The Huron Signal, 1880-12-17, Page 74 • THE HURON SIGNAI4 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1880. Farm ane 15%rten. I Worts of iiiislfom Eeucational. !---- HIGH Ne1NN sank. ealve- __�'g�L rhe best Salva in the wield for guts, UaA:elaD AND YUta.aY. l ruione Serer, Tater, Chapped Bends, aeas.deA nes l.11.a, AtMak,, Thu has been • groat a ---De' what must be dune as gra .r,it. .• Chilbta• , Ci.ns ,wad s!1 lexis of Skin tesssatrt; for IOew tease* taatrltsallera. year, tYtd Delimiter ytaautitite have been poastble. eruption& This Salve is guuunteed to shipped t., various porta ..f Europe. This the world. Nevpwv yuur disra;ryaiurtosus t•. give perfect satisfrction in every case or Is lira },ractiwl wwkit►q..1 ale piurnat trio u moa s„ well tomblishpd that ii,eaiseey rwfunclsd. Price i.5 aceta per sur dilt}cultias kiave •xx aurae! fit plantiq� the Am ri ::.i uiclwtsjiat Expetc t nutlaug fruw hill win+, }ta+a w box. Fut nateby F Jonian, tluderich. of the apl",intreient and position! • should lave the foreign demand in view. ails •great deal. _ Pubhv lichee] Iii��Q�ot ter 1 liuheti_ .eppeeit ter *enplane sh.,u1.1 i,u there t}wt Ike all aha t(vu l ev cru, t.. ,1,7":::,,,' ti: itw ' ) g frie red u rim as wad tet (*(ler sec. 68 and ttU a the High bear tauspe { cut Act, and alae with g fit'"u, also those that era pevPle you erre, ar lura at nvtrr y,.0 ..w, i sit iitawtiaLle tlrinat f. r laluur, tt►.y: load !reside to sub- in fiver aru4d, ►4CIt sa the _' eewtoti to eve + _ i su ,rte tntc. .Ii1Mtea when required to preside rn ad- pippin, At,ithuubnrs, BUdwm, uG. viae giver by mkt 8uo•ch Ikt�i,lt t i is , !lux sista. Hutt w do bit! roouu,. It u, therefore, lir Faun le rim Cue -tie --When the fruit haste i cured o do xn22 t:usinetaa Ht was m. it �.ppve,sr caller is separate t 1 cwvd by the use 4 Hop 1litten. it points: to give specific instructions ,» r these 1'arrta floe the hutianit should ])tale are vulgar, wase ! ofiuusice yy Y d p,oistta: be kept �,tr allayed al! that bunting dine t ; tuck 1 Just above the freezing point; and impious; Casty leave a! ta,iauw,: nein!! i ae-ay the t.},}�etitu fur htJu.,r : utade hia 1. In ever C.,lla fate Institute to such cellar! do nut require ventilation. mien the list, soil a eteme of odium up to sober ej etee ,end hf, htu reutiat o High School isof able otae Pub' Benue! Cellani teeter the living -rooms fruit he the soil. 'l h. are inexcusable 'nal Beer„ turd at.iimoo for more than two r is out role to attend t cervi "'ventilete;l, otherwise the y F Li. et, desire to return to hie } gases given off gratify uu amine, while they cuter: tontine I" am be eatpoveered, under the t kh wetiun while the: fruit ie repenting - and tete fee- and dignity. sups, and I know of r number of otters of the High Scheele Act, to appointyuantly .len i another duly qualifier! person to acteshealth of the twill Thnereitiler r cle he!tfarruagu nnp,lier suuwthirt • utear t'.nu that have ],aril cured of driukittg b� it." mane( far special cart in this matter, at two peered livutg t.,gutlwra under out 'From a leading R. R Official, Chicago. de - presiding ii iat Kxaminer d hie place at the the present time because the fruit has roof. ltmearuniutualoonuesriuu;it illtYaa IRlinuu. examination of tundi*uti for stluaitxien, and each person is bound by the stow , bele so xbundant that there is ata Witt- matte( health ; it neatens wpretne luyrlty saw year aeMer torten. ttlpYlstitws as the leu suslty large amount atoned in the cel- to the eotnbined interests of father, In reporting the market prices fur but- titllwi aha like the lee ti"r, and is an- i lava. If the house a so constructed snottier, and children; it recoils r: ver- ter, the New York Tri.e vrie, of May 20th, 2, When the luapecter cannot hitt- i that sn opening h ta►ta be made franc the enoe for the happiness and sympathy for acrd, ,Choice prcltagea to the retsitj.nde salt attend, and dues not chew it iso wt_ cellar into a chimney, ventilation may the trials of • those whose imp/ewes is rnaclt !'J tv ` cauls, but itgttt culurw! Nary G, a ,pinta substitute, the Iliad het.cry txtrnplete; err open! Y dependent on love. goods are hard to dispose of, ;ted euverul ry p� ray which oat' WHAT la THE WuxLD. A ,lee a•:, with- lots were thought well sold at 8 to 10 Master trill act it that cu ,*ct i bo cloned at pleasure should be made to in r drawee: us W0 rvw older, tact Btep calve the usual vane uerafiuu; itaisdalso! 6eh'tit air frust without when desirable. gg cents. 'Phis stern logic of dollars and recommended that even when not acting eY!1fAvuRa,,--By wary the orchard is 1e an !neon] thinks, The youth un„ta is n}» dly cuuvint'iag tiaisyiu t- in the place of the Inxp,ccter the Maul petted to yield two crops --one fnmt the as he t{,inks, trues chitdAorxl ; that the) should esu the Perfected lint- nsuater, upon whom touch of the labor aha trees, and another more direct] the full growl cwt despises the per- ter Color Houle by \Pulls, lciehantw,i. of the examination' meet fall, shall re- feint the soil, as it may imam, It is use- sulks of youth as visionary fe the old utast & CO., Burlington, \'t. It Eivrs the eeive the like renumeration to the In- lees to exsect the best fruit from trees tilde death the last bhood ee n o • it i ehe(attr• perfect June color the year round and apector or his sulstitute would have re- that are robbed of their nutriment by Is detach the lent sleep t Nu; it in the last dalymen that user it never send light eel - calved. The Imo actor shall nota int quick -growing crepe. Ordinarily, wheani thee awul:uuiug. [waiter r Scute. crani cede to rttarket. as his substitute any Public School thea kthe trees come into bearing, they should Goon AD%Iua•—If misfortunes have THE DAV( Ol• 3ttek.Ky AND NOAH'S or cher in the municipality in which the ava the eine t, theuaaclvas. It cireuni_ befa.len you by your owe misconduct, UNtt cT endured by the rtttferer from a High School is situated, or any teacher stancee wake it necessary to grow route live, and be wiser for the future. If }eroistant cough anon sap the vitality of in an Pub" con) bethe tee, the trees, both the crop others, iveayouhaveuwherea wherewith ce- wreck only bemaddethey heedd ern y W School fromthe the of which there is any candidate at such ex- and the tee's should be ntanuro i. 1Ye11yourself. amination, or any perr,u who has taken rottlet ed ma rure hes abeat, and when spread un) oach atIf , live,�ttime}st 11 remove by preeuf is cif uuuugh with Prevent op A; e part in the instruction of any of the can- lebe heaped ground and not tttaates; nor shall any such person be a,- ped about the trunks of the trees he !rPeni"n. 11 you have spiteful uutn'a 1uut-fun of fled Liver Oil amu 1 , where there are no small mots to make enemies, live, and dissepoint their male- Hyp.• hosphites of Lime and Soda- -ap-pointed to preside as a substitute in any use of it. Winter in an excellent time valence. If you have Mind and faithful F }, room at such exit:Mitation. ,rtvreti of in professional quarters, and ADAM CROOK$, to speed the inenure, as it can he drawn friends, live, to bless and protect them. which is a eo bitation of the purest m}o,n sleek which were readily puts uu• 1f you have hope fur immortality, lire, and MINA salutary ingredients m pertoce Minister of Educe, het. 1 der rued a+uvue law trees than a wzyeu. Education Department. and prepare to enjoy it. clretnital harmony. Cougha, colds, I A dressing of litre *ill often be of greet HABIT. —Habit uniformly and con- ary[tgttis, iutapient hrunehiti,t, and other exsteeL semen UEST N"a. benefit t., an orchard.. atantly siren rthetu all our active ewer- affections of the respiratory orgaun, an In rural school *actions the au:niel /, rent? time. Whatever we do often we be- speedily relieved by it, and it hail like aches.' meetingmust be hell this e to en ' tele -fete Pserrs.^r1oe. — Many pi:tnts come enure :and more apt to de. A snuff- wise proved to he a useful speethc u. Wednesday, the '':Jth day of Septerul,»r, are killed by too much protection. For taker begins with a pinch of ;tnuir per aer+ofuluus maladita, 'f he loss of strength etiesmeucittg at tee O'o1oeit in the fere' + example, atrawberr•ies are hardy, and and ends with a pouid or two curry tame eucnt upon being diseased in check- arty,sooQ, sed it cannot be held inter than I tlw cocw iu� tet vane, urarah hay, etc., inonth. Swearing begirt in anger; it ed, ltd the tlxggiug physical euergiem four o'clock in the afternoon. The nom- that is r,,,Lowu►anded for thane is nut so ends by mingling itself with ordinary retinue._ ey it, auvigenatittg endue. !nation and election of trustees are held "ouch t•, shield from cull as to prevent convert:Itie,n. Sucl, like instances are of Plu,aphurua, the active •ritiap ie of the on the same day in rural seho u1 sections. freemen: freerene and thawin; of the tee common steturietto need that they IlYle-Inrewphites, toot only' a plies the Notices of the meeting should be mated veil. The tx,venn;t •Meld b : m:,inly he addu:•a!: but. as lir before uhaervud, at system with en important element se up in the section net later than the 2211.1 enamel and not upon the 'Amite. the very time that the tendency to do "wLuet}t, 1r= gives a livelthful i,., veva. day of December. Shrubs that are not .suite leanly do the thine is every day increasing, the to the ciro"latieu. 'rhe lime ail t sena In urban section, :. .. citie•t, towns, not require bundling up, as was thought }"eaasatre rasutting from it ia, b the alae' ads} to vigor of the frame. i u wsat- and incorporated villages, the clay of the nc"LMsary not twiny year., ago, when • blunted acne ibi!ity of tLu nudity rgsn, ing disc'aaes of all kinds, this !'re},rnt- numinatien of trustees shall }k the same diminished, and the desire is irresiatiblF tie' can !x: depended upon to }rroduue a sa thet for rural school sections, viz, Wednesday, 2902 December. If more than the necessary nuniber of candidates are then an election must be he} on the first Wednesday in January, {rum the hour of ten a. in. until & pp. m. It u the duty of the Pttblic School Board to appoint the returning officer. Sir days' notice of the meeting for the nomination of trustees must be given. HOLIDAIX —The Public Schools in divisions in which High Schools are not situated dose for the winter holidays on the 23rd of December. Scholars in divisions in which a High School is situ- ated close of the,22nd day of December. THE WORLD OVER The Week's News in a Nutshell. tiaterestlar cteteeeaaltleas b♦ w are r.ud Yat]. The duty on a:tlt has been abolished in Russia Sheriff Powell's resignation has been accepted and Dr. Sweetlrn(1 of Ottawa appointed in his stead. A Little son of Mr. Dawson, editor of the London Herald, was choked to death by swallowing a button recently. more peens were smothered than bent. fitted by the covering. A little brush, or to all that is necessary to prnve its put i' , chile) on a puhnonic or genenaf vigorant. For p,4erty of the blood, which so many invalids are troubled, i a sovereign remedy, promoting these( aition of both strength and flesh. I pared by Northrop & Lyman, Toren and :sold by all druggists. . At, SURELY AS Errant.. YOLLOW Cetus so surely will disease eventfully fan itaelf- upon a system deficient in vital ergy, if tonic medication is not reap to in time. The neoessary tendency o weak discharge of the functions of body is to disorder its vigt —Invie ation, prompt and through, the o aafeguarl. Non -sloven tetdepleted phyai energy, no rutt.,rative of lost flash, ne power and cheerfulness, lee More clear denure:frated its efficacy. than North & Lyman a Quinine Wine. In thia pr parati'»n, associated with the ealu medicine% which forms its basis, is l�. sherry wine and certain anatnatietomtit enta which imparts an eereeable tette the article: u gives additional eutj.l w its effccte. In meow of genetai 41 em , and far ow Brat ante tri ten years bility and dyspepsia it is invaluable can put my left hoe! to tine ground. the desired effect is, in the vast truth ri I am, sir, yours respectfully, of metes, remarkably prompt as well WILLIAM RYDER decisive. That good nsturat appeal 87 Jefferson Street, Buffalo, N. Y. which gives a relish for the a Ouiw fare, is insured Ly the rhe of the Uui Glue ter Sables, ine Wine, which a1Ao confers brain root \\ a are pleased to say that our I,,tby int; and body nifreshng sleep. Fever an was permanently cured of a serious pro_ ague an•1 bilious retnittont favor, are lb tasted irregularity o� the bowels by the ease" t., the eradication of which it use of Hop Bittern by its mother, which specially adapted; hut it ah••uld he use at the same time reetorod her to perfect only in tlteintervals between the "eirure health an•! strength. --The Parents, Uni- 1'ho far-reachin. tierce:s of a good toni versity ave., Rochester. N. Y. See in Al) couep!aints invo,ving ton. of ph another column. cal energy, arra well understood by idi its Jrs.t a Bao®tar- donee, and the comprehensive influen Such is the expression from all Drug- for good of this preparation upon th gastro and dealers everywhere who are system gone far to }azar out the pmfeae selliug Dr. King's New Discovery fir ional belief in the value of invlgoranta Consumption. No like preparation can as op{ononte of di.eaee. Be ours to oak begin to have such an extensive ane! or the"t� uinine Wine" prepared byNorth- rapid sale. And why 9 Simply because rop S Lyman, Toilette. Cold by all of its wonderful merits. No Cough or tl'''t8t('st"• Cold, no matter of how long standing or 14 HAT THEY RAY OF 1T. -- A rzw TAMS how stubborn, can resist its healing gtaali- rOR rug PaoPLE.—There are but few pre" ties. Asthma, Itroncetis, Hearsonesat patations of medicines which have with- flayFever, Pain in the Side or ehest stood the impartial judgment of the difficulty of breathing er any lirtgetiag 1ple for any great lern(fth tet time. (hoe disease of the Threat and Lirrss;s rttpidly of these i" Dr. Thopawa Eclectric Oil. yield to its marvelous powers, h wilt Read the following and be twnwinced: positively cure and that where every- — T'bouuua Robineen, Farnham Centre thing else has failed. Satisfy yoara.lf P. (J., writes," I have been aMicted with as thousands have already done by get- rheuatuatistn for the last ten years, and ling your druggist, F. Jordae'a, a trial have tried mta� without anrp bottle for tee emits, or regular bottle ieltef, "At" 1 anediy[J . 'awe' Ecleetne for $1. For sale by F. Jordan. Oil and since then have no attack pf trsteasr Weems. it. 1 WORM recommend it to all." j Oa..., et pennate weakness, delicate p Earl, Rebel r, West A r<l, and enfeebled ex,neiitatione, three ref- Q', writes, 1 have been ars and With ��,,'� with 8tomaeh, Liver and Kidneyliver darerecomplaof for seven! year Bald stave `"'ate will find Slectrie Bitte• bene it, nail etried r. with little or a- atl� eJerttin cure. 'r%e sia4 and benefit, �� i tried Th. Thomas' Solea- _ +. dtou)d rk'tlrtt such a trio Olt, would gave mm ihove rake(, IoM •�?7' itwithin their � 1 would stay mat 1 hove aced it a. nese will se,.- be ve with the . T bete. No one n niy �o'r arttelb ba without it. j bete aria d It e , my bait sale P. Jaiare r( ten w used. home in case of cote, wourehe ate. , and rantsworth, Writes, ' I it bo SOW at prepant vbia•th end- aoldirta holl- and it is 11,..ralsrY isellaskien 664' as erer‘c" ;'917. bee . Fele* only >NtY chink it is ognally y good rex hoiem v though the gretifieatien is nothing' beneficial effect. Afair, persistent trial, 7'h en - hie t is }ui- 're- to, s ten en- rted fa the 0l- nlv cal eve ly rop e- tary ur'e u- ta se and y as te, t h- et s - i.. d a. c,• yan ylli- ce ere is rather an entertaining example of this in. Fielding's "Life of Jonathan Wild," in that scene where he is repre- sented'aY playing at cards with the Count, a profesaod gambler. "Such," says Mr. Fielding, "was the power of habit over the minds of these iIluatri- eus persons that 1Kr•. Wild could not keep his hands out of the Count's pockets, though ke knew they were empty; nor could the count abstain from palming a card, though he was well aware that Mr. Wild had no money to pay hie." (Syd- ney Smith. *ter, some evergreen boughs placed chew to the shrub will ward oaf the severe windy, modify sudden changes of temperature, and be a sufficient protec- tion. Tender raspberries must be bent down, and covered with earth before freezingpreventa it. KIYCHIN AND KARIM uARDIN. CELIRY,—Celery, while m trenches for the winter, should nut be allowed to freeze hard—amoderate freezing dnea no harm. The hay or stew for covering should be at hand when needed. As *cin as the winter fairly seta in, the covering, which until then was slight, should be trade about one foot in thick - trees. Celery in boxes, in the collar, is more apt to suffer front heat than cold The boxes, about nine iuchea wide, are made of old stuff, and as lung as conve- nient; set the celery in them as in trench - ea. The Loxes should be placed their own width apart, thus avoiding a solid masa of celery which would heat and de- cay. The ocllar ahould be as near the freezing point aa possible. CQI'i frames win new need daily atten- tion, ihe plants kept in them are not to grew, and should they start they would be ruined, The at}ahes are to he kept continuously closed only during the °oldest winter weather; at all other times, especially during the day, they A New York grand jury has presented must be lifted. When the tesnperatnre indictments against Samuel Sullivan of the *Otiose` re is shout freezing, the Morey for perjury, and against Joseph melee ghoul be off altogether. Hart Louis A. Post, Kenward Philip CELLARS. -- Cellars where roots ere and Charles A. Bytyie for publishing in stored need to be kept cool, otherwise the Truth a criminal libel upon Garfield. the roots wig shrivel or start into growth, Paaaoalr.—The friends of Mr. Janttas and be injured. Roots for table use, if Graham, who waa connected with Mr. kept in earth or sand, are fresher and Cull in the establishment of the first better than others. newspaper published in Seaforth, will be LtrrLt Tnrfwi or GRaAT Mummer. glad to learn that he has been elected to It is a small matter to take tiie horses the Legislature of the State of Pennsyl- acmes the yield for their water; it seems dr vault by a large rnpjerity. to cost nothing, yet if a farmer'. time, Fifteen out d forty-five collieries of w that of his hired span, ya worth any - the Readingtap, poebville Pa., have thing, it ousts a great deal in the course sustliended for December, throwing not of a year. 10 u a small matter to chop This three thouse nd employe& each day's wood upon the day it is used, Thu action was considered necessary on 'and thaw have it all froth; but fifteen s000unt of the poor market for certain minutes in harvest time is worth more size omit. than in January; besides, there are vast - At the Smithfield Cleo• Oaths Show S more l,00norntoal methods of making thee tiret Prize pleat that b�s� rept} ayes rewood Hurt with en axe. It u a very but bas by s Poi Aber4*II11 In the `!t somlittle etimes cost. ter to tighten ife andolimb not to amp caries a Southdown was declare do it A peas tree here, and t pettoh I, but the Shropshirew ran very e1°ese tree there, Dost en little that one is in- ' rieot d WRM. wao present at the dined to think the are of no a°oount �Iasit- a The Ontario and Manitoba y , 'mand roots were much &dia lled, b»! whose tAe trail it rips they one roma ap wtsdian exhibit was A single + from orae a ap Anil dam Sir Alex. Galt was present """"er is "only are step," but the thought of a stairway made nut of these For the last few days then has bate neap -dubs. a lite time, is a to a dm Wyk blockade et lits! Bidden, I ehasobisti e a u note's tusk oohs Look owning to the insu�cieney et iseilit;aa ,riemeee ets;� that l� }ittie t,binee T`reitn of from 25 to 125 oars, each eon- akeig 1p twit in ria end.-- taisiag about 115 hops, have laid there :(AaaKia e ' gee Dec 1. c >7pr The Os hes tot :'.s. bias ish can enongn to ;tip , sad the erde suttee are ret Ohntntiao,'6 t(i blare% 3, 1880. wttinl N the dtto n& made upon them. I bare jests a It Peery Dern' Pea. � T e shheep000 'c10'tr d *ono- for the tin Stain. %at elid bum ear in > 4v Iris Use thus say .cher it1nt7ottatwa , Pte; mania Me* es tai *d- i ,t and ire tenni it those hese rears I bare sewer QIIALVICA11O1r.Or RitEve Alto s• • .� Y bur NIt� r aha• - *AS the ansa !apses of tb l' h ib A it !s as iseeses au S.sdmwt was *wade W' , to Mw tio.rthlia.(i fkl M .sales et the Ituniefpal Aet all ant goes fn *she a ,ire afar] of of crit. , tad salsas Y fen a r, Mon,"aLA- 'e"t r +r t 111:11/t* .a~ • shoe* ' he 'Nand in tiniih.Davis'e+e-Wier 1�1 Tt+ ' t s e s• 1i p f Toch. toe. , eit,a l e41 1 • J. R RKf(x1I1011 i ode •e a geisaibi•• PIP ger adat•Saosiseat iso a ethetlhe the tmaAn:' mled N a dinar c eps,. this e(. Ohs assesmat d )dace, 'f ►h ltew Iiia% sty skin was ss dear Mei .est es w," said a lady to her epw '(!natal " on ma soft do en, w. .. « i 01111 le peatile the bet lady• `Ay vn�Hep who alpine es timminpd booms ' in see dad wakes pure rieh blood and to � the! allele as an richt before qlg health it did it for tee as roe ob- dodo/he .n. erns ' Twraty years a *offerer. DR. 11. V. Pitmen: Deer ;Fir—Twenty years ago I was shipwrecked on the Atlantic Ocean, avid the cold and exposure caused a Large ab- ceas to form on each lee, which kept con- tinual))' discharging. After pending hundreds of dollars, with no benefit, I was persuaded to try your (]olden Medi- cal Discovery, and now, in leas than three menthe after taking the first beetle, I art thankful to say i mu cum- reel tvxi Y vomit "aj'!`- tett Attalivig, r,hisier ti�e��11 >A aaortb e ��F•tnpik!t iD d P *set ftt3 alar feta Y Wte rt fa neesese ..res Wlis sedidly !#1a B Roadhimlathe b. �Wa � 1 bile 4611. l�l!] a Lms mhara. ave AN Oat., Proprietor, foe w Dasktian, trif.d ifovt► — Ie ss le--11dsvO b awl - Dir Sae- NOP moped i iswsost gyro.f _ is yetat, sew ' ` at use p'titbsdb lb Marisa es off, ,t�ighaitiwan• mint er air .si fli 4 °jaro bramess,lawddddss,, of the throat or=hakes to fin. their eatery *111 roes wad eeratadealers et giMeld ve ca d boos Y`a , . Jades (BOOTS AND SHOES. E. 8a u'. DOWN2NG 1Have lust reensuat an tumoral( 8'toCll of taut. tai Mumfor Vali and Winter .t ear, of 111111 very okoioe quality and v.ry 1s1r lo'WM.. We art detenatud Wore war t, bear:it w emote) In placing be fire *barn every variety of (1t,pta fa set at eels p��t�� dory the ketaeat comet. talon 1'terre call and asaslia ourarTi grtsaa whether TVA bey or net. tole custom Wera rr,-etve. our Veda) attetttflse *ad , ,-,try erFitr$ made to Butt sad porta on r vuoit.n"ert, I. A .1. DOWNING. xrNG. t'rab','e fllapk It • pit rt(.l OK Lsvri -ai t.nd Rtnt,tsos in any a eatw. ,red at los-eat prises. 41750 The Square - - 3-oderioh. F n A ..t"- Splendid Assortment .; '1 1 ADZES CLOTTI s-A.0ETS, Gu la J. C. Detior & Co's Miss J. Stewart Has in Stuck u II,' it,It tit Woollen Shawls and Clouds, all shades wad psi,•, I train W. els, Crape, RihI, 4l. ant) Yams. Kitt “1,,vee— 4 butt, io - 1. 1 - BEAUTIFUL DOLLS Fur Flunk? Presents. A fine aesortment of CHltISI'M AS*'ARDS. Fringes, Buttons, Drips '1 1innii)(g3, Linings, etc. Anice • ttnret "f Infant's Rohan. +4r- CUTTING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY.-ae . MINN "7'Al1',IRT, Milliecry ant) ),res.ntukieg. I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. o I•' MR. D. FERa-USON AT A- VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Nearly all of amid Htook, as well as ay own original Stock, *44 basalts t*fer.• the Ids fine et tarrdwase. 1 am therefore in • pusttfon to sell C3 aper than ally ether Meuse fa lie lderty. MY STOCK OF GeoprAl Which 1 Want to run eft qui •klv- 00ME ATTD LL'Y LI Sar C8 PRICES 4.; WZtL PLEASE T017. Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stook_ 4ax4yT, EQ12 JEST STREL BABB FENCE WIRE, 17.51-tm, amiss amide Wilson, MILLINER And Dealer in Fancy Goods. Just in. a new and carefully cho.en stock of �L11iJiory, FFeathers & Laces � t have recently purchased a large mpply of Beene Wool, and letugerings, which I wall offs at prlcoa that wilt anti Hata and bonnets trimmed In the latest et lea, Call sad set. an Chu or taxi A 11081 JOIE WILESON, Square, Goderich. yprenttoea wanted i*rlwastjgjtar. 1753 1 CAMPBELL'S Boot: Shoe Emporium RATABLI$IIBD 1.174 rand Fall Show _or Boots and Shoes. um" td !+very Line it Furl ailed i The Largest and Bast Select- 11d,8ttxk In the County to Choo•ee From I Patties wart al to boy boot. and oboes would do well to AND I1\7$pEC7T THE E T©OH Mora pecebasing ehswwhere, as they will And LAINEN DWI EVEN 1r' Ge,ml "NM attended to wkh puwetuality If 8 . _ fay quantity of 0nri wood taken m`aseh*ngis " p p t17 Pf ,4NPItli 1., I leer, flrwsB (3 4srw.h. Ort 16th . IOW* •