HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-01-14, Page 7full and Fanc .
Sales«wn will tell you that theie's
very little sitting down in the st.. that
keeps s standing advertiseuten: to the
"That priauuer Ilea a very rutxdh
a,untenanas, ! said rite judge to the
scene "Yes," said the sheriff, "he
was ironed just before he was brought
On the meeting oftfriends the fol-
lowing colloquy ens :—"Where have
3OU brans' '•fo toy fur, and 1 had
hart work tasking hint accept a little
unr,tey. ' "You as:ontshel m1: Way t'
"Ba_ Asir, he wanted more."
At the marriage of an Alabaw : widow-
er u:le of the servants was as -A if his
master w• -u to take a brad d tour. •'llun-
mu, soh: when ukl utisCiY i alive he took
a paddlq to her; dunno if ire take alai -he
to de new .one or not."
In attempting to cave a fowl one
day, ma American wittier foun3 aHtai ler-
able digioulty in separating its joints.
and exclaiuted alpinist the ratan wIle '.ad
Mold hint an old hen fora young c:.i;'c•
''My dear," said the enraged Hoot's wt c,
"don't talk So mush about the age) aa.l
respectable Mr. B.; he w.wu1 the first
patch of Dorn that was planted in our
town." "I knjw that," sa':1the husband,
:and I hslieve this hes scatt.:'.ked it u•t.'
yes, Charley's a nice fellow en-
'1THE HUItulti' bIUNAL, r'1t1IDAY, JAIN UAlt1 14, 1"r+1.
The Tints says the Queen's spee2h en
the upeuiug of Parliament will oongratu-
l.at, the country oy thn pe•.cotul scttle-
teent ..f the Montenegrin ditfl ulty, and
state that th) l)uvetu,:keut entertains
hopes of sa:suesa in settlies t te
Binet an outer quuations in the less'.
It will duels:v that British sial& or.ty
toast be re *Alerted in the Transves
and that it would be itupoeuble ail
sunt to give the Tr.utsvasl tudent:ma uc...
fhu hope will be expressed that tho
friendly isltervonti a of planglau.l will b:
able to end the struggle in ltsaut ' Ian 1.
It will ani sane that the Governen jot
dues not intend t.. retain Cetid ah u•, -1
@aspens:.n ..f the Ifahe tt ('spot; Act f s
Ireland will be asied for, aLo a refoun
of the I and 1*wa a:n 1 .it the Gran ! J •t• .
Fsssu'a,Jan. 6.—Ihi.i . • Ras.Jst night,
the G, W. B. and C. V. PI St.itious ws•r
entered:by barglat L' At thu G. W. R
Station tory t1Ieo.vim t n,thi g, but dui
oouyider . i.t the way of b;wk-
in-p locks I.ad awiahnig f.:ntitur.. 7'he
C. V. R. Wien w ►, u t so fortunate,
the less a.wunting to o:or one hundred
d tlt.•us. They c trite 1 of a quantity of
b.J ase au l moats 3luthia; b alon,•ii 4 to
aha sent, worth atom see nay -lies dA-
lare, sod six dull:&:'a chate, which had
bean left in the till. Entre'e's's. at each
s anion Nal gained by break ng the win-
ouith, slily a little grean, you know." 1
"You should remember, Tops," ruplia.l
his cuusin, casting a significant glance at I
the young man's nose, in which the red
was slowly but surely eclipsing the white,
' •you should remember that green is a
sign of safety, and red a danger signal.
The queerest object in nature is a
Spanish beggar, for these beggars bog on
horseback; and it is an odd thing Wave
a man riding up to a poor foot passenger
asking alms. A gentleuun in Vell a-
rais:,, being arrested by one of these I
mounted beggars, replied, "Why, sir,
you come to beg of we who have to go
un foot, while you ride on horseback 1"
"Very true," said the beggar, "and 1
have the more need to beg, as I have to
support my horse as well as myself."
Minister to Itory:"Why weren't you
at the kirk on Sunday ?" )tory - "I was
at Mr. Dunlop's kirk." Minister --"1
don't like your running about that w.ty.
\ Not that I object tae e'er hearing Mr.
e T_
•eettk.'seratrs *alae.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruise., Soros, Them, Chapped Illseads, 1
Uhilblries, Corns, and s11 kutda of Skin
ptissut This Salve is guarautced to
give perfect satisfaction u1 every case or
money refunded. Price 26 cents per
box. For sale by F. Jordan, (Jotlerich.
Gerd .r Yrt.htng•
" A young friend of route was cured of
an ituatiable thirst for liquor, that had
so prostrated his system that he was un-
able tondo any business. He was entire-
Iy curet by the use of Hop Bitters. It
allayed all that burning thirst ; took
sway the appetite for liquor ; made his
nerves steady, and he has reunafned a
sober and steady man for more than two
yeas, and has no desire to return t.. his
cups, and I know of a number of others
that have been cured of drinking b, it."
—From a leading R. It Official, Chit:Ago.
New Fork Butler Rarl.et.
In reporting the market priors for but-
ter, the New York Tribune, of May 20th,
'said, "Choice packages to the retail trade
reach 19 to 20 cents, but light colored
are hard to dispose of, and several
its were thought well sold at 8 to 10
cents. This stern bogie of dollars and
cents is rapidly convincing dairymen
that they should use the Perfected But-
ter Color suite by Wells, Iticlutrdson
& Co., Burlington, Vt. It gives the
perfect June color the year round and
dairymen that use it never send !ight 'ad-
ored cods to mar et.
LTNeither endo ed by the sufferer from a I
persistant cough soon sap the vitality of
the system and wreck the constitution.
Such a catastrophe can only be avoided
by precautionary meaau,es' Prevent the
climax of a cough with Northrop & Ly- •
man's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and 1
Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda—ap- R
proved of in professional quarters, and v
which is a combination u4 the purest
and Mout salutary ingredients in perfect
c'temic:al harmony. Coughs, colds,
aryugitis, incipient bronchitis, and other
affections of the respiratory ergais, are
ithas like-
beat a
s w otifl n
n i.-, 'proved to be a useful specific in
ec:•ufutous utahulies. The loss of strength
c. insequent upon being diseased is check-
s 1, and the Nagging physical energies
:••e1 by its invigorating vection.
iniiisphorua, the active lirineiple of the 1,
hyi,ophosphitea, not only supplies the
system with an ii s:einem element of
itieugth, but )rives a healthful impetus
h, the circulation. eche lime and soda •
also add to vigor of the frame. In wast- Ev
in, diseases of all kinds, this prepuara-
tutu can be depended upon t produce a
A fair ot,roiatent trial,
Huu. Christopher Dunkin, D. C. L.,
Q. (-'„ framer or the celebrated Temper-
ance Act of 18(17 , commonly kno'vn ae
the "Dunkin Act.'' died at his residence,
Knowlton, Quebec, on Tuursday iii„lit.
The deceased Judge watt 'pint in Eng-
land in 1812, whitened al London, Ul"•as-
guw and Harvard Universities, i.t the
last of which be was Grua` tutor. He
edited the Montreal Min -way (''Hurter in
183`;, was called te the bar in 1846 and
became Q. C. in 11407. He stat is the
Canadian Assembly fur Drummond and
Arthabeika front 1857 tet 18(11, awl for
Brume after 11462, and at Conftelerati.,n
ae a the
made r nal representative ntA.n n
was ..ole a d
:'o -
`u Iry t.)
t ion Fi umw.
Ltkal and D•,uun
ler, 1!(71, ho wan elevated to the Anna-
rior Court Bench.
. e.-�•—
Turnnto's Mayor, four member; ••f the
now City Council, and three he. la of,
civic departments turn out to 1e Suuilay
Dunlop, but I ur sure ye wade.'► Ilse yer Scheid Superintendents. It s coeuder-
sin sheep straying away into strange pais -ed that this clement will prove tis. +.ouch
tures." Rory—"I "'dna care a 1tra'n, for any party politic in civic matters.
of it were better grass.
Tea rear t. Take a raper. Eerxatf Ise" er Peepte.
-- 'We would nut, by enticing headings
AM•s.re, of the Rural New Yorker, wan
aittiug in his office one afternoon some
o,,,, years ago, when a fanner friend taupe in
and aai
"Mr. M...re, 1 like your paper, but
times are so hard I cannot pay' for it."
"Is that so, friend Jones? I ant very
sorry to hear that you are so poor; if you
are es, haul run I will give you my pa-
"(1h, n•,, I aurt take it as a gift.
"Well then, let's see how we can fix
it" You•raise chickens, I believer" •
"Yes, a few; but they don't bring any-
"Don't they' Neither dies my paper
cost anything hardly. Now, I have pro-
position to make to you. I will a,ntinue
your paper. and when you ge bonne you
stay' select from your lot one chicken and
all her mine. Take goo -1 care of her
and bring me the proceetli whether in
extra ur in chickens, and we will call it
"All -right, brother Moore.• anti the
fellow chuckled at what he thought a
capital bargain. He kept the contract
etnctly, and at the end of the year found
he hal paid about f',ur prices for his pa-
per. He often tells the joke himself,
and he never hal the face t.a say that
he was too poor to take a paper since
that day.
AN INTERCiTlltet CASE. —.1 case of
some interest to liverymen was tried
.it the sitting of the Division Court here,
en Monday Lat. It will be remember-
ed that about a year age s man engaged
,n taking out squared timber in Hullett
hired a horse and cutter from Forbes'
!corm', in this town, for the 'mimosa of
visiting his works. After driving all
lay he put up at Brownlee's Hotel, in
Kinburn, in the evening, and had supper
.and fed the horse. On leaving the hotel
for Seaforth, the horse through some
cause started to run away, and in its
flight got both its hind legs broken, and
had to be killed. The man refused
compensation for the horse, and Mr.
Forbes brought action against him to re-
cover the puce of the animal. The case
was decided, as we have already stated,
on Monday, and we are sorry to say the
verdict was against Mr. Forbes. .Judgo
Toms,in giving his verdict, took the
ground which is, no doubt, the proper
one, that in hiring a horse and vehicle
all risks of accidents rest with the owner,
so long as it can be proven that the per-
son hiring and using the animal or vehicle
Uses all proper precautions for its safety,
the same as he would were it his own
property. It was not proven in this in-
stance that the person in possession of
the horse at the time of the accident
had made defeuit in this hut nn
the,contrary booth the defer ant himself
and uevaralwitnesses swt•re very positive-
ly than he had not, and, oomeellueatly,
tae verdict was gives against the plain-
tiff, and he will not only suffer the Inas
.f the horse, but will have the costs of
the suit to pay as well.
and ether devices lead you. into reading
of the virtues possessed by Pierce's Cele-
brated Medicines were it not that we are
aware of the furgetfuluesa of people, ant
that must be! our - excuse, dear render,
for again telling }}•ou that Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Diseovery.11 without an
equal as a blood -purifier. It cures all
humors from the a omtnon blotch, pimple,
or eruption, to the wont scrofula, fever
sore or ulcer. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are a
pleasant but efficent cathartic. Sold by
"Manchester House.
Hiss Jast rreeived a choice lot of
New Dress Goods, Winteys, Flannels, Blankets, Shirting., Cottons, Prints, &c.'
which for value is unsurpassed. New Shawls and Mantles, special value.
and!& tees. RitrZ ID I'A. RTMSINT--A .pleudid ,elettluu uf'1'wucda
t t1y... l'al! aai re your ate Bare fora uitoroveroewt etylah uuuh, will :.1.
sad eel1�l�.t{{goarauteed. ( bought cut free of .hur,te. ant' Hata. l'aps and lanawrr►at crops
l i.. hlici•eu prior pail ter Butter sad Nom J AMita L Rau,.
Jorlan'r Bloc, Goderitl.
Miss J. Stewart
1la-, in nte,tC a 1 I.t,ke Seder tion of
Shawls and Monde,
all .shads.. an 1 I.r.cct,
Berlin Weols, Cntpe, Ribl.•ns and Yams. Kid Glut es- 4 buttons,
1..1 . 1 tints,
For Holiday Presents 1 line ursortitttu of • "1lltiSTMAS CARDS. Fringes,
Buttons, Dress Trimmings. Lii it:6r, et.. A , :•,.ttptelit (1 infant's 'tube's.
St. (.Soul Houwe, 1'ii a/o, Ill',
Ja tt...0th, 1,479.
Hol. R. V. PIER'&, M. D.:
Thar D:etor—I have been using your
Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets
for liver complaint and general debility.
it is impossible to express: the gratitude I
Meek It is simply wonderful the effect
your medicines have had upon me. dam
in every was a thousand per cent, bet-
ter.. l am. your* gratefully,
AND FITTING -1 •S'EC'1-;1.'i•ti. •
1/IS.K •'1TE'11..4RT,
\Itlltieerr and I).esani'tici' e
CAMP:s.i L'S
oot 7 Shoe Emporium
beneficial effect. , p
I2,' IS 11E1 1 •
Boots and Shoes.
. uperlor
villi )loan Society
• .. , Fa55,000,
1\ r. l) on (teal Fatale by the tl u
, t it.ltr and Loan Society. Terms
!ll, Ilundaa Street. I.ONIS)N, Ont.
paidto bavimoi Banks Depositors.
cv�: STJMPTaV S.
Nee .+'hat Physicians and Mc People
say ab.,,.t 5(o-rT'S Wit t.•.rt►': nR
tau LI% Est alt. No II%I'ot•Ilott-
I'ITKtt. se u remedy for l'..ul.si pale.,
Scrofula, end VI satins £Vectto...,
]tenors.- Score d: IIoWNB: GaxTLere:v -1
have''-n•s.rtlied Scott's Emulsion of ('ud liver
tl11. it.,., u. u+; practice and used it in my fam-
ily. 1 "a great!) {`leased with it because of its
pnbat sea- ant! Iht• guest results that t111ow
u i have found it very serviceable in
4,118 .asiases and pulmonary affections.
"1+-e tinily yours.
DIA _ t , M.D.. '179 EastBrrsutway.N-Y.
IA.uisville, Ky.• January 3. 1878.
Cr 'tt.1:MCN--For thebiat fifteen months 1
have • your Cod Lit t•rOil Emulsion, both in
nose •' In private '�Iractice,and have been
trier �. ^et t with vias effect . 1t IN better
Iasi• •,. Lan ht taken for a longer time than
any pr' ptunt1.. of Cod Liver Oil. In
l oats 'f• n nrtl cl .tdr-n'a dises,ee I have
to:n •-trciulls valuable.
V:. •t. ut'TF.ItIA1NY, M. D.,
,.luiau, 1 i,uieville ('i1)• llospltal
\!t 'iT,• iM)w''E: 1have Used Scott',
E'nn' ISI I.iver Oil in various instances
unl I •,•md it t1 l.e easily taken. readily
main '. •tr11ra .idly iuq,rute..1henutrition
seal 1 ctrl &der i' the lest Emulsion 1
hut,• . s. '. It. 1'.. IIAI'(;11'iON,
Indiunrt ills, Ind.
}1c= r;• terra Ilov:yx: 1 hove given your
rem,. .. '..t1 Liver Oil, lttc., a fair trial, and
an. 1;l ' t at 1 eau toy 1 think it ii:Tis1: remedy
'fit- v. , Ilius:}, and had cuugia.. 1 can highly
meet • •.•' it. \ 1:1.11 t ttoctorshad given me
up. 1 �L.uienerd t'.' ,e your,ncdielnc. and 1
ala, g• +: health e..,' s.reuvth eery fast and 1
crani lot ti.
Yours I. u4 ,
Galveston, Ind.
spa rr & Ikuv':1:: i felt it my duty to lei yon
know the 'envoi !have Jerisedhv.rntheuse of
tour i.tnulsion.. 1 l.ud a t ret hail . urgh for
t , .1.L. G1ntu
eh of
HO r.l
t ul it I
t .n on ns i u
fear a
phia toy. he informed rut 11 t11 ILC h''1 lung was
dlw•+u.Pl. gird ores.. 5 uta'.; t•:mulsinn with
rt ,,,t. ,,, ' ' . +. .4.t. r taking :wt. bottles,
teaks, t•. nupt,,ta t. it rapidly.. and cont,uueal
u+.ug it net ii 1 I, ail taken ten bottles, and nor:
nu. t.t. 1.;'nl,hy r. menarthem ininthe city e'
Fl;.li;mlr •• When 11•(•gan using it 1 weighed
1i:• (M..11,1'K 1 nt•v, w i. i. 1141 p. 111•.'1•.
Y1nrs, 11. 1'- F'axct I!.tit,
i., . It To. B;Q1' t.. re. I'.
( ttANn.,nr.t, >'.•pt. 1:., Ir77.
ram r•a Ituwyar::, (it.NTt--1 11,uttght I would
Write 1uvou,as1nawanotht•uponyour btte.
of late upon Its long 44,111iuu01 lige.. Thin has
pr•retl tree 1:• roc t'a'ro I w'as {nveli up to die
4s. -t Marc!. w i' 1t • on.umptInn, lite b'at mtvlleal
a;d u1a,!c ern n.e of any treatment. itt y 1ulttand
townie.' ter yelp• Fnottt'on of Cod Liver 0;1 ; hr
Int tardght tweuty'ti• b tticland it is restoring
me to I-calt!, te•yor.1 fie expectations of hun-
deeds etiwetin4 t.. hear of mydeut' ev( rydav
i •:bould like to take it for a year, when. i think
1 will he perfectly cured.
Yours with re,Leet,
For sale by dnrgglstpi at $1 per bottle. 17.11
ery Line is Full and Complete ! The Largest and Best Select-
ed Stock in the County to Choose From !
is all that is necessary to 'were, its peen- , parties wanting to buy Bouts and Shoes would do well t.
Cy, either as a pulmonic or general in-
vi'Somitt. Fer poverty of the blood, with CALL AND INSPECT T 3,I `STOCK
which so many invalids are tallest. lljed• it is.
t� t o nutfngg t e act ui-
'iti.on of both strength and flesh. Pre-
pared by Northrnp & Lyman, Tor..nto,
and sold by all druggists.
so surely will disease eventually fasten
itself- upon a system deficient in vital en-
ergy, if tonic medication is not resorted
to in time. The necessary„tendency of a Gotlerich,- Oct. lbth,
weak discharge of the functions of the
body is to disorder its organs.—Invigur- ---- -- -
a sovere m remedy, 1 r I p nef•tre parches:lig elsewhere, as they will find
rate (Toren WORK attended to with:punctuality.
N. B.—Any quantity of Cordwood taken in exchange. ('
JLlf. I'AMPBELL,'f 1", rtlHuuse .`q r,i Pc
1880. 1756
ation, prompt and throug , ie the only r
safeguard- orenovant of epleted,hysictl • I ..
energy, no restorative of lost flea, nerve 4\7,14.131 t'
power and cheerfulnesa, has more clearly . • 1
demonstrated its efficacy than. Northrup i . ' -.1i'
& Lyman's Quinine Wine. Int this pre-
paration, aaeociated with the salutary. •
medicines which forma its Basis, is pure
sherry' wine and certain aromatic c. tnstitu-
ents which imparts an agreeable taste to
a it a,
Yours truly, agate and bilious retnittent fever, are die-
WM. MALCOM, eases to the eradication of which it is
r See advertisennetit in another specially adapted; but it should be used
only in the intervals between the seizures
The far-reaching effects of a good tonic,
ct•p that t+.=s. in all complaints involvmig hoes of physi-
If You are suffering with Cuuath Cold, al energy. are web understood by physi-
yg wa ' clans, and the comprehensive influence
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Con- foropt of thispreparation upon the
Gumption, boss of voice, tickling in the system goes far tbear out the profess -
throat, or any affection of the Throat or conal belief in th value c.
of friviganta
Lungs, use Da- KIso's NEW DISOOVE as opponents`of viii Be sure to ask
for Consumption. This is the great re -e- or the' Quinine Wine” paepared byNorth-
medy that is capping no much excite- rop & Lyman, Toronto. Sold by all
meat by its woniterfnl cures, curing
druggists. vv
FOR TR* PEO,ILE,—There are but few pre-
parations of medicines which have with-
stood the impartial judgment of the
people for any great length of time. One
of these is Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil.
Read the following and be convinced:
— Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre
P. 0., writes," I have been afflicted with
rheumatism for the last ten yeas, and
have tried many remedies without any
relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil and since then have had no attack of
it. I would recommend it to all." J.
H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Shefford,
P. Q., writes, I have been troubled with
liver complaint for several years, and have
tried different medicines with little or no
benefit, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclec-
tric Oil, which gave me immediate relief,
and I would say that 1 have used it
since with the besteffect. Ne one ahould
be without it I have tried it on my
horses in due of cuts, wormds, etc., and
think it is equally as god for horse as
man." A. Haylee, Merchant, Wark-
wnrth, writes, " 1 hare *old some hun-
dreds of bottles of Eclectric Oil,and it is
pronounced by the public, of the beat
medicines they have ever used; it has
done wonders in healing and relieviag
pain. wore throats, etc. and n worth
el the greatest confidence" Joseph
Kaplan, Towaship of Percy, writes," 1
wpersuaded to try Dr. Thomas' cho-
twit► Oil fora lame nee whirl troubled
me for three or four yes, and I Dever
found anything las it for eSbi[ Lat.-
Mee. It 1* a tut
Beware of �� Ask for Dr.
Thoma' Eol rues OM file that the sit
aMslin a& PI. Themes is on fele wrapper,
or stat I s oases et S ♦ Lrees tow
ora blown in the betties, lake we ether.
rifts, bold by all rlahilllns tlwpll+ Pries fib
mye, eta, N RTHIIIOPft LT1ffA Toronto,
Ont., Worn Proprie
ed *nd paw,
thousands of hopeless cases. Over one,
million bottles of Dr. KING'S Nt�w DIS-
,ovcaY have been used within tale last
year, and have given perfect satisfaction
in every instance. We can unhesitating-
ly say that this is really the only sure
cure for throat and lung affections, and
can cheerfully recommend it to all. Call
and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a
regularsize bottle for $1.00. F. Jordan
When a board of eltltiweut physicians
and chemists announced the discovery
t1slt byr eorablaint some well bsown
Alnabta remedies, the most wonderful
tfasaisioe wu pr duosd, which would
ep►a a wide neap d diseases that
own W other r•es�adiss could be dispens-
ed tl,lI , many w,eeseseptiesal; Met proof
d isrerits by actual trial Itse dispelled
ant bt, and to -day the disorsverers of
1�rlli at oe Bop Bitten, are
and by all as httune4 -
YeIteate Women.
Cases of femsla weakness, delicate and
enfeebled constitutions and those suffer-
ing with Stomach, Liver and Kidney
coteplainta, will find Electric Bitten a
speedy and certain cure. Tho sick and
pmatrated ahnuld rejoice that such a re-
liable remedy is placed within their
reach. Health and happiness will euroly
follow where Electric Bitters are used.
For sale by F. Jordan, price only fifty
reread the weed News.
As a family medseine and tonic, there
is no remedy at present giving such uni-
versal .otos{ ion, and effecting so many
tss�nitiktnf sores as Electric Bitters.
Our drowses them, sit limosng mishie 1do'es*mpap1y for
many calla Aft Bilious AMsoka,
Stomach, Liver and Ki Oomplainta,
Diabetes and Gravel, readily yield to
their curative giulities. Fold by F.
Jordan at fifty Dente per bottle.
I -le year ahreateere, er are yon an-
noyed by a constant enngh 1 If ao, nae
prewlptb ~)Mayan's Pulmonle Wafers,"
rtlaw—y will give yon intact relief
They relieve trope air ppsaaassaa�geessof phlegm
wnseeotss, sad arty iwflammation, and
steer remedy esa be had for eotagh.,
d Mhostins akar,
rhos be pored et►id % VI armlets
end es Mev dealers at !1 stats a hos
Coughs, Colds, Hoarsenep, SO1'3
Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza,
Croup, Whooping Cough,
Asthma, and every
affection of the
Throat, -Lungs, and Chest,
•• It docs not dry up acough, and leave the cause
bcland, as is the case with most preparations
but loosens it, cleanse* the lungs and alias irri-
tation, thus restoring the cause of complaint-"
DO NOT BE DECEIVED by artirlct
nearing a similar natne. Be sure you get DR.
with the signature of " I. BUTTS " on Ca:
wrapper. S0 Cents and *LOO a Bottle. Pm -
pared Bo
ared by SETH W. Fowia k Hoag, atm-.
1,1ass. Sold by druggists and dealers genert:lt_ .
TIME''t! Too I'fIIsPurify the Blood correct all
disorder ..f the Liter, Stoniaeh, Kidneys and
flew cls and arc invaluable in all complaints in-
cidental t.. k rmalea. The/Mntment is the only
reliable remedy for Bad iAgs. Old Wounds,
Soma and overs. of hpwever long standing.
For Bronchit 41.1riphtheria,l'otytlw,('olda,Gout.
it1eturatism and all Skin Diseases. It has no
IBEWAitE (1F AMI'1Ii(',%N ('OI']TER-
FEITS, 1 most reaps ovally take )tate to call
the attention of the Publle gt•nt rally to the fact
that rertainDoane. Pip N. w York atesendingto
mar:. • ' • he globe tct-atot•t 1MITATt1Y$
of my I'ii14 and Oirrtntent. These frauds bear
on their labels some address• in New \-nrk.
do not allow nal' Medicine tip ie• sold In any part
of the t-aitrd States. 1 have no Agents there.
My Medicines nr• only mate by Inc, at S;tl Ox-
ford Street. iAondon. inthe Hooka of direction,
affixed to the spurious mak.- is acaution warn-
ing; the I'nbl c against bettor deceived by coun-
terfeits- iM not be mis11s1 by this audacious
trick. rte thry ore the counterfeits eh. r prefnd
to(tenon nee% Thetccounterfeits are purchased
by anprinei led Vendor's, one-half the peer of
my Pills and Ointment and are sold to you as m)"
genuine Mrdicinee. 1 etearnealt appeal to
that sen.e of justice which i feel sort- I may ven-
ture upon asking from all hodorahlepersona, to
assist mc, and the Public, RN far as may lie in
theirpower,in denounch•Qthisshamet ul Fraud.
Each Pot and nee of the Genuine Medicine
bean the lttitah Gnvernment Stainp with the
words "IIOLI.ow.ti'N PILI» AND OINTsigNT,
LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label Is
the address, 131 Oxford Street,, London, where
Monet heyare Mnnnfaeturrd. ?fo:lownpp'sPills
and (liniment bra ring aryl other addr•rae ore
counterfeit. The Trade Marks of 'liege Medi-
cinesnrere'gi -acted In Ottawa. Renee any one
throughout the British Poop swims, who may
keep the American ('onnterfe'ta for axle. will be
prosecuted" 'Slimed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY.
Oxford Street, London. Jan. 1, 1879.
..-...,...�, •torr- Aw+...w nnees..
L Protected Colatict of the Protatibe s:: • -.
is as cagily dtgeetrs and stamilaMtl
1.1 ui a the simplest fo,•d" Wise ata i.-.
,lee", riot contain the usual gsantly ref Ire-
deficiency can be supplied by the eel et the
Pk1V WAN BERCI'. ileums a •'shout,. -
Ills" simply by TOWING Ur, Isvrooaa;;:'
Vrtauriwo the system. The enrkhet. sir
vitalised blood permeates every part e -
body, repairing datoages and waste, in, .... t
Mut morbid secretions, and leaving net:.. R fei
tl'esse to feed upon. Tills 1s the ser t. • •
ve::d rfal mese. c: ti!t1 anent*
Dyspepsia,. blit.' Corltpisini,
Dropsy, Cheers!: DI; - ' - -
Nervous Affectluns, Fee.
and all diets►c t ortr'ir:.:'1•g in r.
ells bleed. or acceriliaclesi h deMlt:y-
net* of the "swoon
Q,trq'>`pifg.—lie tare you gc-. : 1
R:TV1.4NP,RCP." Aotdbydreeg• ..w•.
e14v i`amrMob seat f'.* to am a. • . •1 t
cent IT F•,wt"a & Sews Proem:' -
rMoe A tone. 1:t et. Mar
• ....,.mo .., ..• .. a..... samosa..
The Great American Remedy for
prow tr. s /te! �caa Hew (DN(
oily sf' diel a sewn Jbr
LIrliesA m.a.doerbr ��`� 4,sM oke swot .slew's ,into,, error foo
7 pwpoa«.
lssevowe 1. rAis
'a GRAY'S repaint
l'/ow fAr
ytamoro► tlo varves
dsr/wt s •e «,
/eels f alta.
tpreess awtt�a
;ald the SYRUP woale
taes 1* ( 4Si •'
te eJ ssleero
f�M Db s r t pi e•
t a• Owed elle srr-
iiiiie pre
••w r..a
" .w 1
tre—lie SPRUCE
„ eitsts
tramIke wait: a
p, vas . GUM, L. tw
)Peel •' MM
Its rernerrhohle power in relieving
ordain /brine of titb, triad its
intlat sperti+fe *Pre ice ~hap os.
sllinvayte harking (magIta, as woo well
known to the public at Joe
I- �y'er"'erer s*eelwa Tram s see
pirbilleetiash wP r sown
KW Y. WATRoN et Ce
wai ieeprltsaeswA mss ss.iwAs�ts.ws�