HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-01-28, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1881. Who Poet's Cotner. Meer .1 Agee, ,..+leek of Agek Melt for Lot wu Inde mywlf la thte 1 tl.o` tLe lady utt sad low, As t ler vaaei,psalie dew Regie sues the catalog •tr, Wilk lige sweet sod whims player: lt,,tk of Ages. Olen for me, Lel we hide massae In t. Yet she sang as oft she ha', Whoa Ler boort Was g•, and glad. Haag aims ken Hass iso lase cad Whad grows Wear with t*e tedtua3 day; tient to whit the hours away, of Ages. cleft for urs, Let me nide myself u, thee!' Whew the fitful gaslight falls Oa her father's suasive walla Qs the obid and suss( street Whew the 1.tbt add shadows meet, There Um ledj'e voice was heard, As ilia Israeli of sight was stirred Waal her tons se sweet and chair, Wafting tip W .iud rust prayer: Rust of Ates, ulc.t Nr me, Let me h.de myself in laird" Wandering, btxaelese, thro the night, Praying for the wur,tnyr tight, Pala and haggard, wen and week With sunken eye end hollow aim*, Wont a a wurttau, cue whose life Lied been wreused in sen ant' strife; Cue. a suet and icily c..ild Otte by sin and Shama drilled: And her heart, with sorrow wrung, Heard We lady ween she swig. "Hoek of Agee chert tar me, Lut toe hide myself in thee. Pausing, low het bead she bent, And Ute taasiu esu went Pierced her bleetea'd soul. and brought Back w her las lust in thought Tremblingly she atoudi the past. And the burning new fell rust, As sbe called to mind the days When she walked is virtu'. ways; When she sang that very sung With nu sense of sic or wrung; 'Rook of Asea deft fur me. Let ate hide myself in Neer' On the u.arble stupe she knelt. And her ,wui 4u.. raw ue,t, ,wt Mors than she could sp.•us, m there ' Quivering, moved her lips in prayer, And the tied she had forgot Smiled U1•utt her lonely hot - )Heard ber as sue murmured oft, With sea nrcvut sweet aid soft, "flock of Ages, cleft for we, Let me hide myself in thee,' Little knew the lad v fair, As she sang in alienee there, That her voice had pierced s soul That hate lived'uuatu sou+..outrol! Little knew when she had done. 'Chat a lust and erring one Huard `ter—o4 a..'.:., a ..e 1 that strain-- Andretu•, rater. Renu -eat e_•,:.at�ri. From the inters... which :►pt,as= to be ta..en in the question, f thouelht an article un the disqu.4litication of .,uuncil- lora might be &Into iutereetiug W e -actors and elected. In ora u: toe earliest eases recorded of unseating a. councillor, who had acted the preceeding year as road comtnimiunur, the judgmeit was delivered by Chief Justice Robinson, and may be found. pretty fully given in the Nu. 1 Pruutice Reports, page 114. The defendant, Mr. Carruthers; was a road cutnmisiouer, and it was contended on his part "that the commission coming to him was ascertain l ani liquidated, and no possible dispute as to his claim against the copuratwu could arise, there- fore, the statute mull not arts.." The Chief Ju .tiro, h.owa. in a , male rate " judgment unseac1 h le, and says "he . was constrained t:l hoot that I. was dis- qualified, sod not dud; or leg.t.ty elected !9' the r .t is set teeth m• t .e rel ttur s atateme . • one ..i the 1 `teat judg- ments wart delivered in May, 1879 "The defendant (in this case) was Reeve S the Township .4 Cul heater, and War- den of the L...o•ty of $Essex, and at the time of his cle-_tutu he was a road com- missioner for the tuwhaitip. uuder.ection 454 of the Municipal Act, nm,' entitled to a balance for c.uhii,s:un on the looney spent by the township on a cer- tain ditch." "Held he ens thereby dis- qualified ate a candidate." Canada Law Journal, v. 15, 158. In Reg. ex. rel. Arut,,ur cf. Coate, eij)ht U. C. L. J. 231, C lief Justice Richards refused to unau.tt the defendant on the ground that on the 12t.h day of December previous to the election the defendant had been paid by the corpor- ation all the money he was entitled to, in respect to hie survicea under the by law, so that he would have no contract or demand auainat the corporation, in re- spect to such services at the time he was chosen reeve." In the risme year the sante learned judge unseated DeLisle, becauee he was a commissioner for the expenditure of municipal funds on roads of the munici- pality in which he resided, and the by- law appointing him fixed a certain com- mission, and it was shown that some portion of it remained unpaid at the time of the election. Hu Lordship added that "it was not desirable that reeves or councillors should mix thetn- aelvea up with the contracts given out on behalf of the corporation, whose interests they are by law expected to look after." U. C. L. .1. 291. In Rollo es. Beard, 3 Practice Reports 357, Judge Hagerty disqualified the de- fendant, and adds; "I unwillingly feel compelled to make the defendant pay coats, but I think i cannot weaken the effect of this wholesome provision by discouraging parties from bringing a case of disqualification under notice at the peril of having to lose the coats necessar- ily incurred. Defendant mud be un- limited with cores." The Court of Queen's Bench at Toron- to, unseated with coots W. He Stephens, reeve of Chatham, in May lest, on the ground that some time poor he had been in the service of the corporation, pro- curing evidence and assisting in the de- fense of the corporation in some law spite, and had not been paid at the time of his election, although the service• had all been performed and the defendant was willing to furl() any claim he might have for those services. The Court held he had an interest in a contract eervice or employment within the meaning of the statute, hence the judgment. The above decisions are culled from n number, and were given by the meat eminent judges on the Ontario Bench. -{Harms l)beefver. ZOPEAA, from Brasil, is now reale into Canada. It is a mild purgative, acting as • wonder upon, and giving atemsgth and energy to the digestive apparatus of the human stomach, cnr- meting and increasing the acids. It is strongly anti bilious and carries of all muesli's bile, tome up the Liver, rives sound digestion and speedy health to the sir and the Riliooa Ash P'. J ter a ten nem snt•ple bottle and test, Feriae the new compound, large eight mt1Ma L111_ 76 emits I'M - Farm and I$&raen. I If "You t 74WT'aut '3ood or•aameg..•tl,...e.." ._ ._ GROCERIES" - '111 On straight time* lemiss* boss be, PROVISIONS low the outburst, deepening as you rise i . 1 �. r the slope. Depth will more than amnio.ats for CROCKERY n distance. r. , or How man, cubic yard, can be drained GLASSWARE for a dollar, is the point. All water should enter the drains from below. Never Ly drains near trees; psrtime laxly Ash or Alm, for fear the toots should choke the pipes. Keep your ditches clear, slid the mouth of the main ops—Tour drains will, then last s lifettes. The narrower the drain, the leas earth to be moved. Divide the earth thrown out i»tween both sides of the drain—leas danger of caving in from pressure. - Water will enter clay pipes through the pores, as well as between the joints —proof: setik one in water for twenty- four hinds; it will weigh more than when dry. Air follows water as it sinks through to the drams; in spring, theair is warmer than the subsoil: evaporation produces oold, drainage prevent" evaporation; therefore, drainage increases tetupers- ture, and supplies fresh air to the sub - .oil. Drainage by unskilled workmen, with improper tool", will east from a fifth per cent. to one hundred per Dent. mon than it ought to oust.. "Drainage is the most imperiling, the most judicious, the oust remunerative, of all land improvements." Lord Stair. if the main has to receive water front both sides, the small drains should never enter it opposite avch other--tne}• should meet the main at an acute angle; thus avoiding, blocking back the water and washing down the sediment, which would prefer subsiding and choking the pipes. Drain one acre perftictiy rather than tan partially. Plough as deeply as possible two years after drainage. Clays once dried and pulverised will be loath to cohere again—a brick won't if broken. me Mesa sat.. We should just about as soon think of having our poultry do without buildings as without a dust bath, no matter if we did not understand the purpose for which it was intended, as it would only be heed- ing the voice of uature to give them what they seem to like so well, and trust that it serves some beneficial end. Fowls should have good large dusting bias pro- vided for their use, if for no other reason than that they enjoy them so well ; these should be replenished regularly with pul- verized, gritty loam (which is much bets ter than sand or clay), or coal ashes may be used instead. Fowls do not like wood ashes, bemuse if their feet are wet when they dust themselves a lye is formed, which is ton strong for any animal tissue w withstand. But sal ashes are free from this objection, and they art be ob- tained dry at any season of the year and can be procured in all parts of the coun- try. If dry earth is wanted and it has not been gathered during the summer drought, it can be dug later, even if sat- urated with rave, as it can be spread out under cover where the winds have free access, and it will dry in a short time. Dust -bins sh.wld be made long and broad and kept nearly fall. If too small the fowls do not like them. as the wings are used violently when dusting. They should be kept nearly full, so the fowls will enter, for (except for the purpose of laying) they do not like to enter a btu so deep that they can not see easily over the sides. Don't judge a man by the silk umbrel- la he came'. He may have just left a cotton one in its place. ite Jest a Mseeiea• Such is the ezpteisi•n from all Drug- gists and dealers everywhere who are selling Dr. Keno's Naw Drscuvaay for Consumption. No like preparation can begin to have such an extensile and raid sale. And why 1 Simply because of its truly wonderful merits. No Cough or Cold, no matter orf how king standing or how stubborn, can resist its healing qualities. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse neas, flay Fever, Pain is the Side or chest and difficulty of breathing or any lingering disease of the Throat and Lungs rapidly yield to its marvelous powers. It will positively cure and that where overythin else has failed. Satis- fy yourself as have already done by getting of your druggist, F. Jordan a trial bottle for tea cents, or • regular viae bottle for $1. For sale by F. Jordan. Y. COMA- O&ATarut AnnOorsroternw. - "Aj • tboroetb knowledge. of ube netarel laws wkkib "opera ria ope�{�pes and natrltion, and bT n eerojel of the fi a properties of well Coosa. MrEpps. delicately leo usd"6w aeenisk were rievys�o us maul heavy dooterr t 1s W the IedL riotous use of such articles of dies that • de•- stltatlon may he gradeall beltt gip quill= eeeeut,ggbp to resist every �indaswy to dtssass Hendrda of ..Mle maladies sew flesh around es ready to Week Asiever rare is • weak foist Wit ,y e. w5B al shaft by keeplaa o.1 -v Ira Mall t hies O• ! Deb le {fes labelled Jas sys & (le Hesptbb Chemises. Leedom Roe dins ,akar se Mimes ('•keselNe Ifesanoe far 5111.5eon use 'rat , D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Baileys Hotel. la oddities to the ordtaary sass of the Oreosry and Crockery Trade, I carry • to stook of Floor, Meals, Pork and fleuor ?roisious M Y MOTTO Ie. "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." Coal Oil eiealeoW ase err Mesh and tet al prices MI (foods deltv.red se any pert et the Tows. D. Ferguson. at lir , 0 I ORNAMENTAL WEDDING CAKES, CHRISTMAS CAKES, CONFECTIONERY OF. ALL KINDS CHRISTMAS TOYS and "Time ALL DO a --Te beautify the teeth and give frsQnnee to the breath use "Teabevey' the new toilet Rum 0.1 cent sample. 1753 Camping out in the pine words has been recommended le consumptive pa tient,, and the Rm. for. Murray, in his book on the Adirondack', mento' ns a re markable nature. Every one a/hetmd with pulmonary disease cannot make it convenient in edsp fleea t, nor a It meowseery, when all the bw++eate of the treat mint are Q^'cn*� by ming Cusp's Ryan, owl an Smow 1 ked. seientitic prepesation, whlit pemeals, ,n amount oust tested and agreeable dorm. all She virtue of this native medicinal gum As • care for Coughs. Odds• Hen T hro•t and Hearseneee it is invaluable Hold by all chemises Prtsa 110 sad 60 Beats ier Nettle (dA THE BEST BREAD IN TOWN, Ca TO D. CANTELON'S air -WENT ,STREET, (JODERICH.'slk $!'Ladies requiring Christmas Cakes should send in their orders without delay. Home-made cakes taken in and ornamented on short notice, and at reasoaabie rates CLEARING SALE -1 T T_ C_ =TZOR CO'S_ BARGAINS IN Dress G-oods. BARGAINS IN Furs. BARGAINS IN Cottons. BARGAINS BARGAINS 1N Blankets_ BARGAINS LN Ordered Clothing. BARGAINS IN Table Linnen. IN ALL LINES. T_ C.. Retlor t;St Co_ 1881 JANUARY 1H81 E. & J. DOWNING Return thanks for the very liberal patronage accorded them, and wish all their customers and friends a Happy New Year We would also call your attention to the fact that we have a very large stock of Seasonable 0-oods on hand including LADIES, CENTS Bar 0 II.DREN'S BOOTS cflz SHOES of every conceivable style and price, many lines of which will be sold at a great reduction previous to stock taking. Pont fail to, call on us when requiring any thing in our line as we have the Largest Stock of Shoes West of Toreentee and we can and will sell at prices that will suit you. ORDERED WORK of every description promptly attended toand satisfaction guaranteed. We keep a large staff of competent workmen, and being ourselves practical men of largo experience, can turn out work ' UNSURPASSED IN THE DOMINION. E. &. J- DOWNING-. 'FHA SQL ARK. GuDItRICH. 1768. Daniel Gordon, Chicl—Mfter and Uudcrlatcr. f4Jret floss' in the t minty, and IAcrgesf Stork this side of London Peewit Sams, Bee -Room Amens, SI nm -BOA Rent, EAAY CM tilts, Lot-Yota,erTc., ITC. ('-ask sayers will Ind it to their advantage to see my stook if they need's good article et D. GORDON, West :inert, near Port Office, (Joderick Dungannon Carriage Se 1OINTE a, wsler►arrwaw or — Bla I TiaH,ty OMR ?BBIR, S LEIURS, die.. ear. 1 bs'4 eft han4 • few weanriew ..h14•1. 1 w n os Caner to snake room few whiter work AB It 1. eeaetlwg rip 'maker ersioni , 1 Mime emir fnt PlaWdral w1aN wA MaM dgir • nlaltf . wad r* bels e4.se 1 �•tll tint"' run pv+r.w (hal . ,r WWWWWIalaw.^ Coroks! cannel be hasten .n tke (Bae CHET YOUR bVCTION SALE BILLS PRIIriTAD,at theses. se Tdi HUUItWN SIGNAL, North Street, Ooderieh. COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPO -PHOSPHITES FOR THE RI?L1EF AND CUKE —PI ALt. — WASTING DISEASES, -.ear ws Consumption. Bronchitis, Asthma, General Debility, Brain Exhaustion, Chronic Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia. or Loss of Nervous Power. It is un- equalled in the treatment of Palpitation of the heart. Trembling of the Rands and Limbs, Loss of Appetite, Energy or Memory It ads with vigor, gentleness sad subtlety, ow.ag to the ezgtiate harmony of Its rlslgrediaat eine to p ire bead itself. Iv taste is pews•, and its offsets permenoat. he tint appestat effect ie to inns the appetite. It senate dainties, and mums the Ord to asi a dans prwper'y—thes the sysata u nourished. it she. by its Maio edict cu alae .1 motive organs. iadases mon copious sad saegeler eveeuations. The rapidity with .:i ch patients take es Real while aadrr He nattiest* of the Syrup, of itself indicates that no ether pr-paration eta be bean adapted to help sod nourish the oonatitatioa, ani beam be men .i sic g. is all depre e. of spirits. shaking or trembling of tie bends or body, 000gl4 shortages of bss•tb, or oossenptive habit. The nerves sad muscles become .trength.sed, sal lie bleed purified. READ WHAT THE INVENTOR, MR. FELLOWS. HA -9 TO SaY ABOUT HiS SYRUP Or THE HYPOPHO,PYtTts. 1 a the manner of 1364. 1 wry suddenly aimed by s eop:ona expectoration of moon -purulent matter. I kali been declines is beelth f x some months, and, being exceedingly nervone, the maritime :anted alarm. Aa my banner was that of s dspena ng chemist, the shop was osssteady Menet by Bestial mea, .11 of whom t,niered their advice. Daring 1964 and 1865 my sheat wee emamias& by tea And c'..n physicians, some of wham prwseased the est 6gasbitita ; souse, not wishing to cense ,:arm, or newilliag to vesture an-pision, goys N aides ; some stated ma overmany that 1 bad Tuberesler Die..s of the Lamp. sad located the trouble where the pains wen Iblt. By pehmenal advice. i is turn, horse -beet mar - country life, eggs sad ale is the miming. tonics, issntben whiskey, cod-liver oil. • . r s lay, tar, and various iahaleate, bat the trouble isewased. Rrpectoration be- moreprofuse and offensive. Wight -.wean let in. told child diarrheas, dynes oas. coin Mood -streaked expectQattona, las of akep, lass of appetite, loss of memory, loss of ambition, .00emp.aed by geerrel preetr siou, showed themselves Under the microscope the blood was fogad to coot•in bat a small portion of vitalised corrodes ; the heart's actor was feebis ; the pulse intermittent ; the stomach could Let digest properly, so that Eatulency sad &minty was the moult. Fading the symp- tom' indicated Consumption, 1 .ietermiaed to use every effort today its pogren, and. if pomible, is cure it 1 selected the mast powerfel tonics and moderators, and coin • bined them with the oiled constituents of the human body. For months 1 endsev- orrd to amalgamate them before my efforts were crowned with MCCAI . 1 cannot speak too plaialy or too strongly of the effects peedtse.d, and the benetts I receiv ed from the composites. At first my appetite irc•eze •1; . - c!' h elan' easy, digestion better; the fins became mut r pima a .1 I s. L.q i set; c .:d chill. ceased ; night -sweets lessened ; 1 gained 12 wrig .t ; the ! rL:ag rogg't 1 ft me ; refreshing sleep returned ; my spirits became buoyant, the nest settee an 1 vigneno. 1 continued taking the Syrup month after month , Let o r,ag to Cie d.nlp, fob climate of 8t. John, ay recovery was neeesmrily slow, a1tbee h 1 c -std observe • gradual return of streagth for three years, during which tire- 1 restlesad taking the remedy. Ay present weight is one hundred and cghty •tght, b:tug thirty-eight above my usual. I have no symp- toms 1t R denotes de -w_. Tee only no'able riga during twelve months was the expectoration. Nair that his store d, and 1 core er myself well. Tile reader may ask, Trow d, you know yam difficulty to have petered d freak nleerited or tubercu- lated lung 1 1 answer, In the most certain of seal eto-ks for rice; mining. In hazel last i coughed from the right iung a piece of PHOSPHATE OF Li 11 , hill the sire as pea, which cowl hare . ,me from no ether place, arid which the highesta'therity in Long Demises (Iseane) states is ter resit' t of tnberc'e, srnici Aur bent rsrrrl. Added to the, 1 Lad time leaden -co: r • 1, rim: est, Mood • str-ked ^ntctoratioo, and the opinion of on- of flu l mat dee:ie•::asns in the cnaatry. I believe 1 hr.,. exp• r• ienmd ail the symptoms t .c. cent to e:.. ;we first niters of Consumption, sail here successfully combatted them. so that 1 do rot -1" ..r of say rase where them i; left sufficient lung tome to build niece f - : e ouly add that the mere monetary (maiden. tion of iaole•sed Mee wuaLl never Indere me to publish this report, but *sincere sympathy for the poor Cocs-tmptive, wit!: whose inaf•'rt :ne 1 bei -re it vi!laay to trigs. I:ewprct: seta, JAIIKi 1. FLLLOA-S, Is1Bwr of lsibwr Oswpouad .Syrup of Ilypoplorphiiet, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Wan Fellows' Command Syrup of liypophoaphltes f.: rep:red, ea for "FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP," Ind it sere -o isif rfio• it Basta, air n•,'o-r artetk tared upon you. Ns- SENO roe A PAM/IA.ZT 11t PERRY DAVIS & SON -Ig LAWRENCE, Ageets for til. Domittiett of Canada. MONTi-EAL. SUBSTITUTES! dr Tie pebwe .re cautioned ager est a custom which r griming gees comma d late among a certain elms fair msieae deatna and which is the : Whoa asked for • bents d Pele•illler, they muldewly discover that 4f are " sold out." "bet have mistime article Mit a pod. If slot better." which ten will "sepia at the mem rt. The object of this d•eeotinn is transparent. These tlebstirater are mak no to soil os **great reputation of the Pais-ilNerl and being enmpotwtted of the vilest shad cheapest dregs, are bought by the dealer at about MN wart he pays for the gamine P*Is-illlar, which tumbles his therefore to reales • anew cysts meas profit per bottle upon Me ignatia, article then be can ea gibe �• For SUDDEN COLDS Nrumusa tbe•uerric Ane AL1 mi ra PAINC ft, ANY rARr OP THR Leon. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-KiLLER . rarynu. •,, • .1111E9 Ai.YotT INCTAN11 4 AA PUNA ,, lea IS pA spew r ., and t n. bailie. .•r...ng •• +I .•. -moo rop►eat•vfr.--lean Worth..... ,1ee•Wnre '$r*, rt bl0 We At t 555 WO,Nf f14 At Inc