HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-01-14, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JANUARY 14, 1881. Sou) Orr. --Mr. Brydges of this place l.as purchased the premises recently ape cupied by Mr. B. Yuitter, the well- known carriage) an4 wahipiii builder, and the latter un TMrrslay last a,ld out his interest its tis baMi '. to the fortifier. • Joanna LI. Officiate elected LV (Iran No, 23 1881: --Braes, Alex. Ross, eater; J. 11'. Dobson, Overseer; Geu. Brown, Lecturer; Duualt% McDonald, Steward; Duncan McD onal(, Asst Steward; Rubt. Elliott, Chap.; John McDonald, Treas- urer; Arch. McDunald, Secretary; Wm. Mines, Gatekeeper; Sisters Armstrong, Ceres; Mined, Punwna; Bishop, Flora, and Stewardess. Tsusrss EL•erloi.--Mr. Andrew Simpson was elected trustee, in S. S. No. 1, in place of Mr. Item ' :-u *Iodine(' t.. be re -alerted. win-nsm. The patron of the 'Win C. : u Curling Club, Gena H..Mnffat, Esq, t usented beautiful silver medal to the Winglant curlers for annual rink a petition. The medal is on exhibition at Mr. Bray's drug store and is one of the best we ever saw. All credit should be given to Mr. Moffat for his generous donation. The dualism of the medal is very unique, crossed brooms serving for the handle, with a solid silver curling stone depend- ing from the medal proper. The outer edge is composed of filagree silver work, 1 epresenting the Scotch thistle and maple leaf entwined. The adverse aide hears the following inscription: Presen- ted to the Winghani curling club for annual rink competition, by G. H. Muf- fat, Patron, 1880. -[Advance. e• t pals. -a "C•.stnslRte Pe :a. --We here rezeive•1 from Mr Andrew Calder a large ct'tittet p't•pt , trt')h ".• the celebrat- ed trottinoatsllioe "Clear Grit," owned by Mr. tae it a Whitely, ttf Saafnrth. This pie:uro Was taken by Mr. Calder at the re (nest of the Agricultural Commis - shin of Ontario, who .intend getting it engraved and publishetl in their report. Mr. A. H, Dyuepnd, the stieretary of the Commission, ' 'diluents Mr, Calder highly on his suceess in getting a good . clear picture of the "old horse." ''Clear Grit is without doubt the beat trotting hire in the Dominion. Among his get are "Atuber," record 2.23; "St. Patrick," 2,38; "Clothed -pin," 2.2; :ti seventh heat; "Lady Cleveland," ne oord, hut trotted.in 2.22; and last bu: nut !hast, "Little Billy," who without proper care or training can tri,[ inside of ' '2.20, and can come down the limns stretch as fast am any horse on this continent. -[E. - f •naftu,', - Walton iae.eatst•r. -Thi report of Dr. Peter's .heath is false.. Although very sick, we are pleased to state he id still alive. Te.1-MEi:9'1Na,-The regular anniver- aary tea -meeting was held un New Year's uight in the Methodist (lurch. The supper was what the Walton ladies gen- erally provide -the vary best. Before tea was over a very large audience had, tasembled, filling the church to its ut- ttuist capacity. Mayor Beattie, of Sea- - forth, occupied the position of chairman, and added greatly to the pleasure of the meeting by his remarks. The following mess auldresaed the meeting : W. H. Kerr, Revs. J. E. Russ, Reid, Mc- Naughton- and Baugh: Excellent music was supplied by a choir under the lead- ership of Prof. Slater, Mins Gibbons pre- sided at the organ. Proceeds about 11400 - b, be applied to payntettt ..f debt on the church sheet. -Peat. Yow corru'noudent "Aurora,' wantsa :Syndicate to build a harbur at Port Albert. What t A eytk,yeaq; ef:Mit Ong the uotgultieent t of $1900 aa.t Now 1 wotaki Gke to know ghat twit/Now have dam with that If 1500 at P..Ft Albert I Neto btett there and to ray certain knowledge there have only been 84 apiles driven list year. 'rhe grant wits inatle last spring, consttuently they had the whole se ion to do the pilin•,, and yet 84 soles ate all thatate Wei' driven ; 84 'pile, for $1500 ! let me see, nearly $18 a agile. Ye gals, this is worse than the N. P. Why it is es bad as the Railway Syndicate. I .'.served that they used au old riciety ono -hong pile-driver, and paid $2 a day f n the are of it. Perky...hat is K. P. mammy, but 1 think our village blacksmith could drive more piles in a sasson with a 241b. sledge. 1 think the Port Albert hertaor ah••uIi he hooked after. There has been soare wire pulling dune there. Des s our bosom friend Geordie know anything about it ! In justice to Port Albert, I roust itay it las the best harbor site nn the met shore of Lake Huron, and why it should be ounteut to remain without sufficient harbor accommodation is at utystery. Perhaps it is because the population are nearly all dyed in the wool Turin', and ..re content with what- ever crumb. the Tory Chieft. in may give them. Will " Aurora " please explain T CONQUEROR. Want et Jahn Gorden sna1.1., It is with siucet•^ si.rrow sorrow that will awaken a responsive feeling its every bosom that knew hint -that we record the sudden death of John Gordon Smith, of Lucknow. Which took place un the 28th ult., of paralysis, at the residence of Mr. Alex. Melutyre, merchant. Mr. Smith was burn on Glencuuglaas fano, Parisi of Kirkntic',tael, Banffshire, Saot`a't 1, In HU, rad was consequcutly its his 3Jth year at the time of his death. Ne amine to this country in 18;6ii, and eu(n:red in business its Owen Sound and Walkerton, .erton, sume time pruyious to his (e eine to Lucknow, which he did in the fall of 187u. After cousin.; f o Lucknow, he commmeet' business as a grain buyer, its which he soon won the respect and contidonee of the fanning cunntun- ity generally fur his Sterling and un- swerving honesty, and straight-forward- nesa. He became rain • ober of ),ho Lucktnuw Caledonian '' .ieG), shortly after his arri- val, and luta been one of Its most e ateem- ed and most useful members. Since his co:niection with it, he hastilled several important officers, and was two weeks previous to his death elected by aculamaa; tion for the fourth time to fill the oftice of First Chieftaiin-the second highest office in the gift of the Socitily. The success of the Society can in a very large Imeasure be attributed to his untiring en- ergy and zeal. He was a true Scotch - 1 man, and entered with great enthusiasm into all such games as had their origin in the "land of brews heath and shaggy wood." A chess player; a quoiter; a da;ubrud player; one of the keenest of curlers; a violinist of considerable merit; one of the most devoted of Isaac Walton's disciples: a great'adlnirer of the sublime peasant poet of Ellisland, and at the annual celebration of whose banquets, in connection with the Society, he took a leading part; a clear headed, thought - :fel. warn hearted and genial man, one whose escutcheon was without a stain; his speeches were always characterized by wit and humor, and were consequent Orsaltrook PAciylt• RAILWAY 1llsert*u. - Last Tuesday afternoon it large gathering was addressed at themes' Hall, its this village, by E. E. Wade, Dr. W. J. 11 Hennes and .1. Leckie, of Brussels, and Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., of Wroxter, T. Stra- chan, Reeve of Grey, acted as chairman. The following resolution was moved by E. E. Wade and carried unauintously --Resolved that this meeting views with apprehension, the terms of the contract taw before Parliament with the C.• P. R. syndicate. They cannot but think that the tensa of this contract are in many respects detrimental to the beat interests of Canada, and they would urge upon the Government the necessity of refus- ing to ratify the terms, thereof, until an opportunity has been given fur the full est discussion of then[. Another resolution was •ed by Jnu. Leckie, seconded by T. W. Johnstone, that seeing the great sacrifice of money and land that is likely to Toe made by carrying out the agreement with a syndi- cate for the oonetruction of the C. P. R., as also the exemptions from taxes, and creating a land and railway monopoly for a generation to come, petitions. should be signed protesting against the ratifica- tion of said agreement, at once, and for- warded to the proper parties. Carried. Entail Obnui rout, landlords, recalcitrant agents and land -grabbers are not the only persons Boycotted; nor is lioycnt- ting confined exclusively to the Emerald Isle. We, the peaceable and law-abiding citizens of Port Albert, Kingsbridge and Kintail, hare been Boycotted as to the time of receiving mails, and it cams about thusly Some person or persons, (interested • of the town of Goderich, through humane or pecuniary motives, caused a petition to ire circu- lated setting forth the hardship 'endured by mail carriers and stage owners in oar - tying the mail on this mote, and pray- ing the Post -master General to change the time so that the mail from the east arriving in Goderich at 3 p.m. should' be hard over till next morning, whisk prayer was granted, much to the dirt and inconvenience of besinese men slolag the route. Now, said petition biag largely signed by the people of Goderich, who have not the slightest interest in .1er bneintl t o' welfare, such interfer .ire of was imperial -me e in tht.. .4Nhhat inpardonable pro- be ,!sort* t. when ' to boys gag ltrewve their marl It Tt vol now be in older for Stretford to [lit likewise with OOtiorila ly well n,•ceived. He had the peculiar faculty of saying the, right word in the right place, and saying a good deal in a small space. Re was a constant and NEWSPAPER'LA\\'. punctual attendant at Knox Church, of • which he was an esteemed and valued member, taking a warm and earnest R e .all the t:p:e,tal. nttentle,n •. f ,.,st• in- terest in all its meetings, but especially mestere and subscribers to the follt;wing growcnp[ more and more into disuse every year. ['here are few French Canadians who do not speak English at least indit- fer'utly, and they prefer to use a lan- et'ageich all understand rather than amu w hi r is eumprehendud by but few of the a 'abets. It is surprising how few guuid rporaet•a there really are in Parlianteut,--not more than adozen in all. There are some men who might speak well if they tried, but who are kept in th,, t,ackgr,eutd either by difti- deuate or indolence. Murat men find it no easy -natter t , address a critical audi- ence like the House of Cumvow, and even experienced Parliauicuteriats ad- mit A quaking of the knew • it such txt- etsions. It is well, perhaps that it is so; otherwise the country would to de- luged with talk, and Hansard bocome more extensive than a 15.volunie ency- clopedia. - f B t ..e Ttlesrop.e, Ottawa Cur. 'Worths of lIdisaom. Thu f ,Mowing is a goal phrase, detcrip- tive of an energetic character: "Crnn- -ell did not wait to strike until the iron was hot, but made it hot by striking.. It is neither safe, respectable, nein wise to :,ring any youth to manhood without a regular calling. industry, like idle- t,etns, is a matter of habit. No idle hey will snake uta active, and industrious, and useful titan. Neter tell people of sutural faults at once. You will profit theca nothing, discourage thein greatly. Rather set their faults gradually before thein, as you see that they have courage to bear the slight with advantage. Nine -tenths of the worry of lift- is i,ut- nmwci for nothing. Du your part; Dever leave it undone. lie iudustriuusrbe pru- dent; ba eouraavoua. Thctt tlir ,u anxiety to the winds. "St%cie:.t unto the day is the evil thereof;" therefe•re dii not burrow :.uy fur t•,-tnurrow. If we ww•d to auto u o in a w•,ril the worldy wisalorn of Lord c nsfielil, we should say- it taught fart the value of ambition, and neat,.the use of the tools with which ambition may ::test use of effectually work. The peer, if they de- sire wealth, should achieve it; the rich, who have tt already, should desire pow - or which they have net got, end • betin that power.-{Spectat...r. r Doti tM OF QUAKY.f LAP,'-. - There i9 a beautiful story told of a p.ou., Quaker lady,.howas selected tustuikingteb,•act:o. She•had indulged in this habit until, it I lied increase.! Su her, t a: Bite : ut 1 only p ii.o aaa ;a port ion of ' the -day, but frequently a:.: up in bel for this purep pao daring ib night. After tone of those nocturnal entertainments, she full asleep and dreamed that shedied and approached heaver: -Meeting alt Na- gle, site asked him if her name was n'tit- ten in the hook of life. Hedisappeared: but replied on returning, that he could not find it. `Oh,'-s_tid she, • 'do look again; it [must be there.' He examined again, but returned with a sorrowful face, saying it was not: 'Oh.' said .she in agony, 'it trust be there! I hire in ..+:,r - ante it :s there, Dv feu: 'tars;, etcher Tho angel was moved to tears by Iter entreaties, and again -left her to renew his search. After a !ung absence, he canoe back. his Etc: radiant with joy, and exclaimed, 'we have found its but it was so clouded with tobacco smoke, that we could hardly see it!' The good weenan upon waking. immediate)threw her pipe away, and never indulged its smok- ing again. in its Sabbath School. As a citizen he was patriotic and liberty lovi'tg, friendly. to all such measures as hail for their end the public weal; a decided Libeialinpoli- tics, in which he also took an active part ; of a sanguine and passionate tempera - synopsis of the newspaper laws 1. .1 postmaster ie required t • eve notice fo( batter (returning u 'Leper de•es not answer the l:.,r when a subscriber does not take his paper cut •.f the office, and state the reasons for its not being meet, he was somewhat easily thrown taken. Any neglect : , a-. So hakes the off his guard in momenta of heated argu- postmaster res!,•.tui1.t t•• the publishers meat er debate, but always ready- t•, for payment. make honorable amends. [Sentinel. 2. If any pe. r.; .:: • ole: hi. paper dis- continued, he must taffy all arrearagea, ei the publisher may t eitinue to send it until,tpayment is made. and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or net. There can be no, le•rai discontinuance until the payment is trade. 3. Any person who takes a papa;- from the post -office, whether directed to his name or another. or whether he hes sub- scribed or not, is responsible fur the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher cuntinuea to send. the sub- scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the poet -office. This proceeds upon the ground that :.:n an must pay for what he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take a newspaper and peri.oditals from the post -office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima focin evidence of intentional fraud. The reason that seal akin sacques are se, expensive this winter is partly owing to the great demand fur them in Paris. where they are worn unusually long. It takes a larger gpantity of material to snake a 'acquit than formerly. The winter in Paris is very mild and very brief, but seal skins are fashionable, and in Paris, above all places, the fashion rules- All the fine seal skins that are put on the market are dyed and prepared in England, the process of dyeing being a secret kept in two (branches of one fancily. Although[ many of the seals are caught in Alaska the skins have to be taken to England to be dyed and prepared for the market. The number prepared is something stupendous. In 1877 alone there were imported into Great Britain 763.757 skins, valued at £146,533 aterling, of nearly a million and a quarter of dollars. They were worth a good deal more than that when they were dyed and made up. A NTH, CARD. --The following 'card" appears on the editorial page of the Lon- don Times: - "The Duke of Westminster takes the opportunity of some public al- lusion being made to his wife's death to express his heartfelt thanks and meat grateful acknowledgements to all those who at the time of the Dualisms' serious attack in July and since, haw. minced so much kindness and sympathy with her in her time of trial. To say that this mad. • deep impres rest upon her and mover will be forgotten by her family is to say little, and, as the Duke is sow hie personally to thank the high and low, rich and p poor, for their hopes that ho will be at the Mss a4:ensed if he now pays them this tribune et la - awe gratitude in tbs only soy epos to hint of doing tn. Br.akson. Tearer, Bournemouth, Dec. 19." There are comparativaly few met in the ROMP who are really to assure its attrition, and AVM with than the often- er they t the 1( that are anted shout. its. also n o&iIs that tali who in Ib. Load Legislatures took • pro n'tient position are war•esly known in the wider sphere of the Dr Parliament Meme. Bosltbeeand It! are fair examples roil tar Wuta a IIt•Igneenl The Psi 015111. Care-Ia Gederich, on New Years flay. the wl of Mr, Oswald Carey. of • son. Ranter - Is asaeIa on i relay. Ile• 90th, the wile of r. A. iHunter of a son ■ ARAI O, Mackid -Moyer- At (ho restdenrr of the fatter.tirldifs Thornton Hall. Harpnr►ry, w M w.1601. hT Rev. ur NIS. H. G. M, M. U.. of Lnctnow t• Matilda. agbterof Ludwig Meyer. ties_ D C. ('. Noble- At tioderich. on the 3151 the Rev. R. Ure. D. D. Mr. Oeores ilia, to Miss Era fly Ksg.tle. la Cliston. is SOs ala ea , 1st the MwaMl to 513.. H. A. w -L oClint.... the lath A. Mr. Juries tat this of the bridge father, • to Is. M.ry wars w. At the radelsaev of Real..s t8. sit+ some[ Mr. (teorge .vy. yldest d 4. Gov x )11y W. N. Vpollltek tat . f • to. eel " AMoe T .• the soh to ?d Mr. Reoba. to ?dile ftsrphyna welly Oa the eren,ng of ileo the resNesee of the bride's v. e O ohnsen captdn to Miss Ruth Pelta ter ne' W• less smith tans s1iiM` Fokaos. --At the rwidesus of Dr. Jehassoa, Yorkville. oa the adorning et Wedaesday. Dec. 7rthh of limpticcw a Lymphadlaltls, the Itev. W. A. Johnson. of Weston, in the 06b oar ut i• age. - -• --- Auctioneering. . CURRIE,THE PEOPLE'S II 0. 0. • . T►ONEE:R. Ooderick, 0.11. 1751. L1RANC1; GRAHAM, LICENSED 1' Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Middlesex. Terms reasonable. Moe -- Hamilton Street Ooderich, opposite Colborne Hotel. Orden left at Saes Ai. oMac aUl be attended to. 1751. She People's Qolumn. e 1 01 PRINTER WANTED IMME- • DIATELY. None other need apply. Study employment. Apply to 'Vox SIGNAL, liaieriub. 1 CE. --HAVING JUST FILLED MI" 1 lee house with some beautiful clear ice, 1 ii:t ite the public to examine my stock, and vet Puy ratan for eumuter delivery. ('all early, before the stock i» all bargained fur. WM. Mc(:aiu. milkman, near the 51. E. Church, Goderich. 1791-3t. .iI FSIC-MISS SKIMMINGS WILL 1 resume lherclass in music for Piano and Cabinet Organ. on Monday, 3rd Jan. after the Xmas Vacation. Vacancies for two er three pupils. Tereus per quarter in advance. Goderich 28th )ec. 1810. 1767-1t. IORDWOOD [PANTED. -THE UN - `J DER.9I(INED. having purchased the les- no:ss. minion Salt Block, is now prepared to buy all rash kinds of cordwood, for which will be paid. For further part is chars, apply to !'has. A. Nairn. the square: or at the Star Salt Works. JOHN SCOHIE. 1753 Dentislru. A MNICHOLSON 8 BON DEN- . TIST. Ores A SC:t three doors below veae- rio h ITM Tonsorial. W. KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- BLit and ilairdremer, to ret•rs thanks to the ppuuablic fur past sad solicits a esaitnuanoe of u 5 ora always be rad at his Shade/ or, near the Poetttlytl r.. Goderich. 1753 3 tet ical. HG. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . clan, Surgeon rad Auuoucber, Graduate of Toronto University. O oeopposite Caster - run & Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. 1f aot to aloe, enquire at the Bank. 1701.y. 1 R MULEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - 1 U1CUN, Coroner,OfAce and reeldence on Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1751. DRS. SHANNON &. HAMILTON, Physicians, Surgeons. Acoouchers. &c. Office- at Dr. Shannon's residence. near the Jail. Goderich. C. C. ShaNon, J. C. HAMIL- TON. 1751. T AIKENHEAD, V.S., (SU• CCESSOR V • to 1)r. Duncan! Graduate of Oaterto Ve- terinary College. Office, stablesandresidenoe. on Newgate Street. tour doors east ofeolborne Hotel, N. 1i. Hors•» examined as to sound - 1751. !`TOTIC E. The l'u uueil to t he Corporation of t he Pointy Huron wilt meet in the Court Room in the 'sown of Galerich. on Tueada)', tAth January text. I'KTER ADAKAON, county Clerk. January. 10. MM. 178921. , V I/TICE. Sealed tenders will L: received by the um dersigned on behalf oft he County until the '24th iostaat, for ' lowering the ceiling of the ('ottrt !town. !Mans and specilicattons may Solicitor. !!:lice --Comer of West Street he seen In in, office. The lowest or tiny ten- and Market acquire. over George Aeheaon'e. der re, 101-warity accepted. Goderich. 1751. PKTEIt ADA NISON.1.'.uney Clerk.- - `-- Go'.e•. •. h. Jan'ry6th. hell, 17tot-YL t/ CAMI'I(►\, ATTORNEY-AT- .1j. TTORNEY - AT - 54. L_\\\', Solicitor 'in Chancery. ('u.vey' `vU 1' I l' E. sneer, 6:c. Odlcr over Detlor's store, ((i2aastlio-. 1 rich, Ont. Any amount of money to loan at Legal. (1 ARROW & PROLTDFOOT, BAR- T IttsTERS, Attorneys. Solicitors, eta. Ooderieh. J. T. (Farrow, W. l'ruudfoot. 1751. R. L. DOYLE, BARRISEER A N D 1) -tttoruey. Solleitur in chancery. &c., Goderieh, O:.r. 1751. EAGEP. 'I*RTO , BARRIS- IJ Ttat+, Gederieh and \Gingqham. (3. stager. Jr.. :;,• • shah. J. A. Murton. Wing - ham. 1751. L MALCO'I.r•''N, BARRISTER AND The A tat Icetiu6 ui th.: filar:irtd:ural r w' a: cigi.t tido. k p. m. on Thustay the 13th Jan- uary. for the a eel oD ccs. err. lowest rata of interest. 1751-7. + s.et ill be held r. the bror.d Jur, Itcnu t (AMER)S, HOLT & C A'MERON, • 1 1 1 Salm I liarriutcn.. Solicitor, in ('hancery. Qc„ 1 F.TF.a _t!'.\)l yl)\. (S'st.•ric•h an.1 •W'iughatn. 3,1. ('. ('d[[[eem. U. J an-- 3rd, 1ivl. ICri-1.. [31.40 ,. l''; 1'.'11oIt. M. 0. t'amer..n, (:uderich. W. Ma -a -t. 1\' iitghaw. 1751. VIsTICE, \TThe-.tunnel meeting er theR .ti :ing of Iiiscellaneous [tars. Huron Agricultural S pelta- it Ill ho r,edal in the - - - - - .!'curt Horse. at Oodertdh. t'. Wednesday, ti Jan. 19th. 1861. at obe o'elot•k ti- m.. torthe par• AJIES SMAILL. Altl HITECT, A large of receiving the Annual Report of the ! (mice. l'rahb's Block. Kingston it., God,- itircctors. eIectfngOMcer.) and Directors tor rie•h. Clans sial specifications drawncorreat- thc' ensuing year, and other bt st.w''a. ly-,. Carpenter'..' l,ba,tere:s and mason's work . JOHN VARC4)I . measured and valued. ' Colborne 1'p., Jan. 1, WI. 1" I.2t. :secretory. 1 R. O, AISE, IGN 1+.4. and\VATSOrnamentaNl Painte(►r„ ParlorSdecor- ating made a specialty. GRAINING. GILDING. { _ - •- - - RLei No OMhop of on North Street. Stmt, uppositetihe • For Sale or To Let. 11 OR SALE. -A GtM►D HORSE, harness and cutter. Horde goad single, r double. wad safe for thlldtca to driy, . \\ 111 b ;old s;•fsrately or tap( -cher. c'.rap ;ar cash. 1.4.'14 , to E. F. ARmirrte•>e . a Bros.Fatining 11t(1 makers. (loderieh. - 17t11 -It. iiTRATF`)RD BINDERY-ESTAB- 1,1sIfED 1889, This tstablisbmentischlefty devoted to job and library work. es/Kehl-11Y to those unique and ceonomh•albalfcalf and mar - recce styles. In all eases the Lest of stock and -• workmanship, with *trength and beauty rem - i• ()USE AND LOT FOR SALE- AT 'Innen. Bindery °Icries-1ln Duttoo'adrug store. i 1 1 Dungannon, 13 miles from Goderich. GEORGE STONE_ consisting of i of an acre of land. well fenced; a trams house, a gaud well and pump are also %COMMERCIAL Hi )TEL. DU1GAN- on the premia,,. The let has been well iso- ac: NON Thi flet -clan» hotel, has recently pproved. Tern's reasonal e. Tartle ulars con been refitted and improved scan to furnish the hmga eon of I;. E. BRow• , \ si. M, ;chant, !pest possible ac ranmatation to the travelling 1; -t f. pubhp•. Good liquors and choice bands a speciality. An attentive roller always on A complete a•;ntiment har.d. and ettcellent »tabling and sheds, en aka I HOU§E, AND LOTS NOS. :,:i AND premise;. Taos. StILIL. Proprietor.176. cripti(M of 76. corner of Victoria and East meet[[ in i the town of Goderich, for sale cheap. or will be_ exchanged for farm property. Forpartle'iht •. ' apple to J.es. SMAILL, Arohttrct, oMce ('rahh'. Block. or J. C. ('I•Itettr. auctioneer._ . ► LET- A BLACKSMITH SHOP convenientlysituated. ng In the i: :,,00,00 T0 LOAN. APPLY TO mediate vdlbof 51 el and Pet(Nr. (.MERON, HOLT h('AMEFON_Dode- This is a• stand(ur horwshocing and trich. 1.55. jobbing. Iso • one story frame dwelling house, and shoe shop. This 1. it rare chane, fare good RIseksmifh and Shoemaker. Apply 1,11,75,000 TO LEND ON R E A L E S - ,t eru•c to it. J. Il. 1's:L•,su. I•or• Alber. Ont. ; 4'..., TATE. Terris favorable. Apply to B. L. CCL DOYLE. Goderich. 1751 Li HEPPARDT(►N FARM Ft lt 5O.000PRI VATEFUNDS TOLEND 11 sale CO acres. Sr to -rias clears[ and well on good Farm or first-class Town Property fenced„ Brick Cottage 35x3). stone cellar full '; at 8 per oeat. Aonly to R. ItAI►CLIFFE, 1751 size of house ,dA large (reek ruca thro•agh the tet, ao wae land on the creek. A very N EY TO LEND IN A N Y due orchard sarrounde the house. Gad barn ; 1/1. (► amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 7 per and otherbutldingi. Ternvvvery easy. Apply cent. Private funds. Apply toSKAGERand to !t. T. H*Tac., l K. 16 Lnkc Shore I'.(ol- ( Al oRTuN, G uderieh, borne Township. CBoad. M. f (ONEI" Tl► LOA )\ ON FIRST 1'HEPPARDTVN. -STORE. WITH I it Mortgage rat reasonabie rates of interest A 'Post (Aloe. for rale or to rent with 1 acre and on terms to suit borrowers. Address JAMxs STE W ART, Saltford 1'. 0. 1750. MOORHOUSE A NAPPY NEW YEAR TI) ALL. ReOpellhIlgorschools All the Text Books authorized fur use in High, Model and Public Schools can be bought CHEAPEST front MOORHOUSE. COPY BIII►KS, FOOLSCAP. PENS, PENCILS, RUBBER. EXERCISE BOOKS, and every School Requisite, ARE OFFERED AT THE LO«r E ST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR C 14 at Moorhouse's. N. B.-THLS 14 THE OLDEST, LAR(4ES1 AND CHEAPEST BOOK STORE. WENT (1F TORoXT.)-ES- T.4BLINHEIJ 1,-..!. . . BLANK BOOKS. Loans and insurance.. BLANK BOOK)... land. Stock all fresh and g.s.d. Will sell on very easy, terms, having other business to attend to. For further particular* a pryy• to R. T. 11AyNEs. Also 100 acre, of ian Kest half of Lot 5, on the 3rd con.. E. 1). Ash eld. Cood Or- chard. Frame House, and is stable. Fifty acres cleared and well fenced. All the crop with 18 acres of hay. will be given with lot. R.T.11. usl. ,N'(ONEY TO LOAN. THE CANA- DA Landed Credit Company, Toronto- jrALIABLE FARM FOR SALE. JOAN LAING BLAxta. Esc., President. Money For 1881, at _ M lent by this Company W Indlrldtale upon Lot 6. Con. ✓! Township of Colborne, Co. the same system as W - municdpallties,Rend Baron, rontalnlnR Olt sores 75 of which arc for ('Ireulars, HUGH HAMILTON, C. L. rate9 cleared and in a good state of cultivation. '[gent, Goderich 1751 There is a frame Houde 51121 with cellar under the whole. kitchen 16x10, wood shed 16x46, Ttehle 117'1264:71r 8xbt, far horses, silo cow stable 1(x41. There is s weU with a Bev faihing spring. and a good young orcbard with about 40 trees. selected. Term* ew,y. For particular* apply W Trot. At, W AT.ON, proprietor, Carlow or to ()1Rttow t PRouoroxrr God M h MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for investment at lowest rates on first -clans MMortgagen. Apply to ()ARROW & I'ROUDFOOT. DAY BOOKS. of oven' UIP LEDGERS. JOURNALS. CASH BO(IKs, MINUTE BOOK-. PASA BOOKS, POCKET BOOKs, MEM. BOOKS, INDICES, fie. 1Is. a full stock of Poce! DiariI 736 • / 1HANCERY SALE OF A VALIA- l.. bye Fares in the Township of Colborne. Pursuant toan order off the Court of Chan- cery tweatF sa • rMi lbs OIXOX OWN .JA wW M es4d Poem lbws o g s6asW/r Ala gay etF.Yraary. A. i.. feu. ties faflowla/propsn els: eni the IMI, Ma w tlLws' p of Cdkor.e, in of tiros. eetalaing 30 Acme, eta the Grovel Road mei d bad and isw s las• and 1 .11.paw11twps/ tw ,rel .els sash R\uw grecs du satsaof tsl w im= i86fb*•.1W 1, ruse vel other 11 tstensar M of gab erIll of the Overtof qieWirgtista. Wore* top tleneor Or AVIA the Ar iiia t ' of rent dry. d. H MACDERINOTT, M at fbedevieb f:ARRIIR A PROUD1T(1t1T vendors' Solberg 20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND KIP on Farm and Town Property at lowest In tercet. Mortgoges purchased, no Commission charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. Borrowers can obtain money In onlay if title is satisfactory. DAVISON de JOHN- STON. Barristers. tee., Goderich. 1751 RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, • . Life and Accident Insurance Agent. Representing firstcla.sCotapaale . Alto agent for the CANADA LIMA Ptvicg INSURANM Co. Money to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or Farm Ptpperty, In any way to snit the borrow- LOMoe-(np-atalnl Kara block, Dederick, 1751 INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. ('O'Y, ToltoNm . E.tabil.hesf IMO. PHOENIX INS.. OUT. of LONnloN tngland) Isialblishod 17 RARTli1RD Irk001f. of Hotelman. Conn. tksMtNM 1615 takes to the above bit-clanOlken at ti. w.st rates by HORACE HORTON, Th. wade Is .iso Appraiser for the CAANAD PER,LOAN meoSAViNGS MY, Mosey to Foran on Irstclsas .eeurlty, from 7 to • per Cent.- Charges •I.d.t.ts, HORAC2 NORTON. Oederth. Sept 1t MK 1751 '•EIV 11IRBDALr BOARDRr0 AND DAY SCHOOL, eu)/aaZe$. °m ore, the bet Moats fa w(uwer. °m z1 Ahaoir F 1.d la Roode- j . 7' Shiest clava Weal M eew.n.efs V t ea )cwt lath t'aR•R. greatly reduce;', SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES. A fresh assortment of Books, specially selected and adapted tor circulation in Sunday Schools A liberal discount allowed according to amount of purchase. Call and dee sample. and Ret quota Pio.. at Moorllonge's, •• terrct, Det di, 1800.