HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-01-28, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JANUARY 28, 1881
• *ted on resCounail witting In re -
a ss Mb gw
etas 111ad
to SE t1eMie man
et Village C Two
genkipmes pot is ceders, one for $i0
VI�1M eMMr for OKA The $MO swims
s spud. eat Mx. F. Ihios t was duly
iaelpl1ed awash. Th t vacantly war rear,
e4b_ Mr, ' remove from this
/ imams LOCIDUs, -_ While lir.. D.
Oallepheli was werltiht in J. Fnrey's
bush sup Wednesday hat, and whileis
the act of falling a tree, a splinter *ger
than a cordwood dick fell, striking Lir
un the Mad, inflicting very
Peaasek, do for Nu
Whitely, du fur Nu S, B. D.; J. mss, do
and John Beats, du
1 S. 1i ; Jes.
4) +0't" f A t, , f w1+A l
Sew Mitt Bu eta».-- Mr. J. M. Da-
vies, near Ethel, had his saw mill en-
tirely destroyed by fire on Tuesday, the
4th twat., at about 6 o'clock &m. Lor
$2.600; inaurenee, $1,000. Origin of the
tire unknown, This is the second lase
mill has been burned within the last
��g,ag�haaan� .,..ke
las a large quantity of logs on hand
which mud be disposed of.
wereWS . 1 'Nu ul
be ed in! Or ed i
bthe eet
oo tau. aa the same war's off`
tad to be refunded to the pec
Moved b77 J. Cos, seconded by J.
the salaries of tlid ascend eohn-
salp officers be as follows for the earner
year, Clerk $11)0, gad VW he
W the duties pert.si to Ib.
said sum, except dsfivering Mall M
selecting jurors, regirteein% d eta
nage, and deaths, �d *sire o.n -
and making returns
-to the school trustees; ararw.r (fib:
treasureroollector SO; % atitheeel
$4 each --Carried. Cowed appointed
J.R Holmes auditor. the -
ed John sbredaaT
by Jos. Whitely, re000dtd e7 J.
Peacock, that Wm. Waksdeld be ae-
sasor. ]Loved in aaaeadasset by John
$esoom, that J. L Cowbell, be sr1Me°r,
the amendment not being .eoesded the
motion was carried. The Cos d-
jouwned to most again en the first Mas
day in March at 10 o'clock a . •harp•
Jamas Pantos, Clerk.
Aad ease• ceeetsarwesenswoo w Were
Mrs. deka liebdbellr,
'� the
of Jae
mit threes Mb/ ot•^'•-r,keaRhlR of
did kart
week, N that pithlk
A beanow *Om-Ou Wedaedof
Pwaai rterroa. -Mr. Wm. Plunkett,
Irk) bas taught the Taws school for sev-
eral years, haring retipsd from the post•
tiow of teacher at the end of the year,
was recently presented by his bre popib
with a kinds worded address.pre-
seand a prnt in the shape of a handsaw writing
leak, as a parting mark of their apRreei-
ation of has services.
A Oeon Howe flm.b.--Thins sled
Jonah Nicholson, Bauble line, Stanley,
sold their young Clydesdale stallaoa, "Jae
the Banker to ilr. Wells, of Missouri,
*an of the lata Thos. Wells, Of F 1q,
for the sass of $400 walk. "Joe the
Banker was purebred from Kr. Area -
Arose, of blackheart, sad is rising three
years old.
MUNICIPAL OPTIMUM. - At the meetuag
,f the Township Council held on Monday
MA, fix. g/o�� fi�4�waat was reslested
Cart Jsha is Id, 71<eseuaer ; Joesph
Maths, O.11aetee ; Alen. Spate., Asses -
err ; Andrew Stinson, caretaker of hall ;
John Beattie and George Baird, 8r.,
Auditors. The following salaries are to
be paid : Clerk, including registration
fees, postage and stationery, $190 ; As-
sessor, ff PO ; Oollector, $70 ; Treasurer,
176 ; Caretaker, $10; Auditors, each $6;
Returning Officers, including poll clerks,
$6 each. These salaries are certainly
moderate enough and cannot be com-
plained of by any person. Indeed it is
surprising that such really com,,etent men
can be maimed to accept sash onerous
positions for such trifling rennseeation.
The annual meeting of the Stanley
Branch Agricultural Society, fortho pur-
pose of electing officers and directors and
enrolling members, wan bald at Bayfield
on Thursday of lad week. The meeting
was largely attended and an unusual in-
terest seemed to be taken in the affairs of
the society. The report showed the so-
ciety to be in a good position financially,
more money having beau paid in premi-
ums last year than in any previous year,
while the working expenses wore less.
A good number enrolled themselves as
members for the ensuing year. The fol-
lowing ofhoen were elected: John Tough,
President ; (leo. Castle, Vice -President nd Treas-
Ptesident ;
JamesArmstrong, Secretary s. Joseph Wild,
unr;Directors, -
Ohsa McGregor, Wm. Townsend, Alex.
Spieler, Alex. Grainger, Ednued West-
ichn.rd Bailey, Richard Penhale
and John Walker ; Auditors. -W. 0.
Irprrison and James Borns.
Isr 4s a young .on el Mr. Bail,
of , was veturru2 g'rom
e.4th a au1PMr of ,J • ltt}]s we
iso( r h Ap$sS w
assay he Icing CZ end over bis
of the runners, which pored o
foot tearing adothe aoomplet°!y of his
fool. Had his herein caught, it would
no doubt have been beekian.
Nonrt.HPn01 Aoaloutruz ttiocrwrv.
-A webs' el the above Society was
dell on 4'hursia! lastat are the. is
the Royal Hu -
til, W T
appi+�nted for tie tar -
ot the lir t :
Mr. Ass. Toe▪ ag; Sec -
Troia ,Yet Joke tndersoi. Directors,
Mira W. ?. Bray, and Oleo. McKay,
ler Iffie; John Fhrroer, and Kul-
masberry ; Raley for W awsoah ;
►WI Wallas for Most.
HWa Roasrsle. --Thos. Webb,
Ws. Webb and *nether whose name
we hare ietwertathad waylaid a farmer
AS AIR amyl brews Rarstato& and
ss. thesAy part d het week,
d M'l. 'The tem Webb
et a base of Mime in
arm Darrow. al ten
aporwiag and brameh t
urs aa. s weltNocY.agouti I ck
tr ',rookery sad G
.;it 1e.,+.13 of
Ota0rw i+8 i .
w .Ckliti.
t'ie...r' "'Pith~ 1114h''
The OM ared--emilli ars lCo•etH. sme•ss•
i�iUic� ,t,;i�tl,U ails
•� ter 1KYY1ti,
Charles Mawr caught • hasp waist
mop eight lint wesff, wads weelung ter
Mr. Duegiea
Aoaummt. - Mir Linin A. nesse, a
former reeidont of Thrabset7, war wool
te tome wisest kis IA
wbileg hawses the les ewedear
slippedbog Ua��` bee ase.
Ids,edirar•+doomed, bet
jagi s sobs amid be dose. the — ea
flamed, wl.rei by sojas, azfi aF
though ear dashes were r ds111ais
little hopes are entarewei
bee sr
to the nerd s there ware
~Asa peseenn. .we their
• tau
erste et �1sA fie wits eowli •t
MO ether
wirer Or the two tonere& eretralsd is
= atilt
e loft wiegtems sees _ i�1r at c
cc tat taws, Ilarrestaa wi�i
1 Ores . ewers ,a wee cored est tate
ameruehipd smilos Orel, a M egic h
.erre Ow this meta derinsesa
Thanes gds, a termer over le yams d
age, who nes smoldered by all to be in
�s�pserer, and boort and up-
right i all hie dn,lieg•. It now tran-
ying largely
tti'sr venous storekeepers during uring the
ss�pp la coedit, sod also stook and
im lerehb ed auction sales during the
ball, whish he sold ata discount for gash,
amoss_iray in ail to a good away htsn-
It is also rumored that
ahsrsy before be took his departure,
he his farm heavily. By
thaws Awns
he took a large hogs of
saosey with kis, leaving compar*tieell
nothiag from wrier any amount could
be realized' thus leaving all his creditor
and backers to pay the piper.
sat s now me. et
Mow I• boas Irmo wee.
lf any port of the body tis firer.
the very worst thing to do r ss�
heat directly. Seep away tier _ �s
fire. UM snow if yet ens pt it, or if
not we the colder pox ible water. Let
winter our little buy of five years hair
his feet *kilo out cording at considerable
distance from the hour. He cried .11
the way home, and seemed pretty bad.
I brought a big pailful of snow and pat
his feet into it, rubbing them
snow. I was alarmed see hiese
bis feet in tbs snow so long, but keep
could not bear them out of it. 1t was
half an hour briars he would take teem
out,. and then the pain was all gone, and
when I had wiped them dry and ribbed
them a little, he was entirely contort -
able, put ou his stocking and shoes, and
went to play. He never afterwards bad
any trouble with his feet on account of
this freezing. His sister got her feet
extremely cold, and put them at once to
the fire. Her case at first was not as
bad as her brother's, but the result was
much worse. Her feet were very tender
all winter, and she suffered from chil-
blains. Her toes had a swollen purple
look, and she had to take a larger size of
It drives tate the astern curative agereaad
bealina mudu:iaes.
It draws tress the diseased porta thspolsose
that muse death.
Taettwada Testify to W 'grimes.
Sold by Druggists, or seat by mail on receipt
of 'vier, i:.a. by
Wholta►le Druggists,
its and iso McGill Street, Mo$t e•h P. Q.
General Agents for the Dominion.
vvfl�r� T I. t•; h tZAP tlMt BIIRT ,
Groceries, Cropkery & Glass -ware
eou NtxL Mszrnto. e Council met
at Martin's Hotel, Dungannon, on Mon-
day, the 17th of January, and made the
usual declarations. The Reeve took the
chair. The minutes of last meeting were
read and signed. A petition from John
Boyle, praying for relief. A000unt of
McGillicuddy Bros., for printing; ac-
count of James Bryan, do. Moved by
Mr. Whitely, seconded Mr. Mcturchy,
that Wm. Kilpatrick be auditor. The
Reeve appointed A. 0. Hawkins. The
Clerk and Treasurer were re -appointed.
Moved byMr. Whitley, seconded by
Mr. Ms)urchy, that the salaries of the
township officers be a follows :-The
Clerk $190; Treasurer$8 n As easor
$86$8; Collector $85;
D. R officers $6 each; selectors of jurors
$4 each. Moved by Mr. Griffin, second-
ed by Mr. Clarethat Dennis 84illivsn
be assessor, and James Brown be col-
lector for the present year. Moved in
amendment, by Mr. Mciurohy, second-
ed by Mr. Whitley, that John McLen-
nan be assessor, and James Brown col-
lector for the present year. Amend-
ment carried. By-laws confirming above
were read and passed. Moved -by
McMurohy, seconded by Mr. Clare,
that the Reeve purchase • safe for the
use of the township, if he can get ono at
a reasonable price, and that he give a
cheque for the same. The following ac-
counts were paid :-M. Dalton, O. R
offior, $6; W. T. Gardner, do., $6; 8.
Hagen, do., $6; Robert MoOrogr, do.,
$6; D. McIntyre, do., $8; widow Griffin
exemption from fazes, $3.17; widow
Chas. Carey, de. • 17.40; Mr. Shepard
charity, $6; Montreal Telegraph Co. 3'
rota; f Hagen, piss to Goderich for
ballot papaw, $4; A. y dotiveriag
ballot bones and papers, $6; J. Matth.-
aos, do , Si; A. illsoo, mnnieipsl,
forme, $3; Treaters °FS. 8. No. 9 for ass
of school Boase for nomination, $4; R.
Harrison, miry, $80; Geo Niebsra°tnerlt,
lnwher a13M; James
'seeand bonds
pdora2berlo eon , ii D. , $16. The
sdjoermaeld to wet spinet at
Deirisi&L Hotel, Tort Albeit, on els
17th bbeday.-ions Coot*, Clerk.
Victoria, B. C., Jan. M.
Eberts, engineer of the Canada Pacific
railway staff, was killed near the sus-
pension bridge on the Yate -Savona rail-
way yesterday, by falling over a preci-
pice. Ile was a native of Chatham, Ont.,
and leaves a wife and child in Victoria
We are now prepared totill and ehipeeders
for frees, sus., for nal Planting Descriptive
Prioe Catalogue:, i'Itr s to applafnts.
Geo. LaeLii it SoN.
THa S007w ffilltpif AG C1 - LTU RAL
Socalea•T.-The annual meeting of the
members of the South Huron Agricul-
tural Society, was held at Turners Ho-
tel, Brucefeld, on Wednesday. The
financial statement of the Riding Soc-
iety, which was read by the Sealetary,
showed that the year had been commen-
ced with a balance of $124 in the trea-
sury, and closed with a balance of 98
cents. The following officers and direc-
tors were elected for the ensuing year:
James Pickard, President; Hugh Love,
Sr., first Vice; W. Wilson, second Vice;
Dr. Coleman, representative to the
Agricultural and Arts Association.
Directors -Gabriel Elliott, Goderieh
towahip Stanley;
Thomas Simpson,
John Willis, Usborne; Thos. Russell,
Exeter; Leanord Hunter, Usborne;
Wm. Bell and George Sproat, Tucker -
smith; Dr. Coleman, Seaforth; George
E. Jackson and W. C. Carters were
appointed auditors. This closed the
business of the meeting, which, after
tendering votes of thanks to the retiring
President and directors adjourned.
It looks as if Chinese cheap labour was
to be employed in the construction of
the Canada Pacific Railway, as fifteen
hundred Chinamen, are due to arrive in
British Columbia in April and an equal
number in Julie.
It appears that the split in the Macca-
bees' ranks has not been entirely healed.
The Buffalo division held a meeting last
week and elected are of Grand Officers.
The section that met last week in Port
Huron, however, said which embraces all
or nearly all the Canadian Tents, is by far
the stronger body of the two.
Ancient Nazareth is now the site of au
orphanage under the supervision of the
Education Society of England. It has
been open four years, and there are in it
now 36 girl, of ages varying from 4 to
15. Here, whether of ()reekh Latin,
Moslem or Jewish parentage, y
all taught to love the one true God, and
Jesus Christ whom He has sent. They
have a beautiful home, built by the gen-
erosity of English travellers.
SvaalcAL oezaertoa.-On Wednes-
day last a very critical surgical operation
wets performed at Turner's Hotel, Brum-
field, on a gentleman named Smith,
from Dungannon, by Drs. Stewart dr
Hurlburt, assisted by Drs. Coleman and
Vercoe, of Sesforth. Mr Smith had
been afflicted for several years with
sciatica, and had tried many remedies,
from the bed he only reoeiyed tempor-
ary relief., The operation consisted of
making an incision in the thigh sufficien-
tly deep to reach the sciatic nerve, thus
enabling the operation to take hold of
the nerve, and by polling, loosen it from
its surroundings. The patient was
placed under the influence of chloroform.
and the operation was successfully and
.kilfally performed, and he is now doing
well, and hopes are entertained that a
complete cure will be the result. This is
a comparatively new operation. It has
been performed su cceasfully and with
the best results in several instances in
the Old Country, and in one instance. fn
this, and we hope the present will be
equally successfully with the others.
in Adelaide township a few nights ago,
a large number of people called at the
residence of Mr. John Hannah, who was
about to remove to Petrolia, to surprise
him and celebrate the evasion. Two of
the young men became rivals for the at-
tention of a young lady. She treated
them both equally, and affairs went on
all right until one of the hung men be-
gan to sing a song. in the moist of his
singing be noticed that the young lady
was chatting with his rival. He sudden-
ly stopped, grew deathly pale, and rush-
ing actors the room seised a chair and
broke it over the head of his rival. A
free fight ensued, in the course of whish
the furniture was nearly all broken to
piece. In endeavoring to restore order
and eject�the note s, the host, Mr. Han -
b, hod his leg broken.
toI,f,11181. Heinaville,
et members coati-
l°Walk sow aoaaeilsg b Sttlastaute of
Wellffillf rod awl pewit a� P•tb
sidle* Isave-vimes and
aoliityL viMeved by Jo• ictal ,
ltossoadei by Jae. Peaenek, that the
Reeve he appointed read onaamisaisatr
for Nes 4 aha 6 sub -divisions. J�
Tnz EAST Roarwo Boctm. -The
annual meeting of the members of the
East Riding Agricultural Society was
held at Brawls on Weduedayof lastw
week. The Treasurer report was read
and adopted, showing the receipts to be
for the past year $1,248; disbursements.
199 balance on hand, $49. The
Mewing Akers were elected: W. G.
hn, Preid•at; D. Melnochbt, of
(3eey; lest, VierPrarident; Wm. Grieve,
of NffilloQ .eo woad Vice -President
Directors -John Moffatt, Wrozeter;
W. H. McCracken, Brussels;
Moffitt, Tarnbsrre B. Gibson *red .
Maloolm, Herrick; A Broadfeetead Alex
Forsyth, Morris; R Goveoleek, of Mc-
gllhop, was appointed • delegate to the
reaburet Downed. R Gibers, How-
•ad Thos. $tr aten, Grey, delegat-
es Arte Association. D.
Browns; to be a member Of ledwierild
Exhibition at Toronto. Asdibers--T- 8.
Seca, Brssnb, and Alas. Gibson,
Wrozeter. A vote et ibsoks was ten-
dered W. G. Hingetos, Ureides, for
pest servieea At a reties .f Dirac -
tees held d
big D.�dL.. , was
FrBeerste>ry and Ityramme at a
iorSeferil tet.e TT!, s diresterso fra snail assist
at 11 iodide Ohre the sentshowtra be The Direstem
Grsi Smash wtmeet the b seinr
Wadplay, lebreary Ind, et I p. es
Year 40
MB Calla!, f)itiftritit$S
bad for Purifying fat Blood.
It has been In use for fD 6na '
proved to be the beat { •tom ill
oveild'ai&. FILL . sod W Dtswes
kat arise from a Disordered L'rer be .
m�t°osophy tato It Thousands
area. phytiriems prescribe it
wbu use 51 once. recoremssd It to otassar
resSneespartas SearaWadDiomede from nbtiY�
Habig L ve le, abw
W t the most
rslcseddlie red aedlsaase lasses
ofelardoller rt
eNISI& ars
The speech made by Sir John Macdon-
ald on the Railway contract partook
largely of an appeal to his followers to
mad- by his and so pretest Mr. Blake
and bb fethe ries ll ow-R',d'�breaee ment i from long
Be bi Si, and ad�h sot t
his basal good bash b pt him
The ooe brae is to $a ale regl, and the
Opposides saMzt�etfsw with a splendid
ety tor theelestinea rut Oehaar
vvetiver whew safe are sofa will vas for
it ; en wA1 thew whom .este ase es goad
as gone airway ; bed there may be idea
gees ou the part d these who are trying
to save themselves hast the weigh w
seam WNW with the °sow Astor air �tiougghe ht that he
*61 be out t tee
rtwaayy .l� 11 a area
standemseand he way be said to
lend it. M present
be between the devil anal the deep sea.
Obtain a bottle d
send as ooe dotter. idose will fwd
mW. AMMO 1 c , lha�etwwe•
sinmn :.cr
tor sale by ...AMENS )6 Itf4ON,
Chemist and Druggist.
Hamilton Street, Goderi.
Rodcced to Bottom Priooi I
Falx Its at�h ,die• Tram•srww aa1
g_ S 0 1•T B
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
G- B -A-RI
WIRTt1 kffih1F1TkLE11
Pio 4r7b':t�• •1Atn+11JO
.. ... ... .'.•HsiVNr Oat v,
• aasurarr ' 0 inoinalleami
Maras, i. 110, 1 es pm
stab. • :, sp!aaas•s
,q•a m Ms,,sp;q doh mousserg
mom anottismiss
netter>) tea WO (1q JO
SAL, « •iolpte•setr*O0Sl
-*Panama rot!+• e►M AID It
wee o„+ x s► Pee tri
req ><�• , Do nee tie l.aoti 1171
a•n q trt+ni
int so ..+.e„D •ol coir
O .3.•" • illus cavo• fund
1no411M'nl^s" wort .,e harslet dol
for/ a•.nsdsr memo)
r,p w V, s. ,. se
. mor�*sea
-.1 DV
a doe
de Ila
,r t•
eo[ It 1
-ria d^n
Hamilton Street, Gode rich.
A good assortment of Kitoae4 Sed-r°en• Dining Room and Parlor Furniture. bitch as 7 .
bles, Chair:weed seasedl. Cupboards, lied -eases, Mattresses. Waeh-etand.+.
bourses.{hair$ � Lorre Baas.
N. B. -A oomplets assortment of cream and Shrouds alway.t en hand, also Hearses for hire
at reasonable rules. 1761 t:. BARRY.
Picture Framing • specialty -- A call soliciteI.
p,wsrsl+t .sees •,o r asst
payola t L•t:ales pa
R •a salt
... boleti pa. puma •-
e.,a a wiaa Moot rr7sm•d tee •
sae • .t
MOD •1140d•gestroe
ese.w.w P• reibot1'wOts•P''b
•.pet as.. eaten•=1•ae p„s1
Red, White and Blue !
Acheson GEORGE Acheson
New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery,
Chemist and Druggist,
R'1•oi•.•iegad Retail.' 011ier in Drugs, Chemloals. , Perfumery. ToillettArticles. Rc.Colon.
Patent Veneer. afore and
OMR* lieelbeinesphydctase' Peet oNptio•s carefully dispeneed.tea
Chemist & Druggist,
Derr inWPure Drugs and Chemicals. Fancy and Toilet Arttolss. kr
Imported Havana and Domestic Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos; dtc.
Cly pipe
t. (- Meir
ieneaecell welds _...
wiecood ter ell r:4hl owe
Owe site hhieeihrfeced /a Cased.
lib reads shrove rt^•.i ani n -stir pacts.' in
It Is wild ay ell -. -c"' • .Mae areas is all parts
.f tae Iles.».
l tasi6c : par•
THE MASA tok*coua) , wn,ex».O
Phyeicinat9 prescriptb ns sod Family Receipts carefully sempred et all hours
NO. I.
T e ade et: two inform the rails OM we ere le Si orders tor hesitate. m AaoaeeM_w IBwt'raK p eat
rarenllreev a. week ta[ GbtaAte
R ��I[1�1�
NO. 9.
A well telae bolas is the pride of • nar1%In woman and intelligent man
NO. 3.
Remember our adorer sad as set WI learn ea ea
le erten terrier 14Jhhl W. A. Welker. fad prise l Retire. 15* MIs. wwsa.e.
want' ems et WNW tar nerd reed J in ar. . BALL .