HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-31, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, N'ttIUA 1, iECtiLMIIEIt 31, 1880.
De Poet's Corner.
If •obodl • noticed yea. you must be tiasall;
if not.odYs slighted you. ytM'Ust be tall.
If subudy s bowed to lett, yoy meet be low.
If nobody's timed leu. you rt
gj ugly we knew.
If nobody's envied you, > ori re • poor elf.
It nobody s flattered you. You've 0attere4Yolks'
It nobody's cheated you, you are •knave; sr
if nub.dy • band you, you are • slave.
If nobody's ended you • footle your faoA
somebody's wished ter your suet la its Wave;
if nobody's called You . tyraat er NOd.
romelhdy thinks you of .spiritless Itk'i.b
If nobody knows of your teuMeltao • treed,
**body will oust them at them •rid'+ end.
1f nobody clings to yourpg/a a taro u.
Sobody'11 run like • beastly!, 't • gone.
U nobody's aces les
L/seaudy'U call yea
If wbudY•
t/sn yourself
,I your Yore,
y.. u. born. Is our pen.
y` qw.l am you can.
tau a tart or Lase.'"
t. t., s its.' : AND AllYtt►r®.
lint, e. pint 1 the crone} will
The following are some of the papers
subeti� gut the last examination of the
Toronto )formal School:
ifiMPFama1OZAL a2A:1t.ATI0 .
la.Awtxo, Time 4b minutes.
1 Ihsw from memory auy object out
to the oxamitution nolo.
Draw an original design tilling an
oblong 3 by 4 inches.
3 Illustrate the balancing of com-
pound curves by drawing a vase.
4 Draw a oonveutinral ne,).le leaf,
and a combined oak teof and «cora.
Nara—Instruments may be used in
No. 2.
nt drint, the price of a square yard
••g nk 1x.5111 "Why, toe pr:ee flu,:, this
n euare a .rd of I-*mI, sixty pounds for an
F,,•tr thousand eight hundred and forty > ard.
Abet threepence a yard. In' a pint of strong
Nay, some lana in this country t.) buy you'd
Not a sixty pounds teh, but a thirty pounds
Four .quer: yards for sixpence ! then don't be
a tool.
And drink down a small garden at one single
Six feet every ora::. neither greater nor leas,
To sow radiation in, or some garden cream,
Stop one pial • day, you'd have bought in une
seven hundred eimare S arch; for a few pints of
Do the sow for yourself, and you'll fled it
quite true
That the temperance pledge is the best thing
for you.
Then don't be a fool. juin the teetotal band,
And don't drink any more solid square yards
of land."
ioliday tyrebdnts
1DU ATIox, Time -one hour.
1 tt hat qualities in the ,Warmer of the
teacher are essential to the temper gov-
ernment of a school:
2 Smite g,upils are very timid, others
very bold. Explain your method of
dealing with both classes.
3 Explain how you would dual with
—(a) tne.a,.lat►y, (1) heat.ttey, (e) trout of
inflection In readiest.
4 In teaching Reductii n, with which
table .4 weights and measures would
luu begin, and give notes of your first
esson on Reduction to a Third Hauling
5 Shew how an ordinary timeline
lesson aright be rendered valuable to the
pupil as an exercise in dnul composition.
6 Give notes and illustrations of a
lemon on the comparison of the adjec-
7 Name some of the common errors
to be guarded against in teaching geog-
8 How would you treat the following
offences:—(a) Idleness,►,e lying, (c) in-
HYUI&NE. Time - one hour.
Ndrrs—In valuing the answers fo this
paper, the vetting, writing ilia composi-
tion will he taken into accouaif. -
The r'slim Peelle Standard.
What was tho state of the Union Pa-
cific when first built? It was of iron,
not steel. It was made of suets had and
light iron that long before it e t t finish-
ed the rails on the portion first construct-
ed were worn out. The structures up-
on it were practically all of wood. The
reports upon this road were to be view-
ed with suspicion. It was, like other
Pacific enterprises, a, subject of great
scandal. The Gu,vernntent inspector,
wha had been appointed to guard the
national interest had been bribed to the
amount of something like $150,000. He
was the person who superintended and
made arrangements for the inspections
and prepared reports, so that the inter-
ests of the country night be inside to
harmonize with those private interests
at whose instance he received those
large sums of money. Notwithstanding,
however, that the very inspector was
corrupt, the report of the secretary for
1868, when the road had been construct-
ed for the greater portion of its length,
and had been running for sometime,
was something like this: There were
some grades of 80, some of 60, and nu-
merous grades at 90 feet to the mile.
The track without exception had been
laid upon the baro roadway without
having been previously prepared. In
places where the track had been laid on
gravel it was entirely without ballast,
the surfacing having been done by
throwing up material from the embank-
ments themselves. West of Omaha a
number of structures deemed perma-
nent even the bribed officials could not
be induced to say were permanent, but
only deemed so. There was 150, and of
these only one was iron. There were,
besidesthese, 1194 structures, on an aggre-
gate in length of eight miles, which even
these interested parties felt bound to
class as temporary. It was, in fact, a
road built upon stilt., and the replacing
of these temporary bridges and making
the road tolerably safe for travel cost
the country between $6,000,00 and $7,-
000,000.—Hon. Edward Blake's Speech.
A5.11tlen of the Market Fees.
We have free tolls, why not free mar-
kets ? The farmers have made up their
minds that they will not any longer pay
a fee for the previlege of coming to
Stratford with their produce. What do
they get in return for their ten cents ?
Hua ropf to shelter them been provided ?
Have they a fire to warm them 1 Have
they any privilege beyond that of liberty
n to stand with their load in our Market
Square ? But it is said that the low of
revenue to the town will be great and
there will he no corresponding advan-
tage to be derived from the abolition.
Int us see. The market fess average
about $2,000 per annum, about $800
will be derived from the weigh -scales,
and the probabilities are, that as this
question a now beginning to be agitated
through the county, and as both farmers
and merchants shew a strong and de-
termined front in the nutter, no person
would be so insane as to give anything
but a very low hid for these fees, when
they come to be knocked down under
the auctioneer's hammer to the highest
bidder. We are quite sure looking at
this question without predjuioe, the
town upon the whole will be benefitted
by theirabolition.—{Stratford Chronicle.
Photo and Autugrsloh Albuuis in groat variety, " oth Boxes, N t lung 1h,aks, very
•ultably for present& for 'Teachers :u..: • notate.
DY. - ALL .3asN BE bUITED.
Wrist+ of L. lit r, 1 Gents' Purcell, Chink
Vases iu stout)r..t erns, Flower Pots,
(lupe and Meows,
Stuck is New, ter p complete, and
Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goot
China and Wax tUolls !
A Large Asaurttu`nt. Smokers' Sundries--lir:erschauis • iMM a► 1 Cigar Holders
and Brier Pipes -100 Different 9t1as.
School Books, Miscellaneous Books,
IlBiblee, Prayer Books, Church l3ermons, We.LlIT a Hynes Banks, Pasha alms,
Fc. ,
/to. - -Subscriptions taken for all the beat 1tlsul:wn, Semen.
I110411, AMsan:AM and CANADIAN Papers and
Magazines at Publishers' Iowwt
rates ---new im the time
to subsertbe.
A full stock of School Books, for Teachers and High and Model School
All will be sold cheap, and Patrons stated. I have a choice
and largeselection of
Christmas and New Year's Cards! THE BEST EVERraax SHOWNWats,
i AND caursa
Itominion Telegraph and
Postage Stamp Officc. 1101
1880. Fall Goods! 1880
1 Describe concisely the human brain
and nervous system, and show to what
special dangers they are exposed in the
case of pupils attending public school,.
2 Describe the structure and func-
tions of the human skin.
3 Enumerate the chief impurities
found in the atmosphere, and state the
action of cold air, damp air, and foul air,
respectively, upon the bodily organs.
4 What do you consider the minimum
number of cubic feet of space per pupil
required in a Bclh..ul room? Give your
reasons; and captain by a diagram how
you would secure a due supply of pure
and adequately warm air in a school
house for two hundred pupils.
5 You are placed in charge of a prim-
ary class of sixty children; draw up a set
of rules to guide you in securing, as far
as you can, the health of the class.
6 How would you proceed in a case
of apparent drowning? Give reasons for
each step adopted.
Dr. Frank Buckland, the well-known
writer"on national history, is dead. His
age on Friday last was exactly 54 years.
He was chiefly distinguished for the in-
terest he took in fish culture, and for the
museum which he formed at South Ken-
sington in connection with that depart-
Colborne Brothers
Have opened out for the FALL TKA us. Complete Stock of
Special Value in l0.. COTTYN", PRINTS, and WINCIE'. A Job line of I1ftE`Ie t:OOD`t-
Kt=extra value.f/...•'i•
A Seventh Day Adventist, of Strath-
roy, named Calvin Peters, was brought
to the London jail yesterday under com-
mitment for thirty days, in default of a
fine of $9, for desecration of the Sabbath
by husking corn. He persists in keeping
Saturday instead of Sunday.
The Governor of Idaho, in hie message
to the Legislature, says that polygamy is
being rapidly introduced there from
Utah. The statute on the subject is de-
fective, as it is found to be impossible to
prove the ceremonies. The Territory in
in danger of becoming a second edition
of Utah, and the Legislature is asked to
adopt a measure to crush out the prac-
PRINTED at the office of THE HURON SIGNAL,
North Street, Ooderieh
Highrsl Price Paid for Bitter and Eggs.
James Young, M. P. P., thinks that
County Councils have of late years be-
come unwieldy, and that their number
might be reduced with advantage. He
suggests that there should be one re-
presentative to each municipality, with
a cumulative vote to the extent to which
the municipality should he entitled
under the present vote.
A young man named Isaiah Lockman,
living in the township of Ancaster, coun-
ty of Wentworth, while buildinga stump
fence on Monday, was instantly killed
by a stump twisting and suddenly smash-
ing his head causing instant death.
Chief Griffiths, of Brantford, arrested
John Smith and Frank Humphrey on
Sunday at Caledonia, on a charge of
stopping and robbing John Smith of
twenty-six dollars on the Cockshut road,
a week ago. The prisoners were brought
to Brantford, and tried at the Police
Court yesterday moaning, when they
were found guilty.
Mr. Chas. Belford, for some time Post
Secretary of the Dominion Board of
Appraisers, died shortly before midnight
one day last week. He had been ailing
for some time with consumption. The
deceased gentleman was formed editor
of the Toronto Mail, and was well known
to the public men of the Dominion.
A young nun named Frank Demers,
belonging to St. Johns, Quebec, has
been for sometime pest in love with a
young lady who was employed u a music
teacher in a convent in Montreal. His
inamorata having left Montreal on a visit
some of his acquaintances informed The
love-sick youth that she was gone off to
be married. He took the painful news
to heart to such • degree that in a fit of
depression he went into a stable and
suspended himself by the neck from a
beam. He woe quite dead when discov-
ered. It appear there was no truth in
the rumor of the lady's intended mar -
J. Churchill Watson, private secretary r•iage, sad the stateosd was made only
to Col. Williams, M. P., committed in the way of a joke.
suicide at the Queen's Hotel, Pont Hope,
on Friday night by tying • silk hand-
kerchief tightly around his neck. De-
ceased had been drinking freely and was
in • state bordering on delirium tremae
when he committed the deer.
An Ottawa alone keeper was char
with Nll' liquor to polisman e
Kama. The eer was called as a wit-
tier end refined to ay whether let
anything to drink in the Worm.�e
magistrate thereupon immediately dew
mimed him from the forte, and mow
slated him for one month for ceateerapt
• f met
September kd. 1880.
1751 -
innot -
Oldest Horse in the t ountiy, artd Largest Stock this sick of Loddon !.i
ARLON Sr-rrisa '
LD -Root/ Sf ITER,
L0C\Oss,'&Tt'. ,' ITC.
('ash Buyers will find it to their advantage to see my .tock if they need a good article at
oee price.
D. GORDON, West Street, near Pout Office, Godertch.
ZOPERA, heal Bred, is now sem
into (Mode. it is a mild purgative,
acting as a wonder upon, and giving
stength acid energy to tis digestive
apparatus °t the human stomach, she
and iaaeaofg tin acids. It is
sati-bikess and carries et all
surplus bile, tones up the Laver, rives
sound lysetioa and speedy health to the
D�p�p� and the Mhos• Ask 7'
�@ieal poet • tea s1llHple book and
last, Zona. the new sempeendt leap
eft ..wn.a Meer tb meta 17114
-AT A --
A distinct and peculiar
—or AIts--
Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, General Debiliiy, Brain
Exhaustion, Chronic Constipation, Chronic Diarrhma.
Dyspepsia, or Loss of Nervous Power. It is un-
equalled in the treatment of Palpitation
of the Heart, Trembling of the
Hands and Limbs, Loss of
Appetite, Energy or
it acts with vigor, gentleness and subtlety, owing to the exquisite hartsasey of its
ingredients, akin topar.• blood itself. Its taste is pleasant, and insane. permanent.
ti et apparent effect is to increase the appetite. It assists digest:kn.
sod the fool to assimilate properly—thus the system is nourished. It also, by its tonic
induces more oo su and iegular evacuation.. The
action on the 1 �cAtive organs, Pie
rapidity with w:. --h pstients take on flesh while under the lastea*. d the Syrup, of
itself iadiostes thAt no other preparation esu be better adapted to balp sad acs
the constitution, and hence be mere efficacious l depnedims el spirits, of or eoowspthaking )rksr
trembling of the bands or body, gh.
sheetaess The nerves and meads become strengthened, and the blood purified.
in the summer of 1864, I was suddenly effected by a oopwas expeetesdlea of
muco-paralent matter. I had been declining in health for some months, and, Wig
erc.rdingly nervous, the symptoms caused alarm. As my badness was that of •
dspenang chemist, the shop we constantly visited by medical nes, all of whom
tendered their .drioe. During 1864 and 1865 my chest eggs means& by tea isst
class physicians, some of whom pronounced the case Bronchitis ; sees, sot wVing to
cause alarm, or unwilling to venture an .pinion, gave no deaiioe ; toss stated an-
equivoeslly that I had Tubercular Dime's of the Luatp, sad located the %sable
where the pains were lilt. By professional advice, I used. in tura, himmbesk eft-
rise, ioantry life, eggs sad ale is the morning. toeis. Bombes whiskey, sudeUves cif
t c.ty, tar, and various inhalants, but the trouble increased. Expeeeeuthe 1a
<•..:aA more profuse and offensive. Night -wean et M. Cold chills, qhs..
dvrpnoa, cough, blood -streaked expectoration., les of sleep, los of appetite. he. of
mem>ry, los of ambition, accompanied by general prostration, showedvltsliss.
was the microscope the blood wfogad to costal* but • mash parties
of d
corpuscles ; the heart's action was fumble :the pals iatselsiyr.
t ; the stem -h said
not digest properly, so that flatulency and acidity worths malt. Finding the symp-
toms indicated Consumption, I dote:miaad to miss every effort today its programs and,
If possible, to cure it. I selected the most pomeslel teaks sad reedsssoes, sad 000a•
For swathe I maser.
bind them with the vital constituents of the hennas hem.
oiled to amalgamate them before my efforts were canned with woes. 1 aunt
speak too plainly or too strongly of the of sqb preened, and t ebasits 1 reosiv.
ed from the composition.
At first my appetite increasd ; t'.e cxp.c'orati in became Easy, digestion letter;
the feces became more copious a el I -at f-.•.puent; cold chills tamed ; ai♦htemssd
lessened ; I gained is weight ; the lacking cough left me : refreshing sleep returned
my spirits became buoyant, the mist actino ant rigorous. I continual taking ties
Syrup month after month ; bat owing to the damp, foggy climate of 81. John, mit
reoovery was necessarily slow, although 1 could observe a gradual return of stee.Mh
for three years, dun ng which time I continued taking the remedy. My present weight
is one hundred and eighty-eight, being thirty-eight shave my anal. 1 have no map-
., toms left donotIng dis:ase. The only notable sign during twelve months was the
expectoration. Naw tint has atopp.d, and i eensider myself well. The reader nay
ask, How da you know your difficulty to have pro,eed.d from ulcerated or tubercu-
lated lunge i answer, In the most certain of all auks for assertainieg. la Manch
last i coughed from the right lung • piece of PHOSPHATE OF LiYE, ball tie ase
of a pea, which could have c ime from no other place, and which the kighsstsatbeit7
in Lung Diseases (La•naec) states is the result of tubree, which des fes sled
Added to thin, i had the leaden -coiner I, purulent, h'aod - str-ked errectsstiwr
the opinion of one of the beat diageoeticieas in th i country. I believe i have exper-
ienced all the symptoms incident 10 the two first s -ages of Commercials, and have
successfully combatted them, so that i do not d-isco r . t any cosi waere there is left
sufficient lung tissue to build upon. i can c niy add that the mere monetai7 considers.
tion of increased do, would never induce me to puh;isli this report. but • sincere
sympathy for the poor Consumptive, with whose minfot tune l believe it vitlany to tribe.
I'.:•sp eetf.i.17,
Assentor of Fslotai Gtvwvousd Syrup of Ilpsp agasta.
Nearly all of said Stock, as well as my own orriig¢inal Stock, wan bemeet before tae Advise
of Hardware. I am therefore in • ponftton to sell Cheaper taxa any other
!Nemec in tae f•matr.
ars' & �e�eral Hardware is Comi)14,
�.armers Bold
which I want to ton off quickly.
oohs AND Boz AT SVOB MOW Al WW'a.LL PLEA= sols.
Fresh Ground (Water Lime in Stook.
Chemist & Druggist,
Dealer hipars prep asd Cbesloala Facey .rid Toilet Articles. te.
Impat.Q Havana and Domestic 011ga%Pres, Tobsocoe!
PlesiOnlf Prescriptions ama Plo117 Res•tpea earefelfl7 Prager J at all W
IT11 ,:,E +‘.► i .;<i r ,i sl..f . �.
Wham Fellows' Cempeuvid Syrup of lftypephespk1tes to twain{ ashler
ind'r stn se imitation is foisted or other stench
thrust upon you.
air Milo FOR A PAMPHLET -tlaa r
Agents for the Dominion of Canada.
e : e
nr The public are cantioaed against a main which
it growing gaits coessoe of late among a certain clan
of medicine dealers. sad Which is this : Whit asked far
a bottle d Paialii .r. they 'aids iy disr•rer that
they are "uloid est." "but have smelter article just u
good. if net better," which they will .emir U .nae
price. The ehiect of this deception is tramper tit, These
substitutes are rnatle no to veil on thereat vereation of
the Paia-IUlier3 and bee.g soopomtded Jibe vilest
and eiseapnet drags, ars bought doe dealer et about
half what h4 pays fa thersuln.. Pias-rf wftleb
to t a few , .: is am
rues bCtdS eves the imitation article this he i on •
Ntt.Atee4 inetteurrie .rs
n owSQUAelms
iT mute Amicst INITANTLY
Psaw-[ataa is le
pis aides w. eat , es. honk. eo..atq
.. sad
ee naw (1..,- lrr-aw0e 9000 eco 0walisr.
1101.0 ell AUL salOew.( OSAlIRS
dolt% ot Visna
The cumene of true nobility
of cell. Let the thought .d s
and the beauty of a genu acto
ilk* tho 'bloom (non a soiled 1
Whoa one sin is atiiuitttxl,
ally (quad that is has a °maps
i ng at the door ; and the forme
hard to gain admiaion for th.
Murmuring puts gall and
into every cup of mercy that
into our hands. Asito the li
every bitter thing u' sweet,
murmuring soul every sweet
Nu Iran or woman of the
sort can really be strong, ge.
and good, without the world i
for it, without somebody b.
and comforted by the very
that goodness.
Observe a tree bow it host
ward, that it may shoot 1•.re
Is is nut ttom hunauity t
,leaven to rise? There are
grow up into the air, witt?t
''es'wiug at the root. This is
i,ut downfall.
It cannot be too often reins;
not the so called blessings "1
shun and calm and pleawnt
i h.t strength's and lie
its storms, tesws.t.s, and ti
adversity, especially. is oftr
,n disguise.
Every real and searching
improvement is of it elf a 1.
found humility. For we ca
step without learning and
waywardness, the weakness
lotion of our movements
desiring to be set upon the
higher than ourselves.
The lines of suffering ou
human countenance have I,,
if not traced there, by upf
c. nscienos, by depart
To do wrong s the surest
suluuhtg; no wrong deed
being it. Those sins whicl
hZ lists pable pain are
cin this life.
Mean of us °..tapelaill of
of time, and yet have much
we know what to do with
are passed either in doing!
or M doing nothing to the
doing nothing that we ougl
aruelways complaining the
" few, and acting as though
be ao end of them.
When death, the great r
sesar,+t is sever our tends
repel ot, but our severi
should bear in mind and h
ter words from, oar lips, dr
,.ur Kotula. Love we can
but #sue may fill all our li
hiss. Thep let us cultive
is the "charity" of Christi
Habit is a °able. We t
of it every day. and at ler
break it. The chain. of 1
ally too small to be felt,
too strong to be broken,
inellnsr'ed beesuse he res
small matter, Plato replit
no small matter. A cult.
life does frequently site
inclination for good or ev
Tar M7adleale Rive lime 1
Referring to the distri
the differente sctions, he
total cost of constructing
utiles of the centre! secti
000. The (ash subsidy
this section was PAW
sum to be provided oth
the act of only $1,800,0[
struetion of that 90:)
that dreadful deficit the
pensation provided by
Government regardful •
terest, was 11,250,000
land, which, at the ea
a:re, would make $22,FS
DI' AD excess eve• the co
$20,000,000 on this sect
section could be built oe
self. It ran through
sure to pay, and yet it
heap upon the back of
brtdah at bidding the
hoe. Taltlpg We well
neutral • 4ien, emit
its estimated et cosi
cash to he provid
leaving a deficiency
of the lands of twelve
Lend subsidy of 7,500,
be worth fifteen millior
gin. thought not mo larg
end of the auction.
deal in the same tnann
ern section, making an
ration to c inpare the c,
with the amount of
mhowing that under
proposed in the syndi
surplus of bonus over
section was diminished
central section was e
for ii tie Lake Soper
pi tk4 gb,padoned the
? sw.audk themselves
{ haloes given
r hobbit bng 6e
Th I
*bsi the nyairie sectio
built et, was to Ite
cost The Mi
0prSttilated hima4N
bosun lie wan
qqt logo As ft would
to find the Dash, he pi
thus giving than eve'
this road as last as
thou dost, -do task
laughter.) t G
td if the rest intwtia
like way to wenn i
the whole roedt F
posits claimed that tl
ante. for the eortstre
sesie to Amy J
p �o��l[y }Y�
N 1i�
elf Mieia
a moderate nes
Mei &wing the
lits wrg 1114s
ittssds of the
Makes spa