HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-10-08, Page 1
THURSDAY', OCT. 8th,:1964.
g,2.00 A Year is 44yaice 102,50 To U.B.,11,
Rain Mars Brussels Fair;
More Exhibitors This Year
Morris Couple Celebrate
Golden Anniversary
Mr. and yrs, James Miehie
of Morris Township were the
'recipients of congratulations and.
good wishes from a host of
friends and fatnly, when they
celebrated 'their golden wedding
anniversary on Wednesday,
Mr. and MrS. Michie were
married fifty years ago at the
berne of the bride's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Albert T. Cole of the
6th line of Morris ToWnship by
Rev. A. M. Boyle of Belgrnve.
They still reside on the fifth line
of Morris, on the farm they went
to when they were first married,
Mr. and Mrs. Michie briv'e two
children. George. PR 4. Brussels
and Barbara (Mrs. Ross Ander-
son) of Belgrave and six grand-
'Open hens°, was held at 'their
home on Wednesday and a family-
dinner will be 'held at the home
of Mr. and.:,Mrs. George Michie
on Tha,nksilOng T)ny.
pip:hon of Cenrp-P:m nay
Officiates Ai Closing'
Of St. David's. Church
On Sunday, October 4th, at
p.m, a large congregation was
present for the official closing
and deconsecration of St, David's
of Hen fryn by the Right Reverend
Appleyard, D.D.M.C. Bishop
of Ceorgian Bay.
The Rector, the Rev, H. L.
Jennings was in charge of. the
service and the Rev. George
Anderson, Rector of St. Step()
en's. Gordo. acted as the Bishop's
The Bishop spoke of the
thariks to be, given for these Who
:bad served anid worshipped in
the church in the past, of the
true church not 'made with hands,
and the bright future of the con-
gregation in their new raiMrity
as members of St, Alban's,
itfis8 Jean and Paul Henderson
Sang a duet. Mrs, Lister Me-
Creight, organic!. was in charge
or the music,
A social Hine was ntrinvori. after
ihn serviro. at St. Albert's Pariah
Hall, Atwood.
Any girls between the ages, Of
12 and 1.6, inclusive, who are
interested in taking the 4 .•
.1-Tomcm0king Prefect "The Club
Girl Stands on Guard'', contact
Mrs. Welland Kreuter, Ethel,
Phone I60\V.
The annual Variety 'Fait of
Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Will
be held Saturday: October ;fist, in
the LO.O.P, lodge rooms, Kenn
iiitsx date open,
'Minister Of Highways
Will Open New Road
Here, Friday At 4.30
A special opening ceremony of
the newly completed development
road from Seaforth north to No.
86 Highway will be held at the
bridge in 13russels at 4 o'clock
this Friday afternoon,
The Minister of Highways, C.
S. McNaughton will officiate.
Other dignitaries, including
Reeve Calvin Krauter will take
part in the brief ceremony.
Construction of the road was
carried out by the Huron County
Highways Department, and.
Warden Ralph Jewel and county
'officials will also take part in
the ceremony,
The 1964 Anniversary Services
of Melville Church were held
Sunday, 27th, September, at
11.00 a.m. and 7.'30 with good
attendance morning and evening.
Rev. Andrew IL McKenzie B.A.,
.13.a, of Knox Presbyterian
Church, Acton. was the guest
'Speaker for the day, and the
morning- sermon theme was
"Please change your Attitude",
During the service the tenor
soloist was Mr. 'Brian Prescott.
who sang "The Holy City" and
the choir gave a fine rendering
of the anthem "Lift up mom'
At the evening service Rev. W.
3. Morrison welcomed Rev.
iTcKenzie warmly to Brussels a
assisted in conducting the wor-
ship, ney. moKenzie prefaced
his sermon by saying lie had
family connections with. Brussels,
and hi,s great grandFather duel
fartned in this community,
The evening address was en-
titled "Measuring the ltnmeasure,,.
'able", in which the speaker em-
phasized the futility of applying
rigid measurements to such
things as human personality.
- and the ChUrCh and the urogrcrs
of the gospel.
The Sbleist. Was :Mrs. Carl
Douglas, Who gave a delightful t
soprano Selo "Give Me.A Song", 1
The Melville Church choir sang
the anthent "0 God Our Hole fn f
A g.es Past" Most orcenta bly. The
Church was tastefully decorated
with flowers and fruit by ladies
of the Young Women's Gnild.
MrS. 140a,nk Thoinpson nresided
at the organ both morning and
The fishers for Anniversary
Sunday Were, W. Jarnes Armstong.
beheld Perrie, Murray Cardirt
ti iitl Oortinit X911 h
Brussels Ladies defeated,
Hanover three straight in the
best of five series, 3 - 2, 5 0 and
13 - 3,
In the last game Ruth Coulter
bacl two home inns, Alvipa
BeaCh one and Barbara Turnbull
Not since 1.945 have the Brus-
sels girls won the WOAA
Championship, Only Nora Steph-
enson playing now, played on the
1948 team.
Three trophies were won by
the girls this year, Group trophy,
Huron Ladies, and WOAA. They
eliminated. :Ooderich, Winthrop,
Brucefield and Hanover in that
After the game the girls en-
joyed a steak dinner.
Congratulations to our ladies
ball team, and their coach and.
manager for the successful eon
elusion of their season,
MONDAY, 12th OCT, 1964
The post, office lobby will he
open front S a.m. to 6 p.m. The
wickets will be closed all day and
there will be no rural delivery.
The mail will be received in
the morning as usual.
Brussels Sales Yards Have
Stocker, Feeder Sale
Albert Cardiff was the winner
of the Grand Championship and
Cliff McAllister the Reserve
Championship prize at the Brus-
sels Sale Yard Stocker and
Feeder Sale.
Over 1,000 head of cattle were
sold Tuesday at the BrusselS
Livestock Sale Yards for'
siso,000m. Mr. Colborn Johnson
and Mr, bong Miles were the
• •
The Crystal Palace here was a
hive of bustling activity all day
Thursday, the first day of the 1.0,ast
Huron Agricultural Society Fair.
Exhibitors with their entries,
directors arranging exhibits, and
-others setting up displays, and.
judges • discharging their unen-
viable duty of awarding prizes.
At completion, the Crystal Palace
bulged at the seams wits beauti-
ful handiwork. artistic exhibits,
school work of varied kinds, a.
massive showing of colorful
flowers, in spite of early frosts,
baking, the fruits of. field.. orch'
ards and gar4ens, • -
Thursday evening the public
availed themselves of the oppor-.
tunity to view, and admire, these
indoor exhibits, which showed:
a marked increase in almost all
classes, and 'also to enjoy the
singing Of the Hap Swatridge
Chorus of Wingham, who pro-
v hied a brief period of entertain-
Baking •
Mrs. George Mtitt.or was award.,
ed the Bake Queen title for
qv' :do of five
rtiol(it4, rolls, elio(:! on 1 r, cake.
chorry pie oatmeal cookies, hatter
tarts. •
• Air;. .:".ouis Storehouse w:P-1 top
eAtlibitor in baking followed by'
Mirs. G. Mutter, Mrs. E. Cudmore
tied Mrs. Stonelions•• 1.1,-9n • the
'.;111111$011 - Sears Special, • Bee,t,
• 11.'. Mrs. Rob% Grp.sliy
Graham Cracker Pic, tz ,
,TeCormick ,4
Brough TJ1.•
Doves tic Special
Searle, Mrs. S, Fear. Mrs. Stepp-.
House, Domestic Pie, MrS. Mutter,
Mrs: Searle, Mrs. Stan .liouse.
;4 d 1.11,0!111,
Mrs. Tervitt, MM. Multii17, Mrs..
•1111 oh a rme. brown bread,
Stonehouse, Mrs.
I C. Hemingway. rolls. Mrs. Mutter,
Mrs, StonehOuse, Mrs. C.
way, cinnamon buns, Mrs. Tervitt,
Robinhood. bread turns. Mrs.
Mutter. Lencon Pie.
Mrs. Roht.... Gra.sby, Atvoil
Mrs. S. Rittledge• special, Mrs. R.
v ,
Cuarnoro. 14'010-wed by Mrs. C.
Johnston, 'Mrs, D. Hastings.
Wr...-!'; To Po'atoet.,
(Mrs, Nair) Mrs. 'Leona Arm-.
strong. Mrs. D. Glousher, Mrs.
r ucimore, Working Man's SUPPet'
Mrs, +i s113i11H1i't)i1~i(
lillkt~li t4:j.igt)"16.1.
QUEEN OF — Mrs. Golorge Mutter,
Brussels, 'won the "caking queen title or the
seconzl consecutive :\7,2ar qt Brusdels Faill Fair,
FlidaY., Nor entry of fivt fialrnple!, insj:ading a.
pk And, eitR f hc'.r Ito pliNot