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Farms Residential
The industrioi
Mortgage '8t ,•.Trutt Co pang
Contact our Representative:
saws BAKER
Phone 79; Res. 263 J Brussels
ilabisetal Poirt, iinussims, onion°
Leave — at 4:00 p.m.
Return — After Grandstand Show
Fare: $2.00
Phone 140 or 148
for Reservations.
Sponsored by:
The Girls Bali Team
Munster: ltev. A. M. Solinsitell
.• BA.. BD.
Organist:, Miss Sharon Storey
10.30 a.m, Sunday School
AR Are Weieente
Minister: ReV. W. J. Morrison MA
Organist: Mrs. Frank Thompson
10.00 a.m, Church School
11.15 Lin, Public Worship
Sermon Theme:
"Forward" — Our Watchword
Mission _Band meets to-day..
All Are Welcome
The Royal Arch Masons
of Canada,
Province of Ontario
Melville Presbyterian Church,
Sunday, 13th, September, '7.30 p.m.
Guest Speaker.
Rev. Cliffmd Manning,
of Southampton
Chaplain of the Grand ,Chapter
• Everyone Welcome
Beau:: Rev. It L. Jennings
BA., um.
Organist: Mrs. B. Elliott
Duff's Church ucw
September Meeting
The September meeting of
the UOW was held in Duff's
The McKillop unit was in
charge of the devotional portion
of the meeting. Mrs. Merton
Hackwell was in charge of the
meeting and Mrs, •Wilbur Turn-
bull presided at the piano. The
scripture was read by Mrs.
Campbell Vey. Mrs. Merton
Hackwell gave the meditation
and prayer was offered by Mrs.
Gordon XeGavi4. Mrs.• Andrew
Coutts of the stewardship com-
inittee, was in charge of the
topic. Mrs. David -Watson, Mrs.
Neil lMcGavin, Mrs. Harvey
Craig and Mrs. Andrew .Coutts
presented the skit "All Our
Business was conducted by the
president, Mrs. 'person Mitchell.
Mrs. Kenneth McDonald gave
the treasurer's report. The pro-
gram committee for the fowl
supper, to be held in Novenaber,
includes Rev. Arthur Higgin-
botham, Mrs. Harvey Brown,
)Mrs. Neil McGavin, and Mrs.
Herbert Tra,viss. The offering
was received by Mrs. Kenneth
McDonald and dedicated by Mrs.
Emerson Mitchell.
-Mission Band
The Mission Band of Duff's
United Church met. Sunday morn-
ing. /Marianne Wildfong was in
charge of the meeting and Betty
Roe was the pianist. The call to
worship was given by Marianne
and. Karen Ms:Ewing read the
scripture. The story of the shep-
herd looking for the lost sheep
,was explained by Mrs. Walter
Bewley. Beverley McCall led in,
prayer, Judy Thamer and: 'Connie
.Coutts took the offering which
was dedicated by Marianne.
Connie Coutts gave the treasur
er's report and the minutes were
read by Brenda Bewley,
Mr, Charles Murray underwent
an appendectomy in Wingham.
and District Hospital last week
About 30 of his neighbours and
friends gathered at his form to
thresh his 40 acre crop.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley,
Mary and Brenda were Toronto
visitors with Mrs. Arthur Bewley.
Robert Habkirk has returnedt
I:wine to Ingersoll after spending
the summer vacation with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Turnbull.
To Celebrate 95th Birthday
Mrs. Jas. Noble will celebrate
her 95th birthday on Sunday,
Sept. 13th, Mrs. Noble is a patient
at the Callander Nursing Home
in Brussels, since early in the!
Summer. While confined to bed
most of the time she is mentally
alert and enjoys visiting -with her
friends. Her many friends send.
hearty best wishes and congrat-
ulations on attaining such a
grand old age.
Mr. Don ' Bowman condutced
the service in Knox Church on
'Sunday morning, Sept. 6th.
Sunday School will re-open on
Sunday, September 20th. at
10 a.m.
School re-opened on Tuesday
with Miss Anne Cardiff, Brussels,
the new teacher. There is a class
of eight beginners,
Mrs Frank ,Smith, Bill Shirley
and Douglas spent a few days in
Toronto and attended the ONE.
Tom Stevens os Leadbury, has
purchased the (property of the
late George Sma.11don and is mov
ing in.
Miss Patsy Evans is attending
the Kitchener - Waterloo School
of Hairdressing.
Mr, Wm, Sinclair of Detroit
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn Evans.
Knox WMS
Mrs. Stuart McNair was host-
ess for the September meeting
of the W.M.S. of Knox Church,
The leader, Mrs. Wilfred Striek-
ler, opened the meeting with a
poem, followed by a hymn, The
Lord's Prayer with responses,
from the service of worship at
the Anniversary Celebrations in
Montreal was used. Scripture
passages were read by Mrs. Earl
Dunn, Mrs. Mad Engel and. Mrs.
Claire Veitch, A 'reading "The
Laymen's bOatittides'', was given
by Mrs. HerMan Whitfield, The
pretident, Mrs. Earl Dunn, con-
ducted the busineas period, Thir-
teen members and one visitor
were in attendance. A verse
containing "Land" was given in
response to roll call. Plans were
made for quilting a quilt for the
supply bale. 'Mrs. Stuart McNair
read "Starting School" and also
gave the topic ,Outreach Through
Avangelism. The meeting closed
with a hymn and the Mizpah
Benediction, Lunch was served
-by Mrs. Herman 'Whitfield and
the hostess The October meeting
will be at the home of Mrs.
The Oranbrook V,.1, met at the
home of Mrs. Allan MoTaggart,
on Tuesday evening September
1st, The meeting was opened. by
the president, Mrs Mac Mc.!
Intosh with the opening ode,
Mary Stewart *Killeen minutes
and treasurer's report.
The Food Forum to be held in
Brussels about April 1,-1965, in
the evening Was discussed. It
was announced that a social even-
ing of the North Huron District
WT, will be held in the Irithel Hall
on September 15 when Mrs. Eilgin
Smith would talk of her trip IC
the National Convention Wolfe-
vine; Nova Scotia, The visit to
Huronview on September 16 at
2:30 p.m, was discussed and pro-
grain and lunch committees wore
formed. Betty Knight reported
on the bus trip Which is On ffiep-
eMber 17th. The bus leaves Oran-
brook at 7:30 ann. and arrives
at McConnell's Nursery at Port
Burwell before noon. We will
have dinner at the 14:arbour
Restaurant and see the sand hills,
then go to London to see the
London Free Press and TV
station, It was decided to help
the Hall Board with the Fall
$'6.it booth again this year, each
Member taking two pies. Thu
club leaders for The Club Cirl
Stands On Guard are MrS. Leslie
Knight and Mrs. Wilfred Stria-
THURSDAY, SEM 16tb, 1004
ler, Mrs. ;fames Bremner read a
history of Oraubrook W,I. to be
sent to the Tweedsmuir History
secretary. The 'motto "We Have
iprery reason to be proud of
Canada" was read. by Mrs. Cliff
Bray, The roll call was answered
by naming your nearest neigh-
bour from a foreign country.
There mere five new Canadians
present — Mrs, Jan van Vliet,
Sr., Mrs. van Veen, Mrs. De
Vries, Mrs. Hiemstra and Mr
Martin Battu. They told of cus-
toms in Holland, why they canto
to -Canada, and what they though'.:
of Canada on. arrival, etc., and
showed pictures,: flag„ wooden.
shoeS and numerous mementos of
Holland. The meeting closed with
the ladies singing Dutch songs
and the National Anthem.• .•
On Wednesday, September
2nd, Mar E;aret. Isabella MacDonald.
Toronto, passed away suddenly
al the home M. ner brother
Duncan in Grey Township.
She was the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mac-
Donald and Was born in Grey
Township. She was employed
as a secretary for a number of
years and upon her retirement
became quite active in Deer Park
United Church, of which she had.
been a member.
She is survived by a sister,
Katherine (Mrs. Wm, John-
ston) of London, Ont. and
three brothers, DUncan of Grey
Township; Thomas of Brtissels
and William of Mt. ClemenS,
Michigan, She was predeceaSed
by two sisters, Jessie and. Annie.
The service was conducted by
the Rev. Allan Johnston of
Brussels United Church, from
the D. A. Rann funeral home.
Interment was in Brussels
Pallbearers Were .Kenneth
Wilbee. James Turnbull, George
Turnbull, William Deltneri Wills
lam Smith, and John- Pull, ,
31:1.5 a.m. Morning Prayer
sind Church School
9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer
and Church School
If Monday Holiday
For Pick-up Service Phone.
de011 siernalelmss Oggifts..ssialliDn'sbdASIT
Ships your bogs every Monday forenoon
direct to Kitchener O.H.P.
Shp your cattle, calves, lambs, to Ontario Stock Yards,
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