HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-17, Page 30 0 e xl l0 s0 rn xi th :K - IOC rtn+ for ice lei twit few row) pro c sol cttay em- n,ri- her+ with p,4),• $4 01 4 01 4m 1007 7 in r 1 50 the th the i year. coder- , with IZIN K, t el Ing, nae of dome. t.1 04). mail, d hers. art tar ?'tR I. Nett M3. Bally Inform I •-rna stterni. D m a4) Posies. nme.t lr' St on On yr IO M se oar t se Ins the Frith tit. her W Noe rt rfHHaar 1 basest fres or t moor& ems kr I.asA nt-0eia mesons 4 'IH lE PACIFIC Et. R. 'rho byadioste to Hwva, Absolute Control of the Road Re nutmeg, . temses-rtte einem Yu. lar. and Tweell-Fite Atlller tetra. rine*, Dec. 10. rhe tutus of the Paeifle Railway Syn. ate have at last been made kuowu, and are me forth in the centreet as follows : This omitted mid agreement between Her Majesty the Queen, acting in re- spect of thu Do of Canada, and hereon represented, and acting lit the Hon. Sir 6harles Tupper, K. C. M. U. Minister of Railways fuel Canals, rod Ueorge Stephen and Duncan McIntyre, of Montreal, in Cat J fain S. Ken- nedy, of New York, i ilo state of New York ; Richard Ragas/eel John T. Hill, of St. Paul, iia the State of Minnesota ; Morton, Russ & Co. ,of 1.oathnt,Ett(laad and Cohen, Rteinach & Co.; of Maria, France. The parties hereat have contracted and Agreed with each other that the portion of the railway called the Eastern $ectfen shall comprise that part of the Caru►diat Pacific Railway to be constructed, ex- tending from the western terminus of the Canada Central Railway at Calendar Station, near the east end l.1 Like Nip - pissing, to a juuetiun with the portion of the Canadian Pacific Railway u„w course of construction, from Like super- ior to Selkirk, on the East side of the Red River, which is called the Lake Su- perior secttu11. That the portion now pertly in course of construction, .extend - Ing from Kamloops, is called the central section, and the portion now in the course of construction, extending from Kam- loops to Pt. Moody, is called the waste. n section ; and "'fhe Canadian Pacific Railway" is intended to mean the entire railway as' described in 37th Victoria, Chap. 14. The contractors, immediate- ) after organization, are to deposit with the Government $1,000,000 in cash or approved securities, as a security for the -construction of the railway. The Gov- ernment is to pay to the Company in- terest on the cash deposited at the tate of four per cent. per annum half yearly, and also the interest received for the securities deposited, and to return the deposit to the Company on the comple- tion of the railway, according to the terms of the agreement, with any in- terest accrued thereon. The agreement concludes, On witness whereof the parties here- to have enacted these presents at the city of Ottawa, this 21st day of October, 1880, signed Charles Tupper, George Stephen, Duncan McIntyre, John S. Kennedy, R. B. Angus, Morton, Ruse & Co., per T Dupre Grenfell, Cohen, Reivach & Co., per T. Dupre Gtenfell, James J. Hill, per his attorney, Geo. Stephen. The eastern and central sections are to he oonatructed and equipped with a 4 feet 84 inch guage, up to the standard of the Union Pacifio Railway, in the United States. Any disputes to be re- ferred to arbitration by ono referee ap- pointed by each party and a third select- ed by the two referees first chosen, their decision to be final The construction of the astern end of the central section to be taken up where the portions finish- ed at present terminate not later 1st May next The work to be vigorously pur- sued, and the Company agree to complete and equip by theist May, 1891, unless prevented by aot of God, the Queen's enemies, or other incontrollable [Weans, the time to be extended proportionately to the space of such obstruction. Clause five bintle the company to pay the Government the cost of constructing the 100 miles of road from Winnipeg westward, at present under construction, and have the option of paying otf the present contractor and assuming the work on the portion remaining uncon- structed. Clause six binds the Government to enforce the agreement for the completion of the Lake Superior Section, and the western section from Kamloops to Yale by the 30th June, 1885, and that portion of the last, named section extending from Yale to Port Moody by the 1st May, 1891. Clause seven provoles that the Govern- ment shall transfer to the Company the portions constructed by the Government as they are completed, together with equipment and buildings, with power to run over and use them ; and also enacts that upon completion of the remainder of the portion of railway to be construct- ed by the Government, that portion shall also be conveyed to the Company, and the Canada Pacific Railway shall become and be therefore the AB.OLCT1 PROPRRTY of the Company, and the Company eliall thereafter and forever efficiently main- tain, work and r•in the Canada Pacific Railway. . Clause eight provides for the efficient equipment of the nil way by the Company immediately upon receiving it from the (lovernment. Clause nine is the money clause The Government agrees to give $45,,000 and 25,000,000 acres of landasa subsidy, for which the railway Ball be completed equipped, maintain and opetsted. Them subsidies are to be paid Tared ho sgranted as the work procce e. haidy is abbropsiaied as follows;1 milesFirst Central Section, stile, . First 900 miles at $10,0000 per 000. Second, 450 miles at $1,333 per trails, $5,000,090. Total, $15,000,000. Eastern Section, 850 stiles, $10,000,000, equal to $15,38161 pemile. Total r subsidy, $25,000,000. hind is divid- ed ed as follows: --Central Rection, 18,. 750,000; Eastern, 9,615,350 acres. The option is given the Company of receiving in bee of cash, terminable bonds of the Government, bearing such rate of interest, for meth period, and nominal amount as may lie find which may 1st eaeiniertt soon free mites for road -bed, station build/alp, dc. , admission, fres of duty, of a1C ins- 1 torts* to be used in the eoustruotiun of this road. sad bar aid sur- veys et .uat pries, with interest mall rails and uaterials bought mimeo 1879: the laud grunt is in alternate sections, and I stretches tweuty-four miles back on sideedit- theand onlygood er of ria1 soy , land for settlement ts accepted and the L& ote VA/ l\ raw ie e.t.a." a 4100.0.••• — "Manchester House. JADd ES A_ 13,1111:3 Has Just revolved a choler+ lot of r, NEW GOODS, (ruverumeut and estates to extingush U New Dasa oods, Wwceys, Flannels, blankets, Shirtings, Cottons, Prints, it c., Cita Indian title to such Iasdw This which for value L ensurpauer1 New opawspecial ls and Mantles, spial value railway, stot4t, equipment, and all works an d appurtenances gt tugether,,wit the capital stuck of the Coaipaay is ez4mpt- e l from taxation, either municipal, Provincial or Dominion, forever; end the land grant is also exempted until sold, or for twenty-five years from the grant by the Crown. 1f the Company does nut issue bonds, the Government retains every fifth section as security; the c .utmct to Ins binding on the Company only in the event of an Act of Incorpo- ration being granted in a schedule ap- pended there,,. Household }tints. --- Bet ween three and five in the after - won is the most fashionable time for making calls. A lemon sliced with sugar, or honey and .sherry, or a raw egg, are excellent remedies to clear the voice. When a widow marries again the wed- ding -ring of her first marriage remains, as a rule, on the finger, and the ring of the.sercotd marriage is worn above it. Scarlet Hellen l shades trimmed across Cie ends with antique lane are very pretty and serviceable for a dining -room, giv- ing a soft and warns light to the room. To impart a fine Savour to ordinary tea, place rose -loaves in the tea -canister, or add one drop of the otter of roses on a piece of soft paper to every pound of tea, and keep the canister closely covered. Love is a very different from that species of flirtation and merriment which octan cheraoterizes the joyous hours of youth. Genuine and heartfelt love is sober, serious and sedate. 1t is one of the most serious acts whioh can .be con- nected with the life of either a man or women. Stir linseed flour into boiling water, in sufficient quantity to form a poultice of proper consistency and before appli- cation smear the surface with a tittle olive or linseed oil. If irritation, with great pain and tension, or hardness, should prevail, it will be necessary to substitute a decoction of poppy heads for the common water. SPONOI Btsct-Irs. -Bost the yolks of twelve eggs for half an hour, and put in one and a half pound of beaten sifted sugar, and whiak it till it raiser in bubles; beat the whites to a strong froth, and whisk them well withthesugas and yolks, work in fourteen ounces of flour, with the rinds of two lemons grated. Bake them in tin moulds buttered, in a quiok oven, fur an hour ; before they are baked, sift a little white sugar over thein. Pofeox FOR RAW AND BUM. -Take five grains of phosphorus, and having added as much water as will cover it in a. mortar, add an oonoe of bread crumbs, and beat the whole into a paste, adding a drop of oil of rhodium; then make i into srnall pills, the Use of a radish -seed, and dribble a few into the holes. The animals having swallowed these, are at- tacked with intense thirst, and seek the main sewers, and there die. Lace may ha restored to its original whiteness by first ironing it slightly, then folding and sewing it in a clean linen bag, which is placed for 24 hours in pure olive oil. Afterwards the bag is to be boiled in a solution of soap and water for fifteen minutes, then well rinsed in lukewarm water, and finally dipped into water containing a slight proportion 61 starch. The lace is then to be taken from the hag and stretched upon pins to dry. TAI1r.O lar DH3P.A.N TIdENT_-A splendid selection of Tweeds and coat/me call andve your measure for a suit or uvorowd-stylish node, well �n�' and 0t guaranteed. Cloth bought cut free of charge. 1t! Hata. Caths and Drawers JAYS/ A. ReiA pewee. The [Ashen price paid for Butter and KW* Jordaa's Block, OodertCb. li.v+. tut a a.Nsra THY OUTER WALL, rOl one MTis "Down She Comes!" When we nay "Down She Comes- we refer 'to the Iligh Ih ice'. 11181 have been asked in the past fur Watches, Jewelry, Electro -Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. &c. W. T. WELS$, Emulating the example of successful business men, has MARI$D 1115 004)084 101 WN TO THE LO WEST NOTCH! and is determined not to be undersold by anybody. He has just received wine really beautiful things in Electro -Plated Ware, which he determined to sell at a marll udevece uo cost. * Sole Agent for Ro(x CaYt4TAL Srsoraci.ls, the most perfect fitting glass in the market. W. T. WELSH. Meteorological tepert. CO -O TO C. Strachan's Groceries, Crockery and Glassware. The ehdoest Fatah7 Grooeriesaitvays kept on hand, and at prices that, eannot be beaten by any house in the trade. CASH PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE. The Old Stand -south side of Court House Square. 1752 D. C. STRACHAN W. MITCHELL KEEPS "THE CHEAPEST AND BEST" Groceries, Crockery & Glassware iN TOWN -AND MAKES TEAS A SPECIALTY. GIVE HIM A CALL. 1751 Dungannon Carriage Works B. POINTER 7 MA11V78TUK8Y W /W23II'QGeI]D8,va CUTTERS, SLIMS alC.. l have un tend a tewBegielm wA4uh 1 W sell CRCAr. to mrko its WIRT wen. As it le coming un 1Wand malting Cutters anda • Give me a call and I will g ve you prices that auuwt be beaten in the (' uoty. Repafr1 li and Jobbing done. !'MN1. W. MITCHELL, Hamilton Street, Goderich. A. B. CORNELL 1.4 ytlt!SlOLLIAu FURNITURE CH EAPEF THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TOWN. IF YOU WISH HARDWARE OF E VERY DESCRIPTION Reduced to Bottom Prices 1 TO SECURE Greal Bgus, --CALL AT— THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN AND 1N4P1CT TH11 NZARTITELLY T1N1*H[I+ PARLOR SETS, BED ROOM SETS, WASH 8TANDfi�le and double D G BUREAUS, FANCY CANE SEAT CHAIRS, and all kinds of Good Furniture WARN -VITRO JOBBING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE ME .4 (.ALL. qtr Saws well sharpened for 8 cents. Renumber t&' Place Hammilton Street, - Near Colborne Hotel, - Goderich. Fa:on and x hoot Bella. Household Hardware -at divcount prioes. Builders' Hardware and Tools at Wholesale Prices. Large contracts tilled at Manufacturers' prices. s State of the weather for the week end- ing December the 4th, 1880. Nov. 28th -Wind at. 10 p.tn. South, fresh breeze, cloudy. Number of miles the wind travelled in 24 hours 295 miles. Began to snow at 8 p. m. , ceased at 9:30 p.m., inch fell. Nor. 29th --Wind at 10 p.m. North- west, fresh breeze, cloudy. Number of miles the wind travelled in 24 hours 775 miles. Snow flurries during the after- noon. Nov. 30th --Wind at 10 p.m. South- east, fresh breeze, cloudy. Number of miles the wind travelled in 24 hours 509 miles. Dec. let -wind at 10 p.m. South. west, light br8exe. Began to snow at 9:30 p.m., ceased through the night, 4+ inches fell. Number of miles the win travelled in 24 hours 376 miles. Dec. 2nd -Wind at 10 p.m. North- west, fresh breeze, cloudy. Number of . Ales the wind travelled during 24 hours 720 miles. 2 inches of sr.ow fell during tho day. Dec. 3rd -Wind at 10 p.m. South- east, fresh breeze, partly cloudy. Num- ber of miles the wind travelled in 24 hours 364 miles. Dec. 4th -Wind at 10 p. m. South- east, fresh breeze, cloudy. Thawing, threatening rain, which fell through the night 2.5 cubic inches. Number of miles the wind travelled in 24 hours 546 miles. 0, N. MAr•nomete. Goderich Lighthouse, 1 Dec. 6th, 1880. to salmi talc* to the eae'esDosd- ing cash payment, the Government al- lowing four per omit. interest on moneys deposited with them. other The Government, among things, also agrees to steel isel re armed fastenings fourths of the mice of ttsrail, n which may be provided beton *Mel revered; not till January, 1884, the Oespany may, imlltesd in issuing land grant bonds, twiaRitete the payment by pant of uttered nn f the Comemil on G_ H_ PARSONS, GODERICH- 1731 RGANSI ORGANS! Creat Reduction in Prices. FARM ERS LOOK HERE! I won't be undersold byany other lean in the furniture buainese, aa 1 uy close and buy for cast and therefore will sell ten CHEAP FOR CASH My stock is now complete in every description Mind, w. liberal offer will be refused. ome"PICTURE FRAMING DONE AS CHEAP AS BY ANY CYPHER FIRM 6t rices so that pious wishing to ppurchase wi11to nue fnd It toltheiingr rith adian age to call at�my shop uced the and buy from me. 7,oetw.t. 1 have secured the agency for this new compound for Dyspepsia and Liver Troubles. it comas to me under moat favourable auspices, very highly a idoreed and r Its wonderful affinity to the Digestive Organs and the Liver, increasing the diese1eing pima, one feting the sails end et■rrtng of impurities of the Stomach and regulating the Liver, can be tested by *souring a sample bottle which Heil. at #e e06ts, or large Eight nine bt,ttlet' Yd ,sale. F. Jordan. 1763 3 M S G-- BAzIL SEWING MACHINES. ---The R-ANZER and WHITE SewingMachineschines are still the 1'ooplo s vAvonrrl. they are a4) easy to rnn, and make so IiWo noise, that it is a pleasure to work them. If you are about to invest in • Sewing Machine. you will certainly ml® it if you do not get one or the other of the above makers. Sewing Machines to Rent, and a stock of Needles, 011. Oil Cans, 8c.. &c.. always on hand. An American, largely interested in Sour mill. in the Western States, has been inspecting the Hungarian milli, with a view to adopting the machinery and system el working in America. The Hanprisms have sent a onmmission to study the operstionsthere in order to be � aa o able to resist &marimba competition in the Railway orad Laid Grant; to Brant the Austrian markets J. W. WEATHERA.LD- (1}'FICE Sheppard's Book Stott. Market Square. 00osnicn. 1751. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G_ BARRY T - FAKER AND IINBERTAKER, CABIHE Hamilton Street, Goderich. Market Street, (opposite Watson's Bakery) Godarlch. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN TME WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Cough, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza. Croup. Whooping Cough, Asthmc, and every affection of the Throat; Lungs, and Chest. including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES • • It dors slot dry tip a targe, and leave amazes* Wised, a, is tea rase soil& most preparations, but loosras ►f, devisee the hags aad allays,rvi- tat,ow, ant vwsoe ty the ester of eswpl int." DO NOT BB DNCZIVED by artkica nearing a similar name. Be sure you pt DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the 'igniters of " I. BUTTS " on the veapptr. 50 ()eats and 41.00 s Bottle. Pre - by Seen W. Poets & Sows, Boston, Mau. Sold by druggists and dealers genteelly. A good assortment of Kitchen. Bed -room, Dining HoornParlorFi Furniture. such i s T - rano and wood Fwtwlt. Cupboard Lona" a Wlat-Nda. booking Glasses. N. B.-Aoomplet.e assortment of (ofna And 9hrondn al.•-vyv on hand. 810+ Henry,* for hire at reassemble restart. Pioters Praming a specialty. A nasolicited 1751 0. HARRY. Red, White and Blue! Acheson GEORGE _ Acheson New Dress Goods,Gloves & Hosiery, JUST ARRIVED, S EI -LING CHEAP_ Cita- BOUND TO GIPS BARGAINS, 1761 d, ?stetted Solution of the Protoeide of Iron, Is as emit,(*peed an'! .assimilated with the blond at t(*peed simplest food. Wben the blood does sot eeMaie -e seta) quantity of Iron. the dela-n^y eon M supplied by the nee of tho PILI i'IdN 1E2111'. VJ'. It cnres a " thousand Nle" simply by Tog tug Ur, Ixvmooaanno, and V4vat1*t*e Me system. The enriched and itekeed btssd periaeolme every part of the •1104*. aigageoe mad waste. *cambia.fsttastYtsTM�sesraliesa, said leaving nothing for Caw) M 'M. Thls is the secret of the ,.,.M. ell were+ of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Bolls. Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints. bad all duetoes orialeatin,r in a hail state of Ow blood. air accem*saied I,y debility or s low 11411- of the quota. C LC'!'I01if . -Be sure yea get the "P1l - 11fOIZAM'ITRUP." Bold by poem- = -a Pagioplasig sent free to slay Dokirsall by W. Pswam & SOUS, rr ,plow**. 84 Bar- flies ♦thsse- Sostow tits'.