The Huron Signal, 1880-12-17, Page 44 151. THE HURON SIGN AL 1RIDAY,DIBORWiTt A NAJD BARVAIN. At lad the Cada Past& Itallway a.preeneet hes bees made kaowa, anik one has but to read the tonna to undue stand the fear the Government had tit "letting the cat sea est of the bag 1 e fore die Ras* mei Rad the egret. ,triEPIILNEWS ZS GONE. year age we eeprespied our that the Government should thew witkdraw the tuotutal gram of $10,- * at preeent annually made so- the Aviculture] and Arts Amootation. *nee Ulm we have nestle specie' exer- tions to find the feeling of the country as to this proposal, aud now feel ear. rented in saying that the feeling in every sectioe of the Province is in favor towns 511' 4' the of at once witharewing the grituts We Snub:Me bees knows • h het"re do not wonder at this feeling, when we Parliament Nest, the t* of the look it the tinansial statements of the couutrY uu1dhhirelhlmn leshifes,eeeted Association issued yearly; that for 1879, that the ellkIllet uoukl 1/1" "le aliviu till serve as an instance. The actuiel to attempt te awry tint the terms. As prises paid in leTs amounted to $12,9094 and the enmities incurred during the year $15,107.96. A in ong other itc t,f expenses we find these: a1ansii $3,- 250, postage stamps $507.13; Council ' he Itargain appears on another tinge. expenses are placed at $1,807.50 in the The eget:Waters, wh have besn promise. statement, but this is inisleading, the ..he job isa their uwn terms, have a nch actual amount paid out of the Ansonia- 'hin1g• 825.0°°'4" luta °5'°°°•°°° tion funds to the Dirt:eters is $3,112.16. mine of choice hold, with the Western This large expenditure is made up of the i-Ket11.11 of the Itailway as en additional $1,807.50 placed under the heading of sop, are to be given the farea e°111Pan?'. "Council expenses," and three •jtetus The velue of the Western section is este under "exhibition expenses," f 854 for ntseed at about 130,000,000, and when pay list .1 members attending council emplete.I be itentled over to the meeting, Torento," $1,175.16, "mem- s. CI" Cetnpanv. There is it difference of bers pay sheet," and $75.50, Mr. Kava - as 0. value ef the land :9421 °f refreshments." The Secretary 25,000,00) acres. The Conservative beete $1,200 a year, and the Treasurer eress are new reckoning the land at 11 voo •eotaiyagant expenditure when an acre, or wurtli 825,000,000 we c.'etsider the er.;r1( dune. '11'0111,3 years But when it is etautidered that the Coin- . erotic! work in ago the Association did it new is, the people/think it useless to , as the vile majority at the !Ask el Ste Jolla ILsccionald will follow :liter leader setywhere. A synopsis 14 BLROTION PORTRY. eignier snumbetee Tostehos Me Lyre. t'ANDIDATI'd SONO I do not pant for Ales - 1 do aut care for pbee- My friends have pleaded with me To enter in the num an And if I i elected I'll ou the taxes down, And 1 will see that things will "hum" All mutt year iin this town., -- - SONO VP THIS LABORING WAN. I love the candidate so good He shakes my hand; And se I slowly "buck" my wool He'll Dear Itlo stand. He talks to me in such A kindly way, Aud gets me work until Election day. THE BUNIMER'd Lev. As I lounge at the bar I hear from afar The candidate's voice begging votes. Ho is coining this way - Ho is here every day- • He §:terns to be "lined" with bank notes. And often I think As I merrily drink To the candidate's health, as he treats. That elections are made To encourage the trade Of the gentry why loaf on tte streets. THE ORDINARY VOTER's PLAINT. Save me from the cendidatee- The "on the canvess" candidate - Who shakes my hand three times n day And asks me for my N'ote. I'm weary of the candidate, I'll have to shoot the candidate, Who grasps my hat d three times a day party hare the power to reject any in- lintroducing new varieties of gr.•,4Ib It' 1An4 mke me for my vote. ;erier land, and select land along any e(Anpaing and i publishing agricultural! - , joanch line uptil the 25,000,000 are com- statistics and managing the distribution eleted, it will be seen that $1 an acre is JUST think of it. The Govertunent of thegrantstelocalagricultural societies, propose to hand over e. the Syndicate rather to.. km an estinette "14 °Ile- and generally advancing agriculture and 125,000,000 in money, and the Western O df the grant wt11 be teken up ..n the the arts. The Associationused to publish i portion of tho line, valued $30,000,000, This amounts to 155,000,000 in cash or it's equivalent, and putting the number erten line. and the reinaunder will be monthly paper, 77se Canadian Agreed- seleeted alone the icrench lines running tkrist, in which all the leading topics of i Ito fertile sections en ether sloes flus Interest to agricUlturists were thorough - will put the sites for future towns and ly discussed. But mattens have chang-lof persons in each family at five, means Dentine telilepeji,kseriz: realiassib:gen reduced and lThis is excover 860 for every family in the cities in the lands el the railway eller.- I ion. hisive of the 25,000,000 tetoly, and give the Company the bestthe rapidly until n the couatry. But we need only acres of ferile land. which is variously lend i now it actually costa 815,107.96 to des- tiohorteli markets. Oalldialcia Doc. 16. 1890. The delivery ha been fair during the past few days, although the thaw made wine days vete dull for trade. Salt has kept steady at 80e. per barrel. Wheat is in demand at as high ea $1.06 for fall and up to $1.15 for spring. We quote wheet, WM) w ..........$1 88 50 3102 Whoa*. Obertligl .... 1 01 a I lb flour, V ewt ......... to 4 2 75 oats."' bush ................ 0 30 50 012 Pea& bush.................000 et M Bozic). V bush.. 0 et 08* Potatoes, mew) is bum. • • • 0 25 et 0 30 7 03 se 900 ewer the %seine .1 the Conservative, tribute a prize list .1 $12,901I! ! The papers .1 • few menths ago. when the directers are not competent men, they Government elan *as it different one to eeee„„ the euie eeeet upon the business ; 'Lelia= he present, t.. slew the value ei the of the Assteiatieu noire as :`. I unl in question. The Montreal G....ate, . thtui anything else, and they enjoy . dited byWhite ..f Cardwell, then said, • 'In the United States the lowest price ..: which land within twenty miles of a rtulway is FW ad by the Government is two dollars and fifty cents an acre. The twenty -fit e iuilli.is reserved by the Canadiaii enunent • under the present arnittgement, if the GloLe's statement of that arruigentent is ....fleet. as compared with thet ef 1872, will be within the twenty -mile belt, and will certainly re- alize two dollars and it helf an acre. On that estimate the land subsidy .1 25.000, - ! 000 acres is worth 862,500 000." The Company have ten years in which to complete the line, and there is munication with the outer world. The rairie sections befere that tune. Under • iie clause cempelling them to finish the property held will be swallowed up. e e leave the servants and laborerghave all left Th This year, while the prize list was small- colonel and his wifnever , the eia ow teat pert tee read was ; er than any former year, the expenses house without revolvers will be necessary to . rnortgage the As- man went about warning people' .net to tennis goVerning the.sittality the reale are very loose. The Company binds seciation property on the corner of Queen buy or sell acccept to Leaguers, and cattle bought from non -Leaguers were ietelf in general terms to build a line and Yc.nge streets, Toronto, for about returned to the former ewnent. wo hundred members of the Lartd tied roodseetee There is a vaet im- curious to see the financial statement of League near Kintulla, county Galway, hearing that a farm which had been un- -1.n..ventent in railways ..f the presentday 11880; doubtless it will be a Model. There are many ether reasons we themselves accordingly, aid at the same time pocket the snug sum of $3,112.16 of in' What . estunated as worth from 81 to 84 an acre (the Montreal (azette's valuation) the land grant is equal to another 862, 500,000, or over $65 for emelt family. In *anis, cash ana f•AulDleted the Government hands over to the Company sonie 8125 for every family in the Dom - ion. at do our fanners and our public nioney. Truly the usefulness of this Association is gone, and it slieuld be numbered ameng the things that were. While the Government bolsters it up Butter, . 0 18 tst 013 I dos. 'unpacked; 0 18 ut 0 go • • 200 " 213 dab tier teirel su Banhing. -- - BANK OF MONTREAL CA PITA I., SURDLE'S, - - el Goderich Branch. In. R. DUNSEORA - - Mttudget. Allows interest on deposits. Dratta lettere of credit and circular notes issued, payable in all parts of the world. ItSt. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1',. 1, - $43,000,000. R.sf, - - $1,400,000. - - P1 - HON. WM. Me.MASTER General Manager, • II' N. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - ManA,,X11.. Intel:vet allowed on deposits. Drafts on sal the principal Towns and (Sties in Canada. Great Britain and the United States, bought, 4u4Ad7aidnCets to Farmers on Notee. one 01 more endorsers, without mortgage. 1713 Legal Notices. THE OLD NAME IN .4"A. 1NT=W GEO. H. OLD, FAMILY GROCER, HAS ON HAND CHOICE tITOCK OF CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, ago CONSISTING OF CURRANTS C LIC110N. SUGARS, SPICES, 490., Re . ALL THE LINES OF A FIRST-CLASS GR.001RY. SOME SSA TelogAytylier 3sit MIS ALB E COME A ND SEE: ,JOMF. AND SEE!' G. H. OLD, ---At P. O'Dea's Old Sta.nd, on the Square. tinder -10h, Dec. 16, WO. Iffils3L I. 11\TIC4!11111 Still to the Front! SHERIFF'S SALE OF L.kNDS. Cooney of Huron. t By virtue of Two Writs of To VVit f Ptieri kbeias. each issuod out of Her Majesty's County Court of the County of Huron, and to me directed, against tne...ads and Tements of Mary Pierce and all the Right, 'Title and Intere,.,:. g,dward tierce • a• the sults of Christopher of Redemption of the above-named 1., Ws= Elecution Crabb, I have 'seiZed an... Ate?. With a larger and better assortment of CHRISTMAS ,OD EW YEAR'S CAKES, Than I ever offered before, and. Iso better quality -Iced and Oruainented, zdststsvoso To NONIL-Vik Also all ether kind of Pound Cake*. -o------ My Stock of CANDI Is aleo of it Superier Qnality--large and a varied assortmente-which will give oretinussuuteo severseTiortellint BISCUITS I guanuitee also a larger and better rumor - 01 ererY description, fresh 1111}1 of Good Quante. I will hat e tnent of all other kt:.d Of cakes made especially for the Holidays. liontamada Candy Canes, all sizes and prices. SO* Self -praise no rreundlIvrldation, bat 117 my PLAIN and FANCY BREAD Which I deliver daily to all parts of the town. llorne-tnale Cakes Iced and Ornamented 1,1 the httest style and as cheap as the cheapest. I want every one to give me a call and judge for themselves. '?' FLMMMMBE' '113 _E; I. E. KNIGHT ---Near the Post Office. 1,1k.) 2t thelerich, Dec. 16, 1880. ze a Ft in ORNAMENTAL WEDDING CAKES, CHRISTMAS CAKES, CONFECTIONERY OF ALL workingmen think of this? RISTMAS ants, in and to Lot Number 3, in the third con- CHRIS TMA of the Western Division of the Town- ship of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, eon - Caning thirty-nine acres of land, more or less. which Lands and Tenements 1 shall offer for sale at my office, in the Court MOW, in the Town of Godench, on SATI ItliAl , TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF JANUARY, .5. D. 1381, at the hour of 12 of the clock noon. ROBERT GIBBONS. SherifTsoflioe.fiederiek, Sheriff. Ilun•ri. Oct. 21st 1880. • - - _ - QHERIFF'S SALE OP LANDS. county of Huron. Ity virtue of three Writs of To Wit : Fieri Faefas isellied out of Her Ma,caty's l'ounty Court of the County of Huron. and to me directed ag.ainst the Lands and Tenements of James Mullin. at the suits of Malcolm CoUin Cameron, Philip Holt and Malcolm Greeme (ameron, and also by virtue of an order from Isaac F. Toms, 1:squire. Junior Judge of the said Court, made in this cause, bearing date the 2f)th day of January, A. I). 1880, I have a, ized and taken in Execution all the Right, Title and In- terest and Equity of Redemption of the above named Defendant, in and to the south half of lot number Twelve in the eleventh concession. Etuttern Division of the Township of Ashfleld, In the said County. exceptingthree-quarters of an acre off the south-east. corner of the said lot, cnntaining ninetv-nine and one-quarter acres of land. more orless, and the south-west quarter of lot number hirteen, in the eleventh concession of the Township or Weet Wawan- nab, in the said County. containing fifty aeres of land, inore or less, which Lands and Tene- ments 1 shall offer for sale at my office. in the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, on Saturday, the Tu-elfflt day of February, 4.1). 1881, at the hour of twelve of She clock. noon. lt4)BERT GIBBONS, Sheriffe Office. Goderich. ) Sheriff tit Huron. Nov. 4. 1860. 1750-14. POOR IRELAND with 810,000 however it does not' seem • The Whole Land full of Trouble. probable that it will 'redissolved ;but the moment that grant is cancelled the mon- ster ceasesto breathe. Byall means there- weia="liee' Elmareelli.ld re*Ple Reck- fore let the grant be cancelled at once. If the Association continues as it is now Col. Callaghan, of Limerick, and his fer three or four years longer, all the family are absolutely cut off from Com - have been completed by isee. Tee were so heavy that we are informed it At Swanlinber and Belcurfars a bell - WOO to satisfy all demands. 'We feel equal to . the Vision Pasific Railway oe as cempertel with the U. P. Railway when first built, and .it was always the intention of the Goveniment v. have a superior line to that. Sandfortl Fleming the sold engineer, always declared so. The material te :be used in the con- wructien of the line is to be perniitted to estate int,' the country frfe-and the Natienal; Pelicy in t.i set aside for the benefit ,,f this pewerful Company. The Government ie t. I grant t.. the Syn- dicate a free road bed, and free land fur stations, w orkahops, tIts:ks. eteand the road bed, !telling stock and machinery are te he free .1 taxes ferever. The lands if unsold, are to be free .1 taxes fur 20 years. The bargain is elle that favors the Syndiutte in every way. Competition has been practically abut 1.14, end the tnonepolitsts have locti able to make their (min terms. Since Cenfederation no matter of such national inijmotance haa opine bef,.re the country. It surely cannot be possible that se gigantic • scheme will be rushed through the House -before the public lime an opportun ity :of pnIn oun c ing upon i t . A bah is necessary. The step is too great a ems t., be taken taultleilly and without the national feeling being tested. Over $100,000,000 in money, land and ether ieeperty are at :stake, and the people sheet give their opinion on this great and momentous question at the polls. Dare Kir John appeal to the people with such a "barypin." Yeats are entertained that the Ikeda d Sir John A. Macdonald will net penult him to long continue at the head of affairs. The Premier is nearly 66 years of age, and his life has been a particularly active one. Yet it is dent that he is feet failing in health, Ind that his once wiry frame is losing much ite old time toughness. His with - d rr.wail frees public life may he expected before long; for if he continues in place, he cannot be idle, and will eventually wear est Sir John should be permit - est to &pep into some quiet and fat of- -ce, for adwithatanding great aed glar ng fault*, the menu) teatemean has oeen so closely identified st ith Canadian -Liston for the past thirty Taarl. ;its deserves 111 ewes berth as he nears the las. of his retire 144 might urge against the Aseociation, such for instance as their method of appoint- ing judges. It has become notorious mw that no one can reasonably look for prizes who has no "friend" to look after his interests, and:many cases can be shewn where the wildest possible judg- ment has ruled. We have seen judges on cattle who did not know an Ayrshire from a Galloway, or a Durhain from a Jersey! and other departments equally bad. But the financial management alone, coupled with the fact that the time has arrived when a perambulating Provincial Exhibition is no longer requir- ed. should be gocel ground for now doing away with this Association. We before expressed our opinion in favor of dividing the present Govern- ment grant among say three or more district exhibitions, dividing the province for that purpose into convenient dis- tricts. At present the Herd Books are compiled and kept by the Secretary ef the Association, and we have yet to hear of the first breeder who feels pleas- ed with the manner in which they are kept. The fact is, the Association dul wrong when, upon the death of Mr. Hugh C. Thomson, they undertook the charge of the Herd Books, and from that date to the present they have been the laughing stock ef American breeders. The breeders themselves should control the Herd Books. At present there is neither premptness in issuing certificates of registry, nor can the registry as now conducted be relied upon. For years while Mr. R. L Denison had full con- trol matters were managed with the ut- most satisfaction, and had the work been left in Mr. Denison's hands no one could to -ley have reason to com- plain, as he is doubtless the mon com- petent gentleman in the Province for such a position, and besides he would have willingly continued to act in that capacity, taking the tees se his remuner- ation. Possibly his services could still b. seeured and with the hearty co-opera- tion of breeders our Short Horn Herd Book would once entre be pet into a shape alike creditable to the oompiler end breeders The Ontario Govern meet can herrny ten that 610 O110 item if the. • ca • tenanted for some time was about to be occupied by a inan who refused to join the movement, demolished the house, and set fire to the ruins. The meeting subsegnently called on all true Irishmen to Boycott all bailiffs and agents who re- fuse to join the League. Parnell has received a letter, in which he is warned, under pain of death, not to appear at the land meeting at Pf anroy, County Tyrone. The Irish Times ascribes the present misery of Ireland mainly to the course of the officials at Dublin Castle, begin- ning with the Lord-Lieutenantand calls for their removal. A police patrol on Friday night near Rttshtown tired on a body ef men sus- pected abeut to attack a house. One nem was seriously wounded and arrested. In heir months 698 indictable offences were reported in Connaught. Only thirty nine persons were rendered a menable. Five hundred and seventy- seven persons, against whom offences have been committed, have, through ter- ror or a desire to shield the offenders, refuse to prosecute or assist the police. In Mayo there were 888 lesser and 236 indicatable offences. Parnell has called it meeting of the Irish Perliamentary party at Dublin on Janua- ry 4th. Chas. Davie, 44 Leadbury hes returned from Manitoba. He says that although the weather in the Northwest is cold, it is more pleasant than here. He is buy- ing cattle and slaughtering them for the Maniteba market. He has elm com- missioned Mr. IL Pollard, of this place, to buy poultry for him, eo that farmers and others may expect to get good prices for their poultry. tilocoft. ORATION'', AND CAMITOINTING. it thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of d and nutrition. and by • carefal of the flne pronertien nI wril-ae 117• grips has provided our breakfast tables with a delleately flavoured bevets w Mr save es matey heavy dottws 5911.. It Is deices use of such articles of diet s.4111111- setitstiese may bet gradnal enough to resist every Hundreds of subtle m around us ready to attack weak point. We may maw shah by tweeting oarwevve pure blood and • is -COPS flertgee GarZnif Int. -70.41 lalwiled -"JANIS* knee t• Co, (Adulate, tendon, lheir - Al., ef IWO; Chordate karate tar sitensea 855 TOYS, and KINDS, THE BEST BREAD IN TOWN, D. CANTELON'S ENT S T IC E ET, a E I:1 (' ete,S-Ladies requiring Christmas Cakes should send in their orders witlemt delay. Hunie-nutele cakes usken in and ornamented en shert netice, and at remenable rates. 4 Just What the Public Needs. .1.rrived and opcned out another supply of Win)cr Goods. cousiallag 01 Overcoats, Overshoes and. Rubbers el: as various ot her •-•cat.ona We 1 i tics. ,,o -Examine my Stock and Get nly Prices. JOHN ACHESON. (;otierich. Ik‘c. 9. Itk4). GEORGE CATTLE, reapectfnly informed that we have re-oa•rmnaed emist & Union Soldiers wthettenrt-Arg,171. ,in 5 - our Detrol office and will give particu at- tention to the claims of those residing in Can- ada. Please address ua, stating what you be- lieve to be due you. and w will send you the proper questioning blank. 1111A) R. ,STEVENS et Co.. U. S. Pension Attorneys. A bat ract Building. I riernorr. micu. 1764. 1\T0TICE-- -H AVING BOUGHT OUT LI the title and I3erestnf11. the tt delis!i 111 iresaVrett;ef er OUR ago spit n r tr. ;wry - W• tens tee eter AGENTS wanted. H'g Pay. Light Work. Conetant employment. Ctital required, J Las & CO.. MOM t real, ebeo. 1761. WANTED '•.v cry, nit' in GODERICH and VICINITY to know that the best is •Iwaye the cheapest. therefore I want every person to omne and 1.14-P my stock of CA K KB aud PItICRS before our- haaing elsewhere My CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS Fruit Cakes Will be superior to any offered te the public before, being made of the very beet materiel, and iced and ornamented in the latest styles and designs, deo the 1 s genuine SCOTCH BUN wed SCOTCH SHORT BREAD, DI' FFERI N , MA DEI - RA , COCOANUT and STRAW BERRY POUND CAKE, The latest out WINE SPONGE CAKE, etc., etc., and as large ea amortaseat decker ealuseit to he toned fai slay eft 59 the neratema. PIM P.,TaR �nfrr ratuea. Perk tiee. AO kiisas et fancy Megertat candles ad my two =411 treemated pert% CANDY 11 hirnal fee bey* sae stria 1 ie aa plait trait rate at I& e per erittalt will be ready ter la It OR tesetwege ea ad. awl get eg In any 50730, OSWIO OM OVOID *1 75* deal went 544 buy. Wm. BERRY Piedisal Btahes mad Cooteetieter. II ems Whew 111011" Bakers N. My Asp wilt he deconsted the rild irceetry beide* 1766 It Druggist • Deafer In Plite Ilrogs And Chemicals. Fancy anti Toiiet Articles, he. Imported Havana. and Domestic Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos, &c. Physicians' l'reseript *ens and Family Receipts carefully prepared at all hours. COTJP.'1' 1-10T.TSM 1751 011 Book r.)173or-r_ Xmas Cards, Xmas Books, Xmas Presents. SVC A ROVE at SiIEPPARDS 1880 NEW FRUITS. 55 NEW VALENCIAS, NEW LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, . 8. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESSNUTS. SANrAmLArle HE 4 (or INTERS " IS LA KR St PRRIOR 85 TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERRING SALT W1TER HERRING AND CODFISH. ALISO, A LARD& AMODIRTUINT OT Teas, Sugars, And Gessoes! Greorties ; CROCKERY, OLASSWAItt, A N D CRINA Dr Purls Cream Bahia* Power/. Dr. Paitire Lapulin Yeast Gems Chas. A. Nairn, rF1E ev; 4F? •110 4 COMM U vve ea not bold •utosel opinion' ot our cur toss to this depart e saves to tooth, qUI That Priv.... DLit Hlu1•L,--4 DI it really et f Oh, inearnestlien y.. to site 14r the l be on the itse rve, I our village ia 'a cal an enterprise 1" lic case, for Mr. Crabl, should like to k tttt I *bout such matters i merchant, Christoph villesrers are 111 an et such good news. In uf it, we are all heal, 4 all-engroming topic , ' null." Such TillioDs 1111111 '. IRIC11 Dlalus t% Just imegine ' it 1. the Reserve, Ben plim for such nit wit we all have cotten saready we see the LI with nit chimney built on Toiller,-" a capital I terprize." In a few village will he it tem two after that *111 1. become the ItLenches we will have our ter members and hey° like other people, cannot say how Mall) really 110 8» overjoy. that like all of "u.,' ;meanie Mr. Crabb), going to have a c:nt.; - " a capital place prise." Land that it day DT two ago ha. that it is a matter i4 ever to come dewn ineet, never mind I street, the queatieu invariably is:--" Ha 'the /3ig Cotton Mill built oil the RCN elace for etch all en es true as can be, foi se, and netwely km., for he says that the i and only waiting IP.111 idiser before it is son Like all the rest, 1 fever heat over such sil*1 request if Mr. elm tett yen any I cotton mill to be bui "a capital place for you will " print " it Ah ! :to, now ! ! I ;in, tie Benmillar, D. rree u irom the Chatham tit At the session of Monday evening, N1 ed a by-law to throm on Woduesdays, ai. loon which was three years ago. been endorsed by a business men, and thee the fogy elenie still so strong AS to a majority of to serves the thanks , keeping up the a reform, and we tru of Ebert& Ward wi of his course by su at the appreaching candideees for the t Holmes, and the .1 fore be an issue be Northwood also v. .tion, a Itt which' on election day. trade must event with. Instead of the farming comni ing to drive them every inducement bring them hithc ries are urged wi the trade and wet farmer who visit load of produce grew, and adds Cluithatu as a Corr submit that the t. ly beyond the rea our people can r in the way of dt now -in the abs industries -of si their prosperity, the surrounding t Swath • finsaluviN)KE, minutes m5teceill Thos. Mulligan, October term Bench, in Short) in the prison e with the sentenc ree'svinghnis has stoutly m He hasbeea miniseitewrseyere of theweed religious cons; hhor iats foody retitle and peacenhl then e tire pravedwithhe exi hibited no tm ed withfirm melle°id::Ind° tnianhe Rev.. J. Bars Sheriff if he replisd Io make a stab " He tl eubseestbially tl reporter of th Ttneagto . sday, to • tenon model heioned were ound in said kis wife o 7 had 111 10855 :netneesehesAtIlsOirotheiri implore& allowed, abort° It =aid Add A stet