anglican Church of Goderich, was held in the Court Vona on the evening of Wednesday last, the Ven. Archdeacon Elwood in the chair. There were also present, Rev. Messrs. Davis, of Winghain,(C`(Rural R &Dean),, Dean), the of Sesforth, Campbell Mission aaggent), Robinson of Exeter, Hicks of (Goderich, and others. Owing to the inclement weather the attendance was not so large as it ether - wise would have been. After the usual opening services, and addresses from Rev. Meesas. Davit and Hill, the choir and 000greption rang Bishop Heber's end oid missionary hymn, "From Greenland's Icy Moun- tains, and the @pester of the evening was then introduced by the chairmen. Time Judicature aW. The follow* are the minutes of s meeting of the inembery,,of the legal CuaL:xu. --Three rinks. from Gode- sich wont to Seaforth on Friday, and played a match with the goodnatured thiels of that town. Owing to "bias" ice, car mon (lid not score as good ae usual, and were beaten by twelve shote. However, the Seeforth players handled the stones in very good style, and acted like gentlemen all the way through. We append the score. BlzmHa, MARRIAore, DEATI_te.-There are a number of peculiarly interesting features brought ont in the Registrar - General's report of births, marriages, and deaths, fcr 1879. A retnarkaide feature in the returns of marriages is the great difference sometimes shown in the ages of the parties united. The oldest man married during the year had reached his eighty-sixth birthday. He lived in Halton county, and married a maiden of nineteen. The oldest couple belonging to York 'county, the bride- groom, who was a tailor, being 82 years . of age, and the bride 68. Their united ages reached 150 years. The county of Middlesex claims the youngest couple, whose united ages amounted to only 32 years. The bridegroom in this case was seventeen and the bride fifteen years of now before the Legislature :- Moved by Mr. Seeger, seconded by Mr. Davison, that Judge Totes set as chairman of the meet ing. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded byy Mr. Campion, that Mr. Seager act as Becre- terry. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Davison, seconded by Mr. Holt, that in the opinion of this meeting that part of Sec. 75, commenc- 'n black and green, and has the figures ing with the worda, "but no relief," and f Jacques Cartier, General Wolfe or ending with the words, "any such contra Lady Dufferin engraved on it. There claim," should be struck out, leaving the are other figures on it aleo, ranging from County Court to dispose of the whole one up to ten, and they aro alsh printed inatter if the parties do not apply to re - on the back. They are usually signed by move the case to the High Court, either hank presidents We want every back party having by said Section the right to subscriber to send us such a valentine-- remove the case to the High .Court if the and we'll return the compliment in the set-off exceeds the County Court juris- form of a paid up receipt. diction. A Cut;sca DISTURBANCE. --Son.e time And further, that Sections 74 and -75 since the putting up of a stove necessita- should also be made applicable to the ted the moving of the reading desk in Division Courts, with power to transfer St. Stephen's Church, situated about two to the County Court or High Court, as miles from Goderich, on the Huron Road. the caae,may be. -Carried. The only eligible place for the dock was Moved by Mr. b1alcumson, seconded directly agatnat one of the front seats. by Mr. Campion, that Order 49, Rules Mr. John Hunter, one of the church 8 and 9, should be amended so as to give wardens, took exoeption to the position the County Court Judge and local Master of the reading desk, and at some time all the powers of the Master in Chamber previous to the morning service, on in all actions brought in their Codnty ; Sunday teat, removed it from its new in any event that Rule 8 (a) should be position. He then planted himself in made appiicable in all cases where tite the front seat, and putting his feet before "elicitors for all parties reside in the him, in the place where the desk had County instead of County Town. -Car - previously stood, refused to move so as ried. to allow it to be replaced. Rev. Mr. Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Miller, the ineumbent, was in a quand- Mr. Doyle, that Order 49, Rule 12 (a,b,o,) ary, and Mr. A. T. Montgomery, the should be amended by providing that on other church warden, made an appeal to such appeal the Clerk of the County the congregation, who expressed them- Court shall transmit the original papers selves in favor of putting the reading on praecipe to the Appellant Court, in - desk in its late place. The affair was stead of the parties being compelled to one.y settled when Constable Yule, of go to the expense of procuring copies for Goderich, who had been sent for, arrived transmission. -Carried. and led Mr. Hunter out, the latter ex- Moved by Mr. Carrow, seconded by claiming, "You'll hear from me." The Mr. M. G. Cameron, that this meeting affair created grnat cscitement in the strongly protests against Order 50, Rule neighborhnoA. 10, on the ground that it will create de- layJCsus;c SIs-.aru. -The O'Banyeuti at s stage of the action when delay Jubilee singers gate an entertainment !us,'be disastrous, and that it will meter- in the North Street Methodist Chas Church tally incree the coats of litigants. - on Wednesday envening. The weather Carried' Idoved by Mr. Seager, seconded by militated against s large sudienco yet, Mr. Holt, that in the opinion of this d 'ng the night rho stiendance 1 Masts h ld be Rev. Mr. Campbell, of London, the agent of the Dieeesen Miasionary Society, on coming forward was, warmly greeted. He alluded to the inclement weather that prevailed, but was not discouraged by the moll ettendsace, and instanced anemias where good results had followed meetings ler mtwosery purposes far less Sepeeing than the nt one. After ppssyiag a tribute to the eenersble !arch- , who was • living testimony to the work dune in former yearn in this section by the various missionary so- cieties of the ()Id Country, the speaker proceeded to give details of the mission work throughout the world. Years ago much had been done for the spread of Christianity, even in what is now known .a Ontario, the premier Province of this noble Dominion. It was only seventy- six years since the grandfather of the Hon. Alex. Morris, recently Lieut -Gov- ernor of Manitoba, wrote as tollows about our present Province of Ontario: "Wherever I go, I find nothing but water and forest, but it may one day be the home of a prosperous people." Tliat prediction had now been verified, and our religious institutions, were almost self sustaining. In our political system we were also prosperous, and of late years the peculiar feature had been ob- served, of our Local Government at To- ronto endeavoring to Legislate as to the best method of disposing of the snrplus with which the Provincial Treasury over- flowed. Our prosperity had also been broadly announced to the world at large by the proud position which the Domin- ion had occupied at the various World's Exhibitions, when it took its place in the front rank with the most 'enlightened and progressive nations of the earth. Such being the Daae, it' could hardly be wondered at if the missionary societies, which had in the days of this country's infancy, fostered its religious develop- ment, had seen fit to withdraw their aid almost entirely and doyoto it to the spreading of the Gospel in distant and less enlightened lands. For the year The Principal presented his :evert. t. ending May, 1880, the incomes of the which stated thai the number of pupibi different Church of England missionary attending the Goderich Public School societies had been as follows: The so- during the past month war; 723, of which ciety for Promoting Christian Kuowl- 405 were boys, and 320 were girl.4. A edge £112,382 12s; the society for the table showing the avel'age attendance Propogstion of the Gospel, £131,174 4s; and percentages of attendance i" Penh The Colonial and Continental Church dies; n was appended. Society, £39,416. 4s,10d.; The Church ens Ipii I'E( ro".t BSPC "sT. Missionary Society £200,000;-a total of £483,063, equal in our money to but $2,500,000. Add to this the incomes of the Society for the Conversion of the Jews, the Church Pastoral Aid Society, and the large amount raised by Church people in England to assist the British and Foreign Bible Society, and the amount contributed in England by the members of the Anglican communion cannot be lees than $3,000.000 annu- ally. But although thla enormoua sum was distributed yearly, it must be remem- bered that the field for its employment in Africa, India, China and other heathen lands was so large that sections like On- tario, which had in years gone by been assisted by generous aid, but which were now considered capable of sustaining their religious institutions, were omitted from the list of needy fields fur mission sssistauce front the mother land. The work of sustaining our own missions lay before us, and if we put our shoulders to the wheel and worked with a will sudoess would be our portion. The Diocese of Huron in the Province of Ontario, em- braced 13 Counties, in which were 102 parches --95 of which were outside the city of London; there ie, therefore. se average of 7 or 8 perishes in esoh county each parish embracing an average of 3 or 4 stations. Lea. than one-half of thee@ niisaiuns were self sustaining; flue greater number (last year 63) were do- t upon the Mesion Fund. 1n 1880 we expended on diocesan mission wort $16,272,8& nein the largest w amount ever expended by the Dinoses for that perpoee. The above sats 4 was reclusive of gid to bedlam es d whish there were several in the Mame. T1e ozpendi- tufts of the Kiska Tend wee ss the of thirty time•, ..d ,-1•sn who �s�a4, way eisifn that arms befew /brat, who, Y they sired .I all, d J so on the aide el semen en far ss the Missies Fusii ewswed. The rev. speaker iasp =the sedlenee the slaw onof me when nn their esitlNlts tear. met wilt rehnlh from gyembion Sob Het and Christian tinily in the missiles work of the Diocese, the rev, gentleman dos- ed a brilliant, logical and convincing e,d- dri es. The meeting was brought to a close by the singing of the 42nd Hymn by the choir and congregation, prayer by the Rev. Mr. Hicks, and the benediction by Ven, Archdeacon Elwood. THE OOURTB. twenty Judge's Criminal ('wart. Befoee His Homer Jwdge Squier. Qualm es W urea -The prisoner, who had been charged with stealing 597, was brpught up en remand on Feb 4th, and the Crown having no further a •::dente to produce, he was discharged Coststy mss' The regular sitting of the County Court for the trial of cases without a jury, was held on Tuesday, Sth inst , when the following cases were d anosed of: Sscoan es HAIOHT. --AIN action tpou two promissory notes. Verdict for plaintiff $654.36. Holt for plaintiff. CAatsaoN vi RzID,-Action upon env enact in a mortgage. Verdict for plain tiff $382.66. Holt for plaintiff. Both cases were undefended. f.CU8R:C8. 3EAYOR-H. Pink No. I. S. Andrews, A. Young C. 1:. Dunsford, W. R. Counter, Alex McD Allan, Richard Ceramon, M. Hutchinson, 3. H. Lyune, skip, 16. skip, 20. Rink No, 2. P. Adamson, J. O. Laidlaw, Archibald Dicksor., O. ORorct, T. J. Morehouse, J. A.Wilson, T. N. Amoy, D. D. Wilson, skip, 20. skip, 19. Rink No. 3. Tkoa:,:a Hood, A. Davidson, D. C. SRtrathan, John Molntgah, Kerrey McGregor, O. Patterson, Henry Horton, James Hatt, skip, la, stip, 22. M Wreeow'it Lacruaz.-.-On Friday evening Mr. P. G. Widdows, ex -Fran- ciscan Monk, lectured in Victoria Hall to a crowded audience, giving some of his experiences in Dundee. The lectur- er has a knack of interesting the average hearer, possessed by few, and for two hours and three quarters held the audi- anew set gingen Nth race in close attention. 11 u a pity that occasion, the original Company trsvell- he allows loose and vulgar ex reunions ing elsewhere under the maaageadent of Rev. Mr. Johnston and Mu. (YBanyoun. The quaint negro melodies were render- ed in Ane style, some of them bringing raptdr'ou. applause the audience. Miss Cornish, vel dusky lady, pve two good rdrr, her articulation dirtiest, and dor minuet natur&L Penes -the suiting Ms. OB•nyoun wade s very toaahing ideresee to his Sget segeratasee with Rev. t» Will. Mee, Mepeeseat pastor el North serest dime b lie said that over twenty ran ass he had been wet to She mission dis- Miet of EDW Owe fisted was • para, a M eslot� prs�Y that L�.oe His l�e� eseaMs� of • • pen book sad . am& eiileMlme. Dr. tlbiame thew teen him by We hoed, pre bins ems amid works, and laid hal M demi by his ears saes sed Wit telt sfl he retail. it times he W i& temytsi b leave his own pee" bel Dr. Willem words had d to hie Deme sad be thanked Gad the ebbe Shea given hist He owed a dad to Ms Dr. and bis fame had diem bele before him to other him is bis wont amesept W ewe peopie. Dr Willias m who was present, war deep- ly otleMed. age. AROUND THs Woain IN A.N EVININO - On Monday evening nett, a large num- ber of beautiful views of scenes in Amer- ica, Europe and the Holy Land will be exhibited in Crabb's Hall. by Messrs Thome & Co., of Chicago, under the sapiens of the Knox Church 8 8 The pictures will be enlarged to 20 x90 ft sad will be illuminated by the celebrated DusassoodThe entertainment ha received high fromeulogiums.the clergy std pews, and we know of ne better OOOdar educator. Sesta can be only to thole who go early. sM.rtaivaet will begin at 7 30 p. tn. Tk. Walkerton Telescope of Mt weep said: Tile_ rstaeainmes t in Nle t Hall on Wednesdayowing was honied nissa ed aneeAll who o wert present igawent away '* tettsdei Ilse they esus all that aro elgeltsd to ani, ad a deal melt. The views are baralWI, and were Ai b� thelecturer. Ii mina await y, taik n for rang . and old, ware peeesgll( ill veriety, and spasm inflial.Mlee iswisest has not, for may a baa baa toy a Waikato". sad The MI wsa crowded to the doors At the OM the Exhibitor showed the pe- yrod in the lantern, and ip w Ss compared with its small a wonder Magastratea' Ceart. Before Horace Horton. Esq., May Jr Edward Marlton, of Guderich, was charged byy Inspector Yates with eviliag liquor on•Saturday evening, after hours. Defendant pleaded guilty, and wet fined $20 and coats. condi en , meeting the [rota n should ap- was very air. Mr. O'liaayou;i brought ted by the Lieutenant -Governor in w' him on this �.1, and hot by the Judges. --Car- ried. Moved, by Mr. McDermott, seconded by Mr. Msaloort.on, that provision should be made that rnnveyancers not being members of the legal profession should be required to peas an examination and obtafri s Bemuse to practice as wove ri- cere. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Pmudfex,t, seconded by Mr. Campion, that copies of these resolutions he transmitted to the Atter rtey-Aetneral and our County Memberv,- O•rried. C. Slices, Ja., LswAAu F. Toss, 1111"76117.(hairmart ariHae emirs. The ►dluurnud sittingsof this Curt were held yestedey, Judge Tcros ;.resid- ing. The case of the `Josephine" was resumed and occupied nearly the whole day. The evidence and argument were concluded and judgment reserved. Mr, C. Seager, counsel for Plaintiff ; Mr. Becher, fur Defendant. to escape from him on the platior'm. It does not pay a lecturer who desires re- spect to pander to the lower element of kis audience. On Suniay evening the M. K Church was packed to the doors to hear the ee-Ghent preach, in fact many had to be turned away. Not being present, we osasot speak of the mermen On Monday, Victoria Hall was spin filled to hear his lecture on "Popery.' :he caviar part of his dis- course was tnariai int the same teeiwe► to levity, but to the dem be grew meat swioits, and waw an "legated and pored& suadnian els hie views of the to Mato w on 4b in link erect as sitar e stage, and go Hew* the eareasey of the same. We loge M I eta er will net to sash a The mass is a eebwaay et hem Centre ipuaerei to many of ear ��....� and we halm sea is std in acid be is w � et �lhw tom. tieileglieSw+r1r pow tied *Peseelimileea a sail si U s et testi pe iota Mfrs to say aver es Awl softens Mae will set he Salved away frees then. Q arch kers or elsewhere To go through a aleebery of it ern the swigs d>• ssks too russets di 0* Peesinn Play *yleaf doing thvrsgs --� BOARD OF EDUCATION. -- no-meeting ea Wednesday Irian -Reports of Principal "sad /aspect*+ - Appoint. - meats -Ntaseteg l'oatmitt' - tr �aat4' rte. The regular meeting of th.; Gederioh Board of Education, took place en Wed- nesday night last. Doubtless on account of the inclement weather, only five mem- bers took their seats, via: -Messrs Fer- guson, Cook, Passmore, Nicholson and Swanson, Mr. Ferguson occupying tho chair. After the reading and adoption of the minutes of previous meeting, reports were read by the Secretary from the Principal and Inspector, of whin) flick following are condensations. THS,PaINCIYAL':4 BEPUttT. The ins bridge ayAarais was MAW oe Weds ails, We are is rewip of a bound volare oont iniegsiaseopies,laemer y df�twnt � Di Assla,see I AawMeow, es ear - Unity sed ie well worth pssearde . The anneal greioitous dirttibsbns of this edition is Ener .tae to eleven million oxo - piss, whisk, taking Dr. Ayer as a crite- rion? rits rion most enselesively that "ad- v l is Ube keyttnele !n supines." Caseload' are made in New York that fa years poet alcohol, containing one or two pounds of shellac, has hien bravest from Csaads and entered at the OMom Howe se varnish Mayrpr Rohl), of S retfo rd a confined to his house with • serious illness Tire report of the Inspector w::.1 also presented, front which the fillolt+rtlg facts were gleaned' The number en- rolled during the year was 980 -boys 510, girls 470 -an increase of 8 over the year 1870. Of tate number enrolled 966 were between 5 and 16 years of ego, 12 between 17 and 20, and 2 over 21y 36 pupils attended leda than g0 days daring the year; 104 between 20 and 50 days; 155 between 50 and 100 days; 246 between 101 said 150 days; 423 between, 151 and0800 days; and 13 het eom: 201 days anti the whole year.. • ACCOUNT A. The following. accouota 'ea :o handed in by the Secretary, and ou motion or- dered to be paid -- E. H. Armstrong & Bros 5 450 S. R McDougall, Jr, 5 31 J. Henry Ratcliffe ... .... . 11 65 Jas. Mitchell 100 A r'OftnNU:ATION WWI read from the caretaker of the North Street School, asking an increaes in sal- ary it was ordered to be pieced on fyle. APPOINTMENT% FOR 1881 M<<ved by Mr. Nicholson, seconded by Mr. Swanson, that the Inspector, Sec- retail,and Caretaker be re -enraged for 1881, at the same salary as was paid last sIt was moved in aniendmerit by Kr Pasmore, that a slight Menem in salary be panted to the Osretaker, and some discussion wen elicited thereby , but lira amendment finding no seconder was dropped, and the original motion 'Ai then serried. rrumaro caesarean roa 1831. Moved by Mr. Itisheisen, see @ilei by Mr. that the Standing Oen mittens for Wel remain the was s1 last year. -Omelet. no Committee. arm the -.Mew as M1 loins ( o thermos l (hwtiny.ar Massa'o Pa=rand Buchanan 1Citart. Menn. Woe. reva[rvnanl Fajrzet sad Swenson M.AurlwMrt. • -Metro. N Mh nt errs idainsaa, Swanson snit t n"fr. •sea ralt#Ctrat Mad that 'n moot* of, tM dross Mao Miss Bond. one of ditehers, he was give rempslled tomoo Trainee ss hes grudgingly, for they ahoe� remember substitute t EDa M M raid the eaemn et that 'the Lad loved+ a Awful giver. " thelia d to his tetion, *hints wee granted After s fervid tripod few unitai etwi+tn 110a •ewatiag then diner egomania were to be beams others grumbled here of the Church