HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-24, Page 4a THE IIITRON SIGNAL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24. Irmo. HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1880. THE PEES MUST GO 0PP. in ten days more the ratepayers will ire called upon to decide whether or test market fees are 'to prevail in Goderisat. The business men of the town have al ready given their opinions on the ques- tion through Tits SIGNAL, and they are 111 a p.leition to juilge of the ill-effects of :he system of market toll., We hope . ery reader of this p.pet<who has a vote will poll it against the fees. surround- ed by free markets, iris folly for (lode - rich singlelanded to impose fees. ]n - stead of taxing those who would sell their produce wad dispose of their cash in oar town, we should give theist every eucouragendetto c.•tue here. It has peen sal 1 * some that the prices paid boy buyers and not the existence or non- existence of fens, give character toamar- ket, and that is true to a great extent; }out no live buyer will go to a market where fees are imposed upon the farmer if ho eau bey in a frea market as well sitnated. The fees are as unpopular with the buyer as with the seller. Few isutrketa ere are the rule in Canada Of :hose places which have retained fees during 1840, nearly all are dissatisfied. 'rhe Chatham papers complain of thea[; Mount Forest less abolished them, and the following motion, recently heard in the City, Council, indicates that the fees will soon be no more in London: Moved by Mayor Campbell, sec by Ald. Thompson, "That owing to the great fall - mg off in the business of our market dur- ing the last few years, your committee believe that every effort ought to be CO • MUICATIONS,a, Wert ball eursepaZei maritime m se set. es to pis ,e questions, sad Cts t. sQU1ERS WELL CARE FOR. To the Editor of The Mures tiheaL 1)9•&a 81114—Ia TES &once. of Dec.17, under the capons, riles Death, we find the an anatigesklimeethateauttnourish- Inent and starvation had touch to du with Mr Squier's death as bisailtneuts. Now, sir if that bit wre true either the neur'ies of life were stat supplied to the family or else they were not titOina suitable n wan- ner. I,for one,can Notify that they had more than the barenseessaries of life,and that the Council have been liberal. I know the neighbors have helped them, and Christian people frotnadistance have aided then by their means and sympathy. And now sir, allow me to tender to the Council and charitable neighbors my sin- cere thanks for their kindness to my dear departed brother and his sorrowing wife and family. I ant, respected sir, yours trtal3, U.KX. GEia.tdp. pains. advert and titdadeeiningon S. E., Mb con., $b,Jacob Miller, indi- gent, Clerk, one year's postage, 10.47; lipevs, for services as peeve and road cog grinner, $48; Dep. Reeve, for same services. $40; three councillors; servioea as such and road ouuupiss►Onen, 140 each; Cork, salary, 11100; Treasons, safety, $70; Reeve, two days .t Goderich Towwhip un business, 88; John Cox, one dayat Goderich Township un busi- ness, 2.50. - Carried. Council ad- journed. JAS. PAITON, Clerk. [We are pleased to learn that the late Mr. Squiers did not endure the pangs of hunger nor lack ,,f nourishment pre- vious to him death, and we believe that Mr. Gerrard and the other charitable neighbors will hereafter receive due re- ward for their kind actions. Even the Council (although Council members are not usually classed with the "salt of the earth") may hope to le remembered in the time Go cuuie, notwithstanding their action with regard to Squiers at the November meeting_ Our information regarding the straitened circumstances of the fancily was obtained from a good source, and despite the fact. that Mr. Gerrard and others, yea, even the Council acted so charitably towards the deceased and his family, we feel assured that had Squier received the attention and "nourishment," he so much required he would not have succumbed as sox'n as made to maintain our market and eneour- he did. En. ] age fanners and others to trade there: the-efor: , b, it resolve 1 that this com- mittee recommend that all fees in future ire abolished, and that notice thereof 1* :asserted in our city papers." The farmers of Downie recently held meeting to protest against the fees be- continued e- antinued in Stratford, and the press f that town are also in facer of abolish - ng the odious tolls. The _III -11 says: "That our market has not been as well &.tended by sellers for several years past is a well-known fact and there is the• strongest reason to believe that the ob- noxious fee is the stain reason. If - the market ware larger there would he more c ruipetitirrie and the smell ratepayers, who (oral the hulk of the population, would reap the benefit in low prices. Directly, there would be a small lose of arr revenue, but indirectly the removal of the fees would be a great gain to the town as a whole. The present market cleric Taid !1'2,000 fur the fees, but his entire collections will not amount to that . sum, and it is doubtful if over $1,500 , could again he realized. The market scales contribute about. $500, and the fees for measuring and grading wood which would be contieued, would reduce the deficiency considerable below $1,000. This we could easily afford to abandon for the sake sof a good market." Goderich has tried fees, and the trade it the ti,wn has been injured thereby, while the free markets near by are flour- ishing. \Ve hope the fees will be struck off, and that every encouragement will be given to farmers to conte into Gode- rich Bpd spend their money with us. A FARMER ON THE FEES. Editor Huron Signal. DEAR SIR, - I see by your issue of the 24th inst., a statement from a large number of the public linen of the town of Goderich, giving their views upon the abolishing or retaining • of the market fees of the town." I am glad to see there are but few of that intellectual capacity who are in favor of collecting a fee from the farmers et the surrounding town- ships. It is a good thing for the com- munity at large, that such a statement is made public, so that the agriculturists may know the leading characters, whose blind and mistaken notion for ten cents, per load of wheat wrung out of the pockets of fkrmers for the banefit of the town, reminds ate of putting a penny in the urn of poverty, and taking a shilling out. I think a few of these blind, insig, niticant drones, are in the way of Gode- rich's prosperity,and that imaginary ideas, to 'wheel farmers into paying fees, be- long to a century back. We, in Col- borne also remember the alto thrown at our lack of knowledge by hie worship the Mayor when we presented our petition against the odious fees, and will not soon forget his action on that occasion. Goderich may keep up its market tariff if it sees fit, but it should remember that there are other markets where we can dispose of our produce free of toll, and . we will not fail to avail ourselves of the opportunity of so doing, should Gode- rich foolishly persist on the present in- iquitions tax on produce. FAIR PLAY. Colborne, Dec. 17 1880. there& Surras. —The le:matde Metho- dists of this place having a debt of about 8270 on their (parsonage thought to re- move part of It by giving an oyster sup- per, which they did on Thursday Of last week. The meeting was largely attend- ed by the lovers of this tasty dish, but instead of getting their dishes well filled with oysters, they had 'to smell their oysters and drink their soup." The meeting was entertained by speeches from Rev& McKay, Presbyterian, of Bluevale; Harris, Meth.,dist,uf Brussels, after which Rev. J. Bryen, of Wing - ham, tried to raise the remainder of the sum by suberriptiens, and notwithstand- ing his many jokes and earnest login the people began to leave and ere long the church assumed a very empty form. Two farmers, named respectively Berk - with and Kelly, quarrelled and fought at Belleville, on Saturday, and the latter stabbed his antagonist with a locket knife idieting an ugly wound in the beck. They were arrested, and liberated un bail. BrowL. --- Win. (►reu►us, tonsorial artiat,fonnerly of Brussels, but now of Toronto, paid ua a flying visit one day last week. George Calvin lost a valuable horns one day last wee:; by iiflamntati.ut of the lungs. Aber. Cousins and William Roddick discovered a wild cart in A. Hunter's stable un Thursday last which they dis- patched with a ball club. It uneasured 3 ft. 3 in from tip to tip. Thos. Smith Inas started a livery in connection with the Queen's Hotel. No doubt Tutu will get his share of patron- age. As the faits in connection with the Syndicate bargain become more fully 1 known and are subjected to the crucial test of discussion, the enormity of the transaction and the loss the country will sustain by it becomes apparent. Knowing this. every effort was put for- ward by Sir John and his colleagues to stifle dissuasion. on the floor of the House, and to bring on the vote before the adjournment of Parliament for the holidays. But Hon Mr. Blake and his followers, haviugtheinterests of the coun- try at heart, after a determined fight finally succeeded in outgeneraling the Premier and his host, and the members will have an opportunity of learning iiuring the holidays what their constit- uents think of the transaction. Already petitions against the lnrgain are flooding in from the country, the first of the, pieties, from We Tillage of Brussels, on the borders of North and Centre Huron, signed by the Reeve, Councillors and business men of the place, irrespective of party, having been brought forward by Sir Richard Cartwright on Tuesday last. During the holidays ,aeetiags will be held throughout the eoeetry by promin- ent meembefe of the Reform Party against the iniquioss tnuaodion. and we be- lieve Heron will not M behind other counties in the nailer. A .ries of meetings will be held by Mr. M. C. Cameron and others tirotlghout this rl'ounty, and before tie someamNing of •,Parliament. the people A have before tem in all its deformity the fell details .of the Syndicate bargain Te use a ..eAtatson mad* by a well knows Came. dimartatcaoas, "The coma has weeded; t toe les stier's on free,'' &c Tsai';owentewel ovum are staling t hat Ind tooling mite between )Kossa Blake said Mackenzie. The charge is intros ?Jae Oppu with& leaden are the hest of friends, and are fully agreed in ;.e.liey Mr. Me kenos is in very poor .aNh at prwawtt He is suffering from alavlal poaniii . Phe.+i Manitoba was Tonsil btiVlrienreir. 1,lentenant -Gf.v eninr.Qaeeltar. The enlaa$ssa/nt of the Preview was the pnnotpal feinted w0edo6 t., ,n the •'tonne ,nwwch Goderich Township. 144131. Dwells-- lar£la h d. IS[ h tai . the woe of Mr. a M s7R 1loYtls i toe leant sou t of inst„ Mr W Mc aped l years, b days. Johnston -1a Urey, on the It suet.. !Cagle Johnston. &teal 17 rears. 9 mestba Morsa-Ie Minntemolie. Ind, U. S. on the 141b Inst„ Rla`.nfa, the beloved wife of Michael Moran, } qq.. late of tludertch. We uudeist.oi i lila: James Wright's Mills, in the Township of Grey. were burnt on Saturday morning last. In- surance unknown. The first carnival of the season took place in the rink on Friday evening lazt. About thirty appeared in attractive cos- tume. The prizes were awarded as follows: Best dressed lady skater, Miss Gofton, Wroxeter, Winter; hest Lady skater, Mies Campbell, Brussels, Snow Girl; best dressed girl skater, Miss Katie Wilson, Highland Girl; best dressed gent skater, Win. M. Sinclair, Italian Brigand; hest gent skater, W. Smith, Negiro: beat dressed ley skater, R. J. McKinney, Chinaman; best comic skater Wm. Smith. The Judges were Tate and Kerr of Brussels, and McLell- an of Winghant. The next carnival will come off the first week in January. HoIMCsvILts, Dec. 13, 1880.—Coun- cil [net to -day pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. Minutes of lain meeting read and passed. By-laws No, 6 and 7 read and passed. R. Barker, Esq., delegate from the Bayfield It. R. committee appeared before council and withdrew the By-law. Moved by John Cox, seconded by Joseph Whitely, that the request of the Bayfield R. R. com- mittee to withdraw the by-law granting a bonus to said railway he granted, said committee paying all expenses incurred in connection therewith to date --Carried Moved by JAL Laithwait, seconded by Edward Acheson, that Henry Murphy be refunded $1 dug tax, he having no dog; D. Harrison $1 dog tax,same cause; Lewis E. Aldsworth $1 dog tax, same cause; John Connelly $1 dog tax, same cause. - -Carried. Moved by John Cox, seconded by Joseph Whitely, that Mn. Wm. Sterling be exempt from paying this year's taxes, amount $5.38.— Carried. The following accounts were paid: T. J. Moorhouse for stationery $4.47: Rowsell & Hutchinson, election and other papers, $12.07; Tett Husors RIa7wae, printing $2.1110; Wm. J. Patton, serving notices to Judge's Court of Re- vision on voters' lista, $2; Hugh M. Johnston, gravel for 4th con. $15.20; Samuel Walters, gravel for Huron Road 1115.90; Geo. A. lion balance on cul- vert 1st con. $3.50. Samuel Burk gravel $6.08; Samuel Cox, gravel $19.92; Geo. Hanby, Sr., repairing side road 6th and 7ta con. $N; John Kirkpstnck, repairing two culverts lst con. $7; John yr allace, work on let Don. $8; Thos. Connell, cul- vert sod turnpikinogg on lots 35 and 36, I6th con., also ditelt and repairing road 19th con. 118; Henry Cole, gravel on Huron Head 114x; (`has. Baker, eul- vett os *aitlland sou., and repairing ose as lath sed, &skiing and $Carel, $8; R. Dater, grsvei os 16th con- 112 72; J. Eawati Hera! Road, 50 cents; reptsiriug 8 R R , >tb cents; Stewart sumer, gravel no lath sew. *LW: Jae. Bowdon, repair. os 13th sloe. $1; Aral HBiott, now sol.iu$ sad Rowgrbridge a w. $8; 4th soJohn avel, 11111.W John Povier,gasvel 112.80; R Amrseesos, ee of emtttpsr, Jelin Wise, gravel for BsyOas sid ere., 36; Wm. Curry, ' teee of esmper, $1; Se e.ill.r, gravel, ROK. F.rru, far eM lir» sad flttlt one. , D7.82; Jae 111searhasy, petrel for Mait- land con,., $4.50: •Wm. Crooks, peel, $40; (fort D kd. Dotting ; J • pilon` ue lfth cone, $10; Jsa gravel ori 41b souk., 88.48; -lea. gravel for 7t sow., 11439; Jan ander. damagp of read to gravel pit is 1878. $E Gere Barlett. damp of (crop. at read to gravel pit, KSO% Ar- thur Knee. see of tome fes twelve it- ! tine, ••f r. nn".I 894 Petr. (s• .,k • r Colborne. s:edertei Manes,. Gammen. Dee. x3. 1880. Wheat, tb'u111;0 bush.......... 91 06 1 W 50 098 058 Barley,.. bush.. ... .... o e0 u95 7 00 02t 0 18 0 18 007 Kt) V 16 Vlbeat, (i4nrtngl tt built.... !lour, 0 (Wt Potatoes. (new) 0 bosh... . ('Dic yy * kens ton ................... ................... Butter, a l .................. . ring dos. Mapsckedl ..... Pork Wood...... ash per barrel yr f I to t! 1 17 :loo 0 MI 062 o 75 090 8 00 0 90 070 0 90 o 071 6'25 r 75 0 90 :3 :yassss-SsA FANCY GOODS AND VASES IN (ireut Variety ! My' Stock of ("ou,ths- flair, Truth and Nail ANDIES BRUSHESIs also of a Superior Quality- large and a varied assortment,—which 1 guarshi. will give :eZ use EHAL tATIerM TleN. ? THE OLD NAME I T Q I T y- ; W s i ttaE1A.INi'=. - GEO. H. OLD, FAMILY GROOM It,ti GN HAND A U^xI E S," CHRISTMAS GROCER t' O N S I S T 1 N G Or LEMON. 1tAlsINrt !'(''MANTIS CANDIED LEM N. d, ti t' U A s.s. SPI(' hd. ALL THE LINl38 OF A FIRST-CLASS RY GROCERY. iITABLI' 8O>)dFl B]CAUTZFyL 6 SS777 Z'f3 FOR C7SR BT A T'R B N COME AND SEEt ;OME AND -SEE1l G. H. OLD, --At P. O'Dea's Old Stand, on the square. Dederick Dec. IL Istlll. I- E- KN=CCrHT Still to the Front! \With a larger tu►d better assortment of CHR1STMAS A}D NET YEAR'S CAKES. Than I ever offered before, and also letter quality iced end Ornamented, ter e[t•oeu To Noxa. -'et Also alt other kind of Pound Cakes. The Nomination for the office of Reeve. Deputy Reeve and Councillors for the I, Township of Colborne, will be held in the Township Hall on the last Menday in December at the hour ••f 12 e. clock noun, J A Mcbouagh, will lee the Re- turning officer. We are pleased to hear that Miss Rein- hart. bate assistant teacher of No 1 Col- borne, has almost recovered from a se- vere attacked if diptheria, which has prevented her from atter-ding te her duties for the past three weeks. We understand she will attend the Goderich High School next tern, anti we are sure her Pupils and many friends in Colborne wish her complete success in her studies. The trustees have engaged.: Miss Jones, an old pupil of Nol, and an honorable graduate of the Goderich High School as assistant teacher for next year and to complete Miss Reinheart's term. Mia Jones no }oubt has really merited some mark of favor for the honor she has con- ferred upon her "Mother School" by her success in the several examinations of the past year, and we feel certain that the kind encouragement which the re- presentatives of t people have given an old and worthy pupil of the school by selecting her front a large number of applicants, for the gift et their disposal, will ever be an honor to the section. The influence of etch encouragement will not be lost, either on Miss Jones or on many others who have already won honors for their school and who are flow looking forward to a stand in that time honored, institution the Goderich High School. It is but right to remark that Mies Tilly Walter who passed theslnter- mediate examination, in ,,Goderic'h, last midsummer is an old pupii of "No 1" May many others of our boysand girls follow in their footstep&—{Com. ,PERFUMERY, &c., &e. Cheapest in Towr_• ate- No trouble to show Goods and Prices. James Wilson, - IaR(:ta:1sT. The Square, Goderich. 0 IF ODERICH AND KINCARDINE r M a rb I e Works. BISCUITS Of every description, fresh and of Gad Quality. I will have alms a larger and better a•..•o went of all other kind of cakes wade especially for the Holidays- !Home-made ('and) Canes, all eiztm and prices. tit `elf -praise is no recommendation. but try nt PLAIN and .FANCY BREAD Which 1 deliver daily to all parte of th, tow u. floras -mad. Cakes iced and Ortamente.1 the latest •(> ti' ,eiit tlama calll!and Mudge apest. 1 for themselves,. et ery cue 10 gEMEMBF R T El ADDRESS -a', I. E. KNIGHT ---Near the Post Office. net , Goderich, Dec. 16, 1800. Headstones, House Trimmings, Mona tr ree FORta ! d and work of all kinds in Marbles, tit reasorablprices. Marble style Mieaties, kept -meet n tank. Granite Monuments and Headstones ORNAMENTAL WEDDING CAKES, imported to order. CHRISTMAS CAKES, ALL WORK WARRANTED. , SCOTT & VANSTONE. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, 1;52. CHRISTMAS i OYS and O T O SAMUEL ELpANE, G D. CANTE LON'S THE BEST BREAD IN TOWN, i,tALI:n IV AL: ',ANUS l.1' SEEDS AND + Hew.ilto:.."trr•f. Mr. Duncan McDougall, an old resi- dent of Grey, township, who died recen- tly was a native of Argyleshire, 'Scotland. The Brussels Part says that he emigrated in 1849, to the township of Whitby, where he lived until 1852, when he en- tered the wilderness and settled on lot 10, cou. 7, Grey township, when be lived until his death, which took place on Sunday night, 12th inst., after an ill- ness of abopt a week. He was one of the pioneers of this township, having settled in it when it was a wilderness but with undaunted perseverance, amid every species of difficulty, managed to make a oomfortable home for himself and family. By his death the fatality Inas lost a loving husband and a kind father and adviser. He leaves a widow and eight children to mourn his Ines. The foully hare the sympathy of the en- tire caenunity in their ►ereaveass&t. His funeral took p nee nes Tuesday sfter- sor.s, and was very largely attended by relatives and friends. Zr,'. COCOA.- GaATuvrI. Alen twaee,, Ise,a wt si, s difhtb..estrD kepswisdge al 15. ttr w - n selta.e :w ie `-- et Cwt lap wo i .ere yis tf asses I Mere. w Awad • t Ter these le s a -RAIN _-4-IFE' T STREET, 6(o1oER1('H.110t- i*' Leitcm requiring( Christmasshould send in their orders wit isiay- , H'•u,e-made cakes taken in and "mettle sl iau*on short notice, sad r... llsm em& - Just What the Public Needs• . , est :r .ocher supply of Winter Goods, t•aaeieslaa et THE ONLY[' Overcoats, Overshoes and Robbers LUNG PAD! Cm" by A BSO R 1 11 I5(•a,rre ; a,.i `. LUNG DISEASES, THROAT DISEASES, BREATHING TROUBLES. it drives Data the system curative age -its a•. healing medicines. it draws fee= the d iseased parts.!heter.-. r, - that cause death. Thestsaads Tasttfy to 1Q. YDresr.. sold by Draggtats. or ...sr.'. by mail on n e ipt of Prier. IMAM, 14 H. HASWELL t& CO.. Wholesale Druggists. 118 and 150 McGill *Nreet. Montreal. I'. Q. (ienenl Agents for the ikominion. WANTED Everyone in GODERICH and VICINITY to know that the Meat Is always the . heaped. therefore 1 want v person to come and see sty stock of ('A= /sad Plil('F.N before 01R M1Malt..where. My CHRISTMAS a NEW YEARS Fruit Cakes, Will be superior to any offered to the robin wore, being made of the very best material. and ieed and ornamented in the letcat styles and droigns, alae• the genuine SCOTCH BUN and SCOTCH KHORT BREAD, DUFFERIN, MADEI- RA, COCOANUT sad STRAW- BERRY POUND CAKE, The latest out WIN SPONGE CAKE, etc., etc.. YM as.Ortm.nt of otter rake's aa to loved a any ('tt to the Dominion. Puff Tart Sheila, Oyster Pattsea, Pork Ma. Pies sad fatties. All kinds of fancy Disported candies and w*ranted pnre. (' tow bay. and gbis, Nsfu trim cat. st 1a e In. be ready for In. A Imo np in any MOWd er . swan 11174 don't want to ■enearer et aw UZI.= >C Wm. BERRY Practical Raker and Confectioner deers holey Ntnrdy's Ackert A - ere e/ N. B. My shop will be deeotuter ,n wane. nes M44,94%000 t P the •.M nJ' .wntry furh • , 17 2$ .tr :,i lias r.,rioa- other ..10,nnabl tine.. "-A.-Examine my Stock and Get my Prices. JOHN ACHESON. .. h 1 s v. 1410: " Dominion Carriage Works,,, Goderich. MORTON & CRESSMAN, MA-,nt-rM-TUREEN eI BUGGIES, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &c. We will sell cheap for the balance of the ,,oi ,on to make room for unman work.. A few a ennd-hand Rita for sale ('hasp. A few goat Horses will be taken in exchange for Mirk , (ippo.ik Co barn Hotel, Go derieh. -., Huru S'hli1 Book DEPOT. Xmas Cards, ras Books, Xmas Presents. 'kE .4BOl'E a1 SHEPPA S .4ANT A-('LAyrg' NBA 0 pr 4 ETERS 1181NET NEW VALENCIAS, NEW LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, , 8. AL MONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESS NI "TM. Mr L4 KB HUPZR/UR if ITROVT, WHITE FI8H & HERRING. AO- RALT WATSR 1E HERRING AND CODFISH. ALIO, A LARGE AMo*TBINT Or Teas, Sugars, A sad Owtaerel anemia CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A ND CHINA. Dr. Paroe's Crewe flaking Powder Or Psa-i s Lhpulia Yeast Gems Chas. A. Nairn, TNR Mgr RS. 17te I i • rt FOR BEA Comm( T11E R Spec C( Ag( SEI ULsTE I Fo OUR We have t A small Gent; The neve Scotch L aasortme3 InSilkl- Remem ORDE1