HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-01-14, Page 3I r • the Poet's Horner. fire enlace •' the king. rat 1716 tine Wit. itercUrtt.L, fauns IU.lt lee a hostile, bonnl.• wart' That were itviu M the au., Ate smear M 1110 lea' We oven tralve► tbrw; Dist In rain meWok for sNuethuut 1'o whir It fait keens sea clutg. Fut It's health, is as twtynic To the palate u' the Kitts lt'e like the gtldelt .11ilu,er. %V& Murrywartra•ad, An' we AO when en w ter Lys 11.bcsatiea wi theload I Fur the' Mutate are the mew- es. An' the down on winters winlllttk It's line to ken tt daurna touch The palace o the Kiwi. 'rlten. again. eve Julie been thinkin' That when i thug[ hetes sae bre-hi. 1 he sun is ►' Its grandeur. An' the muse wl' qui/resin' Itcht. The ocean 1' the simmer. Or the woodlan is the spring. What luaus it be up yonser l' the palnp u' the King. It • here we due nor triols, As 114 here that he prepares A' his ebasrn ter the raiment Milch the rammed sinner wear.. An' 11. here that lie wad hear us. 'Hid our tribulations sing. Nell trust oar God wb, relenet 1. 1' the palace ei the King." Tho' His palate i, up yuitncl. Fie has K1ngtionu here beluu, Ai ser are His awbassadurw Wherever we toy gguu We've a toeswye 14 deUesr. Ari wet 41616 M. to brit;. To be teal aa' 1,erled 1' the palace o the King. Ohl Ws honour heaped on honour That His courtiers should he tin Fre the wend'rts saes He died foe r this wart' o' sin an' pain, An' It's fulfils love *a service That Use eirt ttan aye should hr:”.: To the Met o Him who retttneth r the palace o' the Kind:. As' let us trust Him better Them we've ever doss atone. For the King will feed biservant,. Pyne His ever -bounteous more Lat ss k a eloper trip o' litnl. For Mane b on the wing. An' soon Hell come art take n. Tae the pekoe e' the King. Ices Ivry bulb are bonnie. On which the rain -bows whine. An' it's Mdsn bsw'rs use tralUaed wr a river-fadln' A n' the pearly gates o' Heaven Do a giortous radiance flipg On the starry floor that shimmers l' the palace o' the King. Nae tight shall be 1a Heaves, An' nee desolatin'sea, As' nae tyrant boob shall trample r the city o' the free ; There's an ereriastln' daylight, An' a never -Min' epi ing Where the Lamb 1. s. the glory, 1' the palace o the King. We see oor fries' await r.s ower piaster at this gate 'then Let us i be ready, For ye ken it's gettin late : hat oor lamps be Dricitly bernin': Let's rale oor voice an' sing. -Ivor well meet to part no. mair. 1' the palace o' the King i'he tae erih. ttlaasr. *ftrinnOMMIUMM.MIWAIP .* _ ...._ .�...... Yaw. -ss..,.,....,. _.,,.... _ - -•- THE HURON t&IGNAL, FRIDA1, JANUAR1 14, 1titS1. Banking. B'NY OF M ONTRIL. ('I PITAL. OtRoso.wu. SURPLUS • • • 03.e0o.oeo. Goderich Branch. f' R. I)f'_ ,'4F ►Rl►, Ma/layer Allows interest ea deposits. Drafts, lett-ro of credit and clroulsr notes issued. payable in all parte of the world. 17M. CANADIAN'RANK (►F COMMERCE �i i J'taii up (wpifnl, • 16,000,000, Rent, - - 11,400,000. Ptesirieet, - //ON. WM. FifcMA14TER General Manager. - K'. !1'..4NDFJSON. Goderic'* Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - 11iANAosa. Interest allowed on deposits. Dra[ta on all 1 the principal Towns and Citta in Canada, Creat Britain and the United States; bought and sold. Adrancesto Farmers on Notes, with one or more endeeeses, without mortgage. 17S3 cHRYSTAL & BLACK, Practical BOILER -NE MB. i he +nbseriters, have bought the Toils and holler Butanes of Il Itt''rltt AN at- Co., lately carried on by the Goderich Foundry and Mann- tactoring Company, and hat lhad as ex- perkmce se over eight years in flat shop, are now to carry on the trade in all Us b Sir Any work eutruMed to us will receive prompt attention. PIM -chum wort guarani teed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired. ate Smoke lbtacks and Sheet Iron Work. lc., a- reasonable rates. 1 New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at Pnlcaa THAT 130 - FT COMPETITION. Touching upon the question whether ruembers of the French bar should be permitted to grow their beards, a writer in a Parisian contemporary gives some particulars showing how many mea emi Hent in varions w s haye been devoters of the razor. Ile begins by challenging 4troof that, apart from a very few excep- tions', a great orator ever wore a beard or mustache. Among eminent French speakers and statesmen, Mirabeau Denton, Verginaud, Berryer, Foy, Man- uel, Chsteaubriand, De Broglie, Mole, Odiplon ,Barr,t, Casimir Perier, Otlinot, Theirs, and Montalembert all shaved. The mustache is thought to be a disthic-" tive military adornment. yet it was not worn by . Alexander, Caesar, Pompey, Trojan, or Napoleon. The great mar- shals of the French Monarchy disdained it, and not one of the generals of the First Empire permilted it to sprout upon leis lip. Revolutionists are popularly supposed te be marked by unkempt beards. Yet Robespierre, Marat, Saint - Just, and Hebert were as carefully shaven as the Grand Monsrque himself. Of French writers and poets, pitoliere And Corneille wore the Richelieu mus- tache, but Racine, Pascal, La Fontaine Boileau, La Bruyere, Voltaie, Rous- seau, Diderot, Montesquieu, and all the thinker and savants of the eighteenth century indulged in a clean shave. So did Dante and Petrarch, Byron and Shelley, Pope and Addison, Sherilin and Goldsmith, Swift and Johnson, Fielding and Richardson, Pitt, Burke, and Fox. Among eminent Frenchmen of very recent times, L martins, De Vigny, Victor Hugo (till his axile,) Michelet, Emile do Otrardin, Carrel, Baudelaire, Louis Blaine, and aardou, or still nuke, an uncomprising use of reser, in this respect following the ex- ample "Of Haydn, Olock, Mozart, Picci- hi. Oimhross, Kelm!, Weber, Chseubini, Herold, Beethoven, Betlmi, Rossini, ifeverbesr, and Anb.r. There is some- thing to be,said on the otehr side, no doubt, but it would swim as though space should be found in the e.cu n of geniva fora razor and a barber's pole. 7,oemiA. - -I have .ecur'ed the agency i a this nr er oaspa� cornfor ua me under moot favourable auspices, being very highly endorsed and recommended. Its wosdeeful affinity to the Digestive Organs and the Liver, increasing the dissolving juices. correcting the acids and Queries off impurities of the ittomasil and regdatitig the Liver, can be tested by securing a sample bottle which sell at 10 cents, or large Sight minas bottle, 75 cents. F. Jordan. 1785 h sloop glees uA pleasure to draw attention to aetialea which are deserving of public patronage. ptdnbly no arti- e6e over oared to the public has met with the Mme *LOCOS, es 0*.er a Starr lot Cas Simms Gann. 'flicntani of families in the Dominion keep it in theft homes se the Mawdatd Cn•ugh Remedy Tito sale of tins arts le has mon sed enormous proportions. Our advice to, the pnt.lic at largo is to trey its virtues if th should at slay time enk.rtu dMtl�ot dibble Omsk, or Colds It '1. -Ad Chrystal & Black Ni 1e3. c•pcsnt'ts. 117571 NOTICE. Girit,q up P totngrapAiny in God,. ie*. In returning thanks for past favors, would Just fnt a wilt please sake former and preient • Preece t. rt'ormsr. Life Size Photos. - - 14.00.09 0x10 Photos, - - - 1.50 x210 tit - - 1.25 1.50 Cabinets Photo per doz.. - 3.00 3.50 Card Photo. per dee.. - - 1.50 2.00 Aad Frames to suit the above at BOTTO M P RI C7BIS- Come onere me all ! and have your hearts gladdened by getting good and cheap 'bots at 1755 E L Joatesoit'L Legal Notices. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Cooney of Huron, i virtue of Two Writs of To Wit • i /Yeri Facia*. each issued oat of Her Majesty's County Court of the County of Huron and to me directed, against Dada ada and Huron, of Mary Pierce and Seaward Pierce. at the suits of Christopher Crabb. I have seized and taken in Execution all the Right, Title and Interest and Equity al Redemption of the above -noised Defend- ants in and to Lot Number 3, in the third con- cession of the Western Division of the Town- ship of Aahleld, in the County of Huron, con- taining thirty-nine scree of band, more or leas, which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for pile at my office, in the Court House, in the Town of Ooderlcb. on SATURDAY THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. 12181. at the hoar of not the clock noon. ROBKRT GIBBONS, -4u -i It's office, Goderich. ) Sheriff, Ifuron Oct. 21st 1880. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. County of Huron. (By virtue of three Writs of To Wit : i Facials booed out of Her Majesty's County Court of the County a[ Huron, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of James Mullin at the suits of Malcolm Collin Cameron, Philip Holt and Malcolm Oriente Cameron, and also virtue of an order horn lease F. roma, Kagto e. Junior JudgeCourt, made in this cause, bearinQg date the INtk day of January, A. D. all I have Mused and taken la Execution all the Migkit, TNM and in- terest and Squill of Redemption pf the above named Defendant, in and to the loath half of lot number Twelve is the slevest\ elemeselon, Lettere t e s M County,Divisiot oto ftO SI 0/ �akltalet In the said flr_arettlsT ttr0ers an acre off the C0�f1ef thea said Int. cnstaining stf aM aMAtrbet acres of land, tosser or 1- and quarter of lot number eoneewlnt of the Town osh, in the said of land more or laM, W menta r shall ol!W fat Overt Hots .11* tt91 /ssf, at a 116;47...teaRORER west tie awan- SOTIS Tone - in the ea secs. Oi11AONS, Sheriffs Odloe.Oeda$ch, 1 Sheriff of Huron, Nov. 4, 1MO. i 1731 -Id. i C ICK'S lLL1IT*LT1211 TIMBAL Cos For 1501 Is ast Book of 120n1=ti Colored Mower nite.atsti IM Nasisati elloftlraalltgatrat L WOWS and woiral0� fir A � net b h ►,vonl� best M The Vienna 0 WI bow to tet irrow 4=1' 47 ia�isni.8a ee►ersTEN ,gait cloth. retMd y mspsene --11 Poem. ss 1n every auntie, ant wear MS Pries .1 • year: five_ If You Want Good GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE, D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. In addition to the ordinary lines of the (irv•ery and ('rockery Trade. I Barry a fu stock of F1olll, IRais, Pork and telle1'a1 Prons!ous 31 Y MOTTO L . "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." Coal Oil also sold. tee my Stock and get my prices. ear Goods delivered to stay part of the Town. D. Ferguson. MONSTROUS CLEARING SALE For ONE MONTH AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. Great Reduction IN PRICES PREVIOUS TO STOCFi-TAKING. J. C. Detlor & Co. Daniel Gordon, ei-Mer ad Unr1thr. Oldest Bolin in the (runty, end Laved Atodtc this side of Loedns! PARLOR arrests, Bio -Roos Storms, RID.-BoasD., E.ttlf CYAr&s, Lsvlrons,'an . , zTo•. Cell Bnysra will Ifni It to their advantage to see sty stock if they need a good article at .lose price. 1). 1ao&Do1V, West *reef, wear Pest Open, Q.deridt. 1 STORING GREY NAIL TO ITS NATIML tOLOL ray tt tstiPe +lye w .a0 .. abtT�ty 47. anlyrl.ui. Pttess le e... s twelln Dungannon GET YOUR AUCTION SALE BILL PRINTED at til.• ..trice• of THE {I•RON SIGNAL, North Street, Ido lerieb. * distinct and peculiar combination. FELLOWS' COMPO'?ND SYRUP OF HYPO-PHOS-PHITES lOR 1111 RELIEF .AND CURI'. Or A:. 1. WASTING DISEASES, II Al -1 Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthlni, General Debility, Brain Exhaustion, Chronic Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia, or Loss of Nervous Power. It is un- equalled in the treatment of Palpitation of the Heart, Trembling of the Hands and Limbs, Loss of Appetite, Energy or Memory it actsihth vigor, gentleness and subtlety, owing to the exquisite harmony of its ingredients, akin to pare bloat itself. its taste is pleasant, and itseffeets permanent. Its fi-st apparent elfeet is to increase the appetite. It assists digestion, and causes the food to Luimilate prop r!y-thus the system is nourished. 1 t also, by iti tonic action on the digestive organs, induces more copious and regular evacuations. The rapidity with which patients take on dash while under the ti.fluence of the Syrup, of itaelf indicates that no other preparation can be better ad tptad to help and nourish the constitution, sad hence be more efficacious in all depression of spirits, shaking or trembling of the hands or body, cough, shortness of breath, or consumptiva habit. The nerves and muscles become strengthened, and the blood purified. at, wii.iT THE INt'E` Alit. FELLows, itA T(1 Sea .(it,)rr His SYRUP l+r THE HYPOPHOSPHiTES. In the aummcr of 1864, i was suddenly effected by a copious expectoration of muco-plualent matter. I had been declining in health for some months, :tail, being exceedingly nervous, the symptoms ;aimed alarm. Ai my hzsiness wW, that of a dispensing chemist, the shop was constantly visited by medical men, all of whom tendered their advice. During 1864 and 1886 my chest was examiaed by ten tint coags physicians, some of whom pronounced the case Bronchitis ; some, not wishing to d:use alar, or nnwilling lot v-nturs an -pinion, gave no deriso- ::+ome stets' un- ertulv-ially that t had 'I'ubrrcu'.ar Dasaso of the Lunges, sal located ale trouble where the pains were felt. By professional advice, 1 used, in turn, horse-ba._k exer- cise, country life, eggs and ale in the morning, tonics, Bourbon whiskey, cod-liver oil, e:ectr:c:ty, tar, and various inhalents, but the trouble increased. Expectoration be- e va more profuse and offensive. Night -sweats set iu. Cold chills, diarrhoea, dytpntsa, cough, blood -streaked expectoration,, leas of sleep, loos of appetite, loss of memory, loss of ambition, accompanied by general prostration, showed themselves. ruder the microscope the blood was found to contain but a small portion of vitalized corpuscles ; the heart's action was feeble ; the pulse intermitteht ; the stomach could not digest properly, so that flatulency and acidity was the result. Finding the symp- toms indicated Csnsumptioa, i determined to use every effort to stay its progress, ands if poadbie, to erre it. 1 selected the most powerful tonics and moderators, eel com- bined them with the vital constituents of the htull44 b94. -For months 1 r1:1eav- oaed to amalgamate them before• my efforts were crowns. ,'1h ecce• 1 t: Pw)t. speak too plainly or too ata•ozgly of the effects produced., awl the benefits I receiv- ed from the composition. t.. first my lir; til. t• .; c.. . a ..1. !i .•t 1 re rue ta3y, digestion b...ttrr ; the [sews becr o n.r, a p:.:.....' 1 lea+ L.ti to t.; : i1 chins arced ; tight -resat, lessened ; I gaia.d is w. :t eta • ' ... in; ori; l I. rt rt+ ; ••LtsSing akep returns� t my spirits became buoy :ut, t:.•, t.en 1 :c Le to all v -:o -o:.. 1 cmt!nneti :-t ft Syrup month after month ; bat i ,g to the d lily fog_'y •-limate of St. John, my recovery wa; neoctisarily slow•, t.l. d01,:, f could obetrre a gradual return of strength for three years, during which dim' I r wtlnasl tilting the remedy. 11[y pres•nt weight is one i'nnc: ',1 and og:sty-eight, bine thirty-eight ;lbws my nutsl. I have no ayrep. tots 1 ft .: • o'' :,ilea a:. Val cn'y ao`able ei,;a during twelve months was the etp oto a;' , •. 1C,;: tit it. lis:; stoop d, wad 1 cons.der myself well. Tete read -r may ask, ilio d, y •'i know your d;lfi nity to have pen:•.•:d d fin ulcerit. t o: + t', tea• tat. d lung t ' i tastier, LI tan :Lost csrta'.0 of al toilet in: aac•:: •ainirg. la haat I e- ughel from the Solo incg a pica, pf PHO3I'11AT1i OF LIME, half the size • of a pea, which could h•sva e,mo front no other pace, acid which the highest authority ia Lung Booties (Lawns•') states it the roti t of tub^rce, which km bees cared. Added to this I had tee !ealru•calor: 1, puml•-n., l.:oud. Etr„ ake'L ev: ocioratio:s, acd the opinion of one of tho best diagao.ticiins in th • co'tatry. I believe I have exper- ienced all the symptoms iacilent to the two first - tarn of Conaw. ption, and have suxestfully combattol tiro, so Cast I do sot dins:: of any oras w;atn there is left sufficient lung tissue to build upon. I can only add that the mire msneta'y consi.lera- t'.ou or increased miles w,xt:l Liver induce, mo to publish this report, but a sincere sympathy for the poor Cossuxpt:re, with whose ui:st'rtau: I be'ievo it vlllanyto trifle. R^spr:tftt , .IAMR4 1. FELLOWS, twssrsior of Pill w& Cmwpouwd Syrup of Iforphesphites, SOLD BY ALL DRtJGGIST'S. woos 'rell.we Compound Syrup t:f ilypophosphltes 1. required, ark ter "FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP," 4*4 to soar. to iewitniinw it fc ,lel .m other article Garnet erns sins. t''M' SENO FiPAMPHLET 'turf PERRY DAYIS -& SON & LAWRENCE, Agents for he Dominion of Canada. MONTREAL. 1 SUBSTITUTES ! t sito The imbue are cantioned against a custom which is fain[ tlti1 aewmem.F jam OMNI. a certain data of deafens and odd" inks : When asked foe a bntds d P1dtr*Mitt they t/i"drlydiscover that r buy are " seat oat. ^ 'ism hansoms** * article jut ea recd. if not better." which they will !apply at the some price. The *Meet of this deers iert is baasparest. These w 'Rode op to aeht int the groat reputation of and bedsit ens�oodad et the Ant dealt at about lett 1./.2! hR Lse for flaw [tetttrea t - t 1 . , which O* haw theseih a to games a few a a r, aroSt jltlltdie *Iwo the haltatice snit* that/ ate mom the filar For SUDDEN COLDS Nelalea. to, ilnntsaATio Alt. \1.1 /*elute PAIN$ tM ANY PART Ot' TN%BODY, Carriage Worksl B. PoaaER, rasevavtr1111w ev sir 13 TY A CFX in , 'tea CUTm8, BLEB Aso tine. soh Mdiaae� me. iw soil gift* • is dam* 1 IM ay. ttaw*. that mane* he baste. ia , be PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER J w u*lOCIe'ILI.lin Li7R113 ALMOST INtTANTl.1 lb* rot. -to.. lie ., ,.It .Ate , e. .lab t ,e hones...•,tee et rntjllll M doll ra.tsi..tr...;s,rs ►sesta• are ehee.ser. emearea. SOLO t*1/ SAL't0UOsetslU *maws"