The Huron Signal, 1880-12-10, Page 1e r N9 Y A U i11' rib • Alto cENEiNL fNf'E r,r, `JcE. Dentists;. �; rata e, WN DIM - 'denim, sir Mo, tr a4,est Street,. rtmY d Duro casino n of Montreal. ride eaical. HG. MACKID, M. D., PHY$I- . ohm. Surgeon and Avcottcber, Graduate (o Unic emit)'. Office uppstt. Camer- as Cepaeene'a flank. I.uoicweir It rot 1D Wier, ewers at the Sank. 77aot 7. DL MILIAN, PHYSICIAN, BUR- L., ('ot'oser.Ocoee and residenceen Drum Street. second doer west pf Victoria Sheet. 1751. Dna SHANNON & HAMILTON, � thee the Jan; match. ti. C.Bx4NnAIt,.J. C. iliiuz.- YSL J AIKENHEAD, S. , (SUCCESSOR v to lar. Deme )0atwdlWweL putrrie Ve- DMelwlfereeol o de V 01 1.' h . ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR, RllTilktJis Atwrnegs, moo.. tseuetfsa. J. T. Darrow, I'ro�df� 1161. L. DOYLE, BA RRISEER A ND Att,�t y. Ittrtettor to Caaaesryi7Hse" QSAOER & MORTON, B A R R I 8- ?sHs. Am, &c., Oodertch and Wl.gbam. 0. Saeger, Jr.. Ooderiak. J. A. Morten, ng - ham. 1741. S. MALOOMSON, BARRISTER AND Otltoe-Corner of West Street rad -Noun% over George Acheson* Oedm'IoL 1751. 11 CJMPION, ATTORNEY - A T- easer, Solicitor 1n Chen Convey - deb.46. Oa to over Detlors .tore, Oode- rbb. bat Any amount of money to loan eit karma rates W (merest. 1761-7. g.��t�,� HOLT & CAMERON, ep�t ed ry�e� r 11 C ChUasison . MI P. M. O.Ossseron, Goderich. W. E. 1751. Miscellaneous Carus. /MOM BMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. ois 17. 01117e s . and meeoan'm, work glut Pao ad ors goo odx alINNIONISI and LI B. WATSON, HOUSE, SION and Ornamental Painter.. Parlor deoor- alingmade a specialty . ORAINI No. 0ILDINo, OuSING. :chop on North Street, opposite the Registry OMee, Ooderick. 1751 1 VINO DONE NEAR THE OLD /twee Hotel. YlngaWa Street, Oodertoh. Raterenos-Mfte. MILLER. Esstat. 1751. STRATF)RD BINDERY-EBTAB- LLSHED MULTI* estadWmeatischiefly devoted to yob and alb to Mass slam and mosnois libratylaal� are saw - Mame me alp a in Wth oaths the ban et Mork and with strength and beau'y oom- blued. STO °earlobe Dutton's drug ilea. GEORGE. (`IOMMER.CIAL HOTEL, DUNOAN- .J NON.- This Mt -clam hotel, has recently been refitted and improved sou to furnle' the 10.1 possible a000mrnodatlon to the travelling *bile. Good liquors and choice viands a epeotallty. An attentive ostler always on head, and excellent stabling and sheds. on the mendeea Time. Sinus. Proprietor. 1761. Loans area insurance. X600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W CAMKRON, HOLT et CAMERON.e1751 - 175,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- - TAT& Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Ooderteb. 1731 60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND 1117 on good Torso sr /uterus Tows Property .at 8 per Dent. Apply W B. RADCLIFFIt. 1751 MONEY IrO LEND IN ANT amouat eb borrower N 6i to 7 per neat. Private Apply to Samoa and Motrrox, God MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Mortgage at reasonable rates of interest and on terms to snit borrowers. Address .Jalsa /rMltamr, s•Ittord P. 0. 1756. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE wam�ouunttt 01 Private Funds kir investment b DARRO k on Dv F Apply MONEY TO LOAN. THE CANA- DA leaded Coedit Ormpa'y. Toronto- LohdeLoge Lathp MAMMA Eq, PassesMMddest. Mossy Inst by Mf. OMMant b individuals sena the mass system es to mentolpsllUUea--Bend Ar • O04 ,i HUPH HAMII.TOii, 1751 1. 470,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND w Tarn and Town Proper*at lswsIr. Serest. or east. Mortgagperehmed, M OsrmMba en �MiimmeoL iimare711110ingobtain la a rale Gander If Mho RYON. RamilOetr,_ -DA VISOR b theeloL t l0 -net D RADCLIFFE FIRE, MARINE, �isLa�.rwat gnOU/rwwnawarf Cb Ips AloADA Ogen[ I b Orad ws set ckSi to Wageither w Ori Kw.1711 INSURANCE CARD. Oen ASA 0O'T. Tomoevo - dtst_MN N TAW"' Cali'stt.M- RA1?1OwDINS Y. N HAns'rour, Oss.. ZILIrolab`ritc&atiag, se ormriter61141116111SeVir. Tenaleran 7 * i set Colo arfssrn4�.ls.a .rsarW, hme BO6A01111ORTOM. Derma►. t1c1�A►; t116 Eetrau Animals. QTRAY HEIFER, CALF -- CAME ` 'hey the r"" she* the 51* tre o ptt..m~bsr,, am a red lsod iter self. The owner wdiploma pair' DPertJ, pay s><penxe line take It away. sir w� ►1tne01f. 176i. QTRAYKD FROM, THE PREMISES of the sabecriier. during fleptember, two steers, ono year old; one greyand the other red with a white star In Igoe. Well marked du�n�aboth. sans. .Anyinpff��ormypa�f(ti��t.o�ynlyy leading to red. Rdntnt You*,lor recovery t Aeood.Colborne � 0114-tt. 1 BTtRAY HEIFER -.--CAME TO THY premises of the ed, lot 6, fon Colborne. about the 1st Nov -a rod and it - better, one ear and • ball oeft! The owner le sic vo rt and tt t -stay, I'CTsa FultgN. e176SJt. QTRATIKORNES-- QAliE INTO THE ILT enelonheeff thewbseriber, lath Nee. 1866, a dark bey M* small star on foreheadis sir black legs d Owner nested to prove property, pay charges and take him away, se be will IN gold by patella milieu 6..t t((rr''pur�riiteasrdAe015en Mart in the Iowa of 0odertch, 1i. YtufdlyLRO'JYAA�try.1161, at I 1763-& P. 0mlbur.e. folk Nev, t$lb ri $TRAY HEWER- ON THIS L premises of the subscriber, tot 6, eon. 1 Ashfield sheet alb 1st September. a RED AHD Warta liteive., rigag teres years ad. The owner le recleaned to prove property. pay charges and take ft away. -JArrss CAssv. illSTRAY STEER -4JAME ON THE prebMeef the subscriber. lot 11. owl 4. .dablieId. a white le•rllngateer with red spots on ft; Also a mart on one ear. The owner L estAiRed to prove property,pay charges, and *keg away. WEALD Itc3u.oNr. 1766. ESTRAY. -CAME ON THE PRE- mieee ot the underwlened. Lot 43, 13 th eon., Hallett, on or neons the 1st idepL, Dae two year old Heller, and e ago year old ether, both red and whcu while. The owner can have the same by Irovtng prerty ad sea Roan= RoaL tirnusw. pfw{ ESTRAY STEER -CAME ON THE p tewasialp of OoSou.., about the had 01 Sea tembmr, a WhitesSteer. emoting two years old. The owner Ls l�heharges sad take repentedaway. �ovtreeia[ property, QTRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the transcriber, Block D. Colborne. about July, four yearling steers. one grey. use red, and two red and white. Any person giving such intorm•iba as will lead to their recoverywill hesnifa ti rewarded. Aza,- Dot Mst, Saltford P. 0. I7ti4a, CTRAYED. A HEIFER ABOUT one and • halteare old. red and white, pretty much roan, wort and stoat made. Any one giving t.e information of it will be suit - rewarded. W. Galeria' HICK�u R 25. CAME ON THE PREMISES OF the.nbmoriber, about the loth of Novem- ber, two yearling steers, one red, and the other red and white. The owner is requested to prove property. pay chargee and take them away. W N. Ronotiwox, Berm Wer P. 0. 17et6.4t. GAME ESTRAY. - TWO WHITE Heifers and one red and white heifer; Dame on the Premises ot subscriber .bout the and of Oct. ^ The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. ,tour( tlTyRur, lot, I6, eon 7, Ooderioh town- ship. 1761-41. For Sale or So Let. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corner of Victoria and East etrets, in the town of Goderich. for sale cheap, or will be etuhanged for farm property. For perticnlars *apply to Jew, SI.A1t.L, Architect, office Crabb'' Mock, or J. C. Cutters, auctioneer. VARA FOR SALE. -WEST HALF Lot No.66, Con. 4, Township of Ooderich, 40 acre. -36 cleared, 2 In bush; new Irame iHouse and Barn, young Orchard. a never -fall- ing spring at the door. Will be sold on reason- able terms Apply to Mrs. Oconee Parr, on the premiss, Porter's Hill P. 0., (ioderiohTp or to O.twor 8HappArn, Book Store. (lode- rich Town. 1766-1m. TO LET -A BLACKSMITH SHOP Conveniently situated, being in the im- mediate viclnit of Mill, Hotel and Post OSloe. This i. a Nsei and for horehong ,and jobbing. Mao • one story frame dwelling house, and shoe shop. This is • rare thanes for a good Blacksmith and Shoemaker. Apply at cote to R. J. IL DeLoxo, Port Albert, Ont. 1782. ST8O0eeRMZTO LET, ON VICTORIA The slam IIsra6 ewme�luand , rsoently wellllrsfurn�ed 4wWYtg with M.rM�ee6aemea. and with Della $rad to e6an.Ufion with the buUding. TM MOM 1s sand one. and is In close prox- imal. Ms Slaw Ground. Terms are,ve rpt will be made known on ollebs to i. L STRACHAN. BIaokiinith SI QHKPPARDTON. -STORE, WITH Post OMon for salo. with l acro land. Stook W hash and good. Will .all on very easy terms, havingotherbswttners to attend M. Phr foram, Hays Ales MI6 serfs of land. West hall of 4 e� tot%= & D. AahDeld. Good Or- ebs A, Ttums >a•ns, and astable. My &errs *5111041.4 wet Issued. All the orop with 16 acres N hay. will los given with lot. R T. 11. 1761. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALK LLmeweu k Ooh- A To lmship of Cotbei Co. oltar ad and 0 ....• state of wlrwtiea ah' shomewl4 r ,a Throe r a won win aiahle aaad! minmart ' !6.r • tlammow i - et es IiIM Anctioneering. a. oviaausi P1dPtZ8 AUC- TfON11111, W. Ont net ?wimp sari •ED aos Loneoriaij [NIGHT PRAOlOAL EL* I1s>t art 1hsrferrntetett�at l bh•tar athigeend ss l7tm The • People's coli n. BOAR lroH36 011Ysrkahlee boa (rebel' tor ere vim. Terme ht t paid Mateot s rvloe. 7. 6sflYILL S� :im Won MHZ MUNICIPAL • OOU$ - uOF oeskome win meet W toe Mae Ito.laeptisab.c, �q k 'stir sgaitut.tom lbrward' to caste... fore the lath tart d. A. Manor tau. 41I 1764. Cy nlil+t�Wto�lr. pi x Ae. kYrsa an lirarafweArg srl." sM4"16d. acionErs 1166 NOTIQE.ttt-��-THE ,ANNUAL MEET - Com ti bald at the Mt �Caammerron. Malt! ova Rtt•tur�dYat7�p.p sleath January, Dlredon for thee ensuing m.. tor Laoyea• of electing HORACE HORTON, Ssol.-Tresa.O.P. k s. 00'y. Oudsriolt. Mth Den., Sllll.-17di5t. minion flan Stook, to air* CARD OF THANEti-TQ T v ST.f DAI1D nos I7*B. Coi ilamllton One U arrLseer. -Pte.w aoewt.y pest franks 711te. ur r h. Such ahrald be re - which near USON, for the prompt and verl meet of my lees by Are made lir..LIez. Mel) Allan. N nameable suis Re [mnrpt�� I bhopedor )enn�willlrecefve& e e. Dtnel-- Newbridae, November 0. illy Election Cares. CARD. To the various ingnlrlesof m7 trtends wheth- er or not I will aLow myself to be NOMINATED FOR MAYOR, for the eoaiag year, 1 moods to their request. and expect by them to badsoted. ours only. R CitABB. (Iodeetob, Dec. & 1866. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF OuoKRICH. Omrrtmont,-Having been waited upon • deputation of psoo.iaea. ariea.. daril use to stead fee tam position of MA a uta ot (loder.ch. 1 have decided to auquasue, and hereby ar.ao.nee ;myself s. o•adtdate tor the position. Lt elso••d, 1 will endeavor to tin the otgue to the bast a my ability, and fa the real tntetests N the town. Respedtdly your*, HORACB [LOIRTON. Ooderieh, Dec. 6 1880. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF OODKRIOH. 0.nTL .It, -At the earnest request of a lag's and Lndaeat al number N ars, 1 have consented to be a c•adidate at he forrth- munielpaideotioa for the position of ItEY of the town of Uodericb. Having had a lengthened municipal experience to years gone by, I feel mewed that my past ro- oord ae • public servant will be stub as to secure for me the favor of the ratepayers uu this oocsaion. I wW esdeavor to mate a per- sonal canves of the town between this and poling day, but should 11 be that I may not lave an opporttunty of mane. some of the electors, I hope that fact wW not deter them loom giving me their vote and influence. Your obedient servant, JAMES SMAILL. 1785 1 THE ELECTORS OP THE TOWN 1 OF 0ODEItlCH. 0E7;TL.11as,-I bog to solicit your voto and influence at the ensuing election for the office of REEVE, (Mr. Gerrow retiring) and in so doing would rely upon my past mervtoe. on lour behalf at the Town and County Council Hoard. In the event of opposition. I will state my views Pally on our municipal •Mars at the Detonation, and if pa sibl. make a personal can vane before elfotion day. Your obedient servant, FRED. W. JOHNSON. Goderich. Nov. $tth, 116. 1766-N. 1011* OODSRICH. THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN Dae, Mr. Jens f -pain Reeve, Mr. J sir teetion of ollarfat me fee the eas�sl¢ year. At the retest et • Serge namb�as off ratepayers put IInnve oonambod he snow ne natio. eil ht DEPUTY REEVE, and B sleeted to the responsible tion, i shall endeavor to look cleanly after the inters* of the ratepayers both at the Toga Council and County Connell Board. Your obedient servant j WM. CAMPBELL. 1712. PO THE ELECI`ORf'j OF ST. AN - 1 DREW'S WARD. OirwTx.ptre -- At the solicitation of Mends, i have decider{ to again offer myself as a can- didate for the position of TOWN COUNCIL- LOR. OUNCILLOR. Having already served In that body, i point to my record as a teat of my Alarm to represent yea. if eteoted, I will, as In the part. endeavor to work V the bot (a6Nwsis of the town. Tours rspeettelly. 1764. E. BINGHAM. 1 THE ELECTORS OF ST. AN- DREW'S WARD. IN THtt TOWN OF OODERICH. OI lFPIslsmtiftts -I ts anao�.w Imo.. kr �Is abs& Mztd t•ei6elio0 r m menttnslMN M1�ent� rare,.+ wee�. pie itt year km dame s� M. M t year esnttsw Des! 17N. obedisoL CAanMPiON. PO THE ELECTORS OF T. 1 PATRICK'S WARD. Onnvtirp.•-At Me repst cid a baa sitdmmher leu N ve interment to ones. ftCKMlJ1rOIL t1 te erd. ter nes &Mien the votes T ha htee as i toOR m D1 edtes en f ray Tour obedient august, R. W, 111oERNZT11, Oe larlei. Dee. tt 11111. i16tt TpeOLI", O'!k'OB$ OF THE TOWN fie r»'�..a'" n W~■I C••�eytt�p� M saes N mooed 144 *'►-MEM ��' t net Ter obedient trrvrnt It O. 01120111.1111 NEWS' ABOUT HOME. "ft' elders'beide' no+e6 Aa' lakr> 2Aprest It." The thaw did cid, long eontilt'te. • Mt. Edward Trout, d the )%'stagy hoes, was iu hors cit Tuesday. Rev. Mr. McQueen, ort Rlplej, preach- ed in linos Churn% on Sunday evening. Rhe Ontnty'Oowrtand Genet Session. will be held qn Tuesday, Dee. 14th at 14 o'clock. ' 14./..r. -better prices are being paid for this article, arid there is now Dom mencing to be money in the business. All a000unta due to MaoEay Brothers IAA arm mot paid before Christmas, 2bth Deatsaber, will be put, into Court for collectiop. RIN In.- Sara Noble was sent down to the "Stone House" for 21 days on Tuesday last, for being "D. and D." and etuaahing furniture. GONE toOrpAWA. -Mr.M. C. Cameros, Q. C., member for South Huron in the Ouse of Commons, left for Ottawa o0 Tuesday morning last to attend to kis public duties. BULL SOLD. - The shorthorn bull "Earl of Stafford," one of Mr. H. Y. Attrill's Ridgewood Farm herd, out of Lady Anne, was sold recently to Judge Rice, who has a farm near Montreal. We understand that the price paid was about $500. Capt. James Parsons, of the wrecked Simooe, doesn't care to be interviewed about the disaster. He declares that there has been too much in the papers about it already. The gallant captain evidently does not believe in "blowing his own horn." MEN -Norms. - - A number of Menno- nites recently arrived in Goderich, o0 their way to the North-west They found, however, that navigation was closed, and had to return and take an all -rail route. They appeared to he a respectable lot of people. ALL WILL READ IT: -The mammoth advertisement of R. B. Smith's store has crowded out some interesting reading matter this week. However, we feel certain that all our readers will read tJtdt page, and will rejoioe with us that there is enterprise in Goderich yet. Iti LONDON. -- Mr. Frank Addison, who learnt his trade in Goderich, and who has since been engaged in Toronto, has accepted the position of foreman of the Vivian Printing Co., of London. We understand that Mr. Addison is in every way qualified for the position. RA/WALLY. -On Monday night some person or persons smashed in a panel in the door of Mr. Abraham Smiths store. This made an aperture large enough for a boy to Drawl through, but whether anything burglarious was attempted Mr. Snaith to unable to say. It was a small piece of business at the beat. Aoeteztr . - On Tuesday afternoon, while arousing the Court House Square, Mr. John Moody came upon a slippery spot and fell violently backwards, his head being badly (pit by the fall. Be remained unconscious for some time, but was helped to hia feet by Mr. D. Mc- Donald, Clerk of the Court, who witnessed the accident, and the injured man walk- ed home. S. S. Cowvsrtrog.-The annual Con- vention of the Huron Sabbath School Association will be held in Blyth on Tuesday and Wednesday next. A very good programme has been prepared, and • very suocessful gathering la antioipat- ed. The energetic secretary, Mr. E. F. Moore, of Goderich, has been indefati- gable in his efforts to make the Conven- tion a muocees. IN WrnT.s PoeT. - -A largo number of mariners are now in town after facing the perils of the deep for the pad season. Among others we noticed Capt MoAr- thut'7;nd Capt. McLean from Detroit, rind Capt. MoPher.on from Oswego, who arrived home last week - just in time to shako hands with the municipal candi- dates, you know. New Dans.-The London Ad.erluer has donned a new dress, and now Domes to hand shining like a new elver dollar. It is well printed and splay, and its edi torial matter gives no uncertain sound in the matter of politics. We have • distinot recollection of the daythe Ad- vw .ir first saw the Tight; we ave seen it grow and prosper; and we look for a oontirumnoe of its prosperity in the "sweet by and -bye." Flan -On Thursday evening, abort eight o'clook, an ahem of fire was sound- ed, when it was discovered that some shanties on the beech, on the other side of the harbor, were burning. The fire was caused by the explosion of • coal oil lamp in the house of widow Murray. A Ind uaaediaWy threw water upon the oil, bet this only spread the Beam Tse lassoes hod to make a hasty exit, and the furnit ne in the little house was Warty otnaumspd. The dames spread to the eijoieieg shanty, 000epied by 1 Meoey . teaser. Amon liioLeae, arts tied plan was a11. destroyed. 'mss Ren �: «l. eta , was greesawed. It is the, /Toe , bashes will be as were Ont aMMd by egeetlseu, red tie per'ty is owned try the Dsaialee Gevern- tm.et Baweew Ile Isle isw* isle pis tier .or Me 1 s bummed • et We err. rot.M sb�sm, aboantttmt a w lest Reeharsr and 41 1. M�wee w11 -Normae, *best ISO Moire reel& sol Rev. Alexander Mackenzie, vI Ngo Presbytery of Toronto, and late of the Free Church, Scotland, preselect in St Andrew's church last Wednesday evening. Basch AND (:carr. -my. D. Cantelun baker, talks to the ladies of Gvtl r'ioh and vicinity, about Cheistame cheer. A pas. sisal of his advertisement will repay the reader. THE STAR Sus Woags.--Mr. Seobie started business is his salt block on Tuesday last, bavisj overcome the ob- stacles wniok had heretofore interfered with the successful proseoution of the work. Moamar' Corer. -- In the Maritime Court before Judge Toms last week, re the Josephine Messrs Seeger & Morton obtained an order to oompel the Defend- ant to produce documents re the Cale- dunia. Messrs Seager & Morton also obtained • warrant for arrest in a mort- gage ea.e. LAT' AaaIVAL. The schooner H. N. Taiwan arrive.- in port at 10 P a. on Saturday, having Left Kincardine at 9 o'clock in the morning. She had a cargo of 7.000 bushels of wheat on board for Ogilvie& Hutchisona mill, and it ga.. at one tinge feared by those un shore that she oould not get into the harbor. The thaw on Sunday morning permitted her 10 get up as far ea the elevator. Goon rant Tea G. W. R. -We are tired to observe that the O. W. R. B an early train upon the 1. H. & branch, by which the Lyndon morning papers reach the Counties of Hu- ron and Druce many hours in advance of the old ppleu. The Ad:ertwers now ar- rive et Goderith via Clinton by the 10:30 a. at train. The Grand Trunk railway should set if it can't do something equal - 1y aatiafsctory to the people of this sec- tion. B.ltD. - A reorganization, mcetiug of the Band was held Monday evening when the instruments (seventeen in all) wero distributed. Several young mem- bers have been taken in, and two of the. old members Live resigned. The lead- ing instruments will be four cornets and two clarionets, making a strong lead. What the Bend wants is. a better practice roost, 6s the room Dow occupied is alto- gether too small being about 16110, rather small fora band of so many ie- atruments Lecture ow Benne -The lecture on "Robert Burns," by Misr Howison, nn Friday evening last, in Victoria Hall, was not largely attended. The lecture was well delivered and showed evidence of research. The recital of " Man was Made to Mount," the "Cotter's Saturday Night " and "A Man's a Man for a' That," elicited well -merited applause from the audience. Miss Howison, however, undertakes to Anglioise some passages, instead of adhering to the original, and we all know that this act is counted almost mtorilege by the aver- age Scot. When a Sc otohman wants anything, he wants it pure, whether words or whiskey. Tau 10th Div -mole Couar.-An item has been going the rounds of the County press in effect that the 10th Division Court, established at Zurioh, about a year ago, was to be abolished. Such is not the ease. Doubts had arisen as to the propriety of the steps taken towards the establishment of the Court at that point, and Judge Squier submitted the facts of the case to the Attorney -General for lir decision. On Saturday last the opinion of the Attorney -General was received, stating that he saw no reason thy the sittings of the 10th Division Court should not be held. Litigants in and around Zurich can now have the opportunity of settling their grievancoe every two months. LSCTUar AND Ooarezw .-Tho lecture by Father Flannery, on " Tom Moore," and the concert by Mins Reidy and her assistants, on Tuesdaynext, 14th inst., under the auspices othe Choir of St. Peter. Church ,oromiaes to be a treat indeed. Father Flannery is highly spoken of as a suooessful lecturer, and Mew Reidy is acknowledged by press and people to be one of the best vocalists of the day. Mr. Drumgole, of London, and Mr. T. Joslin, of Seaforth, have also agreed to be present, and the entire en- tertainment will probably be one of the finest yet offered to • Goderich audience. We append a few criticu.ms from the pro: - The New York Moir. Trade Re- view says: " Miss Reidy looms up on the Canadian horizon -e star of the first magnitude." From the Toronto Globe: " Her crowning triumph was achieved in the simple and touch ballad, ballad, ' We'll meet nae mar at Sunset, her execution of which oompletsly carried her andantes with her, and was in every respect a mast finished p oduetion-s modal foe rap shirr of ballads- - perhaps the most diffi- cult music to sing with sympatketu effect. At each Miss Reidy wasloud- ly moos. but the appleuse loan to a furore when she had ifniab•d the most chants and exquisite song." The Medi aye: " Mats Reidy was reeeivsd with rapturous applause hu 'Robin Adair.' In • Wel meet sale Mai st Sunset,' she sang 11'11156 desk of feeling which bsld hen *Mime entreated tai the Web, when the leme metdatd applaw boost Esrti Bks a Inur'iaae. Asa baled afy er 110 Eeity saes deathbed to easel sett Woeawliss-i1 be ably said an toil may mme to be COinerld to let iSh tki►-her pentine lime." The Tom& merlin rya: "Abs le be ke ane tis ed im taw same tweets with Albami Her vnios lee the purity d las Thlareby Ned the elf p- of the " ad ION reimehly to the 0111110/1 en / ialog amus --,r-- A. 8UOOa68PUL. BUSENElita 1 be W altiMw wiser* of 9. tli.'stmtti, If atiythiug was namnesty aro make the note of R. H 8laiths recce more fully a household word in thin section, the fuIl"[age advertisement of that in stitution ehich greets the eye (if the reader as he opewt.tbis paper, will surely do so. Already noted' as a first-class place of business, and • one, of the best regulated stores in this part of the Pro- vence, the, public atteetium is still further invited by the auesmoth annoinncement on our fifth page. It pyys to' advertise in a live pgper, and She enterprising manager of the concern has this week shown his faith in this principle by his works. Mr. B. B. Smith, a gentleman highly respected, and of a thorough business nature, founded the business m 1860, and Lid down the rules which have since governed it. From the first the More took a leading position. Mr. Smith died in February, 1872, and since that time the business has been continued by managers, and has been known tut the estate of R. Ii, Smith. The present manager, Mr. James Hustyn, took charge of the store on the lst of July 1879, and the business has continued to increase rapidly under his control. He is a gentleman of fine busi- ness tact, full of energy, and urbane in manner. Hu mode of conducting the business has added not a little to its prosperity and success. Mr. Charles W. Andrews, brother of Mrs. South, has been connected with the store from the start, and has been the buyer of the house for the pant year and a half. He has an eye Inc bargains and "taking" goods, and his excellent judgment in ppurcluising has also oontnbuted great - IT to the large sales of the institu- tion. We learn from the enterprising manager that the trade is continually in- creasing. Sales last year were in ad- vance of tho previous one, and this year so far shows an increase over the last. As well as attracting new customers, the -store of R. B. Smith seems to have the knack of retaining old ones. Many per- sons in Goderich, and Colborne and Goderich Townships who bought their goods from Mr. R. B. Smith when the store was first opened, ere still highly valued and regular customers. During „ the trying titres of the pest few years, this house not only held its own, but grew and increased, until now it has the esteem of all and the patronage of many - of the people of this section, and the con- fidence of .the largest and wealthiest wholesale houses in the Dominion. Thu business gives promise of still greater growth, and the public may rest assured that a hearty greeting and fair and just dealing awaits them at the Glasgow house --now known as the estate of R. B. Smith. County Judge's Criminal Cert. Befogs Itis Honor Judge Semler. The Queen vs. Annio Henry Tho prisoner was charged with concealment of 'birth of child in the township of Col- borne, on the 18th ult. She pleaded guilty and was remanded for sentence to the 14th inst. reeekaakrs• gainers. The Board of Directors met in Mr. Maloolmson's office on Wednesday even- ing. Present -Mr. Morton, 1st Vioo President in the chair, also Messrs. Col- borne, Williams, Sloane, McBrine, Cook andt8hepparl. The minutes of last two two regular meetings were read and on motion were confirmed. Tenders for the supply of the following newspapert and magazines for the ensuing year were re ceived from Messrs. Butler and Shop- mod, heppard, viz.: Daily Globe, Daily Mail, Grip, Scientific American, Frauk Leslie's Illustrated, London Graphic, Naval and Military Gazette, Atlantic Monthly, Sunday at Home, )darper'a Monthly, Chambers' Journal and Scribner. On motion of Mr. Colborne, seconded by Mr. McBrine, the tender of Mr. Shep- pard was accepted. A000unts for 189 volumes of new books, recently added to the library, were presented and on mo- tion ordered to be paid. Moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Colborne, and r'e.olwd, that the Directors proceed at once to solioi6 subsoriptions for the enuutiag Ori motion of Mr. Sloane, ssonsdsd by Mr. Colborne, the tres.u- ret was requested to trsasmit to the secretary of the Association of Mechanics Institute the 13 x of the Government greet as required by Statute. There aro new over 700 volumes in the librarryy, and eot .id.rebS. additions will be made immediately. Illm nese Nessa. 0. 0. Robertson, East -Street, has e splendid a.sortme.t of dolls. such as wax dolls, abian dolls, rubber dolls, naked( able dolls, doll cradles; oleo a lame stook d toy tee .rel., velvet frame., and all other kinds of picture frames. Pieter* frassing as sheep se say home in town. Asi.1a.. sed New Tears e.ar., head and tall60j°' Nei lmmr+apbKh taken to ezabange for f wallow No sells. -Ifs tense that souse owe est d belga Edge Goo without beri5. Tilde le illegal and dangerous. It amid IltoPPlik A soasmenioatiioD steed " 8lebtowa' is tusa,+imlaby crowded pee it will alp For sop weak & a • s t 1 3 e 1 • ) a • s 8- )1 )1 3- d It t i a k 1, in 1. r - a r f- or )h 0 - to to to •- E re 7 y irTfitti. FOP!, r.