HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-17, Page 1THIRTY-THLRy Y CA R. t WHOLE NUMBER 1706 GODERICH, RIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1 INTELL GENCE 11(`UDDY BROS. Pr a' A YEAR IN ADVANCIC lir NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - LVA. Tl OUoe and residence, Went Btroet, three doer below Hank of Montreal, Gode- rick 1712 etiicai. H(i.'MMACKID, M. D„ PHYSI- rias. Surgeon sad A000acber. Oradu te • of Tomato University. O e ppeelte Cat•ar res k Cameron's Bank. I.0 elbow. if sot Is .See. immure at the Bonk. I7Sy. LADs McLIAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - WN. OEON. ('eram% oke. take and rel tommi M~Ye Street, mesad door west d V Bsl,la DRs. SHANNON s HAMILTON, etppses. Aceseemso. tc. tyfae •i Dr. Sasaw•s resNsaso. agar the Jest tiaierick. D. C. Soawsou. J. C. RAMA. DIN . 1764. 1. AI KEN HEAD Geminate 1 V ••to Ur. tempary OSee. saablsoend sesNsnOa w ew imp doom mitt dOslherws Ysss4 ! 1. Hissers mastwsd as to 10 7sasd- MM. Legal. Estray Animals. STRAY HEIFER CALF - CAME into the enclosure of the subs Tiber, Port Albert, about the 1st September, a red and white better ealf, The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take It away. we. RIclt ARDSON. 1704. !'1 sum, a P VOweU aD,PUOT, $ t "'pew, R. I L. 1.it DOYLE, BARMIER • N D en: nese ' fur Is l bssesr7.te.. WIA ER & MORTON, BARRIS- k7 TRIM tc-. tc, °sisrici and W C. er. Jr . Oodarich. J. A. Merton hoot 1751. STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the sub.eriber, during September, two steers, one year old; one grey, and the other red with • white star In face. Well marked On both ears. Any information leadingto their recovery will be suitably rewarded. Roarer Y ou: se, lot 3, 60on. Colborne. 176441. ESTRAY HEIFER -CAME TO THE premises of the undersigned. lot 6, con R (i 1b,rwa. •bboart the tat Nov., • red and white Wage. m to prove halfpropeold. payhe ownereis =ire e It away, Parstt !'tangs 1731. STRAY HORSES --CAME INTO THE .sciosare of the subscriber. 26th Nov. MM. • dark bay horse with tour black legs • spall war es forehead. Owner is requested to prove y, pay charges and take hitt away, or lie will be sold by public auction at C'urrie's Audios Mart to tie town ofOodertah. on Saturday. Sib January, 1881, at 1 o'clock P. M. Mlotsat. O M AKA. 174MM. Colborne.2lih Nov. 1860. MALCOI )ON, BSRRISTER AND . 3_Bisllsr. Oho i Osrsar of West Strom and lensint Smarm over George A 0 a C,►]11PI01i, ATTORNEY -AT- 1".A. A T - E. LAW. Sobritor b Cbasear.Coevey- rn OM. Any emeast dDittoes 011bos over mossy to loan at lowest ears of interest. 1761-y. • CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Belietion In Chancery. to, OedseiebB'r setaa6 `f m M. ('. Cameron. q. C.: P. Holt M. G. Cameron. Goderich. W.I h. Mama, % Ingham. Ptiscellaneous Cubs. JA>1 t3 SMAILL, ARCHITECT, •o. • Office, Crabb's Block, King0W0 st.. Gode- doh. Plans and specifications draws correct- ly. C•rpeater's' plasterer's and mason's work measured and valued. ? uctioneering. i C. CURALE, THE PEOPLE'S AUC - e/ . TIONEER. Ooderteh, Ont. 1761. L1RINCIS. GRAHAM LICENSED 1` Auctioneer for the Gonanes of Wren and Middlesex. Tarsus reasonable. 0fb►- HamW11tonSStres ers tOod ` e . opposite Surriat Ce with rul e attended to. 1761. ESTRAY HEIFER -CAME 011 THE Wes of the subscriber, lot 6, con. 3. Id shout the 1st September, • Rico AND trrw Hamm. doing throe years old. The owner r requested to peer property, pay charges sad Woe it away.-JAsts Assv. ESTRAY STEER. -CAME ON THE el the subscriber, lot Il, con 4. e while yearling steer with red spots on It; Aim e m one ear. The owner is requested to prove property. pay charges, and take 11 away. Dorz*LD Melt utterly. 1768. Tonsorial. TKNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- . BER and Hairdresser, begs to return thanks to the public for past patronage, and solicits a eontlnuance u custom. lie can always be found at his Shaving Parlor, the Post Office. (leder-lob. ESTRAY. -CAME ()N THE PRE- mises of the undersigned. Lot 43. 13 th ors, Huitett, on or about the 1st Sept., one two yew obi Helfer, and one one year old steer, Mob red sad white. The owner can have the some by proving property and pay expen- ses. 'Roust I. t4rauro. ' ESTRAY STEER. -CAME ON THE prsm of tb• subscriber, lot 16, oon. 4, fowssilp 01 Colbor'e, attest the end of Seep lamber. • White tneer. gto prove oyearsrid. poizTfMa w b tmaatsettel w prove property. MI ti= and It away. MILar. CAME ON THE PREMISES OF the subscriber, about the loth of Novem- ber, two yearling steers. one red, and the other red sad white. The owner is requested to prove proper►. pay c and take them away-. Wu. RosCtrTooN. Benmiller P. 0. E. R. WATSON, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental Painter.. Parlor decor- ating made a specialty. GRAINING, GILDING, °he try'Oetoe, Goderich. Street,opposite7511 STRATF')RD BIN DERY-ESTAB- LI9HItD INC This establishment is chiefly devoted to job and library work. aspects -11e to those unique and economical hal[ and mor rocoo styles. in all cases the best of stock and workmanship with strength and beauty com- bined. Bindery overJohn Dutton's drug store. GEORGE STONE. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, DUNGAN- NON.-This first-class hotel, has recently been refitted and improved so as to furnish the best possible accommodation to the travelling public. Good liquors and choice viands a An attentive ostler always on ha speciality. and excellent stabling and sheds, on the premise'. THOR. SHILIr. Proprietor. 1761. Election Cartis. NEWS ABOUT HOME. 'A cldel's among le. talon' notes, An' faith keit prent It. TOV TOPICB. C ARD. To the various Inquiries of my friends wheth- er or not I will allow myself to be NOMINATED FOR MAYOR. for the ensuing year, I accede to their request, and expect by them to be elected. - Yours truly, C. CR ABB. Goderich. Dec. 8,1880. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF OODERICH. GRIITLIIUUN.-Having been waited upon by a deputation of prominent citlzeOa, desiring me to stand for the I have decided p_o_sition ofoMAYOR of Uoderiherebycan•ounoe myself as candldatee fol the position. If elected. I will endeavor to all the office to the beat of my ability. and in the real interesteof the town. Respectfully yours. HORACE HORTON. Goderich, Dec. 2 1813. CAME ESTRAY. --- TWO WHITE Heifers and one red and white heifer: came os the premises of subscriber about the and of Oct. The owner is requested to prove and take them away. property, pay JOHN Tuner, lot. cos 7. Ooderich town- ship. For Sate or To Let. Christmas is cunning. Will we get that early afturies.n trail. Don't bet ou the elections. A report of the County S. S. Conven- tionwill appear next week. Rev. G. A. Francis has officiated at seven funerals during the past three weeks. Merchants, get your letter paper printed. It looks business like, and costs but little. Ball circulate and cartes de donee in any style, priuted in beautiful new type at this office. SCHOOL BOARD. --A special meeting of the Public School Board will be held this evening County High Constable Currie rejoic- ed in an official coat with brass buttons during the County Court, this week, and J. C. showed to advantage in it, too. Miss Ads Barritt, who is at present attending the Model School here, is eng for the ensuing year In a school near Lite View ata salary of $235 per annumn. Mr. John Ogilvie, of Montreal, was in town during the past week. He was the guest of Mr. Hutchison, of the Harbor Mills, his brother -in -low. . .1 udge Squier appointed J. A. Morton, Esq., of Winghant, of the firm of Seeger & Murton, his Deputy to hold the Divi- sion Court at Zurich on Wednesday last (16th]. 1110 THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN 1 OF OODERICH. (1RNTLRMr!t, --I beg to solicit your vote and cnftuenee at the ensuing election for the oMHoe of REBVE, (Mr. Gerrow retiring) and in so doing would rely upon my past services on your behalf at the Town and County Council Beard In the event of opposition, 1 will state my views fully on our municipal affairs at the a.*ala•ttow, and if possible, make a personal canvass before election day. Your obedient servant. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corner of Victoria and East strata, in the tows of Goderioh. for sale cheap, or will be exchanged for farm property. For particulars • D to Jas. Sawa., Architect, offioe Crabb's Mock, or J. C. CLRa1r. auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE. -WEST HALF Lot No. 25, Con. 4, Township of Goderich, 40 acres -38 cleared. 2 in bush; new Frame spring at the young oor. Will ld never -fail- ing n- theepperms. Apply remises. Porter's Hill P. 0.. °odMrs. GROHOR erich Ton or to GsosoR SHEPrARI, Book Store1762(G000dde- rich Town. Loans anti insurance. t 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO elP CAMERON, HOLT &CAMERON. e- rrQicch. 1738. W TATE TO LEND a Dvo ab .REAL B. L. DOYLE. Dederick. 1751 @60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO ND IP on good F er are olsm Tows PropaV at 8 per tent. Amar to R. RLDCLIFFE- t 761 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to salt borrowers at Si to 7 per ds. Apply to gamins sad rent private tag MORTON, Goderich. Messrs S. Smale, D. Knechtel, Jack- son Stitt and Geo. Kirkby, of Brussels, were in town during the past few days helping to adjust the scales of justice with the aid of other jurors. FAT CATTLE SHow. -The Christmas Show of fat cattle, sheep., hogs, poultry and butter, under the auspices of the West Huron Agricultural Society, will be held to -day on the show ground. SWEET CIDER. -Mr. F. Seegmiller has nude arrangements with Mr. H. W. Ball to receive orders for his clarified t id during the holiday season The resusciated Blyth Record comes to hand lookingmuch better than before its trance. The paper is a credit to Blyth, and deserves to be well support- ed. CHAMOIS or Tuts. -Yesterday the stage from Goderich to Kincardine be- gan to run on its new time. It will now leave Goderich at 7 a.m., instead of 5:30 p.m., as formerly, and arrive at Kincar- dine at 2 p.m., instead of 2 a.m. "Christmas trees' are on the tapir, and the small boy is becoming very regular in his attendance at the Sunday School. We understand the M. E. church S. S. will have theirs on Christmas Eve in the FRED. W. JOHNSON. Ooderich, Nov. 241.1 , 1880. 1782-4t. T TTHE OODERICII.ELECTORS OF THE °arVLrttrN,-At the earnest request of a large and influential number of ratepayers, I hove eossented to be a candidate at the torth- ingmunicipal election for the position of REEVE of the town of Goderich. Having had • lengthened municipalexperience in years gone by, I feel assn that my pas( as to secure for cord as • mebthe favor of thlic servant e ratepabe yers on this occasion. I will endeavor to make a per- sonal canvas of the town between fhb sad pollingvday, opporut tunity ofuid tbe that I .eein, some of the tiot have an o h that fact will not deter electors, 1 hope them loom giving me their vote and influence. Your obedient servant, JAMES SMAILL. 1763. TO LET -A BLACKSMITH SHOP Conveniently situated. being in the im- mediate vicinity of Mill, Hotel and PostOfsoe. This is a good stead for horseehoeing and ring. AIeo • one story frame dwelling bhoo and shoe shop.This is a rare chance for • good Blacksmith and Shoemaker. Apply at once to R. J. H. DRLONG, Port Albert, FIRST Mg t reesseable raateeOAN -i of interest and oa terns to step wen. t ARROW J Alto BTRw*R'r, MONEY TO LEND. -A,tsrLARGE at lowest rates oamount ei n ism Moura t to GARROW t PROI7I►VOOT. MONEY TO LOAN. THE CANA- DA Laded Crealt Com JOSS lent by tb1. ( pw Q. Ms for : Wilma UGH H t C. L. t. onterich. d!l0,0 a and to TE FUNDS TO LEWD AA and In- terest. - - mwelneestae Nb R.-Borre4rers re ••a,ssr STOW, Banisters, te.. THE CATHOLIC CONCHS ,T. A 4ra•t *weevil' •a•feal•f ■ad tae• a• easily . It was generally bell• cul that t1 0 grand concert, in aid of hitIPI . Church, on Tuesday evening would be largely attended, but that a. great s► crowd could be brought together on thee occasion was hardly anticipated. Thar weather was inclement, and doubtle s -a many were kept away "n account of thus . bad walkiug and uncomfortable driszlr . Despite these drawbacks one of the lam est Goderich audiences which has were turned out to a musical or literary enter- tainment greeted Miss Reidy and her as sociates on Tuesday. Of Miss. Beidy s singing we cannot speak too highly. Her appearance was the signal for au est - bunt of enthusiasm on the part of the - audience, and this enthuaiaun was intent sified when her sit itioent vocal power awes cider u it is put up in four gallon kegs, and sold were exhibited. W' ether in "L'Esteem, at $1 a keg. "The Kerry Dance. or "Cumin Thr*. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. -For the the Rye,' she appeared equally to s.I information of candidates we state that vantage, and fully merits the enconiun,.s the entrance examination for Goderich which have leen paid her Ly preen and High School will be held in the Central Public. Miss Norah Dillon ie. a sweet School on Tuesday and Wednesday next, singer of quiet demeanor aqui modest beginning at nine a. m. mien. The Misses Wenner also mak, excellent hereiony, laud receired a fair HIGH SCYOOL INSPECTION. -S. A. share of the plaudits of the audience. Marling, M. A., L. L B. Inspector of Mr. John Drum ,le, of London, woes High Schools, on Monday last examined highly aenr'eciate i, and had to lista rat. the classes in the different forms of the • cores for each of his songs. Mr. Tow Goderich High School. He gave a Joslin of Seafurth, brought down thus pretty thorough examination, and at house in his "spesualities, ' Itis. "Mortar the close expressed himself as well pleas- t beim a strongly eepresentafivt ed with the condition of the school. character. Our loped celebrity, Mr. RECEIVED HIS COMMISSION. -Last week Robertson, also rain. in fur., part of th.' Mr. E. F. Moore received his commission pleasures of the evening front an appre as Vice-Consel at this port, his appoint- cistive audience. The fallowing u this ment by Consul Hibbard having been musical programme as rendered: In ratified by the U. S. Government. Hon. strumental duet, Mrs. O'Loane and Miss. Mr. Hibbard has shown great astuteness A. Doyle; "I saw from the Bosch," Mina in getting into the employ of Uncle Sam Dillon; "L'Estasia," Miss Reidy, encore so competent an &ffieial as Mr. Moore. "Twickenham Town;" "Moriarty," T MODEL SCHOOL E1Lw1I4ATION.-The Joslin, encun• „Good-hmye Sweethead;" pupils attending the second session of "Pescatori," the Misses Weimer; "Tho the Model Schools at Goderich and White Squall," Mr. J. Drumgole, encore Clinton wereEzaminedon Thursday, Mr. "Mary of Argyle;" "Kerry Dance,' Miss. Mr. A. Dewey P. S. I. , presiding at Gode- Reidy, encore "Terrenoe's Farewell t.. rich, and Mr.J. R. Miller, P. S.I., pre- Kathleen:" "Larboard Watch," hissers. siding at Clinton. a list of the successful Drumgole and Robertson, encore "Pea candidates will appear next week. nuts, by Mr. Robertson; "Thou Every- where, Mia+ A. Vi'eisoer; "Fifty Years No vote will be taken upon the Code ►g4 T. Joslin, double encore "$eauti- rich Township Railway BT -law, the pro- fol Star" and "Dutch Warble;" "Love's motors of the scheme having withdrawn Request," Miss Dillon, erttore "Rremem, it at the last meeting of P her and Forget church. Capt. Sheppard, of the Northerner, is again in winter quarters. He has been running chiefly from Chicago to Buffalo during the season, and was fortunate in not being caught in any of the great gales that visited the lakes this year. FPO THE ELECTORS OF THE 1 TOWN OF OODERICH. OSNTLrtffex,-I have been waited upon bya number of the prominent ratepayers of te town, and been requested to allow my name to be brought forward as a candidate for the position of FIRST DEPUTY -REEVE of the town of Goderich, for 1881.al As I have had td tbt muncia faithfully discharge feelrience riad hpersuaded uties the duties of that office, I have acceded to the vriehes of t your vote and influeence at the fortfriends, and hcoming ow tmuni- cipal election. Your obedient Servant, _ _ A LRX. t,V s x5014. Goderich, Dec. 16, 1880. SHEPPARDTON.-STORE, WITH Post Office, for sale, with } acre land. Stock all fresh and good. Will sell on very easy terms, having other business to attend to. For further particulars apppi to R. T. RAYNER. Also 106 acres of lass, west half of Lot 66,, on the 3rd con., E. D. Ash eM. Good Or- ebard, Frame House. and a stable. Fl the pifty acres a me of and bbeegiven with lot. Ft.with 16 761. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Lot R Con. 8, Township of Colborne, Co. eoetainieg 36 acres 75 of which are sad fa goad state of cultivation. V • lyase Memos MAO with cellar under tw 11a.,w Ip. wood shed 16x94, -' also sow stable I4zyt. 'lhgm M • well suit} a never falling spring, ;ZIT ereb•rd with about 40 trees, selected. May. For partlenl•rs sooty to TRONA* ATMS, proprietor, Carlow or to Gamow R PROVDFOOT. Goderich. The People's Column. I awe t 1751 MA MARINER 1aRgnAboammtcm Co. Ibr file crises a ae F I' ie innuww. Key'• Mocwrayto k oed k, er. e. Oat. iNSURANCE CARD TOUT. ABd. CDT.1'MMWMW rrs-18si PH(IRI1 COY. MI Lenses/ (R•ttad a 1181. HARTltOR COY. of BAorrvon t . O0a•. is 01esa at takes 1100 MINING. - We are glad to learn that G. E. Stotts, who has been living in Loadville, CoL, since May, is recover- ing from a severe attack of bilious fever. He is working in the Chrysolite mine, and seems to think a good deal of his western hone and mining life. PREsENTATION.-TheTuronto Telegram says: -Mr. Frank Addison, of the Monetary Times, was the recipient of an illuminated address and meerschaum pipe on the occasion of his leaving the city to take charge of an establishment in London. NEW Tree.. --During the week we have received another assortment of beautiful type of the newest and most popular faces, and we are now prepared to do fine job printing in the choicest style. Try our business Dards. Look at our letter heads. STRAYED ANIMALS. --Ally person fail - 910 THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN 1 OF OODERICH. Oex,TLa tune. - The present 1st Deputy - Reeve, Mr. Jainism. laving kis icntg- tention of offrtmg as amie u un of year. At the regime e[ $ 1Np• ahu ratepayers I Irve eetnsmsa 11st D1iQ't1 rx iff to be put in Downsailele as REE V k:, and it M this T ! .tLu position, I shall etM TS r i• isar both at the the ►atCoun of d maty Dors l Beard. Tows. Council and County_ Oo Your obedient servant WM. CAMPS I'LL 'DOAK FOR SERVI01--A D ORI** Beer st shire r te_hs pail•t niDow Perk)of ter eerveservtea F. BE1311II.1=. taros Reed. WOOD WANTED -100 CORDS OF grws• wood. good maple and beast, lover Mi 1s. Mtetk. fres from mbs and Vie MSia st rite Oodertok » Vi Itt, a tMsa enes'T.•Mra wl1 s f`eeslved Wm. Ma RL i eco. btlaarS, uP Deesmbor. In7s8l e township "Death of Nelson, Council, paying all expenees. It was Mr, Dromgole, encore "Beautiful Girl of feared that the Stanley vote against the da1e "Bonnie Sweet Bessie, the by-law would be increased in Goderich Maid of Dundee," Mum Rettty, preop Township, and the promoters of the pro- ,,cervi ►' Thro the Rye;" "Tits Cousins posed twelve mile line showed mush the Misses Weimer. Mrs. OlLoane and prudence in withdrawing the by-law. Miss A. Doyle presided at the inetru Now for the railway from the South. ment during the evening in a highly Peelle ScIMOLA.-The regular quer- satisfactory manner to bt.th vocalists and terry public exemivatione will be held audience. in the various divisions of the Central The lecture by Father Flannery, . and Ward Schools on Wednesday 22nd St. Thomas, was a rich treat. The rev. inst, commencing at 1.30 p. m. Parente lecturer possesses a pleasant voice, ti{ and the publie general} are, cordially ped with a strong touch of the "browse)," invited to attend. As the High School which sounds most harmoeieualy on the entrance examination takes place on ear. The lecture showed traces of deep Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, thought and strong resuming, and at the usual public meeting in connection times breathed forth glowing sentiments with the closing of the schools is necess- and finished periods. Unfortunately the arily dispensed with. rev. gentleman appeared to be conscious that he had been, as he himself eapress- HAREOE ?Ante BAIL -The ball in the iL, "sandwiched" in between tits Albion Hotel on Friday evening last, un- musical of the emtortainnisnf, and der the sus hoes of the employees. of the in his endeavor to curtail his. remarks did not do justice to himself. But there was rich Irish wit, a keen perception of genius, an appreciation of Moores r l licking humor, as well man acknowledge sunt of the poet's pathos, patriotism and true re: nement of language, which went far to show that had more time been at the speakers oomuand a treat indeed was in store for the audience. Light meshed upon the life of "Tom Moore" which had not been shown before to a Goderich audience. The poets dark and bright parte were exhibited te view, and his greatness and his weakness, hitt frivolity and his genius made apparent. The lecture was interspersed with choice selections from the product of Moore's facile pen and fertile brains ably render- ed by the lecturer. On the conclusion of the lecture a vote of thanks was ten- dered Rev. Father Flannery for his ex- cellent discourse by the ohasrnutn, Mayor Doyle, on behalf of the audience, which was neatly replied to by the rev. gentle- man, who issued a standing invitation to any of the audienoe who happened to peas near St. Thomas to not forget to oall upon him and partake of Irish hos- pitality of the olden time. The singing of the "National Anthem" by the entire company of Tomlin terminated • very pleasant eveainQ s entertainment. Ian'sDINO Ont»teillorawill please hand their names into us by next {pedneeday. We would like to know by that time who are really in the field. Moan New TYTIL -hat week another 'apply of beautiful type arrived, suitable for fine printing. Our cards, tickets, circulars, bill heeds, letter Muds, etc•, can be got up in the best style. Call sad see. Knox Csv*cw Assrtra,rr usR.a It assess that r eligibletag r wo esinisner for thethevacant polities se asistent in Enos Church. The vaaer of the Home Mission Com- mittee writes that at the present time all have been forwarded to jlnions, and the Prinsipals of Knoz ligdill and Queen's Colleges cannot fill nn the vacancy for a M mouths, as the ettadgees frim thane institutions are sent net by the Reese Mission Committee only in April and O cher. We under stand, however, that WHO pines will be with a good hewn of yegel ant) ing to advertise any antmml that may Harbor Mills, was a decided success in have strayed upon his premises Lys every particular. About sixty double himself open to an action at law. As tickets were disposed of, and a most en - could be seen by the columns of this pa- per during the past few weeks, a number of cattle has been advertised; yet there are many others estray which have not yet been published as such. 910 THE ELECTORS OF ST. AN - 1 DREW'S WARD. Gnrrtimmv -At thesalliitaK Mends, f lf as • cdn- dida have decfor dedthe to n offer COUNCIL. dilate for tb Pesia rvett in that body. I pLointR. my already test of my acness to reprpointe t record I will. se in the pest, a ad you. if work ind. the best endeavor to to the best interests of the town. ttuliv. Yours reaper 1764. E. BiNGHAM. lti.ksewe* rases t' -CR e Pesaoxat_-Mr. Andrew Meldrum, a student of Knox College, and stepson of Capt. Gibson, of this town, preached in Knox Chuch on Sunday evening. His discourse bore traces of careful thought, his delivery was forcible, and he gives promise of becoming an able preacher. Mr. Meldrum will spend the Christmas holidays with his mother in Goderich, and will preach every Sunday during•his stay. IiMO THE ELECTORS OF ST. AN - 1 MUMS WARD, IN THA TOWN OF OODERICEl. - ce my. scree - ye•r. our re- ties e'sf- ON. GSNTLIZIs - I bereby beg to aanoun self as • oaadidate for r'e-e grace as for for the above ward for the coning and true that co,d•ct ae one d y Maven) yo heasto t ur nued Eine ro year port Your obedient esrvt lel. L CARPi flORDWOOD WANTED. - THE CN - ill tie Do- te new to ell e • \biil1l win o- I err rareF Sw CWz r.. JO ' or at tae 17M NOTICii -THE rtaAN U NEM- QfO le bergs at dig 36m Rstdt liar tb N.,sos of 1161001114 Dtrmesws Ur the esgra3 yew. .*. t B, Oe'y. Oedmteh isth Dm. 1M -6!11111. C.2D o TRAIR8--To THE WTAHDA31D 111 D5* Om > s To3wryeA ")lIf _Piste BAV[Is'+.M°°r. to 1 ter Omit. _.~'Ow rings - NOR 4011 HORTON .»I to Lief ea lkol'ditfts mourn, trout owMe1ea asp ne rr6 joyble time was spent. Shortly alter 12 o'clock supper way served, and a most excellent spread wog laid by mine Moet of the "Albion." On the conclusion of the partaking of refreshments, the ladies and gentleman again adjourned to the ball room, where dancing was kept up till an early hoar. The committee, Messrs J. Miller, B. Thomas, C. Thomas, R. Williams and H. V•n$very, d4 serve credit for the successful manner in Which the whole affair was carried out. Ix TOWN. -Judson Ellis, M. D., of St, George, who won the gold medal at the pedtattoo examination of the Medical School, Toronto, last spring, has been the guest of his uncle, J. D. Armstrong, during the past week. Dr. Ellis is • young gentleman of prepossessing ap- pearance and unquestioned adaptability to his profession, and wherever he de- termines to locate there is no doubt but that he will obtain an extensive practice. THE ELECTORS OF ST. 1. p*TR10E'11 WARD. Guirrimmun.-At tb request • number the Inawt1 Ml ssea t COUNCILLOR tsr • stW 1 -jam e4 et55$ is Werd. fir sad sottorlt the votes MA Warm of m7 Meads, la order 10.000re my pIueUOa- Yonr obedient Servant. R W. McKENL1L Deeeeteh. Dee. 2. 11168. 1762. Tow° T e ` - e''.bet Ilissis_ pari • NmwteTaaa COMPLIMENTARY gamin -On Wed- nesday evening the Town of Winghaaa entertained'the County Council to a oomplimentary supper. Speeches, song and sentiment were indulged in a man- ner peculiar to County Councillors, and a "jolly" time was spent by theguests. Among the speeches repo we mWarden, in the following remarks by the reply to the toast of his health: -"Mr. Mr J. T. Gsrmw in rising to respond said he would be a man of stone who did oat feel *ratified at the treatment they had received. It was a matter of very peat pride to him to reply to the fiattering manner in which they drank this toast, and it was , high honor to anyone to be the head of such a body as the Huron County Connell, and it onewas an one to be coveted by anyone. retire He load now definitely decided from public life. It wouldIn se he was a young scan y would receivednb. in tog well eiiglad t them for the reception tytIhrybafi"Sawed. If Wing - ham desired b IM s meaty town they should seise os. $ psrlien of Brom, but he would warn these alpine attempting to wrest the honors ti the toms by the lakeside. He thanked their hosts of the evening for their heart reception, also the County Council for the - him. mmy in whish they r Aper 7 years' ezperia ce he did not Stink it advisable W taken 40 years o amigo our munici- ofinstitutions which ned wiederiv bring to their pt111/N stens "( leniency. No body of Ines did as emelt owed fee the eosaty as its Oewweil, net in their sessions but outside el OowerstI eil work, as ell isms of ase feet Writhe, and dis- owned maters of gran ifapoeteees, and he hoped the da]] war far diatom* when they wield be abolished FaosMt7/Lotu.-Mr. James Wilkin- son recently returned from Muskoka, where he was building a mill during the summer. He says the scenery of the district is grand, moss covered rooks towering in the air, and but for the dies, .Sc,, the .umeten would be most de- lightful. He would counsel the tourist to go thither in September, whin the country can be seen at its best, and the insect pests have departed. He has a splendid selection of mosses, of rare and beautiful varieties, picked during his so- journ in the Muskoks region. ►TO THE ELE(Ti'ORS OF THE TOWN 1. Of OODERICR. Gsltvss.nr. -sub. i ews riitMtmo mossiduster dims that nV s gse sus taltim fold win not e11 Wive l•ssaed That Mr, ■p return MCI Itaa Y ew>i "fls'3 lleit af picept aiwsrimSI- a ard. tot will* tat et Ike atomism yew ebedlssit asrewst. 11 t'Algiwo7( 1136 OsrrrART.- Last week 0odericl► lett another old resident in the person of Mr. Leonard Peck, who had jest completed the elicited three -score and tan -years of life The cleansed was born in Hartford Conn. , hut about thirty-five years age came to Goderich, and followed the hes- Mese of nurseryman. His calling gave hist a wide Rghip with the people of the Huron Tract, and nnny .n 'old timer" will remember the hen he planted his first fruit trier its this section, and the tree was bowgbt from Peek. Three sons and five d•agh- tars arm 1 to tarn kis Ines 1,t t]). i..ntiae At