HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-10, Page 8r
CO(1N'1)1 41l,l'
We Tate a ileo
Lo311 EL
tad a Hp. 4 op, a
homiest ion
M clay.
nese iu
1V ing'
mg las
oto a Il, ,uisftiug
defeated W';;Ikertuu at curl
W • 1iYl boysak use themselves by
b it church windows.
he Adeadet is tickled over the feet
tat there are no empty house* in W ing-
^stolen frrtmmeletk
in Fenwiek's Mills, EAeter Nurtji, oue
day Last week.
The lat}(e of Mr'. Jo'tu N tem",
blaaksuii , died snd.:ably id, Winghrtr,
last week, from heart die Lase.
Mr. C. Spooner of Clinton killed last
welt a nineteen months old grade Meer
that netted 526 lbs. of first :lass 1)41.., •
VAMMOwir.D.- W. -Courtney, the feetILr
runuvator turn, who visited tart town(dor•
ing the laid summer, has degatnped Llmn
d4ttnej thiel' broke int, Axe P..airey
-itou+e, Borrie, em Sunday !alt, while th
family were at Churin and tom's :,', 'm
$2.00 is money and a geld ring.
At a meeting of the Merritt Co.nteil it
ass decided not to submit the protegee
by -lawn) grant $3,110 wt Aid t ►u cele
patty in extending the hue to Wittttaahi n
Soto Oi•r. -Mr. E. Christie, oa•iu
to his having az tin taken possession •,
the Mansion House, Exeter, has sold hi
Seaforth livery to Meutnt. K••oert an
Willi:un Laidlaw.
Mr. T. Bell, for Reeve, H. W. t'.
Meyer, for Deputy, and Dr. McDrnal
f ,r .tlayu;•, nr,t er,eetel to b suites Ito
in Winghsi n at the forthcoming intuit
Opal elections.
Mr. A. Moore, formerly assistant G.
'I'. station agent at Clinton, but late:,
holding •Chu important position of genera
agent. for the Northern •i ranspor.tio,.
Company at Duluth, h.ie reautnel hi --
position hero, for the winter only.
.1` : I) . 1i t# #WW1V 6WY414 RFAXIMBER, 10, 1880.
School, en 'ale aimless.
K(wnut (Mab
Mo. r. stitch Ilweesett,
gu ,tett u
P• allow
i ret .t ‘V.I • R' ' „r tiebt w• ; 16 miles in a piercing, uokd gale, their
cite &usu., .elvertaing teachers want- elotbiug dripping with water, and their
e 1, i{l; .he .titer, advertisin{ towbars boat the p4
t.hing of the seething til-
teewode -•.g W'ei•aro•t w Ae fold. Jalisco lows; may be imagined, but comma b.
Ad ta.0:l, 4,ktnq census of wheel obit- described. Every wave was deeuohiug
d. eu 4,0000 tea jars of 6 and 16, SIC them with spray, and it kept one man
J. S„urry, 11111111.1111-1s Referred to Fiaaetee busy bailing out the boat. But at lout
li lents.they reached I'revidenco Bay, frown
A emumuttieetiou win etxd Eons and exluimitud, where kind hearts, wit-
•rfiss 11Ys1rt % 'saint 'Iter'mrue wonthi linghands and the most generous h.{spi-
le .vu o 'menu t. actable her to uhtaie taly ministered to their now.tities and
a seaoe . chars certificate, on ouudition tom ort.
tri 1 ere pee elle' another competent Mr. Noble "teals of the bravery end
t*acb.t. trupy her place. Ou uotIOI1 heroic conduct of Captain. Parente ut
the re.qu••it of Aim Watson MSS grouted. Igluwu4g teruie of praise. "Why,; said
A Leve afu.nber of ap1,I cation --some fie to our reporter, "when the deriver
sixty i., %.1!-- watt received for the position sea greatest ','apt. Patst,wa ass out a
t. Board pt
I Ike Centre!
Ili the .:}lair,
Ilegaa, Fee -
and Pia-
t)ii,tntpslttiw.mail ey sae eted. After
Pits -
h„ the heat Nobht Staid Alvt war
thug L.at but tau. They were
to the (Roust, sed he tht.ka they wore
Jamas McAuley and Geo P.ttuu, bat i"u1
.► taw abutment* they ww'e gale, all
etb)rta of shote u, the yaal to teach them
previog uusvailiug, rt 1.011w ampr,eslble
to now the against the aur all win
They remain at the wreckfor over an
- While Mr: Mulches isle
MOn sifterninin wee edging lumber in
1f loWhulvy a steam ta411 he Aad elle of
117s flaYa11 of his of hi+ left luted taken
°Cain[ an'atlei Lally teemed
tJi M.E" .- At the Dsvemboi meetintl
tt boat d d ed 1 t). L. Ne. lX'2. the fuUuwing eat -
mire ewe' treed ed h mire ewe elected fur the ulrsui year,
hear, before leaking for the shorn. The vie.: lie flu ilnuie,l4, L ; W. Murrow,
removed: hardships they endured iu ruwing these I). U. e.,J. Pentland, Chap, R0. 0. Pent-
land, Treace T. i\ollu , Bat:; Cuwwit-
tee : • M. Fiauigan S. Pentland W. Ryan,
P. Caution, I. Carte.
FARM :IAL':+. Mr. 13as::hliu has sold
his valuable farm in flay Township t
Mr. Kohler, for $11,3fk1. The Farm i
near Exeter. Mr. W,o. Reith ,told 5
acres on the 3rd con., for $3,200. Mr
W. A. Shaw sold a'203 acre farm in Ecs.
Nisatxu•i to Mr.Hollingworth for $ii3OJ0.
WILD CAT SHOT. -Mr. Robe Wood •1.
9th cum. Turuborry, shot a will cat un
Mr. Ea lie's farm, rurnberry, un Tues-
day of last week. The annuli.' measured
3; inches fruit tip to tip, eta,.' 21 inches
high, 53 in.hes stretch of logs, and
weighed 25 lbe. -
A Goou HosasSOLD.--Mr. Alexander
Smith, of the 12th concession of Hullitt..
a few days itgo sold to Messrs ffou{htoo
& Sharp, of Seaforth, a two year old
heavy draught cult for the suet of $140.
The colt was a very fin.t anile a1 and was
stated by the buyers to Le one of the
beat they had purchased this sea5°n.
HB.tan Fstox.—Mr. Catl,bell, of Har-
pu.rhey, and Mr. Jas. Stewart, of Se,a-
forth, who have been in Muskoka for
some time have been heard fr,rn, and at
last accounts Campbell had killo 1 eleve 1
d ter an l Stewart had killed two an I
frightened other five or six ba Ily. They
intend to return with enough venison to
supply the whole town.
t,r0 t yZnk Thu eolepotitton was bit excited, but wee es ouul as • chunk ut
- hreugllt -lotto to Mikes Cassidy, ire. 1 ores e wiled eu the ocr.ut in all
After ptttwg the kings of Ne.tthr, 4)01 m.•ver saw a utast
.iriidlies arta against the other the Iuvutg... oe,leh prewi..:o.i wu,d iii time
seete rit'3• vote of the Baud aeounled the of duus(er. • Contiuuutg hoe exdaibred
Mty. Cassidy. Y t
' lee eare.asee wife 4.astructetl to see
tla ...jvautity of wood c ould be ru quir-
t t.. ••rc m.:(.ai) information toll
Cite ._ orat•u•y who wuul 1 advertise for
,untie -s toy delivering.
dr. Cook stator that Cite stove in St.
D .'a ,Y .rd school was not, sufcient
• 41 it,{ tyle large room,
i c ,,,a 1al:eel of it.
w to the
o• a uer►on nal; souls place
tho d•.` r before nine o'clock.
. ue ,;'seine of asked th , Principal if
cote children wu:e eounxiaed to go out
L.,. i g recess
• Privapel repiic.i that they Were
,.u,.eaed t;o go out w lune to they
.sly an their seats. If, howeter,
wentel G, romp tkey had :,. do it
The monthly report was presented by
i.al Miller, WOlem.hortad 1151 the
o. 4, o e.ulrer of %mita(' on the roll was
Ot hili.. number 384 were boys end
116 r:s. The following is the report: -
lege Ilex No. on Av. at- p. c. of
0. , Ar - lto&L tewhaao e.t .
rt Millis, 10 3e
S. 8. Astor laeStiv.--On natal
evening oust Nils liunday School
celebrate its aunivereary by a tea meet-
ing. 'tee will be served from 5 to 7
.*'clock, after which the gathering will be
addressed by Revs. Davey, Leitel, Sunth
and Headers, and lir. T. McCillicudy,
of 'Tux 81(014A!_ Singing by the child -
red and the choir will also be s future
of the evening's entertainment.
Letter • FTNI1slt. On Monday, while
engaged in " olgig$4" the saw at Me-
Winnneys mill came LP contact with Ole
sawyer's hand aad cu' him seriously.
One of the fngurt) had to come „tt, :std
two others warn badly lacerated. Dr.
Tayloretho was passing at the time, ea",
fully attended to the injured man
414 , PFTB '" 1.
-wast A .rt w
v t'lZ •
tl flJJP1.
GoderilCII Branch.
(? R. (I rflt he'll?), • • MOwttY'
.&Uooynw u,• lttltare
IS or tori efth ru', tarwetl
( 4N IJ IA,q IC+ FOU
Xmas Prese1ts.
T..r. MOOI U I O1 JS
has this serlon far outdone all hie prev-
ious attatu'sts to cater for his numerous
friends at the forthcoming
Pl ep (iyo1Gd, -t1,Q00,OWe
M si. - • i1.400,P01' 4
P r emeses . 'ION. W'M..14e-V i S T ICR
(Marra/ /easel/'. - IY. N. AA'DSRSON..
`Goderich Branch.
A M. 11 tJf;$ •- MANAC: XXL
, •••tele-••-
ioMest .homed .r Drafts on all
t 4, in. p 4 Towns C In Canada,
0reSS p-ritttin mod the rte.
.Mato.. bought
and sad.
Advas.xw'te Yan5005 ea Notes with one
mare erdoreees w*►.at atedwaste 1
eutLuwi:stw ;uwttn . un eau
speak in too high prow ..f Capt. Par- $J1Ml& Legal Notices.
tai tW
t4 -l1 a good LIMO. LOW m
ho btaune,la
A very painful accident betel Mr. D.
Hornell, of Lucknow, on Monday even-
ing last. He was engage,' in a friendly
wrestle witk another genticrnan, and
t through some Belden twist in this dan-
gerous sport, his left le, was badly frac-
tured in two places below the knee. Dr.
M.:Crimruon was soon upon the scene,
Anil the injured limb w is skilfully Brew-
ed. The fracture w•t3 a very severe one,
the bone being splintered badly ait1
protruding through the flesh.
51.,8;Trainer, 31 3'1 91
Bion Bond 1M LY
.r• •s Whittaker, N n;
I +•. Apo,.
i +i ll o.er 53
Slow 'fortis tit'
. ,,avid', Ward -
,,.di,s ..!.:Mahon 5e
1•.,Watson 96
.i.. A•,drew a Ward
Mies LonL gWere.;
S ss Jam aeon f13
St. Patrick's Wane
.,1,m Blair
31 :o" MoKoovru 7, 56 f7
7ir1 13110 is
Che Principal then slaked the wish of
the tioa.l with regard to the matter of
!totting s„ public erueting at the cloning
if tyle school.
A discussion thereupon alvat oil the
.{lies ,n of distributing prises on closing
N.tthing definite was d .ue 40 the pre-
iuisos, and ou motion the Bow ad-
to be nusu•. \Ve owe our lives to Irian." 1)15wu111 Court u Ilinaesela nn the 1141h
*1i. Nettle ala.• ais,ku in the highest feat
senna ••f engII4t r NesLett, who dud sour ttt'T. -F. Ute,.
everrthim; 01 his {ower to d... hes sold !w sleek end beerier to Mr.
Mr. N.W.•• says (:.!.r. Hifi tint ev.tq- M..eeehead. ut St Mary.
liar; that a (urttnati.kr could do, ansa A r'aprts eertsve el Tom Sayers, the
ahewe-d himself t., he a heave and fait- , lietriesr Isis. u lase ..n• •'s ___ last
fel uttie r tionnt the t.•rnidr tnoraiolt •L (week. Tame •,,stated did not mooed
CIO wreck.ima w&
In parting Mr. Noble telt our repot -
ter v t4„aa - Mr. ilk herr ' has
Ler he ti ter rtra.atlt.reet .tr s a castle .. 4 M got,
7lsisasilh, fur
111 -It C. Dogma acid his Isar sled a
althutrth he *,taro .a, the owlet Stet lir. Wet. l rrrnsl, d
tomato I.YW rrk std .:-cot and I ltt corner of
tf . .r.gi eIowa n - Zti- rim ri► P tltou a enrvc7.
whlcb, nearly new •red in e
The (Jurtr:it soul pebratm0t i• wipers- The 1ilWaft..w .asNsmpenen hdirwgp >• 3s. contains barroom, ei tt ing
lir $,w Tern !spilt•
meat ; the Wardell 1n thv chalr. ''the ref era. ansa= ararart [arse dining room ynbod-rx,D,s
r tea ie rte- kc., ell ooHvenienti and sub
Abse► D'{ c . ver, G i Wert ley, M : leimm the / nn e e at> d of t emoted• there is also in con -
Webster, Griffin. Chwitny, $ (seer>ig the elrnss.1 the ■tali containing
slur, Ltwk►e, Young,1. hrstaio, 8w firs T►..at.,•t bong laudable arse i..11sa Weenie Watt gr u-
Wkitiev, Strachan, Hrkop, Kaes, Urrh•. praiseworthy tea asempsee set will be s ke•' dining is a
..seseeoel ore are aha
Weir, McMillan, Mason. Hays, seewr, ; well petze . shwaweilsani JG.
Fon h. Cl ('aatte, Walker, Hastowb. mfr M alter Jae/woe. tutserth •tf the V •meat desirable country
Forsyth. whl.•h • good bw'tnemr must oontlfue
Black, Henna g Kay, Shier, Taylor,' W a surras fn m 'wing s dere The hotel b at Dews c under
Gaunt, tfell and Gibson. en y muratrtt Mese to 1f r. Pollock. at p60 Per annum. but
C. Tait Scott,' of Win{ham, who pur-
chased 1,283'acres in Balt E., N. W. T.,
in Au{ust last, has ie.uTie1 that since his
pur.;hase, his propIrty in that region ha+
trebled in value. H3 paid ono dollar an I immense waves in rapid succuss----- wash
a:re, the syndicate whish has taken los-int{ over her, deluging all hands with
•e8eien of the alternate blocks of that water. At this time Nolle got his leg
Lett 11, ,w va41.10 the pan l at three dollarsseverely injured by being caught among
an acre. Mr. Scott estimates thsn in 1 the rolling barrels of pork and other
less than five years this land which is freight, and was compelled to hake his
close to the :American boundary will way as best he could to the engine room.
fetch ten dollars an acre, at least. Arriving
t+haattth etl''Simeoe "ere he dwasbdoomed, ineer "and
---tri nes. '1
-- the latter immediately shut offeteam and
On Monday night, Nov. 29th, the lieu. went forward to assist the crew at the
A. Elweets, ably aesistcd by the Rev. Pu' -'1's Noble went to his room to put.
Dr. Walter'', of Go3erich, organized a on dry clothing, and on his return he
(:..spud remper.►n a Association, in the
found the fires had gone out. Miss Gib-
church, Hu me:ville. After son,, the Ladies maid, and Miss Williams,
a telling a Lire's by the venerable Dr., tyle ask, were in the engine room, al-
bfi;ty signed the usual most frantic with fear, crying and pray -
between forty ami
ping to God for s afety and mercy. Mr.
it pee. The following were elected as
Noble end
ofti ehearers:- President, Rev, A. Ed endeavored to allay their fears and
w iris: Cum mitten, H. Elford, A. Du.f, succeeded in quieting them by holding
J. 0 ulbic t, J. Mar•{ tut Mrs. H. Elfur l up hopes of safety from the impending
afterwards Miss ()Ibsen
end Miss D. Haloes; Secretary, John Peril- Shortly
went forward and was not seen by him
nnolly•in Noble was in the engine Loom
unfortunate accident happened to tenting to Mise Williams till near 12
named Mrs. Carmichael while o'clock, when some one attempted to
Wroxeter on Tuesday of last open the door, bot could not owing to a
animal in attempting tet quantity of wo,d and freight having
of his legs over the shwft been waahed against it by the sea. But
•t Lim R.t that he rats they heard a voice which they retrognie-
pt. pars„ ordering them up
rig against trees, etc.. od se Ca
Ily throwing Chi• on deck as the steamer was goinit down.
und when up Noble immediately broke the upper part
real15000. She of the door with the starting bar of the
mem and Dr. engine and Bitter first assisting Mies
Willis -es through, he 'followed her and
assisted her on deck. At this time the
steamer wee lifting badly to leeward and
the decks were covered with icy. With
wrest difficulty Noble snceeeded an get
ting the cook into the cabin, from which
they emerged by the door amidships, it
ug their intention to reach the burn -
deck from there Art j^'t as Mr.
was about getting his art, an.und
the h LIII*In* in order to lift her up to
t s leek, she saw the stern
gtlog t+i .filed water ieto-
rds follow h aad as
asAk and hies the head tb. et.asaar
wee torn from
,. 6fa-g wakes,. Mr
Ilu4e sad ether property, In the tillage
of Jfa, seater.
Is le rue 65TATa OF TISK LATX IwaxuT
Y "' . .. ander 'the will
Trop lir,v. Mere sad T
of the Liv t. i ,11ty YQQuse w otter fur isle
be fettle .tut look 17 .ltd C. CURIllg,
Auctioneer a Berne se. ywn as 'Pol-
led's )y.eeLii.t a Use Village or Manchester, at
we , e l°. k in the afternoon of
l[O a.T.,13th Dec., A.D. 1880..
The tsll.wtset rideable VyllagePropertg,
PA#Ott. L 1 Ru r
;0411 CI=
w. w uvea-
yi by )lir loll.: - it the seta Vllkairo of
]IrieMM.r, ret. et • • of fetor iota, via: tett
tr •ter Loftus and York
l.s.ea.s. hasoar.Tmatienzd,>'
wits the tidings thereon
Wtr,a H.* Y, Dec S. 1 , tut sea la
Europe, Asia, Africa and Almeria have
Wee rauseeked, and seeds to contribute*
their latest
Feb -
to (trews, Ga tdwr s hemR can be given on the tenth o
Th notes of last da) Jrne ,ieetins lest. . The tin arf tMd m s bedroom pommies
sero teed and approved, w er-
e int
lea the w' .trite whish teas kers.d by a railer II. -V1.11. Lot number & on the
den addreesed the Comical upon the fol- fi omea stove bels. heppseia tkui theof Zonis and !streets in said
cl=e of Maechester. monoiling one acrected o
teed ranee or ( upon taxta. oich ne and•abalf
Rene dwelblgb. o house,
stories high. containing t rooms; else kitchen
attached. 16x15, and well pump ex.
Turn are aim upon this parcel • triune har-
ness shop. 18x15 In which • good business has
been and is being done; and • frame stable.
p 111., •ad other neoessary oatbu'Idins&
PARCEL 111. hot nuam$bber 93, Mitland
Terrace, in quarter of auuacre, he tmoreorless. upon containinghich is
erected a frame dwelling house- one•end+half
stories high. 14114, oontelntng 6 r wry
kitchen 11116; • stable taxa With all
is situated upon the
outhuldifgs. wen. pump ie. This7
Unties of the dyer sIt
Lad, and is • convenient end desirable real
The said several parcels will be all pot np
one lot drat, and then if umnld, will be °Den'
in panels as above; or the fine parcel may
sub -divided, and thetwolots no' so' u•Ily
cepTTTERMS OF ILpES: The property wen sold in
put up subject to reserved bides. a deThe purc oe
em will be required to p•/
the day of sate to the Vendors. or their Solicit
or., of ten per cent, of the purchase money.
snit the balance in 30 days thereafter. when
they will be entitled to conveyances and ime-
session of parcels 11 and 111; the purobesers to
sign contracts at the sale for or 14e
o etinhe nof
their purchase.. In
ditlons of sato will be similar to those of the
Court of Chancery.
There is already a mortgage upon the said
lands. A purchaeer could no doubt arrange to
let it remain, otherwise it to the Intention of
the Vendors to p•7 off the mortgage out of oho
puFurcRhersae mparolonecul•re may be obtained from
the Vendors; ANDREW YOUNG and ALEX-
ANDER ROBERTSON. Carlow P. O.; and
1'. O.; of the Auctioneer, and of the Vendor*
3oDated tltette tthe Ooderi15th dach.
y of November, A. D. 1880.
1761. — _ Vendor* 9olloitom
Jr ,re Alw.at the Wreck of' tie "titereee."
L,arning that Mr. Matthew Noble, one
of the rescued firemen of tho steamer
"81.1000.' was lying on board the
" Northern Be11e," suffering froth the in-
juries received during the wreck and the
subsequent exposure, a reporter from
The 4 e -.-neer interviewed him in order
to give it readers the fulle.stparticulars
concerning the disaster.
lowing matters. viz - insurance us
Grand Bend Bridge, the ac.x,usticaut the
Court House, the right of way to the new
Bayfield Bridge, the tenders for the gaol
supplies and the twym ret of s salary d
the Clerk of the Peace in hen of fees.
Reportof Mr. LeBrun, architect, upon
the necessary i-upruvemente in the court
room in regard to ac:ou$tiee was reel and
referred to the Gaol and Court House
Circular from the Clerk of the County
Ouuncil of Fronte ac, in reference to
certain amendments to the Municipal
and Assessment Acta, was read and re-
ferred to the School and Printing Com-
Communication from the Council of
Nation Indians, requesting s
The reporter found Mr. N ohle lying in
a stale -room berth, suffering set y 11;<,terboron h in reference to reduc
from frozen feet and other injuries. He the number of Deputy Reeres, was
va young unto about years of age, and ordered to be filed.
very intelligent, t, hid readilygave the I Communication from the Inspect°
following w.' story4*11 af his peril e the Berlin House of Refuse, in refero
He wont off watch at soveu o'clock ins to increase of pay for keeping the coil
the morning, and immtdithrowing he patient, was road 'and referred to
way forwards to assist in the Finance Committee.
deck load overboard. He worked at thatCommunication from Ira Lewis, Esc
untie .:bout 10 o'clock, tr gtof which time and Clerk of the Peace, requesting the et
steamer was in the trough of the sea and cil to grant hint a salary in lien of f
was read and referred to the Sala
Com.aunicatiou from Judge Sq
stating that the Board of Audit w
recommend fiat the Clerk of the P
be paid a fixed salary in lieu of foes,
read ,and referred to the Salaries C
Application from Judge 84juier
a et
t appoint
questing to counts
grapher at the ensuing County C
and eneral Sessions; so as to losses
expense to the County, was read,
it was moved by Mr. Leckie, env
by'Mr. Currie, that a stenugraphe
employed by the Clerk to take evi
at the County Clerk unto furthe
etructud by this Council ; and that
No. 62 be suspended for the pure(
allowing this motion to puss. -Ca
Moved by Mr. Gibson, second
t to the Brant. Memorial, was read
referred to the Finance Cominittee.
ommunication from Mr. Langmuir,
pector of Gaols, &e., in reference to
matron of the gaol's salary, was read
ordered to be filed.
Application from Mr. Currie, High
stable, requesting the council to
t hint the eaul`o amount of salary
d to the late,_ Chief Constable.--Re-
r •red to the Finance Committee.
ircular from the County Clerk of
r of
1• ,
tun -
, re-
1 the
✓ be
✓ in -
tee of
ed by
roma was the children se a
e gpag wSlearwR, red that they se(a-
aewely- . pipes
psi heweem of Ire.
arm Chi pup.. skew w7 caught
nabs& were crew))!
er with a portico tithe Sow The alarm
was coon given, and the engine brought
out but its serylse were not required,
the fire having been brought under by
the use of pacts the other portion of the
house sustained great damage from smoke
and water. n» insurance
F•rf'ri COCOA.--GRATETt'L A[: 0( etrrOI(TTNO.
••Hy a thorough knowledge of the natural
laws which govern the operstloue o
and nutrition. and bya careful a psi on of
the fine properties of wen -selected Coops. Mr,
Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a
delicately flavoured beverage which may save
ns many heavy doctors' bills.
It ist by the
eicione use of such articles
stitution may be gradually built up until strong
enough to resist every tendency to disease.
Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating
around us readyto attack wherever there is a
weak point. We may escape many a fatal
shaft by keeping our•N'Ives well fortified with
pure Mood and a .properly nourished lramee
--Gird service (gazette. --Sold onlyis Packets
labelled -"JAMES Euro .f (%o., Homeopathic
Chemists, London. Eng."- Also makers of
Eppy, Cboeolate Essence for afternoon 1761.use.
kick g
which fn
W►v, strik
he ran, an
lady violently
p rite Mr Will.
WAS at once taken i
Brawn ealle:l, when
that her shoulder was discovered
dud all he c--uld to relieve . He
it a fe 'red the *beck will bt\'Puferer.
as sou is well up in years. 4 on her
M see erIOLT Apennine. --Out e
day let week a yuan{ than of alk*
ew••uty years, Jepta Clack, got on
horse. poWer of a threshing machine et
the l tens of aur. D. ''ochlin. Me(lillivrae,
intenJia g t., mike a Inrensin with the
dnver to assist him for some time in the
t .reehing busies+, when he missed hi.
footing and god entangled in the aachin-
ery. Hie feet and lees wen forced
throe eh a spam t wo inches in width, and
were fearful y mangled, and a pair of
new honks he had on were torn to piece*.
Dlr. (k.ehlin had him cenveys.l to hie
hots : in tarter the followitl* day. He
f. n •w •I•tiner es well as tended he expect -
e', tet the do -tar does not thrnit he will
It bee to a env work during the winter,
Mathews --At the Nile, 6th teat. th 'l wife of
Mr. S. Mathews of a daughter.
Adams Mackay -On the 7th inst. by the Rev.
R. Ure, D. i)..Henry Adams M. D., o Embro,
to Christine', second daughter of the late
Mr. Angus Mackay, (Soderich.
('ameron--Coleman- At the residenoe of the
brides father, on the lst inst., by Rev. Joseph
McCoy, Mr. James !Cameron, of the MM
Road, to Miss Jane Coleman. eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. Robert Coleman, all of Tucker -
'otitis year's Xmas eshubitium
The newest designs no
Autograph, Photograph
Scrap Albums.
Church Services, Prayer lowers.. 'P .
menu', due , iu. , in all theirs ben
An entirely wow sleek et
in elegant bindtnm, sutabl. for Christ-
mas gifts.
Bohemian Vases 1
and Toilet Setts, and large assortment
Fancy China andMajofica Ware
in bewildering variety
Stanley --- Fon At the residence of the
bride's; father, Biddulph, on the 17th ult., by
Rev. T. W. to
Miss Maria,byounhgest daughter of Micy, Mr. James hael
Fox, Esq. both of Biddulph.
Foraytho- Linton- Al. the residence of the
bride's father, os the 19th ult., by the
Rev. Mr. inglis. Mr. Alexander Forsythe,
farmer, near Brussels. to Mary,
daughter of Mr. Jamie Linton. of North
Magee- Clarke -At the residence of the bride's
father, on the filth ult.. lid the Rev W.
to Mie Caroline
Burks, Mr. James Magee
Clarke, all of Btyti.
Mulligan - Hammel -- At the Royal Hotel,
Wfnngqham, on the 30th ult., bully 1.140 Rev. J.
Eliza Janne Hammoll.bboth of Mo s. Mims
Bateman King At the 1'. M. parsonage.
W Ingbam, on he :16th alt., by the Rev. J.
Elizabeth A.King. on f Tnrnberry. of Grey, to
Sttsctan Pullin Married in Runkle, on the
P114 Nov. at the parsonage. bythe Rcv. Mr.
Lloyd. Minister of Grace M. E. Church.
Mr. James Ptraihan .A 440448 ich, to Mrs. M.
Daren of itu Jo.
Mr. McMillan, that this Council in fu-
ture equalize the Assessment Rules at
the January meeting ; and that the June
-nesting be abolished, s, as to lesson the
expense of the County. -Referred to the
School and Printing Committee.
Moved by Mr. Kain, seconded by Mr.
Mason, that this council do now adjourn
t., meet again to -morrow set 3 o'clock, p.
in. Carried.
he caught h
bis g r*e.p u the
Roble haedb iia(
frothe 'meek betAim e ht IA, „7.f
foes &beet 10, feet from th^p
lag (leek 'lira was final
swam towards ft aad .
led ;'i is t be re resttAd as he IS ►.h.• ing a pan whie1 Coapt Planter 11. le Mr. F. C. Rowers to he a semi fete
skis a ipptre •u a widowed mother hint hew the pawl. when he was Lew for /he Brn.ede R•N•ekfp.
EPI: sono. This disease has attacked
s numeoer of horses in this vicinity, but
no fatal results have yet been heard of.
CoweR•$LL. Mr. A. MdGorvie has
leen appointed cx,nst•ble, in the place of
`foil McKay, who was discherged a few
.lays ego.
C•LOoowt•w Soolon. - The mesa
election of officers for this eneiety wee
held on Wednesday eveni0A last. This'
society is holding a amiss el
shish the
daring the winter menthe, in
.sabers ere taken as active part.
Katmai. --Our prominent eitiwan
are making (mortises fie Ret the Grand
Trent dfoilway Go, to seamed their Iles
through this village to Kineerdisw M
present it N sussed - l
auibreent car? en the bW 1
to (marry "II the psdkosi. Hawes the nee
Ce,,.e,ty of asie Bal et railway.
e -
All the newest articles in JAPANESE
ROODS at very low prime ,. an immense
Work Boxes, Writing Desks,
Dressing Cases, Jewel Cases.
Glove and Handkerchief
Boxes, etc.
of itunon, t By •a Fbot•
Two Write of wetted
out of HereMajesty's
Wit: 1 YmCCoun
y Court of the
County of Huron and to me directed. against
the Lands and 1I'cmeata of Mary Pierce and
Crabb,Ediercat the sales of Cbrustophor
ard lhavee seised and taken tnxecuttion
all the Right. Title and Interest and genity
of Redemption of the above-named Defend-
ants. in sadly Lot Number S, in the third con-
cession of the Western Division of the Town-
shiof taining thirty-nine acres of n theCounland.f more oHuron. tem.
which Lands and Tenement 1 shall oats for
sale at m7 office, in the Court House, In the
D. 1881, at the hour of 13 of the cloak noon.
BONS, Damn..
Sheri tea oMoe, ciedetio
Oct. Mt. 1150 1
044551044 0larws 5.
()°nemen. Dec. 9. 1850.
The grain Market this week is slightly
lower, except in the care of spring wheat,
which remains (bout the same. On ac-
count of the breaking up of the sleighing
early in the week, there hes been a fall
ing off in the delivery. Salt has im-
proved slightlyy in price and is steady at
ROo per t>s>rtwd. Brine twenty carloads
have beer odd during the week.
Wheat, 1111s1l, •- )rash, ......... $1 4:6 P N 66
WMwt, Merman • Mei .• 106 4' 1 sera
Peso Ill 0
RnM7. •
pe,.... slew') • bei........ B M
(pekelias .................. 0 10 IA
. u.ss.s,, is........... ele. 0 1t r 0 !
ids,•,.. :. 7a r 0110
Pert " s
.. .. a II >d
went.., .............. 1 M A 1 0
Grnb0lMM. •
. e. 15_t1. OMR nM.
set def a..: 0 >A 1.11
e t 0 t
`........:::`': s$ •t IN
e e4
" bIS
-.nog g .. •.. ''
MNiM.'.. •. -.....-
A full assortment of this year's designs in.
County of Huron. II Hi near of three Writs of
To Wit: f Med Perim Weed oat oil
Her Me4mt7's count, Or"( a< the elms i ¢I
Huron. sae to me directed
sad of James 111
tM emcees. lYae
014. eases.
J oars. A. D.
t .1..of saw Mon
Trussed in -
telt set
Silver Ware.
10,000 (. w4at.nee and New Year's
.s ellee
e rIl tOewlet r r .af. ct_y
IenO.rrtilll U tM 7bwsss
Ws, et
►sela1_1E1vtl Y°H'rr:.
arr for Rens.
a sloe w of tilt. t,
Un ' Soldiers w .r tI ow use have
!r n ail sus stir send rim
slowest N• I• NIb ▪ t
in multitudinous variety.
,:r" Everything you can think of suit-
able for
AGENTStwI« ()saMakir4 $
fe p.•Yai roes red lanai Lw a
Christmas and New Year's,
Wedding and Birthday
at very lowest poaibie prim at.,)
A CALL n RwIPSOSTvt i.T 8011117132M4l
Gotten*. Des A. 1800
WHOLE N a M RRit 1765.
T O01oe sad "este
Miss below 1*wtk of
T lexica
11 .,
. u,. Surgeon and Ar•
Ot T„ril,.1' 1.-alveruit). 09l
rue h .'amerou•s Bank. 1.1.1
to1Mc.•, eoquirs at the Bank.
111. M.•LEAN, PHY
1,. LUS, (Teeter, kc. ll
oa ik5et Street. sawed duo
een's as
U sat Ntraaer's n
Jar. ti.derteh. tae t'. Mat As
,•a 1.1WHHZLLDV.V.fil
Qii vMslt es
tt.sel. wiriss Horses Vaal
GAMOW It P1t01'
Sidarellat www i
Ort iytstter
'MR ru.. Ike. Geist
COMPS. Jr-. etcetera"
s. MALCOMSON,Oise -c41
. LAW. Solicitor
ares" ks. Oise over I
ryes, i n . Aay amount .
lowest rates 01 Interest.
, Solicitors
dud rteb ani Wiarbam.
Com: Pser.. (it O. Mitcham
• Office. Cnbb's Block
riots. Plana and specific
ly. Carpenter's' plasters
measured and valued.
and Ornamental Pi
sting made a specialty.
O NyOfficio, Ood1c
• LLeH7;D lea. Thief
devoted to job and libel
tboee unique and econon
rocoo styles. In an case
workmanship. with stn
billed. Bindery overJol
NON. -This fleet-cl
been refitted and Improi
best possible acoommod
public. Good liquors
speciality. An attentl
band• and excellent stat
premises. THOS. 91tILI
Loans ane
MV TA 000 Term.. fay
DOYLE. °oderlak.
60,000 PRIV ATI • good F rm
$'es t
at II per cent. Or
ee.oiet to salt
cent. Private reads.
Morrow, oodert0b•
.ge at rye
sett ea terms t. n
Jaime ergerairr, Sail
menet et Privy
toa w&rPR
Jowl L eves
is lent by this test
4be same system M
for Circulars. RUQ
Agent, Oodertab-
Q 110,000 PRIVA
tePangaea v.
twet. Mortgagee 5
cursed Ooave7•t
N. 5. -dome rsn..ttitle r. s
f mlesiYi• 1
PreO•rtY• m I
Mort Da•s /w►dv
13Rfl'itl Ass. O
PH()<tltI INS.j
Risks take1e;
the Mew* rates
Meal to Latta
eb.doemb •ale.'