HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-01-28, Page 7Fun anti Fancy,.
Deed issues --Old newspapers.
Some wen are called w be:-ause
th ey ata to keep a dirt's hand /,t.
Patrick on the zebra ---"Phot kirel of
a beet* is thajl---the mule wul his ribs
.,n elm oateide of his shkin."
A burglar sometimes breaks Into a
inn's chest with false keys. but a'lrouan
attempts to break into .his heart by
memo of false luck.. .
A Georgia buy who wrote to Santa
Claws for pony was wise enough to add :
1'oserit, If he u a Mule, pica Iy his be-
hind legs." They know what a mule is
in Georgia
Why are true lovers' visits lilt: t suc-
swaf,yl Stswipaper t Hecttuee they eoui-
'it*pl'i,Iepkly ahem become stud -weekly,
Ilea Ii -weekly, then daily with Sunday
There was a mar( in our town,
Ile was so wondrous wise,
He thought his burluees w•,uI1 son itself,
And he didn't advert save
Well, business was dull nit first,
But better times came, and it's queer,
Oue day with a rush he sold all his stub-,
But the alteriff was auctiuoeier. E,-.
lalsegr •1••a msR•w•a•
Thurlow Wesel to an able article ace -
erases the week of Meet, end Ipgersull
in New York cit In it he says : -
" H undreds of d were reclaimed I
gamblers and , caw oo0-
utctettl Dail waves ehllelrtp
aad desolate hares have been made hap-
py and br bbyy Ake resew and return
elf rufurt htishtndi $eNj fathtSII, leen&
and gratefully will Iiia advent of Moody,
bid remembered. • Tie:. Mil is still fra-
grant with taben l memories. The
'loa,dy and Sankey hymns, well known
to tke Christian wend, are now sang by
Shu native oonvei'$a :M the interior of
Africa. The sale of these hymn books
produces a handsome fund whis�hSl'Mr.
At hie devhome
�, k .
At hie haute. in lie
ert'cted a suitable 4 fora Weston
lwhool and hoist r:
fifty of whom, ,from the ter west_ hharie
"And now T inrrNe Mr. Lag
any of hi. followers, to intone, the public
bow had tv what wstw►t the have pro-
fited by his inis$onitry, labors in this
city --what salutary reforms he ham in-
augurated, or even suggested; or in what
:wanner and to what extent he has Cun-
tributed to the general welfato or happi-
ness of his fellow citizens."
....says. os Orris.
The best Salve in the 1 er Okla,
Bruises,N Oenia, mid'.11�1 1�' �'
This delve ib to
ptltiw pi fleet estishatdoa- M& Ode or
ttiftesiey refladed. Prisrilb' /Or
bee,. Ter mil. by F. Jdti o, Oi dersek-
aim* vie
Mead ��
R►hlt: Ica. that -had
M�OsI 1 tin=
11.01110 -
keened tom. the} lies
.Ugd .1I hMt Jlwletiilg�Id:Mslt. i; 'took
away ten �ppi fop wclr:t,3M.:1
awns 11IAldy, awand he , aigad a
sober and steady wan for eriatetei lap two
years, end -has au desire tnast''s..to his
cups, and I know of a number of others
that have beep. asretl��el by it."
IUwoie. .
ew Teri *massSlashes••
In reporting We imitate( prices fur but-
ter, the New York Trent's, of May 90th,
said, "Choice imekages to the ri trade
reach 19 to 20 cents, but light colored
goods ars }lard to dispose of, and several
Iota were thought well sold at 8 to 10
oenta This stern logic d dollars -and
cento is rapidly convincing dairymen
that they .hould use the Perfected But-
" A youngcum/ of
-From a leading 1L • , Chicago.
ter Color made by Wails, Richardson
Ths Railway etuc.tlis. d Co., Burlington, Vt. It gives the
A D ,vutre Ooswrtlp. -Ata time rfect Jnae 000djoorr the year round and
Tho Opposit' at (Mime have :. , ex I wile. Archibald, Duke of Douglas, was y
j,ectation that their efforts to prevent the !residing in Holyrood House, Edin- men that use it never send light evl-
:uvernment from carrying the Stephen 1'ur.;1:) 1,11 one day, stepped into a
Angus contract through Parliament will b 4rber'a aaop, and drawing his sword
prove successful. Looking at the riC.i- o''' of its sheath, said to the barber, "I
tion from the narrow party pou.;, of ei:w wish to get shaved; be careful not to cut
it is to the interest of (Re I ipp,sit ea me. 11 you do, 1 shall cut your head
that their efforts do not prove e000wful off with this sword." The barber told
for the ratification of the contract will his Grace that he- need not fear that, as
providethemwith a splendid cry wan
which to appeal to the country at the
next general election. But looking at
the question from a uatiunal point of
viiw it is to be refgtette4 that party con-
siderations have been permitted to tarry
undue weight, and that instead of both
partes combining to do what was belt
for the country, each followed its own
line. The Reform press made the mis-
take of attacking the terms before trey
were trade known, thereby showing that
however favorable they might be they
would be opposed, while Sir John made
the mistake of pledging himself and his
party to the Stephen -Angus contract
without inviting offers trots other sources.
The opinion, even among Conservatiyea,
when the details of the Stephen -Angus
mistreat was made known was that the
bsgsin waM tow fevoarable for the con-
tractors and not favourable enough for
the country. Later development have
demonstrated that this opinion was well
founded, and have emphasized the dis-
appointment with which a great many
of Sir John's friends and supportere look
upon it. The greatest Tory in the Do-
minion will not say that there is the
slightest enthusiasm over the bargain
Sir John has made; so that if he has to
go to the country on it at the next gen-
eral election it will be a bad thing for his
party, whether he remains leader of it
or not. His friends and supporters will,
no doubt, stand by it because he has
asked them to do so; brit we have failed
to meet the first one of them who is pre -
he Lel heaved many thousands in his
time, and had not cut any person yet.
After tike shaving was finished to the
Du!(e'a satisfaction, he asked the barber
how it was his hand was not shaky when
he knew the doors that was hanging over
hits. The heroic knight of the soap -brash
replied --"Not a bit of it; for you see I
wets first in hand. Had I cut' your I
would have finished the job by cutting
yotr threat from ear to ear, and then I
would have had nothing to fear from
you or your sword." The Duke, being
fond of* practical joke, was so well pleas-
ed with the barber s reply that he not
only paid hint well forhiswork, but gave
him a handsome gratuity before leaving.
$error MEntsll • FRAUD. - The Rev
A. A. Waite, who was formerly a medi-
um, and also for a time with the Daven-
port Brothers, but who is now a Metho-
dist minister in Boston, has dealt a dead-
ly blow at Spiritualism in the United
Staten. He asserted in one of his recent
lectures that "honest Spiritualists are
mistaken, and that all mediums are most
certainly frauds." This challenge was
publicly accepted by a Col. Franca
King, who offered to produce one of the
best mediums in the world, who should
give tests so convincing that no one could
deny the truth of Spiritualism. Mr.
Waite met the " unknown " medium at
Tremont Temple, and proved his ismer-
tion by performing on the open stage
before the audience, and with still great-
er skill and success, every trick that had
nods to market.
THE DAV* Oa Ideezay AND Niusm ur
Ulises, endured by the sufferer from a az Ica...DrBlcw. 117571
persistant cough soon cap the vitality of
the system and wreck the constitution.
Soak a catastrophe can only be avoided
precautionary meeaures. Prevent the
of a cough with Northrup & Ly-
tni n s Yntulaion of Cod Liver Oil and
Hhoephites of Litre: and Soda -ap-
ple) ved of in professional quiirterw, and
which is a combination of the purest The crowning gory of men or women ma
and most saluuuy ingn+disnts in perfect
chemical harmony. Coughs, colds,
aryngitis, incipient bronchitis, and other
affections of the respiratory organs, are
speedily relieved by it, and it has like-
d to be
ewer fulirove.,ua maladies. a useful Tho loss ospecific strength
consequent upon being diseased is check- TO ITS NATURAL COLOR.
ed, and the dogging physical energies 'fry it befor ,using any other. gold by all
rests "1 e l b t ti action. el -woos. Prkece SO eta. a bottle. 175'2-1 ..
ULLtw77e IT 11 FLORAL Wt1Bi
Rho best i'
f. lit
M car
drill f 'tenet ase y fret tt�i t110.011 IT
laDapetr esdnni *t.M iar
peek of itt
Plu�e'th ..sy r -a
i 0 . oar. Pike 111.111r slam,
IAM S♦S1870'WFt000br ere -#W lf.
?radical BOfT1I.I1HRS.
The Subsortbers, have bought the Tools L'!'?
Boiler Bashes of D. RtraclwAit ! Co., lately
carried on by the Guderich Foundry and Manu-
facturing Company, and having had an ex-
perience of over eight years in that shop. ere
prepay w carry um the trade in all iia
Any work entrusted to us wUl receive
prompt attention. First-class work gnarsat
AL kinds of Rollers made and repaired. alae
Smoke tltacka and Sheet Iron Work. d -e.. a-
resonable rates.
New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired
on the sheeteat notice, and at Micas THAT De-
(Chrystal & Black,
beauti�ul Algae or HAIR. This can only be ob-
tained by usingCI attains It, which has
proved�itself to he the BET HAIR
RESTORER in the market.
motes a healthy growth of the hair, renders t
suit and silky, strengthens Its mots. and pre-
vents its falling out, and acts with rapidity in
y 1 e tnvigora !ng
Phosphorus, the active principle of the
hypophosphites, not only supplies the
system with an important element of
strength, but gives a healthful impetus
to the circulation. The lime and sods
else add to vigor of the frame. In wast-
ing diseases of all kinds, this prepara-
tion can be depended upon to produce a
beneficial effect. A fair, persistent trial,
is all that is nece:..ary to prove its poten-
cy, either as a pulmonic or general in-
vigorant. For poverty of the blood, with
which so many invalids are troubled, it is
a sovereign remedy, promotfng the acqui-
sition of both strength and flesh. Pre-
pared by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto,
and sold by all druggists.
so surely will disease eventually fasten
itself- upon a system deficient in vital en-
ergy, if tonic medication is not resorted
to in time. The necessary tendency of a
weak discharge of the functions of the
pared to toss up his cap and become en- been performed in the cabinet by the body is to disorder its olgans.-Invigor-
thuainatic over it -[Toronto Telegram. medium. The medium finally diappear- I-ation, prompt and through, is the only
1 safeguartLNorenovantofdepleted pphyutxl
energy, no restorative of lost flesh, nerve
power and cheerfulness, has more clearly
demonstrated its efficacy than Northrop
& Lyman's Quinine Wine. In this pre-
paration, associated with the salutary
medicines which forma its basis, is pure
sherry wine and certain aromatic constitu-
ents which imparts an agreeable taste to
the article, and gives additional emphasis
to its effects. In cases of general de-
bility and dyspepsia it is invaluable :std
the desired effect is, in the vast majority
of cases, remarkably prompt as well as
decisive. That good natural appetite,
which gives a relish for the coarsest
fare, is insured by the use of the Quin-
ine Wine, which also confers brain sooth-
ing and body refreahng sleep. Fever and
ague and bilious remittent fever, are dis-
eases to the eradication of which it is
specially adapted; but it should be used
only in the intervals between the seizures.
The far-reaching effects of a good tonic,
in all complaints involving loss of physi-
cal energy, are well understood by physi-
cians, and the comprehensive influence
for good of this preparation upon the
system goes far to bear out the profess-
ional belief in the value of invignrants
as opponents of disease. Be sure to ask
or the"Quit Ise Wine" peel .•,red byNorth-
rop & Lyman, Turont.,. Sold by all
Foo THE Poems. -There are but few pre-
parations of medicine* which have with-
stood the impartial judgment of the
people for any great length of time. ()ne
Of these is Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil.
Read the following and be convinced:
- Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre
P. 0., writes," i have been afflicted with
rheumatism for the last ten years, end
have tried many remedies without any
relief, until I tried Dr. Thnmaa' Eclectric
Oil and since then have hail no attack of
it. i would reonnmend it te, all." J.
H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Shefferd,
I'. Q., writes, I have been troubled with
liver complaint for several years, and have
tried difeient meti.ietes with little or no
benefit, until I tried Dr. Thomas Eclec-
tric Oil, which gun ase immediate relief,
end 1 model say that 1 have need it
same with the besteffect. No one should
be without it. i have tried it on my
horses in case of cuts, wnmule. etc., and
tliaab it rteas as piedfeu horse u
than." k iota, Moralism, Wsrk-
worth, writes, I have sold some bun -
divide of bottles of Balearic (lil,aed ft is
premossnowl by the pn ,'one of the best
swiisnw they have knee toted'.' Ii hos
de1&e wnr orvydere turosii4in hmoi