The Brussels Post, 1964-08-27, Page 24.1(KJST 27th, 4064 TAO ARIJOigilLki 139ST, pituss.p..3, CNTA..1110. FIRST El 0 Farms Residential Commercial PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company SELWYN BAKER Phone 79; Res. 263 J Brussels ESTABLISHED 1889 Contact our Representative: Dear Subscriber: • • of January 1965 all Rents, Tolls. etc. will be billed quarterly This system is being enforced on the recommendation of the Ontario Telephone Service Commission, to insure having the monies to operate each month without borrow- ing from the Village, and also to cut down on the high interest charges. The accounts will be due 15 days after the date of rendering, with a further 15 days before service is discontinued. Hoping to have your full co-operation on this matter. .ciENT.L.EMEN'S CLUB ITEMS 4111104 every day i drive gloW4 tlw fifth line of Itorris to. Centre eideroad, turn north to my fUrill "Paradise Valley", known also ati the liearney place. This summer the traffic; has been terrible, so many big gravel trucks coming out of Jack Clark's farm, known as the Model, loaded with stone. sand and. grv.vel. L.: On my farm 1 nave better road, material. enough gravel to build. a good highway to ;the Yukon and enough sand to fill iu Lake Huron. Do 1 sell any? Yes, last fall a kind old, lady gave me O. emits for a bag of sand, but I had to deliver it, put it in a box and teach the cat how to use it. That was my total sales for 63. Now I hear Clark is going to sell, but, before you buy, let us compare, without favouritism 9f course, ',he two places. Both have a cpaar swamp and a trout stream oprin,g creek). The cedar in mine is comparable to the Redwoods of California or even the Cedars of Lebanon. Tali, straight, and mauling tre- znendous height. His are all right for pulling up by the roots and putting in flower pots.The water in his creek is tepid, hasn't the sparkle, but I'll admit its okay for cattle and the skunks that infest the place. Mine is the best water east of the Rocky Mountains except for one thing. It's too cold. After tlie stream reaches the centre of the swamp if you want a drink you have to break the ice with an axe. Last week in July and first week in Aligns', the ice can be broken without an. axe. You should see the trout in this stream! An. ordinary line and reel is useless I use a trip rope and had Tommy Garniss sharpen a grab hook off a logging chain for my hook.. The place haS all kinds of fruit trees, wild apples, pltims, pears and cherries and a blackberry patch and two honey trees, it is possible a man by the name of Johnny .A.ppleseed planted these years ago when he came up to to visit the Hurons. Sonic people do not know what a 'auaieY trod is and wish that Davidson, Scott "Juneau and Evans didn't know ei,her. They can smell further than an old lie bear, Bach year they rob me. I'm lucky to get more than61/0-00 lbs. I have seen ,berries growing on model but you should see them on the Kpa,rney place. It's like compar- ing a cherry with an alfalfa seed. However, I must warn you for your own. good. Don't go snoop- ing for my blackberry patch. It is protected by the biggest hornets in this world. These fellows don't sting they drill and inject the venom into the hone. Now I admit law,. Clark's model has better pasture than my paradise valley My land isrest- lug on a, sea of oil and the, oil pressure keeps shoving the grass out by the roots. It doesn't affect the thorn trees. I would. pull these things out but in the fall the ground underneath, is covered with mushrooms almost as big as a small umbrella. Berries in the summer, mush- rooms in the fall and maple syrup in the spring. They tell me Clark has to boil his sap before- it becomes syrup. What a nuis- ance that must be. Well if you want to buy a real nice piece of paradise contact Clare Long Yours Truthfully T. K. F. Yours truly, :_=211comm Brussels, Morris & (key Municipal Telephone Cenunission is &O&* .10101111..mme/MI=NIO• HANGDOG HANCOCK Tony Hancock gets bad news, as UMW, On an episode of his comedy series, seen each Satur- day on. the CBC-TV network. Solite of Britairffs top character actors appear with Hancock each. Week With tag dipped low in salUte the Mined port Henry Guard of kingStono Ontario, Canada, par- ades PaSt the Iwo SIMS, Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, 1964 marks the tenth anniversary of the ,friendlhip between- tho 'United States Marine COrps and the Fort jkon'Ir Guard: