HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-03, Page 6fr tt i THE Hb i Irl FMD ,�1ia�._ ; 3, i580. m. earnest begaln- than this, that an lug past, for 1 en ours. and sordid, and hence m - to the wants acid neoweities of is to make ourselves just about miserable as we have the capon - y of being. Plrmueas of purpose is tope of the nest ancessary sinews of character and este of the beat instruments of .uoeow. Without 1t, Kettles waster ►ss efforts tu s lace of incnsistencies. Cheerfulness u just as natural to the heart of a loan in strong health as color to his cheek ; and wherever the. u habitual gloom there most be either bad air, unwholesome food improperly severe labor, or erring habits of life. So far u charity from impoverishing, that what is given away, like vapors emitted front the earth, returns in show- ers of blessings into the bosom of the person that gave it, and his uttering is not the worse, but infinitely better for it. Pray modestly, as to the things of this life; earnestly for what maybe helps to your salvation; intensely for salvation itself, that you may ever behold (,od, love God. Practice in life whatever you pray for, and God will give you more abundantly. In the battle of the Lord, the place of safety is the thickest of the fight. He that runs away will surely be overtaken; he that hides from the enemies of the cross, will be pierced by some stray bul- let; he that seeks a worldly shelter will perish in the storm. }toussholb }tints. it0ealu Bran IT. -- Put as lime sweet milk Tutu year sturi•g dishy wish W tape, ensue. an white $ 1 Nin at thee kpead grid smooth, roll half &fl pich in thiekgem out into small cake, peck with a fork, and bake in a quick oven. Luau Bamsemi Minx Pu'rATWW- Take good sound potatoes, cut them iu slice. (raw), and put the milk, us000rdingwthe, quantity quo wish to make, in a pudding dish; thea alter yes pot the potatoes iu the milk, put it in the oven for about twenty wiautes; then take out and out putts e. with the setae milk, int, s saucepan to buil until dose ; sewn be- fore you put them to boil. POTATO Fiona. —Rasp the potatoes in a tub of cold water, and chat a it re - until ► p.Medly until the rasping' tall to the bottom like paste ; then dry it in the air, pkosiel it in a mortar and peas it ttkaough a hair sieve. It u nearly as nutritive and much lighter than wheaten dour. It is therefore preferable for mak- ing puddings and pastry for invalids and infanta. A portion of it also improves the appeatsaoe of household bread, and dealers constantly pass it off as arrowroot. If kept dry it will remain good for years. ,,,,�`�rs.s,'1O••• • the stun. thiels as fur our daft as Oen be Sewed' with a kpddul= Deco d sejegt th.,r .qt. Thgta o�p.q�s�s w ''.�' ' �V�O. put up fur pnpaLr Tuesday a re •fl t> S 1! NEW FRIJITS. tae firstarenjjjJJJ !�0 Mrned•y m November, and the busts Eloetvsl Colleges resthbii' formed. sibs Electoral Colleges then 'meet in the barites Stotts on the lust Wednesday m tuber to reurorl their vote and sem lissforth. Mr. John Dorsey's carriage shop was destroyed by fire on Thurday last. Loss 714,000; insured for $1,200. The fire is supposed to have been th+e work of an incendiary. A BROKEN HAND.—On Thursday, the lath inst.. n peculiar accident befel Mr. Samuel 'Trott, of the plaining mill near the market. It recuts that as Mr. Trott was moving lumber, he fell, and while doing so put out his right hand to pre- vent himself from coming to the ground. This broke the bone in connection with the thumb, a bone which, we wider - stand, is not often fractured. The acci- dent was attended to by one of our sur- geons, and we hope that Mr. Trott may not . be prevented from attending the 'deliberations of the Public.Schuol Board, of which we understand he is a member. FRUIT EVAPORATINu. — The fruit evaporating establishment of Messrs. Wilsoi & Robertson in this town is now in full blast, wither day and night gang of hands. The building known as the cid Baptist Church has been titted up for the purpose. It has been divided into three fats. In the first tlat or cellar is the furnace; the front part of the second flat is fitted up with bine for the recep • Non of the fruit as it is purchased from the farmers, and the back part of the tiat makes an excellent and commodious workroom while in the third flat the fruit is stored after it is dried. There are three peelers and corers • in use. ET means• of these the apples are peeled, the cores removed, and the apple is cut into thin rings. -These three things atone time 'with the same machine, and each ma- chine is operated by nue boy. From the coring machines the peeled rings are haueled to a couple of girls attending each in wahine, by whom they aredressed, that is. :all the bruised parts are cut nut. From tit, at they are taken by another girl a'tct vi.real out.sitt;ly upon what is called a tray. The . fruit is then ready for the evap.trator. The trays resemble the arreauv of a fettling mill, only con- siderably larger and the wires thicker. The evaporator is composed of a furnace, ••n the tap of which is placed a square wooden funnel, very much the attain) of a salt derrick :and about thirty feet high. This derrick it constantly tilled with hot air from. the furnace. .1t the bottom and tip of this derrick in the inside are two large wheels placed upas a shaft, 'Making, at. it weir, a Bort of windlass at the "bottom and the same at the top. On each of these wheels is placed an endless chain. The trays containing the fruit are placed on slats fastened on the chains, and are thus carried arpuml from the top to the bottom of the derrick by turning a crank. Each tray takes about five hours to dry, and about 1241 trays can Le plat•.. 1 in the ovaporator.at one time. vile fruit when thoroughly+ dry has not Lost its flavor, and fur use is equally as 4.tod al green fruit, and will keep as iong'RS apples dried by the old method. Mr. rWilson hoi.t presented us with res pie made frim these apples, and the differ- ence hutween them and green ones could not be distinguished. The evaporator will dry about 125 bushels in 24 . hours. -ZEzlmsit,r. We have since learned that owing to a wllreity of agaplea at paying prima the est•bllshment hit been closed. Mr. George Taylor, London, Canaria, who keeps about 100 planta in his house, heated by two coal stoves, and has all the WINTaa rwwnaa he wants and some for friends, gives, in the appended extract from a communication to the The Fruit Recorder, a hint of the reasons for his suocees:"Alady asked me to look at her oleander. She said she thought it was dying.. When I looked at it I tuld her it was, and very fast, too, for a drink of water. Oh, it could not be that, for she gave it water day before. 'Very likely,.I said, 'but you did not give it enough. Just give it water until it runs out of the bottom of the tub, and du that et least three or four tunes a week, and do the same by all your plants, according to the quantity of foliage they are carrying, and your plants will look as healthy as mine.' (She had been wondering how I kept trine better than any other house plants in the city.) There are more planta killed and kept sickly -looking for want of plenty of water than from anything else that I know of. My plan is to study the nature and wants of plea:-,, and I leave others to study their jaw -breaking names, and they more than re -pay nue by almost doing as I want thein to." the result to the Pra.Ment of the Senate at Washington. The fltata Sites solid for either one party or the other that is, if the Repnb -bean partly obtain a ma- jority, uf.ur41 ui the `Bate, the Electoral Cullers 1 ttepu • and the w hubs State vote goes fur t t party, or ria verso. As the results from the various States are known just atter the eleetiun in November, it is untioniuud who is to be the next President long before the Electoral College meet in the various States. INGERSOLL IN A NEW LIGHT. Frank Jarvis, a Chicago journalist, lec- tured the other evening in the Centen- ary Church upon the subject of Inger- soll's plagiarism of the . writins of. ancient and modern infidels.. We quote from the report of the Ciiricago Tribune: The speaker then proceeded to read extracts from Ingersoll's various lectures, and to substantiate his charge that he was guilty of plagiarism. read quotations from Holyoke s discussion with Brant in London during 1853. He claimed that Ingersoll's saying that "he would go to hell with hu reason, rather than to heaven without it," was stolen bodily from the writings of Baron .Hoffhech, a famous French thinker of the last cen- tury. "The System ofNature. appearad to be the favorite hunting ground for the successor of Thomas Payne,- and from that book he had cribbed two- thirds of hie lecture on " Ghosts," In preparing his lecture on the gods, which ho stated was the best one in the course, he had searched the slums of in=• 14c1 Writings for material. His fautoua aphorism, "An honest God's the noblest work of •rearm," was crabbed fruui a work published in London by Charles Blount 111 1863, and some of his pungent and fotil allusions to Christianity and the clergy were taken from a work su foul that ita public.ition and circulation had been suppressed by its own country,. namely, the Life of the Gotta," by Eugene Baptist Psrney, • Frewhman. " The Mistakes of Moses," was almost a literal copy of "The Doubts of Infidel'," published in 1838 by James Wataon, and the speaker quoted passage after to:usage flour the two works to prove the asser- tion. Ingersoll displayed in all his writ- ings eonaiderabl ingenuity in the way in which lie pulled, twisted aid entangled the language cif the wiiters from whom he culled, but not a particle, of originality, 111 all his writings the speaker traced the thoughts of some writer of the pant, and said he, " He never in Ikea an epigram or advances an idea but that as still hunt among the works of these old writers on kindred subjects will ftiacover its pro- genitor.. "Dean Swift's aphorists' "that the loss a bottle has in it the more of a row it makes. in `outing it nut," would apply t,. Ingersoll and yet he had the adamantine cheek to assert that any man who did not du his own thinking was a slava It looks atif great attraction about tiara Bernhardt,. is to he her clothes. The New York papers are printing long lists of her areviser, lexots and gloves, al- t.koegh area far they have observed a very suggentive silence in regard to her un- lereMthea we snppt+se it may be aa- .umt"t that the hely wears underclothes. It i. a,•ttiag n, he quite the fashion for :actreeies t , tllaplav a naosber of wetly lres.res earn the stage, and if the thing keeps owl. the lLa will soon coxae Ir he devoted to the representation of the Is- 2itimTsn elrania, and will he tranefermed into a first-class millinery establishment, with real tigorea instead of the lay figures and heats now employed More atten- tion la 1• • ing paid t. v clothe* than to aeg- is, One remedy a,.uld swam to be for the latseessur of thea. chothes to disport homiest in her various dresses, for slay half An hour before the plc opened, used then when everybody had revelled in the beaotir'. of her clothes., the regular nue eonkl hMrin. As it is now. Veath is having treater homage paid to bion than Shakespeare. [Telegram . ealoaha Manville, mechanic, inventor and looemyeie of the well known Calendar .:brae" runt .••'.e+ .rtieles was tillwl at. Rolan • on Teenday by falling . '1 , she. Ra whew) to th. .mgrn..-mom ,-h• ;leen. Misnnf.1.fnetnv fi mtlana HOW THE I'REhLDENT Is CHDSENJ No one, except a natural born chosen, is eligible for the office ..f President of the United State; nor any one who has not attained the age of thirty-five years, and resided for fourteen years within the Uuited States. A permin hating these qualifications, is selected as candidate at a representalive caucna of his friend., and, i7 depends upon the votes id the venoms States which of the candidates shrill be President. The States vote as follntrs:--They appoint, in whatever way their Legis tore may direct, f number of Ptesldential elwtorr sisal to the 1»ibefgf reprsaenbitisleaand SlInator., N which blue Rate may be retitled in Congress The r•presentation of the Slats in Congress dtrpends upon it. pope lotion, and two Auo•tora are idled Thus New Turk State has fit 'Members in the Horse of Representatives and two Senators.; TnM teeing les in latic res, iiia 01)11 ititlreu the tire, sscatwrt'•-Ilha , 'th•s, 111 York is seAtbiRD HI presidential shah - ors soil sod Indiana Jena Ths usalsf♦ w� tof selecting thlU its' 'nttbaMO i wthe palms gT en of Mak dI�ABlist _sefatt presrwntateveu to . • ethical waren each party having r sopassia eesverft • The district amventicxas of both odes mend delegate* to separate State gather- ings The Republican Mate gatherings then *elects the men it wishes to foram the state electoral college and the Demo .eats new-..,.hloruter• .•, %el obs' nom DwAara» PLANTS. --$o great is the skill of Chinese gardeners in dwarfing plants that the Chinese ladies wear In their boeota little dwafed fir trees, which, by a carefully adjusted system of starvation have been reduced to the size of -button -hole Rowers. Thee remain fresh and evergreen in their dwarf state for a number of years, just as fir tree in mouetains are everween, and thus are excellent s symbols of psi pack, (It love, to express which they are used by the ladies of the highest rank in the Celestial empires Dr. Miller, of Lindsay, died suddenly at noon on Monday, it is staled, from the effect of chloroform, Wien bymis- take, while under the influence of liquor. In a quarrel about women at Napanee, on Tuesday, blows we struck, and Wm. Little stabbed Albert Humphrey in the face. The latter will recover. 1881. HARPER'S WEEKLY I LL(: $TRATED. Thus periodical, by its able and scholarly dis- co coons of the questions of the day, es well as by its illustrations which are prepared by the bait artists --has always exerted a most power- ful and beneficial influence upon the public m nd. 1'he weight of its influence will always be to'md on the aide of morality. enlightenment. and refinement. . HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S WEEKLY, Ooe Year........ 11 00 HARPER'S 34AG AR1NE, One Year 400 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 The THREE above publicatone, One Year 10 on Any TWO above mined, One Ycar 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year i 50 Post Free to all atsbseribers in the flailed or Canada. The volcanos of the Wieldy begin with the first Number for January of eau!) year. When ao time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subecxibcr wishes to °eminence with the Number next after th receipt of order. Thelma Eleven V attunes of tit wait s WEEK- LY. in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid. or express, free of expense tpDrovidri the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume!, for 17 00 each. Cloth Caere for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail. postpaid, oft r'e- neipt m 111 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post 01Ree Money order or Draft, to avoid chance of less. Vetvs(aapers are not lo ropy thisadvertise neat without the a tpras• order of HAamu' et BRerrileas. YAddreaa HRAPER & BROTHERS, New 1881. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. �LL .`irk, -2i NEW VAL)R1 NNW irri;1. 1 . > ALY1fWDa ; utlying the subject objectively and Rom the educational point of view -seeking to pro- vide that which, taken altogether, will be of ties mea service W the is" ge,t number -I ton - eluded that. if i could have but one work for a publlo library, 1 would melee! a complete set of ifarper's 7 gazing."—UIiARLIti FRANCIS ADA SI. Jr. its content* are contributed by the most em- inent outlaws and artiste of Europe and Ameri- ca, while the long exeeNcnce of its publi.`ie:-s has made them thoreushly conversant with the desires of the pulelic, which they will spare no eaort to gratify. 1 FILBERTS, CHESSNt-TS. stmssaissitimt rift iffrszvo ,m4.044; Fall Goods! 1880 Colborae Brothers Have mimed out toe thO i!LI' i t 9• C 1lI-1- of GENERAL DRY GEJODS. us. II< LdliK SUPRRI011 tau Opeetal Yalu& la r. COTtoNO. TROUT, WHITS YISH & HERRING. I M Jr" 144 LT WA TER -ea HERRING AND CODFISH, Also, A LAZO! AaeoaTltar v nr Teas, Sugars, dud Oewsd Groceries CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A N D CHINA. Dr. Patti s Cream Baking Powder. Dr. Palos's Lupulin Yeast Osma Chas. A. Nairn, THR SQ RN. 1738 The Superior Saviata and Loan Society CAPIT.4L, *.45.7 ,1*(). MONLY I-GANiED on Real Notate by the Su- perior Navies and Ian Society. Terms favorable to borrower'. Orrice -08 Dundee Street, I.ON DON, Ont. Interest paid to Savings Hanks loepoaitors. 11. E. NF.Li.E& 1751 HARPER'S PERIODIOALflk • IIARPF:It'S MAGAZINE.One Year M e0 EIARPIIR'S WE' Jai One Year 4 M HARPER'S BAZAR, One Year......,4 M The TH RBE above publiestlols, One view 18 11141 Any TWO above nained,Ihne Year... . . 7 M iIARPEIt'd YOUNG PEOPLE, One Ts. 108 Postage Free, to all su'laeril.'rs ftti tIe Ursigeg 014is, or Canada. r.: The volitmes of the Mnpasine h• qia n i t h the -Numbers fW June and December of naeh year. When no time is specified. it will Ire under- stood nderstood that the subscriber wiahtw to begin with the current Number. A Complete Piet Of IiARP100 MAoaefer., comprlaing e1 Volumes, In neat cloth binding. will he sent by ex prem. freight at expense of purchaser. on receipt of ! fa per volume. Mingle Volumes, by mall. postpaid, 83 00. Cloth cases, ler binding. 38 cents, by mail. postpaid. Remittances should he made by PoaL(Mtee Memo, Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lura. N'-sospapers are wnt la ropy this adeertia> +nowt seam i the .weave order o/ MAai wR & linens; sea Address iIARPRI1,' llROT IiKRf(. New V ork . 1703. POA CONSUhIPTIVES. PROM epl� R 701. ♦ deb 1LMOW s of u004)DE - ease• suer. A PULL H'TOQ= 0! GRRCE RIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Highrst Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. COLBORNE bROTHIfiRB, September Srd, UNA Ulf BOOTS AND SHOES. E_ 8z T. DOWNING Have just receive' an f3MRN8E STOCK of Ruoleaad Oboes for Nall and Wiser wear. of Cry choice quality and very low in price. We are determined to g i'• oar Customers the benefit of experience and capital is piaci re air' fox them every variety of Goode in our line and at south prices as will defy the keelsost oodspe Ution. ''lease call and examine our goods and prices whether you buy or not. n Custom Work receives war special attention and every effort made to suit and plea our customers. iC & Je DOWNING, .Ceabbre Bloc k TO THE TRADE.- LEATHER and F in oiron in any quantity, and at lowest prices 11751) The Square, - G oderioh 1.e what Pkpsiciatee Wad tae People say about 00L A D HYPOP s. Daniel Gordon,ls►D LIV1cK (fIL AIgD HYMN/PHOp- PITIES, as a redy for Ceaswptte. S.r.rala, avast W.M1 g Allsetteas s i Mooers. Stxrrr & Bowra: GENTLEMEN -I have prescribed Roars Emulsion of (sod !.Iver Oil. rte., in my practice and atsN1 it In my fam- ily. 1 am grostly pleased wilt[ it be apsc of iiata•palatableness and the gold result: that follown. nye." I have found it very seryi.ruhle In scrofulous diseases and pultnonat-y nd.Ytiloti). RixpectfuUY yours.IRA M. LANG. N.D., 279 East Broad way. N.Y. Rilliel ux in tAe lewnty, essd Larptst $Hillook tAi• tide of Lowden! Louisville. Ky., January 3, 14174. (IErTn.mone For the last fittest) months 1 I pima* Imo, have used your Cod Liver Oil Emulsion. both in $x(rRueotl St rraB, hospital and In privatepractice.and have been greatly pleased with its effects. It is Lw-tter SMI-BOAIOS, borne and can be taken for a longer time than $1117 Castes, any other preparation of Cod Liver Oil. In Uonatunption and children's diseases 1Lave, Lorxolta, WIC., STC. found It especially valuable. -TORN A. (HTERLONY , M. 1).. Utah Buyers will Snd it to their advantage to see my stock if they need a good article at Yes. Physician, LoutavitieCity Itospital. close prier. - ■Maxsra. Secrrr & i oWNit: 1 have used Soelt's 1). GORDON, West 1*Mmf, Re,s /'oat 11.1ilire, (rotierirh. , Emulsion of Cod Liver (Hl in variety; instances and 7 have found it to be easily taken, readily assimilated. and rapidly improves the nutrition — _ and fl;a)i. I cotader it the hest Emulnlon I have ever used. it. E. 11A(!0l TllN. M.,t'. ititlis. Ina. Memos. SCOIT It BOWS: E i i hitvcgt(en your retnaly of Cod Liver Oil. fir.. a fair trial. and am Kind that 1 can my I think it is TIM remedy for weak lungs and bad coughs. I can highly recommend it. Wbenthedoctors had given TWO up. I commenced using your medicine, and 1 amaining health and strength-very'fee ant 1 thin 1 shall reran he well. Yours truly. O. A. HIRDERMTAIYt. /lalvosten. Ind. Surf? St Bowma : I felt it my duty to let you know the benefit 1 have derived from the use of your Emulsion. I halt o very hest cough for year.n, hind tut cyiottuMieg Dr. J E. Gorsuch ce this city, be informeedms that my left lung was diseam!. and preecribteillicott's Emulsion,rlth Hypopheepbitee. After taking two 1.014 1(.44..1 began to improve very rapidly. and continued using it wail I had taken :en homes near now am as healthy a man an there in in the eityof lialttml.r.•. ilea en i began using it 1 weigiaed 145 on is. I now weber It19 pounds. Yours. B. P. F-Ait41P11AR, Oct. 3. lh'T:l. (10 tim,,re. Md. ('hNANDAIsii•A, Kc pt. 15. 1377. Ileum& Bow's.: Qteare- 1 thought 1 would write to your, as I saw a:10114.0 epee your lett ma of late upon Hes lung enntinned Wear. This has provan true in tn7 ease. I.vvaa given up to die last Man -b with cnnaubtption. the beat me dital aid made no use of any treatment. Myhnsbomd applied for your Rmubion of (sod Liver(Ill ; he has 1{.ntCtit to-unty-six bottles and 11 isr'eatoring me to health beyond the expectations of hun- dreds 4 -stooling to bear of my death every day 1 should like to take it fora year. when. 1 think 1 will be perfeetly cured. Yon with resume -I. MRS. ELDit11K:E. For sale by druggists at 41 per bottie. 1:51 _ — - Imported Havana and Domestic Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos, &c. MEDICAL HALL, GODERIC H. F. JORDAN Chemist and Druggist, MARKET "tJr'ARE, (11)1)ERI('11. Wholesale and Retail heater in Drums l'hemicals, faints, nib, Dye Otutfi Artist (oleo, Patent Medicines Horse and Cattle Medicines. 1'crfuuery. Tenet Articles, Scc. (d Physicia» itcescriptiona carefully dbpensed.-gif 1751 GEORGE CATTLE, Chemist & Druggist; Dealer in Pure ugs and ('honiicals. Fancy and Toilet Articles. St, TH11ONE A4elle11' WI}ND1tf 01,1iW M.:RN T'['lill MA! The Piths Purify the 141or,d. eorm•t all dtgOpt� The Li vrr Stomach. 7IlAneys and esti at .call r', rantalllt. in- cidental to !?maps. The (Wntrnen t Is the enP reliable remedy for Bad togs, Old Wounds, P.pta end ut.nwa, oflowever long staading. For Rronchitill. DIphtherla,(ougba,('.olds Gout. 7t11ee>athttn sod an Nkt s 1w Itlaee, it has no eq nal BEWARE, OF A MEM( AN CO(NTF.R FgITS. 1 most r Ifni', take leave 10 call of ibtle generally tot . fact New York are ins to mase roeev t. - "Fie area;tiro a IMrr ATrewg of my fille And I tintment. These frauds Mar on their labels some ,address in New York. i do not allow mea Mallrine 4., he sold In any part A 1 ha a no Ageatathere. 1, my�g by mel at 83 0.- s k°,1LI tom ale e spur "its mile s ea bei wara a agalnet being deceived ty epos - De De `nt he misled ty this auda/>b� &/{hr/'are the "novae" elta then sad to /e.owwx These MATO its are qpan by unprincipled Vendors. atone-half tbw nay POU aid Ointment and are mold W you moonset Me tk.inea i moat earviewtly a teat 1~0 of j gaggle st eine . which I el ere i maytrate epee salting tear all howorabta presses-te ambit las, sad Dim Patine, ee far se stay Ile la wer,ln &MIMI ?Ming tkissbawnwfal Tread. Nes of lb. fiemalse M joins Ge t tha WI* Atfp IsTtlorT, _ v Oa OM1 Ma Mose they are • .oral, f a /'arra sae (Nrslrsewt Maris.yg ewe Ohm otWesit are ars•ssrl1a. The I'm& Marks et Owen Medi- ekbM regtatwrest to Ottawa. H.eee any nue �eeabolA the laritbh Prearelee., who may keep tt7imse Aw+erwas 1 \lenterfeip tor sale, will bp presseAM. nikreet) TROM AS HOLLOW Atf Orford Street Londe" tan 1 1178 Li) ILS t -•- '..- r '.*.• ,tsnkieg tek.rre Por ittrirt ♦,.: gj' .Ase ".1,6:41•4,002 •.4l,ail •R -man , ✓ , ...W , L N year. • saw • Physicians' Prescript ions and Family iteceipts carefully prepared at all bourn COURT 1-1OUS3E3 SQUA1iii 1741 If You Want Good GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or ,, 47 fr i e GLASSWARE, . ff D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton. Street, Opposite Batley's Robsl. , ,-- s r1'A i. Cil F- '=Mi la addition to the ordlasry WINO RA Qggaq ase Lllrlr.. , Tells, 1 darns i fret Msstt tit Floor, le ! le 'i s` •, .`� V tea "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." —arena- OW arena_( l ON also sold Own MT otoob sad no for erten' IV (keds delivered ts say nn et Ibis Teen 0 Ferguson. 17