HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-24, Page 3fr a H A Ebucationai. EXAMINATION PAPERS. The following are the exiumnatiun rgs of the second Model terse fur Goderich. lu uur next we tourpose inae,Yar the ezanunatiun papers of the Godesisk Public Suhoot?. 1DOOAttox. 1 (a) Khat is education ii kb' Show clearly the distinction between education and instruction, 2 (s) What is uueaet by nelson disci- pline t How is it to be attainted in easel I $ O4$ uutes of an introductory les- son in: (o) grammar; b) history; (r. goo- p'aphy 4 plain concisely the alphebetic, phonetic and word methods of teaching reading. Which do you prefer? 5 Write a *hurt assay on the forum - tion of habits in the school -room. 4 What do you understand by an t,h- jset lesson ? Nates six suitable objects for that purpose, and give notes of a lesson on any one of them. 7 Why is it necessary that every pupil Should pay strict attention in class 1 By what ataHus would you sustain it ' 8 Fully enumerate the objects t.. foe attained to school organization. 9 Name the leading chuacteristif a good teacher. 10 Distinguish between the rote sys- tem and the intellectual syateni of teach- ing. rs ., r„7Hu'L LAW, 1 (a) Whit constitutes a legal agree- ment betweelt a teacher and trustees 1 (b) By what means may it bect.ute null and void 's 2 What are the requirements on the part of teacher and pupils: (a) with re- 1 gird to quarterly examinations ' ( hi text hooks l ear State fully the duties of teachers as to; (e) teaching; (b) discipline; (: I course as of study to be pursued. 4 What precautions must the teacher e se take to prevent the spread of infectious diatoms through the school ' 0 al to suspension and expulsion of pupils. 5 Explain the law and regulations as 6 State the law and regulations with i to registers and reports. Supposing a teacher ptlnishetra boy by striking hien about the head, or by canting hun to remain seated on the door with hia feet elevated on s bench— did the teacher exceed his authority Give reasons for your answer? 8 What are the duties of the teacher respecting all school property i 9 What days in the year are holidays and vacations in the public schools 10 What are the regulations with re- gard to presents, collections, subscrip- tions, notices and prizes? THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY 7 Sold 2 cows for the same price, !w * $6 X on 'ne Sued gaining 15 / on the other. Did I gain or bee, and how Slush ( l 8 A owned 3 t; of a factory and sold f of hia share to B, who sold i of his to who sold of what h e but to 1). What part of the whole did each then own f . 9 if longitude of Hamilton be 80' west, find Hamilton time when it aa 12 o'clock noon in London, England. 10 A Termer odd wheat for lel, get- ting as tlIny cents per bushel a. therenuttywere bushels. Huw nutty bushels had he? 11 A utas being asked how touch u money he had, replied if add one to 10 times what 1 have, 19 Mmes the sq. cwt of the sutra will be 209 Row much had he 12 A colt du a piece of wurilf tea 5-6 of a duty, B in } of a day. In what time an the two together do the work 1 19 3 turkeys and 5 geese omit 55.70 and 4 turkeys and 6 geese cost 57.20 How much more did a turkey cost than a goose! 14 A and I3 enter int. partnership and gain 5'140. A owned 5130 more than } of the stock and gains $108. Find each one's 'hare of the stock. Skippareltua. Tu-MACTexu.--Chruttuas will be celebrated here by a tea -meeting in the Methodist church on Christmas day. During -the evening intere.ting addresses will be delivered, and music will be given by the Nile Choir. Oolbstras. Rgxuvis.o. - D. Fisher, Esq. , and family lave mored to their estate near Goderich, We hope to hear of Fisher holding next the same municipal position he eld previous to hia leaving Collsone, be makes an excellent councilman. EDVt'ATIOI AL.—The annual public lamination of S. S. No. 2 will be held on 23rd inst. The exercises will cova- lence at 9 a. m. Parents of pupils and I interested are cordially invited. ILocerfolr- tuft/ la novas. 1 What method would you adopt for drilling a class m the modulation of the voice l Describe minutely. 2 State particularly the conditions to be obeerved in acquiring excellency of voice. 3 How is the radical stress produced, and what is its effect on delivery 9 4 How should the following passage be read ? Be definite. "Pity the sorrows of an old man. When trembling limbs have borne him to your t doer.% TjOee days are dwindled to the shortest esaa: Oh, gire relief an.i Haven ven will Wets, your store. - 5 Stats the rules both for the rising and the falling inflection. 6 In the following extract, indicate the words taking the rising iflection and those taking falling inflection:—"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter." 7 How should the following extracts to read I Why ? Under -line the words affeeted to make your meaning clear: "Holy, holy Lord God of Ssboath.- The cloud capped towers, the Joyous palaces. The solemn temples, the great globe itself,"d`c, 8 What method would you adopt to cure children of the habit of dropping the voice at every pastes 9 For what kinds of composition are the following suitable, "Middle pitch, high pitch and low pitch." 10 State the general rule for giving proper v ariety to reading Give expla- nation. 1 YOINNI. 1. In what resoects is it in the power of s thoughtful teacher to contribute to the health, comfort and happiness of those under hr ears, both in the school- room and in the play ground? Answer as far is possible in a patios' manner. 2. Gine some directions tor the man- agement of a room in which a person is 111. 3. Explain how a healthy condition of the body is promoted by copious ab- lutions of cold water. 4. Describe fully the process of breathing, and explain how it u neces- sary to the support of life. 6. What are the special purposes ac- complished by food trace the several changes uadergoiut+ before leaving the system With brief notes on (a) Ventilation, ) Cleanliness, (c) Cheerfulness in achoot-room, Proper temperature of school -room, (.) The advantages and disadvantages of roasting, stewing and boiling meat, (f) How would )rou treat a deep cut, a person in a fainting $t. 7. Give rsasoas why this subject 1. of great importance to teachers and M$NTAL AarTNNITIc. 1 What difference in Bain % Wyse' selling pods at Si whaoiu oat $4 and selling pods at $20 which cost pa. 2 Aaedo} ; apiens efw in one ea hour, B stltt of the one hoar, C can finish it is 111�.`� in what time can A B and C tngs4 sr do it 1 3 What is the east pries of se aoeisie .old for Op,urian the Boa is 12 x r 4 ♦ eats hemp b het, edit ant vest for Seo- The hat cad $ao the hat and comet et 0 timer im mesh as the vest, what was the meted Mehl 5 I paid twice es Issas for material for a howls se few MMM. Had 1 paiid e x oars for nimesaaJ and 9 % akar for i.bw, boar would here cost 51284 Vied eget of the heuw. $ From a pile of weed 90 ft. long, 4 ft. wide mid 11 fit high was OM SIVA worth at $0 per oord. What was the eeensinder worth at i16 50 per enrd ' Brussels. The tint carnival of the season will be held in the skating stink, on Friday night. Lovers of skating anticipate a good time if the ice is u1 good condition. Billy Kelly has again left ua fur hia winter quarters, viz, the Stone House, Goderich. Billy gives the house a good name, and remarked that he would like to go there again for a " spell." Con- stable English accommodated hint. Our shop -keepers have during the past week trade a good display of Xmas goods which makes the average Brussels boy exclaim, " Oh The O ddfellows' entertainment, which was to be held on New Year's night, has been postponed for a couple of weeks on account of the C.tnunittee failing to se- cure in time good talent for the occasion. Lisburn. Pttaal'TATION. —One of the bachelors in this section was recently presented by some of the Goderich ladies with a hand- some Poland rooster of brilliant plumage and the clarion strains of chanticleer are of great use to said bachelor these win. try mornings in enabling him to "shake off dull sloth, and early rise." He says he is glad the rooster wasn't a speckled hen, anyhow. I,traovirmar.+.—Mr. J. Horton has put up a large driving shed and stable on his premises. Mr. Frederick Horton has erected a fine kitchen, and Mr. J. J. Wright, of the Winter Branch Rotel, has also put up a neat verandah to his house for the accommodation of the travelling public. tseaeerelegaeal Report. State of the weather for the week end- ing Saturday, Dec. 11th, 1880. Dec. 5th—Wind at 10 ... South- west, brink gale, frost, cloudy.ratNumber of miles the wind travelled during 24 hours 700. Snow flurries during the day. Dec. 6th --Wind at 10 pant. South- west, brisk gale, snowing. Number of miles the wind traxelled during 24 hours 730. Dec. 7th—Wind at 10 p.m. South- west, brisk gale, cloudy. 'Snow flurries mostly all day. Number of miles the wind travelled during 24 hour 1,000. Dec. 8th—Wind st 10 p.m. South- west, brisk pie. Snow flurries during the day. Number of miles the wind travelled during 24 hours 980. Dec. 9th—Wind at 10 p.m. North, light breeze, cloudy. .ra inches of snow fell during the past 24 hours. Number of miles the wind travelled in 24 hours 798. Dec. 10th --Wind at 10 p.m. South, fresh breeze, cloudy. Snow flurries during the day. Number of miles the wind travelled to 24 hours 446. Dec 11th—Wind at 10 p.nu. South, fresh breeze, cloudy. Number of utiles the wind travelled during 24 hoarti told{ G. N. MACDONALD. Goderich Lighthouse Dec. 13th, 1880. ZOPESA, from Brasil, is now come into Canada. It is a mild purgative, acting as a wonder upon, and giving; strewth and energy to the digestive appatstus of the human stomach, oor- rading and increasing the acids, it is strongly anti -bilious and *rem off all surplus bile, tones up the liver, rives sound digestion and speedy health to the Dyspeptic and the Bilious. Ask F. Jarrow for a ten Dunt ample bottle and 1111, !!erecta the sew eeatpound, largo eight ounce bottles 75 cents. 1704 11,. Bio ista isle out Mit M W ilt�wsatly before, ttrat althoegh the Oseeernstivs part W an overwhslmiclltew p'i1F is callRrlii us it flea sat Aa +roiling of the popelie rola. A fist yelse figs number of eaestitisensies would - the Reform -(Toronto bttttt& w peace. -(Toronto Toiegnisn A man throwre d a et little tiNbsh . us for eggs, and not v g j at that We oscura to be to stet' prima JADdES A_ REID Ila. Just received a choice lot of NE-i7C- GOODS, New Dress Goods, Winoeys, Flannels, Blankets, Shirting's, Cottons, Prints, &c., which for value is unsurpassed. New Shawls and Matches, special value. shad et yetis 1-'Q i NQ Dmr 1.[HINT_-A rpleadid selection of Tweeds ?tad leers rout maaAs ear a suitor overcoat aglW made, well trimmed. :Es p ti pesos asst alae of charge. ser list.. vats and Drawers at close 77se Uetheet pules Nate Isr FRAM* ea Oa Jamas A.to. Jordan's Block, rich. Haxu YVU1L BAN'xis 4,1 THA OITIB WALL, FOY tall CAT 1n "(Down She Comes ! " When we say "Down She Comes" we refer to the It orb 1'ri. ea that hat c been asked in 14.. prat for Watches, Jewelry, Electro -Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. &c. W. T. WELSH Emulating the example of suoceesful business men, has MARLID RIR 000De DOWN TO THB LOWEST NOTCH.' and is determined not to be undersold by anybody. He has just received some really beautiful things in Electro -Plated Ware, which he determined to sell ata mail athwart on cost. per Sole Agent for Roca OuTerAL Seseramset, the most perfect fitting glass in the market. W. T. WELSH. 0 Tp D. C. Strachan's FOR Groceries, Crockery sad Glassware. The choicest Family Groceries always kept on hand, and at prices that cannot be treaten by any- houae In the trade. CASH PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE, The Old Stand south side of Court House Square. 1752 D. C. STRACHAN W. MITCHELL KEEPS " THE CHEAPEST AND BEST " Groceries, Crockery & Glassware, My stock 3 Dungannon Carriage Works B. POT, ■AXVV*T0lan Or C U1 ens, SLIER OA, ar. I pf►�ewe bead st few By�tas whisk w el fa , to (sate runs 16r ;Meter making CWMaaSleighs•a ft is aameba d whites ape toy, lamed (live Sae s call sod 1 will give you prices that maces W beats,. 1 and Jobbing done. A. B. cons LL of emusk1.L1e it. tApitt7t!f irid FIMNITIIIE CH EAPEF THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TOWN. IF YOV WISH TO SECURE —CALL Barak THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN AND INATICr tai $IAVTITULLY TINIRIIxi. PARLOR SETS, BED ROOM SETS, WASH STANDS, single and double ; DRESSING BUREAUS, FANCand all kinds of Good Furniture WanaaCtcre m, E SEAT CHAIRS, JOBBING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE MR A ?.ALL. Asir Saws well sharpened for 8 cents. Reinewil,er the Place • Hammilton Street, - Near Colborne Hotel, - Goderich, FARMERS LOOK HERE ! 0 1 won't be undersold by any other mut in the furniture business, as I uy close and buy for Dash and therefore will sell very ---CHEAP FOR CASH is now complete in every description. Mind, no liberal offer will be refused. rte -PICTURE FRAMING DONE AS CHEAP AS BY ANY OTHER FIitMIlli J-ATES G_ BALL, Market Street, (opposite Watson's Bakery) Goderich. IN TOWN—AND MAKEt, TEAS A SPECIALTY. GIVE HIM A CALL. W. MITCHELL, 1751 Hamilton Street, Goderich. HARDWARE OF E VERY DESCRIPTION Reduced to Bottom Prices Farm and School Belle, Household Hardware -at discount prices. Builders' -Hardware sad Tools at Wholesale Prices. Large contracts Riled at Manufacturers' Prions, G-_ H_ PARSONS, lest G}ODERICH. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G. BARRY, CABIIET AII IIIIIIEIIT Hamilton Street, Go derich. Wig Via, thatre ta of Kitchen. �edl.,Dining da, m and BBed teadsor Ma mien, such ria ds - Lounges, Sass, What -Note, Looking Glasses. Mss Wash -steads, N. R. --A complete assortment of ('owns and Shrouds always on hand, also Hearses for hire at reroseale rates. Picture Framing a specialty ,-A call solicited. 1701 • O. BARRY. Red, White and Blue ! Acheson G E O R G E Acheson New Dress Goods,Glovest, & Hosiery, JUST ARRIVED, 8E141-41:NT CHEAP_ ;II- BOUND TO GIl s BA,IIAIINS1761 MEDICAL HALL;, GODERICH. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist,' VA MIST RQ L' A RS,117OD:RICH aur Pbyata[a.sf reneeptime smoker Mgsneed.18 , alai Int exam . ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIADLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES. " It dos not dry vp a cough, and hare the cause behind, as is the .ass with mess preparations, but leoa.iu it, *Imam till l.Xp ani allays irri- tation, Mum reweaving As case of eotapleint." DO NOT Ba DZCz.ty ID by articles bearing a shear nage. Be sure you get DR. WISTARIA BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of " I. BUTTS " on the w r. 50 Cents and 41.00 a Bottle. Pre- par.d by 8srn W. Foots lk Sows, Boston, Sega d by druggists and dealers generally. ♦ Protected Ilolstlon of the lirotezlie et Iron. Is se easily digested and assimilated with the bleed se the M pleat food. When the blood dees not costaio the usual quantity of Iron. the deficiency can be supplied by the nue of th • PERUVIAN SrsDP. It ecus a "thousand i1M " simply h Toone) Ur, 1trvtsosumro. seJ Vtew aLaa the systole The ourIcbed and vitalised Mood every part of the body, repedar rj - end waste, ..srehing oat asovbid eeeretian., Sed leaving nothing for Seems to fled epee. This is the secret of the ir9yMhl esteems of Ws rrgaedy In carie, s, Liver Complaint, Boils. Chronic Diarrhea, Nitrous Alsctions, 'smite Complaints. nail all di.ea es otigieat;a M a had state of the bulged. or aees_yeMcd ,iehihq. w • leas Hulse of the system O,DT11D --1e sateen soluble "!'E 1 C 37A/r d UT." Bold by alleglefie gegen ally. Pamphlets sentew s Semi W. torte • Sew. ~ re rtpeitenrs. 9s Mee risen Areae. Aewea. Mss.