HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-01-28, Page 51 5 . f `'i• .i! • 4.I41'i.li THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY? JANUARY 28, ISM. ,c .':lD • THE2I ATE TRULIttlil. f ,188 Tae Jar) •111 , sad are 1st.. 1e. the D b .isles un uuseLy, J u age Fits his targe to I N X K the JEry,' net of the d t .e iCen Lha Lew* fie Jury t failed Were., seed wore rtllil�, d uehavet.' )The want was movie.", with hammy euthuw, Iy t'ii ,a 1 •n tie street, wh , ilurtu { the duy ahu (at w oreldpped Mr. Peewit in ala paaal>se to and hese the Cort. J- , In auunniaa up, we/ epee lie ole on the violence of the leading 'limbers and paid agents of the Land Leotes. 11 the Jury, he said, found all the charges aot mad • out, it world bo that dilly to acquit the tta- b'ereera It, is IM other hand, they fuaud the changes brought home to one of the tra all ao.erdiag to law, were equally. la oosnectiun with this point he told the jury that it was for the court to lay down the law, which at wrung, could be arwaded elsewhere. MacDonald* contended that the Jake should cot have taeatruaed this power ut appeal Ie the jury. Tse jury did not re- turn into Overt until seat for by tl.e Judges at five o'clock. The furamtrs then said they httl not aerue 1, nor were they likely to agree. Judge Fitmerald, ie. e.wcludiag his charge to the jury, stated theta to per- form their duty with the courage spii„g- in% from a desire to set ooaacientnusly without fear or favor. Replying to Mc- Donough, of counsel for the envenom, he admitted that if his directions to the jury were wrong in point of law he would be put right by au appeal to the Supreme Court. McDonoh bigan an argument, quoting authorities. Powell entered the Court, and was loudly cheered by the gallery. There was great excitement in this Court. The jury were discharged at 7:45 .'clock, the foreman stating that tt was utterly impossible they could agree. Juror had previously stated they were ten to two, but the Judge said he could only receive • unanimous verdict. Great excitement prevails, which was heightened when the Judge said after the exhibition of Tuesday in the Come, he could not expect that there would be :t free, unanimous verdict. An immense Crowdwere cheering outside the Court House. As soon as the result of the State trials was known iw Dungarvin, the town was brilliantly illuminated. Bands paraded, and the tnaversern names were cheered. The surrounding hills were ablaze for twenty miles. A stub of 400 persons groaned and hissed before the house of one of the jurors, supposed to have favored a conviction. • CHARLIE ROBS FOUND. is Aidlereeah rammer Traces Myer Teresa& range. Charlie Rues has been found once more. A farmer residing in the town- ship of Aldborvugh, named Peter B McCallum, came to St. Thomas on Mon day and reported to the Chief of Police that he had succeeded in finding Charlie Ross, after tracing him for several lnontha M 'Qmlltrm states he has indis- putable evidence what he has the child. He traced Charlie .Poll Suspension Bridge 16 Tuscarora, where .`'e has "aid ed for some time among the itldlane The bey was left there by a white ma" ur woman, who stated they would have to kill the boy unless the Indians adopted him, as they were compelled to get rid .of him. McCallum claims to have pos- session of the clothes which Charlie wore when he was stolen, and those which he wore when left with the Tusoororaa The alleged discoverer furthermore states that tie has had correspondence with Mr. Roes, which establishes the child's iden- tity beyond preadventure, and offers to pay the expenses of the child to Phila- delphia. Mr. McCallum received a telegram from Mr. Rose, Philadelphia, last Mon- day morning, desiring him to hurry home with the boy, and all expenses would be paid. There is groat excite- ment in the village regarding the affair. Iianlan and Roes, challenge to row a double -scull race against any two men in the world for am much as $5,000 a side, has been accepted in an unexpected quarter. On January 15 M. F. Davis and John A. Kennedy, of Portland, Me., sent 11,000 to TAa Boston Herald, with an acceptance, in which they propose to row for 58,000 a aide, and will allow the challengers $500 for the privilege of naming the oourse. A one hundred mile skating race for the title of champion of Amens, at that distance, a belt worth V00, and a sweep stake worth 1100 each, will take place at the quarter mile track of the Manhattan Polo Association in New York on Feb- rua7 12th. John Ennis has already en- tered, and it is expected that C. St Clair Millard and Rudolph Goetz, both celebrated Western skaters, se well as Canadian experts and Eastern profession- als, will send in their names. A brakeman on the Interoolonial Rail- way, named George Terry, bet- ween two cars at Nation, . B., on Monday, and before utribting the trsek his dales caught and held him, his legs (tangling cm the gnd His eri s was pmn from the socket by the con- tinued rsvoluticn of the wheels. He at lad freed himsif, and in walking back to Norton his feet and ether arm were ferment Hu cries brought assistance, and he was taken to the station. A lawsuit has just hese bieshi in Pfuieagain*, the bepia et ill. Ms de Mewl ley 11. Toaster, Jaressy his Mammary. at tae last hearing of p11ioA papers wen Wowing that the mead, w el�se)the eispeditise entieely est el Jaime *Stir. Jockey, aeitiesn d ft 1 a reei%ewt of Meilen, adns wed tweet weds seam to the hngts arw.aswt's imam* basso cad Mbas ee. Joeher wanted the -Liberal Oed.isii ent, slots its mlebi sweet is EMS, to peg the debts teem ted lr► its enemies during three years t wee. President Jeanie meld col be eenviee d el e this rf iMhar'se* shim; tW tadhtial berme* s =setg�, wild teats btu of twit lE De the Primes legit beaus hie poste at the Ootrrt His deka waE Anal at iiti,ggiance of Maxi - V• alt 1880 111 ht�= IUTID , e' 1O � at , - Ch�iled Plow -AND - AGRfCULiURAL hORKS. ,.S'' 75 OH KS. i thi I. Ash. Nagle. TB =litime to pareltaas lett alit for ag- purpasa It pals )M mu omit to eagles or wood 14kaa a oaehaage for salt 'J. SOBIE 1755. 'Slag' emit Wafts, (iodericlr N 1i S. ALMONDS, 4 - WALNUTS, 1- ) $, •� t 1LB C11111203NUTS. K LIRE SUPERIOR -ea ►L'T, WHITE FISH & HERRING. 110- SALT WATER '111t HERRING AND CODFISH. *Lin, A Lanes As vitt t&NT Or Teas,. Sugars .tad General Groceries ; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A N D CHINA. Dr. Pass's s Cream Baking Powder. Dr. Paics's Lupulin Yeast Gems, Chas. A. Nairn, THE SQUARE. 1758 New Teeds, NEW OVEROOATINOS, NEW MCOTCH GOODS. A FINE SUPPLY 07 Heavy Canadian Woollens, Just the thing for winter clothing. Solite (low! Linea of (Rata' Furni.hit ga. Aft' READY- NADU "ES OVERCOATS,reliab allwellmade cad e. CLOTHING MADE to ORDER under my own supervision. ,rte ALL WORK WARRANTED.-* Sugh Dunlop, FASHIONABLE T4ILOR, Next Door to Bank of Montreal • MORTGAGE SALE d VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY in the Townahipa of &Afield and Wawanosb in the County of Huron. UviFINDER AN:) BY VIRTUE OF Till Powers of b.`le om atned In • certain mortgagee made by JrWsee NWIea W the Ven- dors, which will is areillenel at the time of sale and in payment -of detanit he been made, there will be eased he sale by Public Auction at W'u:'vy's Heid, In the Village of Luckier'''. 621 Tuesday, 15th. Feb y. A. D. 1881, at 12 o'clock nods tbe Mewing parcels of land vic---The Wrath halt of ist aarsbr 11, in the sbveatbesarasters 1)I.. eaagioe. sters el the ftwiallidp m Bait seven d tOI saws heretofore .old to Dpisl of wllsY about Weems are abet 1r free shed and tmtaasR Mum. Lonew iia art • grimes att��dgood clap ham esie frame barn. metasand shed ' art: good orchard !miles Ins; the fences aro good andWgtr aro lau ded w a good stem mus Gem i.nckaow. dimetheSouth let quarter d let number 13 in the ]lib Oes:siolen of the Tewnabtp of Wawanosh, oontaWas p acres mese or kis, of which about M sed torted, aoasarly all tree from attunes; aa. t8/es anima valuable order, ash and pigs gmler as the property. TERMS:— Ten ppee�t e�lle td Ms sloes of sale. 0ftew per deet wield else month thereafter, and the balance to be secured by mortgage with interest at 7 per Dent, yearly, or if additional seoarlty be given no cash need be paid. or terms may be varied in any reason•bi way tomtit purehaser. For further particulars appy to JOHN =ILEA V EN, Asollesrer, Lecknow. Or to Bprmmwa. Hoes. FazaoNnatnmE k Hon.a. veneers' Solicitors Toronto. Dated 12 January. tat. trio. JOAN RALPH NAMILTON STREET, G,ODERICH, ---DEAIJtn IN— STOVES TINWARE. Tb.e e.b-' ibi bas a a.mpl.ote mend - meat el *ewes, Tprw*au and Awn Piney et frail Cup a tie Nest 1lsesia6 the stock alai you will he supe te M nibd. LIBERAL OFFERS 181_ Tiro Tears for the Price of One ! THE REPRINTS OF TO no.T= g sAET.E;LT /Xv.aprtir•/), tsNa esAsTEMLY Ieos.rreatia, OaaEOECE r iVAipp, AND wmITMQ1ETO rLiberal , REVIEWS, axe Elackwood'. Edinburgh Megaton, Present the brae foreign ,er uditats in • con- venient form and without ut abridgtr,,ent or alteration. Terms etMbaeripalea(i. leslism Peariese.1 Blackwood or any one Review . $4.00 scree. Blackwood and any one Review. 7.00 Blackwood and two Reviews. 10,00 ,• Blackwowood and three Reviews.., 1100 The four Revfewr 1100 Blackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 '• These are about half the prices charged by eke iia mss Publiwing the u (`sent giving the C mean of the Period- icals for the year 101 and many other partic- ulars, may be had on application. PREMIUNCB- New subscribers may have the *umbers for 181111 and 1881 at the price ut e•e year's sub. sorlptlon only. To any subscriber, new or old. we will fur - Isiah the periodicala for 1879 at half price. All orders to be motto the publication oMae. To secure premiums apply promptly. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 41 ■ARCLAY IT.. NEW Yetr. '1 ODERICH AND KINCARDINE Marble Works. Headstone, House Trimmings, Monumsta, and work of all kinds in Marbles, deelgeed and executed In the best style and at most reasonable prices. Marble Slaatle.s kept in stock. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported to order. . ALL WORK WARRANTED. SCOTT & VANSTONE. 17011 Stoves 1 Stoves i EAVE TROUGHS and CONDUCTING PIPES, CISTERN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, &. PLAIN AND PANG NWARE. COAL OIL wHOLERALE AND RETtIt,, Coal (sal Lamps etc., Oid iron, copper. Brasil Wool Pickings earl Sheep Miens. taken In exchange. J. STORY. Sign of the Coal 011 Harrel. II Nltss parallelled the Out ch resit 1 Irr le m 7J d Atha in l) L ,psi ringi obbyug ed ll beyeeu- tlased. All work guaraateed. tar. Raaeiwaa M eke' way man au t000llectpaymeateand give recelpta w Wt of the late irm of Runelman r Oe., alt salons ladehted requested to govern thsmseHes. ,,d S. BZZOHILLttR, e Propr e.ror.. :N°r:- Nance 1,• �: _ (lilri„g tip P4otoyrupkiag in Godrrick In rrluraing banks for past favors, would just lige thew wishiag a benefit will please notice former prices and prevent Presse t. Former. Life Sae laN Photos otos. • - N1� 0 414 116 1.55 Cabinets Card Photo per dna, Le IN per dos, 1.50 100 And Frames to suit the above at BOTTOM PRICE B. ('cme enc. ccme all I and have your hearts gladdened by getting good and chea{4Phot.s at 1755 E L. Jemmies's. ..PPL E S 2,000 Barrell •,Y CHO)l:a APPLES tt'd at Once! ear .Private Families supplied with choice hand-picked apples for winter AT Low RATLi. James McNair, Hamilton Utast t. Oodericb. Oct. )e. 1880. 1158 HARNESS SHOP REMOVED. C. F. STRAUBEL, In thanking the inhabitants of Goderich and surrounding country for the very liberal patronage which has been shown him for the past seven years, wishes to inform them that he has REMOVED to hie new premises, Nearly Opposite the Colborne Hotel Stables, Whore he lsshowing very fine assortment of light and heavy Harness, Saddles, Trunks Valises, Whips, Haute Clothing Combs, iss er, Beals and ever, ether article aeusil fosse ma Arm -class Hargan Shop. All work warren's as 1 ace swit;lhatery hest material and alloy sone belsee workmen. Repairing done on short nesse and at moder- ate rites. Remember the place Hamilton Street, Ooderichr LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory 8'O14. 1881-1882_ TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1881, Price +5.00. MR LOV ELI. at the request' of several Merchants and others et the Province of 4)slarto or the Ctty et Mestreal, tc_ bop to announce that We arm will publish • PBO VINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY. in No- vember next, containing an Alphabetical Directory AND A THOROUGH 101: :ified Business Directory ( the Tta,.iurew and Professional men tri the Citles, Towns, and Villages of Ontario, with a Classified Business Directory Or rum CITY OF MONTREAL. on the i Dominie on pion and Provincme care and ial Direon ottor�ies of 1871 will be given to this work. Sabscrlben names respectfully solicited, Terms of Ad- vertising made knows ap.Th application. JOHN LOVELL & BON. Montreal, lkc. 1111. Publishers. 1769 DRESS X' A irIr'G 8: "ILLI T. SELLING OFF AT COST FOR - ONE I1[EONTH, Previous to taking Stook and making room for SPRING GOODS. PI' CALL AND XXA.MINB FOR YOURRELVBR.11k MISS STS; W ART. 177A. The OLD Family Grocery. "V. - H. OLD, sr SgLuars, Where hunk supplies aro arriving every few Axys at men the benefit of having then, always Raab M theseed 0311111. Ommed Mb. emeemil Massed • Sbbelso.. tide lisuaddhei A Ain sitsort.ment of Sugars. Olasgas and Lemon.. 'Teas from Otic. Upward& ales Tei.•.• (..Ararat of OE0CIERT melodies DINNER and DESERT SETS, TOILETS, sic. Eal4�.Age. weeitisnd eoldWan Oath► car TRT" •N -R .4. TF.4 ftRsT t'AL1TK 1N ens MARt1r 'agG ltJna[HI/id BT4":"Ft 10 FT.AOBr O'7DZI.,41S STAND. in eseishge for Orals wow r..- cremes n . s.... 1.. .. .r "Dorian' Carriage W - N, .� owdrlc.he MORTON & CREbSMAN, a" (regi if► (SN,/lei, ^..1", 1 ..a SLEIGHS, &o. . will i rl.eap for the balance se the sea to nue :..,,r, for winter wort„ ♦ he • .,.:d -bat a li.,8e ..,r sale cheap. A taw gead :.,�•a tr'1l: be ImL,: .0 .-rt!wage fur H..tel, Goderir*. "EA b LOT OF 1 1.N w•a. g 1, - ':'''''471114 ., ,a M .. leb,L, Ladies' Jackets and Mantle e Clot►, CHEAP AT Colborne Bros. Y lex MVO .11 pa-csor '1' TT P T14 III CRO "r= C �a2;SFtT THE BEET IN T r,' i CSAR =ET_ COCOLBeir BROS. I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE S OK MR. D. 1- =RC -i -LT O , VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Nearly all of said Stock, as well as my own orig. 11 .I +tock, wry, bes,bt be 'art rte id . a. .1 Merdware. 1 am therctore to a poet het to sell C.,ruper ',an any ui t rl Meese 15 alar ...troy. MY STe 1('►i OF Faminis',Iluildmisl&Gmierdl Karllware, is (tom leiv, aob I Irgnictac. OOME AND BUY AT SVCS PRICES AS WT&.L PIMA.4E TO17. Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stock_ AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB PilNCE WIRE. R_ _ McKP 1\TZIE 1761.4m. Holiday Presents At BUTLER'S. Photo and Autograph Albums in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, 1 er suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very oomplete, and consists of Ladies' and Gents' Purses, Choi., Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vases in many patterns, Fl,Rer Pots. Cups and Flowers, China and Wax Dolls! A Large Aseortm;,;,,t. gmokers' Sundries—Merschanm Pipes and Cigar Holder . and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, WESLEY'S Hymn Books, Psalm Book,. �. , Ac. --Subscriptions taken for all the beet ENGLISH, SCOTCH, I11101, AMERICAN and CANADIAN Papers and Magazines at Publishers' lowest rates—now is the time to subscribe. A full stock of School Books, for Teachers and II Leh and Model School Strident. All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. 1 1.ave a cheiee and large selection of Christmas and New Year's Cards i THE BEST EVER SHOWN, IND c, or.o C& TiIAN EVER. At BUTLER'S. Dominion Telegraph and Postage Stamp' (161.' r. 1711 GRAND CLEARING SALE Boots and Shoes A T CAMPBELL'S BQOT aid SHOE EMPORIUMI 4 ONE MONTH_ Previone to Stork tahlag -try Stock is T.argeand will-asaor•twd and GREAT BARGAINS grill be given Z �.~i►iite�iti. ,. tats • tea . a a,mi. eamom . •