HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-08-20, Page 7•Lyceum Thedtre WINGHAM TifiyRS. - FRI. - SAT. AUG, 20 - 21 • 22 "SUMMER 'HOLIDAY" Colour CinemaScope Starring; Cliff Richards, • Laurie Peters lee the praziest four-way love affair that ever theok up the folks back home. All in all .a lively musical treat for everyone. - TUES. - WED. AUG. 24 -. 26 26 "PAR'S WHEN IT SIZZLES' colour Starring: William Holden - Audrey Hepburn When it sizzles in Paris, life is a love-filled ball, This le the zaniest comedy in many a M9911. REMINDERS ABOUT YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL -INSURANCE (0 (6(0 d'61.0f00 BIRTHDAY? KEEP INSURED! When you reach your 19th birthday you are no longer covered by your parents' certificate. Register separately within thirty days to keep insured. Forms are available at hospitals, banks and Commission offices. CHANGING JOBS? KEEP iNsuRgot If you change jobs, follow carefully the instructions on the back of the. Certificate of Payment, Form 104, which Your group is required to give you. GETTING MARRIED? KEEP INSURED! When you marry, the Family premium must be paid to cover hus- band, wife and eligible dependants. Tell your group OR, if you pay direct, tell the commission. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO ONTARIO ALWAYS KEEP YOUR HOSPITAL NSURANCE CERTIFICATE HANDY s , s WAWA IIR.UMEtAi• ONTARIO PlitntSDAY, Oak 200, act '4 dent, was in charge of the bus- iuess. Mrs. Jomes Cark read the minutes, and Mrs. Waiter Bewley gave the fivancial report. Risa Gail Travis and her mother, Mrs. Herbert Travis, sang a duet, and a piano solo was played by Miss Beverley MsCall. The offer- ing was reveled by Mrs. Walter Bewley and dedicated by Mrs. ii IcCall. A lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Gordon. Murray and. Mrs. Roy Bennett. The Bouquet Invitation Line OPEN LETTER The .Kansits Farmer, Brussels, Oat. Dear rk. L F.; , . Again 1. greet YOU through the printed page. in. reply to your column ou July would to .comment upon it iu We follON!, Mg manner:. 1. ou refer .o We Bible in your opening remarks; this is some- thing I deliberately refrained U'ow doing in my remarks to you in. We Pchil. Phe bible can be quo.ed to support anything from "soup to nuts", 'Ibis is not say that it cannot be used as a guide; must be used intelligen,ly and carefully with ail the adrtiOnni helps available or its use will only dissort and confuse au issue. You believe in a Supreme Being winch I. beiieve is a most difficult step indeed for any per- son to take. You ask why Gordon. Sinclair was left; unchallenged; imagine he was challenged by many leiaters but unlortunately Gordon has a wider audience then any clergyman and his kind of negative approach to lite is aiways more startling and news- worthy than the positve affirm- ations Of siinPle clergy. Charles Templeton was honest with himself as every man should be;, he still attends church and believes in, God. t don't believe God greatly condems a man who honestly searches but cannot find; his condemnation is rather for the individual who does not search and has no intention of finding. • , The problem of the Jewish deaths is a problem only to the Person who believes in the innate goodness of man; the Christian believes that for some reason or other God created us free beings but man seems content to choose evil over good. From Cain and Abel and. Adam down, to us the story is monotonous in its refrain of man's innumanny to man.' Our newspapers tell each day of man's mis-use of freedom. When looking for the "why" of today's trouble you and I need to look no further than our own desirea and loyalities. You quote a verse "Suffer the little children . . ." and then re- late it to birth control. gore is an example of how• we can fasten our attention on one or two verses and formulate a dogma from them without going into the surround- ing verses and the context in which the verses are found. Put Mattnew 27.5, Luke 10.37, Jothrs 1;27 together and we have this: "Judas went out and hang- ed himself, Go and do thou like- wise, What thou doest, do e must examine do whole of Christ's teaching' and his concern for the whole of a man's life (not just his soul but his, body as well) and upon that basis decide concerning birth Control. To bring people into this world with no preparation for their welfare in the wily a proper housing and food etc, is to show little more compassion than ,Mr. and Ma's. Rabbit in their capacity for producing offspring., You point out in detail the "rawness of nature" in the animal world, Have you never heard of "The Balance of Nature" and how there is kept a delicate balance between one form of life and another by one destroy- ing the other? who would look after the ants it there were no ant-eaters? Who would look after the rabbits if there were no pythons? You say we clergymen exagger- ate mercy and kindness and pass over the ugly things. Really now T.K.F. After being called "Pro- phets of doom" and "messengers of glom" for years I suppose it, is refreshing to hear that we now represent the other side OZ life but I feel it is inaccurate. Any amount of reading or listen- ing to what clergymen are writ- ing of saying should tell you that it is we who are constantly trying to keep the conscience of the nation keen by pointing out the ugly things that are happening, What religion in the world has Paid as much attention to the suffering of the world at &Midst- ianity7 What religion nos pioneer- ed in medical and educational Work to the extent of Christian- ity? Is the 80% nOn-Chriatian world wrong? Let's say I am convinced that the 20% that is Christian closer to the truth (none has the complete mall). May the Good Lord bless all people and give them honest and curious minds and hearts that lamentably few have. Yours TFuthfully Al JOhnstais WALTON Duff's UCW Meeting The Welton -UM unit of Uuff's United Church held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Allan McCall. Mrs. Leonard 'seeming presided for the worship Amami, and Mrs. Howard Hackwell read scripture. The topic, "The use of our talents" was presented by Mrs. Jack Mc- Ewing Mrs. Allau ,McCall, the presi- GODERICI-1 BUSINESS COLLEGE Practical Instruction In all Commercial Subjects SENIOR AND JUNIOR COURSES. Examinations set, marked' and Diplomas issued by THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION Modern Equipment - Qualified Teachers - Tuition $30 Dial 5243521, 7284, or 6307 for an appointment ftiOinisho. 1°••••011*Nall*IlonWsw,•'4••••••n• Good taste needn't be expensive. Our beout ,lut Bouquet Invitation iine proves this with the most exquide pope's, type faces and workmanship you could wish ;or! It features Thermo-Engraving----rich raised le:teriii--t,Iiiritont as the finest craftsmanship, yet costing So see our unusual selection. ate to two Wechs c, fly I SEE OUR 'NEW CATALOGUE AT BIZUSSELS POST FALL FAIR DATES Following is a list oi the area lairs and dates, which are sub- ject 4o change: 13ayfield Sept. 23, 21 Blyth Sept. 22, 23 Dungannon Oct. 2 Embro Sept. 10 - 21 Ease ter Sept. 23, 24 BRUSSELS Uct. 1, 2 Fordwich Oct. 2, 3 Kincardine Sept. 17. 18 Eirkton Oct. 1, 2 iLis tow el Sept. 8, 9 London Sept. 11. - 19 Lucknow Sept. 18, 19 Milver ton Sept. 25, 26 Mitchell Sept, .19, 30 New Hamburg Sept. 18, 19 Palmers Lon Sept. 28, 29 Ripley .... .. ... . Sept. 26, 26 Stratford Sept. 21 - 2S Seaforth Sept. 24, 26 Toronto (ONE) Aug. 21-Sept. 7 Walkerton Oct. 21, 22 Zurich Sept. 19, 21