HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-24, Page 6T I I E HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. DECEMBER24. i `4i jraitastiffop REMOVED. rekt beanie hlonata, 'fresh and fair. pe little curly d. and treeing lair— SIM mon:, ye little eWM. roved the rumbaed& high; ly elwrgre year salads toy do An' be peratuid It smooth to lie. Oft ha.• 1 wuuuer'4. bonnie blond[* I'.. ,..', y , site regardless feel: W hen aka printer on ye writes �.:.• mighty vex d, wi' pen an' u w trig nae Instr. my bon .tis' leave your bonnie fo Yc'll surely ease the p Sae laden wi' cares tloderich, Lath Dec. .•a For the Signal. Tne sum hue *St, the night costes on eileph:•Mtbl s :11 L: l';1 wail', l', ;' .,• able A. if by c touch, A I: white c: • 911„ ....:l..luu•i. .\/tatio•..+ :u L:ts coot r.t signs lits':' , r : in• ahep:.era's jr. u1 its lig.❑ s reumn down upon the men. Itin..esasifto;ey, "Come is ilu.v Inc ye favoured outs, V.1;111 ag o y our Lord to -day" h'y rse and follow its coiu:uands. '1'heres00y in very fate. 1' moves along; !o ! now it stands; 'Chis is the favoured place! bhtndea, free. mind 16 he. Cr STRAUBEL, the Inhabitant, of O,dert t1 (*Milli', for 11..• '(t) which has been shown hiss years, wishes 10 Inftrrul tbradbal heBEHOVED to bla m.'w pm -Moses, Nearly Opposite the Colborne Hotel Stables, Ere he to shewt� a t�ery meat of light and heavy lfaemeas, Tr Valises, Whips. Horse 1' Ca Brushes, Balls sad every others found in a er tcs laHanscom amp- All weal warranted, ea 1 nae wily the veal out $st.ai I and Employ none hut rtamT-ceami workaAsa. Repairing done on ahurt notion end at model, ate rates. p now, one by one, The iia is crowded, there's no rotrtn.; And Mary is a stranger: Her time has come, our Lord is born, And lying in a manger. u::: blessed, happy. Christmas morn, We love tawelcome thee. "For unto us a child is born" Who wade salvation free. Fun ant) Fanged. iter. Dr. Hall said that every blade of grass was a sermon. The next day he was amusing himself by clipping his lawn, when a parishioner said: "That's right, doctor, cut your sermona short. Cato, the censor, learned the Greek language when he was eighty-four years ..f age. We shall follow the example of Mr. Cato, and not learn the Greek lan- guage until we arrive at t!.e age of eighty-four. Ity that time we a:udl pru- Itably discover what good it would do us at acquire a knowledge of that language. The 1l1ev. John Brown, of Haddington, was in the hahit of propoaing on festive ..ciassiuus a certain young lady as his toast. Having abandoned the practice, lie was asked for a reason. "Because," said he, '1 have toasted her for for 'six- teen years, without being able to slake her brown, and I have resolved to toaat her no longer. "Write carefully,' says De Quincy. "You can never tell how much good your work may accomplish.•" No truer words were ever spoken. A man brought around a perfectly lovely poem about the sun -kissed leaves of Septem- ber just as the office boy had built a fire in the grate and was looking fur some- thing to light it with. •• Any good shouting on your farm?" ask- ed the hunter of a farmer, "Splendid," replied the agriculturist. "There's a lightening -rod pian down in the clover meadow, a cloth peddler at the house, a book agent out in the barn and two tramps down in the stock yard. Climb right over the fenceyoung ratan, load both barrels acid sail in. Charles Fox and his friend Mr. Hare, both much incommoded by duns, were together in a house, when, seeing some shabby men about the door, they were afraid they were bailiffs in search of one of then. Not knowing which was in banger, Fox opened the window, and, calling to them, said: "Pray, gentle- men, are you Fox-hunting or Hare - hunting. It was in an Ellis Street restaurant, the other night, that a waiter was apolo- gizing to a guest for the dilapidated state of his napkin. "Don't mention it," re- aponded the customer sadly. "I don't mild the holes in the least. That part of your napkin is always sure to be clean." And for thea next ten minutes nothing could be heard but the butter combing its hair out in the Pantry. Remember tht plate Hamilton Street, Godericht W. S. Hart & Co., The Roll's ay syadlea$e Will e'eatrol the Country. Well. I plight venture to say that it is a practical surrender of the future government and control of that country to a plutocracy of private individuals, and will soon produce such a feeling of hostility in the minds of all the inhabit- ants of that country that they will be driven to seek, in some new state of political exietence,a remedy for their grievances. The same agitating which is now going on in the western states against the railway monopolists of that country will spread among the settlers and inhabitants of the North-west, and and it will find the same solution. As a citizen of Ontario I am quite willing to quit chain all my interests in the North- west country, personal and political, after this bargain takes effect, if the company will return to me the £800,000, which we paid for it, and practically un- siertake its governnent for dally they will control it. - fon. Wm. Me- Dougail's conversation with Montreal Star ooreespoadent. "Teat ALL DO IT.' --To beautify the teeth and give fragraaoe to the breath tee "Teeberry' the new toilet gem. Ga. 115cent sample. 1763 It always gives tis pleasure to draw aMwbion to ar1Mw whin► are deserving of Probably ao arts over Awed to the public has met wee ram sines. as GRAY'S STRUT 'W •s firms Gvu. Thousends of fannies in the Otsl .Miom keep it in their homes as the steward Cough Remedy. The sale of this article has aaAed ..nnt'wtoos proportions Our *dyke to the pablie at large is to try its virtues if 'hey should at any time unfortunately contract either Coughs liar CAMS fa is .old by all 'herniate —Advi 1'ltOPitI E : 011. GOUERICH MITLS, ( Late Piper= s. ) A LARGE QUANTITY 01 choice Buckwheat Flour "ON HAND. JOHN KNOX, NasIllon .ltreel. I:oderirb. MaNL•r.tl'TI'TLl: UY Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies, Carriages, He. REPAIRING AND OVERHAULING Carefully done at reasonable prices. ,,g4—CALL Attu .'( E E .' T H (' K. Goderich. Dec. 10, 1880,-1761. TO TtfE LADIES. RESP MAr�IN (_:,- The undersigned beg leave to intimate that they are prepared to do drermaking, in W its branches at tht RESIDENCE of Mies HUNTER, Est St. '. (a;-€ I)l�RICH. MIEN ALDWORTH. Mr*a WIT ER. 171041. We are nownpared to all and ship orders Trees. for $c.. for Pall Planting. Descriptive Price Catalogues raiz to applicants. Geo. Lsturz & SON. -�HOR LINE :, STATES NAIL sreameRS Sall every Pattirday. 1 YORE TO tiLe000w ' yatee • • � not carrcattle, r or Hp. r. 1 cycler Satarda •••:.i :o LONDON DITMCT. ! f ,.5. Excursion at ltedaeee Rues. ..y},-nmodanons arc unsurpassed. • .LI, t(rooms On Main Deck. • •rated at Iowan rates to or from any Station In Europe or America. • It w st rates• payable Ines of char' • egland. Pootland and Ireland. .., a o r t u tormatton. plass, ac., apply to ....,Ao:: Dso'rsaaa, 7 Bowan, Gamut, N. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Albion Block, 17S1 Agent at Ooderich HOP $ITT (A McOelas, act a Drlak,) CONTAINS norm, BUe7HII, MANDR;AAL DANDEIIION. AND TR, PCaasT AND BEAT MRDrrALQ['aLi TLS Or ALL orate BITTiaa. TREY CUR:: Alt Meseta of theatomaeh. Pewee, Mood, Liver. Kidneys, and I'rtnery Organs, Ner. ♦ousneaa, S 2rne,espWnta.a and especially renal, Com 01000 IN COLD. Wilt be pall for a ease they wtll not rete help• or for anything Impure or Isjurtous found In tbeta Ask yon: dreetiat for Dnp sale" and try tbem before you sleep. Take se Other. D.1 r is se absolve, sud lrrMstInL sure fo Draateaer, use of obtam, tobacco end nigagura. Momml Sarre rIrtiarrnao. Aliases ..N h 1..p Ns.. wt . T., A a, , x, [Oat Pule Is tri hest pips sarlislg adismoi tow lewodaad itas Caeada It It HAM HMO R. het selected Rae sled B.ifkt Virginia Last (no [seer r/Paesr S Mrs Its ere• 1, mode serfs awet • sttt " eor w.sI.cfwle/ i Gama A' 7r,e,..+ .b.• 'sees. ) n-e.tr packed ie 5-- .. 1••,.t+. r•.*A h all rea•e.'e'.t. -[,airs be d1 Marts >1 the L..mM:..:• tt,nuurlured by THE GLOSV rOkAcCO CO , A resroa Dere 1 O 0 Cbo'iee I1iisii'i'y-Fa 11 h�iii e, ATTENTION F 0 M. HoayPresits. Ft)R A 'l'EC[AL LOT OF FANCY GOODS aro to DETLOR'S. F t l i; 0 1 d h a- to DETLOR'S. HARGA INSINFURS a -o to DETLOR'S FI11; FIRST - CLASS GOODS 0-o to DETLOR'S. F 0 I; CLOSE PRICES 0-0 to DETLOR's. F NORBY SUITS AND OVFRCOATS 3-o to ==-10 ms's_ 1 (;•tlerich, Dee. 16, 1880. 17t5 -2t. "Chicago House." Ladies Undressed Kids ---very stylish. A carefully selected Stock of BEAVER, FELT cS STRAW LI all the Netaeit Styles. STYLISH AMERICAN TURBANS, Pretty, and the very Latest. A splendid assortment of Black, White and Colored Plumes, Ertra Value. Ladies' Fashionable Hair Nets and VI ild Boar Pins. Novelties in Jets, Tiger Clews, Rc.. Groves—Rids and Woollen. ('hlldtens' laid Mitts. Se" BTYLIS E3 AND CE &P I 1ldrens' Fur ('apo, Crape and Mourning Goods Flotre,•s, F'<•otl.rrs and Ribbons, in great rariety. tee' Call and see my stock before puchasing elsewhere. Ordered Work a Speoialty. Agent for Rutlrriek'a Patterns and for Parker's Rteam Dye Works. E. J. COPELAND, Chicago House, 1758 Seat Street. near Poet Office PO u NDI The largest stock in town of Clifigills &kw YPram!: AT SAUNDERS' VARIETY ;STORE, "THE CHEAPEST HOUKE UNDER THE SUN. Arriving deity for the holiday trade TOILET fETS, V Lasts. WORE DOZER. WRITING DESKS, PLATED WARE, Morey CIPS, CCTLERY, JEWELLERY. SKATES AND SLEIGHS. The sew Letts R.**_ the fed pet etodneed for steasicite and Anrability Jas -Everything at Low Prices during the Holiday Beavon 1t t'RASB'tl *LOCK COVET HOU$ SQUARE Ited.Ttea tee g tang OUR OFFER. To Intendin8' Subscribers We will send the tthatN'ATuts H ciao& Mum mi. L from now till New Year's.,tarwow WI forty ✓(beets 1 �i t.id{ for ...so, Vt'e wU t-"/ t:.:�„:11C:1. ._1:. . F J ---.ah' cco• . .... .. 11.1 r1 �9 h�1 (� /� tom♦ I iJ _'L� (y�err / I - J COMPOUND SY1'UP OF -TYPO-PHOS-} iI]TES' FOR Tlll•: R.1.1EF AND Cl WASTING DISE • ) _l p Consuls )tio_i.Ge ern • now Exhaustion, C::') : Conatipation, Chroai.arrhastal, DyspJ75_ L o. .L.033 cf Ne:vcr Pomo:. 16 1s n- equa11o:i in the treatment of Pailita:ion of the :_[tart. Tremblin": of the Hands and Limbs, Loss of Appetite, Ener:7' or • . c ^ 4e with vigor, gentleness anil auhtlety, ow:ng to the exquisite harm nv of its ;nge—':,•.1 n ak'n to p:r • Void it ,'f. 1 s taste is pleaaam-, nail it,effezta I • • ,1 t19LI l s', %;•a trent effect i 1 to iucrcas • the appetite. 1t assists dig-stion, ::.1 Bassa t -c fowl :.:s. . late proper:y—thus the system is nourished. Italo•t, 1.y itt tonic • to -ti in o:1 ave orpna5 induces more copious and regular evacu t ions The nt.i li y r. it 1 A'.. 1 patient. take on flesh while under the iufludrtar of tier st nit% 01 itself inlicat s t.ist no other pr pantion can be better ad rp'sd to help a el a ,aria the constitution, and hence he mare eliiaciuus is all depression of s:i tilt, sS/king or trembling of tke hands er body, cough, shortness of breath, or coasumptivd habit. The nerves and muscles beaerne strengthened, ani the blood parifield. RI:{!) tV.IAL' THE INVENTOR, MR. FELLOWS, HAS TO SAY ABOUT Hl. SYRUP OP THE HYPOPHOSPHiTts. la the summer of 1884, I was suddenly effected by a copious expectoration of mu w patulent matter. I had been declining in health fir sons moatba, and, being rxc.e•1ing;y n -[vows, the symptoms -tuned alarm. As my badman' was that of a l slw naiog chemist, the shop was constantly visited by medical mea, all of whom tendered their advice. During 1864 mild 1865 my chest was ezamiaed by tea bat e'aaa physicians, some of whom pronounced the ease Bronchitis ; some, not wishing W ciur alms, or unwilling to venture an :pinion, gave ao doeisioa some stated un. equivocally that I hal Tubercular Disease of the Lamm aad located the trouble where' the pains wan felt. By profesaiosai advice, 1 mod, in turn, hone -back ezM- • l country lift, eggs and ale in the msorals& toaiey Bourbon whiskey, cod-liver oil. .tr:c.ty, tar, a_d various iabalents, but the trouble increased. Expeotaration be. e..r•1• mos profuse and offensive. Fight -sweats est in. Cold chiller diarrhoea, deep:boa, cough, blood -streaked expectoration*, loss of sleep, lose of appetite, lanef mem 'try, loss of amb:tion, accompanied by general proatr•tion, showed themselves. Under the microscope the blood was found to contain bat a small portion of vitalised corpuscles ; the heart's action was feeble ; the pules intermittent ; the stomach could Lot digest properly, so that 8atuleney and acidity was the result. Finding the symp- toms indicated Consumption, 1 determined to use every effort to stay its progress, arid. if possible, to cure it. I selected the most powerful tonics and moderators, and com• bined them with the vital constituents of the human body. For months 1 endeav• oird to amalgamate them before my efforts were crowned with success. 1 cannot speak too plainly or too strongly of the effeots protinoed,,,an1 the benefits 1 recniV• ed from the composition. At first my appetite inceeas tl ; t '• :per. ati .a became easy, digestion better ; the frees became more copious a l 1 Let t I1q•tent ; cold chills ceased ; night -sweats lessened ; I Rained in weight ; the Lacking cough lefteme ; refnabing sleep returned ; my spirits became buoyant, the mini settee and vigorous. I continued taking tho Syrup month after month ; but owing to the damp, fob;,y climate of St. John, my recovery was neceasarily slow, although I could observe a gradual return of strength for three years, during which time [ continued taking the remedy. My pr. -snit weight is one hundred and eighty-eight, being thirty-eight above my sinal. 1 hare no symp- toms left denoting disease. The only no'able sign during twelve months was the ezpectoratidb. Now that has etopp d, and i consider myself well. Tho trader may ask, How da you know your difficulty to have procc d d from nIcertts ,or :uberea- lated lung t I answer, In the most certain of all modes for asce.•.ainirg. lis March last I coughed from the right lung a puce of PHOSPHATE OF LiME, half the ase of a pea, which could have came from no other place, and which the highest authority in Lang _Diseases [Laennec) states is the rasa:[ d tabsec'e, which Ane beep' cured Added to this, I had the leaden -colored, purulent,blood - etr:ake.l cel ectaration, and the opinion of one of the best diagnoaticists in th' c•y:ntry. 1 believed I L..v 1 raper. ienced all the symptoms incident to the two fiat : .IS s of Const r.pt:ou, and have successfully combatted them, so that I do no: d.aguir of any east where there is left sufficient lengdiasne to build upon. 1 an only add that tho m re m:mrta"y co•.siders. tion of increased t.- is would never ioduee me to ptt' ialt this iri ort, but a sincere sympathy for tke poor Consumptive, with whose midi. tune 1 believe it vi'lany to trifle. Respectfully, • .iAME3 1. FELLOWS, Iareator of Follows' Complus(' Syrup of Itypflthosphitss. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. When Fellows' Compelled Syrup of Hypephoaphltes is required, ask for "FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP," lied be rare sr imitation is foisted or !Wow artie& aAriul trot you. !er' stN3 FOR A PAMPHLET 'at PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, Agents for the Dominion of Canada, MONTREAL. SUBSTITUTES ! -e- *r The Dubuc are cautioned against a custom which s10 ing Tire common of llte ears( a cant& (dams of se blas. Aad MMus eeltslbs -- a beak d Pafa-11111er, tiny saddry they are " alid," ,'but inial : snick good. if not better," which they will iupplyat tis/ price. The object of this demotion is tremst[smeat, substitutes are 'Dade lap to sell on the great repetallimefi the haler j and list of the vilest bad M*S art bit 44 at about holt .bat be pays for the gesuias PRS , who, ,rubles him therefore to realises few ,sail atop Wok per bottle epee the 'alkalin artk► dim Ile am ea the Mkt Por 5V trogItf ec1LDS NCfeALale. RIRIIa*tre AI At.t orirgR PAINS 114 ANT PART Of Tilt ROD[. PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER n elrselra.l art IT CURES ALMOST INSTANT's 1M Pa••-ttiatsa „„, arias ratashne e. ea esti.r relate Map - Me He.e(o,e ts..ena.. SOLD air ALL(MZ IPONIT Oaal5R.