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The Huron Signal, 1881-01-28, Page 1
11011611111111101111111Miii.011.11110 1' -••••••••• "wWfillifhwnrrroremor-oe- o •' maitIMISMItee. .e•eitglanewelismeeieeennino- , - • • TIITY-YOURTH YrIatt. WHOLE NUNIIN1( mi. i GODERIVH, ONT., FR1D.AY, JANUARY 28, 1881.) BROS. MILL101 $1.50 Y [AR IN aDl43121 I s4S17Dfslf .._..._._ _......... _ , NEWS ABOUT HOME. Litied as ti in 8. S. No. 7, Colborne Elea Lexie IlaConnell has been en- 8.8. ANNIVEIRS.ARY. IOUR TOWN FATHERS. gftio Sae paten( at a salary The Methodist (barek of Canoe* limodilly OS .260 per en. Mr. J. Wilson liaa Kama Isas • ceseoressea What They Did. and How They elected trustee, Mr. Schwartz retiring. Did ft compultiNTAzy Resotcnee. At an The Meth)", Church has a teriPile- __. _ auljourned Court of General Sessions for Mk" "Item of yearly. celebtating ole The it eekles elemilniellese ibp..1110 illesek- Nveryhotly is talking about Forbee. the County of Huron, hold on Tuesday, "nivinnarY of the -Sunday School. A Pliwilialield eh Me nee ROW. RUM. Mare WAS uu mail worth oil NY ednes- the 25th day of Januiery, 1881, His Honor Teachers mid children are thus brought dea afternoon and Thursday morning. the County Judge in the chair, the f .1- directly before the.parent. notion, end an In Town. --Mr. 0.o. MaKetusie, of lowing resolution was unasomoualy Oar_ interest in the Sunday School is lwrikee- Winghain, formeity of Ooderieh, Wita in ried : Repaired -That this evert t ed that does not quickly die out. While town last week. He looks well. to learn that &mute ponune Esquu,,, perhaps mot the langest in town, the Mr. J. McCullough, of Goderich. took for meal years a Matingetah member North Idt. ' Methodist Church Stindey a id this Bench, hes removed to the State School, under the very able manage- ,. a untace.1 of Michigan ; and they desire publicly merit of its Superintendent, Mr. E. F. ascend prize at the Dungannen skating ' carnival on Tuesday last, qf the man. to record their high estimation of his in. Moore, has grown te be one best regulated and most efficient schools in the county. On Sunday morning Rev. Dr. Wil- liams, pastor of North St Church, (and who teaches a bible claim in the school), preached a very interesting sermon to the children from the text, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neigh- bor." On ftfonday evening tho church was filled, to listen to recitations, read- ings, choruses, etc., from the children, and brief addremee from S. S. workers. flu, sralleriee and the organ had been nicely decorated with festoons of ever- greens, and the latter bore the sentiment, "Welcome to our Anniversary." The platform was adorned with beautiful vases of dried grasses and dowers. Dr. Williams occupied the chair, and, gave a very pointed address to the children. The inecretaryn report was read, and showed that the number of scholars on the roll was 203, with an average attend- ance of 165, and 32 °Mere and teachers. The average number of visitors, 15; average collection $1.26. Tho receipts tif the school during the year were $160.- 47, mi' now at ita close, after having paid off an old dein of nli4, there is a balance duo the treeurer of $8.37. The The officers of the school for the current year are: E. F. Moore, superintendent; primary superintendent, MiaaJaniiesoe, libriariaa, C. Nee -ton; chorister, 13. Armstrong; organist, Mia. Williams; secretary ft. R. Thuoipacon; treasurer, W R. Robertson. ...a criers smug ye. ideate notes. An. faith hell tweet 11. TOWS TOMOS. tegrity and ability, and their wiah that A couventien of the Class Leaders and in hts• newly -chosen home he may dad Lod Preachers of the Goderich District the consideration which his high cheese - Methodist Church of Canada will be held ter d ryes. in Clinton about the last week in Feh- WAR ;N TIM LICAINIttia Too. A quiet fnInrY• nen was travelling a short time ago by The Rev. With' Bryers of Wirigham rail, and was annoyed by the noise which wdl preach in the Methodist Church, two tor three men in the same carriage Nurth St, on Sunday next, as Dr. Will- nem flashing. ow, (4 the had hoes eons will be at St Thomas, where he telling tremendous stories about himself holds Anniversary services amen; his in a loud voice, and had tried once or former friends. twice to draw out the quiet man, but in Noes Lose - On Monday last the wind vain. At last he tarried tit him and blew off the harbor, and a large number said, rather effensely, " I fear, sir, that of nets used by fishermen in catching our noise has rather inconvenienced your. herring, were cirriel out into tit., Like o Not in the levet," he replied. "I with broken ice. Tho hoes amountei to thought," returned the noisy man, "that some $200. you did not nem interested by my FOR THR OLD COUNTRY. -Mrs. W. T. storT." "Quito the reverse, my- dear Hays, left this week for England, oocom- sir, said the quiet man; " I was very pealed by her brother-in-law, Mr. John much se in fact, I ant a bit of a liar my - Hays, of Rodgerville. Se will return self. - in about three months time. Her many ARCHIBALD ?mums- - When Dr. Rus - friends in Huron wish her a safe voyage. .el from before Sebastopol, wrote the "I'ni 8rosy or Tea Blue". -- re. letters to the London Times that made Stephens, of Mitchell, is now canvassing his name lemmas, it was thought the Ooderich for this very interesting work. world would never again see his equal. The Bible story is told in single language, But when the Frames- .n war broke and the book is one that would prove oqt, and the interesting, reliable and interesting to both old and young. It is racy letters of Mr. Archibald Forbes worthy of a place in every family. electrified the readers of the London Noreav Pustic. -In the issue of the -DJUY Newt. it was discovered that a ,,„ "Saul among his fellows" had. appeared Meanie/xi Gazette, dated Jan. 10th, observe thfollowing oeial notice: in the ranks of the war correspondents. e ffi The reputation then earned had fresh "His Honor the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to make the followinsp. laurels added to it during subsequent g wars. His description of the fall of pointment: To be Notary Public, Eugene DeBearoir Carey, of the city of Myna, and the memorable ride from Winnipeg, Barrister -at -law." - Ulundi, are now matters of history, and stand as recent's of endurance and ()our - From the Postm istoir-Garierel'a reports ae which may never be excelled. Mr. it is le.steed that, of the estineetea 2,- Ptrbes is now on a tour through Canada 040,000 registered letters passin4 annual - and the United Staten, giving on the ly through the pest offi ;es of Csnade, lecture platform, the results of his varied only seventy miscarriel. The number experience, and has been secured by the of ordinary letters. circulars and post Mechanics' Institute of Goderich to de- esrds sent to the Dead letter ode due - live; a lecture on, "The Inner Life of a ing the Year was l$11,47� 01 ' War Correspondent", on Thursday even - amount 9,132 were reoistered letters. ing, the 10th Feb: Let there be a grand SNow BLocIADL - Since our Ing turnout on the occasion. issue we have had several heavy snow falls. On Saturday 13 inches fell, and the train due here at 3.14 did not arrive Tire New Warden of ilaron. until after eight o'olook. On Wednes- day evening the train was also delayed Captain John Keine, the new Warden until about seven p. m. The snow of Huron, is an Irishman by nativity, fall of 1880-1 has so fax been much shove having been born in the town of Kilken- the average. ny, Ireland, and is in his 49th year. Thaws, nil. Ile emigrated t, Caoscht in 1861, and LWIAL Ex ANIWATIONIL -We are pleas - atter residing about a year in Montresil, ed to learn that three Goderich students wnere. he was employed as clerk in a store, passed creditably at the recent Hilany term in Toronto; for the second inter- he came direct to Goderich and niediateMessrs Loftus E. D Limy and obtained a situation as store clerk, which , E W. Witham., were the successful he filled with credit to himself competitors and for first and profit to his employer for some time. intermediate, Mr. W. Dickson. We congratulate the After becoming acquainted with the peo- ple of the section, he purchased the bus - students on their success, and wish them imam in Dungannon previously owned similar results in the future. by Mr. Bannerman, where he succosa- The Directors of the Goderioh Me- fully carried un trade for a number of at their 'met meeting years. He moved to Gerrie in 1864, passed a resolution tendering the free- where he purchased the business of dom of the library and reading room to Mr. Robert Young. Heafterwards re - the County Councillors while in town tired from the commercial arena and de - attending the sittings of CounciL This voted himself to agricultural pursuits for ia oertainly very kind and considerate . number of years. te addition to his on the part of the Institute folks and avocation of farming, he now carries on will, no doubt, be duly appreciated by the business of conveyancer, and the county fathers, but we are disposed commission agent. He was last to think the freedom of the curling not year appointed a notary public would be more generally availed of. - by the Mowat Administration. In (Expositor. appearance Mr. Keine is not a Goliale Tes italifila. --The Toronto Globe says: being of the small, spare build, but he is The Court at on Saturday, Chief Jus- & man of good judgment, and highly es - tie Winton on the Bench. The case of teemed by those who know bus welt Walker v. Pemberton was tried. The This ie his sixth year in the County action was on two promissory notes Council, as Reeve of Hetrick, and on given by defendants to their uncle the last five occasions he has been elected Samuel Naylor, deceased. The action by acclamation from that township. He was brought by Hiram -Walker, an exe- is a Conservative in oolitic*. cuter of the estate. The defendants produoed letters, written by Samuel Naylor, showing his intention to allow TZ COURTS. the amount of the notes to go to his nephews in place of s bequest. Verdict Comma, Juidd41 Criminal Conn. for defendant. Mr Bethune and Mr. 8. Smith, of 'ort Hope, for plaintiffs; Before Ins Honor Judge Feuer. Mr. T. Forgotten and Mr. P Holt. of January 26, 1881. tioderich, for defendants. 'Jan. 21st. Council amentillmi, the Mayor Di the Present -the Reeve, 1st and 2d Deout3, and Councillors McKenzie, 1Mn..7, Humber, Edwards, Campion, Lee, Cameron, tv illiams, Dunsford, Swenson, 81,oene, Jordan. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and approved? Report of Special ounamittevi to strike 'nig Committees :- Your committee to which was referred the recommending of notaadiag Oonnuit- tees, beg to report as fellows :- FIN•Nele HUiChial ,11; Dunsford, Campbell, McKenzie and Jordan, Mr. Campbell, chairman. Courrr or RITIMON Tito Mayor, Campion, Cameroo, Johnston, and Wil - Ilene. he Meyer, chairman. PURLIC WORKS AND HARBOR -HUM - Der, Swanson. Sloane, Dancy, Dunsford, McKenzie end Leo. Mr. Humber, chairman. bLunurr -Johnston, Swanson, Dancy, Hutchison, Edward. Mr. Johnston, chairman. Fraz-Dancy, Hutchison, Cameron, Dunalord, Jordan. Air. Dancy, chair- man. Reuse -The Meyor,Sloane Williams, Huniber, Swanson. Tho Mi:yor, chair- man. HRALTH - Jordan, McKenzie, Ed- ward, Williams, Lee, and all licensed medical men and druggists. Mr. Jor- dan, chairman. thiliZTRRY - Sloane, Edward, Lee, Humber, Campbell. Mr. Sloane, chair- man. PRINTING, STATIONIMY AND SUPPLIZM -Johnston, Campion, Campbell, Wil- liams, Hutchison. Mr. Johnston, chair- man. The following very ample programme Selene'. Commirrzz -The Mayor, Dan - was then rendered, "The Voice of the Jordan, Lee, Campbell, Williams, Clock" being particularly well received, ay, Hutcbison. Mr. Hutchison, chairmen. while most of the pease were worthy of The Mayor to be ex officio a member any occasion: of all committees on which he is not Openlng Chorns -Bless its children now, named. ii;rus-Lights along the shore, Chorus -I am Jesus' Little Lamb -Infant Class. M. Hut:canoe, Chairman. Recitation - fH uture ome-Willie Pasmore. Reading me nal..., eeaii_mia. B. asicrow. .Tho above report was, on motion, Itocitsuon- The Song of Steam -Albert lium- actoptett. Deet and Chorus- Ring the Glad Bells -Misses The report of the Finance committee, ber. Pslmer and Stotts. recommending the payment of the fol - The Volt* of tee Clock- by I2Junior scholars. lowing accounts was received :---John H. itecitatlon-Santa Clan:0u reques0-Mils M. Edward, ggaee; C. Strachan, gnaw; stouts. . Chonis-W ere • happy pilgrim band- Infant C. A. Nairn, $27.45; Hart & Rawlineon, Recitation -A Little Hies Rbrtne-Miss Aggie $3-88; E. Graham, $1. 51; Star office, Clan. Humber. j$01h.25n ; HF.juR. Mann, 113; John Bates, $1; Dialogue -Honor and misane-Misees cook. ier, 11.37; Thos. Whitely, ftesaing-The River oath -miss Nellie Atkin. 2.25; Thos. F. McLean, 11; Jas. A. Yates and kherown. Solo and Chorus ---City like a Bride -Miss McIntosh, $1.25; Geo. Cathcart, $7.50; Hammy, ohn Pherie, $1.50; G. H. Paraons, Recitation -A Little Girls Thoughts -Miss Bel - 83.84; Elijah Moore, $45.57. la McKnight. Reading - Gabriel's Trumpet - Miss LI.aIc The report was, on motion adopted. Recitation- -The Poor Family -lei Ms Helena Application fur town clerkship wore Proctor. Reid. received from T. H. Rathwell, W. T. Chorus -Gospel Bells. Whitely, James Tisdale and E Wood - Reading - -Hermon the Hypocrite Mist Fran- cock. cis McLean. Rim:Radon - The Bravo Fireman Harry - A petition was presented from Mrs. Res;Lingble.- Jack's Resolution -- Miss Nellie Aldsworth, praying the Council to re - Moore. ooinaide re - Duet r their former decision and and ehorus-Measenger Angels - Mieses mt taim Mellish and Williams. Recitation - Perseverance - Miss „tense Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Moor. Mr. Williams, that the prayer of the Reading -The Church anti the World -Miss petition be granted. Maggie Robinson. Recitation- Hold your bead up like & Man- Moved in amendment by Mr. Joseph Edward. seconed by Mr. Jordan, that, as the Chorus- Herald of Lion. geottauon_Hor, tern stand Firm _iiee vrico. former Relief comtnitttee had reported Recitation by Kiss Nally Reid. adversely, that the petition be referred Solo and Chorus --Out othArk- mi Willhuns. to the present Relief committee with f ess Carrie concoction. power to act. Yea -Hutchison, ncKen- Chorns-elathering Sheaves. me, Macy, Humber, Edward, Lee, During the evening addresses were de- Dunsford, Shen., Campbell. Nay - livered by Messrs., T. MoGilliouddy, J. Johnston, Campion, Cameron, Williams, Mitchell and Geo. Acheson, all of whom Swanson. The amendment was declated expressed themselves much pleased with carried. the apparent condition of the school. Tho Town Clerk tendered his resigua- The proceeds of the anniversary tion, and requested to be relieved from amounted to the splendid sum of $52. office on the firat of March next. Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seceondod Meleorolowinal Itomirt. by Mr. Jordan, that the resignittion of Mr. James Thomson, Town Clerk, be Report of the weather for the week aocepted, to take effect on the 1st of ending Saturday, Jan. 21d. March next -Carried. Jan. 16th -Wind at 10 p.m. North- By-law No. 1, of 1881, was then read, west, light, cloudy. Number of miles apppointing a Clerk and stating his sale - wind travelled in 24 hours 129. 3 ry, also for the fixing the salary of the inches of snow fell during the dsy-sun auditors a find and second time, when dog at 8 a.m. the Council went into Committee of the Jan. 17th. --Wind at 10 p.m., North- Whole, Mr. Johnston in the chair. west, light, c ear. Number of miles Moved by Mr. Sloane, seoonded by mind travelled en 24 hours 424. 2 Mr. Williams, the! Mr. Z. F. Moore, inches of snow tell during the day, be Clerk, and that his salary be at the Jan. 18th.- Wiad at 10 p.m. KRA, retool $300 per annum. light air, psjtly dear. Number of miles In amendment, Mr. Swanson, second - wind travelled in 24 hours 147 miles. ed by Mr Dunsford, moved T H. Jen. 19th. -Wind at 10 p.m. South- Rathwal• auk fight, ca.r. Number of awe, There voted Yea--McKeeste, Edward, wind travelled in 24 hours 130 miles. Swaaison, Osasserna, Donsfeed -(5). Nay Jan. 110th. -Wind at 10 p.m.East, -Hirtehinnth Mag. Hontber, elaer. Number 04 miles wind Inas. Sham, Jeahn, umtp- Unrolled in 24 hours 190 stiles bell, Horten -(10.) Assarbeast lost Jan. 2u6.-wiaa at lo p.m. North- la further "101440" Mr. lidir"do moat light %ovine, hegira to snow at um 117 rtissnYt flute W. T Whitely 11 a.m. Number of miles wind travelled °Wa- in 24 hours 410. Yea--MoKaasin Ildward, Jan. Ried.-Wind at 10 p.m. North- Hark° FV-11,11moti, glum - met, liht, cloudy. Number of mike 1--, 4' wants% wind lasmilled 1* St haws ISO Miss Jordon, Omen' inewing sit 7.19 pas.,l3 itches Onialledl-411-) £_11 14* as* ha 1n farther sesendesent by nontlier 0. W. KAosoffamb, leigawr,„,,. SSC by Edward thee S. Weedensh len Gotioriele, Jam 1/4tle 1861. clerk Tea - 11.11Ceents, Mary, Humber, Ildward, Besten--(A) Nay A rough named Warren P. Heremn sm. Oneopiesb Lee, Omenten. Witham. slAriegited to estoet mosey from John Dumbed, Myriam, Jonisa, P. Este, a some meaulleaterer ef Oesipbell--(10.) Aressibmint Lest cm Priday. Be threatened his vistism The mein rosiles wee Asa pot and ou =linew4111 alislaphosearsendlishmet th.eselitUbm iiimanainerghliabwerilreAssnite: 4.11"4"oimpiesTes Itallsilimi4174.41141.1111.100.8004ThZimL• wilaiisInt: of peagenemi, ,..P.914-6-19111.111. a tat. wee walk* Mr with the phiager, Deinford. /twenties, fReein Jordse smoke of the %bettor advantages, peseeelled igelgrt • Ctuupbell, Horton -(12.) Nay -- Mo- by Pert Albert and also alluded to tho The blank in the by-law was then nbTgutheia"MNine MiwillielLIRgivPorr!vilBegyeathea*edlidgeeken Kenzie, Edward. filled in with the name of E. F. Moore Son seri/Zit, haA been shown that the Ian. 0 d by Mr. Hutehnion sec. by Mr. Id we* nut unly of a bleh an as clerk, salary at the rate of $300 per see of Dewy thea the auditors receive .15.00 order for sgriculteral purposes, but allo fur the mauufacture id Roman cement. The committee rose the Mayor resura- Besides, a guile of wealth lay beneath ed the chair when the rule 34 having °Pusr°tvoudeeinatin shinitactPlgualarefac.Peill'Atfaiesrt:IAwt''th)twilruthlit:ignah itutWhea- each. - -Carried. urf been suspended the By -Law was read a township of Ashfield could be built son, that the qustion of revising the cheaply, as the engineering difficulties third tune and passed. Mr. Jordan moved, sec. by Mr. Swan were not great bllmisini' market By-lew be referred tot the market byiadDisterwfi endorsedf Dulgeausenhueliti.ie8.a'''' for the attemiance of some one at the , thepr:litiGto tsrm. Hwaiwthkuais ItHharenpe a aupponariewthitcoha committee, they to arrange in de mean - M tune after the present lease has expired weighing, and for measunng wood, until wee a diagram of Ashfield ane neighbor - in townshipa. He favored connectionweighing, market, but only to oollect feet. fur the Council meet and adopt an amtnd_ with the O. 'N. R., at Lucknow, as the road would be short and no engineerin muni By-Law-Carrried. g Mr. Johnston called the attention of difficulties would thereby have to be sur- Mr. the nuke of D. Buchanan in as would be the cas the Council te tsors in the event of forming connection with who through an error of the siee main th paid taxes several years on a wrong lot ler. Thoelin.oatWngam Whittaker bel. eyeti a lino dent list, amount $12. to Wingluun would oust three noise as while his own was put on the non-resi- Jordan that a committee consisting of the remarks of the previous .speaker, s' Luoknow, and endorsed Movod by Mr. Campbell sec. by Mr. much as one b, the shorter route was concerned. Messrs. Campion, Williams and own. far as ford, bo appointed to entleovor to arrange Dungannon, however, must be on tho line, and he favored the building of a the matter of said taxes, Buchanan and G. H. Parsons, who has received the line from Port Albert to Dungannon, via Glen's Hill to Lucknow. At Glen's benefi of said payment -Carried. called the attention of Hill would be the only engineering Mr, Hutchison the street inspector to the difficulty ,,f difficulty, but even it could be easily finding the water tanks in caste of a fire, surmounted if we put our shoulder to the wheel in earnest. He was an old rail - CARNIVAL. --Tbe turn -out at the Car- nival in the Skating Rink, on Friday evening, was very large There were a few very fine costumes, but the greater part of the characters were weak Kim IL McDermott, as a " flatauir," w(m the prise for beet droned 64y. Mr. S. Raid ens someniel, es s art," is win- ning the gent's prima Mr. J. NeOtal- loggia took the amid prise se s rasa," hie inahnop being very fumy. Owkag to theaglost el atm, et the emegnerathes in their nosing sad elintaebise M the Sear, we ase shis to g ive se "Meatraasseref .. the menen,•fellows: PS ,; "ease Stem," Waggle "roma ; Omit," Away Itabeee ; "Oise, Gini," Amie ball; 'Voss Mies Jeanie Omit; nif Mee A. Cook • 'Illemege Weans," Yea- • ; "Tines Joh," /4. Ossaigu; "A Thort," IL Freest ; lislisse." W. Kerns ; "Two !mash Gorsilsossk" J. Theme end J. A. Mee ; Lass Wail? ; 411.1111s,' J. W. ; sod swift sAhrsis. 1116(1101.1) emit $t 19 rwa, ama E 110 • stlestrie, the rink. also for a report as to the depth of water Mr. Cainerem gave notice that he way man and knew what it was to over comeblr. diDfficulNti in each. would at next meeting of COUIICli 1111/V0 difficulties. ,,f (hslericii, to deelare the offioe of seamen. vacaut. was the next speaker, and alluded to tho The Council then adjourned t.11 t1.0 benefits which railwaye in general call ,.f the Mayor. brought to enterprising placto He bade An the meeting beware of having anything to do with a narrow gauge railway. There PORT ALBERT R. R. SCHEME. was a doubt in his mind SS to the possi- bility of forming a oonnection at Wing • !I creamily. ham; nevertheless, he hoped the most sanguine hopes of the promoters of the Whist was said abseil the Railway -The emereveisseas of Me Ember • present agitation would be realized, if Reported fc:' The Signal. Port Albert and the country around A large and enthusiastic gathering of would derive benefits so great as lied the residents of Port Albert and vicinity been stated by previous speakers. Ho was hold in Delong's Hall on Wednesday , advocated the inbringing of a competing evening, January 19th, ,),. line with the 0. T. R. from the G. W. R. i° diactima --- at Brueefield or Exeter, on to Bayfield feasibility of securing railway facilities at that point ; also to consider the adorn- and through Goderich, with Port Albert ability of memorialising the Ihnninicn for a terminus. Such a line would give Govenunent anent the harbor improve- direct communication with the County town, and be found to be much in the On motion, Mr. Jose,oh Gr:ffin interest of every resident of this section went. Deputy-Reevo of Santana, was appoint- The resolution was then put an,1 car- ed chairman, and bo, after explaining the ried unanimously. ' objectaof the meeting, called upon the first Mr. Jas. Mahaffy introuduoed a rose speaker to address the gathering. Intion, memorializing the Dominion Mr. John H. Courtney, on coming Government to build commercial docks forward O., move the resolution favoring at Port Albert and otherwise improve the conatructiou of a railway to Port the harbor, so that vessels of average Albert, was- loudly applauded. TI'© tonnage could ply trade at this place. In speaker stated that the iesolution was a clear and forcible manner he showed sufficiently explicit to be understood by the benefits that would accrue to the every one in the meeting, and he would village, and cited extracts from business not, therefore, detain them with a long letters to prove his contention. If we speech. He referred to the magnificent had good railway and harbor accommo- watei privileges of Port Albert, and re- dation a good business could be done in marked that all that was wanted to bring the export of telegraph poles, lumber, prosperity to Port Albert was a rei1. cement, and the salt interest which Railways brought in their wake, work- undoubtedly existed in this section. shops and factories, and built up trade, Last year ho had shmped a cargo of lum- and if a lino was brought to Port Albeit ber to Detroit, and had let 11 per thou - it would ere long be a flourishing town sand on the lot. Had there been good instead of a struggling village. Other shipping facilities this would not have localities had stbsidizei railways, and be occurred. There was every likelihood of the North-West being opened up, and had yet to learn of a place that had not as that district would have to be supplied been repaid over and over again for its with machinery, &c. from Ontario, it was investment. Ashfield had at present no market tuwn, and the inhabitants went high time that Port Albert bestirred it • compelled to drive runny miles to pro- self so that it might obtain its share of Imre the standard price for their pro- that trade. If the G. T. R. took hold of duce. In conclusion he hoped as many the T., G. & 13., and widened the gauge, it would be necessary for the Company as possible would by voice and vote en - to have a lake port, and if Government dorsa the present agitation. Mr. Jas. Sthaffy, who seconded aid for the construction of commercial resolution, said they did not p docks at Port Albert could be obtained we could offer the 0. T. R. what they designating the route of the proposed would esteem of more Nnlue than even a railway to -night, but at present the most bonus m good harbor. However, as ho feasible line appeared to be from wing- bonus before remarked, he was not wedded ham, via Dungannon to Port Albert to any particular lino; all ho wanted was If the line were built there would be two to have a railway reach Port Albert good market tetras, namely Dungannon Ho was sorry that more Dungannon pen and Port Albert in the municipality. ple were not present at this meeting, but Farmers, he considered, did not place e hoped they wero with Port Albert on sufficient stress upon the time lost in h the harbor question as Port Albert was bringing their produce to market or they with Dungannon on the question of a would be alive to their interests in get - (Loud applause.) ting railroad facilities. As he would, in railweg• all probability, speak again before the A. . Hawkins seconded the resole tion, and endorsed the opinions of previ meeting was over ho would for the pres- ous speakers in favor of the road. enc withdraw. Mr. Thos. Harris was in favor of the Mr. Quaid mid some little assistance project and would vote for a bonus. had formerly been given 13y the Govern Mr J. J. Wright, el the " Point went but more was needed, as Govern ment aid under existing cireumstances Farm," spoke of the benefits of the rail- ijostrizystens to the oountry at large. was a necessity. He coincided with the laminaes had bonused railways in remarks of gentlemen who had preceded the past, and if they were asked to re- him on the railway question. linquiah the privileges they now en- A oommittee was then appointed to joyed, and receive back the bemuse, attend to both the harbor and railway they would not do so After referring question, and atter the customary vote to the program of Toronto, St. Themes of thanks the ineetang was lorought to a and other potato, through ole means oloso of improved railway facilities, the speaker stoked than, to be within* a rail- The Henlan-La rsoe has been de reed was to he behind the egs. He gave finitely postponed until the 14th of neat statistics regering_ the 001.86141110.141B of month. the original G. T. R , the G. W. IL , the Huge icicles on many buildings three. Cline& lbothere end °thee lines, and ten to deoend at any moment and crack Misted that a lir tbseagh Asideld eould the skulls of parser -by Look but for sow be balli iamb mem dangly then them. It there are soy on your oun my el these meatinimi Ilesiliis. when building, get • ?els and r for them. we looked the maw egpmely in the The failure of bid year'. harvest tri his arid observed the diffiedlise in the Rosie has prevented the peemote from , airs was atter all a eseleile di= buying do& to the mad asionat, and of pismire in umbing twoolted matey of the cotton alas see ehmiag same* sad rem* Ores smooth After deem or running ea also time. COOP goyim, a Rimini( tribelis to the nateeel SR Petersburg memellestener diseeissed adveatteges poemeneet by Pert Albert, 1.500 employees at a stroke. sad chemists a heightginteire at the ha- ters of the OM Wier railway siespises, new ailvenneenteene. the spealtsr remmod Ile met mall load Lsaczree John Burke and Anthony Cunningham were both sentenced to one month in gaol. Prisoners were charged with stealing clothing, etc., in Wroxster. John Terffs, charged with larceny of goods at Exeter, appeared on T'hoesday morning for sentence; bat upon an in timation from the Crown Attorney that other eharges were pending, prisoner was remanded for a wool( General 0110114110.• The Gensail Seseione wain met on Jemmy MkOsuii. Nowise sad Peter Ihia, sot leis as sseelshiss, WI the Osost7 vas deo struelti."1 wars sky& et Joh& O. Guyer. Mimi Aims rseigssiss wee I11 1'. Abe Ss tommmilina el swim forma benison the Omet eijoented until th. ▪ Februery. Loottne tit Wigwams. -There mist be emmelassaide new widows fertheess- fag hot She Dine ely einatlertriele,whieli .oris Immisa on Refaillse. as Ossolable as asps he bus es.sosi sub - pima for vitamin in till seemly. Irt ME los istssislisi to beer whit they know Amin the tragetile ilN1111•••••••••.-....•••••••••= - 11