HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-17, Page 6Zhu poet's tLorner.
„,r end Nair *tar)
A Mother kissed ger batt)
Mucking tt W �re�al. •. ,n.
Ind geuuy reaped rr►tht„ l•'
it wattled is Mr bream
The eM tali- story.
Set round in story'
Wherever liar b fouled:
For oh! it's love. i'ts lure. they mal.
That rnak*w the world so round.
whew.; '�'1 fit were clasped teptleor eke' -hooleihs
tentitbi towards I►and s palms
feelings:- raisings e
Pooped through taw tear tth the
A ,`•otutrin for the furious. 1
smite* has amide a rarebit B
t1elyais of the elletastteal
�__- yr0 +13' • 4 mild weden.
ta a eo11et,tee t, `r T tablialt two bows,
1� "Ea that chez e1' nihil anioide V
Ifiaoar t indultam a NI wen: and
r� luently ihsa uL glad"
,w tb' ,:ctatwwe and p.'s, y� lis,
Olig in t he house both m hu the
to Man ...t in
lit t., out+tete
w otn�u.
--- torenHags.
shaze i
if~ 1(NIGMT,
111111 AN!) .ti►-�rxerioxaR. $811Ait lla Loa'
t'd P ITA L,
Wort „gruel near the post �•s �, the 13a-
IIo Martaag* eat ' . Teresa
born w burrowers. ypb�osit�or+
telt • tints i,. Orem* se bowels Street ins
\'ta\� ♦ invite, Interest pate to Ratios* ��y�t
1 H. F PIIG4L1�•
\ L[,Vaw KaaaJm• i
The Superior
A talr-fated boy tied molts.
.and their
bandit w a gels fta�
And the flowers grew
'the old fair story.
Set round to entry.
herever life rt. found:
For ob 1 it's leve, It's lot •', thetas found.
That makes the world g`
Alt old man and s wrinkled wily.
Amid the fair npAaR weather:
'•\We've shared our sorrows and ourJoys,
tial grant we Aug together. -
'the fair rtorY•
,,Set rote- it in glory.
W herevor life is found; they sad •
For oh! its love, it's toy e� hey stn
That usakes the world s
West you see s fellow mortal
'W1lhout fixed and fearless c►cws.
Singing on the skirts of others,
Walking In their cast off shop.
Hewing low to wealtkbaand r .
With abject, uncovered
'toady to retract or waver:
Willing to be tuned or led,
Walk yourself with griper is
Throw your moral -
how your spine has oervc and marrow
Just the things 'snitch his most lack.
A att0:.ger word
Was uever heard
Than this- backbmc•
it' hen you see a theologian
nuggets close some ugly creel.
smearing to reject or question
Dogmas which bee priest may read
Holding beck all noble feeling:
Choking down each manly cite,.
Caring more for forms and symbols
Thal to know the Hood and True
t\'slk yourself with firmer besringt
Throw your moral altodders back:
Show your spins has nerve and tnetrkw-
i est the things which his mos
A stronger word
Was never beard
Than this - backbone.
When you sees politica°
through contracted hoic.. celestial bottles sac
Crawling ,ono. , sewed for ti3 years•
united, expressive* them, roof
tion ; wringingren at mica
throwing theta towards heaven,
de ectedhands,despeirsitaireenre` e
lou; 1 theta, idleness, holding
folding t Iet, lei mtngsudthought-
hng 1 Lute rmtti eL them forth together,
yieldis; tuts . lou; lifting them
yielding said hereon,
and the eyes to heaven, w ►e �mhibitiun;
waving the hand from o ski
extending the rigid. safety;
s�nttehiyg one,
peace, piety rat perplexing thoultbt; lay-
ingd,etre and perp ur.
olio the right hand on th�h �� a�N the
and solimett aftirnration; the riblet
thtunb, approbation; ping perpendicularly,
forefinger on the lips lterpe
en, w d supplies -
Trp it taws, and you will not oast say other
aZ w.441a0 Make• a aterirlU .
to all are.
llaesddet`,rred roan anemias
of thatown.
I E. -� NIC .H
Qy, c�ber8 t
*.+ ub Ws wit
To Intending ten. for Oa
MuoUt ./dNt'dRT
8w�s4 frtls ; cross
se de ko •ow. till 4iew YestR Or'
�l, d1stii:ll t
S' O
�Hg1fikL it BLACK
Practical BOILBR-lk BB ,
dims silence- at which
' llrttfith'a Valuation” is that
the Irish land Leaguers are willing to
Melanie. It to the
pay rent for their the land by tiir
valuation put ten ten of Govern-
ment in the famine period• tion pot.
tion was made for uniformt being
the old rreegular. system Sir Rich
tansy aridb Irish
landlords valuation be 30 per cent th
red value of the land, said therefore
when the laud leaguer dents°is Griffith's
valuation, he means that the landlord
.hall abate about 30 per cant off the
Subeer.hcra, have bought the 'tool* and
Huller Busher* of D. It t• sci a% (11' Cu.. lately
carried un by the Goderich roundry and Matto -
teetering Company. stud having led au ex-
pericose of over eight yeere to Chat shop, are
DOW peelparod to carry 00 tto• trade ih
=apt attention. Fleets:1a% work gamin
or Ally work entruatAxi 40 us Will rem.%
AA! kinds of Holton made sad repaired. attic
Smoke Wooing and Sheet iron Werh. *-
reasonable rater.
cONs--�--- --- lei. �-�=
so y 1,..,.. lit;OTT*0 1111011.0110% or
...fp VIM oat. ARO wirreroos-
!dream Sower 6:. Howse : " Gsatrt
Oil. etc.. tit Ito erre-bossed used it ill Or
ib. 1 aro emeriti pleased with b beemaillf
palatableueto wed the good results tlost Water
tr nee, I toot, Wend it very services/de la
ilt A M. LANti, Hie. VI East emotive) . N.V.
iteepectfully yours,
New Salt Pans made and obi ttttttt repaired
on the shortest notice., end at P1611 nal 0 t•
Chrystal 84 Black
Begging for some bit posi Lit the houee or at the .
With no sterling manhood in .
S °thing stable, broad or sound.
Destitute of pluck or ballast ;
'Mabee sided all around ;
Walk yourself with firmer Waring ;
Throw your moral shouldngs back ;
',how your spine has nerve sae Marrow -
Just the things which Ms mattock. •
A stronger word
was never heard '
'Than thia-beekbene.
11101 WO, 101001111.11t IS. MST)
SIGB 1108OO1,
Aesendea tegvNiaa. tesKrrlsy:
trotter t:xa rtnatteas.
In the pnati al working of the
�tirtrt d mates have emu
of the speotututent and
tublic Scbu,1 1u.peotor's
d and lib of
toile, libeler sec. fIa enwith t'ar .
Sebes Act, and also th ,troll
subtler when reytirotf 1
ditional marina. It is, therefore,
ed toeV.specific ivatru_tioua .
lxr1.i Gtllegiete Inst
1. is every the Nul,
High el hoof where
inspector is nut able to attend •
he is empowered, under the reel
of the hill Schools Act, to
another duly yu lintel pereon
Presiding Examiner in his p
exemaination of c.!t*d hound fur
1 Y
and 1pawn , as the tnspeeter, an
tit ed the like remuuer.ttt,,u.
2. When the inspector eau
self attend, and duets net deem
t„ lep rite a substitute,
eery t to tent c.ap•tc.ty
Master ail u
calve the. usual ren* nera:t„n;
reoomutendn,l that even when
in the place of the Iiispc.tor
master, ul"'tt 'Ahem ntugb "f
of the ezuuittatiun utast fall,
ante r or this substitute would
calored- The Inspector shall n
as his substitute any public
cher in the municipality to
High School is situated, er vu
ernp/ord in any pub'at So
witch then' is any candidate s
amination, or any person 7
in the instruction
of h ire
nor r� a ea a submit
Pped 4m P
room 1t stiCh p11inittati' I )(Ai
Minister of
Edud►tiun 1>rl
room ee s'11001, UKSTI
In rural school sections
spburd Meeting must be 1ici t
W y, the _.)th day of
oticine st not be held
booth, audit out
foot. o'clock rat the afternoon.
Coition and election of cruet
un the same day in rural s,;hc
Notices of the 1 eettne shout
up in the ism -tont not later th
day of Decetuber. cit
In urban section, 1.
and inoorp„rsted villages,
t .es shall
numinetwn of true
as test for Sure school
Wenn�ecessary, number "
than then an eiecte
are proposed: Wednesday
held on the hast
from the hour of ten a.thn, u
It the duty
Bis int the retu
Six dl s' notice of the
days' nustce must
nomination of trustees � Public
divisions in ose which High
he 23rd of ember.
div itis
sitedyclose ons t ,f the 22nd day
0 _ s
7).-biltri. Brain
nailed in the treatment of 'Palpitation
of the Iletift. Trembling a the
Hands Limbs, Loss of
d rival/m.0We, and habit, been
M. It 04 better lee
are used your t!orl Liver Oil lan utt,11001 in
=et an can be takeof for a Wager time it an
any other preparatiou of Cod ILIver Oil In
Marble Works.
Via. Physician, Louisville City
Ltuttistort of Cod Liver Oil inverters, inataacee
nod work of all labstbi tri Marbles, mama
see executed in tbe beet style and at•moei
reseenable prices. marble Mantles kept 11
stack. Granite Monuments and Ileadelones
mamma to order.
bad 1 have found it to be e,asily tame readily
aolaedy of Cod Liver Oil. &a, a fair trial, and ' • • -• sts with vigor, gentleness and subtlety, owing to the exquisite harmony of La
ind flesh. 1 i mender it the beet tan n1 \
'or weak Innen and bad inetghs. I can highly .• , , Alen topire Vood itself. 1.s taste is pLeasset, and itseifeete permentliht.
seenantirod it. Vithert the doctors had given me e .. eeparent effect ii to teems^. tbe appetite. It masts digestion, wia emir
Warr steer &Bowes: 1 have given your II
traNednine health and alTellgtil Teri Tag and I \ t .... • , 1 - . 4' :allies properly-thue the system is nourished. It sloe, by its Meta
tee glad that 1 ear& say I cheek it teem: TAITIOdy
Vottra Truly, ;Will .. . .1 . . • 1 geltilre Olgall11, Melees% more comas and regular evan t! tons. TM
te A. 111E.DtItt.fTADT, 1 r..1. i. y . A k which petients take on Seek while under the itiflaerme of the Syrup, of
soorr & it emit: i felt it nty duty to let e mil, Melt in lestes that so other prepanition csa be better adapted to noir an.I uoaria
hink I shall moon be well.
'now the betted& I hav e derived (row the use of 1 tie constitution, and hence be more ei‘fiseicess in all depreigioe of spirit., .hskisig or
cle.11 ot teembling of the hands or body, cap, ahortness of breath. re consumptive hats.
Galveston, Ind.
The serves and muscles become strengthened, and the blood purified.
our * maks
rem and on enneulting ler. .
Ids olty. le informed me that my tattletale wax
1/10000110kitos.. After taking two bottles. 1
it Data i oat sed Doe
go .0 toostir • men se there is in the city ot
calticoore. 'Mita i`7ase using it i weighed
i5 pounds. I now we VW pounds.
:rite to you a I saw • notioe owe your bottles
f late upon its long continued see. This bas
roved true in my ease. 1 was given up to die
et March with consumption, the beet medical
id tondo no lee of any treatment. 1st y husband
-gibed tor your 'emulsion ot nod Lever ou ; ue
as bought terenty-six bottles end it is restoring
le tonal* beyond the expectations of bun -
redo sureties so boor of my dos* ev eri dar
,boultt ke to take it tor • year. when. 'Mtn .
will re perfectly cured. ,
Yours with resume.
For sale by druggists at $1 per bate. tee i
' canaries were eihibited which attracted
i At it recent Ber
much sttention on account of the voca-
lise colors of their plumage). Some -were
green, others red and light brown, more
or leas from the light yellow of the vette-
mon bird. These variation of color were
produced by the daily use IA cayenne
pepper in the food of the birds. The
pepper is given in small quantities et first,
and the birds appear to like it. The
immediate effects are, however, anything
but pleaseet to the hinder, for the feath-
' ere soon begin to fall, giving the appear -
;ince of molting, but in si short time new
feathers appear, having the curious tints
Neuss AND Tit SIT °SAW:X. - 1.110T.i la
a class of wurnames emanating from na-
tural objects, and which embraces ao
many members that au attempt to enu-
merate them would be an act of folly.
A glance through the London Directory
will give some idea of ita atone Of
this class there are several subdientiorm.
From the •weather we obtain Storm,
Rain, Frust, 'Cloud, Tempest, Fair-
er -esthete Snow. From ainte-Pound,
Penny, Halfpenny, Farthing, Maier*,
Crown. From measures -Gill, Peck,
Bushel. Front tesmem--Ball, Oricket,
d hall we
la the summer of 1664, l' wits suddenly effected by a eopiotut expectoration of
er toe purulent matter. I kad been declining in health f er some months, ad, being
ere .elingly UTTVOUS. 010 IlyTOrd011111 awed alarm. As my baseless was that of a
0 ,tantatlig chemist, the shop was constaatly visited bye needles' eta, all of whom
teetered their aavice. During 1864 aud 1865 my chest Ina sleazed by tea first
. eve physicians. some of whom pronosneed the ems Bronchitis ; some, sot wishing to
e mei alanm or anwilliag to ventur: sin -pinion, gave no decision ; nottall Amid tia-
equivoally that 1 hed Tubercular Disease of the L.angs, sea located the trouble
..i le -re tie: peins were felt. By professional advice, 1 need, in tura, beauback ear-
, ...., colliery life, eggs end ale in the morning, tonics, Bourbm whiskey, cod-liver oa.
..• t • ty, tar, and. i ir.ous inhalente but the trouble increased. Expeariestree be.
,.. ei - lieu -s profuse and offensive. Night -sweats set in. Cal chills. diarrhea, .
eyi perea, cough, blood.stresked expectoretias, lass of sleep, tom of sppetim, loss of
menial, loss of ambitioa, amorepartied by general pros' recta, showed thesuselr•s.
Una. -r the microscope the blood was found to contain bat a small portion of vitalima
eorpneeles ; the heart's action wes feeble ; the pales intervaitteat ; the stomach calA
uot digest property, so thet flatulency and avidity wm tbe result. Fiuding the symp-
toms tudicated C,onsumptios. I determined to use every effort to stay its progress, nod,
if possible, to are it. 1 "elected the most powerful tomes and moderator*. tett cora
bitted them with the vital constituents of the human body. Tor months I endue
card to amalgamate them before my effort% were crowned with sumess. 1 Elven
speak too plainly or too strongly of the effects produoed, awl the benefits 1 T "et'
et first my appetit• in,: ••1 1; t. , ‘ -;i, r : 1:1 El beeine cloy , dim -stein better ;
the feces te•came m „re e meta A .1 1. at lamest ; eel,' chills ceased ; niebtemesta i,
leavened ; I gained ie weight ; the 1 se'elag eagle left me ; refreshing sleep returned ; Ar
Syrup month after month ; but „Priem to the damp, fo= climate of St. John, my
recovery was necessarily slow. sidemen. I mold obernee a gradual return of strength
for three yearm during which ten- I eantiuusa taking the remedy. Ity preinid weight
is onehundzed anil e!glity-eight, ben; tOirty-eight aleme my usual. 1 hare 110 symp-
toms left detioting tlie-ese Tim wily notable sip da-ine twelve enontOs wee the
eipxter•at1 ea. New the het gimp el, susel I cotseler remelt well. The remder may
f ascertaining. In March
"Brilliant and impulsive people, said
a lecturer on physiognomy, "Mee black
eyes or if they don t have'em, they're apt to
get 'am, if they're too impulsive."
When you see 1. Mall take off his hat
to you it is a sign thee he respects you;
but when he is divesting himself of his
coat, you me.ke up your mind that he in-
tends to rake you respect hira.
"There's one kind of a ship I always
steer clear of." said au obi bachelor *ex-
cept -alit, "a,nd thee' courtship 'cause on
that ship there's allay& two Mates and
"Tilsit is probably the oldest piece of
pointing to a venerable looking table \ Crattlp, Blinamo.n, Fever, , „
' tor of antique curiosities to a friend, ,
as lie.spoke.' "How old is it?" asked the add, Coffin and Death. From clothing
friend. 'Nearly four hundred years." 1 Oepfing such names ao Coate, Cohted„
"I'shaw! that ia nothing. I have' ;in Capp, Hatt, Shirt, Boot, Bootee From
Arabic table over two , thousand years !the animal, vegetable, and mineral king -
Id.•' "Indeed!'' "Yes; the inultipli. donut -Hedge, Clay, Birch, Chubb,
Drake, Nightingale, Jay, Gold, Peacock,
&mite Irons, Myrtle, Herring, Pike,
no captain."
a- said a collec-
We are now prepared to nil and ship tote
for Treee, ne., for rail Planting. DOOCTtpila
PriOe ClatillOglitel WHAM to applicants.
Geo. LiaatIt & SON.
&INA I -The Pills Purify the Blood, correct att
,wela and are in -ratable in an owmptelnts ire
iental to Females. The Ointment te the only '
liable remedy tor teid logs. Oki 'Wounds,
f however long standing.
cation table.'
An anecdote is told by Herper's Feli-
nein drawer of the late Father Taylor,
of the Boston Seamen's Bethel. A
prayereneeting had been prolonged one
evening beyond the usual hour of closing,
and he had been pretty wen warmed up.
Just then a few restless spirits in the
rear of the audience took occasion to
leeve. The old man rose, and swinging
his arm in his peculier way, shedted out,
"That's right brethren; tile tide s rising,
the driftwood is beginning to float!"
Iittsband, Lover, Guest, Bachelor, Friend.
Steel. Front re
From a house -Chambers, 'Kitchen
Gates, Hall. From the body -Head'.
Chin, Back, Foot. All these names are
as plain as a pikestaff to us; but we roust
revert to the old English and provincial
dialects ere we understand the. Itrock
means a badger; Talbot, a mestit1, Tod,
a fox; Culver, s pigeon: Renshaw' , o
talking polities. One of them asked
uncle -Mose: "I say Mose what's the
read that spression in de vapor, and it
sorter stumped me." Old blow who
never failed to answer any question ask-
ed him, responded at once: "It silber-
tongued orator is one who weber goes
hack on his word when he promises you
a either half dollar for Yotin' for him.
"Dat ar species is mighty Aura in
Gelveston--det's all 1'se got ter say."
Two grammariens wrangling, one eon
teniing that it was only proper to say,
'My wages is high,' while the other no-
isily inaisted that the correct thing was
'My wages are high," Finally they
„stopped e. day laloorer, and submitted the
„elation to Iiini• 'Which do you say,
'Your le4Tra ill high' or 'Your wages are
highl"Oh off wid your nonsense,' he
seed reaming his pick, 'per =Ow ov
ye right; me wages is low, bad lash to
s,11 every fenutlar.
cA. cart y cattle, saeep or idea
• 7.m'mostatIone are unser peeped
,',itteroosns on aide beck
, ed lowest nice to or nom an
•.1 Ftation in Europe or america.
t-,:weet ratita.q0ohie (free of charge
Or to MRS. B. WARNOCK, Albion Block,
rierenraes, Swindia oases, 14.
1751 Agent. at Ooderie
lend lung I 1 answer, ln elle most Oetialla Of all •
Bain and Mt Skin Disease. tt has no ask, How d
• 1 * piece of 14103PIIATE OF LIME, half the less
' till
,e attention a the Public Krtierally to the fact
,,at certain lionsof in NeW i mit am sending to
truly parts of the globe ert RIM'S 114TTATIOTAT
f my Pills and Ointment. These frauds hens
1 Weir !abets none address in New York. 1
. not allow my Medicine to be sold in any pert
the United States. 1 hove no Agentstbere.
" y Modietnee are only mute by me. at 5..n0x-
•rfeite. Do not be intone' Ifei this aildael011M1
'..e..k, ea4 they arc the counter rite they pretend
I/U*6*nm- These count er Its are purchesed
,„ annetneipled vendors at one-half the price of
qv Pills and Olaf meet anti am soiti to you as my
metallic Medicines. 1 mat earnestly appeal to i
ire upon *ski L ig from Mt honoratee persona, to
iisist me, find the Public. as far as may lie in
'Afe'i Pot. and Brot of the lierodne Medicine
Nir:, the British Ooverament Stamp witb the
erenove engrarest thereon. on the label la
'.e, addrees, 531 Oxfordlereft. London, where
. net Ointment bece_rtne any other addrewe are
.nueiterceit. The Trses Starks of these Medi -
i nee are regi demi In Ottawa. Hence any one
ung heron; and Coke, _
Tee BrKNAKDT Il!resow- one t out, the
IsomGrecian bend has Tete ut 1 will tali you
what i fall as well, ezt. It is the l5arsh
west to rutins It was observ-
elbow-single.full perfection
ed Saturday night in its and then
et the Bernhardt reception,
acrd shore t it. Witte were are een to braced
bat assay at tt like the wings of
iia trussed o crooked so far
fowl They project
k that a mop }handle might
behind the ugc without in tbo lead
be run through them which
disturbing the action of the fan, whish
res little gate of air which may much
he under chin, but cannot be of
avail higher up. As • military pose the
Bernhsz dt elbow angle would mest tithe
approval of authorities at aWeetlver oink
while hygienists, who are
ing that we should throw our shoulders
bock, must be delighted with it, for the
shoulders cannot be thrown any further
back than this, unless we fling them
sway altogether.
�Iiew York Letter
nom, Buono. soliptatttz.
-r it igir itair
All Dimeamor the Stomach, tvirelriA.Dloo
1.1•11, Kidney, and ti ri nary Ner
tenMe Complaints.
11 ae paid for a Mee they win not care
help, or for anything Impure or Wert.**
found ta. Bo tn.
before yo sleep. 'raki, no 0 nee.
twstakesoin vets Ira wears* sad
Ask mei. areggiust for flop Dianna ale
C teas steroletesedirresnelhotoore to
Da ea
e e`` Laden. Jun. 1. 18'79 ASTliy,,�+'
The Great American -Ron4
Tytig+.Re��. AFFECTIONS..' we
� iprfor hbrewe
ten a dais
wad waw,�si"tr.r t w e. for
of a pm, which coul4 hem erne from no other plece,and w
in Lung Demme% tletenneo states ie the result of tuberees o.itieh has bets claTA.
Added to thia, I het the leaderecalare 1, pendent, Viral. strelked exeretoration, and
the opinion of on! of the beat diagitosticitaa in. the emstetty. 1 believe I have erne
ienced all tbe symptoms teePent to the twee feet ii: ages of Consumption. end hays
succesifully combetted them, so that I do at despair of any cam weeny them is left
sufficient lune tissue ta Meld meet, I can oaleallO that tee ne re monies. y considera-
tion of itter;eed „des woull uever isduce me to peabledi this report, but • sincere
sympathy for the poor i '0 neineelve, with where tuief ...eta e I believe it v Mae y to trifle.
When Fellewe Compound Syrup of Ilypopitheplilteri is revered. tack Prr
The eirectors „if the flank a Enelend
have rained the minimum este of dis-
count front 2i to 3 per cent.
Mr. Gluten me has mauled a circular to
the esembem the House ch Commons
Ididebe 4•15 to attend Parliament for
balsam of the tire impertanee.
The illippotore he Eatern Ontario
DiA1,11101ea Association have decided to
via* ma the ouid Mk of Tasman.
Mot Orsorille proposal to
aljent the clams of Aseericipa
• liselviss out of *leeks et Feettuee tog.
Sat. len:herd W. Thompson, etwesstery
Illet !levy of tii• Milted Maus, hos
essierg the chairmanship of dm Perm -
4.d he nee no intention is footed 9r other artiste
Agents for the DoMnion of Canada.
and tee
Poses isf
rase Pm
Seem ter&
It slimy* gives as platigure to draw
akention to articles «hie& fere deserving
of public pat renege. Probably no arti-
cle ever ored to the public hat met
or Rao Hamm (kat Thienand.a of
families in the Dominion keep it its their
beams se the staiderd Coosa Remedy.
The pais el thia atiole has assumed
prpopelans. Out advice to
AS et bine le to tog ha virtues if
*Pi ea way Lase enfotterntely
smarm' debar (loughs or Coteau It es
sold by all olsemaista -- Advt.
I* this
owl les wee *ma
ilyssuiss. This is
tor tows, sett sot vs;stel
We fens to he
:Lie fro' 6,:hyiwyniscaf 10 awe&
la !. la tr-4peetehle deelvre ill all tracts
.1 .1, lhatorona
leretmer used
The Weekls News in
The duty ott stlt has bet
Sheriff Powell's rosiest
aocep.ted and Dr. Sweet1
eppointed in his stead.
A little son of Mr. Dew
the London Herald, reach
by swallowing a button re
A New York grad jury
indictments against gem
Morey for perjury, and
Hart, Louis A. Post, IL
end Charles A. Bytwe
the Drutk a criminal libel
Graham, who was corm
Cull in the establishruent
newspaper published in
glad to learn tied he has
the Logielature „A the Sta
vela' by a. kayo majority.
Fifteen out of folitrOve
suirpestted for December,
employment three thous
Tins action wee considerr
account ter the poor uteri
size oat
At the Smithfield Cl
the first prise lot the
token * s Polled. Ab
first, trot the Stiropthir
The Priem of illetee
Exhibition. The Onto
,A,auashes And roots we
first dam. Sir Ales.
For the last few d
a lige *book blosksit
owning to the ins**
Traits of from 25 to
War* ebout 115 le
its..art resit,
tome moo to furnish
agree the
last week 61,000
eernele. The she
sr 'The euietc 3re ca"t''"ml.st wenn Melt
of medicine dealets. and IAA is thts : Wher aired for
1.-.1't ooriarc " mid mei' "Mt Mee another. Betide st as
substitutes me rade a to sell da the
DOrt of
at .bout
6 area
UN whet he ler th..„..,t2Pata-Elliso tech
certain forms of Itranchitie,arei
airiest opocifi-o sleet in curing ob-
stinate hooking roughs, if WOOD 1f441
mos P.44, 11114
OOPS swan
IN* lirmiPpPr
ore ogee reglornek
r•meriarcr two
fie Psis X 11•161 me miuseell see see memo rose es se
et me 0 ewes meweseareelowslarates ma tanalleo.06amparl
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