HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-10, Page 4_....._,_.. QOM.. -.
U st ,1► I ;l t 14)fUxc► If tibi`4 ,,11 4Yik% i4Qil ill A 4 P I.
The ap
other Ind'
for a
nauent ,w
on Saturday ~ • 1�Oe
, who delivered �' mien in the
, made a most 'nary speech.
He prejutlgea�h'i•ease of the de-
fendants bq 41i, was m thebf
instigation �=jag„�u their vetches
that Ireland was in such a state of anar-
chy as it is; and that Parnell, DZ1�iti
the other members had therndikb1i'h'tA
blame if they were in an awkward posi-
ui o
elan t)d�M
tion in
Chief J usti
Solicitor -0
t h tees
" leviathan"
"Miserable little
contemporary' shouldn't get pompous
with rte awoben ,
epos prtetnaious tf
arced to pay one h eller
ems t+'Sp,;.
dollars it wgt>11d JWt e t a
sect l iamsatth i=9 T .
to hath, friend Herald, mil hews of
the flue of the frog in the fans..
"Du " Bveaaxas, of ,
Mantles* bogus diploma incrust'. Mas
Monday last fined $1500 and sentenced
to ten months imprisonment. His ao-
, Was finet$500, and
year Arid teit'we nthi im-
prisonment. i+
'Tie teal
trait toad
tihe yet
inky wait
coven q
's News in a N r Ike" a standing of the
the e ffiiiiiMAI B. S. Ne.
cesterasesH be wire ask a we nam who made a
ta le irtan t iven:--Fifth
well, 1�hsQ Nathk
the 4�. ,d ; luurt4, ar. ; 4 Alin Young,
mg school Isewenea on n
Third. Ohm, Sr.-
' Rtltletilte; 3
pattern. V
to rush into print than into Maetm Stvs ' 4 Trevenia an -
to rh �r� . we. iyrt4 Pte* stone and Ma�gt. Tewsley equal. Third
wrari lT1.•:'r dltl. Rutledge• It Eleamer
rl p lie qui' aiRp:a1 Sash e ! Leo, Von'
postcwn tjsiaderas rent arum-; 6��JJan°]lrfuwier•
r*+ gree Sneer fiessldde.--/Ar. John itstyd,
d rdl�t initvM�e "eih thatl of the 6th oon. has lost a number of
"Iteepla t crane in the world is y Iver dur+etg she year. (1m*
oe ere stolen
pletiun at We IrdditelhIP. tr- &dura'mono a seem
o thousand tons o1y iron arei. from hu The
ed its conatructigt, $ j� ' f ��Ol' a ming to
a er of an acre. Four hours the thieves of lborne.
led in putting the machine to- -
is expected that it will be — s
Antral •rear u nriaar *. -'w T w ► a . four 100-0trik s1ts, i.Aml' 'MsY .10 -HJo1/11AU BOUQIIT OUT
field Govermarit jpyel1 known as anent the rvu'n of Ged T t work it. neleboR ~ Oho WU urine sslkddyis th.O .-
violent p.rtiait.% Mb 16amseiatelti 1'�� ! � ' ,9gfb0ow tea take ! weethler ere�Se 1�tetlbaafM aft or w
u per aid by writing e poem on beeomed ra are :stabs.
pard to D. Runctmato
him Judge Fitzgerald who sat with it make i4 worth tt 0. That's genius/ who wltt We all legal debts ooesraoted by
Judge lieogh in the Fenian trials,, Mr. Van rbilt can %rite fe ids AU Book seamen used es paid on
�'b J out, Rvy-
on a simli r sheet and make it �t i iiti<
Judge Barry ja�eilatleman of Yit�1 $ly s'
social repute'
who seems tie t l� i dleen t y field, On w1M.tit•twsft=
" THE fire at the Revere block, Toronto,
although calamitous in its resuita to
property and fatal to life, proved con-
clusively that personal bravery and heroic
effort is not extinct. The rescue of
Crawford, the proprietor of the burnt
establishment, by the two young firemen, of forming an opinion as to its mer
Forsyth and Kerr, is an incident of per- He is very well pleased with it, and be-
lieves that ishing to better their
somal bravery^of a high degree, and the condition
.7=11,7 there at once, and
gallant acts of Thomas Doughty, the that, too, by Canadians. A few days
foreman of the hose cart, stamp him a before cooling home T. M. had the mile
hero of the true type. \Wlrem the suffo- fortune to be lost on the prairie in a
satin smoke, and the seething fire snow storm, but he managed to make
8 g his way to as emigrant shanty where he
h ached forth from the windows of the was cared for during the night, and next
ed uisbirth
v' steamed t .
somethinguel Alpena, Awe ,Mjehipn }las
Wanness 1Mewtt, C.dertef.
that a number of the friends of Mr. Jas. W1s., wiA3,j a, ,bee t a
lAitliwaite intend bringing kilns out for
the Reeveshtp, Mr, Ford Bening tiubi;~_ 1 Zero. bete Trevelyan's entry junto the
JJ «tt u Seergtary of thb .Admi-
like(„. be between him a•d fdr. filbbrel ca1tatns
It is expe
mental of
Iv .!+kru,w!-4r*; ;,r osessrn>, nneiun to Governm
retire. Should Mr. Laithwaite consent rally has
to stand for this position, the contest
will IrWt>og
Elliott. Both are men of experience in
municipal matters, and it will rest with
the people to decide between thein. For
the Deputy-Reeveship it is said that Mr. C}o, thq notorious New Glasgu•
Edward Acheson will oppose Mr. White- fortupe-teller,. prophesied thin ,a great
Iv, and there are those who psopheci } ezzludoplwu to take place at the Vale
his success. Any of the candidates will , mine (Sir,Hugh Allan's) on Friday last
snake good representatives at the County This repoet caused a panic among the
Council. men eighty of wham refused to work
HONE AGAIN. — A few days since on Friday or Saturday. It is needless to
Messrs. T. M. ltlliott, of the 5th con., say that 10 accident happened.
and Wm. Elliott, of the Sth con. of 'Esevvtlo'."—We ha 'e been asked
Goderich township, returned from Da- how to prouuunce this, the name of
kota. The patter has been working all Earl Beaconsfield's novel. We have
summer, and took 325 acres of land in heard it called "En -di -my -ere why, we
central Dakota, to which he purposes know not If any one will refer'to John
returning in spring. The former has Keats, Thomas Hood, eta (to say noth-
also taken up a similar amount, thirty it g of dictionaries), and try to read it as
silee south of valet City, which is above, we fancy the failure will be ap-
is oa the Northern Pacific Railway ; dor- parent. There surely can be no ques-
ing his sojourn in the State this summer, ties that the correct pronunciation is
he has travelled over the greater part of "En -dim -eon;" if it be not so, sign -poste
it, and as the State is about 400 miles point nowhere.—[Ex.
square, he has had a good opportunity About 8 o'clock Wednesday night two
its, young ladies called at the residence of
Mr. Stewart, on Washington avenue,
East Saginaw, Mizh., and requested to
rest a minute. , Permission was grant-
ed, and in twenty minutes one of them
gave birth to a healthy child. Surprise
number two came quickly, for within an
hour the other girl had also given birth
to a well developed baby. They gave
their names as Minnie Taylor and Kate
Webster, and say they came from Btrath-
roy, Ont., and were utterly destitute.
The Director of the Poor took them nu
charge, and sent thein to St. Mary's
epletlwkA *atter Ite'stlerr lite `t Sir d rat'
ted that there will be a serious
i in the number of these orna-
Male before long.
burning building, the latter was trade
aware of the fact that human beings
were still in the doomed dwelling. He
scaled the ladder, and, after being lost
to view for some time appeared with
Mies Edwards iii his amts and brought
her forth. Then he returned to the
work, again braved the danger of suffo-
cation, and brought out the child, Bertie
Crawford amid the plaudits of anaaxious
people_ U ufortunate,bythevictimsthus
saved had suffered so Beverly that death
put an en 1 to their sufferings a few haute
after; but this fact does not detract from
the merit of Doughty's action. It goes
to show, rather, the danger which the
brave fellow faced in the laudable effort
to do his duty. An acknowledgment of
the serriees of the firemen named and
others was embodied in a resolution of
the Toronto City Council at its last
meeting, and tendered to those interes-
ted. But einpty thanks in not a fitting
reward for deeds of daring such as we
have mentioned.
"Some of Ilse Ortt papers In Canada are
reaping a rich harvest jest now from secret
American emitearles who base been sent into
the country by American railway spec.ulatora
and it is even'hinted that the C. S. government
has a linger in the pie. Tbeae ambassadors
have plenty M money and they have fought
rap several of the leading Reform papers. and
this accounts for the nnpatr.otlo articles
which daily and weekly appear, In which
Canada is represented as going to the dots•
and' the country becoming depopulated. In
all ages every country has had s proportion of
treit.vs among its eltirens.' 'Stratford Times.
The editor of the Stratford Timis is
as near right as he generally is. That
Alm above is an unqualified false-
hood, no sane person will deny. Wo
admit that there have been American
railway ei aissaries in Canada seeking to
briltetraito roue knaves in editorial chairs.
One of thew gentlemen was named
430 laedonk, .and he bought up, body aad
bones, Charlie Mackintosh, the bosom
friend of Sir Jolla, and the editor of the
(htisert,dbeConnervative organ in Ottawa.
Probably* small slice was tient to the
f4tratford rinses, for that paper was never
known to infuse "pap. We likes straight-
forward, mealy fight, with logic and ar-
gument to the fore, but the conduct of
the Tieu,i roan is contemptible in the ex-
treme. it is such blackguardiam that
tends to lessen the dignity of the editori-
al p.tifesarom in Canada.
IT WILL *non be the time of the year to
fres amend the hat sad .oltcit std for
the starving pew in Ireland When
that time comes, we mei fo nee the
alms solicitors referred back to Miriam
Parnell, Dillon, Eedpath et we, with in-
structions to receive from thee gentleman
relief es full. They are the parties who
'meth ed the "BoyesWmR" of the land-
leria, rte that the worn c..nld not he
haneeted, not the pe,tal.eea i,s taken
from the grimed They are the per
•ml• who haus brought about the stares
YIrr1;-lst them Mese 1) the evil they
-, AwMJ.
moining pet on the right track.
A Pasesxr'arlox.-00 Tuesday even-
ing last about sixty of the members and
adherents of the Methodist church. Cole's
appointment, met at the residence of
Mr. H Steep, for the purpose of present-
ing to his daughter, Mise Minnie, a
beautiful stem-winding watch, and the
following address as an acknowledge-
ment of the appreciation in which her
services are held as organist of the
DEAR Mess STEEP, -We, the members
and young people of the Methodist
church, at Cole's appointment, take this
opportunity of tendering to you a present,
in token of our appreciation of your ser
vices, as organist in our church, for the
past few months. We know that the
services so cheerfully given, have often
been with great difficulty and inconveni-
ence to yourself. We are sincere in ask-
ing you to accept this present, not on ac-
count of its value, but simply to prove to
you that your musical services arehighly
appreciated, both by ministers and peo-
ple. We hope that you will long be
spared and continue to fill the position
you now occupy. And we sincerely
pray that when our singing is ended on
earth, that you and yours and we all may
meet in the better land, where we will
bo better able to sing His praises for
Mise Steep made a brief and suitable
reply. After which the company partook
of refreshments, which they had provided
in abundance, and spent the remainder
of the efening in social enjoyment -
[New Era.
Wtra BsATRR.-A man named Lloyd,
living on the fith con. Goderich township,
who was roamed about a year ago to a
Mrs. Wilson, on Tuesday evening went
home the worse of liquor, and after
pounding his wife in a brutal manner,
turned her and the children out of doors
into the cold. Constable Newton, assist-
ed by some neighbors, su000eded in
hendeufRng the fellow, and left him un-
til morning, when, at the earnest solici-
tion of the poor wife, who had been
beaten black and blue, he was let free.
The affair has aroused much indignation
amongst the neighbors. Mn. Wilson used
to he in very good circumstances
The Temperance meeting night ties
been changed from Wednesday to Fri-
day evening of each week. Arrange-
ments are being made for the Setting up
of a frwndly debate with the Beemaer
Lodge shortly. A Rood tinsel is expected,
as eoeme of our debaters would not fear
to face Desedhenss himself.
Sets IllegIeSem
e l'artsseestting their 1111s p►iet.•d at Ws
ogle. •st i amine In tb depr tercet wows
El Bharat*.
-*y .spat Der. Male of
�Me in'�n�ry. ()ar-
row ♦ Pled tot, vendor's •nlicitaa
J. C. Ourrisr ersseitlseer
Mrnsnlr, Dat Hirai-liasevWrs' male of
Hotel tern ether , m the Til-
ler, of )rasalrar- , •strew & Proud -
feet, Yellers' Egielle a J 0. Otrris,
Menntner, DM. telbh---Male of Hem -
hold Furniture, eM. at Crrie's Am-
non Mart J. O. Omrrb, amditeeer.
Twat, Den 111e1-111eht d 1111m,
Faris Stei, at Wilbiessa'a
(Joderidi towed * Jaime M.
proprietor; J C. Osrrie. seetieswar
Barrer Hotel
To the Editor of The Signal.
DRAW SIR. --II may seem but a useless
application of words to draw tlfe atten-
tion of your readers to this handsome
building, as it was. It is, ,doubtless,
equally vain to dwell upon the change
which los taken place. The friends of
Goderich advancement will long remem-
ber the night un which they saw the Sum-
mer Hotel consumed by fire. The
scene which now presents itself to those
who chance to find themselves in the
neighborhood of the tire is one of desola-
tion ; and when the observer allows hi+
imagination to carry his thoughts back
to a time when the structure was the
admiration of all, the desolation becomes
so intensified, and the question involun-
tarily springs to his lips : do the parties
concerned intend to build again. I sup-
pose the town will proffer a helping hand.
It is quite in keeping with the nature of
things that such and similar questiocs
ahould frequently be asked. No un-
prejudiced man can dispute the benefit
such an undertaking would be to the
town. It is now no longer a matter of
speculation. 1'he fact has been proved,
though not in all cases admitted, that not
only in such an enterprise in Goderich
warranted, but it is wortay of the sup-
port of the peoples' repr eeentatives. It
is evident to all that a be dy of men with
the civic duties of the cot •oration invest-
ed in their hands, and with the interests
of that oorporation virtually intrusted to
them, are called upon by the dictates of
honor and duty, to promote the social ad-
vancement of the people in every legal
respect 1 italicise the word legal to
show the force unsound argument may
have upon a governing body when op-
position is not present to refute. When
aaked to make certain concessions in re-
ference to taxes on this hailding, which
had accumulated prior to its completion,
the council refuse when it was reprs-
Rented to them by a learned councilman
that such a step would be illegal, and
that one hotel was no more entitled til
their support than another. it is readily
coneeived how such an argument would
throw wild meter upon the petition of the
tmatteroner aid en the atter rested.
ether it would he illegal or not for a
council to subsidize hotels is of no import-
u nes, and never ahould have had an atom
of weight in shaping the course of public
men in discharge of duty. There is no
mica between hotels and seswrser re-
eseta The resort for the aeoommo.da-
tien of pleistire and quiet seek ere is worth
as touch, if not more, than a manufactory
employing fifty men the year round;
.> �' eeaarrrl%�'�t �t ' btin~ with BR U
snob he earMtiee is entitled to neer pub
lie cotssidetstlon. This is no fancy
picture feinted in worth.. The town PERFUMERY. Ate., &c
this lainew years has benefited largely
by the enterprise alluded to, and the
business, raven the own who wishes his I Cheapest in Town.
town to km, deem m the* soma] arena
who wdh't seep fo,ru'ard and nt}w+ri}oa
hie aesists•oy is sohrtrrd by false impel- jor. No time', to show (k,ouls and
sea lee M he eandid)y asked the people prom.
of Gisler -id) whether the hummer lgeZ
are 4
'grads, Thula,
Carefully done at reasonable prices.
Oodericb, Dec. 10, 1810.-1761.
Huron School Book
Xmas Cards,
Xmas Books,
Xmas Presents.
1i; REScMA.i.rIN L.
The undersigned bee leave to intimate that
they are prepared to do dressmaking, in all its
brandies at the
Hast M.
(1: €»1) EI -t ICH.
Mese ALDWORTI . Miss Hex'I'tai.
Omni Variety!
Combs--- Hair, Tooth and Nail
sr P'07t7a•
.a..es -re si. **ROA .
as iiM1a*e ...• ,
•..i h .
<i O T o
01 • W s,9 '!} - STREZT, 40 D b R I (' g'
ligi'Ledies requiring °Mss ase' Cake* should read, in their paielrs w4uut delay.
Home-made cakes taken in and urnawentwi uu /*bort a u io% and at reasonable rates.
Just( fiat the Public Needs.
Arrived and opt bed out another supply of winter t:etyls, upgabtlag of
s.,* *mid
p .
wan r w.• .
Overcoats,Oveacs ,oeiandRubbers
. •1
As wen as velem, other u i eak>tle Ilurea
prazamine my Stock and Get my Prices
Uoderinh, Dec. B. 1880.
The largcat Moet' in tuwu or
Clristru&New risProsels
Arriving daily for theholidaytrade'
The new Lever Skate, the beet yet produced fur simplicity and durability.
3a -Elverything at Liow Prioee during the Hcliday Season. -sa
Ooderich, Dec. 8, 1810.
"Chicago House."
Ladies Undressed Kids ---very stylish.
A carefully selected Stock of
Irl alt fJ,r e-tre..t Sty/x.4.
Pretty, and the very Latest. A splendid assortment of
Black, White and Colored Plumes, Eitra Value.
haul icn' i'ashionahle Ash. Nets and W ik1 Boar fins.
Novelties in Jets. Tiger Claws, /cc..
Moves -Kids and Woollen.
ce Menne' Kid Mitts.
ChlMreng lhwr (laps.
sdr BTYL.1 H .A.ND 013EbP I'en
U ---rape and Mourning Goods.
Plouwrs, Feathers aro! Ribbons, in gnat wt. -41y.
Car Call and see my stock before puehasing elsewhere.
Ordered Work a Speoialty.
'Ass • for Bntteriek'a Patterns and for Parker's Steam Dye Works.
E J. COPELAND, Chicago House,
West Reese sear Pan Oleos
Holiday Presents !
Photo and Autograph Albums in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very
suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars
Stock is New, very complete, and consists of Ladies' and Gents' Purees, China
Goods of all kinds, Ruby floods, Vases in many patterns, Flower Pike,
Cups and Flowers.
China and Wax Dolls
A Large Assortment. Smokers Sendriee-_Mettchium Pipes and Cigar Solders
and Brier Pipes -100 Dtfft Bent Styles.
School Books, Miscellaneous Books,
Bibles, Prayer Books, Chitrelt Sermon., W si noels Syme Iesha, FJtn Reeks.
Ac.. de. - Subscriptions taken for all tin hest >imum, Seri e,
inns, AHaroAR and Cinemas Fnplwttd
Magssines at Publishers' lowest
rates -now is the rise
to .ehseribe.
A fell stock of School Book., for Teachers and High and Medd Sebona elslonie
All will he sold eheap, and Pewees anted. i have a Odes
and large *Meeting' of
will he mitred from among Midi; 1 James Wilson, 'Christman and New Tear's
their verdyt will he found "rides an
the ieerms in the book of adveseament. fiarrnnto.r
EitroCseateu a "l'he Square. (Wench •nm,nxw. reierra.l, ai.A t•nar
„t• Wwme .
awe amens win ansa,
SMA t E3U.Tr,�i�'B.
C, )