The Huron Signal, 1880-12-10, Page 7Nolnimilmmomaimmw THE HURON SIGNAL► FRIDAY. DEMME 10, 1880. Farm Ona fatten QTS i 011 DIOsl(s g W O lilt. I /seat the £msrtsra Aeries' .rW kw lila k The days yes shortr' and reach their shortest 1 ails.°, while the even- �bleg * No iahbvurable t. us,- t en good in their tine, but al- tar thoughts, though often honored, are worth • great deal inure for shaping the IIIt1I Broca. -As the Mama adv aces die lin sleek require laegmeed atten- tion; eel only are Mey muds directly de- re/AWN upon upon our from � %b are sob- Posure, which seriously interfere with profit of krey�ltj totem. Of all ournusstk aals tie pig is the most sea -tive to ex - to rough weather, poultry nest L thM order: fowls, /Mho, . geese, and turkey', she last often doing batter when exposed than if eheIt'wed. Next to fowls, cows, thea, wurkiug ossa and yoga; cattle; nest h rasa, which are massed horsey 1st cheap. Of Mem last tie long -wool breeds are aunt sensitive to oabreeds.tor, and snow, but aloft -fleeced breeds will stand almost any amount of cold if they have enough to eat, sheds to go under, and shelter from driving storms of rain and mow. taut Honest asa-i -Horses, if well fed, uawally .c,.it and ilvely in winter, and young horses are, fur this very reason, more easily trained than when the weath- er and rwnning at pasture makes them dull- Whenever horses are used so as to warm them op at all, blanket them as soon as they stand still, if only for two or three minutes, those two or three minutes aro sometimes enough to give a shill, which may end in pneumonia, or other serious troubles. Grooming saves feed, and also promotes health in hawk and should never be neglected, it win ProbablY pay even lit groom bearding honer.,and It will certainly pa, the ee hoses to stipulate that their hones ieltld be groomed daily. Blankets, sups mere ' dusters,,' are worse than mob= in stables; they make the horse slander, and more likely to take cold whin brought in hot. Litter very freely if you have the material; straw, leaves, swamp lay, etc. Mites Cows. ---These ought to he well lied, and .leaned by a cards and brush, daily, if possible, otherwise twiceaweek. ?hey ahsild be milked up to within four weeks of calving. It is a gre at temptation to dry off a cow so as to . ave the labor of milking and nut alone will hired men do this, but the farmers them- selves, generally, do it, and think they save a itoo.l deal in feed and labor, while in reality, with young cows, they impart • habit of going dry early, winch will hist theta as long as they live. Thi• bettor milch cows are fed, the better return they give, but feed judiciously. Smear.—cheep are peculiarly sensi- tive to good treatment. A gruel shep- heri is always geutle among hie she +p. Awes Which are to lamb early ought to be by themselves and have better acre as their time approaches. Feed a few sore turnips and give them a little more liberalsprinkling of corn mail and bran, or oil cike. Piu.i. —Nearly double the feed will be required to keep pigs from wing track, after really cold weather comes on say, when the ground freezes. It is then b est to kill at 'once. Every fanner ought to he able to kill and cut up his own pigs. Butchers are often very rough and brutal. This is ret uecwaary. Many a fanner who killshis' awn pigs does so because he wants the job kindly and humanity done. He actually thrusts the knife as if he loved the victi n'•$ Feeti soaked corn, that is corn which is severed with as much bila e. water as it will take up in 24 }mum. This is better for either fattening or store pigs than Doane meal, unless the 'latter be tho- rou Oily cooked. Theadimat BOHOOL HYOIKNK Medical News sad Akns•cie �� as samiasr'a t romans die eehennlmamter is again abroad in the Mad, and this seam au opportune tone for us to call attention to use or two of the more important by isms laws which are fragueotly neglected in the eager pur- suit after knuw , and fur want of the wisdom elitists lingers far behind the ogtee's tsaok, are violatedfrequent- in such a ansoser as to render sassy t return from his most earnest efforts, or even Wight utterly the harvest of his toil. Whets an oduostioaal centre like Princeton College is ataneged in such ilagrast vi olatiuu of the donates ut suii- tsry science that typhoid fever (ere of the eminently 41th diseases of Mr. Si- mon) ben WIPP nie within ita precincts, proves fatal Go its students, and necessi- tates the din uiasal of its elaases before tie close of ate regular term, the time has sorely arrived sur our profession to give ever here & more faithful attention to �d hygiene. One u' the meet important disadvanta- ges lo whisk the army ut ten million Amerriean s.hvulehildrm is subjected is the deprivation of sulfioeot pate air. la aims of the worst schools the allow- ance et fluor -specs has been reduced, by overcrowding enfant pupils, to only two square feet, and the cubical air -spats to fifteen cubic feet per scholar. The average quantity of door -space allotted to each pupil should not be less than twenty-five square feet, and the air-. sa e ought to be at least two hundred and fifty cubic feet. In order to fulfill these r'equir'ements an apartment intended to be occupied by twenty-five scholars eiwlald qe about thirty-two feet long, twenty wits, and ten high; mud even then careful attention to ventilation and hating is necessary, or else impurity of the contained atmosphere during school -hours will manifest itself not unly to the sense of smell but in the languid and pallid aspect of the pupils. The presence of organic impurity from re- spiration to excess in the air of a school- room or otherapart.nent can be quickly determined by Angus Smith's ready method of shaking half an ounce of fresh lime -water with ten fluid nun.ea of the suspected air; when, ii too impure for reepirstion a milky precipitate is lassoes remtpiesd .e it oleo ONO bee, cos arthosktiss meld doubtle. « Ms* be p.emaded to introdsee it tele ter the priming and district school of die last The tapurtaaee of oohed hygiene era be overestimated, isostane it is y daring their aoaaW-lids thee our a acquire so {Orr a pest el the deformity and dime, h. whisk they sellar; asd we have gladly embossed the period wows s at pe t.the Windt d tits are demoted �ostowerd the'ab- jec at *shoot arr'angem'ents, to sigma' ►soar attention to some d the mems (asely rwisdeeed, dtlecta white tread the edlefenoy of oar schools. He delight., ton, in using as big a word as he can lay hands ou. words would seem to be the filings that his magnetic mind draws. He tells fur in- stance, how • father, in answer to an in- telligent child who should should ask him "whet is a storm upon the usenet" oscillates a pail of water. He describes Christ as one who has control of the tarraq..oerglube on which the nations tread. This vie imagine, may be his ex- pansion of "The earth is the hard'.." W. are manned how Jehaaon ones picked up • paraphrase of the gospels, and found the words "Jesus wept" swelled out into "The Sari .ur of man- kind melted into a Good eat t.)(ar.. ' Pi t- urday Review on Beecher. A young lady is no like .i tree. Yon cannot estimate her age by counting her nng.. A man newer nab= the truth of the rains in ee.oey' sure fully than when he leaves Womack with the pawn broker. " new raealud �etteae' okay not work injury to people when they relate to inatteers of little conre- qqum��es, but when entertmined lain what s e sketll take when afflicted with serious disease they may lead to dear '..q rrienoe. Don't trifle with diseases of the bl.a'd manifested by eruptiees,b1usehee, acrofu onus and other e.reilings •ud grave symp- lotus, but cake that well tested and effi- cacious remedy, Dr. Piano's Gulden Medical Discovery ---the greatest blood - purifier of the a. If the bowels are """ ` ,C 1w .. JOHN ACHESO t latus, three, awes ad hush' of Sloe eruption& TIM li•lw is geaaraateed w give pasha* satidacs nit in every ease or MO, mim es s& Preis J6 .cots per bus. Perste by it. Jordan, Ooderich. Oared air M.tskln . " A friend to nine was cured of en thuss for liquor, that had en his syrAAeu that be waa un- ebk to du any bosuns He was entire- sosi by xis ens of Mogi Bitters, 11 en that buraisg thirst ; took away the appetite fur liquor ; made his serves steady, and he bas remained a amber and nerdy tuna fur mors than two years, and Inas nu desalt to return to his cup, and I kiww of a member of others that have been cured of drinking by it. —Thom a lading 1!i R Official, Chicago. /bow tore •.ao.er Y..rIet. la reporting the cu.raut pines for hut - ter, the New 1 ors Tribune, of May V0eh, •nein .'Chinos pet:Aage* w the retau trade meek 19 to 10 °ante, but light colored EZiaars hard to dispose of, and several wens thought well sold at A to 10 oast.. This stern logic of dollars and amts is etteit.ty convincing en that they should use the Pert - ter Outor made by Wells, lticharsou & 0o-, Berlingtou, Vt. It gives the eat June color the year round and that use it never send light eel- ooda to market. Tea Dais or Ittss&Y Ann N Lours or UattosT endured by the sufferer from a persistant cough soon sap the vitality of the system and wreck the constitution. Stich a ostastroplw can only be •voided by preesutionary measures. Prevent the climax et • oomth :rich Northrup & by- law" %Melia& of Cod Liver Oil and ,1ypopinsphites of Lime and Soda ap- proved ed in p:otessional quarters, and which is a co.nbivation of the purest and tuoct salutary ingredients in perfect chemical hanueny. Coughs, colds. aryn�;itia, incipient bronchitis, and other alfectioes of the aeepiratory organs, are epee -illy relieved by it, and it has like- w-tse peeved to be a useful specific in acx. oft oua maladies. The loss of strength earituequent upon being diseased is check - has t'pMd'ut tiering the pqd "wt•eks, newly $6,00 iertb oI Goods HE ILI. NOT H13 'CT TIDBgOLD laasseotton of rn7( i[amnwtb Steak ks reip.oaJ.Ry *wiled Krerr line se., , 1764 Il j1 JOHN ACHR$ON, Square, FOR A. `it Splendid Assortment S' CLOTH JACKETS, e:o TO J. C. Detior & Go's. Miss J. Stewart Ibis in Stock • Choice Seiectlun ut Woollen Shawls and Clouds, . au shad.re ref prie se. Berlin Wools, ()rape, Rihta.ne and Tains. Kid (Hover, 4 bnrt..nw f• r " • (Let - BEAUTIFUL DOLLS v oodive use also Dr. Pierce I P.Ileta, d, and the .lagging physical energlea For Ilolitt.•v 1're.uuta. shoe ag ortwert e.f CR!tidTMA� l'AHI)$. Fringe', �ry Butters, brees'friiumimr,e. Linins s, etc. A nice au ort mita "f )rf:ait's ltnleeia. tittle sugar-coated pills i rest, ,rt <l by its tnvtsurete ug a di()n. __ _ CURLS Fsysx AND u:ct Pucrpuorua, tho active pnucil le of the •atif- CUTTING AND 6'17"1'1'1+: 4 $PEl`IA1.TY.' - Plearant Valley, Jo. DaviesCo., 111., t ; hy;eq,hoeuhitee, not only siipplies the March 31rt, 187th• E ayslem with an iwl eater.: .lei.;rut 1 produced.. ' • A greeter danger of, however, a leaser D• Primes, Buffalo, N. Y.: i strength, but gives a Beeth hful i :eget::• evil lis in the tendency t, produce Dean SIR, - I write this t, inform you ' to the camadatx,u. .lie Bine a;,•t auris myopia from want of sufficient amount, that my child. one year old, has been or faulty direction, of the light by which study is carried on. So much has been written un this subject of late that it is scarcely needful to none thaii remind our rtiader* that the labors of Cohn, Er'isman, Liebriech, and ()theca., have demonatiated a direct connection bet- ween the increase of near-sightedness and improper or excessive study under imperfect illuunination. The windows by which a school -roots are lighted should occupy the wall of the apartment on the pupils left hand, and correspond in area to one-fourth, or at any rate one- fifth, of the floorspace. When it is diffi- cult to obtain so full an illumination from the left side, part of the light may he allowed to enter from the right side, but illumination from in front of, or from behind the scholars, should always be avoided; class -kooks of all kinds ought to be printed in large type, on clear, white, or faintly tinted blue paper; and all punishments which involve prolonga- tion of the hours of study had better bo changed to the discipline of complete and wearisome quiet, or of some form of fatiguing gymnastic, exercise. Enthuai- aatic pupils, on the other hand, should be cautioned against applying themselves ' •no closely to their books at home, un- der the disadvantages of dim artificial light, or in constrained positions of the body, or a recumbent poeture. care..;, by the Illactors. derisive. That good natural appetite, Much injury to the growing urganiams When the doctors have failed to cure, which gives a relish for the coarsest of children is often inflicted during and have given their patients up to die, fare, it insured by the lige of the Quin - school -life by construction of the desks Electric Bitten have often been used, iro Wine, which also confera brain aooth- 1 and benches or chairs furnished for the end a cure effected, greatly to the ing and body refreahng sleep. Fever and pupils. A very injurious habit of stoop- astonishment of all. Diseases of the I ague and bilious remittent fever, are th- rng forward, thus eolnpresing the lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary emes to the eradication of which it is and of bending down the head in such a way as to favor congestion of the visual apparatus, is often brought on by the desks being too nearly horizontal. The proper inclination of a desk -lid upon which rests a book, used for reading or study, is 40' or 46", hut this angle should be reduced to about 20' during the pro- gress of writing lemon. The Beata oc- cupied by the scholars should be so plac- ed that their anterior margins are in per- pendicular lines beneath the edges of the desks; they should be broad enough to fully support the thighs, and ought to be supplied with backs inclined only a few degrees from the perpendicular, and ytpporting the pupil's spine at a point one inch below the level of"'the desk for boys, and about two inches higher up for girls. Desks and benches ought always to be accurately adapted to the stature of the' .cholas. The frequency with which contagious diseases are disseminated by means of schools can seemly be calculated, and in fact the denier from this source is so great, and so seentantly impending, that stririgena for its- rade tion Poutroe.—Hens will lay up to Christ - 'Inas, if they have warm quarters. A manure shed, where mined manure thrown off considerable earmth, and which is closed in, but well ventilated, is an excellent place for fowls. They ere kept warm and c fortablc, their drop- pings are all saved, goin- to enrich the manure, and they keep MI laying, often all winter. At noon feed, in open weather, soft food that is, boiled pota- toes mixed with bran and oorn-mesl, or morn,thina of the kind; at night give a good feed of whole grain, throwing down enoileh to toll them off the roosts !sr an early brea'cfad, unless thereby you will be feeding an army of rats all night. In snowy and Rosen (weather, feed three times a day, and give only what they will run after at cacti meal. Ica Cane. —The ice corn in every section of the country is becoming more and more important. Tho season may be as pnfavotable for ice am the last, hut that ie hardly possible. Nevertheless, a Rudest roan will be prepared to lay in lie ice as ion as it shall *eve. attained half the usual thickness, or even Tem. The probabilities are that an enormous quantity will be secured , this mason. It is being applied to new urea all the time, and ism consumption is both town and country is greatly on tic incises. permanently cured of the fever and ague in a week's time, and the Usti of but half a bottle of your Golden Medical Dis- covery. My wife u bung sufferer fruni liver amplaint and bil ousnsa, by the cy, either as s puhoonnic or genera! in - use of the Discovery and Pellets has been morns,. For poserty of the blood, with entirely relieved. The Discovery has never diappoinied us for coughs and colds. Yours truly, Jainn:.a STRICHaLL. alb o add to vigor of the frame. 1n wast- ing diae-naes of all kinds, this preloat:e- tion can be dole:vied upon to pVtlltce •e ben •ficial etfeet. A fair, i ersiatent is all that is net:emery to prove its loteii- TheGrate.t Remedy resew.. Da. Kllto'Y NEW Dire ovi&y for Con- sumption is certainly the greatest medi- cal remedy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thousands of once hopelsa sufferers, .now loudly pro - which so many invalideare troubled, it is a sovereign remedy, prumotfngg the acqui- sition of both strength and tieah. Pro- pel/MI by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, and sold by all druggists. As SORELY AS EFFECT roLU)WS CAvis so surely will diaease eventually fasten itself- upon a system deficient in vital en- ergy, if tonic mediea.ion is not resorted to in time. The neoeesary tendency of a claim their praise for this wonderful Die- weak diacharg.• of the functions of the covery to which they owe their lives. body is to disorder its organs.—Invigor- Not only does it positively cure Consump- tion, but Coughs, Colds, Asthma, bron- chitis, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and all affections cif the Throat, Chest and Lungs yield at once to its wonderful curative lowers as if by wagtc. We do not ask ypu to buy a large bottle until you know what you are getting, We therefore earnestly repteat you to call on your druggist F. Jordan's and get a trial hot anion, prompt and throug , is the only safeguard. Norenovantof depleted pliyetcal energy, no restorative of lost flesh, nerve power and cheerfulness, has more clearly demonstrated its clttcacy than Nortluop & Lyman a Quinine Wirer. In this pre partition, assoeiatod with the salutary medicines which forma its i,.:aie, is pun sherry wine and certain aromatic constetu eats which imparts an agreeable tagte to tle for ten cents which will convince the the article, and gives additional empha'is most skeptical of its wonderful merits, I to its e.tecta In amen of general ie - and show you what a regular one dollar bility and dyspepaus it is invaluable and size bottle will do. For sale by F. Jnr- ( the desired effect is, in the vast majority dan. of came, remarkably prompt as well as IoW Homo.-- Among the summon ggfflioatiowr for the pnsitigi of assistant Teeter of the K inen dine ;MO School, perhaps the hest as far aseew�gold,r e.s esorasd is that el a. Weed tin meter of the Thorphery •sheoL After werrMin4 the why Ind wherefore that +field secure to hire the peeltion, be says that 'mathematics is my boby mid lot,' and his hobbyrwo 'l�H, lmi3lr t;lftredet h. is r'- jsines Whew, sasalmonkites wait preasaM psattios, but that the trsylwe had pro. raised him • 'r ve,' but ty Mnupit h. 'said nee lawn i1 they 'don't riles.' As a clincher he says ' if u west • hard -worker sod •eooes{et tendier ori sae .hates' ]Si lily Madly in- wy M fwesiah pleb+^, •e.' The ..eta for that to add that . Treaderal dirt met ave the ap- pointment. [Reporter. BMW a:eellent imenteifilsit one dollar Diseitii ei of Qseida bills are (a drools dim nay here rem i.iv I - tM1 ea+ esiMeleite sed are cisleulsted 141memtvr owes marts are ell•linff. alarm onemi t�adsl f smallpox in Pb• pha lad winter, Ott tetpnrisst effort vias road* to require shilirea attending our public schools to gimproof that they had been soaoeefalIy vs.stsated beferc ad - minion, bit so gysessatic attempt has, we wises, bees male in this onset., to p the spread et wtel-beer, whoopesg- Qiildr.tmee ate., t. ski.maser. . sser. leeeaat fres" these mud ether infedlicers mada/t s ars atom retulrad to whorl in seder that they may mate up for lest time as rapidly as pesedie, or even bmeeee they are remlM• and tree- blesesne at harass, with abeniellt sup- plies egplies sheet their peewee ofesomAiness whish sow bres their eeoimernlriala�er Too fregesntlylyus awiond situ* of gustadeMR„ a ter�at ss to the Alio/. is dist sa sawed to se1R darremehkig *jury to the eimeare ity d Vane* is the risk el sashes* sr fatal dismiss bring eo"vs,ed ieetgr'r that we think private sehixdo„ Oe principals *'s�gqmirel ewtiMmble lana tet- tendini pbymisimM to , the idiot dist a returning enamillieent l 4e. freal-am- Rei to otherd�� be soeetaind byc fYesbY*! when the valve of some snob prey eltitro Organs are positively cured by Electric Bitters. They invariably cure Constipa- tion, Headache and all Bilious Attacks. Try them, and be convinced that they are the beat medicine ever used. Sold by F. Jordan, at fifty cents a bottle. AsI.dsb&ng tae World. For a perfect renovation of exhausted and enfeebled constitutions, female weak- ness and general decline, nothing so surely and speedily produces a perman- ent cure as does Electric Bitters. Their wonderful cures are astonishing the world. For Kidney and urinary Com- plaints they are a perfect specific. Do not give up in despair, for Electric Bit- ters will positively cure, and that where every thing else fails. Sold by F. Jordan, at fifty cent. a bottle. Mamoc, Ont. , Feb. 16, 1880. Messrs. Perry Davis h Stn & Lawrence, Montreal. Your Pain-Kl ler as a family core all has been in constant use in my house- hold for a long term of years, and I wonld never desire • better one. It never fails me. I call it the "Old Re- liable," Yours very truly, Hoawce.. Samsons. lielrfiee mdver. in another column. Geese neva. All the furs give the first premiums and special awards of great merit to Hop Bitters as the purest sad best family medicine, and we most heartily sprees of the.►wards her we ktsow they deserve it They are new on eeiibition at the State Asir, sad we advise all to tad diem dee .nether esIwur Weser awe Mer.rsee•. What le the best familysieis se in the wield to gelate L#s 1eth purify the blood, remoaid ve .eadiviel, mid the s rat sliesidets 1 Truth and sober- us gindert and haredess See is sogither mhos Slags your throat Osler, ser are yon ar soy.i by • smetam. snob 1 It =Till give pee inniost east They ears dm of phloem er .FaaanLw fir ..,�, ar � Of die _ or mtines idiesej cess be preyed. Amid by id/ drumlin and ssestre dealer. at l6 emits s brit specially adapted; but it should be used only in the intervals between the seizure& The far-reaching effects of a good tonic, in all complaints involvine' loos of physi- cal energy. are well understcxid by phyai- cians, and the comprehensive influence for good of this preparation upon the system goes far to bear out the profess ional belief in the value of invtgorants as opponents of disease.Besure to ask orthe cIl 'Quinine Wine" prepared byNorth- rop & Lyman, Toronto. Sold by all druggists. W RAT rater SAY OF IT. --- A YEW FACT& FOR THs PeOTLE. -- There are but few pre- parations of medicinee which have with- stood the impartial judgment of the people for any great length of time. One of these is Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil. Read the following and be • convinced: -- Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre P. 0., writes," 1 have been afflicted with rheumatism for the lad ten years, and have tried many remedies without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Balearic Oil and since then have had no attack of it. I would recommend it to all" J. H. Karl, Hotel Keeper, Wed SheBord, P. Q., write', I have been troubled with liver oomplaint for several yeah, and have tried different medicines with little or no benefit, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Beime- tric Otl, which gave me imsaedi'te rdid, and 1 would say that i haws mid it sine with the festeffect. No one add be sithout it. I have tried it ee 1 y horses in ase ,d cute, words, eta, NIA think it is squally as good far hens • man. " A. Iraytee, Illerelhent, Wash - worth, .worth, writs, " hare sold some hun- dreds of bottles of deleetrie Oil,assd it is pmnounoed by the ptsiiie,'ese of the hest medicines they have ever wide it hes dons wonders in heating sod rai,vin, pun, sore ms$kris+., stem sod u111141 d the gvnniens «o.iaosea.-"l, Bu, Township of Pe et,miwt1.'ffsi'e� war pereside l to try .'A trio (oil for a lame Imes white tn'siid toe for hatee or lar years, sod 1 sewer feed anything Iii* M far miring bond era It is • ieteflt " Basses. of ramj '-Arte fed Dr. Themes' Zaisetris Oil. due that the sig- aelemnd 8 M. '!enema is at fie wsuppr, tr•lit r std tie mines ed Is Lynes', QUI"' 1.1"a attseded to .8411p"e1cd Wenn i the b.ti4...ad lava tae 411%f IBali Oetata , m1i1iiei nLPn!kadVMBalm AlgMri= N B. —11" M !�'bt lesd of "hal itn W ach' eismedr & . . Cloderish Oat lath. 1108 tried N f ,`;. I Sr." N' 4 RT, rn!uor and Dr, , making. I HAVE BOUGHT THE ARDWARE STOCK -&aper— 1viR_ D_" FERGUSON VERY GREAT DISCOUNT ! Nca' ly all of said Nene k, as well see my own origin' �'.. 1 woe b.a,rbr before .1., 4,:,aur of Hord, are. 1 am t. err(ore In a pt enroa to a 11 5'. rat.rr tae au, Mouse as the Conway. MY STOCK OF Enkore is Cotilit(ii which I want to run otrqulckly. 00242 L ND LITT AT STICH FBiNX AZ tr r L f7: .e..ez TOtI. .f Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stook. A(( INI4 FOR BEST STICRL BARB WIRE, �WWIRE ES 1751-t m. Miss Jessie Wilson; MILLINnR1 And Dealer in Fancy Goods. Jure in. .i new a.nd osre(ul1Y chur.• . : ta•k of 1}1libry, F1oer, Feathers & Laces 1 1 lave recently, mrskaand •kerse supply of Berlin '0 •. 1, and h'iun,ttecring�na which 1 will one at prices tubaswllsalt fiat, andHonaetstrim,e Iin•9.•la,r,.t:.•yle•.. (all and see. MISS JESSIE WII.:ON, Square, (loderich. or sets sure Appendices wowed Oeu edta/efy. 17' C8XP8Ei,L'S BooflShoeEmpe um IOTA BLIIREf) feria. a Grand F dhow Boots .And Shoes. Complete 1 The La' ••• ' end Bea' Select - Every List imain) 1 in the County to Chou rrom I P hia wanting se bey Heel" sled Maw v I 1 ea cool' t" D =NgpECT T. I �• sTOCB �Z� WON p reheeing ei*ewhere, as ' 1:• n- - r-'-4'110EB LONE 1 MI EVER ,rr titraer• n of t lint pow etas T to lith sw in a di ,It, 0/0 r. T tin boo stn 7, of ap ;u el: red rt th r; e, e, well Y "Lo Item gel IQir eels, C Co cane in ► h' lista nery the y on' o n stele cooed �w Jet, rem Butt eptid ore's nuwll raiz= hick , bee at i1 e. 1 m i1 foe* nets Iia kneel ee pl aith sly r cordo! was or hi rant, toe, iv. vital .ppei or Trial he l the ted mt. plea n )Veda Mtil asks d, Coed styli I1I: 9 Its ff