HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-17, Page 5COMMI RATIONS. We do uut Ruler mrhileas tore to hu selves to pot u tide fur the t+. Cul+tribu- ale!>< t „dao then'. tut+ ie brief. TRAM i'rayeos& 4'ee "Pl. Loa $ZONAL.—Cao it be possible f Is it really so 1 Olt, Mr. Editor, are yuit inearnest hen you say that the pro- Riseposed site f r the sew cotton mill is to be on therve, lie '!ler, and that our village is " a capital place for, such an enterprise Y' But yes ' such for., the case, for Mr. Crsbb has said so, rind i I he last mvuauwt almost to vet a stay of the execution from the Minister of Jus- t:es, all the I'ratvbtaut elergynu•:: here joining in appeal to that etfcrst. Mons. 1/e Lesseps road a halo• time ago before the trench 'te.ulewy, stating that he lioneve hel►ad (li,a.\a .d the outwit plate where the Israelite* crosa- edthe Red Sea. A k reoeh priwt,lhilI in: his arguments conclusive, isop' waling for funds for dredging purposes, u' urdui to bring to light any reinaitle 4 Pharaoh's array which mar le• mules the should like to know who knows npere Carpet Weaving jg I about such 'natters than yt :r respected merchant, Christopher Cru' Es.. We villagers are in an watery of .relight ova: such good news. In fact, to say the least of it, we are all beside ourselves with the all -engrossing topic of the " big cotton mill." Such visions art. u ! Oh ! St.:N 1L man ! such (tootles we build in the air ! Just imagiue' A Large cotton: will on the Reserve, l,enlulllrr,—"u capital Lange -n street, God rioh. plats for such an enterprise." Olt, :Ay : we all have cotton on the La:i,l, ,:d _ __ - _.-- already we see the large six story f:.rte 1 I I AttN Rath SHOP RL' ;TOYED. with its ttLSt1VNs aria tail C. F. STRAUBEL chimney built n the r„eacn•e, HAM!, o miller,—" a capital plate 1.,r etch au ell- T i titanklag the intfahi1i; t.' of (;exle leh and terprize." In a few yu.trs stn' ambitious surrounding • gouts; ror ;. very-' liberal village will he a town awl in a year to' pttro-0 t I stale tar then ",wn bis nor the . y pea re i•n yrqrs wishes t., a::,: n tht'IIt that two after that will be a city, and we will he iota itEMOVIa) to hi, a. c, remises, i,ecome the Manchester of Canada, ani 1 Nearly Opposite the Golrgorne we will have uur own Ma?•or au'1 members and h-ve our own electio,: • I Notei Stables, like other people, an,l--and— well, T I Wherc he is shoe. in a very tine assortment of ,,,kw Palteru+at.l ocw Wr. Is. DINING -R00.'_!! CARPETS"! and i.•, line ..re:'ully cahoot say how many more ands - for I real!y art so overjoyed at the good news that like all of ns,'' I am beside myself, ruun•i in a tlrrt.-las harness shop. .\11 wor 'amuse Mr. Crabb has said that wu are anwarraetopinted. as I u•n• bot only the spry IA"! matt rial d oy none ►litsr-e a.A v rkmeu. going to have a cotton mill at Benmiller. }repairing dune un short nor.•,• u:nt a no.slrr- a capital place for such acuter- at'' rates. prise." lan land that eras worth nothing member the place a day or tau ago has gone Up sot high that it is $ matter of impossibi}ity for it Hamilton Street. CToderi ch, ever to coupe down again, awl If you :neat, never mind who, in our village— street, the question (thes'e's only light a,.•1 heavy llarncws, Saddles. 'trunks. %'allies. Whips. nurse ('Iuthinlr. Combo. lirii,hois, liells and every other article usually invariably is:- 'Have you hearil about 'the Big Cotton Mill that's guiu;( to be built MI the Hetet-ye t"-- '• a cal itc! place for such ail euterp.i>. as true ascan lie, for 'Mr. Cl•.t1,b h. ::a ,, and nobody knows better than he ' for he says that the money is all lurid up, and only waiting some little formality or ! other bef•'re it is sent over. Like all the rat, I am worked up in fever heat over suchilnportant trews, and shall request if Sir. 1.aDb or anybody else tell. you any more about the L I" cotton mill to be built on the Reaer.o, • " a capital place for sncb ;an enterpri a:, you will "print " it as soon as possible. Ah ! ,,n• now ' ' ! and a blige your old !•:L.0:rte:'N. Rentnillor,. Dec. 6, 18380. ?Ter Markets. corn the Chatham Banner. At the session of the Town Council on Monday evening, Mr. Holmes introduc- ed a by-law ti throw off the market fres i l ort Wodtiesdays. 491re-t•:n^t an experi- fluttes ment which was so suc:esrfully tried I t three years ago. The proposition has been endorsed by a great majority of our business Wren, and we :ire sorry to see that the fogy element in the Council 181 REPAIRING AND OVERHAULING still so strong as to defeat the scheme by SHart &Co • PROPRIETOR,, OR,, r1 ra 71T1 VII Tri wt -- -- EittuH !11LLS [TUB (Late Piper's. ) ' LARGE QUANTITY' OF choice Buckwh®at Plow ON HAND. JOHN KNOX, ■as1pN street. eideelea. '*.a'MVYACf1.Tpt IIP k • /'sensor. !r. BBt WAN' THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1880. majority of two. Mr. Holmes de- serves the thanks of his constituents for seeping up the agitation in favor of a reform, and we trust the business mon f Eberta Ward will show their approval f his course by supporting flim en Pular/ at the approaching election. Both the candidates for the Mayoralty sop t irted Mr. Holmes, and the question cannot there- fore be an issue berween them. And Mr. Northwood also voted right .,n the linea- tion, a f act which should be remembered on election day. All restrictions to trade must eventually be done away with. Ltstead of laying an embargo on the farming community, and endeavor- ing to drive then[ away from our market, every inducement should be held out to bring them hither. Bonuses to facto- ries are urged with a view of incrertaing the trade and wealth of the town. Every farmer who visits our market with a eras ani add. r pro - Carefully done al reasonable prices. oar -('A LL .L Y U SBE STOCK. (; oecrich. Dee. to. two. - 1:61:. ' - TO THE LADIES. RESSM.A.KIN C The undersigned beg leave to intimate that they are prepared to do dressmaking, in all its branches at the RESIDENCE of Miss HUNTER, I'. -'o :it. MI:'i ALDWORTH. MINN HUNTER. 1710•-tt. load of rtxluce contributes to the pm- ■ $ to the importance of s. & Chatham as a commercial centre, and we O ad 0lk z submit that the town is not so complete- • w oy ly beyond the reach of competition that rfTi 6 d` our people can afford to leave obstacles s , dtc in the way of developing what is just ., v now—in the absence of manufactung =Q (J industries—of supreme importance t,o their prosperity, the trade and custom of >A T/' the surrounding section a country. /n'1 ead' •a lairHwssaRaoKE, Qts., Dec. 10. --At tenminutes past eight ticlock ths morning. Wm. (trey, convicted of the murder of ThosMulligan, of Scottstown, at the October term of the Court of Queen's Bench, in Sherbrook, was duly executed in the prison enclosure, in accordance with the sentence of the court. Since receiving his sentence, the prisoner has stoutly maintained hie innocence. He has been constantly visited by the ministers of the different churches, and was always ready to join with them in religious conversation. He had taken' his food regularly and slept as calmly and peaceably as poosibie throughout the a night of Thursday, and eat a hearty breakfast this morning He prayed with his spiritual advisers, b erection, no unusual eotion, and ed with firm and steady steps to the scaffold, and after a fervent prayer by the Rev. J. Brook, when asked by t he Sheriff if he willed N say say**, replied, in a strong voila sem, s wish :o make a raaWrsr' Irma an isnowait Men." He then prowbad to repeat entistentially the etaseesnM siva the of the Illertheaske Gurette Ttseson day, Io ths Asst that his sole of - fume a■d bad in stealing the articles M the reordered man which •seg UM& in his on, whi111 he said MI wile man pelled♦ten to da He trsiaad all young seen to avoid ruts and had snows, saying it Was breve two evils which nM Oft kiss to the p1 - lout A t8:IO thetrap ws. owning by the w eiwr•tr_ws sod cites heaven about Us rnindea no pr,Mptive pideatiosi 000ld(lawyers& The body was, however, be allowed to ramie same "' *Unease towbar, Aar Irbil* it lotto deposited in a coffin, seri the usual Coroner's inquest held A strong e(er't was ma& rep to u U a cta U Z s g E -4g • 0 ww m ATTENTION 1' It 1t dOLIBAY IRESNTS. Fill: A S,'?CIAL LOT OF C 1 'GUIs IiS Oro to DETLOR'S_ arCI 1; (lioke ftangC G -o to DETLOR'S. RARGAINSINFURS ci-o to i_..`T TLOR'S v Holiday Presenia At BUTLER'8. I !Mitt, and Autograph Albums in great variety, Work Boxes , Wrun ; Desks. very suitable for press for Teaeheri and Scholars. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stuck is New, very oaurplete, and son to ..f Irwlieir. and (lents' Pune., Cron (Goods of all kinds, Ruby Gads, k'aces in nasty lattetns, FL.wer Pods, Cups Flowal.. China and Villfitx Dolls ! A Largo Aasertmeut. Smokers' Sundries-Mersehaum Pipes and Cigar Holden and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. y School Books, Miscellaneous Books M H liihlrs, Prayer Books, Church amuses, \\'niaLEv'S Hymn Books, Psalm !looks, a' c.. &c. - -Subscriptions taken fur all the best ENUI.ISH. Revolt, IRISH, AraRICAN and CANADIAN l'apers and Magazines at 1'ul,liahers' lowest rates --now is the time to aubaeribe. A full t,t, ek of whorl Books, for Teachers and High and Model School Stn.)ents All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice awl large selection • ,f Christmas and New Year'$ Cards! THE BEST AEVER SHOWN, AW1, CHEAPER t'Hr:i't:R THAN a\'Elt, At BUTLER'S. Dominion Telegraph and Postage Stamp OlOce. Illi I188O. Fall Goods! 1880 o Colborne Brothers ' out for the FALL 'rt: otr.nle•e -t . t y P RY FIRST - CT ASJrflC .; 5 i i i p `'Ai 0-o to DEr1'LOR'S. u IJij1IJIt n( f l 0 - ••_' 'Ji i'• In 1F . t'1, i"ll)N • PRINTS. and W aFCIT$. - extra ',eice a ' FULL ST. : •t'. CLOSE PRICES AF 1 c DETLOR_ to GF OCE ALWAYS ON HAND. .a J,a; Li:,.. , . 1.:-:-t:oOD:•t NURBY V1TS1 \ND $IVFR[OATS' CA-O t0 =='17....1012,'S_ iI Goderich, Dec. 18, 1880. 176z, -2t. 1.1 Mg* first Price Pail /or Butter and Eggs. September 3rd. 1850. C'OLBORNE LBROTHER:S. 17.1 Daniel GoIon, "Chicago House." Ladies Undressed Kids ---very stylish. C1111M—Matt Mill 111111Ctlau oldest House +n the luunty, and Laryeet Stock fh-. stele . I L•„tel' ri . PARLOR l a'ITaw, BED-Ryoul SUITES, SIDE -BOARD”, EASY CHAIRS, L01.1N0E.., ETC., ETC. (ash Buyers will find it to their advantage to tree my stock if they need a good article at close price. U. GORDON, West Street, near foss Office, tlaler'ieh. A carefully selected -Stock ..f BEAVER, FELT 8c STRAW HATS, ht. all the Newest `(tyle.. STYLISH AMERICAN TURBANS, T1ANCY ClOODH °rest Varlets' Pretty, and the very Latest. A splendid assortment of Black, White and Colored Plumes, litre Value. Ladies' Fashionable flair Nets and R ild Boar Pine. Novelties In Jets i,rcl Wove* a Kilo and K'oolk•n. Children,; Kid Mitts. (•hildrens' Fur Caps tw STYLISF3 AND C73TCAP r Fa Crape and Mourning G-oods. Flowers, Feathers and /NO./pis, id greet rn-itty. B ('all and ace my stock before puel asing PlerwLere. AND VANES IN (losabs--Hair, Tooth and Nall BRUSHES Pp.RFt 1)1EBY, to , Aa Ordered Work a Agent for Butteriek'a Patterns and for i'ar•ker.s steam E J. COPELAND 17:1 Specialty_ Dye Work.. , Chicago House, \fest $•reel. near Post (Klee FOZTNDI Thr largest stock in town of s Christmas & New Ycar's Preseuls Cheapest, in Town. PO' No trouble to show (koala and Prion. James Wilson, Ti. q,,y..r (lndrni) Daroonrr. A "I' SA'CTITDERS' VARIETY STORE, "THE CHEAPEST HOUSE CEDER THE SUN Arriving daily TOiLET hETS. V ARES. WORK BOXIW. WRITiNG DESKS, for the holiday trade PLATED WARE, MOTTO CUP';. CI-TULEY , JEWELLERY. MEDICAL HALL, GODERICH F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, MARKSQUARE, Paints, GODERIC'II. Wholcslatentand Medicines Hrr In orse and Cattle Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Arye ticles. Colo l s. ke. n. kV Physicians' Prescriptions carefully dispensed.'Fs 1751 If You Want Good( GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE, SKATES AND SLEIGHS. The sew tors gilt.. tar bow yet predtwed far U,u$*eity and durability pgrihfarytiiE at Low Primo durint this Holiday Beaeron.ilre (`*AIWA •LOCFZ. coral. Hoops rtQUARN' 9iiM;ea• rter ft r a;0 Tt, D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. in addition to the ordinary ;.nes of the HrorerT sad Crockery Thule, 1 ram a fn 'noel( of Flour, Ieals, Port aii &eueral Proi!ous. MY MOTTO 1A "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." (vial 00 alae sold, See say Mock and ret my sorts•• r>r Heals d.11v.rnd to say wart of la. Tag., D Ferguson yi