HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-01-14, Page 5L THE WORLD OVER. The Week's Lows in a Nutshell. t.terraltae C.adensatt.w+ b. wlr. and rt.tt. The census of Mask* shows a 'emuls- ion of 30,149, including 330 whites. The revenue el the Belleville harbor . uring the past year was $3,475.90. The amount spent on aco.tunt of the Weights and Measures Act, from 1st .July to lit December, 1830, was $25,- .12.54, and the revenue $17,735.97. Thomas DeWitt Talmage, jr. the old- , et wu of the Rev. T DeWitt Talu.a;e, .,led suddenly at his hoiue, No. 1 !South (xfurdfdt.,Bruoklyn, on Thursday night. Mr. John Crates has been choses by he Ontario Government to succeed Mr. H. B. Ogler (resigned) as CJuuty-Crowe attorney and Clerk of the Peas fur the 'ounty of Wentworth. - American agents are buying up hay, T ••1. ".r'^•-•.•" TM,. ..,•_-- THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1881. 1880 IE FRUITS.1880' Sill L068at 1i �ililIll STAR' SALT V. I� KS. NEW VALZNCIA$. NEW LAYERS, The un.lrr•ltlwd 1s nq.. ! rrlared to pa. tl . TB a,, 1 NNW (.l'QRA1\ iou�: al•o Hams oud• til: tltu, t Ash. ltaTt,•. , ('hens, and lientluwk. nor length. 8. H. ALW)NDB, bloat salt prion to: tar i..J .uu saw loge: ft and duck kJU I l't. YI Yud le fat t WALNUT,, FILBERTS, -. c111141iNuTr. ar LAKE RI'PERIOR *a TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERRING. ..co- SALT WATER -at.N. HERRIN i AND ;DFISH w r' ./l Fe,r-znez•1� � ta.,w i. tl:e ties.• 1., ,.ar lens Pour salt far a, - `g drat, pulmo.,-. it pal. 1 per arut to !!rl_•.tn..r r..s 1 takra In ext ase. ,'. r •a': t'� J,SCOB1E :0 17114. •',+tar' r4.1s tt; o•ka. Oat r„ ; ' •9.116 ale S FL�'oMIL:.E t telt I • Chilled Ploy/ AL...., A :..RGI: AY,U)trM T or 0 c5 Teas, Sugars, A6RICL LTURt L WORKS. a N .ork and vvultry in all directions In the ./u 1 (freeroti't•risvrie•; --- - • CkUCs{TaitY, GLArtna ARE, J, N D 11avrn.. hl,.iv1 ,t.c 1:, derich Foundry. 1 • ;hese articles command high prices, and 'Armen rejoice exceedingly. The missing ship Hannah Morrie, from Liverpool, arrived at New York on Sun - .:ay, after a voyage 4.f 1'20 days, the I, ugest but one across the Atlantic in t eats years. A fire at Brighton, Ont., on Mondays THE sy(-ARK morning, did damage to the extent of 515,000. A number of business places were burned. The loss is fully covered ,y insurance. The lack of interest taken in school trustee elections is remarkably exemplifi- 1-d in Dundas, where in three of the four wards no nominations were made, and 'eludes is therefore without a proper school Beard. Ittaw•a district, and as a collte.11iehce a.. CHINA. Dr. PRICY.% Cream Baking Powder. Dr. PEI.•E's Lupulin Yeast Gems. Chas. A. Nairn The lack of interest taken in school truatee elections is remarkably exeutpli- ted in Dundas, where in three of the four wards no nosnitutions were made, , cid Dundas is therefore without a pr•.i.er school Board. The ladies of the Chicago Temperance Union havo issued a challenge to the J�,,quor Dealers' Association of, that city for a disecession of the questions abases letween the Union and the Association in relation to temperance. The ladies I•ave selected as their thanipion Prof. Foster, of the Province of New Bruns- wick. Mr. Duncan McIntyre hag retired from the dry goods firm of McIntyre, French & Co., of Montreal, and will in Inure confine his atteution W railway natters. He gave his own cheque for S:h0,000, the purchase money for the !.dated Bank as the head office of r an,�l(tin t e preplIses for the a__.1vv44'``^- of CR1Lf1C PI Owe and AORICULTuRAL , lMIPL MENTB on • V nate. ]fill Work. Mt, Uenerai Re firing and Jobbing will be cot.- I tinged. A11 work g,wranirQ(1 k:KU]lILLkR. a I'roprictu:. Ni O cc W C• ex° ti D o (9 \ V) v ' s f� M a t .V4 tt *yy 4c/V2 .Ao 1serWB.tT .�TItEhT, (:()1)ER1('K.-wz 6 }ti'lealies requiring Christina. Cakes shou%1 send iu their orders without delay. Home -nude cake. taken is and ornamented on short notice, and at reasonable rates. i ta'8'0Ria ORNAMENTAL WEDDING CAKES, CHRISTMAS CAKES, CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS CHRISTMAS TOYS and , THE BEST BREAD IN TOWN, co T O D. CANTELON'S P ri K tf ) el ,:1 i '�)�t•`' �f ,r►; � F1oofs,wFeathers & Lcos'( �.._ ililhory, 1 hay. recently pur shaaed a 1 . supply of Regie„ 1U•oola and FLugering.. andlsee. w 111 etre _- at pri,-cs that w111 suit. fiat• and Bonuets trimmed in the latest atyllea. (( Mise Jessie 'Wilson, MILLINER! And Dealer in Fancy Goods. IC+1786.wt-•� 113 w /'� SALE !wall 4T T_ C_ =:--t.11"17..1` & CO'S_ BARGAINS IN �t lh- RGA1NS 1 NEW OVERCOATINGS, Dress Goods. $lankets. Arrived and opened out another-u!.pt! �t'I. t. r Goods, oonslxting of NEW SCOTCH GOODS, BARGAINS IN I3kRGtIti9 IN Just 1e.. a IICW and carefully chosen stock of MISS JESSiE WILSON, Square, Goderich. lad O•te or Ivo Af,mai '.•ra wanted immediately. 17•i1 Just What the Public Needs. t FINE SUPPLY ur Heavy Canadian Woollens, unso t 1 ! fiic Syndicate. Princess Louise is still under the care her physician, and her condition is so ;.recariens that no time can be set for her return to Canada do far from her i ,00ther's endeavoring to force that re -1 turn, the Queen is reported to have ex- erted her maternal authorityto keep the i Princess in England, Sir William Jen - tier havintt declared that her daughter's health is severely shaken. About 7 o'clock last night, Jan. 10th, while an east bound freight train on the t-anula Senthern ttadway was crossing the bridge near Corned, one of the trucks became detached and threw part of the train off, Tiro of the cars broke thr,u h the side of the bridge and went to the ground. The wreck was soon cleared, and early this morning trains were running on time. N8 one wee injured .Ind the damage is light. $AVE A letter has been received from Miclt'I Devitt, stating that the prospects of the Land League iu Ireland were never bright.;.. Boycotting is nuking fearful encroachments upon the treasury of the ngliah Government. He also wishes that a convention of the League branch- es in the United Stakes would be held on St. Patrick's Day in New York, at which Parnell, Dillon and hituself will be pre- sent as delegates. Though Conservative members gene- s rally admit that the contract will lila th.ir party at the next election, the pre- umption is that they will surrender to "the machine'• to the extent of voting f.,r- its approval by Parliament. ' * ' Amongst the Irish Catholics, of the many whose opinions on the subject we have heard—from Mr Anglin down to the humblest—not one regards it other- wise than with execration. And well they may fur it plants across their hopes m the North-west and the movement .d their young men on the rich *oils of the prairie" a perpetual bondage of ir- rcap,.naible and nncontrellable taxation ' -1 Irish Canadian. ( ►n Wednesday the Toronto Cable Ex - ort Company sent 350 head of cattle from the Don station of the Grand Trunk Railway to Portland, thence to 1* ship- ped by ocean steamer to Erngland. All these animals came from Chicago, and are most! of the long horned Texan type. All the money that buys them comes from Toronto men, and is left to help to build up Chicago and the West. Our Toronto man buy up every Cana- dian beast they can hiy their holds on, hut they can't get *south Th. 4'oron- te Exporting On. world cath¢ have Canadian cattle for 'several rtsesose. In the bat place the Ottrrelk. IM beat. are invariably stalled for several weeks before they are meld. This acctnrtasse them to oweireomlalt, and to being tied up, and kber am balm sib to stand the long joersey reoreaquerses. Earles. i Ostsle ., Minh.. Jam 11. - lest night elletaz espied* el ewe weed a clerk of 11 • the alert, Alen out memo for a Shafer, et sheat Il has mew .1 Ind the thing fur winter clothing. Su;ur (;o.4 Li,trs .f (kala' F/r,u..him• t_- ter DEADY- MADE "6S OVERCOLTS � n!I well made and r(liahtr. 'CLOTHING MADE to ORDER tinder my own supervision. r. -'--ILL WORK hi'ARRANTBI).-am $ugh Dunlop, FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Next Door to Bank of Montreal Stoves! Furs Ordered Clothing O�eorcoats, Overshoes a►n . Rubbers BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN Cottons_ Table Linnen. BARGAINS IN ALL LINES. 7`.. C_ �etloi cr Co_ GRAND CLEARING SALE Boots and shoes A T As well as . uriuue other ..ea•auuh1.• lin, ' r' -Examine my Stock and Get my Prices. f:iMPBELL'1 BOOi' and 11111E EMPIlRllll, O N -- 1V1 a 1\41 - Previous T II Previous to Stock taking. My Stock is Largeand well -assorted, and Stoves !G REAT BARGAINS TE''VOHS and CONDUCTING PIPES, CISTERN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES,: PLAIT( AND RAW( TINWARE. COAL OIL q-ROLF.IALE AND RETAIL. Coal Wool •nicking!' Old and rSheep pSkins WNW taken In exchange. eeesrrda terrible Aube*. 11 v w geed 'meted �oA�O wiRit powder J. STORY. Sign of the ('nal 011 Barrel• will be given. T=12Z/ iS - C.A..SI-1_ WM. CAMPBELL. 1 ---aT t-- Goderich, Jan. 13, 1$ 1. l; ,i�: IVJY GREAT DISCOUNT! JlIearty al: of said stock, se well as my own original Stack. wax bouaht before the A.aaac of Hardware. 1 am therefore in a position to sell Meaner *Ann Say serer Nose 1n for Conno. JOHN ACH ESO N Gedericb, llec. 9. 11160. A LOT OF Ladies' jackets and Mantle Cloths r HEAP AT Colborne Bros. --14 Stew wars Ulla e e tl1 `•rx w•.ta the Elates, `r�• Sad a t..e 1114 P w.e,gsa. Nur lb* day t• .n. ..we la+• is slat, f et - TREY STEP THE CRO V TON COZZS=T THE BEST IN THE M &1 T_ COLBORNE BROS. I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. —OF— R.E;D. FERGUSON THE OLD NAME IINT='Vi ST.�.NT _ 1 , _A. N MY STOCK OF t GEO. H. OLD, FAMILY GROCER. ! (,1� �ei��' & Waal liardware 1S CompI4,Ii AS ON RANI) A ('HOICK STOCK OF i311ll �l 1N i1 *.1 CHRISTMASG R O C E R` I ES which 1 want ro run off quickly. JOHN RALPH HAMILTON STREET, GIODERICH, 1,RALRR I1 STOVES The most of Rr.vea, Towwesa and grove w stesrte Des • terrine forget, r Pim .t fire thtl wens or torploded AAP TINWARE. CONII,�TINO ()F RAISIN$. t-URRANTS t'ANi,l8l) 1.F:N.o. SUGARS. f3PICI1S, Lr., 8c.•.. ' ALL THE LINES OF A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY . SODdE FOR.QHRZSTMAS r'REEE9ENT£IZTABLF COME AND SEE! COME AND SEER G. H. OLD, --At P. ODea's Old Stand, on the Square. (3oderich. Dec. 16. 1860. 11881 JANUARY 1881 E. & J. DOWNING subeeriber has a complete assort- «...: pis g Chap as t� Cued. fr�no4 sled th. Nae is the stem The teat WNW, Sad Hit ~s woe 'so terrible ) •,. the at4 4 t and you will lin Eger tae v 1r11d sere t.t he ,Wiled. their ores trim hfe1YIM. Wool Pickings Cotton iditag� It l re a ease* yet be Rtl�td. Theeh�, Hfes and old Yawl takes eaAa1 bettdetlM�re brit► thesem dl. h � Gonda OHN RALPH. Tl rel'of the Welled men will proMbiy mast. des Return thanks fur the very liberal pad {Wife accriends orded them, and wish all their an Happy New 'Year We would also call your attentions tof the fact that we have a very large stock SeasoXzable C+ood.e on hand including I.ADI�38�H2I DRDN'8 BOOTS de L/HO3E18 of every ooneeivable style and many lines of whieh will ire .cid at a great reduction previous to stocktaking. � to ails 11 on us when retimring any thinghave the Largest Stock of Shoes OOMZ AYD 817T LT STOIC PEIWZS AS WILL PLEASE TOV. Fresh Ground 'Water Lime in Stook. WENT Foil REST STEEL B --IRB FENCE WIRE. E. W_ Mc E NZIE 1751-1m: Holiday Presents At BUTLER'S. Photo and Autograph Albums in great variety, W•,rk Boxes, Writing Desks, vet\ mutable for present. for Teachers and Scholars. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. stock is New, very complete, and ei n•iets of Ladies. and Gents' Purees, Chino Goods of all ktiwls, Ruby (heels, Vase. in many patterns, Flower Pots, Cups and Flowers, Weil. of Toronto and we eon and will sell et prices that win wit you ORDERED WORD of every We desekeep large east t l attested to sad beiflg W keep a cart. shelf worklMr+, iv« praCtiotai ,set of large szperieaoe, cap out work UNSURPASSED INT DOMINION. E. az J. DOWNING- TSE SQUARE, OODERZCH. 17AR China and Wax Dolls 1 A Lame Assortment. r SundriestiStyles and Cigar Halder• and BriePipes 100 Different School Books, Miscellaneous Books, via."... Pra)er Books. Churei lienees., Wslsv's Hymn Books. Psalm Nellie, At &e. Subscription* takes for all the best nissLrrtw, Mi.rmsw 1 Rum. Asttsalttdil and Oawaatalt Papers sad Itagasies at Peblielaine lowest rates - new is the time to e.beenlba A NI t1u+rlof School An win be sold kA sap Potreo united s, for Tentisere sea NO � I have a Anises Students and large ealmakeiof Christmas and Aev Toms 41111 TT3Z Dahl8T RYER Rh Owl? s1Ci1a1►11i lRAw Etprp At HU'L�R'8. tlrelimN.a rstser.pn ta,+ tyuta.e `•tarns t)ite.