HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-03, Page 371
• She Poet's Corner.
Ter the lelguat.
•eras. Dim t Kaitutly rr to temaedatbw,r of the
What quour advl.e to SIve the girl..
'Ds pest sty oomprehettaion;
em But doubtless Your puede mind
I`n cawed sack dire diatemion.
rIlse hewn steer clear of rhyming tiniest
Poe rhyming wives are wiltul;
Aad lordly man asserts his sway
In direr* ways meet Mittel.
Ale itlease advise year Wiesen. MY clear.
It to wndluck they incites.
IAN Te be content with worldly prase.
Aid the bends will b. divine.
Oedertcb. trlth Nov. INnI. S -
trees■ reentry.
An inspector of prisons. entering u prison
tented the following lines wrltt:u o. the
sidebtasg}es to a preemie undergoing sent-
eeles et postal servitude fur the seouad time: -
I cannot take my walks abroad -
Tie under tuck .•d key:
And mach the public I applaud
For all their care of me.
Not Caere than others I deserve
la fact much lees than more;
Yet 1 f>teivs lend, white others starve.
Or beg from dour to door.
The honest peeps' in the street
Half -naked 1 b.boh,
While 1 am clad from head to feet.
And covered true the cold. •
Thousands there are who scarce can tell
Where they may lay their head.
But eve a warm and welt-alred sell,
A bath. good books, good bed.
While they are fed on workhouse fare,
And grudged their empty food,
Three timee a -day my meals 1 get,
rlutnclent, wholesome, good.
Thee to the British public health.
Who all our care relieves,
And while they treat us as they do
r' • Theyll never want for thieve.
Fun ane Fancy.
The distinguished French journalist,
Emil DeGirardin, coining out of his
house the ether morning saw his ser-
vant getting soap, brush and water to
efface : "Emile DeGirardin is a thief!"
which some coward had chalked un his
• wall. He exclaimed "Stop that! Stop
that ! Every advertisement helps."
teI'd have you know," exclaimed Mrs.
Cppercrust, haughtily tossing her head,
"that my family always moved in upper
circles." "Yes," whispered Mrs. Blunt
to her friend Sarah Jones, "I've beard
tell that the scum anus rises to the tot+:"
A writer ,in the Boston Trunieript thus
relates a tale of woe: "The young lady
came and tried to sell me a manuscript
story. 'My teacher likes it.' she said,
when I repeated our usual formula of no
A ace, Ike mosey, nus time, no anything
k In her. 'Teacher an editor?' I enquired
" +, mildly. 'No indeed,' was the answer,
'she's a petsoii of refinement and educa-
A story is told of a clergyman in a
Massachusetts town who forget his notes
;in a Sabbath morning, and as it was too
late to send for them, he said to his au-
dience, by way' of al.ology, that this
morning he would have to depend upon
the Loz'd for what, be might say. tut in
• the afternoon he would crnuu better
Hut fey word't'#ie with "advcrtis-
The • miser,
iii ., He is Vibe
Than the Kaiser,
About exhaust the panel. - -Detre, . Fre •
Pee... Then perhaps you never heard that :
There was once a miser who lived by a
geyser and fast nulling leer, and married
Khmer, and tried to advise her that no
'•arly riser would ever despise her, but
highly would prise her, if early she hies
her to kitchen and frim her old man's
appetiser in the shape of a good ',teak -
fast before begets up in the morning.
Ancj the panei isn't exhausted.-{Philst
delphia Bnlletin-
How Re WANTED Ir.—There was • a
little ahootieg scrape at a little town in
the interior of Texas not long ago, and it
f 11 was not long before a Galveston News
reporter was on the spot interviewing
one of the principals. "So you are going
to white it up," said the survivor.
"Yes. I want all the facta. " "I don't
care a cent what you say about the
shooting, but I have one little favor to
ask.- The reportexedil he would grant
it cheerfully if he could. "Well," said
the shoal*, "i want you to put down
that my grandfather was one of lesfitte s
pirates, and the worst cutthroat of the
plog. The reporter stared a little, but
the 'hooted went on to say. "Please
put in that one of my uncles was hong
shy the vigilimee rowed:bee is las Fran -
?blab, end taro issue ami mak* etas as to
• %- s Illinois petiiteetisryi that ea*ether
one of them ss peastiaiag law in New
York, and my Daly sister ran away with
et,4qw� . 4MAM -ng ' M You
f .rti '11 not a member of the
family thallium sot Roes Sosathirsg tlia-
(mogul. " "Why, what.irtatfant ail
that in the pipet t nen
aisle of redinair the aper *veer
SE11111%,, 1M�t��l�e�t
r♦ tout pet It
*Am: geNl11111dlsf xis et tilt /unties of
the unfeatewn k akar belongs to a high
ly deer.petabis `enmity. if you don't pet
•t that way eta will with gnu had '
As .11004 tispPi i
____\:•°'4i Yea tt_ Aff Y1�( II iliftiA ;)I8
' s
The number et pensees who Itabiteially
use language hue from ellsag amid bed
gretneof thus
a sato eisasee. Tri the have W. la %. ff�— ^
of the a w to nee who free l
paver studied grammar of «wee slake
havuc of their mother-1uegra oistinsal-
ly, and very many of trove wee have
studied it hare studied it se a theory, oe
became its the ever iliac W study
grammar cud not Noisome /key wished
to "speak and writs the $nghsh lea.
"sags with propriety." Many cat those
who understand grssemer, amid kaow
theuresiodly hew to we the moods sad
teases, acid veru and adjectives, nem -
bus and came, areas fettered by habits et
incorrect ,peaking aid h the usage d
those about thou that it is next to im-
ptlsmtide tier tem to root out errors from
thein speech. We know a teacher al
oonaidurable distinction who invariable a.
says. "I done it," "They dune it."
"We have went," and a number of such
soleoisas, nut became he doesn't know
better, bat because he hes never taken
pseaa to cermet estaass, sad has had no Watches, Jewelry, Electro -Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c.
kind friend to invite that be should de
so, sed b help us
him is the tack. U p
fe'esiunnl teav-hemrs habitually use bbasdd
grammar wbM m we egged Irma pe-
lt is amt ons.—1 to heir people who
are what are naffed good Omsk sad Latin
and Trench sad German scholars use
very bad English, and use it too with a
manner as though they said, "We know
well enough how talk, or we might know
if we took the least pales, but you see
we've been busy with other studies and
haven't had time to bring ap our Eng-
lish." A dimity excuse Skis,
toilet as > vast
to slang. amount of it is in use ! 11 is the com-
mon spice in the talk of those who de -
ohne to use profane expressions, as com-
mon as cinnamon or uuttneg in apple
pie. We hear it on the street, in the
drawing -room, and sometimes in the
pulpit. With slang a great deal of dia.
loot talk has become mixed in our com-
mon speech. There is no vapid objec-
tion•to dialect talk if we don't have too
much of it. We know a teacher whose
whole stook of wit was invested in the
use of funny negro talk, and she carried
it so far that she used it unoonsciously on
on all oeeaaioas, and infected the family
of the principal of the school in which
she was teaching to such an extent that
they insensibly fell into the same habit.
Surely there is no beauty in this that
one should desire it. But is one never
to indulge in pleasantries of this sort 1 •
Not to such an extent as will dull. their
appreciation of clear, correct, plain En- KEEPS " THE CHEAPEST AND BEST "
lish. It is a reproach to us that the
purest English is spoken by educated
foreigners. It may be that even they
speak as much slang and bad grammar in
their own tongue as we do in ours, hut iN TOWN -ANTI MAKES
it is a pleasure to hear from their their
lips the unadulterated, well c ompos.d TEAS mA S P E C I A L T Y'
English that "sound like a book."
litany' pet -eons haven't the courage•to
sneak correctly when those around them GIVE IfIM .1 CALL.
speak incorrectly. It seems like affecta- W. MITCHELL,
tion of superiority. As well might one 1151 Hamilton Street, Goderich.
refuse to keep clean in the midet of dir-
ty people, to keep pure amid vicious sur-
roundings, to keep honest among thieves.
out principle ie the same. When we set
cant to attain ezof nece in sty one
branch we must of necessity disregard
all unreasonable adverse criticism. If
my friend laughs at me for being a pu- t )F EVERY DESCRIPTION
rut in speech, he is welcome to the
laugh. I have the best of it in the
speech. Any one who really undertaken
to weed out doubtful and bad and slang
and ungrammatical expressions from his
language can find help at small expense Farm and School Bells. Household Hardware -at discount prices. Builder" Hardware and
and with little trouble. All our coin- Teets a' Whola ate Prices. Large contracts tilled at Manufacturers' Prices.
mon text books on grammar contain the _
ordinary solecisms in use with their cor-
rections A little book entitled •' Prae- A R 0 Jr
tical Lessons in English," by Hill, will 3
bo found very useful in this respect..,
Then when one reads. careful observe- I
tions of the constructions used, and the 1701
words selected to convey- the writer's
thought, will be found helpful. Most
efficient of all aids is a kind and join
claws friend to rebuke errors and aid in
their correction.
Teachers by the ten thousand are now
superintending the education of pupils.
All that those pupils will ostensibly carry
from them will be crystalised in th =.
speech A good teacher is a power in
the family of every child he teaches.
Through the child ho will, insensibly
perhaps, but none the less surely, roach
the parents and influeuce them to a
greater or lees degree. It seems a very
hopaleep and up -hill task to attempt the
reform of an entire neighboorhood in
habits of speech, but the teacher who can
establish habitually correct speech! in his
pupils will inaugurate such a reforma-
tion. He may be looked it, on by some
invidious souls as an innovator, hut that
should not deter him in his work. The
generation to come will appreciate it and
bo bettered by it.
Writing compo.itionat.writing for the
press, writing lettere; all these may be
used as correctives of one's errors and
mistakes of various kinds. What escapes
the eye in manuscript is often glaringly
een.pleuoes in print. For this reason
there is no better discipline for a beor
girl than type -netting. The type -setter
learns spelling, grammar, punctuation
capitalisationexpression, all in one
Lemon, especially if en expert in these
things looks over the " proof " and marks
the ea•rrn..
Flee Iangnsge, like that' manners,
clines to the educated end reined sr*
closely as his dile en! do nn more mai-
ly be aside, tt may be covered for
a time for a sur roN, bat 4th river laid
a$de5 1 l*:a et•rte,+t 7r* ..,
,ohr}latdt �. ami -star.
•.'. , " Mancheeter House.
• Wit tt
di.. -in
MrI /i
•txy o+,►I . ,. lfa. Mat r•eslvsd • choose lit of
Now Goods, Winceys, Flann
t kw' tithe le unsurpassed. 11.•=t
. titin
Print*, Atti.
value- I,d,
•� S �Qp� missal
east �cs sga Oma •ad imvonj°`r a sad
sad g.•is.sssd- Ma bought out
The highest swim ped for gasser asst Seta
wan tea
Jer>ea s Itioul
axle(; roes .Atoms os nu Gores will, ros til CST I'
t ( Down She Comes ! "
we ow "Dewe V WWee to uss e peat for high Moes that leave
been leaked
W. T. WEL$$,
Laslating the example of successful business men, bibs MAAR= ext coons DOWN
TO THB LO WENT NOTCH 1 and is determined not to be undersold by anybody.
He has just received some really beautiful things in IOeotto-Plated Ware, whiohh.
determined to sell at a small advance ow cad. pis- Sole Agent for Roca Osysrut
Srso raez.ss, the most perfect fitting glses in the market. W. T. WELSH.
D. C. Strachan's
Groceries, Crockery and Glassware.
The choicest Family Groceries always kept on band. and at priers t cannot be beaten by
any house in the trade.Oust
The Old Stand -south side of Court House Square.
'Groceries, Crockery & Glassware
Reduced to Bottom Prices
All 'tile;'diem sive the A4ltt hrMltia
as1 *Mobil iia of gmiat `ttissnt to Hop
Bilbes se the poses" -.nd asst fealty
ndaeiae. Med we most beapgar
of the awarder** Ws kap a
is They ane non
!flats Paw, and we�,tjus
them. Iles another diYlMfla "'
1w�' ass'. tseaae.mmss, ., ant
ftair Vert f*W1l
the world he ishan Nee
the Matic; qme,a:r-,.l-•s- roseit'eflea anti
iestar+sas, tied lad Atom bt.
the whole system Truth and umber-
mbernem compels us to etuwer, Hop Bitter.,
beim pure, perfect and harmless. See
'Preths" in another contemn
Gl-reat Reduotion in Prices.
Having determined to discontinue traveling with Orden I have reduced the prices so that
peewee wishing to purohite will find It to their advantage to call at my shop and bu t&otn
ji F: Tho WANZ R and WHITS Sewing Machines
j] Jl�\ i�.►� are still the People's ravoarre., they are so easy to
run, and make so little note, tier t le a pleasure to work them. it you are about to invest in
• Sewlag ]machine, you wlldetsinly mW it U you do not get one or the other of the above
makers. Sewing Meehinis to Rent, and a stock of Needles, til. Oil Cans, kc.. are..
al ways oo hand.
Orru'E-ahepperd'a Book Store, Market Square. conxgten. 1761.
. 1 /.
Extensive Premises sed Splendid New Stock
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
A good assortment of Kitchen. Red room. Dining Room and Parlor Furniture. smelt as Ta -
men. (thein wig ages wad Wooed estedl, Cupboards. Bedatasds. v'ss
Matt+, Weigh-WWeigh-Wends.h-ands.
L. .. Seam. 'lrbat-Nob, Looking (;leasee.
N. R. -A complete smart emit et Gibs and Slwouds atwys an head, also Hertss for hire
at reaaoaa &. raise. ►ecu
Plebes) V esskwS•.. Mi. -.-A ebimleNsd
Red, White and Blue !
Acheson GEORGE Acheson
l+ .`ffia41%. t. q
amal iskarvp,
New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery,
, Ij
Iffy ,t
Atggpling‘ iu
fit ale►I � _Ta m Oae•,w teii ilr t r
alt .,t,•1441614A
dot! tN eft est used l ils� L/ t
if 3.3 . !hd.,i tYd:
twsi c. Ari
COMPOtT 'b SYRLYP OF .;,,stk
rye • orf:
-e► PK- 1t
-,car As -1
Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, General Debility; *rain
Exhaustion. Chronic Constipation, Chronic DiarritcSa,
Dyspepsia. or Loss of Nervous Power. It is Ulla., „
equalled in the treatment of Palpitation- '044
of the Heart, Trembling of the
Hands and Limbs, Loss of
Appetite, Energy or
It ads with vigor, gentleness sad subtlety, owing to the exquisite harmony of its
ingredients. akin to pure blood itself. Its taste is pleasant. and its affects permanent.
Ito first apparent effect is to increase the appetite. It assists digestion, and causes
the food to assimilate properly—thus the system is nourished. it also, by its tonic
action on the digestive organs, inducee more copious and maim evacuation'. The
rapidity with whish patient' take on flesh while under the influence of the Syrup. of
itself indioatea that no other preparation can be better adapted to help and nowt&
the conatitatioa, sad bane be more efficacious in all depression of spirits, 'dolinger
trembling of the heads or body, oongb, shortness of breath, or consumptive habit_
The nerves and mraclse become strengthened, and the blood purified.
In the summer of 1864, I wsa suddenly effected by a copious expectoration of
muco -purulent matter. I had been declining fa health for some months, and, being
exceedingly nervous, the symptoms caused alarm. As my business was that of a
dispensing chemist, the shop was oonatantly visited by medical men, all of whom
tendered their advice. During 1864 and 1866 my chest was examined by ten Int
class physicians, some of whom pronounced the case Bronchitis ; some, not wishing to
,tush :dame or unwilling to venture an epinion, gave no decision ; some stated.n-
e•.lrivoeaiiy that 1 hal Tubercular Disease of the Lunge, and located the trouble
.rd toe pains were felt. By profs mioual advice, i used, in turn, horst-back ear -
cis., tenntty life, eggs and ale in the morning, tonics, Bourbon whiskey, cod -Livered.
electrselfj, lir, and various inhalants, but the trouble increased. Expectoration be.
cams more profuse and offensive. Night -sweats set in. Cold chills, diarrhos,
dyepnoa, cough, blood -streaked expectoration., loss of sleep, las of appetite, lomat
memory, loss of ambition, accompanied by general prostration, showed themselves-.
I Toler the microrwpe the blood wee found to contain but a small portion of vitalisrl
corpuscles ; the heart's action was feeble ; the pulse intermittent ; the stor uch could
not digest pr perly, so that itatulenoy and acidity was the result. Finding the symy-
toms indicated Consumption, I determined to use every effort to stay its progrea,ant.
if posaible, to cure it. I selected the most powerful tonic' and moderators, and-cWt-
blued them with the vital conatitaenta of the human body. For months I maser -
oiled to amalgamate them before my efforts were crowned with success. I caned
speak too plainly or too strongly of the effects prodaced, and the benefits I reoeiv-
od from the composition.
At first my appetite incr4 1 cd ; the cxp •c'orati m became easy, digestion better
the faces became ryor.t cnpions'sad hest 1rcq:tent ; cold chills ceased ; oightoeteab
lessened ; I gained in weight ; the lading cough left me ; r. freshing sleep reigned
my spirits became buoyant, the mini active and vignr„ee. I c,ntiencd talipg the
Syrap month after month ; but owing to the d imp, foggy elirnate of.St.Join, my
recovery was necessarily slow, although I could observe a gradual return of dreagth
for three years, during which time I continued taking the remedy. My pr* s •`: weight
is one hundred and eighty-eight, being thirty-eight above my utnal. 1 frau.:/`o rymp•
toms lift d^no'.'nq dis-sae. The only notable %ign during Drive month, w•es Lbw
expectora':.s oow that has stopped, and i consider myself well. The 1":der may
ask, Bow y„.t know your difficulty to have proceed d from ulo•rltw1
lead luug 1 ' 1 alese•r, In tine most certain cf all modes for aroe;tainieg
last I coughed f.om tiro right lung a piece of PHOSPHATE OF LlYa.,
of a pea, which could hove coos frorn no other place, and wl;ich tie hi
in Lung Disea.ea (iaaenucc) states is the relit of taberc i, sok:rh
Added to this, I had the le.den•colori t, put::lcnt, ?,lord- streaked ex'
the opinion of ons of the heat diagnostician' iu the cl,untry. I belie
ience.1 all the symptoms incident to the two Anil s:ag s of Colina
suxewfully combatted them, so that I do not despair. of Buy psi l
sufficient lung. tissue to build upon. i ase only add that the mire
tion of increased sales would never. induce rue to publish the; it
tempt -by for the poOr Causu mptite, with wlabso ni mfr mine I belie
' litjpectfulle,
•• 3,174E1 le FELIX?
!safer of Fe .ouy 'Conepos'^if .S'
P f D:IP°Phosnh flea.
1. Zlxch
IC teed sire
bre-4 emend
ettoa; sad
l ha. r c repos. •
Con, and have
.'re the -3 ill kft
semi considers.
ort, ler+" a dames
it villanytotrills.
When Fellows' Compound Syrup of ffypopboxphltVs i., rs;quu•ed, ask for
4nd ha sane ea i+se.i'rw.ion is foisted or otlrr artwdt
tartest up•>a puma
Aglnts for the Domision cf Canada,
'3 •
gt leen putnr are rauuoned newest a custom which
t:ka. boob sate cumene of late arnonire cermin clam_
f r ' Mtied dealers. and Vhicikia this: When piked for
a e e( 'uihi-RillFsr. May nwldemhy discover thee
j- f rthkl eat." "bet here windier article )est an.
I en& fhdt better." which titer will simple at the same
pike. Theoheerol'thisd....oi enistrt.soarent Three
It htirep are 41 ao tti4on'antgreat repmadce t
rflb. mer; iiiockbefint=cliwie4 of the vases
and cheepeddreg; are itmgli ft the fleeter et oboe*
Ng vowel. p►ye fpr 1AI1,4d 1e s -Enver,
e•abip lam thet'atamighlftlefSw rears mere -lee;!
per_4Qtlp upon tie In itetiewt srt]tlg than be c'aA on
1.,. rstw-KsussnputeMses.std,w.aass.amsihtgm
..n,( •s .•ere. r+gaw►e:v�irys Iwsniss ars thwtsAe.eeetnwsans.
roto ter Au MtDIO*IIS OSALtts