HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-10-29, Page 6buy Canada Savings Bonds CSBI 64 pay 41/2 7 or each of the first two years; 5% for each of the next five years; Sit-s 51/4% for each of the remaining three years—an average yield when held to maturity of 5% a year 29th, 1964 Tim swum POST. BRtealaili ONT GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS iTEms The moilcy crowd each morning c,t. the QueenS elo llot all go for !'offs :7;oluo are J.c.ieked out or their wives reruse to get out of bed, Some are bach- cl4 wbo r:r.ise to take unto themselves a wife. Other to get the latest news and sonic for the sake of argument. Some are depressed 4nd have the blues like Ivan Campbell's milk, George Davidson and myself seem to be the favourite target simply becuse we have the finest figure and flawless features. If either one was to say its going to rain, the rest agree we are in for a terrible drought and Brussels will be a disaster area in six weeks. If I dress up I'm cursed for being a capitalist, if I don't. I'm a bum. They all think • they are real wits but they are only half right. 5% on your savings I recall a few instances where wit was at its height. These are all true, one hundred per cent. At a banquet in Toronto (1932) in connection with the Canadian National Exhibition, Mcwor Martin of Montreal was guest speaker. At the conclusion of iris speech Elwood Hughes, president of llie C.N.Ri. asked him to name two or 3 what lie considered the main attractions Toronto had over other citites. Mtayor Martin stood up and said. the Canadian :National Exhibition, (loud ap- plause), The Kansas Farmer, (a little applause), and the four o'clock train to Montreal, (no. applause). At Presque Isle, at the State Fair for Maine, the Governor of Idaho and the Governor of a‘liaine had a potatoe picking contest. Two bushels of spuds were put in two rows in front of the grandstand. Each Governor was given a pail and a sack., Well, the Main man was winner and the Idaho governor ex- plained why. He said that in Idaho the potatoes were so muck bigger the contest was unfair. In Idaho you picked by sight, in (Main you had to feel for them. At North Sydney exhibition in 2933, the booth got on' fire. This booth was situated in front, and. Attached to the granstand. The fire looked to be getting out of ,control and people commenced getting excited. The entertainer Walked unto the platform and Said, please sit down and remain calm. The fire department is - :Within sight, and, anyway, its. Only the grease that is burning, That is why we call them hOt dogs. What an entertainer, the only Singing violinist in the World. The next incident, which Was not meant to be witty, took place at Orono Pair, 1961. Tha main attraction for the first first night show was the choosing and crowning of "Miss Tobacco' Queen for that year; Direr twenty girls were judged and finally a Queen was ChOSen, The if. C. :started announcing for Miss phirley NorW00d; Qlleen of the previotiS year to crown the newly appOinted, He beCaMe very ex, cited and finally a lady came tip and. said Shirley is here but7ihe Sent bet' evening' gown to the dry cleaners iii ()Shaft last week. Her boy friend will be here at•V Minute and he is bringing ft, The Mi.C. grabbed the mike and said; ladie8 mid gentlemen, Shirley is here but cannot put in an appear,; atiCe Until she puts on her dress whith is in the boy friend's car. Truthfiilly 'Yours T, IC, F, A'NGUS BULL GAINS 457 LBS. IIN 140 DAYS A co-Operatively owned A.I. bUll hoW holds the daily gain record ter Angus on Ontario Ferro-- Mance Test. Sunmound Epton Blackcap, bred by W. L. Knowles & Sons, Bye- MOM., Alberta, was purchased as a calf by Central Ontario and Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc- iations and was placed on test at the government test station at Arkell in Ontario. Me gained an average of 3.26 lbs, per days for a. total gain of 457 148: over the 140 day test period. His yearling weight was 1036 poulida, and he came off the test weighing 1155 lbs. at 407 days of age. The freezing techniques now used in artifiCial insemination makes it possible for this bull to be used by many hundreds of breeders throughout Canada and the rest of the world, He will be in regular service in Ontario in the thirteen count- ies from Lake Huron to Peter- horo, the area served by Water- loo and central Ontario breed- jug units. ge will als0 be reg- ularly available in Western (lanada through the facilities of Western Animal. Breeders liervice. Researchers report that fast. gaining cattle produce beet most economically, and that beet pro- duction is inherited to a high degree. High rate of gain bulls thus are used by cattlemen' to produce fast growing econom- ically fed cattle. Throtigh con, tinned use of these high gain Sires, average gro*th rate of herds can be built up increas- ing economy, turnover and profit. • *MY