HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-03, Page 7•
THE ii U its' SIGNAL► FRIDAY, DEOEMBER, 3. 1880.
Farm find $firaen
• suitors aatanxur.
IRleiard Hawley, of 1 Alois, Mich..
who has it hue stook .arie sada tlode-
rish. Oessada, le fool enquiring a worid-
wNe repeteelee ea s breeder of shurt-
hesnr. Th'. leader el lou tine herd is
the eL►w..pp, buil "Beaceusiield,' which
took iendree premium in his tease at the
t Mete fair. Thu •*inial
Poetise color which was recently "all the
rase' amuug short -horn breeders, but is
pure white. Ho is onlythree yearsu,
but weighs2,360 pounold,s. He of good
family on bu both sides. lila sire was
third Earl of Goodness: grand fare the
renoeued British Bane., tired by Col.
To.aaly of Inneeahire, Migland; his dale
is a pure baits cw; grand -dem Lody
(lueaneea, going beck to Master 13elter-
Ay.lt is believed that "Beaclnsbeltd,r
Iehu illustrious namesake, is superior
to why of his alosd.,n, and his owner,
in the opinions of .nue of the best Cana-
dian and American breeders, is destined
to procure a better strain of , h:ort-horns
than is now in existence.
The above paragraph is fro::: the pen
of Prof. Welch of the Chicago Timis.
To this may be iddcd these op of
several well known short -horn authori-
ties oossertung the head of Mr. Hawley's
"Beitconafeeld" is a better bull than
his grand sire the British Baron. (Col.
John B. Taylor.
He has a wonderful display of milk
points. -1W. F. Clark, agricultural edi-
tor London Advertiser.
He is a good representative of any
family. —(George M. Bedford of Paris,
He is an elegant and grand bull. - [Hon.
David Christie, ex -president of the Amt-
rio in sborthoni association.
He is a very massive animal, with rat-
her fine bones, and very just propor-
tions. — 12. F. Johnstone.
I th:uk he is the finest bull than I have
ever seen. --{William Smith.
I have been out to inspect your herd,
and end the magnificent .Baaeunstield
(for suds he really is) in fine condition.
(Francis Graham.
Mr. Hawley's aim has been t., develope
a new strain of shorthorns that shall ex-
cel alike in the production of milk and
beef. He believes that these chameter-
i■ties are not incompatible but latu,ally
blend in the well bred shorthorns. The
bull Beaconsfield, which he has the cre-
dit of breeding, elicited universal ad-
miration at the state fair. !Detroit
Poet tied Tribune.
To start card pertlts.
To put down your sauerkraut.
To tack on your weather strips
To don your winter uuderwear
To Ball in light colored uwkties.
To count in the buckwheat cake.
Tu plant holiday advertisements.
To get your apples in the cellar.
To lay out a course of winter reading.
To begin thinking up Christmas gifts.
To test the virtues of hot sausage.
To eat • finely blanched Endive salad.
To repair leaky roofs before snow lies.
To pin the autumn leaf upon ;the wall
'1'o admire the ladies new wiater bon-
To shove oft' your tailor's bill till Jan-
To catch black hats before he gets
rosen in.
To look at a partridge over the rib of
a good gun.
To, pick out and hang up your Christ-
mas turkey.
To get the "bobs" in order for coasting
To think of those hyacinth bulbs, for
winter blooming.
To warn your a,uk not to get too
much sage in the stuffing.
To have your spike tail coat put in or-
der for the society tamp•igu.
To stop the twitter of the fall wood-
en k before his tribe has entirely migrat-
To devise some mermaid stopping the
symphony of the nocturnal "'mune.
To recollect that the turkey is at his
best when artificially puffed out with •
purse of chestnut&
To send in your newspaper subscrip-
tion for next year accompanied by cash
in advance.
The following list is taken from the
Statutes of Ontario, 1880, as published
by the authority of the Legislature, and
it may be relied upon as correct. It will
be found particularly interesliiig at the
present time ;—
None of the attituals or birds hereinaf-
ter mentioned shall be hunted, taken or
killed within the periods hereinafter
limited :—
Deer, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou,
between December 15th and October lst.
Grouse, pheasant, prairie f. w: or part-
ridge between January lst and Septem-
ber 1st. Wild turkeys or quail betwecn
January eat and October let. Wood-
cock between January 1st and August
1st. Snipe between January 1st and
August l5th. Waterfowl, known as
mallard, grey duck, black duck, wood or
summer duck, between January let and
August lbth. Other ducks, swans or
geese between May 1st and August
16th. Hares between March 14 and
September 1st.
No eggs of any of the binds above
mentioned shall be taken, destroyed or
had iu poa,.ession of any person. at any
No beaver, muskrat, sable, martin,
otter or fisher shall be hunted, taken, or
killed or had in possession of any person,
between May 1st and November 1st, ex-
cept in defence or preservation of pro-
Penalties for killing the above animals
or birds out of season:— Deer, elk, moose
or caribou $60, or not lees than $10 with
cents for each offence; birds, $25, or not
lens than $b with costs for each bird or
egg; fur bearing animals mentioned in
Act, $26, and nut less than $5 with costa
for each offence.
n.+..t.ar.r,m Wee.
The 'mot Salve in the world for Cuts,
Itieesifas, Home, Tatter, U►a ffed Haul,
Chilblains, Corr, sod all kiti(a of akin
erythema This Ohre w gammollsedM
give perfect eatbafaut.ues in every oris sir
INittey refunded. Price Yb as. per
hue For sale by F. Jordan, tit/di/rich.
turas re itireariaa.
• A youngetfr td of mine wee eared ei
thirst fur liquor, that had
so his system that he was use
SU do any banner. He was enure
ly ured by the tea of Hop Betters. 1t
ed all that bunting thirst , took
awe e appetite for liquor , wade his
nerves steady, and hu has remained a
rubor awl steady eau fur were than two
years, and bas no desire 4, return 41 bat
cups, and 1 know of • number o• others
that have boon cured of driakiag by it."
Fenn a leading 11 It t ithcal, Change.
New lurk ai.taer lrart�.
lu reporting the market prnoes fur but-
ter, the New York Tribo e , of May 20th,
said, "Choice packages to the retail trade
reach 111 to 90 touts, but light eo orad
goods are hard to dispose uf, and several
Iota were thought well sold at 8 to 10
tants. This stern logic of dollars and
zenith is rapidly convincing dairymen
that tarry should use the Perfeetef But-
ter ,0 olor nude by Walls, Richardson
& Co., lturliugtou, Vt. It gives the
perfuct June color the year round and
dairymen that use it never send light col-
ored oods tai unarket.
GOLD TYPE.—It would astonish some
of our best orators to sou their speeches
verbatim et liter•tum in the next day's �
papers. It would disgust thenn,•slso; and
they would denounce the reporter. Nor
would any such reporting be fair t, the
paper's readers. Oily thorn who know
nothing about a reporter's business
thinks reports just what is said. limy
don't know that he finishes sentenc:5
which the orator, in his hurry and excite-
ment, has left unfinished; that he disen-
tangles metaphors, suppreares rep.,u-
tions, correct* bad grammar, remedies
slips of the tongue, rectifier errors in
nano, and dater, patches up half -remem-
bered quotations, and the orator, read-
ing his effort in the next day's paper,
thinks he did pretty web, and so he did;
but there is a great great dialer Ince be-
tween hot speech and cold type, and
what would kale sounded very well iu
the former, would have looked anything
but well in the latter. Yet the altera-
tions are only to the reader and to the
orator. The only thing we would re-
mark is, that where reporters nuke one
mistake, speakers make a hundred, which
the reporter instinctively, or as a mere
cutter of business, corrects and says
n&t'Iin_ alrout. --(San Francisco Chroni-
Dr. Pierce s (holden Medica. Dis
covery cures every kind of humor, from
the worst scrofula to the commod'pimplo
or eruption.
Four to six bottles cure saltrhe nn
or tetter.
One t, five bottles cure the worst kind
of pimples on the face.
Two to four bottles clear the system of
boils, csrbunches, and sores.
Four t, six bottles cure the wont kind
of erysipelas.
Three to six bottles
among the hair.
Six to ten bottles cute running at the
Five to eight bottles
running ulcers.
Eight to twelve bottler, cure the worst
, scrofula.
Sold by druggists, and in half-dozen
. and dozen lots at great discount.
Mew le Get Bleb.
The gree. s ;eret of obtaining riches in
first to pi actice economy, and as good old
"Deacon' 8n✓der" says. "It used to
worry th. 1if • out of me to pay enormous
doctor's 1 ill but now I have 'struck it
rich.' E salt n and happiness reign sup-
in.sir littlehouarebotd, and all aim -
cure blotches
cure' corrupt or
ply because we use no other medicine
but Electric Bitters and only costa fifty
An experiment in prohibition is being cents a bottle." Sold by F. Jordan.
THE DAYS or 6fitixay Axa Mullan uy
Uuus. r endured by the sufferer Nam a
persistant cough soon sap the vitality of
the ayateut and wreck the couatitutou.
duck a catastrophe can only be avoided
by precautionary measures. Prevent the
climax of s cough with Northrop & Ly -
man's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and
Hypophusphites of Lime and Soda --ap-
proved of in profesaional quarters, and
which is a combination of the purest
and most salutary ingredient; in perfect
chemical harmony. Coughs, colds,
aryngitis, incipient bronchitis, and other
affections of the respiratory organs, are
speedily relieved by it, and it has like-
wise proved 'to be a useful specific in
scrofulous maladies. The loss of strength
consequent upon being diseased is check-
ed, and the flagging physical energies
restore' by its Invigorating action.
Phospiuorus, the active principle of the
hyp,ph.sphites, not only supplies the
s' stein with au uuportatt element of
ri rcugth, but gives a healthful impetus
to the circulation. The Bone and soda
sls:• roll to vigor of the frame. In wast-
ing diseases of all kinds,` this prepara-
tion can i,e depended upon to produce •
beneficial street. A fair, persistent trial,
is .''l that is necessary to prove its poten-
cy, either as a pulmonic or general in-
v.g.mtn:. For poverty of the blood, with
which e" many invalids are troubled, it is
a sovereign remedy, prtouutfug the acqui-
sitiuu of both strength and flesh. Pre-
pared by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto,
and sold by all druggists.
.lit SHEELY As lerrr.or rULLOwn Cat:.ta
so surely will diseaseventually fasten
itself- upon a systeme' deficient in vital en-
ergy, if tonic medication is nut resorted
4. in time. The necessary tendency of a
weak discharge of the functions of the
b:,ey is t, disorder its organs.—Invigor-
ation, prompt and through, is the only
&ife+;uard. Nori novantof depletedphyuoal
,•uergy, no restorative of lust flesh, nerve
power and cheerfulness,, has more clearly
demonstrated eta efficacy than Northrop
& Lyman's Quinine Wine. .In this pre-
paration, associated with the salutary
medicines which forms its basis, is pure
shcny wine and oertainar,matic oonatitu-
ents which imparts an a• -seeable taste to
the article, and gives additional enr,haris
to its effects. In 'eases of statue! ue-
bility and dyspepsia it is invaluable and
the desired e,iect is, in the vast majority
of caws, remarkably prompt as well as
decisive. That good natural appetite,
which gives a relish for the coarsest
fare, is iusured by the use of the Quin-
ine Wine, which also confers brain sooth-
ing and body refreshng sleep. Fever and
ague and bilious remittent fever, are dis-
eases 4o the eradication of which it is
specially adapted; but it should be used
only in the intervals between the seizures.
The far-reaching effects of a good tonic,
in tall complaints involving loss of physi-
cal energy, are well understood by physi-
cians, and the comprehensive influence
for good of this preparation upon the
system goes far to bear out the profess-
ional belief in the* value of invigorants
as opponents of disease. Be sure to ask
or the 'Quinine Wine" prepared byNorth-
rop & Lyman. Toronto. Sold by all
FOR TILE PeorLE.—There are but few pre-
parations of medicines which have with-
stood the impartial judgment of the
people for any great length of time. One
of these is Dr. Thomas Eclectric (hL
Read the following and be convinced:
— Thomas Robinson, Farnham 15entre
P. O., writes," f have been afflicted with
rheumatism for the last teen years, and
have tried many remedies without any
relief, until I tned Dr. Thomas Eclectrie
Oil and since then have had no attack of
it. I would recommend it to all." J.
H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, Wed ehefford,
P. Q., writes, I have been troubled with
liver oomplaint for severed yeah, and have
tried diLrent medicines with little or no
benefit, nutil 1 tried Dr. Thomas' Koine -
trio Oil, which gars me immediate relief,
sed 1 would my that I have used it
sines with the bateRect. No ore should
be without it. i have tried It ea ray
homes in time of outs, wounds, sea, as+d
think it is equall as =sod toe leans as
man. " A. 14y , i(sreb'A, Wast -
worth, writes, " 1 haus so'Ld some hun-
dreds of bottlse of Eoler,rreoit is
pronounced by the puhnc,'ons the beet
medicines they have ever need;' it lee
done wonders in eedieg send ratite*
Pais, mote throats, etc., and ie
of the greatest on nBdenoe. " J
Rumen, Township of Pere], writesI
was persuaded t, try Dr. Thomas
trio Oil for • lame lee* which tmu
ase for three or four years, earl I never
found anything like it for curing lame.
Beware of trier lt is al[atti�tio■aucsi benefik "
Afor Dr.
Thomas' Ecleetric 00. See that the elg•
nature of & N. Themes is on the Tommie,
and the nada of Nosr4Mp & Lyman are
Mere in the bottles, end take no other.
Wildhy an medicine dealers. Prins 16
els. NO¢tlIRO & LYMAN' Toronto,
Coat., Proprietors for the Dominlan.
Bova - and rise
tried at Liverpool on a pretty extensive
scale. Lord Sefton and „Mr. John
Roberts, M. P„ have agreed to prohibit
the sale of liquor in any shape on land
laid nut for building purposes by them in
the south of Liverpool. For some years
past new streets have been ■ ringing n
over this area, and it is estimated that,
when the whole ground is covered, there
win be some 60,000 persons living in a
district where not a drop of liquor can
be sold or bought. What are the results
so fart Mr. Robert} declares that be
has never had a word of complaint from
owners or occupiers of houses in the dis-
trict on account of the absence of iiquor
• shops. The respected Chairman of the
School Board, has publicly called atten-
tion to the fact that the working clan es
are rapidly migrating from the districts
where public -houses are thick on the
ground to this prohibitory district. The
Mad constable reports that his officers
Clave very little to do on this grontr',
where there are no public -hooses. The
mediae! officer reports that the death -
rote is .xoeptionslly law in the district
The feelings of the inhabitants in Me
district towards prohibition may be -
bared from the fact that when, the other
day, aprlieation was made to iia liaes-
se for a house on the borders of the
ground pvok bited, the wort was crowd-
ed with residents around, who osed
the ap enation, and it was by
the h aocordingl . These facts
t? et th ..ay. s.el steed ge
psis your threat ewe, tw are you an -
by a con.tant ooegb 1 If sn
"Bryan's Piemonte W filers
'en you malar* relief
• ,
se, i i s gine tl st rhignt ("
ttfst4'F s1X f1e •rad no
- • IlsOull frit s, ankh,
or #t i the Ike& et erase,
Ord i taken in toms their tifleaey will
moon be proved- Big by all dru
glad a tr dsdw MEN sail a bait
• Great spends 6terpelse.
The Laboratory for the manufacture of
Electric Bitters is one of Chicago's grea-
test enterprises, 'giving employment to a
large number of hands. The extensive
sale already attained for this wonderful
remedy is astonishing. Wherever once
introduced and becomes known, it is al-
most impossible to supply the demand.
because of their true merit—curing where
all others fail—and at a reasonable price
(fifty cents) --(Exch. Sold by F. Jor-
danW lust a lieeestati.
Such is the expreaion from all Drug-
gists and dealers everywhere who are
selling Dr. s New Disoovery for
Consumption. No like preparation can
begin to have such an extensive and rapid
sale. And w'iy 1 Simply because of its
true wonderful merits. No Cough or
Cold, no relater of how long standing or
bow stubborn, can mist its healing
qualities. Asthma, Beene► a `.is, Hoarse -
Dees, Hay Fees*, Pain in the Ride or
obese and difboelty of breathing or any
Negering disease of the Throat and
Lungs rapidly yield to its marvelous
powers. It will positively care and that
what. ythi else has failed. Matis-
fy ycwrtss�l[ as tbrowasode have dread
done by getting of year druggist.
Jordan's, a trial bottle for ten mints, or
a regular rise bottle for $1. For alb
1/y Jordan
Tnrworten, One , lurch 4, 1880.
For twenty-three ;eats lad past, i
Isere sold Perry Davie Psis -[eller, and
lave always hewed It to give good setis-
Eloatioa. I have frequently used it in
my fly, Mol resolved peat heriebt
from the use et it in that way. Although
many Madeline' of it have been pet no
t'market, and pushed yet
the old, reliable Perry Paw Eike
holds Ess own, sad ie m very persist
isienestooA reepestfony,
JAa Atnaaw .-...
"WON tilvL is asetber aalamn
I.4X1R , ; ► flo,/ifirf4afffi.
Ilfsrt rtseel.aaat Ilium 1/eL _..
Viagra Basun,
\intim• Hluuu,
000 Tri BY•AU. f
bas opened out during the
a untie. and you will not want any other
SO' W. 4Isia lakes a *pedally.
Bseld doliterod coos) rficruoou W all ports
of the town
bhp W latera the Ladies of Oodcrtch
vktalty that she has just returned
trees esketlng kir
Fall Stook of
M I L T4 N E R''Yi',
and 1s prepared to state that she foto acv • tai•
tore had mieh a tine a,eet tuient sit 1,
The 8ubacribera, have bought the Tools and
Boiler Bodnes of D. RtntcIMAlt at Co.. lately
aarr.ed on by the Ooderieb Foundry and Manu-
facturing Company. and haying had en ex -
petit nee of over eight years in nkat shop. are
now . prepared to carry on the trade to alt its
si Any work entrusted to us will receivo
prompt attention. trirst-class work rumens
All kinds of Boilers made and repaired. Tire
Smoke Stacks and :sheet Iron Work. ke.. a -
reasonable rtes. '
New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired
on the shortest notice, and at rotu•si THAT t.E-
ry douprrrnON.
Chrystal & Black,
Marble Works.
tieadatrmee. Hoose Trimmings. Monuments,
and wort of all kinds in Marbles designed
and exceeded In the best style and at most
reasonable priers. Maiblc Mantles kept in
stock. Granite Monuments and Headstones
imported to order.
Well 01 igt.1;00118
la.pee Clop of wy Mammoth Stook is respectfully Invited. BverY line collAiltc a
1762 JOHN .t('HESON, Square, Godeeisi.
"Dominion Carriage 77404" t. tip a
We w.11 sea et otai fur : ao latlAnre of the sea-
ai A few
.lid WitWf�t'resrYNit.•.vin
C.,ainn..o.t sew is ad
I(u .er ed L.bi ta&ed in eceW site for Rita.
soar °pfwait( (blburx Hol'•', lode felt.
John Knox,
Mal ufacturer of CARRIAGES, t3U.aGiS, &c., &c.
ASO n'rl LE or t echo.:.Y. BUILT TO °RDiO.
REPAIRING and JOBBING done with neatness and despatch, and at reanaonable terms.
Call and examine before purchasing.
JOHN KNO simnel on Street, Go derich.
Foods the present date wr:I January est, 1882
OT TI Y $1.50.
y '-•�; THE CURE OF
r:' . Coughs, Colds,, Hoarsen"' ss, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza,
We aro now prepared to 1111 aiid ship orders
for Trrea, he., for tall Planting. LleatTIptiTe
Price e'sWilogncs rums to applicants.
Geo. Drama & Sox.
Now TORIr rooOaskOW
CASON, top to ode. £T'EERAGB, EJP.
Those eeeeeers do not carry cattle. sheep or per..
casnNa. sea t. $5.1. tIetnyin at Reduced Rags.
s000modatloo re�na•arparsed.
111 staterooms en Ran Deck.
Booked etlowest ree to or trout tr,
aelao.4'Nation lexor Amides
low.et rem, (freest e*ares
sr 1otfi�,
rw■res. pa sppiy
■esn..a.. aaerans, r aowNws Oreo. ]c.
Or to MIMI R. WARNOCK. Albion Block,
1761 Agent at (lode/ lob
AND ALL ro17ifT11 ice TOE
Groat North-West.
Croup, Whooping Cough,
Asthma, and every
affection of the
Throat, Lungs, and Chest,
•' 14 does rot dry vp a cough, and Isar. the Carse
behind, as is the case with most preparations,
but loosens it, deans** the lungs and allays irri
talion, Ours remoring the cause of complaint."
DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles
bearing a similar naive. Be sure you get DR.
with the signature of " I. BUTTS " on the
wrapper. 00 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pre-
pared by SEre W. Fowt.R & Sone, Boston,
my l Maes. Sold by druggists and dealers generally.
The ]I4etirplrd rimalortattan 00.
(uelrrere t
L aU Ole code of r7.e
��q�� trlLt
FRIDAY •t a. ust1srE/a��A Y
else /RIBA MMC taeramistota
wnsaNiles, at Lwe
1i7.�� •1�i,� a .1➢.
e. aelb
B •
Map ism
�dress,Ir lasaE�`� e��a
1m •
Lw.a.r - '.W
A Protected Bo1nticn of the Prateslde -, Iron,
i■ as easilydigested and assimilated with the
blood u te simplest food. When the blood
does not contain the usual quantity of ;con. the
defickney eon be supplied by the toe of the
PeiRt VIA N8FRU' It cures a "thousand
111x" simply byTo.two Li., Iwvtoo■•rnro, and
Vnauuao t system. The enriched and
vitalised blood -nnestes why part of the
body. r.pefring damages anti waste, searching
one wnerbid e.eretioes, and leaving nothing for
diens. to 0.41.4 apron. This 1s the secret el the
wesdsrfiuI ■cell as of this remedy in miring
Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Bolls,
Dropsy, Chronic Disrncces.
Nervous Affections, Female
Aad all dlrase. originating In a b• i• otx4-
w blood, or seesopan►eu h, d.td.r re al. •
EMM et Ne aroma
0A1711111011111.1110, rare you R'4 , ' i
117 ITEM" Iced by deer ,�pees J, ,e o ) ■. , .....:es
& Noes, Prop,$.* Alt H"
(bee► keellee. electro. Maw