HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-31, Page 8• TSE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, UECEMB h.�' 31. 1880. Assllw.. T131! RLO B ,,� Mori riu� tl.i l at 'i 07.4 T#c Mr. Da IIs, D. Il �r. tl,,;,,. reit nWats les wase et ea e two 1lira'�laMlsel.e astir*/. Iw+fh �� of Mu • At Sod rk h, 23re1 I v. Ur. l're Mr. it. ltuu eim an of ( 'roo ustfip, to cafit,,tit, widow or the late Mr. Peter ne of Perth. Lanark ('u. gllenhead-Whillrir. O,t tb0 t br head nc:ejj i ter- itylla lie,, Tlr, W 8, toM too Whit • Mita. �bab In 'olttott, on r* -vi' 11oiily. aged 80 y 2lth, Mrs. Pitt - 11 coMMt '1ICAfi1Ol S. bC,ourneIYes reipioneible or the of aur t'urresp,t1enb. tribu- .IepN'1❑"'r.l Inst imams them bite questions, and be brief. enc *rite** USUda s. u( The Hees SiguaL liths, --Will roe kindly insert the fit owing (ointntlnication in your next isms for =M� �y���etit of the little ones. In the ward seROera it was announced that t he schools weith1 re•'pen "n the 3rd of January. This is :w error. It nhotlld Iiia the seventh. The fact of thein a High School situated in (lode the term of vacation to the 7!th, instead of the 2nd, as ordered by the Midi.. Se had Act Yours truly, L. Cit..n:i. Sr. Grrrard'. RIndnees. .Auctioneering. Election taro • _ _ I3latistr • �i7AV4 THZ sLliain0 O TBs NICHOLSON SURGEON DEii ' • :.t. lids. 1 TOW31 OF (iODiItICH. • TtNT. Ot *sea j• , West Street 11NNT4 Y, ll tba tYl utrA • dWrs betuw Daag e!•t1'Ml, (3ode' I FRANCIS r rue SAN Lu,eis Vit D i, nivoixt� wiiedit.ial nnotiarrnot n •pryrr ?1ST t7st �Iwt.uttaar her tate Cunn•.oes oaf it lyavo owtsentud ruse a gwJidat1 at rite Iw1E.' %Ft !•1lk'otll[. g'srtur n Iruaabi,h (glfM ngnluntclt.alaln t MI'1101 11.12.-e1 •r a tc Coition, tEiWkl of d, N mit I:,n l • . a 1.1.• w,1: he had a t--�►tAr_� . _•(' b JF It THE PAdt' M N deride. O A huge cumber of spurts and *emu- lators gathered et the River, un Saturday- last &o, wittiest' the trotting races. The ice was keen, the weather was bracing, and at time* the eu:ita•u.ent in butting circles nese high. Tete chief interest seemed to centre iu the %Hitt between " Kitty Wells " and " Lillis Bonner," but the casting of shoes by the latter in the fist heat, p coed the of getting first place out of the q be they never so good previous to event. The following are TSa ISTILIie. Yo the Editor of the Signal, SIR,-- I was surprised to read in your last isaue a letter front Mr. Gerrard, d1 fast he had been so kind to buy dead s 11 and family. I wish to say t consisted in giving us a few sheep's heads, and such like during the past pew yean. Often during the illness of Mr. Squire, we have had to subsist upon boiled turnips without env other nutriment. I beg to state that the first item w•ttich appeared in Tat SIGNAL was correct in every parti- -culat•, and when Mr. (isrrsjd rent out of kis way to sound his edit m=ile at the expense of the mute of the dead, *the =widow and the orphan, he did not exhibit that Christian deportment which should be expected from one of his loud retigiourprofession. Y..uts in e(flietion, ELIZAEErII Sc)('1ss. Candidates. Editor Oman `signal. - $la,--A.number of candidatea aro now before the electors file Municipal honors, 1 and a weed of advise to the ratepayers r to heir duty in the premises will not be out of place. The position of the town, both as t", its trade and finances, is such that it is absolutely necessary that the best available men should be return- ed to the Council. We do not want politicians. Wed,. not want boys with- out persona! interest in the town, and whose only connection with property in the municipality is through colorable or fraudulent conveyances from relatives, fur qualification only. We do not want crook business men who can- not manage their own atfaire, whose greatest successes are their failures. But we want men of tried experience and judg went, of probity and honesty; men who are su property holders in the town, who vs dtrec interest in its prosperity; who in acting for the good of the town at the Council Board will be acting for their own interests siso. Men who will themselves feel the burden of unwise or oppressive taxation, and who will have a direct interest in furthering all measures for the adFancement of the town because such will enhance the value of their own property. Goderich has not made the progress to the past that its position and natural advantages would warrant. The Council has not exerted the influence for good it is capa- ble of for the pest few years. While there have been many good men at the Board, there have been too many in the Council totally unfit for the position. Unfertutetely malty of our best men re- fuse altogether to sieve, or to run the chance of being defeated by ant forward gas -bag who has time and inclination to make a personal canvas of every rate- payer in the town or ward. The rate- payers have been too ready to elect those who, neither from experience orcharscter, are worthy of their trust, whose only aim in seeking places at the Council is to tarry out their own political or personal ends, and who direct all their little ener- gies to the furtherance of their petty in- tregues. But if our Council was com- ped of thoroughly reliable honied busi- ness men, who will accept the manage inent of town affairs solely with a view to further its prosperity, and judiciously regulate its taxation and expenditure, such a Council can. with the assurance and backing of the ratepayers, do much for the town's material prosperity. If the ratepayers aro determined to do what that' can in this direction they will elect such men and such only, and say to all political schemers who ask their votes on political grounds, "We want none of you in the Council." Politics are out of place there. The management of the town's affairs has no connection with them whatever. What we want is good sound substantial honest business men; awn of experience and judgment, who fire direct propert' holders and whose 1f�tasst administration of their own sfiair. gitp�s •guarantee that they will honestly red r the town's Pnorsttty hat tier the petition of •vis 1. re - as to ars un a poi, al tended I. /Jbf. NAslau RAGS. -E. R. Palmer's c. " Kitty Wells," sire, " Erin Chief," dam, the dam of old " Kitty Wella" M. Nit7holson's b. g., " Little Bonner." Fags roa ALL. -- John Knox's c. g. " Little Van," sired by " Grey Eagle.'* Abraham Smith's h, a " Guderith Chief," sired by "Erin Chief," dam the dam of " Lucy. " Scutt Robinson's h. "Seaforth," by " Royal George." '•' Kitty \\'ell.. the winner of the named race, i , :-. handsome chestnut mare, staias hands 1 in., is well formed it. limb, ;u:d under the training of i,tr. Palmer sill show " sliced " of good quality at no distant date. " Little Bonner," Mr. Nicholson's horse, is a nest. little fe1ow about hands high, with considerable " in him. THE RESULT. NAr11CD ea s. Kitty %Vella. - - v - Little Bonner. FRt;Y FOR ALL Little Van. „ Seafort 1. Goderich Chief, 1 1 29 `1_'I 331• 2 5233 The starter was Mr. .lames Porter, and the races were judged by Hon. John Hibbard, and Moasrs. A. M. Polley, Wm. Horton and John Currie. The difference between the Queen and Princess Louise has been completely re- paired, and they are now on as friendly as ever. Boyd * Bros., of Winnipeg, ived infarctions from their to make preparation* for of sixteen Irii.Jt hemiliiee Defehess of Marlborough is g#tti g out be I/galtobs in lbs orb. .n>et warri 11.4 arg that • Oreo. THE COURTS. 1'.omit Judge's Criminal Court. -Ileiore ills Honor Judge Sgnler. TAR QusEN vs. SAUNDERA.- The prisoner was charged on Dec. 24th with the larceny of • quantity of glassware from the hotel in Exeter formerly kept by Mr. Edward Christie. The evidence for the Crown shewed that Christie had sold the hotel business to one Wiles, taking as his security a chattel mortgage upon the personality. Mr. Wiles having a sudden call across the lines, left one Splanu, a creditor, in charge with di- rtd'tdsllfNbell all lir could and pay him- self. The prisoner, quite a lad, being out with some oempanionsabout the 10th Nov., was hired by Splann to stow sway part of the goods, and foolishly took them to his father's house, thus placing himself under the suspicion which led to` the present charge. Mr. Campion, who ably defended tho prisoner, contended that as no felonious intention had been proved, the prisoner must be discharged. The Judge, upon this ground, as well as upon the ground that it had not been proven that anybody owned any of the goods said to have been stolen or pro- duced in Court* viz, one "echoener"1 at ^'ice dischargeu tate prisoner. SELECTION or Jueoag.-The improve- ments in the jury act could not be better exemplified than by the expedition with which the jurors (grand and petit) for 1881 have been selected. Formerly the selection occupied from eleven days to two weeks. This year the work of se- lecting the ntunes of 315 persons to serve as jurors was accomplished, we be- lieve, in five days. The Chainnan of Sessions, Judge Squier, after the selec- tion had been completed, adjourned the Session to the 25th day of January for the transaction of casual Session busi- ness VIOLATION or M.RKIrT BY -LAO. -On Wednesday a number of the town butch- ers were brought before the Mayor charged with purchasing poultry, etc., on the market before legal hours. His Worship dismissed the case, with costs, and hoped that in the future the by-law would be faithfully observed. oat M K 19ww esti • Estrxj Animals. ULll'Eit CALF CA�!fi 1-v late tie endosac-.• of the sola rlber, P Albert, about the Is! r'ep,wu . a ref Ifrreallr The owner si 1please pn,po�� aw !�x . ue» sand t.ie 11 a 1t4r:.Awze(r!t. 1 HAYED ?RO.11 THE PEZMISES kJ el cite stehrcriber. during September, two sleets, enc year old; ..nr grey, sus lee other red with what, Lace. Well marked ..a butt rare Any .dformatlea leading to their recovery wall Y:' mutably rewarded. (e*:y v tipusto, lot 14ma, t'oi :carne. 1761-1t. 1- ): Sate or To Let. • • i_jut'4L' LNA l.(•'?' keit SALE- AT 11 llni,bas1*.•c. f_' rot, s fr. ter t3edericb, cote..atter of i et 51i r; r. .•r land,'w•cll fenced; a name 1 ,tae•, a f.ice�•• wrti e::A p'im p are also uu ,ae premiers. The lia has Leen well Ms- = Terms towable. Particulars eon fc4•tu.jlr. J. M. hust.ure, M(rchant. t.un, f1+'l;. 0. Bat wM, Nile P. 0. G67•tf. HO ANL) LOTn N()S. 33 AND 7e. corner of Vlkkorke an•I Fast strets, in the town of Goderi: h, fru sale a::ettp, or will be exchanged for tarot prop uty. f arppa�rticuiafs apply to Jas, 8l(Al1J, .thlittect. orate t'rsbb's Block, or J. C. (Jptwtt, &men grie. PO I,ET-A BLAC:(S)IITH SHOP I C enicutly setnatcd, be Hie tss- . tticxlia iof Mill. Hotel Odor this it / t nitMand rur read jobbing. Alsu • oma story dweWag house, and shoe shop. 'foie is chanes for • good lllscksndith and ? Apply atyaoe le Ft. J. 11. Daultm, Port Aftert, Oct. 17111. years mote cord as • ea Ih e�aseoa. i w� odesyy eo- eaati�'es�et ells 1 w =sea ' M ���oy�oa�jist' Your shadiest sarvaat, JAMEB BDIiAILL. lilt fi - 1'ConBorial. ��KNIGHT, PRACTICAL )AR- . s ot, eaid t.urt.1 rl bulk:i ohs always becar the lost Office, eica1 THS £L TORE OF TELE s;. MACKID, M D., P0YSI- .1 ?OWM or GOD1�eGlI. H. Plan Sargesa and Aeowber. O e este Oswasrsw,-1ne *elicit your ,nee red Maumee d t .nbel.a etbrttilon for the e . ..,,r awl la p dollar, woad t�t7 nits past services oft your behalf at the Town and County CouncilBoard. In the event of opposition. i will trate my views fully oa our mualdp pal alra at the nomination. and if possible, make a persbnal ana oYbeforey bee elect Ma day. Your obedient servant. FRED. W. JOHNSON. Oodeeiek, Nov. 24th. I0'5), 1700.41. 910 THE ELECTOIld OF THE S. TOWN OF OODERICH. (nierLearN, - 1 have been wafted upon by a number the rprrosminent ested ratepayers of the beent4Stharetord es oandtlate fora the of FIRST DEPOtrY-REEVE of d Goderich, for 188811 As I have ble municipal experience and that 1 oan faithfully discharge tae mss efts o0ioe I have weeded to taew1s11M�o[[ Atesne and now solicit your retested IaAtronce at the forthcoming munl- elyal election. Your obedient Servant. .1 taxi. %V arlON. Godsr*eb, Dee. 1/, 1*00. L tbst. L HEPPARDTON. -S' S$ , WITH 1J t 0f8m, fur sale or wqa 1 acro land. Riptek all tresb and goo ea vera very cagy tering. having other btrsfaeas to attend to.- For N1111. rther particalan!-apnd11 to R. T. Lot6,oa'1Tie�=acictcue. ie ern. A Hab e1West hait . Good Or- chard, Frame House. and a stable. Fifty acres cleared and well femoed. All the crop with 10 acres of hay, will be given with lot. it. T. II. 1761. In 1873 we had • Pacific Scandal.' In 1880 we have a Pacific Swindle.-[Utta- wa Free Preas. La Petrie says the Syndicate agree- ment, reduced to figures, means that the (wintry has to pay 1106,000,000 to a company which will then own the %York it is paid for building. 6.dereb Markets. GoogRuca, Dec. 90. 1880. Owing to the storm, there is little or nothing coming in. Prices are as fol- lows: Wheat, (Falll1 h h. �t�t 1 M Wheat, (Spring) i bush........ 1 OO Flour, i cwt .................... 250 Potatoes, (new) bash......... 095 !� 1 dos. (unpacked)........ 0 18 Hides . ......................... 750 Pork 580 Salt per barrel . 0 80 11 02 A 1 12 h 300 • 034 is 062 Cel 0 76 Id 030 4* 900 st 0 10 SS 0 9700 8 00 645 2 75 080 w Banking. z BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL. - - - coon Joon SURPLUS. - - I4.000 Ors). Goderich Branch. I'. R. DUN8FORD, - - Manager Allows Interest to deposits. Drafts• letters of credit and circular notes issued, payable Is all parts of the world. 1751. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Peed ar Capital, - 118,000,000. R.AI. - 111,400,000. Pveeerea(. MON W M. Mr MA *Tint Oe W M. Meager. • W. N. 4 WDZROON. Goderich Branch. J. M. ROM, M.N•ose iniamet snowed aa Bei Arisen sad w dtmatsll epi entd. AAvancr.le els 50 MOM en4Afnga.bIll VALUABLE FAIR EOR SALE. Lot 6, Con. 8, Town of Colborne, Co. Mare containing 96 mew 75 of which are afented and in a good state of cultivation. There is a frame House 90x28 with cellar under the whets, kitchen 16x20, wood shed 16198, stable 19x26, for horse& also cow stable 11x24. There is a well with a never failing spring, and • goodoung..ard with about 40 trees, selected. Te.h Terms easy. For particulars apply to T ouas \vAnuoN, prupmetor, Carlow or to 0ARROw & 1'ROl-Druo'T. Goderich. rich. She Peeples (Column. WANTED -GOOD GENERALSER- VANT, apply W Mn. W. Kar 1797 -it, ANY PERSON. HAVING A GOOD Buffalo or other robe for sale, leave word at Tse Stosux stating price. 1767. USIC-MISS SKIMMINGS WI 171 resume her cisme in muslo for Piano and Cabinet Or- , on Mender, aeu Jan. after tit ..fleas Vacrtion. Vacancies kr two or three inmils. Terms 46 per quarter in advance. Goderich 98th Dec. 1880. 1767 -it. 1010AR FOR SERVICE -A 'PEDI GREE Berkshire boar (from Bow Park for service. Terms1 to be paid at tine o service. F. SEFOMR, Huron Road. WOOD WANTED -100 CORDS OF green wood, good maple and beech fourfeet in length. free from limbs and bac) dogs, to be delivered at the Goderich public school, by the 1st of March. 1561. Tenders t( be foe not lees than ten cords. Tenders wil be received by the undersigned up to 3Is December. 1880. Wis. MITcui:Li, Sec. Board 1786. CORDWOOD WANTED. -THE UN CORDWOOD having the purchesed minion SNL rock, is now re to be al kinds of cordwood, for which cash win paid. For further8qpartieuiutiapp)r to Chas. A Nin, the Square • or at the liter Salt Works 53 NOTICE-HAVING BOUGHT 0U7 the right title •ad interest of Robt Rnnciman and Wilson Salkeld in the Gode rich Foundry; The firm ofD. Iturciman d!'Co Y therefore diesel. ed. All monies due or t become due, are to be paid to D. Rundman who will payall legal debts contracted bl said firm. ABook accounts must be paid or or before the *5th January next. DAv D Rum creta*. 176. Goderich, Noir. 19th, 1880. NOTICE. -THE ANNUAL MEET ING of the Goderich Petroleum and Sal Company will be held at the office of Cameron Holt & Cameron, on Saturday, 15th January at 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of eIecti Directors for the ensuing year. IIORACE HORTON, ttecy.-Treas.0.P, & s. Cay. tiodcrlch, 10th Dec.,1880.-17*34t. r MORTGAGE RALE OF nors1 and lot, In the td/rd of.Oaderich, in th County of Huron. Under sad by virtue of Power of sale contained in a certain Mortggaagg which will be produced at the time of s•M made by Mary McQueen and Allan 06cgb her husband there will be sold by P11011 Auction, by J. C. CURRIE, Auctioneer, at hl Auction Mart, in the town of Oodericb, on SATURDAY, JAN. 15th 1881 At the hour of 12 o'clock noon, the follow' Property, namely, Lot No. 1075, In the mai town of Ooderich, containing one-fifth of acre of land more or lege. There 1s upon t said Lot a .nbetantlal Frame Hope, wf Kitchen attached, and good we1L 'nue feet TERMS OF SALE. --Ten per cent, down a the time of sale. and the balance to be psi within one month. and upon such payment purchaser shall be entitled hos conveyance a to he let into possewainn. The purchaser at tit time of sale to sign an ment for the cons pletlon of the purchase A'portion of the p chase money may remain ern Mortgage u maid land. The property will be put up subtj to •reserved bid. The other oomdlUone wi be made known on the day aisle or on ap tion to the Vendors' Solicitor*. For farther psetienierp.sd to-tbe Anson Ditteed Des. 17arm . IRIS RRowt- eead)oi DsotlN ' Election (tares. ARD. To the various Inelnlries of my friends wlwlb se or no i will allow myself to be NOMIN�AeTarEi) FOR MAYOR. the easedand espet by tbess is Memem . req to their s Yaw terry. o_dsrleb. Dee. & tfl9a C. CRA TO TEX ILSCTORS OF TH TOWN 0/ AOOiSECIE. amrrlasmrr Hautes Meet waned ttpom tr N , sad In the haspeseralream 7ORACE RORT011 (ieiericb 1 w. e wrll ►r0 THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN •,iter tit Tomato liaolly tttp3seite Came- ros R Ca'f toe Beak w Itt�R 1a office, enquire o illi. MoLEAN, PHY$IOIL*, lJ OEON, Cornier. to. Dies and t• on Bruce Street mooed door west of Street. 175L 1184. SHANNON .s HAMILTON, 1l Physicians, Harpoons. Aceouoaees. &o. r. at Dr. tlaanaes a residence, near the Ooderioh. O. C. Ssaxxo7t, J. C. Hauu.- TON. 1731._ JENII--AIKEAD, V. S. , (SUCCESSOR . to or. Damian) Graduate of Outrlo Re tannery College. OMee. at.Yeseadresideace, on Nee/gate Sorest, tour uu let1r at l I Hotel.. N. Ii-Itorsets e 1 etas. Legal. t (IARIiOW elk PROUDFOOT, BAR - J itlirKRd. Attorneys, �+. etc., Oaderic9t. J. T. Oerrow, W. 17N. B. L DOY LE, BARRISEER A N D AN. asy, *0olielter to Chancery. kc., Godeldeb, GiorteMCN - Tne present 1st Depputy- Reeve. Mr. Johnion, having eignlOed his in- tention of °Abring as Reeve for the ensol•t year. At the request of a large number d ratepayers i have consented to allow Weal to be pet In nomination as let DEPUTY REEVE, and 11 Bleated to this 'responsible position, I shallrndeavor to look closely after the interests of the ratepayers both at the Town Coanoil and County Council Board. - Your obedient servant WM. CAMPBELL. 1705. e ll0 bo u a he tN Der- the reI err e n Dtkr tars. 11ai• TO - THE ELECTORS OF ST. DAVID'S WARD. Ottxrt.snsK.-Your vote and Influence is respectfully solicited for CHAS. A. HUMBER, for Councillor fertile ensuing year. 170691. TO nag ELECTORS OF ST. AN - minors WARD. GENTLEXZ1I -At the solicitation of tritium.I have decided toagain offer smell as a can- didate for the position of TOWN COUNCIL- LOR. Having already served Is that body. I M stars to point to my record as • test my represent you. 1f elected, I sa as in the past. endeavor to work to the beat lntevetta of Ude town, Yours respectfully. 1761. E. BINGHAM. rpo THE ELECTORS OF ST. AN-' A. !BREW'S WARD, IN THA TOWN OF GODERICH. • GLNTLtgMRN -1 hereby beg to announce ay - self as • candidate for re-election as ocoman- lor for the above ward for the Doming year, and trist that my conduct as one of your re- presentatives during the present year has been such as to merit your continued coati• deuce and support. 1 our obedient ecrvant 1761. E. t'AMPION. TO O THE ELECTORS OF ST. PATRICK'S WARD. GENTLEMt s, --At the request of a jatiLtx of the prominent ratepayers of St. ' Ward, 1 have consented to come forward as a candidate for the position 01 e'OUNCILLOR in that Ward, for 1881, and solicit the votes and influence of my friends, in order to retire my election. i Your obedient Servant, R. W. McKEN211.. ' Goderich, Dee. 2. 1880. 1783. . I mu THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN 1 OF OODERICH. 1CiNTLEIIEN,-When I issued my address to the electors of the town of Godericb, for the ' olMce of soxwfd DEPUTY -REEVE. I was not •aware that any other person was in the field, Since my return home I have learned that Mr. , Hutchison. an old and experienoed municipal councillor, is a candidate for that otfoe. 1 . therefore respectfullybeg to withdraw. and - am no longer a canddate for the position of . Second Depot Reeve, but Intend to offer my. ) melt for the o of Councillor for St. Pat rick's Ward. lei which position i solicit the r votes of the electors. 1 Your obedient servant. - 1761. M. G. CAMERON. MUNICIPAL. t Te the Yieotors of St. David's Ward. GENTLEtlEN, -- Without having had the ' honor of being requested by the usual "large number of friends I beg hereby, without so Ucitation. to offer myself as • candidate ,for re-election as one of the COUNCILLORS Von the above named Ward. And as It will beim - for to 1 possible me make • pensomd coarsen take this medium of requesting the Electors to - :aver me beat!` thsic . upport li 5IIy pan servioeo merit their confidence; and f elected, 1 shag duav r to promote the beet interests of the e own enerallx,and more espoclally those rel 1 The Ward 1 a. to aisle represent. i have e the honor to be Gentlemen. Dour obedient servant 1767. T. N. DAN('Y-, ' Ii10 THE ELECTORS OF ST. AN. 1 DREW'n WARD. • GE71'LEMIZN, -At the solicitation of • lam f number of electors of this ward i hags de d Bided to offer myself for COI T NCILM A 707 1 long reektenoe In the Ward and the facts that 1 have a large Interest in the town. •ed have at ways been in favor et economy should entitle me to the o uafidenoer of the eteetors. it Is ad. ruined that i have always studied economy le 1 my dealings on behalf of the tovrn. upon the 1 School Board, and bellevingthat I could foe ward the interests not oa+ At Aedrew'i Ward. but of the town yoo. 1 now eek all e te W "e hghavee ablindst est matt their Wens interests al • N ss ws1 r Uebool Bo•td, Ver to do so. ty 1 ." wlfl tlsgrl i M_ polls early or n•r) and for me. foe « �•Y ea Wednesday. January 544 Faltbfav yours. GEOROE SWANSON OndaihR Dee. NM IfD. I7s7. TO THIS ILECTORS OF ST. OEORS11'E WARD. the K� frfenistut ed�with•• fe in i s Its: ter�eelk as present peala the tar theme. "...7=1117114 s n°th t a dies amity ser' areellpl, te wash es N yea, •ad reetivl hearty Petr suppers at ellsaistgeteettes. Respeeffry 177. F. 3ORDAl1i. 1110 THZIL1OT)R$OFIR. DAVID'! 1 TeW Inflames k �,-_ z cal s.11M r MAXssMiii� AIIDpRi�W e nsWsai M Ae ysr NiuuSI to i TO THE ELIC.TOI S 01 rm. AN aero'. WARD..pg rigs nelts�gg�� bl C>1=j0 fY ward. M r M selislt r j T) n c'n7ZRwt'. Simager. & MI inTON, B A RR I S- TERS. ice.. keit. <. deriob•aad � C. ager. Jr.. Lawlor. r. J. A. riertesIliI>tdtam 0. ham. 176 SMALOOMSON, BARRISTER AND . &Holtor. Ofiloe -Career of West Street and Market Square, over George Atf►'s. Ooderioh. 17111. CAMPION, ATTORNEY-AT- -C.a. TTORNEY - A T - 1I. LAW, Solicitor In Chancery. Convey- ancer, Oft Ac. ny amouke nt of money to loan lowest rates of interest. 1751-7. CAMERON, , HOLT & CAMERON, (rodent* sad W�i.Faa dkitors to (may. reit, n0. M. C. (Jameson. C.; P. Holt. M. O. Cameron. Ooderlch. W. . Macara, Wlugham• Miscellaneous ttards. JAMS IMAM, ARCHITMIT, PIaY�=rtia � fineasured and MOORHOUSE 1► IaHN:� 4 HAPPY NFIT YEAR TO .4 /3. flo-Opeil ofSchools. AU the Text Books authorised fur tree in Hi, Model and Public Schogfa, *1701 ' be bought CHKAPIST from •• - r ER. WATSON, HorsE, SIGN . sadOraselentalPainter,. Perkodeette- ating made a spectcky. Oa•lxliw. Grana, Guinea. tampon North Street, opposite the Registry Office, Ooderlcb. _ 1791 QTRATFI)RD BINDERY-ESTAB- LISHOD 18M,Thlsest•blishmeatischiefly devoted to Job end library work, espeele4 to Im his unique and economical half calf and mor - room stylus. In au toes the best of stook and workmanship, with �s�ppnnggtt4h and beauty coin - bused blade- cverJghilpgttoe'sdrugstore. Gbuniilt fertl!vzt !'COMMERCIAL HOTEL, DUNGAN- 1 t NON. -This first-class hotel, has recently been retitled and Improved etas to furnish the best possible accommodation to the travelling public. Good liquors and choice viands • spesWky. An attentive ostler always on end excellent stabile' sad sheds, on the Time. semLi& Proprietor. 1761. Loans anb insurance. ' 800,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON. HOLT &CAMERON. rich. 1750. M00RH0117SE. COPY BOOKS, FOOLSCAP,' PZNB, PENCILS, RUBBER, EXERCISE BOOKS, and every (*75.000 TO LEND ON REAL ES - nV • TA Ooda er76 favorable. Apply to 13. I Qp50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND W on good Farm or flrstclam Town Property st 8 per cent. Amity to R. R ADCLIFFE. 1751 ONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to cult borrowers at 64 to 7 per cast Private tends. Apply to 8E11OER and Moaros, Ooderleh. l4ONSY To LOAN ()N FIRST lyA. Mortgage et reasonable rat.•, of interest sad on terms to salt bprvnwers. Address n loess Sretrai , S.IKeed P. 0. 1750. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for investment at lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply to °ARROW & PROUDFOOT. MONEY TO LOAN. THE CANA- DA Landed Credit Company, Toronto- JoaN Lento BLAZON, lOsq., Prnldeet MORRY is lent by this Company to individuals upon the edam system es to alaicIpal ,-send for Circulars. HUGH HAMILTON, C. L. Agent, Godertoh. 1751 30,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND 10, ea Farm avid tows Property at lowest in- West.oolaei. Cesooivignfdrae Fess Cm mission uable. N. B_-Barrowere sere oblate maw in one day If title 1s eatlsfac ory.-DAYINON & JOHN- STON, Barristers, &c., OMerlob. 1751 RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, • Lite and Accident insurance Agent Reptecientng first -ease Companies. Alto agent tor the CANADA Lag &rocs Doeuaswcs Co. Mosey to lend on Mortgage, either In Town or Farm Property, Inway to salt the borrow. Ont. t'*D atafrsl Lay's block. Godb, INSURANCE CARD. School R BRITISH ASS. CO'Y, Tonowro-EMaMWed Int PHCICN77( INS. MY. of Loweow (EaglaMt- 7atablbbed Int HARTFORD INd. Y. of Ranrronn. Con.. blished Risks taken In theabovefir,Oolass Oeoec, at the lowbst rates by HORACE HORTON. Tae undersigned is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN awe SAVINGS TORONTO. Mowry to Leas n *eet.e eecerlty. trod 7 M 0 per Cent.- Charges macerate. HORACE HORTON. Galeria. sept M tea 17511 "RIVIMSD&LE' BOARDING AND DAT 8011O0D., la, of the txet Priam* flietasets is �p Iyse� Ontario+ hes bees ream* establrbsi Y rich Seed he ps.sa.a.s Jstirr ilei be seaweed 174 o 1�da s* ARI; OFFERZUAT ?] T a LOWEST POSSIBLE r K PRICES FOR CASH e at Moorhouse's. N. B. -THIS 18 T718 OLD'S!, LARGEST AND CHZAPB8T NMI STORE WEST OP rt)B011rlitii- TABLISMZD 1852. • Jit BLANK --BOOK A complete assortment of every die cription of BLANK BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, MINUTE BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, MEM. BOOKS, INDICES, &c. Also s full stock of Poc[o1Diaria • For 1881, at greatly reduced rates. SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES. ‘I A fresh assortment of Books, specially selected and adapted for circulation in Sunday Schools. A liberal discount Allowed according to amount of puruhaea. 0.11 and see samplesi and get quota time at Mwhouc'. 0etferkh, Dec 81. ifltx) iR