HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-01-28, Page 4;
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AFAI riAL lACHIN ,411:
Ins Illeesimi elf else Wareben.-The *elec-
tion el 114•111Ing Conespeeteen, ter.. dee.
cieKteact; P -
The Council met to -day Te..41t.
statute, the Clink in th- .tulent to
lellowieg goalless,* se auks. Th
Ouse their resp osualetedostrtifiseetes
bowie( bow . -Adv. municipalities o
twins f, ousted Reeves and Deputy
Re. •of the current year, vis:-
• •••4* *Astor, Joseph Griffin, Ash
Ll•I'L ;ohs Wessin, Bey‘ld; Wile Clegg,
"jilt; F. C. Roger., Brusseh; Josieph
Ofifilleye Wig. ShoggerdpeOleattsse W
Eallesu F. W. J , Iele
Y9114, A. Allangttre, 14,
M. Hutohison, erich; T. Strachan
J. Hnolop, Grey; G. Elliott, Joseph
Whitely, Godertch tewnship; De Bu.
eihanan„ S. Rennie, Hay; Jokin e,
B. 11. 13°04 D, Web-, dowiek:Krin
htclfillin, John Mason, Mullett; Thoe4
K. Hays, W. Evans, McKillop; Geo;
F o•syth, John R. Millet, Morris; D. D
Graham, Geo. Claatee, Bewley; H
Wilson, James Beattie. tiesforth; Woegi
arth, V. Rage, Stephen; D. Walker
John Hannah, Tuckersmith; S. Black,
Junes Henning', Turnberiy; Thom M,
Kay, Jonathan Shier, Usborne; Thod
H. Taylor, Robt. Currie, E. Wawateseh;
Chas Girvin F. Gaunt, W. Wawanside
Thos. Bell, H. W. C. Meyer, Wiragliatie
Gibsonf firoxeter,
The Clerk req thkc
to cisme therm *Hem
*ved kr: mr: Johnston, seeded be
Mr. Clegg, that John Kaine, Esq.,
Reeve of the township of Howick,
Warden for the current year.
Moved in amendment by Mr. Wilson,
seconded by Mr. Girvin, that A. L
Gibson, Esq., Reeve of Wroxeter,
Warden for the current year.
Upon a ballot being taken Mr. Keine
was declared eleded Warden oof the
County of Huron fur 1881, by a vote of
24 to 22.
The Warden, having taken the elute',
thanked the Council for the honor they
had conferred upon him, and aubecriberl
to the declaration of office.
The minutes of last day of Dec. eluting
were read and app_roved.
Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by hit.
Hardy that a selecting committee of fivit
be now ballotted for to select the stand-
ing committee for the year. Carried.
Opon a ballot being taken the com-
mittee was declared to consist of Messrs
Hardy, Webster, Bell, flays and Elliott.
Moved by Mr. Castle seconded by Mr.
McMillan, that this Council do now ad-
journ to meet to -morrow" at 3 o'clock
p. in. Carried.
lileato minutes' 0:16
an auesedno - 11171k be rescinded es
Ord Vie emit to Om menteipal bsw,
the' ..., cap. 24,=a le; sem&se it
4 etre oil inensci ' ownieirbritleele
so ntaimlabt • 100 em of =roe at
eaeilk 6011 of such bridge
Mewed by Mr. Cheney, .tend.' by
Mt. Johnsten, that dm greet et $1110
e amide to stash of the Clutton and Goder-
ich Model Schools, foi the empri880, be
f paid. -Curled a
The re ,ort of the ittellectiNg Committee
was emit and ordseed tehelmet us the
• table until 10 o'clock au, toitmorrow.
Moved by Mr. Whitely, seconded by
Mr. ;Elliott, Out this Combed do now ad-
, to inset to morrow, et 10 o'clock
ge• Carried.
Jen. WU'.
The °pencil met pursuant te adjourn-
ment, all the members present, the War-
den in the chair.
The minutes of yesterday were read
SIB epprored.
A memorial from the Comity Council
of Northumberland and Durham, in re-
ference to the Board of •octit was rue
referred to the School and Printing
The selecting committee was corn -
Ce'iof Messrs Hays, Harty, Elliott,
bisoter and Bell, and reported as
follows: -
Your munnuttee recommend that the
several committees be constituted as
Fetueuzarkte. - Mews Johnston,
Gibes's, Bell, Hogarth Buchanan, Tay-
lor e^ Young, Webster, Hardy,
Elliliott, Hannah, and Sheehan.
Feeseer. Messrs Wilson, Clegg,
Chidley, Currie, Cuok, Eason, Hannah,
Bssimenan,Gaipbell, Rogers, ,MeMilimin,
Black, Kay, Meyers, Gibson, Girvin,
Whitely, Hutchison, Evans, Rags, Shep-
pard, !ellen, and Miller.
ROAD AND BRIIX.C. -Messrs lahOtL,
Chidley, Rennie, Caste, Kay, McMillan,
Weir, Young, Currie, Bell, Hemaings,
Strechan, Hogarth, Griffin, Forsyth and
tie, Clegg, Rogers, Campbell, Iiiidop,
Mamon, Walker, Shier, Gaunt, Griffin,
Graham, Hays, Cook, Miller, Sheppard,
Whitely, Meyers Castle and Taylor.
Webster, Faso, Rogers, Hutchinson,
Ritz, Hislop, Rennie, Evens, Weir,
Mason, Forsyth,Graham, Walker, Black,
Shier, Johnston and Meyer.
Suhaiss.-Messra. Bell, McMillan,
Clegg, Beattie, Hennings, Wilson,
Whitely, Allen, Hardy and Girvin.
Weeesx'sCOMMIIVIOL-lisooro. Hays,
Gin -in, Young, Elliott, Gibson, Hardy
and Chidley.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Tmos. E. Hoes, Chairman.
The report of Mr. Menzies, Road and
Bridge Commissioner, was read and
by Mr. Wilson, seconded by
Mr. Hutchison, that Nicholas Robson,
A. Armitage and Rev. Dr. Uro be ap-
pointed 'High School Trustees for their
reive echools--Carried.
skeoevted by Mr. Currie, seconded by
Mr. Gireint that the sum of $3,000 be
raised by this Council for the improve-
ment of the boundary lines of the re-
spective mtnticipalities, the said sum to
be expended on the same principle u
heretofore. -Referred.
Moved by Mr. Castle, seconded by
Mr. Wittier, that Messrs. Gibson, Har-
dy and Girvin be appointed Road Com-
missioners, and that Mr. Sheppard be
appointed in place of Mr. Menzies to as-
sist the Reeves of the various municipali-
ties in the County when called by any of
the Reeves in letting the building or
repairing of the County bridges; and
that the Reeves of such municipalities re-
quest the assistance of theCommiasioners
nearest the said bridge, with power, if
necessary, to have the assistance of an,
Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by
Mr. Castle, that a by-law be pawed, con-
firming By-law No. 3, of the township
of Stanley, for the disposal of road al-
lowance between Iota 20 and 26 on the
5th con., to Valentine Diehl, for the
sum of $30, containing two acres, be the
same more or less -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by
Mr. Clegg, that the clerk be instructed
to procure six desks similar to those now
in use for this Council. Carried.
Seven tenders fur the County printing
were referred to the School and Printing
Seven tenders for lowering the ceiling
of tho Court Room were referred to the
Gaol and Court House Committee.
Three tenders for Summerhill Bridge
were referred to the Road and Bridge
A number of accounts were referred to
the Finance Committee.
Moved by Mr. Meson, seconded by
Mr. Taylor that the usual grant of $100
be given to each cf the Riding agricultu-
ral societies in the County, to be ley
there distributed es the Government
grant now is among the usual branch
societies within the said ridiag. Re-
ferred to Finance Committee.
Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr.
McMillen, that this Council do now ad-
journ to meet again at 4 o'clock.
e •
that cannot
mouse% ha
. - •
THE AJ41ND41611.Nr MIA 412XD
As was to be expected from the mechan-
ical majority in the House of Commons,
Hon. Edward B'bike's amendment wee
defeated on a vote of 140 to 54.
We see no victory in the result to the
rn TN* By voting age4est ,the
unet,lbsi &gibbet the bp& inter -
esti of the Deeninies, any Os* mem-
bers who'sit to the rightof t.1�4 Speaker
have misled their political doom. The
Cabinet has found the House with it,
but the country is dead against them as
this railway matter. A few hours be-
fore the vote was taken the Globe corres-
pondent at Ottawa telegraphed as follows:
"It is not likely- that on the defeat of
the amendment, which is a foregone con-
clusion, thb House will intniediately con-
cur in the resolutions, but a series of
emendmente will be offered with a view
of securing the elimination of specificrob-
jectionable features in the contract, such
as the exemption from municipal tax-
ation, customs duties, etc., and the se-
lection of the Union Pacific Railway aa a
standard for the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way. The discussion of those ounend-
ments and the votes thereon will oocupy
a week, if not longer. The debate will
he confuted on each amendment to the
subject specially °covered by it."
THE exports of Canadian produce der-
-• ing the month of December, 1880,
amounted to $3,650,419, a decrease of
$838,966, as compared with those in
December, 1879.
• Ir is the opinion of nearly every Re-
- lorMer that Geo, R, Pattullo is making
a grave error in encieav,7411R te unseat
and disqualify Sutherland, the successful
candidate in the recent political contest
in North Oxford. We expected some-
thing better from Pattullo.
Tim Clinton New Era was awarded the
County printing for 1881, at a starvation
price. The neat time Brother Holmes
groans about hard times ho can blame
himself for having a finger in the pie.
There were seven tenders for the work,
and it isn't necessary to state that every
tender was a foolishly low one. The only
difference was in degree, and Brother
Holmes bore off the palm.
And now it appears that John Joseph
Mawkins, the silver -toned political ora-
tor and election flipper -flapper, has at
last got his grueL He has been appoint-
ed Census Commissioner by the Domin -
ion Government ---a well-paid office,
likely to continue in existence for at
least three Pyears. Mr. Josiah Black-
burn, of the London Free Press, has also
sacrificed himself in the public interest,
end will feed at the same crib with John-
nie. The noble band of martyrs is swell-
ing fast.
Th e severity of the winter is being
felt in England. The cold has not been
so intense for many years. In Pall Mall
and Piccadilly there are embankments of
snow five feet high; in the country dis-
tricts the roads are actually on a level
with the hedges, while there are drifts
fully fifteen feet deep in many places.
The Thanies, above the bridges, is frozen
over, and thousands of skaters are en-
joying themselves upon its icy surface.
In the poorer parte of London scarcely
any drinkin4 water is procurable. Noth-
ing like the present weather has been
known since the great beet of 1814,
when bullocks were roasted on the ice
in the completely frozen -over Thames,
London ran short of colds, and the Sol-
way was frown over.
Ties Brume& Post mays that, " if it is
net mistaken," the editor of this paper
took an settee part about • year ago in
endeavoring t' further a salt well scheme
in Brussels. Somebody has been
' ' et uffing " our contemporary. Th.
editor of this paper never tried to furth-
er mach a sochistre. One of the Miters
ep..ite at a malt electing in Brussels, and
said that there were two questions that
arose. l.)(Would salt he found! (2)
If found, would it pay to week a salt well
in Brut/eels 1 An article appeared in the
Pest, (nekton by the present editor of
Two filrossi.\ . saying that roe men who
wod alModuir Man teensy should irate
scribe to • scheme to. sink • salt well,
and men ationld mit what they
.-ooild afford to lase We theeght then,
is flew the' the when,* snip • .111
1St 0106
Jan 26.
The Council met pursuant to adjourn -
wen. The Warden in the chair. All
the members preunt.
The minutes abut meeting were read
and approved.
A communication from the Council
of Elgin, in reference to convey-
ing prisoners to the penitentiary, was
read and referred to the Gaol and Court
House Committee.
Moved by Mr. McMillan, i„eoned by
e. Heys, that W. N. Watson Esq., 9f
Seaforth, be appointed auditor for the
current year,
The `Stardom appointed Archibald Dia
son. Face, the other auditor.
Moved by Mr. Chidley, seconded by
Mr. Hardy, that Messrs *Hoch, of
Clinton and Gregory, of Exeter, be ap-
pointed on the Board of Examiners for
the examination of school teachers for
the current year. Carried.
A petition was read from the County
Council of Welland, requesting the cor-
poration of the County Council of Huron
to obtain certain amendments to the
Municipal A.
Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by
Mr. Weir, that the memorial of the
County Council of Welland, asking the
Legislature to abolish the Statute per-
mitting municipalities to establish mar-
ket fees, be received and filed.
Moved by Mr. Hannah, seconded by
Mr. Black, in amendment, that the
Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign
the petition -of County Council of Wel-
land for the purpose of abolishing the
powers of cities, towns and villages to
impose market fees on farm and garden
produce. Lost on a division by a ma-
jority of five.
A commenicetion from Mr. Sheppard,
secretary of the Mechanics' Institute,
was read.
Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded hy
Mr. Wilson, that the Clerk be euthonz-
ed nn behalf of this Council to convey
their thanks to the Directors of the
Mecheniete Institute in Goderich, for
their kinclnais in offering them the use
of their library and reading room while
in session here --Carried.
Moved by Dr. Buchanan, seconded by
Mr. Cooke, that the municipalities of
Hay, Stanley, Hullett, Howick, and
any others that mut, need handcuffs be
supplied with a pair each, and that the
Clerk be instructed to procure twelve
pairs for that purpose --Carried.
Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by
Mr. Griffin that resolution No 20 of last
December meeting betemporarily rescin-
ded, so as to allow Mr. Hawkins the use
of the .pile driver free, by returning the
same in as good condition as he got it.
Moved by Mr. Hardy, seconded by
Mr. Hays, that the clerk correspond
with the clerk of Middlesex to know if it
is the intention of that council to let the
contract of the getable Bridge ne the
boundary between Stephen and McGilli-
vray ma 'Thursday next, and if not, why
and when. Carried.
A communication from Lieut -Col
Otter, requesting a grant to the Ontario
Rifle Aneociation was referred to the
Pimlico Committe.
Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr.
Weir, that the reed entendmioners of the
County be authorised to inspect, and if
neeemeas7 band the bridge on the bound-
ary line between Howick and the town-
ship cot Carrick, providing the 00411111q of
DPW*, or the township of Carrick pay
one-half of the Referred to
Road end Bridge mites..
A letter from the County Clerk of
lanirsn, rederenos In 15. tepairs or
dotreat last Dentsuber saiesting to Grand
Bend Bridge, was toad and ordered to
be Med.
A letter fem. the County Treasurer
with abstract slattiMeet of socounts,
on -resident mod=,SORMINIL, 410. was
read awl ishersi irkaiNISOIWIWOMilt
M by r.11dMillkm, aeleeded by
Bruised* Curling Club played a fnend-
I with the Listowel Club in the
of the latter on Friday last, result -
Mg in 17 @bete in favor of Bruesela
The return match will take place et an
early date.
Piot Cecil, the prince el mediums,
rime an entertainment in the Town Hall
on Tuesday evening to a large and res-
pectable audience. The Nate portent*,
were truly astonishing to the uniointed
and all wept a -way, appar.ntly satialed
at hawing received tie for their ateasy.
A mare lantern entertainment =Idler
the auspices of At John's S. School, took
phut in the Town Hall, :Tuesday even -
mg. Although there was a large tarn out
we have not as yet learned the amount
On Saturday night the roof of Van -
stone's Saw Mill gave away from the
heavy weight of meow. Many other reefs
halm escaped a similar fate by the timely
nee oof a anew shovel •
need at this port 5.1 year 1E16,1111 more
Kra Yeas. JAIL 111, -31'7,372 aliens at
than the prowling year 104,000 from
Gera, MI,000 bow Ireland, 3h.000
• Ldiaiiik.
On the 22ndenst.'"aa
Mett with a very narrow seseps• from the
Min owl of, his iligrinultand
warthogs% ham tbe weight, yi snow ou
*Wrest Mr. Wilmslow' boned ia this
debris, his head having hese caught be-
tween tiwu beams- He was not over two
minutes in this preereious situatiou,
when a crowd of able lifted the roof
off the prostrate man, and relieved the
Keenan' on Itis head, which he could not
have borne much longer. His initnies
were attended to and he is new doing
FIRDONAL-- Mr. and Mrs Samuel
A,ndersou, from Nebruka, are visiting
their friends in this vicinity.
Musteee --Mr. J. W. Ward, has
organised a singing shoal here, and a
huge number of the young people are
taking advantage of the opportunity te
improve themeelvee !Dunk.
--Oise of those interesting
usual took place on Thursday lout at
the reidenee the bride's lather, when
Kr. Donald McLean, of Lucknow, was
married to Miss Lens, Mackenzie. A
large number of friends and relatives
were present at the ceretnony, after
which all sat down to an excellent sup-
per. When ample justice had been done
to the good things of the house, dancing
commenced, which was keptup to a late
hour, music being by three
tiddlers and two pipers.
Taermaa's Mismrcio.-The fifth meet-
ing of the teachers in the vicinity of
Parateountorsa held in the mchool-house
un Saturdae Lat. As the day wesstconny,
the attendance was not so large as usual.
Mr. E. A. Mackenzie being called to the
chair, after the usual mediae business
called on Mr. R. Barbour, whn explain-
ed his method of teaching "History.'
This subject brought out the opinions of
most of those present and some very
good ideas were advanced. Mr. IL D.
Cameron, then took ap "Greatest Com-
mon Measure and Least Common Mul-
tiple," after which a general discussion
tzlosoldece on"Local Geography to a
class" whieh was introduced by
Mr. J. D. Murray. A reading entitled
"Lochiel's Warning" was well rendered
by Mr. Jas. M. McDonald. The critic's
report -a report of the errors in gram-
mar and pronunciation of words made
during the meeting -was then read, and
was both amusing and instructive. The
The following is the programme for
the next meeting, which will be held on
Saturday, Feb. 1915, "Methods of
Teaching Analysis," "Reduction" "Fac-
toring in Algebra," and "How to Secure
Order in School.
ACCIDENT.- last week, un Monday
morning, Mr. Lochert of the Maitland
concession, while engaged in chopping
wood on the farm of Mr. Wm Wade,
cut his foot very badly. The axe glanc-
ed to one aide, and struck his toot just
inside the instep, making an ugly wound
about two inches and a half long, and
one inch deep. He is improving slowly.
The light spoken of in last week's
issue of the Ilsoorti, and which takes
place back of McGregor's farm, on the
6th concession of Goderich Township,
can be distinctly seen from some parte
of Colborne. It is supposed to be some
gaseous eruption, but why it appears
every other night is a mystery. A few
years ago in the County of Waterloo,
Ont., such puteous eruptions were quit•
frequently disturbing the rest of a few
nervous parties who resided there. On
a close examination in the day time
uothing, absolutely nothing, could be
discovered. In some instances the gas
would take wings as it were, and fly for
end 4 mile, resembling all sorts of
things and frightening hundreds. We
suppose that the one spoken of above. is
something similar. Some one else glee
us their opinion on this subject. -[Com.
Gc!)citele Mitrnect. - The members
elect for the Township of Colborne met
in the Township Hall, on Monday, 17th
January. The following gentlemen sub-
scribed the declaration of qualification
and office :--Wm. Young, Reeve, An-
thony Allan, Deputy Reeve, Patrick
Carroll, Archibald Malloy, Joileph Beck
Councillors. The Council then organiz-
ed, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes
of haat meeting of eld Council read and
confirmed. Moved by P. Carroll, se-
conded by J. Beck, that the Council do
now adjourn for one hour-Oarried.
The members having again taken their
seats, it was moved by P. Carroll, second-
ed by A. Allen, that Raby Williams be
auditor on behalf of the Council -Car-
ried. The Reeve appointed Donald
MeMeechie as the other auditor. There
were several appilcants for the office of
eameaser, over which a dead -lock occured,
as Mr. Carrell proposed J. 0. Stewart,
Mr. Beck, A. Sands, Mr. filalloy, T.
Gledhill, and Mr. Allen, Geo. McKee.
Seeing that no conclusion could be ar-
rived at by this course, Mr. Beck de-
cided to support Mr. Allen, andmaccor. cared:
ingly seconded his motion.
roll then moved in amencbnent. seems, -
ed by the Reeve, that J. 0. Stewart be
amessor, on these being severally
Mr. Malloy voted with the motion wfit
was accordingly ouriad. It was mov-
ed and seconded that the sassesor's
salary be not poet until the collector's
roll be made out -Carried. Account of
8. Caldwell, for gravel left over at hut
meeting wee taken up. The clerk was
iestructed to interview Mr. Caldwell
relative to the nutter, as the Council
consider 25c pin laid an exorbitant
pries. Account of J. McWhiney tor
fttKOS, to be paid. Account of
ii a Hatchision, for blank forme, to
be paid. $11.4& The clerk was insolent:t-
ad tn nolik the trustees of the different
@shoot entwine to collect all the library
hooka helongiag to their respective sec
lions on or before 1st February, u Mr.
Robertson hes been interlace:4i to eit-
dance them. A by -1w (*Darwin& the
appointment of the sinenser, was indirect
to- Ise drawn up. Mr. ilsei was rewind -
ed to interview Mrs. and to
Mona lier that the Council II datersosio-
a to stop giving weekly alleetatems as
ellsrity, and to offer her a man sem ti
leave the township The r`emeel thee
frorn.Rweilen, fem. Enlist& the The IfIthhulth trial '6 Pe"e6"el'itet ol
9110111ELT MINItims-erThe gas/early
g will be liold in Methodist e ,ut.
n#jtbar.yiit let 30 a. ea. - •
PassopAt. ---,din F. 'Mu -ober left for
the hunt" 91 Iter. jeueohte, neer 1:1 Agrees
on a viiiik Mr. Jostellie Hold .worth,
lieviug obtained a situation in Forest,
left by the (1. T. lt. one day last week.
Itoor 'cavemen:. The weight ut
anew ton the roof ef the shed beiunging
te the Methodist church, had the edict
of splitting the poste where the pins wale
urheu thrueigh the eosin& A toe is to
lie held to-iliey fur reprint
Sussex. ----Mr. 0. Cobblediek, a pupil
of the Goderich High &thou', tocupoil
t he p ul pit of the Methudistob meth taat.ui.-
day night. For a young man occupying
such a petition for the tine, time he did
eueeduigly well. We hespesh him a
lerge oongregatiou next time.
Lucretia --The Rev. R.- Thymus,- of
Clinton, delivered his lecture' on "The
Trial. end Triumph of Protestantism,"
in the Bible Christian Church, last Fri-
day night. The attendance was fair, but
not quite so pod as expected. Rev. A.
Edwards, of Holmesville, occupied the
chair. The lecture was a rare intellect-
ual treat, and exhibited an amount of re-
search worthy of Limitation. He Lad
the subject thoreuglity studied, and as a
result held the auffience for upwards of
two Isourr in wrept attention.
Mr. Gladstone says the rumor that he
will enter the House of Lords because
his ill -health is perfectly unfoundal.
A rumour is in circulation again that
the St. Paul Syndirate have been offered
$5,000,000 for their contract by a New
York leyndicate.
The St. Paul Syndicate have, it is
said, spent only $500,000 at Ottawa, and
consider the money well invested. [Ot-
tawa Free Prue
The winter wheat crop in Southern
Indiana, Illinois, and the adjacent terri-
to7 is said eo have been 'theist totally
GALWAY, Jan. 25. --The men arrested
on suspicimi of taking part in the murder
of Lord Mountinorris were discharged.
The witnesses gave evidence reluctantly.
Teens& -No less than sixteen regular
trains call at Clinton, daily, (fourteen of
them being passenger train.,) and what
is better, they all seem to have some-
thing to do when they get here, either
loading or unloa-...ing.
General Skobeleff telegraphs from
Geok-Tepe that he Los captured the for-
tress and pursued the Turcumas for fif-
teen vents, inflicting great ‘ets.. The
Russians also captured a quint -h.; of
arms, ceunon, ammunition, and provi-
Goole SALE& -Th0a. McLauchhin, of
Bruesels, a well known breeder of tho-
rough bred stock, sold to a London too n -
ship farmer a thoroughbred bull calf,
aged 9 months, for $100, caeh, and two
grade cows at $32.50 apiece, Let Wed-
nesday. There's money in good stock.
Canada hes at last a real live noble in
the person of Charles Colniore Grant,
whose claim to the title of Baron de Lon-
geuil, of Longeuil, it the Province of
Quebec, the Queen has been graciously
pleased to recegnize. The title waseen-
ferred upon his ancestor, Charles Le
Moyne, by Louis 'LW:, in the year
The closing rounds of the Toronto
curling bonepiel came off on Wednesday,
leaving the Port Hope Club champions
of the Province. The four clubs which
come out victors, among the sixteen
competing organizations, resumed play
at ten o'clock. The first rinks were play-
let between Bowmanville and the Toron-
to Caledonia's, resulting in the defeat
of the latter by 38 to 45. °Port Hope
then defeated Toronto by 42 to 30.
Port Hope and Bowinanville then met,
and Port Hope won by 46 to 32, thus
taking the championship cup, which will
be presented to the victors by M n.
few numbers of the Canadian Illustrated
f WS show a marked improvement both
in integrations and letter press upon
previous numbers of that interesting
paper. The editorial columns, under
their management, are brisk and inter-
esting, ...ad the selections well suede;
while in the illustrations we notice a
great improvement in the original draw-
ings and a far more interelding choice of
subjecte. We note these things with
pleasure, and trust that our enterprising
contemporary will reap the first of its
energy in the shape of large additions to
it. subscription list.
The Provincial Estimates were brought
down on Wednesday. The estimated
current expenditure for 1881 is as fol-
lows : - Civil government, 1178,229; leg-
islation $18,900 ; administration of jus-
tice, 1280,990 ; education, 1606,025;
maintenance of public institutiona, $534,-
412 ; apiculture, arta, Lc., 1106,750;
hospitals and charities, $78,140 ; miscel-
laneous, $50,273; public buildings, $14,-
000 ; public works, $11,900 ; crown lands
$75,000 • uuforeseee ea; iantajd euxopperow
i for, 00,000. n
ditore is estimated a.s follows: Public
buildings, $111,241 ; public works $20,-
950, and colonization roads, $96,b00.
The appropriation on account of refunds
is $4b6.77. The total vote asked this
year is $2,309,191. The total eetinste
last year was $2,288,632.
A Mortrramotes lecorr. - For some time
pas series have been circulated about
the movements of a mysterious light
that has made its appearance at different
intervela for a year past, on the farms of
Medan. W. Morgan, end Maltinan,
of the eth con. of Goderich Tro. The
light Is said to be about the aize of
en OM !nary lectern, and move'
/Wound at pleasure, a ,metimes going
aa high up as the tops of large trees and
dissippeering as if by magic. A great
'luny peruse, whose word can he re-
lied upon, have witnemed the "spec-
tre, and lave even nude attempts' to
retch it, bet, ei far, without sniffier.
The fansets in the neighborhood
have be, came somewhat accustomed to
the strange visitant, but Kill regal it
with degree of curiosity It is Mit Me
frequently the awe that ester Mede
forth pheephereecent light bet dila
phenomena an ecarcsoly he attributed
!eater AO • • ear• around • IT
'4 611 diamat,
Tes.ge, Itgesotimitter of tne SOW of
te Iste JelMi
ruselleila Et tommeellItimo kiss* of Laws
ggvauttiotertht abireartegbea•••Mo ths
et alt else hook
=111111%.11 tett ttldsaelog
Bluevale, will he reori*rd until the
14th day of March, A. D. 1881,
at ens o'clock a. ts., et watch tlIstsemes
as speed at gly oleos Court
Nu tenaw WM be y se
b• orbailLA.- T11111.0=1PronVt
tengergestar8=a1=1 15.
witbia on*
Weak without
Lisle of the mild bask 1.11IFIE promissory
notes. tudgmeste. and Sher climes in the ac
Um, may be inepsetediecie office of Messrs.
-lesiger and Murton, Medium, and the Ven
dor s Solicitors, Ooderloh. and at the office of
the Mader to (Muesli, at tits Omni Hoes
Vesdor's nolleitore.
Mester at Ootrriek.
Dated the fish day ed January A. O. IMIL
Will Lecture in the Victoria Halt Ooderioh.
un Friday, February Mb, Door epee at?,
lecture to commence et p. Buldsea
"Porten Mora ix DunDzz, AND TEIZIR Rz
au Les.*
Mr, Widdowe heisinen returned from • tour
of two years and a haw is the Old Country.
where he hes met with remarkable summea,
having lectured and presebed eel lime than
106 times in Dundee. Scotland. receiving may
Uttering testimonials and relatable presents.
and on has rotors to Londe., was esosived
cesekm, and as of welcome. Done
with nue sad and • torchlight Pro
fail to hear hint.
eseatere • -
11110111MVIIM MAIO
SI els.
The Illeensuitee• Magthimeemolkitrn ct
Goderich have the Wear to as that
they have arranged with D'OYLX
CARTS for one
Arc a
" The Inasr Life of a War Owns-
Pine of Reserved Beate at Moorhouse's and
Be Jenard's.
adanMellen - IS Cense.
r..eseirved Seats, seteats.
or No vitro charge for reserving sesta
Job Prioillig!
AND --
licGilliculdy Bros.,