HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-07-09, Page 1$2,50 To U.S, 1400 Year in Advance THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1964 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE:
Saturday In Grey Township Gravel Pit
Saturday gride-Elect
Honoured At Shower, Tea.
Wes Dale Cardiff, whose
marriazd to Robert Edward
Stevens takes place on Satur-
day at 2:30 p.m. in Brussels
Unitell (Church, has heeti, hon-
oured by hostesses at several
pre-nuptiaI events.
Miss Mary Louise Harmon was I.
hostess at a shower held In the
basement of the Brussels library
on Saturday, June 27. Assisting
the hostess were Misses Joyce
Harmony Donna Hutchinson and
Mrs. illiam Stratychuk.
e bride-elect, her mother,
M Ross Cardiff, the groom,
e act's mother, Mrs. Ernest
teveni, and Mrs. Mike Straty-
chuk, grandmother of the bride-
elect, were presented with cor-
The hostess and her assistants
lead in numerous contests, which
were enjoyed by all.
Gifts were presented to the
bride-elect by Patsy and Sandra
Crich, Doreen Cardiff, Karen
McDcinald, Anne Stratychuk,
Susan Flood and Shirley Pipe.
The bride received many beau-
tiful gifts for which she thanked
bar many friends and relatives.
A delicious lunch was served
by Miss Harmon and her assist-
ants. Assisting in the kitchen
were Mrs. Wm. :Harmon, Misses
Edith. and VIVa. :Warwick, Mrs.
Wilfred Warwick, Mrs. Jim Kerr,
Mrs. Lloyd Kernaghan and Mrs.
Peter Shaw.
Mrs. Mary Morris of Goderich,
was hostess at a barbecue held
at her home. A social evening
was enjoyed by everyone as well
as a sing song after which the
bride-elect was presented with
an oval shaped silver casserole.
Fellow staff members of Vic-
toria Public School at Goderich
held a social evening at which
Miss Cardiff was presented with
a vase.
Her class memberiv presented
her with a carafe, 'a cup and
saucer and several towel sets.
;Trousseau Tea
On Saturday, July 4th, Miss
Cardiff was guest of honour at
a trousseau tea given by her
Guests were received by the
bride-elect, her mother and the
groom elect's Mother. Attending
at the door in the afternoon was
Anne StratyChuk assisted by
Susan /Mood. Pouring tea were
Mrs, Mike Stratychuk, grand-
mother of the bride-elect, Mrs.
William Stra,tychult and Mrs.
Peter Litowski, both aunts of
the bride-elect. Displaying the
trousseau were Mrs, Bob Dalian-
One, and the linens were shown
dip gm; ilimittettt
Harold Riohara (Ben)•
Whittard, of St.. Catharines,
died suddenly in his 54th Year
at Hotel. Dieu Hospital in Se..
Catharines,. He is the son of Bea
G. Whittard and the late Mrs.
Whittard of Brussels,
He is survived by his wife, the
former Lois Edith Ellwood; two
children, son Richard and
daughter Jeanette, both at
home; two brothers, Earl of
St, Catharines and Forest, of
London; and two sisters, Mrs.
Robert (Hilda) Stone of Atwood,
and Mrs. Carl (Mildred) Self, of
Orangeville, and his father, Ben
Whitinrd of BtrussIls. He was
predeceased by one brother,
Ross, who was killed in action
The funeral service was held
at 2.40 pan. today (Thursday)
at the Iffurdy fuheral hoine,
Lucan. Burial hi Ebenezer
tery, McGavery Township.
Mrs. Florence Russels of
Brussels wishes to announce the
marriage of her daughter
Margarett Gertrude R. N. to Dr,
.70;7n Joseph Kelly V. S. The
marriage was solemnized at St.
Martin's Church, London by
Monsignor W. T. Flannery on.
Wednesday, June 24tb, 1964.
,the bride-elect. The gifts were
displayea by Miss Mary Louise.
Guests were served by Misses
Karen McDonald and Irene
Litowsk. Assisting in the kitch-
en were Mrs. Jack Pipe, Mrs.
Lloyd 1Kernaghan and M.
War" son Brown,
In the evening Sandra Crich
attended the door. Peuring tea
were MrsTim Kerr, Mrs, John
Kennedy assisted by Mrs. Kay'
Hamilton and Mrs-Alex. Gulutzen,
aunts of the bride-elect.
Miss Mary Louise Harmon dis-
played the trousseau in the
evening and Mrs. Ken' Mac-
Donald showed the linens. Mrs.
Murray Crich displayed the gifts
and Mrs. Ken Rogerson was the
tea room attendant.
Miss Doreen Cardiff, sister of
the bride-elect, attended' the
guest book both afternoon and
Serving the guests ih the even-
inc,- were Mrs. Michael Guluteen
and Miss T(nren McDonald.
Assisting in the kitchen in the
evening were Mrs. Jack Pipe.
WTn. Harmon and Miss Edith
rw cit.
Let us,}iaVe Mb. natiies or iiont.
oNitoN. ,kfiz
The regular meeting of the
'Village Council was held in the
Municipal Office July 6th, 1904
all members being present,
Mfpved by 1:1. J, TenPS,
seconded by C. L. Cousins that
the minutes of the meetings, it
June 1, and June 15 be adopted
as read
Moven Dy u, L, AcFadden sec-
onded byWm. Stratychuk that a
grant of $150.09 be given to the
Recreatinoal Committee for the
year 1964 - Carried
Moved by C. L. Cousins, sec-
onded by H,. J. TenPas that a
grant of $150.00 be given to the
Brussels Fair 'Board for the year
1964 Carried
Moved by Wm.. Stratychuk
that the accounts as presented
fo^ payment he paid
--- Carried
Association of Reevett
and Mayors,
1983 fees 10.00
P. U. C. streetlights 188.01
Salvation Army,
grant 50.00
Recreational Com-
mittee, 1964 grant
grant 150.06
Gordon Stiles, garbage
collection 120.00
B.M.G. Telephone,
3rd loan 10,000.00
Bridge Motors,
pairs, 27.21
Callander Nursing Home
June Nursing
2•13.75 Care
Scheoch Office Supplies
tape 1.55
rt, W. Kennedy
printing 37.00
Workmen s Compensation
1964 fees 86.80
3, M. McDonald Lumber
m aterial 21.43
Art Henry, labour on
streets , 36.00
Glenn Somers, labour on
streets 5.00
Brussels Fair Board,
1964. grant 150.00
C. .T. Cardiff, part
salary 150.00
Gordon Stiles. tree
removal 35.00
BMIG Telephone, tolls „.. 6.00
Geo. Pollard, hack-
hoeing .. 10,50
Oldfield Hdwe.,
supplies ...... 24.94
Maitland Valley Authority
1964 fees ............ 412,61
Brussels Post. Office
Receiver eneral,
deductions 28.90
/Moved by H. J. TenPas, sec-
onded by O. D. McFadden that
the meeting adjourn, to meet
again August 6th, 1964 or at the
6011 of the iteglt: 04a‘ bAtttlee
4 41 ./149.4N *411
Relative To
Radiation Fears
Statement from Dr. B.. MI. Aldis,
•County Medical Officer of Health.
On Mass Survey
"Persons who receive an ex-
ray in the Mass Survey can be
confident that the equipment
and techniques used are safe.
There is great value in periodic
chest ex'-rays, particularly for
people in the age group 40 years
and over. The whole survey is a
splendid form of "health In-
surance" for the people of :Huron
Pre-Nuptial Tea And
Shower Honour Bride-Elect I
Miss Dorothy Marks, whose
marriage takes place on July
25th, was guest of honour at a
tea at the home of • Mr. and.
Mrs. Clifford Marks, on Satur-
day, July 4th.
Forty guest were received by
the hostess. The tea was served
on the lawn.
Mrs. Roy Turvey presided at
the lace-covered tea table which
was centred with an arrange-
ment, of red roses and pink
candles. The guests were served
by Pauline and Doreen Smith,
Shirley McArthur, Alice Verbek
and Judy Marks .
• After the tea the bride-to-be
seated in a chair decorated
with wedding oells, was
showered with confetti and
towels by a number of friends.
Irma Bernard read the address
arid the Smith twins presented
the decorated wagon of gifts.
Dorotlhy thanked her friOnds
for their gifts and good wishes.
Melville W.M.S.
The July meeting of Mel-
ville W.M.S. was held in the
church parlour on Friday, July
3rd .with the President' Mrs.
W, smith in the chair.
After the call to worship the
W.M.S. Purpose anti the Lord's
Prayer Were repeated in unison
feliewed by the singing of "Psalm.
86. The Setre'ary's report, and
Treasurer's statement Were read:
Mrs Cleve Backer gave the
Bible reading and Mrs: 111OrriSOn
led in prayet
Mrs, Amy Speir gave a' very
interesting paper on Program
two of the. Study Book illustrat-
ing from a map of India. The
roll call was reSpOtided to. by
nainytng f' missionary in Indfe.
Visits to the sick were re-
corded. the offering taken and
the business part of the meet-
ing emended.
1%0 ittOltifig mwel *$of livoitt
op,ri olki Smoottotatt.
Cheryl Lynn Ames, at Atwood,
plunged to her death when the
ear in which she was a passeng-
er careered over the edge of a
Grey Township gravel pit on
Se' urday night.
Cheryl, fifteen-year-old daught-
er of MT,. and Mrs. Bryan Ames
of Atwood, and grandaughter of
the late. Mrs. J. Ames of Ethel.
was sitting in a convertible car
when it flipped over the edge of
the pit carrying the girl 2 feet
to her death. Harvey L, Machan,
18-year-old of Monldton who was
the other occupant of the car
managed to jumped clear of the
toppling vehicle and escaped.
with only slight injuries.
The dry pit is about 23/, miles
from the Perth-Huron boundary'
on the 15th concession of Grey
There is a possibility that an
inquest into the fatal accident
)01 ! be held,
Oherly was born In Listowei,
May 20th, 1949. She attended,
Atwood Public School Onct
Listowel District Secondary
School. She was a member or
Atwood Presbyterian 'Church.
She is survived by her parents
'and two half brothers. Robert
Clarke of Listowel and Paul
Clarke of Winnipeg, Man.
The funeral service was held
at the Peebles funeral home.
at 2 p.m. on Tiiesday.
Burial was in Elma Centre
Save Those Papers
For The Boy Scouts
Don't ,burn those papers! Tie
them up and store them away
for the 'Boy Scout Paper Drive
hi September.
'Mrs. John Kelly, the former
Margaret Gertrude Russell, was
honored at a number , of pre-
nuptial events, prior to her
recent marriage to Dr. John
Joseph Kelly at St. Martin's
Church, London. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. Florence Russel
Of BrusselS, and the groom is the
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Roily o( Brussels.
Hostesses hollering Mrs. Kelly
were 'Mrs. Howard. Waide and
Mrs, Edward -ringer at Mrs.
ITriger'S home on Ridoet Street;
Mrs. Dorothy ilillespi.e, Mrs..
Gleason Healy, Mrs. John
McCaughey. Mrs. John Cope-
land. Mrs, Wm. Currie. Mrs,
V+,91116n: molt, Mica, John :Vetter,
'1',.R:441014 ifit t*Sjilei
Brussels Council Atwood Girl Plunges 23 Feet ,To Death