HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-08-20, Page 15:2.00 A Year in Advance $2.50 To U.S.A. THE BRYSSEIJS POST, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1964 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Brussels Council. The regular meeting of the Village Council was bold in the Municipal Office on Aug. 4th C. D. McFadden being absent,. Moved by H. J. TenPas, sec- onded by Wm. Stratychuk that the minutes of the meeting Of July I 6, 1964, be adopted as read - Carried •Moved by H. J. TenPas, sec., ended by C. L. Cousins that we buy 100' of 1%" hose for the Fire Brigade --- Carried linOtred by ygm. Stratychuk, seconded by C. • L. Cousins that the accounts as presented for payment be paid - Carried Grand River Office Supply, supplies P.U.C., streetlights and office P.tT.C.., relief arrears Art Henry, labour Bernard TenPas, catch basins Meehan Htlwe., supplies ,. Tomlinson Industries, catch basins Grey Twp., grading Morris Twp. grading Callaridati !Nursing Home, July nursing account 227.25 Brussels Mcrtors, gas 3.20 ,,I1cCutcbeon Motors, gas, labour and repairs • 41,66. Geo. Wheeler, fox bounties 8.00 W. S. Scott, Insurance 9.08 Elliott Motors, repairs 17.59 ;Hullett Twp., charge back relief 16.75 Glenn Somers, labour on streets , 12.00 Art Henry, labour on streets , 26.00 Gordon Stiles, July . garbage „ 120.00 Gee. Pollard, baokhOing 120.00 Receiver General, tax deductions 39.90 Post Office UM 15.80 Moved by H. 3. TenPas, sec-, onded by Wm. Stratychuk that -we invite three quotations for. prices for paving on Catharine, Flora, Elizabeth and Alexander Streets in the Village of. Brasses - Carried Moved by C. L. Cousins second- ed by H. 3. TenPas that Wm. Stratychuk be appoined acting Reeve during the absence of J. C. Kreuter Carried MoVed by Wm. Stratychult, seconded by C. L. Cottsins that the meeting adjourn, to. , meet again September 8th, 1984,- or at the call of the Reeve. Carried 7. C. Ifratiter, Nit`tri, cf, King PIT, tlerlt MRS. WALTER SAVAGE Mrs. Mabel Savage, widqW or the late Walter 'Savage, Ethel, died in Wingham Hospital on Wednesday, in her 7,6th year, She was the former Mabel Heibein, She is suvivec/ by two sons, 'Wilfred of Mini° Township and Howard, Grey Township; three daughters, Laura, Mrs, James Ward of B'lyth; 'Myrtle, Mrs. .Tack Rutherford, Elmo, Township' and Dorothy, Mrs. Robert TrW1114 Clinton. Funeral service will be held from the D. A. Rana funeral home Brussels, with interment in Bruesels cemetery, MISS ADDLE CARDIFF Church and active in the work of 'the Women's Association, Sun- day ,School and choir. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Walter (Laura Williamson. and one brother William, both of Brussels. The funeral was held from the D. A. Rann funeral home at .2: 00 plm, on 'Wednesday, With ktm Allan Johnston officiating. Burial was in Brussels ceme- tery, BENJAMIN WHITTARD Benjamin Whittard, 78, died WeneSday, August 5th, in Wing- ham and District Hospital. Born in England, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittatd. WAS resit dent here for the .last 631. Years. He was an employee of the T3ru.esels Creamery for a number of years. He is survived by two datight- ers, Mrs. Robert (Hilda) Steele of Atwood; ,Mrs. Carl (Mildred) Self of Orangeville, and two sons, Earl of •St. 'Catharines: rorrest of London; one brother, Henry or Picton and eleVen grand- children. Funeral services were con- ducted from the B. A. Bann funeral home by the Rev. H. L. Jennings of St. John's Anglican Church of which Mr. Whittard was a member, at 2 P.M, on Friday, August 6th. Interment tritt /11100M Suggestions Wanted For Centennial Project The '.Council is inviting suggest- ions for a suitable Centennial Project for this 'village, Your ideas will be appreciated, Donations To Brussels Legion Building Fund Forward 854.41 Jack Pipe 2.00 Ed. Taylor 5.00 Charles McLean 10.00 Watson Sholdice 4.00 Merle Pipe 10.00 Joe Smith 5.00 Robert Artburs 2.00 Reward Smith 2.90 Harry Workman 5.00 Bill McArter 5.00 Clarence 'White 10.00 Jacob Muilwyk 2.00 tRobert Grasby 2.00 Oran Russell 1.04f Glen VanCamp 2.00 Leonard Rooney ,Gfurbe Wayne Grube M. & H. Auto Wreck Po:e McQuarrie Mrs. Ida Hamilton ,Ray Bronson Texan Grill William S4 ratychuk `Clifford Marks Howard. Clark Wilt lard Armstrong Robert Marks Floyd Campbell Girey Township L. E. 'Cardiff . , , Charles Guy Bert Cledden Donald Bateman, J. E. Struthers 'Ml's. C. Shearer J. K. Firit :George BroWn Wayne Ward Ronald Cardiff Stanley Alexander Mrs. Elsie Cunningham .50 AuStin Raynard 1,00 ,Andrew Biremner l,t* Earl BoWes 1.00 Miss Alma Patterson 1.09 Miss Jane McLellan 1.09 Chester Elt0 1.00 Mrs. Edythe Cardiff 2,00. Mrs .Ethel Gorsalitz .50 Mrs. Joe l?eareon .50 Bruce Speiran 2'.00 Mrs, Russell Wrilbee 1.00 Welland Krautier 1,00 Me. and Mrs. 'Robert, Cunningham 5.00 Clifford A, Rowland 1.00 J. 0. Lament, 5.00 Percy Stevenson 1.00 Jack Conley 2.00 Harold Treys ..,. .... ..- ,” ...... 2.09 +George Pearson ......,..,.... 1.t Cecil Ile•teinan .,,,,,,..,„„...,_ 4.00 3,09 Family 'Honors Couple. On 2$:th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs, [lector Knight were guests of nonur at a family gathering or, Aug. 16th, to celebrate ,heir twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. About forty five members of the Knight and. McCosh tamales gathered at the simmer cottage of Mr, and Mrsk Russel Knight, Amberly Beach, Mr. Don McCosh and Mr, GOldWill Knight presented the gif's and Mrs. Carl. Heminguy read the address. After sapper the suitably decor- ated cake was cut and served by op bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. :Knight have two sons, George, and Douglas. Mr. Knight taught in Trowbridge, Ethel W'roxeter and Wingham hpforc going to Picton where he is public School Inspector. E'NGABBMENT Mr. and Mrs, Carl t3, (,lowing of R. R 2, Blue-vale, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Theima Elizabeth to Mr. Charles' Irwin Roberts son of Squadron Leader and Mrs. Robetes of Ottawa, --- presently in West Germany, The ceremony will take place on Saturday, September 12th, 1964, at 3:00 p.m, in St, John's Anglican 'Church, BrUssels, tario. FRANK MITCHELL There passed away in Wing- ham Hospital, on AuguSt 3rd, 1.964, Frank 'Mitchell, son of the 1 a t la Mr, and Mrs, Charles Mitchell of. Luton, England. Born in Luton on Novemoer 24th, '1892, he came to Canada as a -ohne man where he met and me !Tied fillizabeqi Wallace who predeceased bim in 1958. Tie leaves to mourn, one son" 1.'ed of Markham, and one claustier, Mrs. Ray (Betty) Bron- son or Bressels and four erand- ohihn.ea. The Brussels, 'Branch of the Royal 'Canadian Legion held 0, memorial service at the D: A. Bann funeral HeMe on the even- leg of August 4th With Legion Prrsieee Thomas McFarlane in eharge, Funeral service was held from the I). A. Rann Funeral Home Ott August 5th With Captain G. rerrie or. HI ,' Snlvaelen Army In chargo of the service. Pallbearers were 'Legion memb- ers' Wilfred Willis. 'William Belt lief 01iifield, Thos, McFarlane, Orwell Elliott, Lloy11 Workman. Flower bearers were Ned Rite .ipticce VrArs9 tith 01011 • See The Horticultural Flower Show Saturday The Brussels Horticultural. Society 'is inviting their Mende 'o come to the basement of the Library to see their flora exhibits, have a cup of tea, listen ie Lee music and visit. Some good prizes are there for the Winning. A bag of SPeeia7.. Garden Fertilizer 6.9.6 from Top- Notch Feeds 6.5 lb. bags of Vigire from Swift's and many others. Brimsels 4-H, Tractor Club The August meeting of the :Brussels 4-H Tractor Club was held at Bauer's IM.assey. Fergu- son shop on Wednesday August tete, The roll call Was read with 14 memberS present. Minutes of the -last meeting were read. David Wheeler thanked Mr. nauer for the use of his shop. MT. IVioggach gave information oft Achievement Day. T-Te also gave a talk on oiling systems, care of tires, and general lubri- cation of the tractor. Quizzes on the material covered were then answered by the members. The meeting closed on motion of (iorclie Guy and Larry Ward. Eckrniei Reunion The 1964 Ficlanier rteurnon was 'was held on Sunday in Listowel Park. Despite the cool weather about `it) of the family enjoyed the afternoon together. Games were enjoyed under the supervision of Harvey Tickmier of Windsor, and served to ,vain up those who took part. After a delicious supper the business session was conducted by president, Mrs. Wray Cooper, of Fordwich, assisted by the secretary, Mrs. Bob Raymond of Brussels. The new president Ron tekniler of Kitchener1' secretary, Mrs. Delmar :Buchanan of. Atwood; recreation super- visors, Mr. and Mrs.. Mel I'tunt o f Willowd ale; lunch committee. Mr. and MTS. George Mutter of Brussels. Members of the varlet/0 branches of the nektriier family spoke brietflY, exipreSsing their pleasure that the reunion has been re-established and hope that next year all those unable to attend in the past will be able conic to Atwood Community c-o'r,, on the first' Sunday in . Angst Felt Slierfamily greens attend. ed from 1 Windsor, Toronto, Shaltespeate 'WONIS tO0 I:, Victoria. 13.C,, 'Kitchener d a' e , Kincardine, 1,14i:owe-I, Ferdellelt4 AN.tleA, flmAaelm erati 772.50 56.00 21.00 460.00 8.58 198.66 19.80 5.00t 9.40 Miss Addle Cardiff, 78, of Brussels, died Monday in Wing- barn and District Hospital, follow- ing a stroke on Saturday, She, was a ilifelong resident of this community, born on the 8th concession of Grey Township" daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cardiff, Last Decenther she retired from the staff of the Brussels, Morris Leonard Maehan and Grey Telephone System, after 25 years of service. She was a member of Brussels United, Rutledge 5c to $1.00 Store 20,90 10,00 20:00 5,00 10.00 5,00 5.014 5..00 1.00 1.00 300,00 200.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2,00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.09 5.00 1.00 2,091 2.00 19,00 $1.010;61