The Brussels Post, 1964-08-27, Page 6NM? •
, .......
yeeum TheAtre
THURS. - FRI. - SAT. AUG. 27 - 2$ 2$
Starring: Jerry Lewis - Ise Bolin - Everett
Sloane - Keenan Wynn - Peter Lorre
IF you don't know what a Patsy Is, come and
get the laugh-filled answer In. Jerry Lewis' !stink
MON - TUES. - WED. AUG. 31 - SEPT, 1. 2
Colour - ClnemaScope
Starring; Shirley. Jones - Gig Young -
Red Buttons
What's more frantic than marriage? It's the
story of a pretty widow who thought she knew
the answer. The whole family will like this one..
Hydro has operated a staff nu-
clear training program for more
than threee years.
Douglas Point Nuclear Power
Station, this country's first fule.
scale nuclear plant, is schedued
for operation next year. Situated
on Lake Huron midway between
Port Elgin and Kincardine: this
200,000-kilowatt plant' is being
built by AECL with the Co-
operation of Ontario Hydro. Esti-
mated cost of Douglas Point is
81.5 million.
A cost-sharing agreement has
been reached among Ontario
government, Ontario Hydro and
Federal govertimenn' for the con-
struction of a 1,000,000-kilowatt
nuendar-electric power station.
Premier John Robarts and W.
Ross Strike, Chairman of
Ontario Hydro, announced the
decision at a joint press confer-
ence in. Toronto on Aug.20th.
'rile agreement provides that
about two-thirds of the $266
million estimated cost of the nu-
clear plant will come from Ont-
tario. Cost will be shared as '
Ontario Hydro will provide an
amount equal to the cost of the
coal-burning power station of
similar .size, approximately $120
million, with the Ontario Govern-
ment providing an. additional
$66.5 million, The balance of
71.5 million will come from the
Federal government.
,`The arrangements agreed in
principle for the distribution of
net revenues make the capital
furnished by each party a full
commercial-type investment, with
expected full return of principal
with interest, at market rates as
well as good likehood of profits
in the government investments,
and reduced cos's in the product-
ion, of power," Mr. Robarts said.
Mr. Strike said Ontario Hydro
will apply to the Atomic! Energy
Con'tol Board for a reactor eon-
trueinn permit to build at a Lake
Ontario site in the Fairport area
of Pickering Township, east of
Frenchman and 20 miles
beet of Terenin, where Melte
tilrAfinlY (Mk tlrirmetximotil
'4Hili0 POW*
The first of two 500,000-
kilowatt units is scheduled for
operation by 1970, Mr. Strike
said, Design of the plant will ,
Provide for an extension of two
more units, which would raise
total capacity to 2,000,000 kilo-
Mr. Robarts called the decial
io "one of historic pro- F
portions for our country."
"This project is the second 0
'largest nuclear power station I
now planned anywhere in the
world (a 1,180,000-kilowatt stat-
ion is now being built in Britain).
The Ontario plant will be power-
ed by a reactor conceived, de-
signed, engineered, and built by
Canadians. It ensures Canada's
leading role in developing peace-
ful uses of the atom will continue..
"At the national levet the Plant
marks an impressive advance
along the road '0 utilizing the
natural and technological re-
sources of Canada for the bene-
fit of the entire nation. ii
) "The produCtion of electricity
using natural uranium, a mineral 1
which Ontario possesses in airtn- I
dance, will he a welcome addit- 1
ion to the energy resources of g
our Province. 7Thilo fuel require- I I rnrsnts are relatively small in l
comparison with uranium mining
canacilv - - the total initial load.
in for the first reactors will be
about 222 tons of uranium. oxide
this project is significant as
a forerunner of things to come.
"nn irnmedia.te beneficiary will E
lie the already vigorous Canadian
mielear indits'ry, which can look
to future domestic and foreign
markets with greater optimism
and eon d en re ," Mr, Robarts
aFr r,
ilavehrit p.imINtr POWer
ill Olii-tAlin oitiptiM
to the discovery of a dozen new
Niagaras. From the turn of the
century, our rich hydro-electric
resources have contributed sub-
stantially to the economic de-
velopment and prosperity of our
province. Now that this water-1
Power is largely developed, nu- I
clear power heralds a nevi
chapter in the use of our energy
resources for the benefits of she
people, '`Mr. Robarts cealmed.
Mr. Strike said "construct-
ion of this large-scale- nuclear
plan't is being undertaken be-
cause there is every reason to
believe that in the future large
blocks ,of electricity can be pro-
duced by this means at a cost
lower than that from coal-
burning power atations now,
operated by OntO,rio Hydro."
The plant is expected to pro-
duce electiricity at below four
mills a kilowatt-hour. Power
a comparable coal - burning
station operated by Hydro is
about four mills. (a mill is one-
tenth of a cent.)
The location of a power statiOn .
in relation to areas of major
electrical consumption is also an
important consideration. After
looking at a number of potential
loca"ions in Southern Ontario
we decided the Pickering Town-
ship site is preferable for many
reasons, including its proximity
to large load centres, The final,
decision. hOwever, rests with.
the Atomic Energy Control
Donrd." sad Mr. Strike.
This new plant will be the
bird nuclear-electric generating
station in Canada. NDP (Nuclear
Power Demonstration), a 20,000-
Idlowat,' prototype near Chalk
River, has been prodticing elect,
trieltY Sititte 1962, It was built by
,Xitoito 11Intrp TAMA
witot61 fty m two
Line j ( -i
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The Brueselv root