HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-31, Page 56 • 1• s s - N Ir at ,t. 1 I1y it. lid re bT. ae .10 •w .0 O. its tea 'a. tad sly au el are to Ivo ant ler ,a red Da-. i of d R r 1- 1- 1. r alunntledita. Ts.urs.rtrtu. - On Christmas Day a suooeedUl teameetittg was held in the Methodist Chords here. T.1 was ser\• - ed bs the old house adjoining, fend the spread N6eeted great credit on t' ladies t the district The church w.f : built Iter spring at is °tett of nearly $70J. The greater part of this sem tuts already sero psi 1, and the object of thu uteetiii was to ashen iu paywg off the reutaining. debt ifs. Fi0 tun occupied the hair, :sed atter a witty ;ultimo, called Non' Rev. IL Davey, who spoke in a very practical way un the relatiout of the fpeople to the paste,. Rev. Mr. Cooke ollowed in an exceedingly humereus in- trldudlou, and stared lin out eloquent description of the church's e inion in the world. Mr. T. Mot;illicL,:fly, then addressed the iueetiag, in a plea for }fwd will atld love amongst all believers, sad trust in cud as a s•.un•e ,1 peace. The result of the social wise some 8161-50: and this was supplemented by $10.50 in offerings at the close. The Nile choir sung some sweet anthems dur:Lg the even ig. Mr. Davey has evidently a warn place in the heart of his 'se, plc at tuu and tial pretty Lttle eh trill be a nton.unsent of his ener;y and devotedness in adrancing the cause .d God hl this ssetion. Duriog t:uu i.,- vival mestings held here recently, a number of were added to the ehureh a profession of faith is Christ. Oelborae. THE ' HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAI , I)ECEMBEK I I , 1880. ANDY DOOM AND VASES 1N ursm variety! ('t III$$ Hair, Tooth and Nail THE OLD N1 `I r_ wi,. �' `t x �aa ,: ulna i7 B R IJSH ES GE)..1I.OLD,�; tc�.��EaI:0(F;. I t 1 ON RAND A 1. kOILI. STUCK OE Pkt:r'1 ylati, e.•., &e. CHRISTMAS GRQO.ERI ES Cheapest in Town. 1t-11l,NM, (1 Itlt'NTS cANDtI.I► LEMON. IUUARS. • SPICES. tea, &c.. c... ALL THE LINES OF A FIRST-CLASSS GROCERY. 6*'r' No trouble to show Goods and i 80 3;413:1 n aVTIT.7L oRIOCKKRY--8UJ{TAI3LE Prices. C1 RI8TMA$ PRi.EBIDI . " Jame$ Wilson, Dll'1:.; laT. 171e Square, (lodcrich. GODERICH AND KINCARDINE! 1'u \ ,,1 e I NG e,h' COME PNU S1:E ;OME AND SEER G. H. OLD,—At P. O'Dea's Old Stand, on the El purse. ;otlerich. Dee. 16, 11160. £%FOR :•a ;ORNAMENTAL WEDDING CAKES, M a rb 1 e Wo rk s. CHRISTMAS CAKES, CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, li••atlst•on., (louse Trimmings, Monuments, and stat,' or all kilts in Marbles. designed CHRISTMAS TOYS and and 1111. rated in the bent style and at most r, sealable prices. Marble liantles kept in truck. Granite Mwluulcuts and headstones imported to ceder. ALL WORK WARRANTED. CANTELON'S THE BEST BREAD IN TOWN, (3- O T O SCOTT & VANSTONE . D Col. wriox, —In the Treasurer's state-10 AMUEL SLOANE, meat, Doc., 1880, of the township of Colbosse, p.hii.h.d tart :reek, an item $4I1f, to Use City Trees trer, Lundou, was inadvertently omitted. Hence the iiepari y between the amount on the SEEns lidawi shoved total to that amount Oa nceet o. — The Municipal Omni d O.Ilbse.e soot in the Town ship ave w Weeboday, loth Deotw= her. 11wehisse all pelt, Reeve in the chair. hilates of last use tin4 rrlal and medicaid. John McQuurne was relhedsd $1.17 taxes, his assessment tiekddmwi'ng $200 and assessment roll $301. Mr. J. Robertson was retooled nig ta=ps, bei}12 uNe ted I!1 M i`( hg � tilM.n ,Ire,1, coedit, afr. FTiher was similarly iss- nwLLca Its ALL KINDa o1 AND • 1752 GRAIN_ '"'s 7-- Examine myStock and Get myPrices. .sorb sad los refunded g4.b5 Get I t - -EIVt a THE 'ONLY Godt••t,h, /:.r WEST :`47'REET, GODL'P.ff'H.�. ke'+' Ladies requiriii' Christmas Cakes should send in their ,mere without de/ay. Homemade cakes t.:(u in and erltamentod en short notice, and at reasonable rates. Just What the Public Needs. arrived anis opened out another supply of \V:L:er t;u:.i:.. consiatfng of Ova.;;J'atis, Overshoe6 rand Blabbers \. s+ell a, various other -pest :,ark res. ! • IIB.itwas reloaded $3, being clutreid mgilabor FRETS.' I NEW VA14ENCIA•', NEW LAYERS, NEW CtrRRA.Ii'ts S. S. AI.%tONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHIS whish he anuric he o0ace� JOHN A C H E S 0 1d. Moved and seconded, that r Jamie Queens receive the auto of 8100, ' psy �t on read contract, leaving a I hal0rs. of p29.60 to be paid, provided i the week upon inspection is- done air ; mow eo stowed_ sieved by John I Beydoesooded by J. Clark, that Geo. { CilliptsernlINVO the sum 830'dor rest am ha occupied by Mrs. C. Siin, clalr sad fasnily—Carried. Moved and s.eonied, that R. T. Haynes receive the sim of $55, payment in full for contract ao Lake Shame Road --Carried. Moved and asmuoded, that the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors receive each the sum of $28, payment for services for the past year—Carried. Moved and second- ed, that the nominations, be held in the Township Hall on the last onday in December at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, and in cose a poll be demanded that the elesti°a be held in the different sub-di- ei1i0t1s aa follows, viz.: Sub -division Ne. a shop, B.nmiller, W. Robert- teleek B, isr; Sub -div. No. 2, riformlimorLIat1, Maitlandville, A- a, D. R. officer; No. 3, Township Hall, J. A. McDonagh, R. ofly':er; No. 4, Temperance Hall, Lehurn. Jas. O. Stewart, D. It, officer. A largo nutnber of .oeounts were presented and ordered to be paid. The Council thenadjourned. Pert Albert. I 1 Ant\ Faso SRO Apt C. F. STRA 1 1 thaukiag the iubab.l.tnir .pt urruuu.lttu: cuuntr; ter the v. pstroi o (e with h bas leach alsewnt 1: pea :r.•% rel }ears, anther to 1111011, t1 be iter hl•:MOVED to I: es sow re. Ne.lrly Opposite the Hotel ;,tables, \1'bcr.• ie• w mess:ase. very nue assume 111. of .$ht and liraseeriness. esteek•s. 'Trunk.. alive•,., %V 111.,, 11••rae' •( 'Mettle ('cuts:., %1.ii . l.i. il't a:;:`,• ` . ••, ut+.cr ark Sr ttstulls ud it. a0,1 -.l to :lar et. N:i.I,. All %twit wed. ar 1 u � • 10.1 • 1.,• , t r ✓v1 'nativist ,• 101' ;•11.11, workmen, LAKK Si'Pt:P(101:!'1 TROUT, WHITE FISH A HERRING. JIer. B1LT li•.(T R —. HERRING AND CODFISH. AL..,, A LA161 AMORTYIENT 01 Teas, Sugars, LUNG ,ADT I A L.OT OF— lure were ills rale°. t hear wont tits delicts __`. throe than sad every boats 11:p Ounvt three 1(01 tksea! 1 over the Alps u broken. •rap bane Is stun etrMt. ""r"'ABS0RPTI0N1,ar %ay,t adles' Jackets and Tote AuLUNG DISEASEr', THROAT DISEASES, .. 0101113BREATHING TR1'UBLES, it drive, bate the system curative agents and healing medicines. it draws from the dinenned parts ttie poison , that cause death. Tb..ra.ds Testify to 11. :old by Drugg eta, or sent by mail on receipt et roc?. M.M. by H. HASWELL & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 1l3 and 150 McGIII Street. Montreal, P. Q., General Agents for the Dominion. The nomination in the township of UMW .for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and O...eiYero cess off to -day In Findlay's Scheel Hoare, in an orderland business- like manner. The township clerk, Mr. John Cooke, acting as Returning officer_, Mr. Webster, the old Reeve, being nom- inated; thio, James Harlow, who after- wards elected to run for Councillor for which oboe he was also nominated. Mr. Webster was then declared elected by acclamation. Mr. Joseph Griffin was elected Deputy Reeve, there being no one with sufficient courage to meet our bie'lo. For Councillors the following pltitllmeto were nominated : Messrs. Whiter, Clare, ani McMurchie, the old Councillors, and James Harlow, and Thomas Findley, new aspirants for muni- cipal honors. Mr. Harlow gave the meeting a brief specimen of his speaking qualities for which he is justly celebrat- ed. Great indignation was manifested at the action of the County Council, in egaalirang Ashfield two dollars per acre h des than usual et its hast June e eil0ion; and it was proposed to in - . teed the Township representatives to re%ert to the means provided in the itfattlthe for such matters, in case the Oleate Council should not do the town- '-alsir justice at its next June meeting. A i a some simple scheme may be dti.ed for arriving at the true vale - :Widths pgroperty in each municipality l�ilf SD avid them annual whit pulling, log roll trssetion that take pl.e iwe . tallMdNy Doswell& If we could get up a syndicate to bniM a harbor here, I think the peepie would support it in preference to the larger one, that is at present about to become at:twat invertor, in the North- west Beat the movie of Ontario who troy th. largest share of Federal taxa- tbs may go em taxing th maaves for heal insprovenents, or go without im- wilds or higisintere Ziae.�iltg briltiat schema na r or nwkia I'" h `lel , Re and"' ' copitaliele - ear Ne rah -wet Mrriisry. >ar wast of a mon Mersa •re a a"'�gvery— tr a. L:t et dor socio - Now, I disk i/ ire eeshi gat nitre • er tea shod dollars judiciously sensed - .d here, we seism .hip oar taw bark, eerdwerod, lumber, de., am splint rear With Paw pi.....—Aly.s*a. A. F. .• n. --Ata veg.l.reonvoe.- tit a ed Ledge No, foe, hid < < / tan the 1411; *0 f.Uewi.g eMs were eieet.d aim* ser: Biel. W. T..7. . a >Is.IW. e. A. ;los J. W. Rev. Da- vvrr,,��( � ; J. eS ads, Trus.: H. I[ifh.re See. ; .1. W. Walker, Tyler. �.e• ✓ CI SLEIGHS, &c. CH$)AF AT Colborne Bros. THEY 1CMEF' =Ill CROM�"T01NT CORSET 1 THE BEfBT IN TAE MARET_ COLB0111TE BROS. .4.t(i general Grucersra ; "ROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A ND CHINA. Dr. Patea'd Creon Baking Powder. Dr. Plot tars Lupulin Yeast Genii. Chas. A. Nairn, MONSTROUS �i.iG�+'il �r Jt�ltiilcht ' W. S. Rart & Co., P1tOPtair 1 t o►t:+ ODERTCll 1LLS, A LARGE 11t•.11rTi : , �. ch,.ic-• 1'111' ,',i 41h1' 1715 } Bnokyr h r'afr llhIlll School Boal Xmas Csxdp, Zmaa Bo015. Xmas Presents. .SEE -t fi(►l'E at SHEPPARDS SANTA -CLAUS' HEAD QUARTERS. WANTED Everyone in GODERICH and VICINITY to know that the best is always the cheapest. therefore I want every person to rome and see my stork of t• and and PRICK:.`' h•t,,re pur- e use stng elecwle My CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS Fruit Cakes, ?�'�� C `j.a Will be superior to any offered to the f i 1v. public before, being made of the very -4.'5.L51.2 I i beat material, and Iced and ornamented t L E R I N S 1+► the latest styles and designs, slat. the L E �genuine SCOTCH BUN and SCOTCH SHORT I BREAD, DUFFERIN, MADEI- RA, COCOANUT mud STRAW- BERRY POUND CAKE, 'I'he latest out WINE SPONGE CAKE, .. etc., etc., li el y r y i 1 ' t and as large an assortment of other cakee as to b• found in any ('ity In the 1}nthinion Puff Tart Shells, Oyster Patties, fork Pies, Pius and Patties. All kinds of fanny , Biscuits. imported candies and tmnyyown make of Candle& warranted pare. ('ANDY CANNY. ;net the thing for boys and girls, 1 will have an excellent plain frnit cake at 15 c per ib.. which which will be ready for in - intention on Tuesday. Oystorealwaya on hand, and gut up in any style. come and raw. even if you don't want to Any. z O Q JOHN RALPH HASILTO N STREET, GODERICH, --D1Alla It( - STOVES TINWARE. ... The esbeeriber has a oomplele a.anrt- went of erovet, Tterwhss and Store Prune, .t Psi s o CMrad as aleGita lisimiao th. stock ase yoe will he sore M he spited • �i�1, *I= ' �nia, Onttoe wlt0'eld iflelal (akin in eisheelg. for Goods 17410-.3rn 'JOHN RALPH 11. For ON JOriN I<NOx, tln.alllug vie. et. Ceder(. , M.\\l . T!:'{ eL Gutter3, • bu e'arrt ..._. !IVI'AIIUNO AND tl\i':RIIAU1.1Nli t'Arotua •• a.s .., .. • a t'•ic l r t 1 .1 LI, .#.e . Dolor:o'r, u,• . 10. 10. 1 rites '1.11E L..P: • �'-'t'fi. The undersigned be leave to intimate that they are prepared t,• do dr' -=.making. 1n e11 its bru•hen at the RESIDENCE or Mies HUNTER, East it. (:t)11ID: Rd(I-I. Meat ALDwOKT1I, Mart Ilex—reit. 1700.4'. ONE MONTH T Wm. BERRY Practical Raker and Confectioner. 2 doors below Sturdy's Bakery. N. B. --My shop will be decornted, in the old country fashion. 176b -2t. J. C. IIETLOR & CO'S.NeNew Teeds -*S7 _~ ;- _-Ver Great Reduction : iii t II eV W 11'., ?t(,)-itr) u1�PRIOESOVERCOATS III all wee trade and relates NEW OVERCOATINGS, NEW Ra1TCA GOODS. A rise nrVTLY or Hoar Canadian Woollens, Jest the this* for whiter elothing «lana, Good L:n„ of (,Teets' Pwrni.Aieps. per attabT • •►D. 111 PREVIOUS TO STOO'E-TAI I5G. J. C. Detlor & Co. e are now prepared to 611 and ship orders for Trees. &e-.. for loill Planting. Descriptive Price Catalognes rusk to applicants. Gam Limbas X Son. CLOTHING MADE to ORDER ewe" ewe .e.t..tlt.a. 'OR LINE. •. rr.s M ATL STRA11I[ta • very : n: c•de7. 1.. s,t..�- :: .,..r.. ,,•. r.ry I.:7 •r gs. : pi ,:ort : •.tre. ',mese. rtv4oa e.s. ....:-.duns r r. n.... keened. • 10'1113 en Lula Pse i1. ,. • ., 13wcat nitro to (. :nam say , r Ort 1 t Es -ape er Asis,:rt' o. .•ant rs.rs,yJb, of charge end:rad. &••7t1. d sad relaad. et,utonneaus. plats, tc.,rpfty to so t.oreaes, t HowLon Galls. N.. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Albion Block, 1751 Agent at Uoderleli _ :`t.:. -r _ .-. � e-� " . HOP BITTER (A Medlel.e, not a Drink,) COWTAI1n IIOPS, BTC0Q, .IIAND@AKE, DANDEi.ION. Also run r t -w.. -r Awn pease Mrn.ettQvri.l- Ttzs o1 ALL mins Hirraee. C U IE J: An IN of the 1to/naeb, lwwels, Blond, LIsad t 'e.voeases} ',rand ly Complaints. 11100011/ COLD. win I.. paid for *+ ems they will not rare or help, or fur anytats Impure ur la)a-nous fonp is them. sk,ear druggist for flop 1111 'rI in try time before yuu sleep. Take es Other. l e M an s sol.te nod lrrrslst IAI• euro to Dreakea..l, est r oQ,.rn. Wenner/sett 0 .o:vt& . W. T., la Two.. it t. r ALL WOAiltl WARRANTED.- "ted A ,, aero, • Itsitli Dunlop, Ale. sort r .. FA RR*4aia TAILOR.,(.i.T, 1 Nett Door to Rank of Mafillrgiai tut at, tn.ar•••. safe • • tart hew he. r • (7Ar seen -were • ,.»,31, ....i. • 1. ..a t. t ,it At.(.1 u , w. - parr, 'Ws