HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-24, Page 7u 'lila r. tit' RAO SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1880. WORKERS IN OOUNOIL. (testis Aaanei Casiveatlea et tae Ceaay et I eras a S. asserlat tan . From the Myth lteourd. A000rdiug to the decision of the t nue ty of Huruu Sabbath Scheele.stvee:aorto held last year iu Win hemi, it took place this year in Blyth. The delegate. be- gat.' ingat to throng out livey bug growing tillage on Tuesday welting. Soule :tune by the 10 o'clock in and quite a number with their own conveyances. The Convention assembled in the Presby- terian Church, kindly lent for the nc- rasion. When the evening traits arriv- ed must of the delegate' were present, and euudortable homes were p • tvidotd for thew during their sojourn in Jlytk. The church was well tilled, espeetatly t the Masa Meetinaj of the children n In the evening. The 111114.11: by the heir, under the able leadership of Mr. 'frewin, was excellent. Miss S. Hawk- like* i bed at the organ. Miss Jouos ed at the organ during the leas inesiing. fhe children, lel by Mr Lawrence, acquitted themselves well. The following is the proea.uettings: Mr. 0. Snell, president, of Rxeter, opened the Convention h;• ;raving out the well-kuuwu hymn, ••-111 Hail the Power of Jests nacue." Prayer was offered by Revs. W. Birks and C. Web- ber. Nominating committee were thea appointed. After singing "Oh for a thousand tongues to sung," verbal re- p,rts were given from a number of schools in the county, consisting of Presbyterian, Canada Methodist, Pri- mitive Methodist and Bible Christian; then followed a hymen, '•1 need Theo every hour." Dr. Williams of Gode- rich, had not yet arrived, and Mr. Moore, at the suggestitw of the Business ('onssittws, gave a Black Board Exer- citte on the "River Jordan, with its banks, above one another, pike terrace work. Than followed a hymn. •'Safe is ;Balt, whether there was discord or nut. Mettaea•sarsdea soave. e alwuld sing with the heart. There- The best saltto the world for Cuts, fere tine guepcl bits and crenate; as gireu in the Christian lfyluas. Ile had iso sympathy with those who complained hod could not worship God, whether the organ was Lire' or small. Mass uleetim' of chtl i+uu ' kaput by singing '• 'l'i'ke Beautiful Chiming Bells," addreered by Rev. (i. A. Frame, of Uuderich, whd said such gatherings help to remove theiprejudice which exists among Christiana Children out tell stories by their actions as well as by Weir him. It is the duty of f*trouts to riptereat. children; instruct their loved one in the The followed singing b•• ih a blue nrtrd i4lutitration, by Mr. Moore, os No t'e Ark, the mountains and the flood; the Ark a place o: s$ety, Cont Christ a r1ti a for the Christian, after whi^!t the C ntvent on trli...trued till 1:30 p. uta The aft.':a.oa se;siou i; .'uwenced ut 1:39, by 11::. Hr. t"ritt;a.t.al giving out the 6.ith Deans an 1 o thine' up the open- ing Prays:. 11.e Couttuittee now uuun• Mite 1 th, e:ticem for 1841, which are as f i11utr i : --President, P. 'richer, W iug- h uu ; Viae -Presidents, Meagre _'hiller, D. D. W'i!sou, Stel,heis, Gray, and C. tine11 ; 8s:retsry, W Bulge ;Correspond nig Secretary, Mr. E. F. Mo •rc ; Execu- tive Cuuicnittee, \Messrs. \%. Hutton, S. Yates, It. Irwin, T. Till:tis:, John W'ilheme :Intl T Strachan The Con - Braises, sort:,, 'fetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Conte, and all kinds of Skin eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect e!tisfactieu in every case or money refunded. Price 2b cents per box. For rale by F. Jordan, Goderich. t•srel •t ar/aklas. " A youug friend of wine was cured of an insatiable thirst for liquor, that had so linearattm! his eysteut that he was un- able to do any business. He was entire- ly cured by the w.e of Hop Bitters. It allayed ail that bunting thirst ; took away the ''.eche for liyuur ; made his nerves sanely, and he has remained a soler and shady most for more than two yuan,, and has no desire to return to his cups, and I know of a number of other'. that have been cured of drinking by it." ---Frown a leading R. R Official, Chico u. Illinuia, New York ledier Market. In reporting the market prices for but- ter, the New York Tribune, of May 20th, said, "Choice packages to the retail trade teach 19 to 20 cents, but light colored goods are hard to dispose of, and several lets were thought well sold at 8 to 10 cents. 'Phis stunt h.gie of dollars and cents is rapidly tonvmcing dairymen Hutt they sheuhi use the Perfected But- ter Color made by Wells, Kiclatr,isun et Cu., Burliuetoe, Vt. It gives the perfect June onlor the year round d std vehtla t meets again the second W 'dues- d.*iry inen that use it 'icier sei.l li_ia eal- uraa .Nola to luarket. day and'filers-lay of February, 1':�: in the town of Uoderich, which was THE Dain UV M14.11Y • AN:. i!.:HTa 01 thought to be a better time. UNLIKE endured by the sufferer free a The next 'subject taken up was that of persistant cough soon sap the drably uf "How to retain the elder scholars," by the system and, wreck the c.•i aitutio . iter. 1i. Thou.as, of Clinton. A little Such a catastrophe can only be avoided intie!;eum and promotion to the higher by precautionary measures. Prevent the 'chimes will help to retain then,. He ad- ciinax of a cough with Net -dire.- S Ly- • witted that it efts a w ise and ut.iuplieated man's Emulsion of Cod Liver t td sold • gnesti.,n_ 1: needed practical wialow and a'Iet,tation for every scholar in the the arms of Jesus" clam, and especially wttut there be pray- er fur G.al'r manifest your love for them, and a, ire pasty to ls}al. The points brought out were (1) Want 1 "yrs ,. of devoted teachers i2, Want of u. children &beet the thrnt • .Christian :mid hent; f••ll• �er� •,f Christ; co."; C .riot oF'ttrstion on the }ctrl of j,arsuta: '3 In and .1n•_trfs want y:itt to leu :e Christian. ltfference of 'cholera; (4 Unfaithfulness He 'cite a eaket desired it. Ws must in ourselvesThen fullowetf a hyuw Live and serve him, in i.r,1,- t•, Ire "Precious tame of Jesus" Answers Che:istii.ns. 11 tJ them, titin thew by prayer and 'fhe event* sew•,£ was ..._..z-1 tai: l l Bosphorus, the active •stated �eatdn�j the t+cripsttares; (!) tiles Jin meat: by the clews and prayer b}• S. hypNophusplutes, not wt�,p; , l9 • .i .i rent* teir t•t_tpx)nii>si)lEy. k+t { . BOOTS ANO SHOES. 8z J. ID OWN Dave just received an IJ4MKNsIC 1tTUCK of Hoots and S4ue s for ball and Winter wants/ very choke quality and very low In price. We aro determined to give our Customers the benelt of o pei•leueeau 1 capital in plaufalt b tore them ever) variety of t$.dii hi ear Uwe acrd at sue% priori ab win d ,fy ibc knbnert wasp' titian. }'lease all and exatente our goods and prices whether you but or not. I/ Lila Custom \Work receives our epeeist attention and c t, 1.) tint., un:dt• tt tuft sed plea our customers. A.. 0: J. 1 e,WWNINta, CTabb'e Bitt 1 TTHE TH.41E-- I,tcsrmift and Fiscus in any quaallty, au: at low est pricer. t17511 he Square• ' Ort A c oderioh. --J Splendid Assortment - EADZE S' CZIOTIH JACK TS, '•Dielccltie in the way of S. S. work" was taken up by the Convention in the + The children then sang Hap((oy bout tt,senae d Mr. R Irwin, oef Clinton. ' Vet. Mr. M ve ta!ketl to the Hyp,phosphites of Laue a el aaela-aj;,- pruved of in professional eitatrtura, :and which is a cnnbinati..i • t the 1•urra: anti 'mut-salutary ing'redi:.nts in • elfett chemical harmony. 4. ough: , '. Ida, aryngitis, incipient bronchitis, and other I affections of the respiratory urians„ are ----- BE.AUT.IFIJ . DOLLS C. Detlor & Co's Miss J. Stewart t!e+ ' •eek • CLolee 14C:ett:on of The Superio Sarins and Loan Snip I '.i PIT.4L, UONf:Y WANSID 4' .tate by ,Lc nu Pl leiter aavtults tt l - Society. Teraei fat orskle to burruwee, 1,e sans-iS Dundas Street LONDON. Out 1 to net paid to Sailing. Beaks Depoettur,. H. 1 , NICLLE Oen 41 CONS! �'TIVJS. Mee what Pa 'sI 1:u., amid tate Prapie say ab..eat SiOTT'e F:N1'1.%Uu' t)5' tun 1.It•loll Oat. Abu FI1'Put'ut,.- PIT Kr. as a remedy, Foe I oueiu pllumi. Scrofula, amid Wastlat £fret 1luue,. Meeer,.. litvnT t Dowses. • i t , . • I hail proscribed roue•• ' 01!. rte.. lo my practice 11y. 1 am gri-utlp r palettcblencsl, and the OA use. 1 here fount It s,re•'•t1,•ue Worm r,: and p ltes,•.•rtfully� )ours IIIA .1 f. !..lank., ..'.11..Yi. Fah* I ninvtile. Ky., UMW/ GENII -101i r or t he Inst Iltteea bate used y.•u^1'0'11.;vcrmoil Entulrles, hospital nut:! .,1 pro::oepr:: 2,, c.an.i hale greatly plc, w!t!:II. .:tact 11 Is better i.erne and , l.r t,:�rn 1. 2. 1,...-.‘:. thee than any other ! • . •r..t;. .. t'..! 4. .•.' Ott. 1n Ct:tumptit:l .! . , • .'h.. .t : 1 bate 1u•c 11 1! eepr :. + ;'n, :e. ! Milt!, 1.., f:'.!ti.tt\Y. :,1.1 .. t. . I'hysh in:'. I ..:t...rl!!t' 4',I,; 14• >:1•iiuI. --en' & tt„\\'..•• t!:ttl'.• 1.. :•.!`t t'4'., :1.11.1%,... 1.1%r•• t::I i:. t.ni,.u. ,n.:an..•n 1.,A 11 to 1,,' , .. .. i;. u. ru;il> . ttwl•:dit Ian, ran, � • 1,.. ten M•. ! i . ... if'• 1...1!.:.,n I +Ls, •.. . .. 1. '.... : t .'I tui. yI. 11.. nd.',t•.,ti . '. . II.. � M. sora. ' 'l l .., I .. .•1,1' re,,,, it C ,.1 1 , . I,7. 1 ami lain tlt..0 I • t ' .n:edy � for ncal. !tis_ I 1, Ally stratanatenln. u I t•.4.1:11.:a. 1 a- '.1 1 ricoc len. Shawls and Clou .s9 p, anljtainiuK h. a:: i. 'un 1 thin!: 1 rhr11 ...•.o. I.r . Y1 .:;tl;. L.: ►sass a an:. t ......-1,1-11-.. i }tiei..0 V. . £,'rapt, 1..1.: ..r,t.F.dtries. F:1I;!vvt-5- 4 1utt'ns-ff'r .,' ,'•.Ifs, 1 t:. ... incl. Scavr..& now•;E: i felt t nt crud to I : )uu know the le -i l.i 11..ve.ler.t, ,, front t1l 'Ireot your } su ..., 1 awl t i. ,; lard s al. (ar years, tint .1...,::, liking D .1. E. U..• ueh of this city. Ix irft'rtne.d too that nit left int r We:. dtseas ,l5Siui prescribed soot tat hauiaion Wath HHr •+!.haeeh'I••, After takingtwo. !slate. 1 Ix•5.u. to Improve si;r. i.: phis'. nod to tntttd win{; it until 1 Iuot tarn ten -bottles. sae new. ate os. health�yy a muSA a thcrv+:s'ln t! . e Ivor Tialtlntore. W1. n 1 tar rn ttaing 1. 1 t ticl-cd 115 4 wrath'. 1 n ow s' of .tJ )4nut,s \N..rr, "777777'.!'. &l101 iiAP• Cr.. ?, 1`79. 11a11-tuorc. yd. c:u:.it;t),t:rra, re; t. 1 .. 1177. tieorr i Bonin:: wiarrs 11...y:1it I vt odd write to yea. as l toners a no k a ut ':, • your ).J ['bar: of lata' upon its lonereon i' nu d rot Thir Las rove•! true 1tt mi,. ,se. 1 wit given tat to ate mare, with von rt: 1 1 t4. 1. t u,setcal a d trutdt uu lraalt• trc moat. t' island &milled for your i tnnisa n f C t' 1 t -I us.' be ha. bought twenty -sat Ix, lit ••' 'j It ie r snoring kte ttehe ahh begsqd tie e�:i r. tahl 0,: rt htm- ' areda expvetbig to "'air of 1.t,' deet! -.-sant. 1 should Iflte to take it row. cr.e, a Len. i lhlak, 1 r: ill lac perfectly cured. . Your., teats «marc t. I s1tot. I:1'IHIDo . For .ale by dr teen!:; at -el per blit''. 17st speedily relieved by it, and i: has like•• w-tao proved to be a u,- ful specific in aerofulnus maladies. 1 he :•.t.. •';,t -% , ' r tf• .i....r i't . � ; ts.rssa :k ..,,; :.r1.4 -tme•et of i'HRIfi'f\t ' � t':1I DS. �'ritcgEa, consequent upon lin., .a..te. e i • :.erf Infant's Robes. u'1 p C a' •' rasa Ina ea Tt4n:inrr./:r. L r -::.E r, etc. A nice a. euttm,•: ed, •and the flagging "p4ysi.iaf ea.,. i s ` r.e:tored by lair iuvi,.•rs he.:,.:'.. }�,'a�s�tt.t�r'st . .1 . ,sews ascetic{ the relation that eittldren Yates. Minutes were read seri ap.preved. system with an initortaut e.et: • 1 4 h..nu hr the choir. strength, hui, vista :. !;ra!t1'rtd ' sustain U. Christ; ':1 Interested and Th next soh' .. What relation to the circnt:tion. The lime Gait sesta', fit_ aiter•estmf teachers, sn1 prsyerfttl, per • ghoul t the sat�uath-scheed beauto tetu- severtrt� /saehing Time was torr up. penance w'..rk," --wae 'Rev. J. ' The 'Evening Session was, opened with iuntly..4 Exeter. They it object of the A chorus by the choir, and prayer by temj.rctne:• twee is to s'a'es there who' fres. W. Baugh, of Walton. are under the is'wcr of the k-atr' .yer and The Minutes of the afterzos n I•11•1.11 t„ enlist tile vODUY. The la•.ge ..f the w ens te1uf er4ncc• reformation hes in the young;labcta, w Lett funned, ere diflicult to y efficiently rendered by the choir. • overt/ nue. The min.! of the child is Rev. Mr. licQuame, of 1Viflpjlham, elaetie; instil into the mind uf the child •.•..k up "How to interest those milt- total abstinence, and in nine eases out of e4ent to S. S.weal.' Tlcia subject ten they will grow up abstainers. Every ::as occupied the attention of the church hal loath selead alteuld have a temper - f 'r ages : no royal road to lenrniug the 1 and organization, anti et ery teacher :nfaithfulneas on the part .f the ministry should be an abstainer. • - • •ne cause, another reason why s•, many ergy, t..nic system deficient w vital ttn- Chorus by the choir. a if tonic inediratien is not resorted :.re indifferent W Sabbath Schools is he' Subject "The Sabbath School work for ergy, cause we teachers and preachers are net 1t.'rn tune. The necessary tendency of a e as as we ought tube. \Vu eu,ht the past 100 years," by Rev. Dr. Wil- weak discharge of the functions of the to earnestgo to God in behalf of the indifferent. limns. C1e.irttrie needle be tm the holy is to diwrnlur its u '.-Lnigus- T)re ch.onr turn sang a splendid cereiit. Th,.urea ewbankwent, and the monument fir. Williams, of (ltoderich, to ok u , of R. Rnike's represent two chimes of '•The. ruction requisite for efficient civilization -one withont the Bible,' the iHol ! other with it. 'Ile first act of Christ's C:1ilata AND PITT!' (: 1 F1'ECIALTY.-s'. 1w 7'1;H" ART, ! 1'rcesin'kintt. als., add t.' vigor 1::''ht. frame.' I:t rase- : ing diseases of all kinds, this psepara. i tun can 1.e .leper 1 1 tgwwi to. produce a Y beneficial effect. A fair, 1*Tai�aei:t trial,. i. is ell that is neo ss. try t•. p.tr.re its p..trn- cy, either as a puletenie Or i:t:uers! in- - vi. 'rent. For p•.verty r4 the b.ocol, with Which au luau invalids are ti+,ubl :,d, it is •a sovereign remedy', pnanutfng.the aeyytu- ; sition of bttptt strength and tfesh. ''re , Andsared by y all tq, a Lytnati, Tor urn, in 111�jr 1 rs.Feathers Laces3 acrd anal by all drug>;irta. nil "+�! HO pr AS Sr&ELY Ay EFFECT FOLLOWS CA�..L ,... u j �J au surely will disease eventually fasten ' p hntv r sec'•ntiyptrtlarea a largo ria ppiy of nor:;n eelsand F ager: ;ce, ahi1-h 1 w',1: t: % at mitre that will emit. Hats soap Bonnet .% trittmt•d In the latest styles. Call and ace. lass :' os: ie .L L IN ER' And Dt.,a1er in Fancy t:oo;is. Ja: la. a new and utretulle chosen stock t1 £teat, prompt and through, is the only snfegeard- 1.urenuwant ofdepletea,plsysteal energy, no restorative of lost flesh, nerve Sabbath School teaching. They (the power and cheerfulneaa, ]bas mega clearly must have a wenn loving priest -hued wait tv bless children; he )<:ut demonstrated its 'efficacy than Northrop ' them in the front. The rights of con- & Lyman•s Quinine Wine. In this pre - heart. If you cannot lout up with an- science and• worship; the ontanne of the par•atien, asaueiated with the salutary medicines which f.iinla its basis, is pure sherry wine and certainar.lniaiic constitu- ents which imparts an agreeable Mate to the article, and gives additional emphasis to its effects. In cases .f ggeneral de- bility and dyspepsia it is invaluable and the desired effect is, in the vast majority of arses, remarkably prompt as well as decisive. That good natural appetite, which gives a relish for the coarsest fare, is insured by the use of the Quin- ine \Vine, which also confem brain seeth- ing and b.,dy refreshng sleep. Fever and ague and bilious remittent fever, are dis- eases to the eradication of which it is specially adapted; but it should be used wnly in the intervals i far-reaching effects�ofa goodn the relic, in all complaints inv..lving loss of physi- cal energy, arc well understood by physi- cians, and the comprehensive influence for gooi .4 this preparation upon the system goes far to bear out the profess - tenet belief in the value of invigorants as opponents of disease. Be sure to oak "r the"Quinine \Vine" prepares hyNorth- rop & Lyman, Toronto. Sold by all druggists. \\ HAT THEY SAY OF IT. -- A FEW FACTS FOR THS Peoe E. -There are but few pre- parations of medicines which have with- stood the impartial judgment of the people for any great length of time. One of theme is Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil. Read the following and he convinced: - Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre P. 0., a -rites," I have been afflicted with rheumatism for the last ten years, and have tried matey remedies without any relief, until I tned Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Utz and since then have had no attack of it. 1 would recommend it to alL" J. H. Earl, Hotel 'Keeper, West Sbe ford, P. Q., writes, I have been troubled with liver complaint for several years, and have tried different medieinps with little or no benefit, until 1 tried 1$r. Thomas Eclec- tric Oil, which gave me immediate relief, and I would say that i have used it since with the besfeffect. No este shoold be withont it. 1 have tried it on my horses in case of cute, wounds, etc. , and think it is equally e, scraW al »inn. ' , A. M bee Merchant, Wok - worth, writes, ' i have sold some buiil• dreda of bottles d Selest:is Oil,sed d Itis bpd by the poblic,'Mse d the beg oadisiao Goy have ever role it W deme inoMiit' kt anal ravel% ▪ erne dose* etc., end awI111deoea p of Per/"1" y, wrtt�. teas to Dr. 7 6twas' tai. Dal fora Urns knee wbieh trunks" w e Mr *rages fear pato*. and I heves *nod coykslg lite it Ar wring boas nem h is a P!!� bsaefrx ,. Beware at )�asssas�'+/It Me Dr. !leas' Isies 1• U11. See that the rig miss' S M. 'hod r ontie frappe►, blows ia the bottles, and elseed a eses I l ytare o other. M to _0 aMtlmiwa Ptiso 111 de. ithilliffl110P at LYNAM lbso, oat., Pwtprwtors for the Dm obwtwdan. lfeeva Eele•etrie Relented aril in**, nuyancea you aro not ht to tea('t : y at K .f rtnation helped to prepare the way should have a good idea of the dispasi- for the Sabbath School, What can I do ion of children; the nature of children and what ahould be done, for the child - tries the patience. Study the difference , ren, He thanked God 'for plain men. f disposition in the children in your There it thirteen millions, 6vethousand, class, and there will be a strong aouvic- nine hunclreti and seventy-nine persons, tion of the importance of the work. • teachers and scholars in Sunday Schools. They should undertake and forty as \lame number ..f children have learned.Chnst did at covering this worid withto revel the Bible in the S. School. The ighteousneae. Study your visa., and sympathy and l,:ve ..f the church has be., he preparation will ix easy. come stronger from the existence of the S. Scheel. If a child sinn;s all the week about Jesus, he is in a better state to i Exeter, was the next subject. Smite- bear abouts esus lit the 5. Schlott The membership of the church has been in - •':ins; more than conversation is needed. 'a'ga'rs frim the Sunday `cka a. The Win the heart, educate it and hold it S schowl is the germ -of the future `'r Christ. Educate the emotional and church. The sacramental It..at of God, tuature of the child, as well as the sten led by n little child. cal nature and heart, and believe in Chaua by the che•ir. ('kris!. Goo right at it, instead of going 1 Colleetiena-- VS 70. fit -solutions tai round about it ; thus conquest for the thanksi to the President and officers Master will he gained. Be true to the Farewell roman's. Minutes read, and ..s'e'pta of the Bible. the benedicti. 11 was then pronounced by This was followed br the choir giving Rev. J. Caswell. an ether selection of music Music by the choir. -The object and aim of Sabbath ath.N.1 teaching,', by Itev. C. Webber, SEIONI) oat'. The sweeting was opened at 9 a.m. , !'y givjng out the Iligib 'Henan and prayer by Rev. Dr. Williams. llieading of min- utes. The 4:1111 Elyria was then sang. The next snhjeet taken up was that of "What are the difficulties in Sabbath Sch.s.I work," by R. Irwin, of Clinton He said to study your *cholera, gaintheir affections anti thus reach the heart by the thy int' blessing. T17 every ptesible plan with the /1hild, rather than turn him out rd the.4hool. Hymn 85th was tlhen rendered, which rcfiectal much credit on the choir. Next subject. ' Three minute talks on o11 the practical results of S. S. C onven- tiona, by those who know." 'The benefi- cial effects have been observed in the c'nversion of children in the places where held. The sympathy and love ''yawn out helps to subdue denomina- 'nal prejudice. "Reviews, their importance and how : he conducted," by Mr. W. M. Grtry, ' scat.,rth. Reviewing of facts and per- I•. and (Luis providential dealings, as ...anted in the lesson. Woe there MY' :1g in last Sunday's lemon that int- ' '•seed yourselves 1 Heurged Chrieliaa 'rkers to look forwent to the firm re - 'CW, as we appear More the Orsett White Throne. '✓ The neat subject was "The Sabbath 41h..ol programme,"Mr. W. B. Hut - ,••n, of Witagheeiw, ,. had said :hat the object of the School • M to Inks the childless {bristlier. First , and read fibrae a • sh r+ time M • the rhrildren to give, he th t lel earnest McCheyne had said friends of his, he was afraid, would not e. •Ate to Christ, and so he went to islet Mnsic by the choir. Ry Rev P. Mangrove, of fieafottk : e would have every child sign is the ConotIto, 41sT., March :1, 1880. I have leen selling Perry Davis' Pain Killer for the past six years. and having much pleasure in stating that its rale in that time has heed larger than any other patent metlicine than I have on my shelves, and in those years I have never heard a customer say aught hitt words of the the highest praise in its favor. it bis an article that seems to lie compined in it all that goes to make a fine -class fancily medicine, and as long as I have a house and store. Perry Davis' Paiu-Kill- er will be found in both. Yours, dc., J. E. KENNEDY. AV -See advt. in another column. L•Ay'. V11.11. "Oh, how I wish my skin' was as clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her ' friend. "\•on can eaaily de at mired the friend. "How 1" the first lady. "By using Hop Bit that makes pure rich blood and hinom- ing health. it dM it for me, as you ob- serve." ,period die dead sears. As a family trombone aad tonic, there is no remedy at present pvisg such wai- veesal attstactton, and aiding sin may cures. alsabris Natio. �drest£ reportst a hilly dam for for le supply the map !oils. A_ ' �tarot at tames sAYaa s, IWO- eels, Liver and [idaey 1DM- �� amid Qyard,to theircurative (polities laid F. Jordan at day mots pee.bottle- ..'Sp/4. your davit sail's co eye yen ami a�aassassdaa31l'y� � t by ileastrat etc W , we Wafers." give r'» .repast rebel sir dpWRrs.r aid so SWOP* sod sot b'�+nem+ sr say deo i $++sail or lams, ibals and soon be proved. and country dealer,' at M a tidse•l MISS JE`SIE WILSON, Square, (j..detich. sdr'Onr or .'::•o -tp irrntir-r Wanted im•nrillnt••/ •. 1753 CAMPBELL'S Boot ,ShoeErnponum EST-t131,1'HEJ' . Grand_ Fall ! T,IAiilti:Ar1SicViten: '! 1'I�f}bl•-Tea 1 Int, t'uuty t las rd. r• .4 tic I.iYet, 41 I floe tele, a Adare.lnvaluable 1:1.o..\7v, icu4il Cu Fen atrt.. T 4 • rdiub c r, nl dy .for l:ad j �rrr9 s.;•,1 t 1 .•res. of firm, �.... I FR? Brim •I, it • •;;, ; 1' It!:rutn.:, .... 1 ... . . I'FWA.1l- Ms. -taunt rottpattiui Attention or 1:.0 Pt1't! .1:1 •... 0.. yr. e:. lit .s trytrr! . P 1.. lit aur VOL, aur G11ntm .r all ! eir labels some IA os.:- Sr N t'w l ;tk,• 1 donoi n'Iuw e:v!fedi•'e• t • t i" Ofif311161, lard ii the 1. nit.'d,tltates. 1 :_Arc • -Is t. My 1!eH.!ntt••41are owl: tr.%'r i;. Ile at ford :aura t Landon. 1r. tt„• 1'a,,ke.sddle: cows waxed to the spurious neat li '.,relates ware- ing the Ihild c asoma b. it.;d•, alt,411 ceti.r teras stet. I:o not be n1:nk:! I'n' hdF aneurine • tr:rk, n' l'setr ore e the , ern'^r.7'ie to ,v trchsdl /o;f'nn:c".•.. 19t1see.11nArtclnitref g?CLais•.1 by unprir.rtt.lyd Vetid..ra at ore-hsf the paired my 141L; a1.:1 ulhtment tut.' .ut mow tepees a • sly g�sv'natnr l'lndlctres: i[me.t :•arn.etf1raepeet to tt+at4e11•r of ;amine walla• b 1 recitalist warp' ven- ture maul asking fmtnaltliwturahir 4* more; to a-stst meta cod the T'utsIis..tetat' to inns Ne In thelrpnwrr.endanoltne luxth'sistaiteetailernnd. Eteh 4'.11 and Eon of tun (:moat' 52, di. 144e hen^) t'•.' Uri: 1 i. 41.1rer 7)1. 1.1 Stamp w;II• the WOrtt4 "Il:'. I.l..,p.'.. t'n i'71.1'4 urn 0im'r\12MT. r7.4n0('741t'tvl thetsx.n: I:r tt r !Marl 1. the actortw. :Xi Oxford 441recl, Lon,;on, ,1! err alone 'bey are S annfaeoured, 1Io;lou.rpp'.. Pills noel Ohara a/ brarinft nnpother twldrtwv ora ,v,.rnfrreef' The Trifle Marks of tbexe blfdl• eines nr:• rags tared in Ottawa. Hence nny-one throttelint,t the ltr!tlsh i'oanea.lnrs, whomay keep the American Countorfaitafn sale, will le. prosecuted. (Signed) T11031 A8 H01.1.OW A \' . Oxford Street. I,07,00 '1, Jan. 1, tem Boots and Shoes.. Every Line is Full atld Complete : The Largest and Best Select- ed Stock in the County to Choose From 1 Parties wanting t buy Boots and Shires would do well to CALL AND INSPECT THF] STOCS before purchasing t'isewher,', as they will find PRICES LOWER THAN EVER ;e- Cuwro,e WORK attended to with punctuality. N. B.---+ny quantity of Cordwood taken in exchange. w IV M C.4 MPBELL, Cold Hunse .4quo . e Goderich, 0t4. 16th, 1480. 1754 If You Want Goods GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE (10 ,TO -- D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. it addition :n oke ordinary lines of i,h. Grocery sad Crockery Trade, 1 carry a to sto.'k M Fes, Isais, Pork and lloueral ?roisious. y MttiTTO la "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." own dal aisersois the my eves and set tap prices flesele &adverse to asp dart of lb* 'hewn D. Ferguson. The Greta' American Remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, LOSS OF iTUICE, HOARSENESS AND ratio A7' AFFECTIONS .406,... Brim. ae%i • s> wowl.r t �tiit IDs. wary ea. Rae Amari of the s•a- 4rJYl el. /eels of the sprees' •w• tae Plane /a ratite el Lasa DU- it U- i . Awl eytarta�e ei�! tarts• .••• GRAY'S SYRUP or RED propane flea the Goat emir =jai•t , e.re lase•1 'talo r r w . rete ire. '''"'"".•• SPRUCE e.:s• Ierr•'1e►ei Ova/ In t• dila& Print G U M a g r e e. ties Ife rernarkrsbloin relieving *ergot n forma of �Aitiu, rand OR odnonst spars /lc a set in rearing ( ) *nate hacking iYanghe, is note well known too the puhl+e at largo. atesse he ta.ryi. 4i akee .Serer. Prier. ', nota ....as.estsa era•%w :we tin d: A -ER R lir WATSON p,. yest� CO.. sob A•rw'H ewA sen W►e , 11, 1