HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-12-03, Page 1a lou aa, tons- for 75 amis. Casd16. ?Primps, of Infant's Rubes. SS STEW 1RT, cry and Drawmaking. i.se." .y stylish. T HATS, • BANS, tint ..f ra Y&lael I4Itla Chlldrens' Fru Cape. 111 G -Dods. alty. House, rest. near Post (thee nits ! rating Desks, very I BE SUITED. Ls' Purses, Chin a lower Pots, Is! nd Cigar Holders Books, Psalm Books, Neon:it, Ichool Students. Choice VER SHOWN, ?RAI amts, - F R'E3.. -or JTs, Do's. 4 TH1kTY•THI111) YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 1761. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1880. Dentistry. • .161 NICHOLLSON SURGEON 1NoDEN- threeelsese •w M treat, OonaWest - risk17M 3 lexical. HG, MACEIID, mIIL��D.,,_PEEK- or Toront . clan,o ty. aod���ses hsl� run i CaeronB 's ank, se, M erot• odice. e. quire et the ?tank. 17101'. DR. McLSAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - GOON. Coroner, &c. Mlles and residence so Bruce Street, second deer west of Victoria 'tree , 17114. ARS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physicians, Burgeon.. A000nchere, kc. 'Olde et lir. Shannon '• residence. near the Jou. Ooderi .h. G. t. SHANNON. J. C. HAMIL- TON. 1751. 1 AIKENHEAD V.S., (SUCCESSOR 'y . to 1 r. Duncan, Graduate of Oatarlo Ve- hicleary college. Office, stables and residence, ?Lawson, Street. four doors east of Colborne N. B. Homes examined as to *moot 1751. 1751. Legal. /MARROW & PROUDFO(YF, BAR- l.s RIBTERS, Attorney!, MOUultors, etc., Oederich. J. T. Darrow, W. Proudtoot. 1751. BL. DOYLE, BARRISEER A N D • ♦freeway, Sollettew in Chancery, &c., Gsdsrish, Oat. 1751. QRAGER & MORTON, BARRIS TEM, &c.. ta. Goderich and Wl h�Seeger, Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton, Wkng- U, MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND Ganglia.S res over raerO George est Adaneynti,, 1751. EAMPION, ATTORNEY-AT- C . LAW, Bsllcitorin Chancery, caves- aeaer, &c. Office over Detlor's store, Gode. rtob, Ont. Any amount of money to loan et lowest rites of interest. 1751-y. (CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Harr rs Solicitors in Chanoery, &c.,Ooderb►asd Wingham. M. ('. Cameron, 14. ..; P. Holt. M. G. Cameron. Goderich. W. E. scare. Wtnghata. 1751. Miscellaneous tares. AMES MULL, akARCHITECT, &c. Ep 'Y1)91egi<, - son cermet- Sad masons workn at, Gode- and f .R. WATSON HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental Painter.. Parlor deoor- ttdg made a specialty. GRAINING. GILDING. LAZING. Shop on North Street. opposite the Registry Office. Goderich. 1751 WEAVING DONE NEAR THE OLD Huron HotelYi mitoSR Street. Goderich, Reference -MRS. MILLER. Ld-st, 1751, QTRATFORD BINDERY -ESTAB- ► LIS HED IBM. This estebllabmentischiefly devoted to job and library work. special' W those unique and economical half cal(( and mor - room etyles. In all cases the beet of stock and workmanship, with strength and beauty com- bined. Bindery overJobn Dutton's drug store. GIGOROE STONE. g IOMMERCIAL HOTEL, DUNGAN- kJ NON. -This first -chafe hotel. has recently bass ratted and improved sons t.. furnleh the belt possible accommodation to the travelling pabllo, Good liquors and choice viand a epeoiallty. An attentive ostler always on • and excellent stabling and sheds. on the Pnellitims. Tithe. Sun•mR Prarietor. 1761. Loans anb insurance. -_ C. CURRIE, THE PEOPLE'S AIX - J• , TIONZLR, Osderlch, Ont. 1761. Auctionea'riny. the People's tolumn. S600,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO CAMERON, HOLT &CAMERON. Gode- rich. 1758. 76,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- roe TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Godertch. 1761 *60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND en good farm or Mitt -elan Town Property .tel per °eat. Apply to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 'RAINQIS GRAHAM, LICENSED Wersir « Amor e lett at SIGNAL oleo will be 1761. 711 PER CENT. -PRIVATE FUNDS to lend at the above rate on 5r,t-class se- curity. No. delay. Apply atoecet° SEAOBR & MORTON, Goderlob. 1751 MONEY TO LOAN , ON FIRST Mortgage et reasonable rats of interest and op terns to snit borrewill. Address J AMM Srsw*Rr, Saltford P. O. 1768. Estray Animals. E STRAY HEIFER -CAME TO THE premises of the undetsigued. lot 6, con 2, Colborne. about the let Nov.. a red and white it sway,hrequested heifer, tine year sada tabloid. The uw tier is and take prove PT= FF stN. OSroperty, Sexpenses, 17ss31. STRAY HORSES --CAME INTO THE eaclesure of the subscriber. SRI Nov. 1868, a dark bay horse with four black logs a small star on forehead. Owner is requeeted to prove propsety pay aurae and take him away, or be will bf sold by public auction at Corrle. Auction Mart In the town of Oodedek, ou riatnrdey. Wb January, Int, at 1 o'clock P. M. MroHAtM, O'Matta 1163-N. Colborne. 58th Nov. iMD MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for Investment at d lowerates 0s asst -class Mortgages. APPLY tsUARROW & PROUDFOOT. MONEY 'PO LOAN. THE CANA- DA Landed Credit Company. Toronto- Joint Joww Latxe Blains, New. Probesat. Money i/ lent by this Company to individduall upon t.bs same system M to municipalities.- Send fo�;rco��� Gil HAMILTON. C. 1751 1110,000 PRIVATE FUNIS TO LEND qv nonmet 'Yews Property at lowest is. Pees b NtlgWM AYISOy H• 4TQN, Hrrksters. &e.. Gedertob. 1761 VSTRAY HEIFER -CAME ON THS 1.4 pee�Isee of the subscriber. lot R con. 3. Ashtleld, about the 1st September, a RID AND Warns $fauna, rising throe years old. The owner 1s requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away.-JAltss CALMLY. ESTRAY STEER. -CAME ON THE premises of the subscriber, lot 10. cos 4. AshMId. a white steer with red spots on it; Also a mark on one car. The owner is re- quested to prove property. pay charges, and take newsy. DONALD Mo munre. 1753. VSTRAY. -CAME ON THE PRE - _to mime M the undersigned Lot 43. 13 th con., H an or about the 1st dept, one t too year old . sad este ons year olid steer, nod d while. The ewser e5a says the sante Ry pane g rsowo. sed Pa7la�cspen- s n Rosb7 Prov L jeme t tient• VSTRAY STEER: -CAME ON THE X:4 premises of the eutncrf ber, '. ut 10, eon. 4, township of Colborne, about the end of Sep- tember, • White Stair. coming two year, old. The owner Is requested W prove property, ppaayT charges and take 1' away. 17Q34t. PArateuc Mitzi, QTRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the subscriber, Stook D. Oolbornc, about JMy. four yearling deers, one grey. one red, andred d two d awhits. Any person giving such information as will lead to their sseevery will be suitably rewarded. ALEXAN- RIR Msti" Saltford P. O. 17511-4t. STRAYED. A HEIFER ABOUT one and a loafear, old. red and white, pretty much rola, shmt and stout made, Any one giving me information of it will be suit- ably rewarded. WALTER HICK. Huron Rood. Ouderiah P. O. 178621. laRADOLIFFS, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Aeot.Iwt 116,111111106 Agent. RiAlso •p essstlwg Aral-orISsss Cspa fpr the CANADA LIVE wrrtri 1x*trnANcn CO, t061116 IN either Is Town or SAO 1tray to ►Inook. gOe+elstl►1; t. 1^t1 INSURANCE CRD. CAME (1N THE PREMISES OF the subscriber. about the lath oe Novem- ber, two yearling eters, one red. ad the other red and white. The owner is requested to prove property. pay cbarges and take them away. 1 'M. Itosigtenrr, Benmiller P. O. 1762-4t. �LAME ESTRAY. - TW()WHITE ' Heifers sad one red and white heifer; came on the premises of subscriber about the and of Oct. The owner is requested to prove property. pas ohergre and take them away. JOHN STVany.lot. 18, con 7, (loderioh town- ehi p. 1751-1t it RIT11111 MO. MT, Te0Orrrn setabtished Nth Mt1Z > NTT. at Loxons IlCnstandi - bdT. et ■ANTroen. Coen Rtie isks Mee E� per., at tt IOD . Tor Bate or So Let. HOUSE TO LET - A GOOD dwelilag house on We4Street, Goderich suitable for boarding house er private resi- deem Poseeman ISth Nov. Terms easy. Apply to JAS. Rutin ANAL Planing MOIL. 1701St•. APPRENTICE WANTED,.,T4 learn the printing business. Must be es- tdligeat. and have $ tsar English (dnoation. Apply at Oils o111oe. BOAR FOR SERVICE -A PEDI- OliEli Berkshire boar arms Bow Pack) for service. Terms 211 to be paid et time of service. F. MEEOKILLER, ruron Road. SHAWL FOUND. -A SHAWL. NOT woolen,, was found M the subscriber, rolled op and pissed. between Anthony A lien's and Dnnlop's MUl, oe the 1st of Oot. The own- eeyraacan have the same by p oriag property and GSI. ass Est Calbera N�sP. 0. an sr 1711. NOTICE -THE COUNCIL OF THE corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Towp Hall in the Town of Wing ham, ea Tvaeda the 7th 1)eoewber next. mbe All acousma must presented before the that sesslos of the second day of meeting. Per* ADAMSON. county Clerk. Nov. 3tnd. 1380. 1782-1t. H' is, AND LOTS seam el Victoria *rid East 33 AND D the WwMa etOederloh, for salb t atreG, ie sheep, or will be exchanged for farm property rot ulars apply to Jas SHALES, Architect, o Crabb's B1ook. or J. C. Cuaas, auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE. -WEST HALF Lot Na 35, Con. 4, Township of Gede soh, 40 aces-Ot cleared, 2 is busk: new Puree House and Bars, young Orchard, a never -fail- ing sprang at the door. Will be sold on reason- able terms. Apply to Mn.. Gnomon Pacer on the premises. Porter's Hill P. O.. Goderich or to DEMOS )tttarrARD. Book Store, e- rich Town. 1756Tm. rji° LET -A BLACKSMITH SHOP 1 lonvenioatly situated, being In the im- mediate vloinity of Mill, Hotel nd I'oet°Moe. This is a goat Nand for horsehoelag and jobbing. Also a one story frame des*?ling house. and /hoe shop.This to a rare dunce for a good Blacksmith and Shuemak/r. Apply et once to R. J. 11. DsinNO, Port Albert.,that. 762. ('CORDWOOD WANTED. -THE 17N - v DERSIONED, having parohased the Do- mtn►oa Salt Moak, Is now prepared to b W kinds of oordwood, for which cash will be paid. For further particular a. apply to Chair. A. Nairn, the Square ; or at the Star t Works. JOHN SCOBIE. 1753 ARD OF THANKS -TO THE lJ STANDARD FIRE INS. Co. Hamilton Oat, - 6 z LiataN--Please aooept my beet thanks for t..e prompt and very satisfactory settle- ment of my loss by tiro made by your adjuster Mr. Alex. McD Allan, of (*uderich. Such honorable and prompt dealing should be re- warded by s large increase of business which I hope you will reoelve. I)txcAa Muaont.oN, giNewbrldge, November the Nth, 1868. STORE TO LET, ON V I C T O R I A Street, reccnre mewled d by Mrs_ As1ae The is centneme and well Mrnls wl and drawers. A very nonrpiste d also overhead, and a gond cellar and soft b la nennee ttoe with she buliding. The to • good onc, and 11 a close prox- natty the Lebow Ground. Terme are res.nnable, and will he made known on cation to 0. K. STRACHAN, Rlackavt , QHEPPpea GARRDTON.-STOZEI�slis '!r Stook all fresh .031a andl easy tones. to. For tttr{�a�t Eras.thiAMo 5f wee Iellotes 7 gttl d A Ili the eropppewtodth 1f acres will be given with let. R T. H. 1101. VALUABLE FARM For. CALF. Lot it 'Township of C•ilw,--te. f'.e Si nares 73 Oft - re NEWS ABO tT T HOME. "A ohlel's sawing ye. takin' Rota, An' faith hell Arent it." TOW TOPIC.. Bos PaTMarr. -Last season, the firm I of Ogilvie & Hutchison paid out $137,- 000 for wheat, in connection with their mammoth mill in this town. Candidates Are now thick. And getting thicker; But they will be thinned out. The mail train was on time on Tues- day. The fizzle of the fat goose is heard in the pan. Judicious advertising in the keystone of success. Candidates cards to the electors are attracting attention. VARIETY 'Smut.-Sauitder's holiday advertisement will appear next week. Another fine fall of *new on Tuesday gladdened the hearts of our business men ANDREWS' fiwzaa for December, fullui interesting news foe the ladies, hal been received. Mr. J. Davie, . 'f Windsor, one of Hanlan'e right hand men, was in town during tho week. MAasar Pass.- Magnus C. Swanson has purchased the market fees for two months fur the sum of $185. OLees pr NAVIGATION. -Navigation is now practically closed at this port, and lights will be extinguished at the light- house on Saturday morning for the? 0055011. CARD or THANxs. -Mr. Duncan Mur- chison, of Newbridge, tenders his thanks to the Standard Fire insurance Cu., for a prompt and very satisfactory settle- ment of a loss by fire. IlrrgonauloItAL Hors).. -These premi- ses were offered for sale by Mr. Currie, on Saturday last, under an order from the Court of Chancery. The sale was subject to a reserved bid fixed by the master in chancery. Ouly two bids were offered, one by Mr. Swanson at $1,000 and one by Mr. Geo. B. Johnston at $1,500 -but not being up to the reserved price, the sale was declared off. The people of Goderich are now excit- ed over the market fee question. Some of the people want a free market and others desire to oontinue the collection of fees, and the town Council seems to be in a strait between two opinions. Mar- ket fees are an imposition of the past, and every town and village that does not allow every possible facility for the free, current of trade stands sadly in its own light. -{Expositor. MIss Hove -moil's Let:vete ON BCR\ . - The name of Burns is dear to every Scotchntan-and to others than Scotch - men -and the announcement that a lecturer, who conies well recommend- ed, is to have the famous poet for a subject fha evening, in Victoria Hall, should bring out a audience. The press of Canada andOhio speak highly of 'Ass' H'Wison'a abilities, and we hope ..o see .t good attendance to -night at her lecture. "THE GODERICH Star. "-On Wednes- day last our contemporary, the Sar was iseued after a suspension of a few weeks. We must congratulate the new jSroprie- tor on the unpmvc•.1 appearance of the paper both mechanically and from a li- terary standpoint. The plant has been renewed, the tone is moderate, and the selections are better now than ever be- fore. We extend to our cmtfret.� the hand of fellowship, and wish him success in his venture. THE BLIND ORATOR --A' very small audience was gathered to hear Rev. Dr. Millburn. the blind orator on Tuesday Mies Howisos'a lecture in Victoria Hall to -night on "Robert Burns" should be wall patronized by Scotchnan and others. Mn. L. J. Brace, formerly of Gode- rich, has almost completed his contract for building the Clinton Town Hall. L J. has the early history of Goderich off to perfection. Jewsre ---On Tuesday last, while At- tending to the cars sit the station, a young man namod T. Coward had his hand caught between the cars, and lost one his thumbs. Nsw HYMN Boos. -The new Metho- dist hymn book will be used in the North St, Church at New Year's. Mn. W. T. Cox, we understand, is agent for the sale of them. SALT RY Tis (a. T. R. -Mr. P. Mc- Ewen got 16 cars and Mr. Platt 6 ears, during the week, for carrying salt. The scarcity of caro has been greatly *rlt during the past month. . APPOINTED. --We are pleased' to learn that our townsman, Mr. E. F. Moore, has been appointed American Vice Consul at Goderich. Mr. Moore is in every re- spect' well qualified to discharge the duties of the position. The Postmaster -General Ass issued s regulation prohibiting the simulation of ordinary boniness hand ,bills: anti circu- lars thyongli newspapers unless such newspapers pay a postage at the rate of 'one cent for every four minces. To send otit 5000nnta with a written head looks mean and stingy. A nicely printed head looks business like. At this office business men can hare bill heade and statements printed neatly in city style and at city prices- They cost but little. Call and see apeoiaeta. HOMER SOM. -Mr. f'peh all, veterin- ary surgeon, of Clinton, bis base OW. char ng - horse. in this section . , Pie T P aniyan mining retgicay Q 'teas o d illy L Ferguson'sby Mr Wm. Pagani front Lord Defer icy brought $130; and a four year (ad Owned by Mr. W. Jackman, fro Pure, realised 1150. L' RLT atm Too Lars. --On Sat • pf ieiasstba of Wawranosh, www oisfor tw' , miles to town for the peepers of entering at the 'shoot. When abs arrived, the found that she was too early for the opening of the school by oboists ateatb, nail see Lie Mr ptalti1tg M bar Sabines Ras by abet* argil} sten w*a chi asd inane «Tfl ' bMls Staid s I eelk dist at dra obviated beet in *WA abs , for this .S Iia itis i irMMIA1w rkste WIi Oss>BrAlnagarittrbalgetrierala le - els lest.seme f yml •*WORTON ,iede4eb. scot in Mb 1761 I / t r _ ntor...4g7. ENERA' ,NrELUGEN Tao Wiugham TOW rejoices in a new "'heading." It is a decided improve- ment oa the old one. SiaTT1(o. -Lovers of skatingwill be glad to learn that the rink will be opened on Saturday, weather permitting. Tim Town CLocs is becoming bettor appreciated as each day paries by. Since the slatwork has been placed in the bel- fry the bell has given n much improved sound. Situates. -Mr. John Butler has opened .a billiard poor on Kingston street, with six good tables and excellent appurtenanoes.' Mr. John Phillips u manager. Coeciai ozi r or BIRTH. -Annie Hen- ry, charged with oonoeslatent of birth, was too ill to appear before the J for election this week. She will be brought up ou Wednesday next. Ms. M.Q. CAJELROx has retired from the contest for the Second Deputy Reeve - ship, in favor of Mr. Hutchison, an old andezperisaocd Councillor. Mr. Cameron's card in another column explains the tnattor more fully. HOLIDAY' Ch&Pnst--If you have goods that the peopto wait, and you want the people to buy of you, advertise in THE WEAL. On our neat pees, advertise meats are eery oonaptclous. "Every- body reads THE SIGNAL-" Captain Rhynes, of =Lamer At- lantic, arrived home on f►tltndsy. WHAT has beoome of tits project � fire alarm attachtneent from theto the engine house? Saeaaltarr.-The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispencod in St - Andrew's Church next Sunday. ]ave. . A. F. McQueen, County of H end D. Gordon, of Hsrmington, wi11 A. F. & A. M. -The anima tl�IMlssi of olhoses for Goderich Lodge Res 1.1.. F. & A. M•, was held on Wednesdop evening, Dec. 1st. The following wan the result: -H. Bolton, W. ; E. Downing, S. W.; A. McD. Allan, J. W. ; J. Robertson, Soc.; S. Shwa, Treas. ; S. Yates, Chaplain; M. McPhail, Tyler. LAID Ur. -List of vessels laid up ill the harbor for the season:- Schrs. On- tario, Jennie Rumball, Niagara, Tecum- seh, Wm, Wallace, Nett Woodward, bar- que Arabia, John G. Kolfaso and the tug Minnie Walker. The Niagara, of Picton, discharged 15,- 000 bushels of wheat at Ogilvie & Hut chison'e mill, on Friday, having made the trip from Milwukee since the preview, Friday, despite the frightful weather. Most of the other vessels also experien- ced "hard times" on their last trip. MILITARY ENTERTAINMENT. -The mili- tary entertainment under the auspices of NOISY. -A person yclept "Big Mal -1 No,. 1 Co. 33rd Batt., was held ui Vio- Im "was drank and conducting him- tures Hall un Friday last, and was fatl•k g M self in a blackguardly manner on the attended. The singing of the use ,s Square on Tuesday task He had to be Cook was much admired, and Mew . tumbled once or twice to bring hint to Saunders, Wells and 10th& swore dr fly his senses in the matter of propriety. appreciated, Mas Bertha Trainer 1 ,re LIBRARY xx,-About 155 volumes aided at the organ in her usual fine n son new. The readuig by Mr, H. I. Strang was have been recently purchased by the good Prof. Aytuun's "Edinburgh • after Mechanics' Institute, through Mr. Geo, goodden," was recited in capital sti !e by Sheppard, bookseller. They are now in Miss Seeginiller, the young lady being Sheppard'a window and will immediate- l„osae.eed of gond voice, ezoellent ii storm ly be put into eirculati; r.. We under- tion and graceful manner. ' The ofre„ stand the selection was a good one. , easy' camp scene, with the 1 olanket A local newspaper moan is generally tooting, rollicking singing, snit .r�b expected to be everywhere, see every- elephant," produced roars of L t� hoer thing and catch every item afloat, simply The military evolutions were also a because it is his profession. But he novelty to many of the audio ecu. At. can't do it. His. friends can help him the close Mrs. Col. Root press nted the through by sending or bringing such prizes to the euxemful corp etitors at itema as are of interest. All manner of the recent company shooting T natch. legitimate local news go to make up au CONCERT AND LWFURR--A grand con. interesting paper, and will be received cert and lecture will be gives in Victoria - Ls Hell on Tuesday, the 14th i oat,, in aid of St. Peter's Church, under lite auspices, of the choir of the Church- The lecture will he by that eloquent and talented priest, Father Flannery, of St. Thensasl subject, "Tum Moore." Every admirer - of eloquence should nut fail to ,.tte.el euA, with than .-[Ex. SPRUNG A Lsax.-On Friday last the schooner Ontario, owned by Messrs. Willuus & Horton, in coming into the harbor, was cut so badly by the thin ice that she sprung a leak. She was laden evening. Those who were present, how- wt ever, had an intellect�4altreat. A grand vnice, a clear and rigorous utterance. ce, a wealth of good pure Anglo-Saxon, and nn apparently leasing theme to the speaker, made the lecture something not to be heard from any but "giants" of the platform. It is to tee hoped that the people of Goderich will have another op- portunity of listening to Dr. Millburn, and that they will not slight it u they have done this, if they have any taste whatever for oratory. Far Cerrms Ssow.--Tile Rist Riding of Huron Agricultural Society met in the Court House on Tuesday, Nov. 30th at 2 p. m., Mr. Young, President in the chair. Present: H. Snell, 1st Vice- Proat. ; 2nd Vice, J. Salkeld, Secy, John Varcoe; Directors --John Glen, Robt, Medi, P. Carrell, James t). Stewart, Stephen Andrews, Rube McLean and George Cox. It was decided to hold a Christmas Fair en Friday, Dec. 17th. at 10 o'clock a.' m. on the Fair Grounds, Goderich. About $63 will be offered in prises for fat stock, poultry and butter. Thu kiwi shot -1' an l poultry ,rust be dressed. For furthe. particulars see posters. th lumber and fears were entertained that if the water would fill her hold the the occasion. Singers from a diataucee lumber would swell and strain her tun- have been invited to attend, and among others that talented lady vocalist, Mit Reidy, of Simcoe, has signified her. tt tention of being present. Site will, ' bo assisted by Miss Dillon and the, Ells) .nes Misses Doyle, Mrs, (Menne, Miesthe ttob hers. The services of the town steam fire engine, under Capt. Darcy, were called into requisition, and after five or six hours' steady pumping the schooner was saved from sinking at the dock. The Orangeville Advertiser hits the mark when it speaks asfollows:-"Many people appear to be unconscious of the imposition they aro practising in taking a newspaper without paying for it until due for a year or more. Does the far- mer get a year's credit on hie grain, or the merchant on his good.,? Is the la- borer expected to wait a year for his wages, or the clerk or official for his salary? Is ally one expected to wait a year or more for his money besides the printer. who has to pay cash for all his expensesr' `saes AT A Dr...;ocNT.-Mr. Venor was further out about November weather this year than he ever was before. He predicted fine Indian summer weather from the ACh to the 26th, and it is need less to say that farmers who expected to do their fall ploughing and gardeners who locked forward to finishing up the odd j+,he, were disappointed. Good Husmi .. - 1f r. I�Cilkisleighing and the thermometer below %Igo= for the past who has bete: up i;: -s"r^ are a long way from Indian summer. four months in the interest of Meaux And the worst of it u that Moses Oates, Williams & Murray, .,f thin' town, ,las who was beining to get his name up as a arrived home after lavinil erected a saw weather prophet, should have also been mistaken. Haat, 0x Tat 1 Toes IMPORT1101. --The London. England, Live Stock Journal makes these severe remarks about the character of some recent importations of mill 100x4A feet. on Blind River. for the above named firm. It is proposed to put in tl;e latest improved mill msehinery, such as butters. shingle and lath wills and two circular saws. The ma - Weimer of Stratford, and also b{ ertson, Mr. Robertson and othev well- known amateurs. It is to bet hoped people o ii generally chinery will' be the work (. f a Peter• Clydes: ''During the past few weeks borough factory. The tine owr, . a large numerous Americans have been search - timber limit in that section. and content- ing the Clyde Valley for draught horses plats) doing an extensive businem. The and 'tie cry is still they come. ' Heavy eat of logs this amoral will be eueedang- prices they do not pay, probably; but it ly large. is satisfactory to notice that they are clear - (rut New AUXILIARY To THE TiMrla• ing o111t n 116 of indifferent animals, atteu Cense. -The Kincardine Standard which, Mw. inferior to breed with in this has the following: --"'The storm of last , d iinnnaxitoo good to cast. ablygfo nd. t ri way into week rendered geed service to the fess- duatneta where at starvation terms they pawing canoe m (ioderioh By means made the price of their corn and hay. to of it the schooner Star was driven to the detriment, however of the sneer*, r seek shelter in rime handrail She aninlalsaelected to travel at a prertiatr I had s cargo of nearly one hundred haw• Indeed this season quite an exedne of eels of whiskey. The cold weather of the present week has frown the Star he 5o fast that she will be obliged to remota bre all winter. The temperance peo- ple rd(`oderich no dou14 rejoice at tb5 circumstances hr which the numerous old tr pers of that town will be put on short allowance. Comas Losnlre. -The bar habit of owner lofting seems to he a prevalent vista in (i h. Young nun, who appear, in every other particular, to he decent, car, at once he 'marked down" by their aptness at lolling On street corners It makes cozy little diaereses* what seesang of the week one pewee around the Square, the same blackguard- ly exhibition of i ornmt lounging said filthy and impure gibing and jeetaag las be .ren snd heard. The attentlostet tbp' sight wet hmaa is called to a gang whe esu mashy be found on the Mellor of the aglnre and West Street on week nights, and in ctoae proximity to *be menert bit on the corner of East street msd the getters every Sunday evening in sir power to make the ouw serf and waJI.lrates Court. Crabb, Esq., J. 1'. Philip Reeves vs. M. l fiolte,laon-.� soul'. Defendant was fir .ed $'l and metas. -rant Prepesed C .tree ism. Ever en Chu bsolco ut f„r news, TTeaSzoaaa determined f „get at the Mttom of prope>.ed rev ,,c,ttoe mill in this neighborhood. / , reporter has been makingnand upo"skill h+ int" during the week, being nforused that Mr., C. Crabb was the " Goderich merchant" in question, the w' ,rider of the pencil, meet Ong that gent) enien, immediately naked Goderichhim: "What alv on this cotton rain. Mr. Crabb?" "What e , 'Hun mill:.' "Didn't you see that trent in last week's Si moat, from the J,mr,wl of Corn - "What ? Isere been to/ d you are the gentles •n in question. le it erne it don't "WI 11," replied Mr . Crabb, slowly; "1 want to comply .mise self. Any Ong • esid now mV,nt injure the enter Pass ,. " " I can't see tb at ,•' responded the seek er after df�v &tion. '1 It has already 1•tion, d that such a mill is ut c,ntemp p .ace in stated, and it is Eli ',� leo that you are the man refer he Xe want to let the public know wh it's r -n ie." ..I V An only say that I have been in e ^ pondence with some gentlemen in My ,cheater about est ahlishng a mill for 'poachers, ►e such stallions are called ultb', manufacture of cottons and prints att e north, has lwwrn marked; and fie re I t' ne Reserve, Benmiller a capital place welt of this is that their bermes will have fur such an enterpns.e. Hut n clearer circuits next lissom The a'ni. ted n eta ria are not corn hl it >1 .an't te'tl raw it t .nit. I'd asls ehc»en by the Aaeridarot, jo4.v e u only et K go f�ttli those seen at ship nide%ase but, an not have illy name menti..ned I never i0sl�gttss.1 lot; mid it it to IIrfated, • will told anybody about it. and it punka be nake ise rimed•, sL liseintib Irons how it resehe�d,_tnattlpatpe� r. It will Wt.bettor x200,000 t0 ewgepwt the f Time is eoaething in time way of dii$b just new- not NN mtsoehnaey, for that Om easily be got-tawt seemliting 1 gas sol et liberty to refer to. I wish the roster had not got out.'. "But you see, sir. put 'he new. ere., "now that the nutter is out s fiesnat wants to give all the info' motion it am oesseerasng it. "Wen, that's ass way the dung is. 1 ant sun that paper got hold of it 1 dente like to esillpet 1 'eventf AT es *imationa hut Om readers of Tat itsowai e would like to hear all ebony 1t, mid the in eomnwentaag opus tbsabemings .: we du not know list sort of miter .b may bare been impede* Ido H e Dated Miles MT to Mei OwassoNaiads this b1f0 els este b „r thatttedhow fits ww‘ r bomber a t out bY ftwilliiewtb� "�' �V fith an ,er rind Me notre for themselves, lves, ass if theam Ts y • y �ngiyw„Yhir'r lea hada& thew w' ARA Tuve ley in Ise sed, v ,d t � �d fes, have over bees • permmeg d Ole wafer s thitwr we very ranch prem ran, and he had. Mr ('rahb govt doubt evening