HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-17, Page 8,l
New AdverSLetstemil..
Dowry -- Wm. Retry.
% Nand 0.11. Old.
Holiday Goods -J. C. Dettur.
Wood %Vented -W. MUM(!:.
Ilreadand lakes -L
Tu the Lkctun-Ale s. iVat,tw.
(tenet Weaving -lin Kingston utlest.
county Ootut.
N.•ture His Honor Judge Sgt':
Tu y, IJee. 14.
Court opened at 12 o'sloa, noon,
The following is the1ist of
Tilos Anderson . Ashfiehl ; Ed Arm-
str,ng,God ' nsld Boyd, Ashfield;
Josep[h Beck Mai t land ville ; John
Broderick, H ; Win Frazer, Howiok;
John Fowiei. ullett; Win Gray, Mortis;
John Lee, Mullett; Douglas McTavish,
Moil McGill, Stanley •
Stanley ; 'K y , David
Melnt(t$fi, llrucefield ; Daniel Ran,
Exec W 11 o.teen, Fast Wawanouh;
Rich Tho upson, McKillop; T.
SasMael Youhill, Wingham; Win. T.
Whitely, Goderich, foreman.
• 10 aa.h,ck,- .Dao• 14. i SQR 7N OO1 NTY COUNCIL.
A3utirk.A tonpursuant to _
ad uttrrfinent. I
loom rl ef,reet11a7 • ar Ike M lagbes
sit vs ltadclrl[e-•Acuuu her breach _ -
*r -Ulna
ty of a horse. Ms, B. L i
for plff, Mr. Harding( for deft 1Yilt$ba1a, Dec. li.
eudict for pltt for $1'3:0. I'lu, +'ou.:.:1i govt pµtsetint 1„ adjowv-
Thursday, Dec, 11
Court open in clue furca at 9.30.
The Grand Jury brought in the
To Ilia Boum. Judge Squire.
The Grand Jury of our Lady eke
Queen present: That ui conformity
with your suggestion anti a sense of dui
on our part, we have . visited the gaol.
We dud it' all thirteets prisoners, 11
males and 2 females. One Wheatleigh
I,as now beetle confined fur 2 weeks to
default of bonds to keep the peace. The
Gaoler speaks highly of his conduct
while a prisoner, and trays that he has
suffered severely from sickness during
his imprisonment. In view of these
facts we would recommend, if not de-
feating the ends of justice, he be dis-
charged. One female and three male
prisoners are undergoing short terata (d
imprist nment for minor offences. 'flier°
are three males, Kelly, Mann and
Williamson confined as vagrants, the two
last named apparently contented, the
first named, who is comparatively young
man, fee s much aggrieved at (wing styled
a vagrant. one prisoner is serving a
term, for larceny. A very intelli-
gent Noun;; wan (ill is aAM'ink
since Nov. 1st, his trial for forgery.
Another Young man Was‘ yester-
day brought in on a charge ,ef lar-
ceny. A very sad case is that of ail
insane young man named Scarff. The
necessary papers are wade out for his
inuneaiate renewed to the asylum. We
ala, found a y.•ung Somata whoa, your
lr. Foreman and Gentlemen of the
:rand Jury, -The duty which devolves
upon me of ieetr•ucting you as t., your
duties is fortunately for ate, not a very
arduous one, for I perceive by toe
Sheriff's Calendar, and this is the only
intimation I have of the fact, that there
are no prisoners in gaol whose offences
will require your consideration.
tine person is confined for want r.f
sureties to keep the peace. He was
t' ago brought before me for
see, I Homer iters roceutl sentenced to the
discharge, but, upon examination of the y
Reformatory fur six
1 w Mercer
papersoallow its W
g use proper t h
I thought e p peI tuoiiths, for concealment of birth. This,
await his release until the General Ses-
sions. Scariff, the inane pprisoner, will' alth„ugh an apparently severe sentence,
be removed at once. Williamson, wt'-. will have a beneficial effect upon the
tined for four months as a va_erant, will unfortunate girl. We inspected the
be supported by the County, 1 am sorry carious apartments used by the prisoners
say, for that period. The ptiaoner and find a c.,atmendable aspect of clean -
Henry was sentenced by ire this lineae and enter pervading them. The
morning to six months' confinement in Gaol officials showed ua every possible
"The Andrew Mercer Reformatory for attention. We would remark that the
Females" at Toronto. She was charged
with concealment of birth .ef a child,
which of itself is a very serious crime;
but upon yl r,and
opexamination of the evidence fence of them which shoe!' :,e settled by magas
of the anupon Coroner,cDr. McLeann of ye trate!. Th :. some instances a serious
views thought, that McLean, I ntiscarriage of justioe u brought about
ras I sel think, the sin.er through Justiceof the Peace, wittingly
fantihad narrowly escaped „harp of ie- or inadvertently, allowing themselves to
about s e. Considering thought
her prresettt age, be duped by interested, disorderly liti-
ahout seventeen, I thutnghtpropwr to re-
move her from her present surroundings
and give her the opportunity of learning
a useful trade, by sending her to the
newly established Reformatory.
Let rile say to you that the lightness of
your duties is due somewhat to the ab-
sence of crime in the County; but main-
ly to the fact that all the minor criminals
disposed f . the"County Judge'$
excessive use of intoxicants would op -
pear to be the chief factor in producing
inmates for our Gaol Your Grand Jury
would also asy that canes come before
&dent, the 11'4
uouncilhors were
Allan, Sion.
'flit' min
au l approved.
A petition was real from Johu Moffatt,
and seventy nth re of the village of
4Vr.,xeter, pntyiib; that a Bylaw ke
passed eumpelluig ,awken andi,eddlets,
to pay s licensee of 4100 to the, County.
Referred to School aud Printing Com-
mittee. A petition was read from Mr.
Kidd and 29 others, of Seaforth, to the
save effect. Also a petition of Mr.
114nna and IS others. of the town of
1 tue;l.aui to the sawn eIleet.
fhe report of Mr. t:ibson, road com-
missioner, was road awl refereed to Road
anti Bride;,. c.eaorrittee. Also the report
of mi.. Hardy. 1\4.g C L 4 111ssiOner.
Twelve tendeas for gaol supplies were
re:.n1ed to the 1:a, 1 and Court House
• A number set aocetti is were referred to
the Financial committee.
Moved by Mr. Walker, seeondetl by
Mr. Girvin, that each tuunioi4ality be
pod its boundary line appropriation, as
per schedule ,,f last June minutes.
Moved by Mr. Strachan, seconded by
Mr. Hislop, that the sou of 417 IMI re-
couped to the township of Grey, said
sum being paid for the erection of a
bridge on the assuuted boundary line be-
tween the townships of Grey and Elma.
Referred to Financial committee.
A letter w•as read from Mr. Meyer in
reference to the new road allowance to
to 114 chair. All the
*maid Mesas.
her and Carter.
iT yesterday were read
114--4--Menus. Griffin, Keit Kay, haulll,x s(s,d w Court /louse, 3. :
va,u ('I Cuuk Hia4 lie. ah wsrJ, s4►tiouery, 16.15; .
r Xmas Presents.
x egg, Hllr fall rpt in
Illays, Gaunt, iiejearth, *der, ('hidley, Spred, lenitive and repairs to bride'.
Tuclersmith, $17,00; L+ Brut', turhiw.t,
opinion in referenda to improving suss.'
M , Meq Bookman. Hardy,
Kid . tldlber, %Ohre, Leckie
Strachan. Grabam, 1Vhitely. Forsyth;
Weir, &sou, Feed, Young, MuMitlan
acid Castle- 24.
Moved by Mr. Buchanan, wounded by
Mr. Kaiue, that this Council do tow d-
emi to meet again at 8 o'clock p. m. ---
gents. Frere papers submitted to us
in the matter of R. Ferguson, it would
appear that incipient Donnellyisni is
germinating in some sections of our
County. We would therefore urge upon
magistrates the necessity of their fear-
lessly doing their duty. We beg to
congratulate your Honor on the light
are upue a to criminal record. We do so, keeping in
Criminal Court," where thepersoncharg- mind
northe and arees dishich come posed of at the yourfore
edis at once brought before mo and rim Sessions. We have to thank your
Into -
elects to be tried by me upon a convene- Honor for the kind and dear manner in
ent dav or to await his or her trial by a which you instructed us as to our duties.
jury. During my term, some four years
two persons have elected to be tried by, The County Attorney has also renderedus valuable assistance in his customary
urbane manner.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
W. T. WHrnLr, Foretaste
a jury, and I have disposed of over one
hundred and sixty charges during the
same period. I am informed that the
Crown will have some business for your
consideration. It is said that a person His Honor, in reply to the present -
residing in the County has suffered in-, ment, stated that he had this morning
juries at the hands of his neighbors and discharged Wheatleigh on his own re -
that the magistrates in the vicinity re- cognizance, in the hope that his gaol ex-
perience would cure him of his penchant
for wife -beating and furniture breaking.
One vagrant was now in gaol who made
it an annual thing to seek warm quar-
ters during the winter months and come
forth in the spring, fresh and vigorous;
but this would continue to be the case so
long as Justices of the Peace could be
found: to fill out commitments for such
characters. He had issued a bench war-
rant against the man Ferguson. In con-
clusion, he thanked the Brand Jury for
the faithful and efficient manner in
which they had carried out the matters
entrusted to them, and discharged them
from further obligation.
fuse to give him any redress. If his
statement is correct the magistrates are
inking a serious mistake. The remedy,
however, is in your hands and I have no
doubt you will apply it when the Crown
sends you such evidence as is applicable.
In this, as in all matters coming before
you, you will have the able assistance of
Mr. Lewis, the Crown Attorney.
It is your privilege, and in some sense
'y -our duty, to examine the County Gel,
High School and other institutions in
which the County is interested and to
make such presentation regardiug teem
as you may think proper. Whatever
you may say will be forwarded at once
to the proper authorities. Whenever I
receive intimation that your duties as ( enmity Judge's Criminal tent.
Grand Jurors have been performed I
shall be happy to discharge you. I Regina ya. Annie Henry -On Tuesday
Denbow vs. Ontario Bank -An inter-
pleader issue. Mr. H. W. C. Meyer for
plff; Garmw & Proudfoot for deft.
Sarah Denbow, the plff. lives in the
township of Morris, near Brussels. Her
a.n in conjunction vi,ith his father pur-
chased a threshing machine from the
Joseph Hall Co., Oshawa, and gave their
nates for the same which were ,,discount-
ed at the Oqtario Bank, Oshawa. Short-
ly before the Bank obtained judgment
against the Denbowa, the son executed a
mortgage to his mother on all his goods
and chattels. The Bank claims that the
chattel mortgage is invalid. Judgment
and agreement postponed.
Molson's Bank vs.- Blake et al -Action
en promissory notes, of defendants who
had left for pests unknown. Gsrrow &
Proudfoot for elff; deft. not represented
by counsel. A erdict for plff by consent
for $1,111.96. Immediate execution
moved for and granted.
Molson's Bank s -s. Oke Action on
promissory note. This was an action
involved by the decamping of Blake &
Co., for whom deft was an endorser.
Gurow & Proudfoot for plff; deft not
represented by counsel. Verdict for
plff by consent for 41,921.39. Immedi-
ate execution moved for and granted.
McPhillips vL Sanders et el-Aeliom
on prossaory Rate. Cameron, Holt &
Cameron for pill; deft not represented by
comma Veriest for pitf by eegent for
Cameron et of vs Oke -Action on bond.
Cameron, Holt & Cameron fox plff; deft
net reprommisd by oouneol \ erdict for
oil by .aassst for $4.000. Tmmediate
Ise Isis. aborad for and granted.
Oamsns et al va Blake of al-Adios
ea pasike y !tela Csasroa, Bs&
Comm for pill; 111111 MI rept by
Mer Verdict for pig by cosset for
41L90. Immediate execution moved
for sed granted
Panes vs. Yager - Qnitem action for
M.seleffillestion of partnership. ()arrow
& Aovdfoot and E Campion for puf;
ler. B. L Doyle for del. Judgment
(loasr;ar n. Linton Action on pro-
miesoey nob. °err(o r & IR/vitiated N-
ernpl: Mr. E. Ro.gw, for deft. Judg-
ment reserved.
Court adjourned at 3 o clock
last the prisoner appeared for sentence.
The Judge considering the crime a very
serious one, sentenced her to Aix months'
confinement in the Mercer Reformatory
at Toronto. This is the first person sent
to that institute from this county.
Thursday, Dec. 16.
Joseph Wheatleigh appeared being en-
able to procure sureties for the pesos.
This is the wife beater who was sent to
1 some six weeks ago in default of
ding sureties. His Honor, being of
opinion that a salutary lesson had been
taught prisoner, allowed him to depart
after he (Wheatleigh) had entered into
his own recognisance in 4100 to keep the
ppeessooss towards Fanny, the beloved of his
bosom, for one yer.r.
Oodstich Township.
8 o'clock. p.m.
Council re.ttutal, the Warden to the
Moved by Mr. Kanto, wounded by
Mr. Hardy, that this Couucil betel a,l-
journingg ter the year desires to toucey
to Mr. Slemuion, the respected Deputy
Reeve of they, its sympathy for him in
hie protracted illness, which now, for the
second session has kept his seat vaeAlit,
and that the Clerk be requested to com-
municate to him the purport of thin re-
solution -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Keine, seconded by Mr.
Young, that the sum of $5 he paid to
each of the road commisaionen foe lost
age and stationery.
Report of the Salaries commit:a- u;ea
read and adopted.
Application of Chief Constable Currie
for the continuation of the salary that
was allowed to the late Chief Constable
Trainer, said salary amounting to 4175.
We recommend that the grant be $100,
to take effect from the date of his ep-
Application from the Clerk a the
Peace, fur a stated salary in lieu of all
fees, now payable tt, ltini by the County.
We would recxnntend that the sum of
$1,100 be paid Mr. Lewis, which sun,
Mr. Lewis has signified he will accept.
Bayfield bridge. Referred to Finance This sum to be paid quarterly.
Committee. All of which u respectfully submitted.
Report of Mr. Girvin, rued commission- A. L GIBSON, Chairtuan.
er, was read and referred to Road and Moved by Mr. Young, seconded by
and Bridge eotntnittee. Mr. Griffin, that all the plans and ape -
A number of accounts were referred cificationa fur building bridges be return -
to Finance Committee. ed to the Clerk of the County as they
Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. may be found serviceable for future
Hannah, that the Clerk send blank forts bridge building, after the contractor has
of tenders for the county printing for finished the work, with the cost of the
next year, the shite as heretofore. work attached -Carried.
Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by
Moved by Mr. Gibes n, seconded by Mr. Walker, that private contractors
Mr. McMillan, that in future all adver-
tising be done by the paper that does
the county printing. Lost on a division
by a majority of 33.
Moved by Mr. Grahalu, seconded by
Mr. Ford, that this Council do now ad-
journ to meet again at 3 o'clock p. rt'.
to -morrow. Carried.
o' (' t Holten 140.90; TUB Ht;su0
I our House, ,6•t; eloderick r
Saull•L, adverting*, TN[ llt'Iwh
Stew, advertising. 2. John tote"
S1/1HAL, adv.rtis,lty, 16.96;
W elk, -
sr, repairs use Cues! Hose, Registry
(Mks nod (:r d, $16.10; Juke Auisley,
for keep of iug(duui luck -up, $20.00; f
N. F Armlet.' tyl for Weill pump,
Tae-MMtrnxo.-The annual tea -meet-
ing of the Union Presbyterian Church
will be held on Thursdaytreating, Dec.
23rd. Addresses will delivered by
Revs Dr. Williams and Francis, of
Goderich; Rev. J. Pritchard, Manchester;
Rev. R W. Leitch, Dungannon, and
Mr. A. Meldrum, Toronto. Tea served
at 6 o'clock; speaking to oommence at
8. Rev. Dr. Urs, of Godericb will
occupy the chair, mad oasis will be fur
nisi by the choir (4 Kora Church,
tae thi season far Aflame all Itis prev-
oes anewpt. to cater for his numerous
rienJs ett the forthcoming
force um ,
41.90; C. M. Duult 1, arresting Archi-
bald MclIride fur llbw *testing, x.00;
H. W. C. Meyer, r t o wayK needy -
field bridge, $57• ravel•
horse hire, $7.00; Thomas Hood, g
luig a 'preach to hayfield belle, 46.00;
Are, Ent, advertisilt*, $2.70; has. Luv-
tett, removing driit-wood at Summerhill
bridge, $3.00; Jonathan McBrieu, re-
pairing Sunuuerhill and L ndesbroupsh
bridge, $0.50; D. Menzies, expenses as
road commissioner, $37.30; Wm. Wile ,
repairing %otlaud bridge, $19.50; W.
Lite, coal fur Registry Office, $22.52;
Exeter Times, County printing, $111.96;
Brussels TOO, advertising, 11; Seaforth
Just, advortiaing, >fl; ,J, Meadows, r.-
pwiriug Brussels bridge, $1.00; Charles
Girvin, reed commissioner's expense?,
$34.50; A. t:ihe.'n, read comruissionere
expenses, $10. All of which is respect-
fully submitted.
Fasn. 1V JoHiorros,
Moved by Mr. Gibson, secoudel by
11:r. McMillan, that the Warden be
authorized on behalf of this Council to
cituvey the thanks of this Council to the
hlayei en beludf of the people of the
town of 11 ingham, for the very generous
and kindly treatment this Council has
experienced, at their hands while in sea-
sion here, and also that the Council is
very much . -..titied in witnessing the
very evident ;, lois which the town
shows of poet - and enterprise. We
would also lei t. $tank the exditun and
proprietor!' of 11e- 1 inghaw newspapers
for their courtesy en furnishing ua with
the latest issue of their Paper. Carried.
On motion the Council adjourned.
Europe, 1.t.t, tires and America have
been ranaaeled. and made le c,ntribrts
their latesc -
Dec. 11th.
Council met pursuant to adjournment
the Warden in the chair. All the mem-
bers present except Moen. Allan, Det -
County spite driver in the County The minutes of yesterday were read
pay 42 per day for the use of the and appN
sae, not including the days in retinue -e- By-law
I'4". 9, 1880, was read and kk,ac-
ing and returning it, on condition that
making provision to pay the Clerk of
said contractor have an order for it from the Peace a salary in lieu of fees payable
the Reeve of the wutuatpaltty where to him by the CountT
such work is being executed-Cerritid Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by
Report of the Road and Bridge
Strachey'. that the Council do now
mittee was read and adopted. adjourn.
REPORT Or ROAD AND 501DU[ (OwMITTLL aslddro Death.
Report of Mr. A. L Gibson, bridge 1 loan nameyt William Squger,
commiaioner. We would recommend who resided on one of the short
that the suggestions in his report be streets running off West -street, died
rather suddenly on Thursday morning.
Deceased was an Englishman, and had
been in Canada some six years. For
five years he had been afflicted with
heart disease, liver complaint and
dropsy. About two years since he re-
moved from Clinton to Goderich, and
Po401141. - Mrs. Sayyea (from B.
Columbia) Wet resent viaMieg with her
mos -in Isola:. W. G. Luber of Ws Flew
Tsttraaslraa -The Boas el Tamper -
ones, 01 tins phis% will held au
lodge in their Mad ea Taw* e+w
91st list. An Mims by the Rey. frh•
Velli*, a debate, dialogs, rsaitati¢s,
reading end music wwiilll oospri.e w
progf ssms The chair will be lobos at
pablie are invited.
MAODAsaaii. -A .0.1.ty d the I<aishts
of the Maccabees was i.sd ben ea
19th tad The Res T. Rr'rnd air sies-
ta iz Sir. Kt. O.M. Andrew Said*
Rt., C. Jno Kt.,
Sir Kt. L.
C The society arresgsa tothdir
monthly revisers is Temp' this
night of meeting being Friday
December 9th
The Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, the Warden in the chair. All
the Councillors were present except
Detlor, Slemmon, Allan and Carter.
The minutes of yesterday were read
and approved.
A number of accounts were presented
and referred to Finance Committee.
Moved by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr.
Hennings, that this Council do now ad-
jourd to meet again in one hour.
5 o'clock p. m.
The Council resumed, the Warden in
the chair.
Report of Mr. Menzies, road com-
missioner was read and referred to Road
carried out, and the work mentioned to
be attended to in the proper time, if
found on examination to be necessary.
Report of Mr. Hardy, pointing out
some work that will be needed in his
neighborhood next year. We would
recommend that it be carried out in the
paper season. With regard to the agree past year has at different times been bridge on the instructed
McGillivray boundary, ary, for the recipient of aid from the Town
cable he was instructed to loves plan Council, necessitated by his inability to
and specifications repaired for this meet- work. - For the past month he had been
and Bridge Comnuttee. ing of this Council, which the Engineer in tsilgl►g ealth, owing to the infirmities
Report of School and Printing Com- of the County f Middlesex agreed with with which he was afflicted and scant
mittee waa read and adopted. him to furnish, but hu as Jet failed to nouriahment, and on Thursday morning All the newest articles in JAPANESE
IMPORT or SCHOOL AND PRI11LING con- do, we would recommend that, if poaai- [ abont 2.15 he succumbed. Starvation GOODS at very low prices: an immense
wrTr[x. We, the plan should be procured for the had ss nisch to do with his death as his assortnment.
to this year's Antes exhibition.
The nes est designs itt
Autograph, Photograph and
Scrap Albums.
Church eiervices, Prayer Books, Testa
minas, &c_, &c.. in all the new bindings
An entirely new stock of
in elegant bindings. suitable fur Christ-
mas gifts.
Bohemian Vases 1
and Toilet Setts, and a large assortment
Fancy China and Majolica Ware
in bewildering variety.
Your Committee wuuld beg to report
as follows on the various matters submit-
ted for their consideration: With regard
January meeting, and tenders for the
work, subject to the approval of the
to the motion to abolish the June meet -Report of Mr. Girvin, stating that he
ting of the County Council, we ream- expects to have a small expenditure next
year in his neighborhood, your commit-
tee are glad to learn that we have the
prospect of lighter taxes for that pur-
pose in the coming year.
Re rt of Mr. Menzies of work com-
mend that no action be taken. With
regard to the memorial from the County
of Frontenac, in reference, to the Assess-
ment Act, we reoor.l^tend that no action
betaken in the matter. WIth reference ipl and indicating some work that
to the petition from Seaforth, Win Brill l,, rxxppuiti : <z: e::. .ilbo .`
&c., praying that poedlets licenses be Summerhill will need to be rebuilt. We
raised to $100, we recommend that no would recommend that plane be obtain -
action be esptakeq in the matter. All of ed for $ light Howe truss bridge with
which is respectfully submitted.tenders for the work, to be laid before
G. BocHASAN, chairman. the January meeting of the Council for
Report of the Gaol and Court House their approval. With regard to the
Committee was read and adopted. Grand Bend bridge, repaired, would re-
MMPORT 0? TER OAOL AND (worst ROC= commend that Mr. Hardy be authorized
cowannel. to have it put in a proper state of repair,
Your committee beg leave to report as and the Lembton Council, intimating to
follows: In the matter of the report of them that they will be required to pay
Mr. LeBrun relative to the acoustics of half the expenses.
the court room, recommend that the All of which is respectfully submitted.
first section, which recommends the ALsx. L. Gresois, Chairman.
lowering of the ceiling be only proceeded Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr.
with at present, under the direction of Chidley, that the Warden and Clerk be
the Warden's Committee. Would re- authorized to memorialize the Local
commend that the tender of A. McKin- Legislature to so amend the municipal
non, for 100 cords of wood for the Gaol law, so there be no exemptions from tax -
be accepted, it being the lowest. Would ation except government and municipal
reoommond that the tender of D. Fergu- property, public schools, and public
.on, fes Gaol supplies be accepted, it cemeteries. Also that public property
being the lowest. Would recommend be amaeased wherever found.
that tender of S. Andrews, for beef for Moved in stnendmentby Mr. pitrachan,
the Gaol be socepted it being thelowest, aeoonded by Kr. Weir, that the words,
5c. per lb. Would recommend that "the lands actually oocupted by build -
J. Watson's tender for bread for Gaol be ings used for public worship," be added
aooepted at 3c. per lb. With regard to to the motion. Carried on a division by
the communication of Mr. Langunir, a majority of nine. The original motion
relative to prison clothing for females, then as amended was, card by a ms -
would recommend that no action be taken jority of nine.
in the matter of ordering any clothing, The following report of the Finance
as we have very few females incarcerated Committee was read sad adopted
in our gaol. All of which is respectful- That no grant be suede to the Bruit
ly submitted. Memorial fund,. that Mea Irslead be
Joan KA, Chairman. continued at aterloo House of Refer
Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by at 43 per week • that John Crime be pad
Kr Young that this Council do now ad- 433 for keep off Asthesi.e Gordon, as hi-
journ to meet again at one o'clock p. m. sans indr sat, Jams !leuty, advertising
to -morrow. Carried. 41; J. C ryas to Swale
December 10th. briigs, 410: swW. in ter. 811104.80.111;
ard for
CotmeLl met pursuant to enc, iiaas to Sdf bridge, K40; Saaa
the Warden in the chair. All the Coen- H03on, Dewar bridge San; Patrick
Moors cillors seer present exempt Allem, Livia, removing drift -wood, Sash &
Detbr, Carter and Rlemrnoe. hsitl s, $.1N; liWrd Slowest, repair`
The minutes of yesterday. were read ing Wage .s road b.lwes i 6Ny
and spptoe eau Morris, ; Ed. Jones, grnr.lL
A iriiHr iw read num Mr. L►lgtsuir m proaeh to Ramble bridge, * W; P.
finials prisosers.
two tilia'lflr (M o be bra yin Mersa* to the
Referred to Choi and Mersa*Comr4 Home Com-
teh rustier -
for one hods to ssfmine
l'h .Qomucfl recused, the Wallas, is
the eel
Moved by lir. Sell, seconded by Mr.
Hes.iass, that this Nasal O.vast the
rs(Mksaer's WO, es es.iiiiM that M
AA ire • edtlemeet M ME ei1 all elan.
hi valorem* to Qrina's , sed
OM Male deo. Ahs this
p4.. Yee. -
, HYecw , Mask,
een,'.hetes, Jdlactca-4
00. bridge bat essm ams
.ad ' a7.
Wakiv aro
11111001=41.V.11 look-sp
tw. MOO; Jamie w.es
sera at Wast_ Milos,
elmsi00;1g J. 1. 1 jar at
IMO lest el rape hr
et Whim et Rzeter,,YMJek. L ear
se read ea.s■Yiseer, ;
J. Wisher tar lisssbsabr
aisb addaiwoe& &MakMimi Om* ppiiM-
&river; 41oM • Wlmghese Mom, mods
"Rh eat Joh. Om%Mfv
lsak eelr, MOO; T. J. ,
s 11_.ty. MAW Hook lte(1nttml,
above-named ailments. He leaves a
wife and four children in destitute cir-
Ssien eo.-Mr. Harrison inferno us
that the ice is now in good condition at
the rink. He has very go odnaturedly
placed Monday and Saturday afternoons
at the disposal of the little folks, and
boys and girls under fourteen can get
their fill of skating on these occasions
for five cents.
.aalsese lleas..
Fur Christmas Cakes go to the King-
ston St., Bakery, where you can always
find the largest assortment of fancy and
ornamental cakes in town, constantly
kept on Mand. Send your orders in as
soon n possible. -Ms& J. L Secure.
Tu-Mgsr[Na.Dn annual meeting
of Dunganon Presbyterian Church win
be held on New Years eve.
Tas Pvr.m. -Mr. Andrew Meldrum
occupied the pulpit in the Leeburn
church on Sabbath ahernoon.
Tem Beware.-Anotheetachelor in
this section afraid of being snowed up
during the winter, has taken down leu
fence, and invested in a watch -dog to
keep the girls sway.
New CHt .-The Bible Christian
denomination in this vicinityiurposes
erecting a new church hen during nut
HAG. -Mr. Geo. Young it engaged in
.resting s oosensodjgas ban and driving
shed for Mr. L 1Mi, our hotel -keep-
Samoo., 11/T1uAmnaww -A school
ea/erialmerat .19 beheld ie then:limm-
wilts embed sous on ?hominy, Dee.
Ohl A good time is ospeetal.
Ao0omlw*. -l4ls at ills mee
w the sailor, Wage fend on
isMehal diiossbd hieshoolddr. o
was ..sv. sd to Rrsox's hotel, whore lib
jejuna! *ere attemded to
deOrsw1'Ht. Tistima wren Romani. - A
Tempersam Botchily hes beim
elseisi, osier the 811 411181 of theMatho-
did Charsh d f ds thin , As
this to de ► of ygood n
figams.R -A social was held in the
Methodist chetah g last >Ihl ev,
John heataid of lk L. Nileb. %sad-
imp were ow
Moms Zahn Oce -
Dalbeck. Premeds 01 - s- , sod Mem
4 sstirig . .
Teuug-Isaielitskt re the ark few., the
wits of le . Tem o+ a we, etch bons.
derymaa. ewe IV MM.
1e ea 1'tamretay. tett Inst.
Work Boxes, Writing Desks,
Ores sing Cases, Jewel Cases,
Glove and Handkerchief
Boxes, etc.
A fall assortment of this year's designs in
Silver Ware.
1(0,000 Christmas and Neu Tar's
in multitudinous variety
Jar Everything you Aar, think ,d suit
able for
Christmas and New Year's,
Wedding and Birthday
at very lowest pomade prices at
Moorilouse 's.
A CALL u Rartev►vu.t Noumea •
Goderich. Dec, 3. 1.8904
W11OLL NUK$iy 1751• ,
. TIST. O(6esttba - nee, West Worn.
three doors below i• atlsilesof Montreal, Gab -
rich •
H. clan. Surgeon and AcoOIWber. Grs4a.i.
of Toronto University. Olaeeoppoatte Oars
roc t Cu4erou's bank. Lucknow. 1 .17es 1.
oMoe. esquire at the Bask
lJ (ILON. Coroner. &e. Office and resideaoe
yt 174444 Wrest. sated door west et Victoria
tttaoe at Dr. Sbsnasa's testdsaee. sear the
Goderich. u. 0. Bsaxttaat. J. C. H MM.
Ton. 1714.
Estray Anir
tiAitvreraTRAimmoYsboszliELF. ER C,
tabor, Collage. Oece. wen
en Ne Street, tour doers east of
11.1011. V. B. Horses examined as to 175l.
ed -
of the wbrcriber, deri.
steers, cue year old; see m
red with a white tot- 1t [s
a both ears. Any is
their recovery will be M
Rouse C outgo. let a, does
s. AttocaeY'. Solicitors. etc..
(lS1.odsrlel J. T. Carrow. W. Proudfoot.1T-
preishrie of t.hs usder
Cslbeeu.. shout the lot No,
y year and a ban
oarsaaafasd to prove propstake It away. PcTxn
. Attorney, ?opaline* la ehasorry aa.
usearlo4 Ont 17b1.
ki TSRS. &c., &c.. Ooderiok and Wtpgbaut.
('. Bolger. Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton. wiing-
S. Solicitor. Office --Corner of West Street
and Market Square, over George 17b1.
4sebsoe of the sur
r mad.
dstar ark
• prove he inane syold t
away. a ►
Carrie'. Audios Mart in t
on 8aterday, Kb January.
11. Minimal. O'Mane.
Colborne. alta Nov. 155
Ashfeld about the 1st Se
Whirrs i(ctrast, rising tt
owner is requested to i
charges and take 1t away.
premises of the sole
Asbfleld. • w yawls
on It; Also a oar[ co os
requested to prop props
take It away. pommel
mine of the under
eon, er oboe
=LOA Hel.ar~ er
N OM Pire"ble=
the su
LI. LAW. oOe Solicitorover DeConin cery, scow
saner Rc. Any rich. brit of faceted t of money to17S1 Tat
lowest rause
lJ Harristets, Sollolton in Chancery. tc-.
OodQ sed W Ingham. M. C. Cameron, 4.
l:.;M Mtwara M. 0. Cameron. Goderich. m. 1751.
Miscellaneous Itarbs.
oram., s Gods-
7Catea.rrb'ad sail o ass aaaoa's wort4e8awn ooerot
sadOrnaraeatal Painter.. Parisrdaeor`
Gramma Caere.,
• (iStreet o➢Podte
Gam Gabriel.
hero two y
other red and widest
to prove prop. /A1
away. W era
rt [lowrrswr
UM Tabestablishmenttaohleay
to job and library work. es Y to
W. e.is and Oronosaioal halt cal and mor
Ya In all oases the beet of stock and
p, with strength and Meant,' eom-
ery over JohnDutton's drug store
' NON. -This firstc hotel.
tt anUe tly
been refitted and improved
Me accommodation to the travelling
Oooe liquors and choice viand
lty. An attentive ostler always on
Med. and excellent .tabling and sheds, on the
tressi'ses• Taos. SY1L1c. Proprietor. 1751.
Yor Sale 1
>x cels of via
the town e[ Gobe ich. f
exchanged far flares pit
iwply orJ.C.0
Lot Nati. Csa. 4
to House
Ara. rem
at Ks Ker.
able terms. Apply tt
the premises. Porter's
or to Onmen1 Secret
rich Town.
Loans anb insurance.
1- Conveniently Si
mediate viclslt of e
This Is a scan'
jobbing. AAAA!!llssss0000 a es
house, and shoe shop
for a good Bbcksmlt
at once to R. J. H. D
4500,000 To LOAN. APPLY TO
rich. 17111.
qv TAT?. Term" favorable. Apply to B. L.
DOTLR.Ooderlch. W pmt
ait$0,000 ppAIVATE FUNDS TO LEND OAasow
ea good Farm or Met -class Town PeuPaT
at II per Dent. Apple to R. RADCLurP'R 1 1
L smoeat to_ aai1( borrowers at ei to 7 Per
olio. Prtvaie rtnwa Apply to Summit and
Marron, Oodertob.
4 daft tt sal borrowers. reseseebte rates Address T
rw feriW L*T. fishtail P. 0.
loss Mortgages. Apply
/\40101211 TO LEND. -A L ARG E
y 111. snows%of Private Funds tor investm
at ent
i YA1tRt1 rsissa PROD DFOOT whoa. b tl
$j loaded t M...7
iiii-earne system es
Ooh imi ed1vldweb us
kletoC;absuaas HAMILTON, coil.
gr is
•n rens el n se
. 8.- Oags - --°aa ebiYa y
gl,Od s -D fust
Post Office, for
Stock all fresh and
easy terms, having
to. For further in
HAYNa. Also 100 1
Lot S. on the feed con
chard. Frame Hous
cleared and well ter
acres of hay. will be
HHLLatr000tooe,, Con. ttlag
cieated and line H
umTbeere' a Meths
he he
aa good=edw'
selected. o
T R ysr,
Lb mg A
iZhe Pe
sseervice. T. mg
tote Leet in
be be
%Lawn 11
111111 LANC11 CARDNOW .
A)m, COT, Tone"To--RMa'Wgi
fpflArzOOT. 4t flee'(( (11.1.1100-
relra+M-it of 9 Aariwast. con.
o[geea, M
to Las es !me•elass aswkl- nem
tet per Csat.-CAISrrie M.
faeMieele. 1
.aerHh cwt la teat. typ tae M t