HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-01-14, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY , JAN U ALLY l4, !$tabs New Adveefsssn•ssns, Bening out el. Blsaae. P4 ot,oe--.lacus Adamson. l.ibrsalOsitr-Lestred Ibsen Directory- lobs Lovell t flan. .4 laming Bale- J. C. Declot It Co. Boots and Shoes- Wm. Campbell. I:hanoer•y Bale -Barrow t PtosdEaar_ JMLstuu'a Banaparillr—Janina W Masa, TE HURON SIGNAL le paWssed every Friday Sierra ha& b Ilia frtttepbDT BROIL tient ti!•Ir ONoe,�7ttsttl R tee 441110DERICH, ONTARIO. And Jis litclLed to W parts of the seeeeani- i not Ocem by the enrtleat stalls sad trains. By &Mad lock It bas a lara!sr circuit - addible spy other newspaper la lads part of the ,And la one of the raciest, newriest )otbe.. eliOn o. n Lica tto ids. above, • MLelaio gap-- it is tberefir'e • d edrae blibadoerritiis medium. ' ubl b i1.60 In advance, postage pre -paid b ubliel)ere ; NA if paid before z months: ft so Pahl. This rule will be strictly f RATES Dr A.ovganrowito. E ht cent& per lies far first lassen.Ws three teats per line for sepeajn'learls etfaser$o.. Yearly, half -yearly u a redw;ed rads. ,vto bare also • idet-claas in ouLpt sacon tiectlbeon, sepowerad power d t•otiittes JM lobbing tog the soot mkt work n God ch, are prepared to do kllaHess In that line at prices that cannot be bastes, and of a quality" thel cannot be nnrvetoed. - Teresa Cash. —� FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1e81. TNR SNOW -DRIFT r GISANCB. Goderich, 'like other towns in this region, has suffered in a commercial way by the recent snow blockade. For sev- eral days, when the storm was at its height, comm=unication with the outer world was almost entirely cut off; and since that time it has been exceedingly unpleasant for the travelling public to drive upon roads leading north or south. The price of hay, and bulky articles, has gone up on account of the difficulties attending their marketing, and business generally has fallen off owing to the di. - inclination of farmers to drive to town over almost impassible reads We wonder if this state of affairs could not be remedied. Of course, in a climate like this, sudden snow storms will always make more or leas drift; but al-. though the drifts cannot be entirely pre- vented, the troubles experienced by travellers Wright be mitigated to a greet extent if properly attended to. The Cour)cils should instruct patlimaaters to see that drifts on the leading roads are out away, and the pitch -holes filled up. A little "doctoring" done soon after a etorm would alter the condition of a Lighway wonderfully. Some of our friends have suggested to us the pro priety of municipal Councils, or the Legislature, encouraging the erection of wire fenees. It is held by many that the drifts would not be so frequent or w large if wire fences were substituted for the rail and board fences at present en- closing most of our a:rats. They say that if suet fenceswere in vogue, the vends would sweep through them, leaving the roadway for the must part level after a storm. Any drifts resultinga from natural causes could be readily remedied. And speaking of wire fences, reminds us that there is need of judgment being used in purchasing the art.clo. Cum - plaints are being made that • the barbed wire fences have sometimes proved in- jurious to the life and limb of.cattle and homer. An exchange says' Not long since, Colonel C. Bogarus boat a valuable horse, which ran against a barbell wire fence while playing in the pasture and the latest 11Ltcident of which we have heard happened to a half Noncan 2 year old colt belonging to El. C. Hefder. It was in pasture and got his right hind leg terribly cut up by a single barb wire which was stretched across the creek. When farmers use this wire let thein at least have a top board on the fence, so that an animal can see that there is a fence. The accounts of damage dune to a'.ock by barbed wire aro so frequent as to merit this notice, and fanners should pay Rome attention to the subject. However, the attention of the olstruction of the highway by snow drifts, to the delay of mails, the derangement •,f busi- ness, and the general inconvenience of the public, is Dire that should engage the attention of those who have the power to deal with the matter. Drifts and pitch holes cannot be utterly prevented, but they can be made to be more un- common; and certainly they can be remedied mere fully and more .uickly after they do occur. Tits Blyth Review editor, in his salu- tatory, remarks:- " In politica we are Conaervs4ive, when °emotion repuirea." He is rather more candid than some of his brethren Sr. Cathariaes Joureal on the Canada Pacific Railway :-"The O ppositiou offer Dolling w • stthIiFltute." No 'f What about the $3,080.000 lase in cash. and the 3,000,000 acres less in Land f Tits Mad declares that the Montreal Star has been "seised of • devil," be- ause the latter journal opposes the Syndicate bargain. The Agnostic editor slakes a wicked political writer. Tits London Free Press says the new Syndicate enterprise is just a "gauge of bluff." The original one was a pine of euchre; but the Government gut the worst of it-andthey had the most knaves, too. Kant is a million of dollars? Well, take one hundred leen and divide it amongst then, and each mar will have $10,000. Historically speaking, it is three times the amount that Sir Hugh Allan 'pent when he bought up the Pacific Seaada1 Cabinet. Cortes of Sir Charles Tupper's speech- es on the Syndicate #stion have been sent to every paper that will shove them through as a " supplement. " Nearly all our Conservative. cotenia have sent them out in lieu of a Christman story, and thus, in a cheap way, have given their readers a little fiction for holiday reading. Taus Conservatfvea of Goderich bevel doubts as to the ability of the thesis - went to oonsumate the Artgtr/NtrM St. Paul -Minneapolis -Tupper flyadicate Railway scheme, and are, we understand, circulating a petition• in favor of .44, to strengthen Sir John's hands. We didn't imagine the (luv.rnssent was as an tight a box. • THE Syndicate resolutions were adopt- ed in committee of the whole on Thurs- day, and are thus advanced one stage. There was no division. The new Syn- dicate terns will soon be laid before the country officially. They are so much fairer, and so much cheaper fur the country, that they cannot be sighted with impunity. The particulars of the new offer are given in another column. Eva!' the British Colun,bians are against the Syndicate agreement The New WeetminsW'r I►, rrtt+ ;.' Paeieft Herald says "Looking at the matter free' • Domi- nica stared -paint, we fancy tete •forever' part of the avaimeses 4 is liken to pr'o- voke the areabwtul=yP „m. TM to he paid id i�pear to be 1= enough m� all �easair esl -. but whim one e.,me. 10 0oINMrALL tans inghoii0 riveting and Itrvtrrrwe upon tie eosn try rotative** se gigantic a monopoly lefty - ng that monopoly free fruit rwknctitn s ss. rngnrds pts tart, of charges, free 'for- ever' from taxation, and rwarant,.ed for twenty years against competition. why it takes ..ne's breath splay A Yotxo fellow named Grace attacked Mr. C. D. Barr, of the Lindsay Post, in a cowardly manner one night last week. Mr. Barr had been criticising. some pub- lic acts of Grace's father, who is chair- man of the Lindsay School Buena Not content with trying to get damages from the editor in a court of law, his adversaries see=n determined to give substantial damages, in a corporal way. Young Grace acted like a scape-Grace. Ruxoa hath ik that objection is likely to be taken to the sitting of a lumber of members elect of the new Town Combed, on the ground (if heck of property qualifi- cation and for other cauaea So fax we have been unable to glean particulars, but we shall see what we shall see when the first meeting is held this •Friday) evening. A Fres of our subscribers complain. because we do not give them THE SIG= NAL for 81 a year. We charge $1.50, because we know the paper to be worth that sum; and also because we know that we could not make it pay in its pre- sent form and style at anything less. We aini to give a live local paper -and we think we hit the n=ark every week. If any loan thinks a copy of .THE Sweat is nut worth three cents, postpaid, let James Redpath, one of the land league agitators, has been snaking a speech in New York, in which he attacked the Queen, saying that she was an infamous woman and ought to be hissed into de- cency. Whatever faulta the Queen may have, and the worst is prolwttly that she is stingy in money matters, sloe is a good woman and enjoys the respect of all civilized people. For Redpath to attack her in the outrageous way he is reported to have done, is to put himself out of the pale of respectable people and to bring odium and contempt upon the cause whose ill-advised advocate lie la He was to have been indicted as a traverser. nu. slate hip escape to this continent. NEW SYNDICATE. grucelelL New i'tturltltrnoe. Mr. \uil,orlall, of A Basis of Ooalltruotfin Agreed Gestenc b has assumed the 1!n,pnetor I SELLING OUT. 1 has, ctctemoi°e.l to elsaltirtr m , ntnth,stuck. oaesWais tt AI'S, E KSHOE11, BOOTH ANI) SHOES, p UMBERS, HOS1ERY, (iROCKRIEII, etc. , etc. and Ft R l' ship of the sate twill in this `i lap, will _ _ l►\ intends running business 11te y• ,esAoe,se0 seed s•se..••• Aeaw twined lets pay ca•h for any ,t,wntity of saw loge, Toaoar'ro, Jan 12. -The unlimbers of and will also hat a in e.,nneztto0 with his the Ca sw tan Byadic•te are in amnion at min an extensive (mutat yard. from this rft.ernomon dugout which b ildum n odersl of every Thu will be 1 the Queen • Hotel tonptsoa can be powered. slid. .i the agreement They agreed on • beau of *instruc- tion, and had terms panted at the Globe Ake to be forwarded to t thaw• at ono& ?trey drunk out clauses 15 and 111, sow being diecussd before the House; also the clause referring to the admission into the country free of duty the property of the railway. The oust of construction they plata at $22,000,000, with •11,000,000 acted of land. The other sections retrain materially un- changed. The new Synditsite guarantee the payment down of ten per cent. Tososro, Oct., Jan 12. ---The mem- lers of the new Syndicate held a meet- ing at the Queen's Hotel this aftentoou. Among those present were Sir Wm. Howland, Robert Elliott and J. D. Edgar, of Toronto; Messrs. Wood, Hen- dee, Proctor. and Stuart, of Hamilton; Messrs. Major Walker and 11 McFie, of London; and Jaime McLaren, of Buckingham. The terms of a ropoaI- lion fur building the Pacific Railway were agreed upon. The new Syndicate is willing to build the whole road for a subsidy of $22,000,000 cash and '22,000,- 000 actor of land, without exemptions, privilerlaa or monopoly of any kind. All objectionable c'.auses were expunged, and other changes favorable to the pu'b- lie introduced or the Syndicate will -[Telegram. build, the prairie section only for the subsidy apportioned to that sealer in Tie ares noddles. their tender, and the Sara fits. Marie branch for a bonus of $12,000 per mile. The speech of Shaw, Homme Ruler for Every commercial centre in the Dumin- Cork, andone of the Government's Com- ion will be represented in the new Syn- nissioners to Ireland, in the Commons dicate. An offer of $500,000 stock came on Monday night created a great from parties in Winnipeg to -day. Po1't �bsrt• sensation. The Parhellites were not The offer was signed, sealed and sent p to Ottaweby to -night's train. The par- flame al MEET►":.• -a ntrelu.g ud7 r 1❑ Tnr + a ighb convenience t., the p'r N lea I, ,,,ad tp Ober tient off at asy reawo neighborhood able prlee. Sale w begin on Mr. 1t. H. Morrish, son ..f Mr. N Morrish, who recently tock a 110011111 Nettled clash certificatr at tomtit., School, i. now teaching at Putnam, about lei mules from Lomd„n. Mr. Mot rish has been very successful for r,• young a teacher. New Se'HOOL - Tenders are being eels ed for the erection el n lieu- ft:tit:e scI 1 house. The spdcations ,leularid that the building shall he t• u,p•leted l v tat lot of September. The debate preciously' announced in THE SIGNAL to come off between the Lee - burn and Benmiller 4x ietiei, took place at the former place en Friday evening, 7th inst. The subject sclt'ctetl being, "Resolved that intemperance is a great - er'curse than war.” Messrs. D. Cumtug+, J. Linklater, \\'m. Clutton and H. Hor- ton (Leeburn' , slake i1 favor of affireia- C tive, and Messrs. T. Gledhill. J. Stuart, • P. Cantelor and J. Scott Benvelleri 1 discussttl the negative. Much goal hunter lrret-ailett thr.: ,14•iit lhv dna- •' eusaton, anti excellent t •tent:••m was given the at,esy:re during their criticisms :,tl addresses. Howeter, or summing up the points pr' 1uced ley the contend- ing parties, the chairmen. Messrs. A. H. Potter • Colborne) and J. McLean •(:o,le- rich), were unanimous in giving the le cision in favor ref the negative. resent. Shaw was expected to curse t)w n that he blessed it, saying it was the only A. 1L MaeMaster, H. IL Conti, Peleg the Land League Club, but meted of ties ming are : Sir tAr,n• p H 1s. d, salvation of the country. His description Howland, Toronto ; Colonel Walker, of the condition of the peasantry in the Daniel Macfie, London; Win. Hendrie, west of Ireland was startling, and sur- John Proctor, John Stewart, A. T. prised the Irish members. Shaw soeakes Wood Hamilton; Allan Gilmour, Otte - of some Connaught farmers as rotting on wa; J. Carruthers, Kingston; P. S. their farms. The speech will be a ma- Stevenson, Montreal; Jas. McLaren, terial help to the Land League. Buckingham; Ka Chisholm, Brampton; Monday's meeting 4 the English and Geo. A. Cox, Peterboro; A. W. Moss, Irish Liberals to express dissatisfaction Winnipeg; Barnet & MacKay, Renfrew: at the incompleteness of the change pro- James Gibson, Frederickton, New posed in the land system, is attracting Brunswick; L. E. Baker, W. D. Lovett. Hugh Caton, Nova Scotia much attention. The Ttmrs says that a body of politicians, English as well as Irish, are conveying a menace that, toilet, sweeping changes in the land system, going far beyond the lines of the Act of 1870 are proposed, a stand will be made against coercion. It is rumored that Earl Cowper desiras to resign the office of Lord -Lieutenant in ( Ireland. The authorities on Tuesday informed Bradlaugh that a plot of foreigners to ae.s.dn•te him on his way home from the House of Commons bad been dis- covered. At a meeting of English Liberal mem- bers, over thirty resolved not to vote on the question of coercion. Anbarn. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15th, at listen. IAsJI OI T 1011 BARGAINS, C O M B7 AND EI B1 B; I S. SI OANL_ 1lauultun street. (Materiel. ITN LIBERAL OFFERS FOR 1881_ Two Years for the Price of One ! THE REPRINTS OF tfllC MSITIWI `I•.8.5Ts*L1 ( Erased ic•AI. Spa DO% 411.ttTCIL1 f(bwrse'ihthe/. JlI1B1 Rte (014), •Aa. w 1 .TNi'4I'1 :2 (Llbera, REVI11aW8, Aro i1ackVOOd'f Rdiabusgh ne, Present tbcn- rbeat prand w i11ewr f ti Ayateet our slit tr.!7utt Terris at sssserlpltsC (Inelediee Postage.) Back , w t e. Hise•wuud uraany utart1teyeievwe.w. $0c0 peran. Hlackwood andlano otevtRws.WAD -- lila ckwood and time Reviews... > •. Any two Itevlewn - • LIIIIt 1 The four Het iewr . • . Blackwood and the four Reviews Tbrst• are about half the price* charged b) the l:nglis11 Pubdiehcre. ('irrulars giving the coeteiits of the Period - 1 Teals for the )ear PRQ and many other pati-•. ❑Ian+. u. .1c be had un application. F'ItM.AVEITTMel. Nrw• ,..be-ribcr' only have the numbers for ln1►and ICH at the price of one year*. nub- ile held in Delung'e Hall, Pelt Albert, script•„„ only. on \\edmteela)'. ,ban. 1!klt., ::t i j.1.! To any rriher. new lir old. we will fut- 1 mish the prriudical. fur 1x 9 at ln•It price. fur the purpose of tliscussing .5 railway 111 urdcn to he scat to tar puhlleatlun ufllcr. to Port Albert: al's for securing .. l*•'• To weir•• premiums appy promptly. ter barber at Port Albert. The Lenart PublishingScott Oo., It is usually called ten miles front litre al sest'tLAT IT., 7811,8 T•t•a. to (bslerich; but let the surface of the U)VELL'S road at present be carefully treasured, p��pp n}�� Directory following all the depressions, and elan Prom. co of Ontario Lll ectory tions, grant and au►all, and it will sure double ten miles. This is causetl l FOR 1881-1882_ by what is tensed "pitch -holes." It TO BE P('HLISHED 1N NOVRMBEI: i .•t. would be interesting and instructitr. ' Price 115.00. have a correct recent of a winter's team rIt 1 Ot't:LL at the unit of several ing on the Lake Shore road from herr ,1 )lcrtlpante and uthtn u� the Province of to Gtalerich; that is, a list of all the lontario "(tire City of Montreal. kc.. her to breakagrauf sleighs, harreras,tchifflc•trcrs 7Y1O:1;:1 that lair tlrm wW puMft6 PRl► PIN( F: OFONTAIt[U DIREI'IY)1I , in No J. S. Habkirk was re-elected school' fie., and dama,e Iwroc 3rsh. also vcmbcrout,eorulnlnog an trustee of S. Section No. o, Mullett: i the difference , in leads ,brawn over, and The trustees are Wm King .Francis through', .toll tinder ''•e pitch holes Alphabetical Directory Stalker and J. S. Habkirk. I eomparorl with a sina..ta hard track. I .AND A THOROUGH The Sacrament of the Lord upper And last, Lilt not least, the extra amount I p n to was dispensed in Knox Church here 001 of profanity an•1 ill -temper fotrnd where I CiasSified Business Directory Sabbath the 9th inst. Rev. Mr. P,it- ( pitch•hules du :ouch abound. This is of tar Hu-•nese tied i'ru(eF�iuonl ors to tn, chard was Desisted by the R. '11r. I a nuisance oecuning every Winter when I Cdiea' T"ins. and Villaes•s of Ondrio with a Fletcher, of Thames Road. I we have enough anew 1 s make'. good Classified Business Directory On Monday the annual congregational sleighing. Now, I see no re:.sen why we I ••t- THE meeting was held, when the. following CITY OF MONTREAL. financial statement was given. Total receipts for the year from all sources $887.2'2, at the annual meeting Shaw's followers and the Ulster Libe- last year the congregation were rade have adopted a memorial to Glad- in debt, but this year the books show stone declaring that a satisfactory Land a small balance on hand and all Bill must embrace the three F'., provis- accounts paid in full. It was decided to ions for arterial drainage, reclamation adopt the weekly offering system again, of waste lands and extension of peasant as it WWI found to work satisfactorily the rietory. oast year. pnAo desperate attempt was made on t Thannual tea -meeting will lie held Monday to murder Schoolmaster Downey about Two young ladieshe Middle of �etempted by the at Tully Downey is under the protect - beautiful ung ladies, on last Saturday ion of the police. He and two policemen evening, went fur a drive around the maintained a regular fueilade with a village, and when turning the corner at large party of disguised men. Mr. Hill aril's u set the rt and u y P g+ y such unlrr, that enurTnoue 1 '9 5 should subunit to this state d affairs. Wire fences have been proposed, arced no doubt would anawer very well, but in the meantime onr municipal authorities might alleviate the grievance.by the ex- penditure of a few tle,llu-s cn each of our leading roads; as a few 'men with shovels, after the tirst big storm ,;f 511)', could level the road, so that •storms coming later in the season would not cause such fearful loads, Our County Council plight take the platter up and deal with it. Thus showing the country that their .`usefulness in not g.•ne. A private piny In the loather wast finds it profitable too keep a gang of men on his nods all winter, keeping. them in him do so. He is welcome to his Five flying colemns, including all arms i fmm the marks in the snow theyhad Ntos ca:, }.t of the service, were sent cut on n two n6 drawn with tease on them, while in this opinion, but he can't get THE SICNAza nice time. da -a' march on Tuesday. county teams are being etvrr,t.y decd tee arrests have been made in con - A MORMON and a Gentile ran for Con- gress. recently, and the former, Apostle Cannon, non, received the largest number of votes, and was declared elected. His opponent, one Campbell, appealed. claiming the seat on the ground that Lannon was not naturalized citizen of the United States, and that he was also living in poligainy. The Governor of Utah has decided that under these cir- cumstances Cannon has no right to the seat, and declared Campbell duly elect- ed. The Mei/awns feel very lead over the decision. Ou Timidity Rir John A, Ma. •:, Wald attained his silty -south biVNMiay He •a 551(1 M some to be fniliatg goe"tly la strength sod rigsor . bet .seen. Wally, the okl than gives evidence of being t;bn THE Clinton New Era has a cock-and- bull story about a certain fanner who wait told by Goderich buyers that Clinton buyers could not give him more for his grain, unless they tampered with the weight. The farmer thereupon loaded up, drove to Clinton, and not only got a higher figure, but his load made one bushel more, from the same bags ' The New Era, however, admits that it was possible that his bags tnre slightly holier than when brought to Goderich. The Neon Bra spoils the effect of this little story by stating is soothe. o olumn that the Clinton bysls have been selling some of their grain tour. Hutchison. of Goderich, at • good profit Toy ambitions village of Brussels. a)though much hampered by the inelthns d the Ronald to miry beam, is de- termined not to "stick i*t the mud. A brand new Council has been elected, an attempt to for.. a salt well it to 1e' made, and a general revival ni made is anticipated. ALUM they get salt in Brussel., it will be in order to inaugurate a gold lriaiag eaterpri.s in that section, for the gm'ebakiiity of getting the one is equally put with the chanee of getting the others if Mr Hunt be considered an authority en the salt geeetion How- ever, in she interest of cur friends in Promote in general, and ourselves in particular, we hope the mat onset* aatiCipdhas regarding the Attars of that village my be realise& But we bees err doubt,. The annual examination at the Au- haulint half hada -At reoa burn School was held on the 24th ult. For the occasion a splendid lot of books 1R nectien with the attempt to mu er a rd policeman near Headfonl last week. The Fenian Beare has extended to Porta- bution. The examination was conduct- 1 We me,:it.• Ly theNap.::hcr foo.:.. , taut. were provided by the trustees fur distri- Clinton. mouth. The authorities there have re- ceived various anonymous warnings of a to 1 ted attack on the C vernment ed by Messrs. W ilstn, Cowan, McGil- con mp lated lvtay and Dobie, eliciting from the establishments, but they do not attach different exercises. The readingg, writ- ing end spelling were remarkably • and the bright intelligent faces of the children combined with the dieellent pupils ready and correct answers in the much importance to them. Morris has• with waaauos• order inaintained to the close, all gave A few nights acro Mr. John A. Mc- evidence of careful training received at Ewen, J. P., of the township named, the hands of their teachers Mr. Miller was aroused at a very unseasonable hour and Miss Kernighan. Also that they from his slumbers by a number of men +rho appeared to be in a very exci frame of mind. The worthy J. P. m - mediately admitted his mid -night visi- tors, and was informed by Mr. Rule, who lives in the township of Wallace, about three miles from the village of Molesworth, that they came neo consult him upon a case of abduction which had occurred. The following particulars were given of the affair: -David Cox married Mr. Rule's daughter, who did about ten years ago in giving birth to an infant daughter. This child was reared and educated so far by its grandparents, who regard the little girl as one of their own children, and were about to take iter away to Manitoba, to which country they are about shortly to emigrate. Cox having mourned the decease of his first wife for • decent period, took to his bo- som a second helpmeet, who has present- ed him with a second progeny of olive branches, t., whom the father has, at fre- quent intervals, wished to add his child by the first wife. Every overture hav- ing this object for its aim had been sonrot it acted b thed t of s y re y grate pain . the little girl. So the father being im- pelled to bring matters to a crisis by the rumored emigration of his parent -in-law, took the law in his own hands, seised his daughter on the rod, and carried her off 1n despite of bar load cries and *reams He was poleMd for some die- tetics, but semped with kis prise. The object of this untimely visit to the coag istrate may therefore he divined. The grandfather wanted a warrant to em- power him to resume pueem'aion of his sitsoilskild. But the magistrate inform - 44 him slot in a quest• * of right as to Wap ,ase the peer. esetediea of the Little Or, he had no jeridietien what- ever. hewaver. He, honorer, iselined to the belie( that the lather, who is in good cir cumstmemes sada man, has a Xtake d h child, bas r he ooteld do so bI the way he 411111. was not prepared to may Mr ►res►, therufono, declined to •swiss the responsibility of greeting a warrant themselves had not been indifferent to the advantage provided for their benefit. The exercises were interspersed with music and singing, Miss Kernighan pre- siding at the organ. At the close Mr. Habkirk took the chair, when short ad- dressed were delivered by Rev. Mr. Cook and others. A unanimous vote of thanks was tendered to Miu Kernighan on retiring from the profession for the very efficient manner in which she had discharged her duties during her term; after which the prizes were distributed to the great delight of the little folk. The benediction toeing pronounced by Rev. Mr. Cook, all sepatsted highly pleased with the day's proceedlings t is is gntilying to know that Mr. Miller's services have been engaged for another year. -- A Vtarme. Eolmssvilla. Peesoxat.--The Rev. A. Edward was visited on Tuesday last by his cousin, Rev. James Hams of Brusssls. Frwsut. -On Saturday at 10 o'clock p) m. the funeral of the late Jane Twigs (relict Henry Trim) took place from her father's residence Huron Rod, thence to the Goderich Cemetery. 1t was well attended. The Rev. Mr. Mil- ler preached her funeral sermon on lien- day. 2 n'elock p. m to a large congre- gation. PLATT. -A large pity occupied the new hall of Mr. A. Knox, on Wednemdag night the fifth inst. The marc dense was indulged into the wee ems hours e1 the wont• sg. These ptesmt, 'Peak highly of the a000mmodetio n and the suitability of thehall for each apart . No doubt it will ire largely •pprssMsd ( arialt1 Hawes. - - Mr. J. W, Hill has bated out the stook, kr , e( his lumber11More in this place. During the past year he ran the business for hissesther, and his customers speak highly of him indeed We w- hist to hear of leis business burrowing, as we believe him to he upright In an �►ie Amaliie's [[prior to his removal to (Tiseao, Mr. Matheson, formerly ••f Cllntyn, was tlaN recipient of farewell addresses hem the Maabees, Foresters, and tie lodges of Nation, the latter accompanying the ad- dresses with a well filled puree. Mr. G. W. Railton, freight agent fur the Great Western Railway in London, and recently station agent here, has re. signed, but in aevering his connection with the 0. W. R. he hasheeta appointed to a more responsible and lucrative pos- ition on a leading railway in the West. His many friends here are pleased to learn ref his iraprovedprospects. ENTRANT E EI AMIN ATIoN. --The follow- ing are the nines of those who phased the entrance examination to the High School. glut of sixty-one . who wrote thirty-eight {,awed, and one was recom- mended The names are arranged in the order of the alphabet. Females - Kate Aikenhead, Dolly Buchanan, Lot- tie Chidgey, Emr:a Doan, Agnes Fergu eon, Alice S. Holmes, Maggie Ke11y, Annie Lavin, Minnie Latin, .lane Mc- Pkrlane, Annie E. Miller, ida Plummer. Susie Richardson, Hattie Ritchie, Beat- rice Snell, Lizzie Sutherland, Eliza Wal- dron, Eugene Walker, Amelia Wat- son. Males- J. N. Birks, Wm. Bur- chill, Joseph Elliott, Wm. Fair, A. B. Graham, Robt. Gibson, Benj. Higgins, Jamas Hopkinson, James Jackson, Meter McEwen, James McGowan, Wm. Ross, Henry Rowlands, Thomas Rumhall, West. Rarakail, P'. A Scott, Lewis Ste- vens, Alfred Thomas, Alexander Tu - moth, Callender, J. Warren, recommend- ed. The *.:re ca:: t:ui attention bestowed nn the Dominion and Provincial Directdrlee of 1871 wW be given to obis work. tsubscriber• names respectfully Solicited. Tents of Ad- vertising mule known upon application. JOHN LOVELI. & .>oN, Pab'iehrra. Montreal. Deo. pet. 1758. A distressing water famine prevails at Orange, N. J. Nine -tenths of the wells are dry, and the farmers have to drive their cattle mikes for Ovate-,. The livery. mom an water from a running stream and aeries it at $9 a load to fat teslas for use in their boilers esdevleli blilasttoih Denali wilan 13. ,1.1 Wheat. l rain C snob !Pleat. set t rh .5 seas pp��� New hush ) v LT..ionisesedp est Pah per barrel eal nos tr SI ct W 1 00 w 11S w =� Pne..s • r James Wilson, • Z 73118 Ns Tatra, ter The vt..u, (toilero.I the Y eargc JOHNSTON'S"' SARSAPARI LLA D PI .& L u ►abaci Ln3 fz P o`•ing the Blood. it t-iline:, ' ref ,r .'0 year& Lal cos proveltob:r.,`,- •. tti-arsticn 'n the market for i.'.'e !I 'MAIL i'A131 1N THE BIDE wit RACK. LIVER t.OM- PLATNT' Ps 11';.r' l " RF. 7 TTACT, DYiI'EtfSiA. 1'ILh s t r.a all Lisesse.l that•riasf:an a te., r.:.red L'verortin : etpu-c hl a). Thouac.14 of our bad' 'ample take 15 awl pre tt to their ctA- alrea Physicians presenbe .1 daL'y. Theo wh • tote ftoed. rernr mond it to c'bers. Itis made front Yetiow Peek. Itow .'itr- raq Ina: tapari l la, Wild Cherry. Ht 'Anil% Floschfrait Wir.tcrgrec•a Lad other w •11 known vahuhle Worts e54 H•rbq It M atrietiy eryetabla, and cas- nst h•rrt the moat delicateeoast*utee. f t t• • ••e • o• t hA hest medicines ,a use fir Rears i vs the Bowen It is t::1 by an responsible dreertou stone dollar for a quart bottle, lir sal bottles for five defiarw Those who canons ohtaln • brad eR this medicine from their dre�tst t� send ns one dollar and we will teed S to them.F. easeme annammessa k CstR For sale by .Tarts Wl'1JNrt, Chemist and Druggist. ItII►ERICH AND KINCARDINE • Marble Works. H£nd w Bait tot all us! tangs b sad executed is •j style and samosa *`able >tlltess. Mantles kept fa hep arced to crderNea s sad Hesdstesea ALL WORK WARRANTED. scoZT & VANETONE. — - stn. 'L ANCY GOODS AND YAWN IN • ` wrest Variety! Cmn4s--Hair, Tooth sail RW BRUtiRU SHES PERFUMERY, &e.. Os(' Cheapest in 'Town. sN trouble to chow titNuis and *aa 11 r� •