HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-24, Page 1TFi1RTl' wdot qK ; Dentistrj. 'VI NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- . TIdT, eines wdro.ldence, Wcaian's/. throe doors below Hank off Montreal. flotle- rich lief Ieelcal. MACKIU, M. = 11.,PHYBI- Surgeon and Atxuroucber, Graduate University. Otficeopposite (baker- :14 amey tr��M s Hank. Lucknow. if nog is Oise., at the Bank. 11111-y. 1R. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - AY OWN, Cwoner, kc. Ofilce and madame Ml Brew Street, ase• od door west of Victoria hisser- 1751. FIRS. SHANNON A HAMILTON, Ph nt ioe u l �a tete tb°rsiesr w Ooderich. O. net..1.'C. Haas. ver. ITA, J •AIfrNHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR e • to Dr. Descant Graduate of pp Fee eatesastsNew O. l r- Closet enable* tai w Newpt,s Street tart doors east HMel N. B. Horses examined as M It�rd- Neas. sates Legal. ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- RIHT1tf,Y, Attoeasrs, Montegors. eta. Goderich. J. T. Carrow, W. Proudfoot. 175L B. L DOYLE, BARRISEER A N D do • A Ona7, tiolielow la Cbaaooryi75ta. QRAGER & MORTON, BARRIS- TEIte te., dc., Ooderiak and Wioghast. C. Meager, Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton. Wing - ham. 1751, Q MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND Solicitor. Office --Corner of West Street and Market Square, over George Acheson's. Goderich. 1751. Vi CAMPION, T- 14. LAW. Solicitor In Chancery. Convey- ancer, he. Office over Detlor'. store. Gods - Kok Ont. Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of interest 1751-y. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Solicitors in Cbaasry, he., Oodarloh a•d Ingham. M. C. Cameron, Q C.; P. Holt K. G. Cameron. Goderich, W. E. Mac . *. Windham. 1751. Miscellaneous Cares. TAKES BMATLL, ARCHITECT, &e. Platoe Godes. gabeggen. ss.dn` Mme' esu oor t- . sad mason's work seimered �vs� R WATSON HOUSE SIGN ra sad Oaseatal Painter.. Parlor deeor- *t6ag made a specialty. O*Anrlwo. Gnaaso, Os.usa% Shop ea North Street opposite the RW4atry Mee, Ooderiel Uta 1TItATFORD BINDERY-ESTAB- KY LISHED 1611, This establishment IsWieldy devoted to job and library work. especially to lhalle unique and economical half all and mor- rowedyles. In all owesthebeat of stock and worlownehitined Bbidpeerryrwith strength store. 0*OROE STONE. • COMMERCIAL HOTEL, DUNGAN- NON, -Thi. first-class hotel. has recently been refitted and Improved soma to tarnish the beet possible accommodation to the travelling public. Oood liquors and choice viands a speciality. An attentiveostler always on bead. and excellent stabling and sheds, on the promises. Taos. Suit's. Proprietor. 1761. Loans anb insurance. 600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON, HOLT t CAMERON, Oode- rlok. 1730. *76,000 TO LEND ON REAL E S - IP TAT)L Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Ooderich. 6751 *60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND qv os Rood Farm a &steLts Town romrty at $ per tent APPLY to R. R ADCLITFPS_ 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY cent. Prl�vate t tefaaadda.t b borrowers to es ass and Hansom, Oodsrlob. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Mortgage at reseosabis rates of interest and on tem to salt borrowers, Address Jaatas erIWART, Sanford P. O. 1755. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE ascot of Private lands for investment at lowest rates oa Met -class Mortgages. Apply te HARROW t PROUDfOOT. MONEY TO LOAN. pTHrE�� CANA- Joon Lim t. Presfds t. Mew Mongo- 1s lett by this Company to individuals apes the asap system se to muabieatNias,--lead for Cleridere. HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. Agent, Gederlob. 1711 4010,000 1,000 P SArTa FUNDS TO LEND �R�E• Nerwa -D V""17 $ STOts, Oerk. R. RA." Life aid Estrag Animals. GODERICH, ONT., FRID�Y, D CEMBER 24, 1880. TRAY HEIFER CALF - CAME 1.3 Aibm• ae sttstaatIt at a titter, nod waft. The owner will Meese prove y. esiwearsMnf es and take it away. mem K_ L74L STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the aakrcriber, daring September, two Ms year cid; one greyand the ether red WM • white agar AA, r to Laos. W eat marked an their Viers will be w lt•Yy inforrnatioa` remodeeading l. MMeattae Toone. 1st 11 ewe. CNborae. 11Mit. EBTRAY H�[EIFER--CAWS TO THE gemedm Oalkaf�Ma� e•tsar w 1pI Nov., ma reded. mei mei bliMra.alsd year sad a halt old. The arum its sad take it away. MITER prope} Iinxmttr epro7RYJL 10, STRAY HORSES - CAME INTO THE escioeare of the subscriber, Iib Nov. Ielo.-adark hone with tour black lege a samara star on forehead. Owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. or he will he mid by publle Curate's swum Mart is the town of ( as Saturday, 6sh January. 1861, at 1 o' Y. MieuAar. O'MARA. 171141. Colborne, lath Nor. 1161. ESTRAY HEIFER --CAME ON THE of the aubscribert lot 6, tea, a ab Warm om t September, a fUID AND +g yarn old. The owner is requested to prove proppetrty, pay charm and take it away. -JAMES CAR*' . E8TRAY STEER -CAME ON THE .L4pr .tta the eabamiber, lot 11. ma 4, Ashaelte cm it; Also • 'earthworm* with red owner ie ora ow property, par The owner 1s aad take sit away.ed prove Moollu* er. charges,7 ESTRAY. --CAME ON THE PRE- misea of the a•dersigsed- Lot 4I 13 tit eon., Hallett, on or about the 1st- Sept,oaetwo year old Bens, and one one year old steer, heti rd and white. Teheee owner can have the sea. Rhos T' L mains° `d pe iltg CE AMON THE PREMISES OF the subscriber. about the loth of Novem- ber. two yearling steers, orae red, and the other red and white. The owner ie requested to prove property, Pay h•[�a sod tab them away. W Y. RoscnmON, Mtus111er P. 0. 17w-tt. For Bale or co Let. nom, AND LOTS NOB. 33 AND m of vieUdit sial Seat ateets, in tMr Mess pe arsons osteal,er will be Mars why 8 to Jas. lai . Arebiteet. e g:134a Molt, or J. C CURRIrt tucUosear. ,foe F& ARM FOR SAL-WEEIT HALF Lot No.1 , Con. Township of Ooderich. 'ltk arDEW Frame House *Wiliam a.T�6WIng span at the= w sssM et renew fade terms. Apply ultra 0.Ir.g PauTT on the premises. Porter'. Hill P. 0.. Ooderloi_ rp,: Or to Cacaos I1t*PPARD, Book Store, Oode- ricb Town. 17111-tm. TO LET-- A BLACKSMITH SHOP Conveniently situated- being in the im- mediate vice of 111111, Hotel and Post°Moe, `This Is • ALo stand for borseshoeing and ob.story frame dwell homee.. and shoe sloppe This 1. * rare cba oe for a good Blacksmith and Shoemaker. Apply at once to R. J. H. DsLono. Port Albert Ont 1782, S HEPPARDTON._STORE, WITH Stock fresh Office, and fie' with } acre land. good. Will sell on very easy terms, having other business to attend to. For further particulars a piy to R. T. HATNbt. Also 105 scree Of Iand, West half of Lot 5, on the 3rd eon., F B. Ashfield. Good Or- chard. Fraise House, and astable. Fifty acres cleared and well fenced. All the crop with 16 acrd of hay. will ).e given with lot. FL T. H. 1761. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, Lot 6, Con. it, Township of Colborne., Co. Huron containing 98 acres 75 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There i. • frame House Mat with cellar under the whole, kitchen 11s1A, wood shed lie .table 1 rift, for homes, also cow stable I4xY4, Then is a well with • sever falling spring, and • goodselected. Terms Forung orchard ith piratic lays 40 applj to Toon aa WATaow, pproprietor, Carlow or to Gamow It P$oVDroor. Ooderich, 11 1750. She People's Column. BOAR FOR SERVICE -A PEDI OREE Berkshire hoar Oren Bow Park) for service. Terms W be paid at time of nerviest F. BLEOICILLER. harm Road. WOOD WANTED -100 CORDS OF wood. good maple and beech, Mloan feet in tree from limbs and bank be vexed at the Ooderich public by Ma let of March. MMS. Tenders to b. Ew net t than ten oong►,will bs up to the undersigned rap to Shot W r. *rresmLs.. Bee.. 1H CORDWOOD WANTED. -711E UN- YMr toorw hio�i oasis y� : ~s iee hien gait eAi, 1736 MICE. -THE DM MMitlr 1t1ra.N,S UAL U ase tM �sl N rf•. 0-t, k 8 coy. Sdwhh, 95th es., -110 Q FIRS, . iea Alm egg aaztas la WM Ears Meek. t M 31.50 s TEUP AR IN$ADT1 NEWS ABOUT HOME. I 1Kunialipaal candidates are studying up their speeches around the firesides these cold nights. If they rehearse theut the unoffending children will have a rough time of it. - [Ez. Mies Trainer of the Central, will leave for Toronto on Monday nett to spend the holidays. Miss Bund will, on Tuesday nest, leave for Galt on a similar errand. The old subscriber is now renewing THE HYMNAL -At a meeting of the for his paper. cf.i.regation of Knox Church on Wed - The story appears in our supplement neadsy evening, it was decided to have this week. a vote of the congregation taken by bai- TarPZRI1wI Hy-- orsMr. W. Arthur' lot in the near future. has opened a temperance hotel on Victoria street, "A ohiel's awaag re. takla' notes. An' faith he'll prent it." TOWS TOPICS. A Merry Christmse. Christutas knees tai -morrow, „n the River. Ma. William Laa}am, hotel -keeper of Maitlandville, Let his valuable Ione Vtaanxo CAawa. --For New Years "Ned Hanlon,- recently. The auroral calling cards, plain or fancy, call at Toa died from an attack of inflammation or SIGNAL ufoe. epizootic; he was t Slued at $500. The Bone of Temperan.ee held an en- The band will be in attendance at the tertainment on Thursday of last week Skating Rink on Christmas evening. in the Temperance Hall. Admieuun 1b cts. The Rink will be open every afternoon to the little ones, admis- sion 5 cents. Season tickets free. A meeting will be held in the Temper- ance Hall this (Friday) evening, for the organization of a new Temperance Society. Boarders at the Brit.h Exchange were hunting venison with their tooth picks last week, Capt. Cox having received a deer from Toronto. ON Ting $Writ. -Our business men ought to be an honest sot of men -cer- tainly, most of them do their business "on the quare." HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EZA1aINA- 1zoN.-Seventy-five candidates have ap- plied for entrance to the Ooderich High School, Of theee, 38 are males, and 37 females. Cstkrarnces Tank, -The Sunday School children attending the M. E. church will gather around a Christmas tree this evening. The prooeedings will begin about 7:30. FUNERAL Saxttot.-The funeral ser- mon of the late Miss Mary McNeil will be preached by the Rev, G. A. Francis, in the M. E. Church on Sunday enening next, 26th inst, at 6.30, p. tat HAY PRzasita-We understand that Mr, D. Cavan, of Toronto, proposes to enter upon the btaineas of pressing hay in thu town. He is thinking of renting the warehouse of the Mesers, Detlor. SP*CIAL $ERviCFa -On Saturday morningat 11 o'clock, a Christmas ser- vice will be held in the North Street Methodist thumb. On New Year's a "watch night" service will also be held in the church, commencing at 9.30 p. m. PxasortnL -Mr. J. S. Runciman for- merly of Goderich, but more recently of Seaforth, where he hue been managing a foundry, has received a lucrative office from a large firm in Simcoe City, Iowa, and left last week for his new home. .6. S. will make friends, and keep them, too wherever he goes. CHANGE OF R R. Tine. -A change of time has taken place in the running of the G. T. R from Stratford to Goderich, by which the public will undoubtedly be benefitted by earlier mails and other conveniences. The trains now run as : Arrive -Mixed, 11 a m; Ex rens, In ; Mixed, 7.15 p m; Mixed, 9.50 p m ; Depart- Express, lam ; Mixed, 9 a m ; Express 12.05; p m; Mixed 3.15 p m. , GOOD STOea.-Registrar Dickson, at his farm in Tuckeremith, raises some ex- cellent stock. A few weeks ago he sold a fine young bull under a year old to Wears. Young of Colborne, for =125, and got a similar price for another young animal from a gentleman in Wawanosh. A two year-old steer raised by him took int prize at "Clinton and Goderich fat cattle shows, and is now on exhibition at R. McLesn's butcher shop. MtiwtooARY ME/Irma. -The annual sermons in behalf of Methodist Mission was preached in Dungannon on Sunday last by the Revs. R. C. Henders of Ash- field, and Dr. Williams of Goderich. At the Nile, in the evening the Dr, address- ed a very large congregation. The an- nual meeting was held in Dungannon and Nile on Monday and Tuesday even- ings, respectively, by Rev. C. Hamilton, and Dr. Williams, The congregations were large, and the results showed $ gratifying increase of contributions over last year. Gonzalez H. S. L 8. -The closing sneaking of the Goderich High School Literary Society was held on Friday evening. After the discussion of a very entertaining programme, the fol- lowing *Moon were elected for the en- =President, Mr. George H. let Via President, Kiss J. Cooke; Ind Viee President, A. Hender- son; $aoeatary, Mr. Wm. Donald; Sec- retary at Committees, Mies A. Jenkins; TL...Y..rMr. Ofua, Rutherford; &S- tets_ b,sg.ill rc Librarian, Mr. W. J. h•A' Counsellors, Miss M. McKay, Itis >�MadiraMr. T. E. Miller. 0101101111 TN, Tries. -One of our beet loom sad most genial railway conduct- ors was vie&vdsed into "setting it up for the bays" bast Tuesday, and after this fashion: --*B wished to Bail over to Thhe& Stn felassl. lad Stir not care 011111111i Owes, and 1gi1�tl to his Its. tf ' M coos velssb.ted - es a batdaillgh, w - *lid *1St., a sojtrt*t..rthe 'Wan." Mr. MsWilliatas et ones previded the at bandelsigb ped bade their and "She s.0 sinned" was east 7i'Ise& kis pita as pee - singer for the *one% blit is the Want drew oat feta the WYdls of the road he weekwsd gad ..A*sd Men say farther, saying "Dial it all, the het thing ire know it WMgrh into Tna nearu. ' All bads thin of ►W'r.erjt d to inh r'view Fred, and have a laugh over the "circus 'INTRA NCR CARD. Auctionesring. Age 00'T. Tonorreo netabntits Oa et Let... Hisigi d►- • , et 11 Barrow. Corm. tM leaser u W .AC$ IORAWaesL .4 aiwArAvirwevimenuseriyt tonsorial, Mto t ar Cast `--Gesges msMa -- gerity. fovea W M MOHACE HORTON. lederlah . sept M WM t}p PRACTICAL DAR- *. ""4 sap, yes. Swear CIDER. -Lovers of clarified sweet cider an have all they want by going to H. W. Ball's store near the market. The cider is from the orchard of Mr. F. Seegmiller, and put up in four gallon kegs, at 25c a gallon. Call early. "Gate's ALMA IAu. -We hare been favored with some advance sheets of Grip's Almanac for 1881. The whole gives promise of being ahead of anything of the sort yet published in Canada, the letter press, as well as the cartoon+, being full of fun. PEsaEtrTATIoN. --Ott Tuesday evening the pupils of the clams taught in the North Street Methodist Church, Goderich, Mr. George Cox, met attheir teacher's house, and presented him with a fine small pica edition of the new Methodist hynm book. ti Then followed a happy time all round. Out Surrita$RYT,-We have been forced by a crush of advertising to issue a supplement this week. The holiday season has been taken advantage of by our patrons to announce their bargains in a "louder' style than usual, and we have endeavored to satisfy both them and our readers by our supplement. This week's (,Trip strikingly illustrates the sentiment 'of the country on the Syndicate Bargain. The picture is cal- led "Hot Haste," On the Government stove steams the Bargain tuuah. The Montreal Gazette struggles to swallow the scalding dose. Sir John as nurse, and Sir Tupper as physician, anxiously en- deavor to force the obnozioua compound on the Opposition. But the Opposition don't take it. Rarntt vs. St -000r. Tetorrzza. -The retiring trustees this year, Messrs. Crabb, Swanson, Buchanan and D. Fer- guson, have all signified their intention of presenting themselves for re-election. These four gentlemen have been for a long time connected with our educationtl interests, and will, we believe, obtain re-election at the hands of the ratepayers. We have not as yet heard of an opposi- tion which can be so called. SCsacrro or CAEN.-A Detroit des- patch says: -The Grand Trunk Company recently refused 2,000 carloads of freight at this point for lack of cars. Superintendent Lamour, of the western section, is harassed by urgent demands for `more cars," and there is every rea- son to believe the line will be doubled and additional cars built at an early date. Barley dealers in Ontario have lost heavily by the inability of the road to transport promptly. QVALLncATioN Or CANDIDATat. -As there is a good deal of talk about this one and thht one being properly qualified to fill municipal offices, we have clipped the following from the Toronto Ermine Telegram, on this question, and intend ing candidates should study it up: - Citizens who contemplate running for municipal offices would do well' to look into the Municipal Act passed at the last session of the Local Legislature, so that they may make themselves sure as re- gards their qualification. Sec, 265 of the Municipal Act where a property qnalification is tequineA, provides that the person is tor<take and subscribe to a solemn declaration, the conclusion of which states: "And that such estate at the time of my election was of the value of at leant (specifying the value) over and above all charges, liens and incuot- brances effecting the masa " Mr. Dalton in Practice Court reports, �S p��� .549, April 16, 1875; in K, Ez. reel. BON +e, McLean, held: Notwithstanding the use of the word 'estate' in the dealers - tion of a candidate ander the Coa.oAid t- ed MunnAct 1873, that he is never- theles.,gimU sd if the rating of the value on the roll is sulkiest to amount. No °banr hie bees made in the law that incumbrances are not to be eomidered in aa3•etainitlg the amount of vilifies - tion. Sea 3. Chap. 94, of the of Ontario, amends sea 70 of He Muni- cipal Ael by adding after the words "to at less lir waive (%Sewing" in the twelfth lilt thereof, the works "ever and above d ehognes,liass and iasumbgarese dilating the setae." $o thre WI itlasd- rag ee aridates for whether as mayors, saamaioaipi same reeves, ablsemeu or aa - look well after their title &ads, and see that they are not sbslliehed with toe many liens, Membrane's ad maths ornaments, or if they ss*, to ase that they are smear al at endleisert vale* to est elf three ansa----* A area maned Wm. Leas ls, foRm.r- 11yy or W reuresr .loped wile . young lady, ds..rtilag s .isle .ad family. An olisr d the law is on their week ta B4 City, Mich. I H RRY SMITH'S moats. A Lis*B..anew reevesd a by a Wids. awake Mat. (Moe of the most noted business tatab- liahutents in Goderich is that of H. H. Smith, familiarty known •a "Hurry Smith's" Beaver Store. It has pitied tied during past years a reCation and • name, and is as noted in Hu),P County as "$coven's" is in Toronto„ Over ten years ago, Mr. Smith, (then a young man possessed of good business parts but little money), conceived the ides ,.f establish- ing a gents' furnishing house and cluth- iug eulporium, which would eventually acquire a County reputation. After en- tering into business he found himself in the position of the nun out West who, when asked to give a financial statement, remarked, "Wall, ye see, I'm about 11100 in debt, and got a darned poor credit, so I,guess that's a guarantee I won't stick anybody to the extent of a million". From proportions thus smell sprang the establishment which now has assumed such mammoth proportions. By strict at- tention to business, quare dealing, close adherence to one price on plainly mark- ed goods, giving excellent value for every dollar left at the store, and ap ir- reproachable business integrity, Mr. Smith has succeeded in building his trade up to its present wonderfully suc- cessful position, The store itself Is one of the handsomest outside of the large cities, the windows being of the finest plate glass, serving to light most fully the spacious show -room, 70 x 22 feet. A stair lads from the show -room to the cutting establishment and tailoring room where the manufacturing of the goods is so well attended to. The sale room is packed with the latest goods in endless variety, the salesmen are atten- tive and obliging, and the large corp. of employees in the tailoring department prove conclusively that a most extensive business is being done at the "Beaver Store." This issue, on our fifth page,will be seen a mammoth advertisement draw- ing attention to the fact that at Harry Smith's emporium a great We is con- templated which will commence to -day (Friday, Dec 23rd), and last until Feb pat, 1881. There will be a perfect ',laugh- ter in slaters, overcoats, suitings, and gents' furnishings of all kinds, hats caps, scarfs, gloves, mita, handkerchiefs, pectin, cuffs and collars, galore. If anything is wanted in any of the above lines or if you wish to get snits with a fit guaranteed, do not fail to visit the "Beaver Store", and avail yourself of the advantages offered during the next six weeks, LEGAL NOTES. TYkat alar Trasa feed *aWag the Week. COUNTY COURT AND Gaxaist Slan1024s. -The County Court and General Ses- sions were opened on Monday . Wt at 10 o'clock pursuant to adjournment. The unfinished canes of Parsons es Yager and Denbow ra the Ontario Bank, not being ready the County Court was adjourned to the 30th at 10 o'clock. The sittings of the General Sessions will be con- tinued for some days, for the purpose of selecting jurors, the selectors being, the Judge, Junior Judge, Sheriff, Warden and Trusurer. BENCH WARRANT RFxuLT.--A bench warrant was issued for the arrest of Thos Rolp of Gorrie, against whom a true bill was found on Wednesday last. APPOINTED. -Mr. Joseph Driver has been appointed Constable at Fordwich by the County Judge, at the request of the magistrates of the place. House Nee- West Grievance,. In the House of Common■ on Mon- day, Mr. Cameron (Huron) asked for a return showing the name and nationality of each of the Agricultural instructors to the Indians in'' the North-west, with the various particulars in relation to the same; and also for a return showing the name and nationality of the Government land guides in the Mirth -wait. In speaking to this, Mr. Cameron cited a couple of instanoea that came under his own ob- servation in the North-west, wherein emi gnats were put to great inoonvenienoe and taken out of their way by the igno- rance of the guides, and ntsde the sub- jects of petty extortions. Mir John Maodonaid agreed to the mo- tion, and promised to investigate tie Dass. of extortion, which, he stated, were entirely without theauthorityof the Government. The receipts of revenue on aoa,unt of the Dominion Con.olidatsd Fund from Jdy 1 to November 90, 1880, amount to i13,0'1b,JN; for the same period last year 118,Nb,218. The total expenditure for the eta period, 1860, was S0, 114, - 15, sad for 1879, 99,949,890. The gnat timber sae. of McLaren v. WawMart e1 h bees decided, s seas a far hr Mart d is.etsese..d, in favor tt bks les*s kir Pnved- Mot that he we. heeled by the iodides of Coax of Ossaaon Pleas is tie am* N bleat v. DL.heea. The ansa * S be lakes be the Oise at Appeal, as 10-- tisn ie.ah s bide 7.hraary. A Oakes has eseurr.r is Aeiaatee, .s the reef all a &w.6 between the eel - mist Perleadliyt wo satire mid the egosetad ea Oa mesal, as t an le leek erase/ TM rebellion was s=riresssed the maths agreited sed M slats. y impeieon- Tama Robert ,Tahe of Moes, .hoe restive riser in OHRISTMA8 STOOK SHOW. Fat Meet, Perk and resitsy to race Mem. Although there I, ere some fine exhib- its at the Christmas Show, held under the auspices of the West Huron ARricul tursi Society on Friday last, ye the whole thing seemed to fall flat. There were ninety entries, and many of them would have dons credit to any show, but the want of enthusiasm, toad the lack. of support given by those persons in whose interest the show is principally got up, told against its success. The place of exhibition is one unsuited for the dis- play of dressed meat, poultry, eta., and the bare rafters above and the shilling ice beneath were enough to send cold- ness to the heart of even • butcher. ap- prentice. What we need in Ooderich on such an occasion is a good central pl•oe, the market house for inatanoe, whieh min be temporarily fitted up fur such • purpose at a small cost, and a little more encouragement front the public and men of business in town. The drill shed is too large and uninviting at this season for such a purpnee. The live stock shown was hardly up to the nark as a whole, but there was some tine pork and mutton exhibited. The turkeys and geese were particularly good, and were neatly dress- ed by the exhibitors. There is a feeling abroad that the show as now carried on is not in the best interests of the Society, and that unless a little more encourage went is given it will have to fall through. The following is the prize list: Fat Steer-lst Jas. Dickson, Tucker- amith; 2d Jos. Tewaley, Colborne, shown by R McLean, butcher; 3d Jas Dick- son. Fat Heifer -Lt D. Campbell, Tucker - smith, shown by R McLean; 2d John Washington, Wawsnosh, shown by S. Andrews, butcher; 3d Samuel Oke, Col- borne. Mutton -let J. Curring, Hullett, shown by 8. Andrews; 2d Humphrey Snell, shown by 8. Andrews; 3d Andrew Whitely, shown by R. McLean. Pork -1st Jos. Gooier, shown by S. Andrews; 2d Pat Carroll; 3d Willett Pot- ter, shown by R. McLean. Owes -pat, 2d and 3d, Thomas Lear, Hullett. (A magnificent show.) Turkeys--l.t Thos. Feer; 2d M. Cress man, ahown by R. McLean; 3d Thomas Fear, Hullett- Ducks-let John Govier; 2d T. Fear; 3d John Gooier. Chickens -1st and 2d Thos. Fear; 3d John Govier. Butter -In crock -1st Willett Potter; 3d Robt. Medd; 3d John Curring. Table butter -pat John Curring; 2d John Govier; 3d Robt. Medd. JUDaa.-Chas, Robinson, Dungannon; John Shipley, Clinton; Sheriff Gibbons. Wm. Young, President; R, B. Scott, Treasurer; J, S. Varooe, Secretary. THE MODEL SOHOOLS. The Result et the *teem t=aesltatiea. The pupils attending the second sea cion of the Goderich and Clinton Model Schools were examined on Thursday, 16th inst., and the examination oonclud ed on the 18th. The following mark. were secured by the candidates who were awarded 3n1 class certificates: Ames, J. Maria 357; Barritt, A. Mary 425; Cassidy, Eliza 434; Flemming, Minnie 393; Goodridge, E. Florence 349; Hays, Clarity 420; Keefe, Mary ; McConnell, Lizzie 424; Mc- Kinley, J. Maggie 404; McGowan, R, Annie 460; Murray, Mawe 392; Price, A. Mary 448; Radcliffe, Margaret 405; Sparks, Helen 454; Sturgeon, Alice 482; Traquair, Jeannette 413.; Wilson, Marion 406; Grant, Jaines 409; Mair, Asa 427; McDonald, A. Douglas 432; McKay, Charles 460; McKenzie, Kenneth 406; MoTaggsrt, James 374; McQueen, Wil- liam 420; Mustard, James 463; Leslie, Maggie 423. It was moved by Mr. Dewar, seconded by Mr. Malloch, that all those attending the 2nd session of the Model Schools who received sixty per cent. of the aggregate marks receive cer- tificates -Carred. Moved by Mr. Mal- loch, seconded by Mr. Gregory, that Mies Bella Wrightman receive a certifi- cate for the three years -Carried. Moved by Mr. Dewar, seoonded by Mr. Malloch that the Secretary be instructed to notify these candidata who pawed the Intermediate Examination and also the Model School Examination to forward the Seoretary the Intermediate oertifl- ates they received so that the marks, may be entered in their Sad clam serti5 cater --Carried. Moved by Mr. Deeper seconded by Mr. Malloch that 66j per Dent of the total aggregate of the pro- fessional examination be Wreck welt year to obtain 3rd claw dent.•-#r- ried. Moved by Mr. Gregory, seeended by Mr. l4alloob, that atter having heard the oorrespondenoe read between the Chairman of this Board and the Educe tion rtmentto the examin- atiata Mr. Williams and well kaowiag the horribly had woe done by hfta M arithmetic, flat the 471mirman of the Board is justified by to in the o eras he hr parried in the moor --Carried Mewed by lr. lbliooh jseood by M M.Orsgor,, pavan r that tie .sj tat �s. .rrsaglag for lefftin}sds the in Chairman foe w base bang. -Candid Cell sail w S. C. Robertarrs i0 a mater $ase t. Maas to Lo4o. - Prtvse ftsd. et korai o, se of intesaat. Apply to Ge 6/LT. -Beautiful Ver, of minas &sigets N prises .are to snit, Dell sod