HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-03, Page 51 4. THE WORLD OVER, Tis Weak% Nowa m a Nutab u. s/lewd isim:eu t., wive w rl.u. The L.Kal flu• Btitish Columbia, `,cell summoned for the despatch o Lusinims un January teeth. Overt six Atntdrsd dollars was realized AU fines at the Winnipeg police court on Saturday from the prosecution of fallen women. The Hastings County Counoll have re - _ _ THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY DECEMBER 3, 1880 flhIroh School Bek DEporr. Xmas Carlo quested the Ontario Government to in- vestigate the rumors of mismanagement in the county jail. A young Man named Geo. Thompson belonging to St John, N. B. was burned to death while endeavoring t.. Cava.W ar cattle from a burning barn at Sussex 2rAM. ^35Eat'. XIT>t Books, Kings Co., on Friday. We are a strong adviaate for free I ,narkete and free roads, and we hope tite . ume Is not far distant when such a thou as a Cull We will not be in exi.tenee, tit this Counts int any TMs• -[ki 'rheum& Ggeettn. sa' Only a 1 vote was polled at (`atup- Mil ord, (h4., ou the by-law grionwlg A bonus t, Messrs, Gault lira. cott•,li mills, the carrying of the by-law loping conceded by 65 for aid 7 against. Two Hibbert men, lamed Win. (1ill., and Welter M.:Mieheel, are going to v1,e,4 who can saw a curd of wood to the shore_ est time fur $50. Each starts through his own free will and a -cord. Grant attended the Plymouth Church at Brooklyn, on Sunday. After service the people crowded around hits and re- fused le go out. Beecher again mounted the platform and aske.l the people to go house, as the house was for the worship of God and not of man. Mr. Patrick Welsh, of Peel, was robbc.t by his brother, Peter Welsh, of 8918, satchel and a revolver. After securing the booty Ire went over to the village of Arthur, hired a tis and drove int.) Cheapest Guelph, where he tock train for the other side. The musical and literary entestaii,inent N.; tres'ole to ,h. given at Wocxlatock last Friday night Pricer. was& great success. The following took • a • part in an excellent programme:M iisei Jamer; ,;' S a .. s o i Annie Parker and Nettie Parker; Mrs. 1 Ashton Fletcher; and Mess. Carta, Hodskus, Pilcher, 51cClenegh end Parr. 1:1: .1 BOVE SH PPi RDS RANT A-(.LAUS. HEADQUARTERS. LIANCY GOODS AND VANES IN Gnat Variety! Comte Hair, Tooth and Nail BRUSHES PEItFITHERY, &e.. tar, in m own.. ..ted It is rumored that the fund for the pension of ex Presidents, which it is pro- }losed to make up to $250,000 has been more than half subscribed. leen' Forbin and friends, of Boston, gave $50,000, and Jay Gould, Wm. Vanderbilt and John V. Mackey each putting d.,wn 115,000. The experiment of the Michigan Salt Ausnoiation in shipping salt in sacks Routh has proved a success. The salt is nut up in 150 pound sacks and takes the place of English salt in the southern market. Thus far 100,1)001ack"I have shipped, and the trade promises, large development, An old num named Jas. Glsesfori, who lives near Beaverton, was under the influence of liquor on Holiday night and was put to bed by the proprietor of Hamilton House at 12' o'clock. (hi Tuesday morning he was found insensi- ble in the yard, It is suppored that he fell from one of the upper windows while endeavoring to make his way out. Ho .lied shortly after being found. A brakeman named Wm. Watson, of Kinmount, was killed on Friday on the Grand Junction railway, a few. miles down the line from Peterbori . He Jumped off the cars while in motion, fell, and one wheel passed over him. cutting one leg off and crushing the other. He was taken to Hastings, and died a few hours afterwards. An inquest war not aleemed necessary, Some time ago a cable despatch suited that the Princess Louise had not visited the Queen in Scotland on account of some difference between thein. Now another despatch states that it is the Queen. who isdisp' eased with the Princess, and that she studiously avoided her daughter in Scotland, the cause of dis- pleasure being the latter's entities! Eng- land without permission. The story is urobably taken from some of the ''so ciety" journals. On Wednesday) a well known ticket broker named S. T. Fisk, who does business in Toledo, 0, took advantage of the existing low rates and purchased at one fell iwoop $875,000 worth of lake Erie ef Western and Chic -me) A. Alton unlimited tickets. After the rale had been agreed upon the companies tried to break off the negotations by demanding payment in gold. This was promptly `net with an answer telling them to send up their drays. This they did, and the gold was weighed out. It is supposed that these tickets will be put on the market at once in several prominent ' cities. "Tame iu. no rr. "—I'o beautify the teeth and give fragrance to the breath use "Teaber*ythe new toilet gem Get a 5 cent semple. 1763 The Square, Godo -;..h. TO THE L_+LvlE-O • 1a1i. . " Chipa,go douse. Ladies Undressed Kids ---very stylish. A carefully selected Stook of 133EAV3ElR, F:314T Bac STRAW HATE, Its ail the Naw.{` Wes. STYLISH AMERICAN TURBANS, Pretty, and the very Latest. A atisst bid ameetemet oI Black, White and Colored Pluses, Brim Value. Ladies Y estdona0is Hair Nets and Klid boar Pins, Novelties to Jrtr. Tian is U d w urds- s-Kel s tlAdreid Cid Mitts, Children.. Fur laps, rsr ErrarT-Ie T SND 1?HliCLAP I le The anderngned r.••- I,•r. •.:o n MA! that they are prepared t.• do dreams).. in a:! ire I:ram•-t,.a nt-ti:•- REBIDF,NCE et Milt 1.11; ITI'E R, I . Ix (i1 tilt. Y11..lli. MIle, ALDWCwrle Mt.. 111, .Trois. 1700-tc. Crape and Mourning-oode. r'lotcrrs, Feathers acyl Rile u s, to great eerie!'. ZIT (all and reo my stock before pucttesing elsewhere. Ordered Work a Speoialty. Agent fur Butter:ea'', Pattonu, and fur Parker', dtesi nye Werke. E J. COPELAND, Chicago House, West litreet, near Post Oce Ms 17 •.'Alj'Qsaler in Fancy 4 _Mt' fa" II, new and careNJIy ohoiea I 1}1illillertFlowers, Feather & 1 have recently puteb•sed a large supply ut Harlin Wools avid nuaselege, at prices that win suit. Hr`s and Husaets wlwtasJ W Ilia Wort st)iss.+all and Ra• M;ISH J>l STE W IL$ON, Square. 0Odsrit'B. r Oita .r two A ppro Hr4's *sold tow ainUd y. • Ctri[iszLL's Boot ro Shoe gmporiun gj,r.4BL[SHED 1874 . Grand Fall ShoW Boots and Shoes. Ho 1 i d ay Presents ! Every Line is Full and Complete I The Largest and Best Select- ed Stock in the County to Choose From 1 At BUTLER'S. _ I Parties canting to buy Bouts and Shoes would do well to Photo and Autogrtph Albums in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Derv`, •elf' CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK before purehnaiug elsewhere, as th• ^. il] find TheiGliiirattP1112 ()4tb Year of Publication) STANDS) UNRIVALLED FOR THE EXTENT, SUPERIORITY AND RELIABILITY OF ITS OONTIUSTB. THE approved sad popular porton:0 of the W reK tvF.r at Patti eo■rpn■e its Market Easosts w Velma Iat ilin•saw Country Stirring Takes d Adventure ittrtir t ieenanea. Casadlsa and aatasd stabs Innen Bride and reasiga hews. Unrivalled Pelitl—' and Andel ArUslaw Th. Western New iavon rant cad One. avree .a. e.,iici and mama d ale kart diamond evearN Arae sed other legal Iatsaigeses, toged er with WsuS a oeacnbated by as emended oorp.d.ble oloserein tad painted ovum, gases, 111.80 A YEAR; POSYAOC PAM. r,,ead Postal Cavil far Specimen Copies. Fad Agana. Waseed r every p!eae, et awry poet ems, Sophism Address,mrriase will be pard. FEE NESS AIM 10., 6 . IR I suitable for preseut_s for Teachers and Hsholars. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, ve • coutpledc, and coy.Isis of Leine' and Gents' Purses, China ! CistOM wow( attended to with punctuality. N. B.—Any .!uantity .•f Cordwood taken in exchange. 11'.%l. 4'43iPKRLI., 0,.ert Hoot;'itignere. Goderich, Oct. 15th, 18`10. 1754 ur HOP . of ':edictal R..t + ••riuit,) IIYPfI, . L.'. i 14 _IAL 1Da:Nr.t :WoN. Alen TU?Pt5JT•c' tie•• a'e ••".I.QP•:•- :,taOrALL . puukrsr An ni.de .'sof tar rt0!1? 1. .• ... tq. tem. kidneys.* ill l r.r: :+.nir.aw• •.r'':.paid:y Ft Inas Wickland -. $1000 1311 CO' W nI MpelA 1..ra r•L.et'.rF :„'e cute brtp. or 1Jr anyc'..l•.R1:• t' • a,r:Welled/ fur.al a u. . iAat yam detainee` fur t:.•-' ^ •n•r,sad tb.r baters yea at.>"I'. Tore aro Other. 0.1 Disposetam t11 ordain. tor.s and Ire aWo sat •ea seen •rRCVtla All .tore rola ty 40v...res. *leg Wise. u¢.C...aviw..r,N r.,AT.r.es., — ,— - PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Goods of all kinde, Ruby Goode, \'aloe ir, :[tatty patterns, Flower Pots, Cult; an.i Flowers, China and Wax Dolls l: Ae. Assortnient. 4: ere' Smithies - (ariC1ISUW Pipes and Cigar Holders and Brier Pipes- 100 Different eitylee. Miss J. Stewart Ras d Medi a Cbotee tiniectioe of Woollen Shawls and Clouds, all shades end prices. Berlin Wools, Crape, Ribbons and Yarns Kid Gloves 4 buttons for 75 (Evia BEAUTIFUL DOLLS For Holds Presents A line assortment of ('HRiRTMAS CARDS. Triages, on Butts, De Tnssaiags, listings, etc. A ace as.urtrnent of Infant's Robes. gar CITTTiNG AND FITTING A RPEC1ALT1 1tt MIRY STEW ART, Nunnery end Ur.asssetieg. Mercantile Printing O f Zi 'y Variety. McGILLICUDDY EROS.. `Ssgnal' Office • School Books, Miscellaneous Books, 13ihhw, Prayer Beeks, Church Sertuon_, W L`.L[T'a Hytun Books, Pealtn Bo.•k . .uta. &e.—Subscril Citing taken fur :all the beat Emna.u, S4'EI'I H. IErrH, AMERICAN and CANADIAN Papprs and Magazines at 1'el:liahere luwcxt nate.- -now is the lime to subscribe. -A Lull stuck of School Books, for Teachers and High and Model School •Stu::ent•• All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice 'T T i 'ra "c",?” and large aulexLinn I HAVE BOUGHT THE H:RDWARE STOCV —Or -- MR. D. FERCi-USON CLristmas and New Year's Cards i THE BEST EVER SHOWN,, t ANO (]REAPER THAN EVE'', -AT i RBA T DISCO U.L'7 fly 1 c ! Nearly all of said Frk o. as wen a• toy own original tit.,. k. cn. Inbuilt* ,T,:o the argentite At BUTLER'S . "r feardware• 1 am therefore ' o posit ion to+.•. 111'bcnprr t!i ii ::r+: ether Menivi' in the tattoo,. Donbass ss Telegraph and I'oetage Stamp O ce. 17€2 • SEAS()NABLE AiivICE., TI 113,6arr• 111tioi00, 0, -;1 I want to ruin oft;ulrkty. "I say ! Aunt Julia, the weather is getting told, and you ought to buy a good warm Jacket to keep you comfortable during the winter months." "Well, my doxtr girl, that is just what I was thinking of, but will you tell ale which is the BEST AND CHEAPEST store in GOderiBti."- "Why, yes, pantie, but I thought that every person knew that T1 T\TA/T /r1 --77 ' /).T sT I f: the best in Wen is I Fes - Y r _ 1/. 01. 1\T s1—. I 17M -Un. ;4:)5$ Ai :LC11 PRICES A► WILL•AGF. T Yr -7. Fresh Ci -round Water Lime in Stook. AGENT .0)1: BEST STEEL EA RR FE ti i'E iVTkh. R. B. Smith's. They have always s large stock and their goods hart so long; besides they are the NEWEST, MOST FASHIONABLE AND CHEAPEST that can be got. But Auntie, be sure to go early in the day, for about eleven o'clock, they siet an busy, that many customers have to wait a long time before getting served. " Thank you, Jennie, for your advice, 1 will do all my trading at R. B. SMITH'S for I have heard every person speak so highly of that store." FARMERS LOOK HERE i 0 1 won't be undersold by any other man in the furniture business, u 1 buy close and buy for cash and therefore will sell very --CHEAP FOR CASH ----- My stock is now complete in .very description. Mind, no liberal offer will be refused Ott PIOTURIS FRAMING DON! AR CRRAP AS BY ANY OTARR FiRM-Ibut JAMES G_ BALL Market Street, (opposite Watson's Bakery) O.SwLh. 7'OR AL. Splendid Assortment N CLOTS S.ACgETS, J. C. Detlor & Co's. A.. B. uViYrl.\ ELL IIS BTUtaiD.WNt: FURNITURE CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TOWN. Greg Bargaius; IF e•YOTJ WISH TO SECT_TRE --CALL AT— THE CHEAPEST HOUSE I N T( >W N • AND INSPECT THE BEAUTIFULLY FINISH1D PARLOR SETS, BED ROOM SETS, WASH STANDS, single and double ; DRESSING BUREAUS, FANCY CANE SEAT CHAIRS, and all kinds of Good Furniture Witten Tsd. JOBBING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE ME A (ALL. file- Saws well sharpened for 8 cents. Remember the Pion. Hammilton Street, - Meir Colborne Hotel, - Goderich. Dungannon Carriage Works! B. poarr= YAwt7r•TvwBB - istraozlofa,wa CUTTKR8, SLEIGHS, hove leIra'1 it sell Camaro sottoraeVwwelt fe41 imakei(sise mow a As hMsd Oho end se MweSt 1 wA give ._ NsOM M friar M esbs arrs le the prti