HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-09-03, Page 4T.1-.XURSDAT, SEPT. -3rd, 195.4 Tam sigussiada POST, JA.B.USSAIA, °Niro* r•••• YOUTH ALLOWANCES 111/1PORTANT NOTICE FOR PARENTS At theend•of September the first payments will. be made .U.ncler the Youth Allowances Act recently passed by Parliament. If you have a child who is '16 or 17 years of age, is maintained by you, and is either in full-time attendance at school or university, or is un- able to attend by reason of physical or mental infirmity, you may be eligible for a monthly allowance of $1 0. TIM' ALLOWANCE MUST BE APPLIED FOR -IT WILL NOT BE SENT AUTOMATICALLY During August application forms were sent to the parents, of children already 16 or 17, or who would be 16 before. September. If you have a child who. meets the above requirements, and for any reason an. application has not reached.. you, you can obtain one • by writing to the Regional Director of Family Allow- . ances in your •provincial capital. The. •applications.should be returned • as soon as • possible, in order to ensure prompt receipt of the first payment, DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE FOR SALE FOR SALE . Bartlet 'Pears Illaku Bros. Phone Aii2W6 WANTED Tp buy large black you lingua kettle. Mrs. it. Valiance Rhone 224 FOR SALE tirade 10 and 11 Commercial school books. Marlene Smith Phone 436J13 FOR SALE — Some Grade 10 and. X1 sch001( books.• Id LOW,' .I.)ave Wheeler knolie FOR SAL& — fuo2 Chevrolet Sedan, good snow tires on back wheels, Priced to sell. Mrs. Dorothy McCauley Phone 188.3 —SPECIAL- Et•TRICTED - 4-4lfIdC "TOM JONES" Colour Starring: Albert Fnney - Susannah York and. Hugh Griffith Winner of four Academy Awards "Tom Jones" is one of the funniest Wins ever turned out for adult audiences. It's the comedy everyone is talking about and everyone wants to see. Please reluember this film is restricted 'to adults 18 years or over. TWo shows each night at 7.15 and 9:30. No advance in prices. SATURDAY MATINEE SEPT. 12 SPECIAL CHILDREN'S FEATURE MON.-TUES.-WED. SEPT. 7-8-9 "MAIL ORDER BRIDE" Colotir - CinemaScope Starring: Buddy Ebsen • Keir Dullea and Denver Pyle This is a warm, appealing Western comedy with a different....twist. Buddy Ibsen....is a lawman with a romantic mission as a west• ern cupid. It's fun for everyone. THURS.-FRI.-SAT.-MON.-TUES.-WED. SEPT. 10-11-12-14-15-16 "THE SECOND TIME AROUND" Colour - Cinematicope Starring: Debbie Reynolds - Steve Forrest - Andy Griffith and Juliet Prowse The wild and wooly West was never like this. Debbie Reynolds provides tun. for the whole familyin this one. WED.-THURS.-FRI.-SAT. SEPTEMBER 30 - OCTOBER 1-24 —SPECIAL --- "A HARD DAY'S NIGHT" Starring: John Lennon - Paul McCartney George Harrison and Ringo Starr — THe BEATLES 'The Beatles In their first feature length film — an experience not to be Missed: NOVEMBER - DECEMBER SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS THURS.-FRI.-iATI-MON.-TI.JES,-W ED. SEPT. 17-18-19.21-22-23 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT —SPECIAL— "WHAT A WAY TO GO" Colour - CinemaScope Starring: Shirley MacLaine - Paul Newman Robert Mitchum - Dean Martin - Gene Nelly • bob Cummings and Dick Van Dyke With a star-studded cast like this you'll want to see this one. The story is strictly for tun, and this is provided in generous measure. "CLEOPATRA" "THE PINK • PANTHER" • , "FROM RUSSIA WITH' ..LOVE" "GOOD NEIGHBOUR SAM" "HOW THE WEST WAS. WON" • -"BRIDGE ON THE. RIVER KWAI" "HEY THERE, IT'S YOGI BEAR" 'E.Epri ME STORY" .0. - "CHALK GARDEN" •i- . "UNSINKABLE MOLLY, • . BROWN" --, .ariti many. other's Man's black wool suite, size 10, Like new. Girl's 2 piece winter outfit size 3. Girl's Red wool suit size, 10 • . Mrs. Wm. Thamer Phone 90J6 F01-1 RENT House iu Brussels. 5 rooms and bath. (3 bedrooms); oil. furnace. Phone 238W evenings. W AIN! L.-. J ,TO 130.1.-LBOW 43800.00 to 1,000.00. Will pay good rate of interest and monthly repayment. Apply to: Box 50, Brussels, Ont. FOR RENT — 7-room house, Princess Street, lI•piece bath with hot and cold water, and cupboards. Mrs. Jas. Kerr Rhone 451.15 FOR SALE — Portable double laundry tubs, with top cover, White with gal- vanized interior; also Boy's wool, flannel housecoat, wine with white piping, size St drycleamed. Both items in excellent cOndition. 'Phone 235W NOTICE Cash on the farm tor live hens. Price: 5% - 6 lbs., 13 - 14 coda. Les Hood Call: Monkton 3474974 KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY -- Expert re-upholstering, refinish- ing, repairing and cleaning of art types of furniture. Free esti- mates, work guaranteed. Phone 43 Brussels FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION * Wedding Boquete *Funeral Dodger *Cut Flowers *Corsages *Plante BRUSSELS GREENHOUSES Phone Brutish; 3441.1l HARRISTON PLOWER SHOP Phone 205, Harristol LISTowtt pLuRiST Phtt--- 149 Littairs* BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE Turnberry Street, in the Via., age of- Brussels, in centre ut business block, Brick Building, Basement finished in knotty pine, ideal for stock room or display room. Main floor could be con- verted to suit any type of bus- iness. Second floor contains apartment. Property consists of iwo lots and is priced low in, quick sale. Write: Trustees, 1 0. .Box 250,Brussels, Ontario. ip.....•••• NOTICE TO CREDITOR* In the estate of BENJAMIN WIHITTARD, deceased 411 persons leaving Cintius against the estate of Benjamin. IWItittard, 'late of tile. Village of. Brussels, in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, who died on the fifth day of August, A. 1). 1964, are required to Me proof of same with we under- signed on or before the tenth day of September, A.D. 1954, atcer which date the adnitinistnitor will proceed to distribute the tistate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at brussels this seven- teenth day of August, A. L. Craveilora sna riouserington Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator. FURNITURE SALE For The Estate Of The Late BENJAMIN WHITTARD BRUSSELS, on SATURDAY. SEPT. 5th The following: 2-piece CheSterfied Suite Livingrooni Rug 3 Small Table" ryi-Light Lamp 21 inch Television 4ig areal Buffet Sideboard Wall Mirror Studio Couch 2 Wicker Chairs Round Table and Chairs Oil Space. Heater (circular) new 200 Gal. Oil Tank Odd Chairs . COngolenin Rug (large an) Several Mats electric Washing Maablae Chrome Table and 4 Chairs. Refrigerator Electrifs Stove Cook Stove Kitchen Cabinet Brass. Bed, Springe & Mattress 2 Dressers ;Washstands Brown Steel Bed, Spring Mattress Wardrobe Airway Vaccum, Cleaner Trunk Suitcase Coal Oil Heater 2 Congolecm Rugs Wash Tube 2 Rocking Chairs Garden Woe Vise Cooking Utensils Odd Dishes Sealers Step Ladder Power Mower Garden Tools 2 Garbage CMS NumerOus Other Articles Terms -- Cash Time .1 p.M. Administater • Earl Be Whittard 01, Catharines Gordon Jackson - Austiontiar Llatownia Ontario 2111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111611Me LYCEUM THEATRE COMING IN OCTOBER • THURS.-FRI.-SAT. SEPT. 3-4- W1NGHAM PHONE 3574680 STARTING TIME — 7:15 and 9:15 Except as Listed MON.-TUES. SEPT. 28.29 "ONE MAN'S WAY" Starring: Don Murray and Diana Hyland This is the life story of America's minister to ',.zillions Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. SA 11,RDAY MATINEE SEPT. 19 SPECIAL CHILDREN'S FEATURE THURS.-FRI.-SAT. SEPT. 24-25-26 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT —SPECIAL— "ZU4U" Colour - CinemaScope. Starring: Stanley Baker and Jack Hawkins Based on an incident in British history it's the colourful tale of five-score British soldiers who survive the attack of thousands of fierce Zulu warriors. Due to the length or this feature there will only be one show each nigh) starting at 8:00 p.m. Septempe A PLBASURS COMMENTS WELCOME AT ALL TIMES Aligi1111111111A1111 1111111111111211111111.10101111M111111111111111 $20tilitilininziaminimar( CLIP THIS SCHEDULE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE