HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-11-26, Page 3the Poet's tomer. pea"% carry. PM The Wenaf Osco 1 was young and saWtia Now 1 ant odd sod cruse; The atm aro au beguiling Ah use. Its been sty lois. My husband ruse and so du I That lever we aueseated This foolish irksome knot t4 Ile. Ob why wait out pravented'o I soots my husband, slap the bairns. I alwye eui taunt -ending; My brabs•d Saks, yet never learns, Why the marriage was made binding. Asad yet, my dear. we're rosily beuad To say that If your husbaud died, As soma' be we. In the ground, You'd seek soother ter and wide. (Yd. BIoIIAL Weer reish. 0 base me on the many 1:ketch Who drat contrived. without a botch, To mak' the gusty. good Botch Koch That Blithe wane sae brawly, There's carrots Intill't, and neaps intIU't, There's sybies lntUl't, and leeks Minn., 'Here's peas, and beans, and beeta tntlll't. That sown thru' iUiersae brawl,. The French mounseer and English loon, When they coat° danderin' throe' our coon, Wr smirks and smack they gulp It dour, An' lick their lips fu' Drawly. Far there's carrots laW1't, and neeps Latin's, Aad sybies Intflrt, and leeks tnttU't. There's mutton, and lamb, and beef inttll't, That maiden sup sec brawly. And Irish Pat when he comp here. Te Ly his lana in our good cheer, He shoots his nutty wi' moo steer, Aad clean his cog to' brawny. Pb, there's carrots lntllrt, and seeps WWII. There's peas, and beans, and beets tnttll't Aad a' good gusty areas taUU't, That gram his gab fa' brawny. A Maty dame she oats' aur way, A,onsacne steeprr she would has; till' your w•t broth I cannot away, It nukes r.'•, stunner ea' brawly. Fee there's carrots (mill'+, and seeps intim There'' abler dnl U't. and leeks kiln. An' filthy greasy n -p tntUU't. That turn my ,tan. ‘eltsse bawl,." Sha gat her soup : It was unoo trash. And little better than poor dish wash; Twad gie • man the waterbrash To sup sic dirt ase Drawly. Nae carrots kiln, nor neeps Inttli't. Nae sybies tntlll't, nor leeks intI't. Nee nae good gusty meats intilI't, To Me the ribs b' brawly. Then here's to Ilka kindly Soot, WI' mony good broths he 11118 his pot, But rare Botch Potch beats a' the lot. It mens and smacks too brawl. Per there's carrots intill't, and nee;,. 'sem, There's peas, and beans, and ;,esse win, Aa' hearty, wholesome, r,,ea,a inmet Thatstsek thQ ids seebrswly. Tun anb Fancy. Whether the stone hits the pitcher or the pitcher the stone, it ie always bad for the pitcher. .A musical oompo.er being asked if he • had lone any !"n? lately, replied that his last work was a compo. !nn —with his creditors. TsaCHas KITH READING Cuss. —Boy (reading): "And as she sailed down the river." TEAcHas,—"Why are ships called 'she' r Boy (precociously alive to the responsibilities of his sex): "Be- causethey need men to manage 'em." Archdeacon Sinclair tells of an eocen- tric Scotch nobleman of the beginning of this century, who, dining at a house where the dinner was extremely bad, forgot that he was not at home, and vuitly apologized to his fellow -guests for the badness of the repast, remarking that he supposed the 000k was drunk again, and that the scullion had dressed the dinner. TIM HURON SIGNAL,. FRIDAY JrOVEI[BEE 26, 1880 sa...ana.arrt tbucationa(. t,avvua To Public School Inspectors, Public School Boanii, and Trustees ani Muni oipal Corporations. 1beg to submit for yuer uunsidestion the following, respecting Sohwl Amelia - exudation The checks introduced by the School Ad of 1879, up,oii the demands of Pub- lics School Boards and Trustees fur ex- penditure of mon* for school aoe uusito- ion were imposed with the object of giving the ratepayer au omtes.unity of Wog oou,ulted, and thus wilt Scheid Boards and Trustees more strictly rb- apon.ible to their tontituerita than they had been heretofore. Under the law, as it existed, Public, as well as High School Beards and Trus- tees, could demand from the If%micipal Council any sunt they thought 8t, and, on refusal, mauled ate levying of the amount by legal process to which no an- our or remonstrance was effectual. • 1 u the exercise of this power it was get.erally found that neither ratepayers nor Municipal Cuenoi% were consulted by the School Boards and Trustees, a1 - though in most instances the true in- teresta of all would have been prtuuoted by conference and consultation before large expenditures were entered upon, and touch irritation %told have thus been prevented. The provisions of the Act of 1879 have not altered the duty incumbent upon Public School Boards and Trustee* to furnish adequate accommodation in their schools, as required by sub -section 18 of section 104 and sub -section 8 of section 102 of the Public Schools' Act. I have had occasion to point out to the Public School Board of the City of Toron- to that this obligation of providing adequate school acoowmodation is in- cumbent upon all Municipalities, and in rase of refusal can be enforced by legal means, while this Department has also the power, in case of any default in this respect, of withholding the share of the Legislative ("rant otherwise payable to the School Board or Trustees concerned. The Public School Boards and Trus- tees, and the Municipal Councils, owe a common duty to the ratepayers in pro- viding adequate school accommodation, with due regard to the resources of the ratepayen; and when the subject is ap- proached in a friendly spirit there should o.• no difficulty in all agreeinv to supply ntisfact,ore school aocosnwo4gtion. - keep CROOKS, `sinister of Education.WToronto, Oct. Ib, 1880. " Manoheoter Ham~ JAM. EB A- FUMED Mobs Jars resolved • Mabe trot M NEW GOODS New Drew Geod., Winceys, Flannels, Blankets, Shirting*, Cations, Prints, dc., which for value unsurpassed New Shawls and Mantles, special value. arse Otiw l]al1 tad pate DBIPlu for iE =trot Tiaoassellesi& - I L made, w.L vf�arard. spa�id leke, geareateed. Clods bought out free of ohs it' 111' Hata (ape and ir*wers at otos° °r' bilethhest pate pate ter )Aster and age.. .sate A. !talo. 's Black. Ooderieh. klldtlla TaOlt atm oil 410110 wane asst m ClY Et "Down She Comes ! " When we say -Down She Omer we reser is the High Prime that have heap asked la the peat for Watches, Jewelry, Electro -Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. &c. W. T. WELSH, Emulating the example et stlgossidel btsinea men, has Mutsu art; GOODS b() WN TO THE LOWEST NOT('H7 ands detortnlneu not to be undersold by anybody. He has just reoeivud some really beautiful things in Electro -Plated Ware, which he determined to sell at a small edema on cosi. Jar` Sole Agent for Roca. Onrwr i. Srat'racl.ag,the aced perfect fitting glass w the market W. T. WELSH. D. C. Strachan's Groceries, Crockery aid G] a rswa're. The ehoioest Family Oroceriex always kept on Lints, and sit prier. that rowan: 6.' 1...e, !t by any house to the trade. CASH PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE. The Old Stand -south side of Court Hoose bemire. 1751 t +. C, -ETIs t CHA?I • owe scowl.5. instructions as to the Examination and Admission of pupils to High Schools (including Collegiate Institutes): The next examination for '.'g alone- orocen es don of pupils will be held at the High Schools, on Tuesday and Wednesday, be- ing the 21st and 22nd days of December, at the hour of nine -in the morning of each day. The regulations as to admission pre- scribe the following : (1) Public School Teachers and Assist- ant Teachers who hold certificates of any class are to be admitted without exami- nation. (2) The standard is uniform through- out the Province, and requires that each candidate shall obtain 50 per cent. of the total value assigned to the questions, and at least 33} per cent of the value each subject, except grammar, in which at least 60 per cent, of the value of the palittng questions most be obtained. The candidate must also satisfactorily pass the viva rope examination in readir and such further examination of thi•a nt- tare in such subjects as the ex' dliners' may think proper. (3) The examiners have al• .o authority to exclude any candidate ri nom they con- sider so deficient in the elementary sub School Course. jests as not to be qua'.ified for the High MITCHELL )KA..? " 1131i GREATEST ANI) BEST " , Crockery & Glasser are INoTOWN- AND MAX AO • TEAS A SP F;QIALTY. 1 (4) Erich oandi once at least fir -.late must be in atttsnd- hour of nine .teen minutes before the o'clock on each day of the exsminati •and after that hour no can - A few Sundays ago the minister of a ("t( e �l be admitted. church nut far from Dnnoon preached u ( Any candidate who copies from from the parable of the prodigal son, and - .oiler, or allows another to copy from concluded the sermon as follows:—"Ants nim, or takes into the examination room as you have already seers, his father, hi the gladness of his heart, killed, the Fitted calf, which he had kept fo , yam, and years, and years, in antic epation of the young man's return! A Highlander, whose- regiment having bee surrounded+ to", Inst themselves oat with the broader word, with a hoes of half their number be�nu the last in retreat- s' was b s forma tt Frenchman returning from the f,altniit, who charged him with his wayonet, but soon finding the disadvant- age of his weapon, cried out "quarter." "Quarter ye,' said Donald, "I've nae time to quarter ye; ye mann be Ironton - tit to pe cuttit in twa!"—making his head fly from his shoulders. AirraonoMICAL Dosses,—Young Mr. Ifatehours was sitting on the porch the ether night, watching a 17 -year-old girl trying to keep awake to enough to see the morning star rise. T'bey talked as- tronomy. 'I wish I was a star " he amid, smiling at his own poetic fancy. "I would rather yon were a comet," she maid dreamily. His heart beat tumultu- ously. "And whyr he asked tenderly, at the same time tasking her unresisting bttle hands in his own, "and why!" he repeated, imperiously. ''ole." said she, -with' a_ brooding earnestness that (011 upon his soul like a bare foot on a cold oil oloth, "became then you weald only wane amend ewer! 1600 years Barker says that IN made up his mind, yesterday, that he would Rive hie wife a ple•asnt surprise by spending the evening at home, and after rapper' be settled himseif dome for a envy time in the bran of his family. He had no Mere than nomfnrtebly fixed himself *hen hit wife asked him if his friends didn't want him any longer, and that was why he er,neloded to 4st aacogqtainted with his family. Then has muter i! law asked hint if he had exhausted 1111 audit, sad was obliged to May at homes The hired girl "eked hive if he was sick, and proposed to make some cabsip tem. One of the nergebnrs came in Bowl watts- ed to know i/ a had been having an trouble, ani was afraid of tb. aher+ff. Awl Parker turn dl that occurred ie Las NUM twenty urinates, and he knows, for in wearily half an hoer he area down town again iag, and hogoly stopped y - GIVE HIM A CALL. 1751 any book, note or paper, absolutely for- feits his examination, and the examiners may ascertain this after perusal of the answers; the presiding examiner, who, during the examination, has good evi- dence of any such misoonduct, shall at once direct the candidate or candidates implicated to leave the examination room, when his or their names shall also be struck off the list of candidates. c6) The candidate in answering, shall write only on one side of the paper, signing also his name on each sheet, and will arrange and number his answers in the order of the questionsand then fold them once acroua, and write on the out- side his name, school, and the date. No paper once handed in can again be re- turued to the candidate. (7) No candidate is to be allowed to leave the room during the time of the examination, or on any pretext to re- move from his seat, unless the presiding examiner shall for just cause give special permission. They will likewise be examined more minutely on the selections enumerated in the following list, and they will be re- quired to reproduce the substance of one or more of them in their own Iang�tage (1) The Norwegian Colonies in Oreen- bad. --Aoore.by. (4) The Founding of the North Ameri- ican Colonies. —Pedley. (3) The Voyage of the " Golden Hind."—British Enterprise. (4) The Discovery of America. Rob- ertson. (5) The Death of Montcalm. Hawkins ) Joaquin Cartier at Hochelaga. — Hawktts. Cortes in Mexico. —Cassell's Paper. The Buccaneers. -The Sea. (9) The Earthquake of (breams. -- Huwnboldt. (10) The Onngneet of Peru Annals et Roaatatwe Adventure. (11) The Conquest of Webs White's iw adasarks. (14) Hermann the Deliverer of (ler- taast...-Jeerer. (13) The Burning of Moscow. --Se- gar's Narrative. ((1e4)) The Rattle of Thermopylae-- Ral (li) The Destruction of Pompeii. — Magasiem nl Art. (16) The Taking of (iibriltar / Yvon. and R.,wte A 7il1lrCHELL, .iamiiton Street. Goderich. RDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Reduced to Bottom Prices! ]era aai bei sI Is.ila. 13e..tiieM Hardware --at discount price.. Builders' Hardware and 'lMlsSit col issi. Pekes. Large contracts ailed at Manufacturers' friers. G-_ g_ PARSONS, G-ODERICH- 1761 RGANSIORGANSI Great Reduotion in Prioefb. Having determined to di.cositnee travelling with Organa I have reduced the prices so that persons wishing to purchase win and N to their advantage to call at sty shop and buy from ase. SEWING MACHINES.-- The WANLYIt tad. WHITE Sewing Machines are.tthl isles P eopie's ravoar'rs, they are so easy to run, and make so little noise, that It is • pleasure to work them. If yon are about to Inveel In • Sewing Machine,ou will certainly miss It 1f you do t "ot get one or the ether of the above makers. sewing jsachtnea to Rent, and • Mock of Needles, Oil. Oil Cans, aa., always on hand. J. W. WEATHER'.ALD. OFFICE-Sheppard's Book Store, Market epsare. Oonwnicn. 1161. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G- BAI7,RY, CABINET MAKER AND UDEBT1KER, Hamilton Street, Oodericb. A good Ta- bles, CChain�hair, case aid en n. Bed-room tr� . Cupboards. Room and a tut Furniture, ' Wash -s Wash -stands, Lounges. Pose, 4I bat -Nota, Looking Glasse*. N It. A onmplete assortment of Coding and Hbrouda always oa hand. also Hearses fee hire at reasonable rates. Picture Freeing a speetaity: A can soilolte d. 1761 O. HARRY. Red, White and Blue 1 Acheson GEORGE Acheson JUST ARRiVZD, New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery, 8�3ZLINC;E 0H171AP- ay- BOUND TO QIVS BARGAINS! 1, l OUR To Intending :leu We wUl seed Ttttt Vexes mime et nowt cow LUL J4NU4lit send Ne Sun mt. tram stow 1111 New Yeats, /Or -f (:sola, mime We will A distinct and peculiar' combination. FELLOWS' co PotJ4,b sYRtF,OF HYPt-PHOS-PHiTES FOR THE RP LIEP AND CURE r-wr Au— WASTING DISEASES — t'ce as Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, General Debility, Brain Exhaustion. Chronic Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, or Loss of Nery ,us Power. It is un- equalled in the treatment of' Palpitation of the Heart, Trembling of the Hands and Limbs, Loss of Appetite, Energy or Memory s it aa* with vigor, gentleness and subtlety, owing to the exquisite harmony ad its ingredients, akin to pare blood itself. Its taste is piseeaat, and omelette permanent. l ,s flint apparent effect it to int:ream the app.. -its. It nests digestion, and causes a fwd to arsimilate properly—thus the seats u is nourished. It also, by its Maio a..1i t:r on the digestive organs, indoors more c • .res std regular eracestioes. The r u•i ii'y with which patients take on flesh while under the Inflaeaes of the Syrup, of its If fudicates that no other preparation can b, better adapted to help tad aoarieh t:: • constitution, and hence be more effietcioua i . s t depression of spirits, shaking or t: tnbling of the hands or body, cough, shorts as of breath, or consumptive habit. 're" nerves and muscles become strengthened, tat the blood purified. -- ", 'iiH.IT THE INVENTOR, Mi'. FT_' -nwS, HAS TO SAY ABOUT 1415 SvkUP ut' 'THE liVP,,PHO,PHI rEs. in Co sum;ner of 1884, i was sndaeelr est c.el by a copious exp.ctoretloa of ..d l•u:uleut matter. I had been dreli•ting Iv health f dr Dome months, and, being dice:y n rvons, the symptoms cs,,aud a:. m. As buy basinrat wee that of a ! •p: tai. g r':., -"ii .t, th' eh,.p este eonatantly v 5 'el by medial then, all of whom t• :n:ered their advice. Dir tag 1864 and 1865 guy c wit was examined by ten first s physicians, some „i whom-pronoanced the c s e Bronchitis ; some, not wishing to c .ur alarm, or enwilling to venture an apinion, g re no decision ; some stated un - qtly that I had Tubercular Disease �of •h Lungs, and located the trouble where the pains were feat. By professional , di , 1 us •d, in turn, horse -back fixer- tNe, country life, eggs sad ale in the morning, to •..y, Bourbon whiskey, cod-liver oil, ,sir ::••:ty, tar, cid. r •r'.ots inhalenta, but the tr sable increased. Expectoration be- ccm more profuse ant offensive. Night-swea.s e t in. Cold chills, diarrhoea, dlytptseu, cough. blood -streaked expeetoretionn, at of sleep, loss of appetite, loss of tnem'ry, loss of ambition, accompanied by ge nl prosration, showed themselves. 'ruder the microscope the blood was found to co turn but • small portion of vitalized corpuscles ; the heart's action was feeble ; the l lies intermittent ; the stomach could hot digest properly, so that flatulency and acid y wa. the result. Finding the symp- toms indicated Consumption,' determiaed to use every effort to stay is progress, and, if possible, to cure it. I selected tits most powerful tonics and moderators, and coma pined them with the 'vital constituents of the 1 ,man body For months i andeiv- Dred to amalgamate them before my efforts w.• ,e a wned with success. I cu:not speak too plainly or too strongly of the effects produced, and the benefits 1 r• .•eiv- ed from the composition.' (1 of my apt e'ite ine"tt.„d t'. a ... ', digestion better tar+ r t 1.•,a ue ns:'r, a p: dui a ti 1 : f' l c+:ucd ; night-Dweata lt•s m;:, .1 ; I x +i rd i t w i 1'.t ; tis, e•ati ng sleep returned ; nay spiri's became buoy.nt, tide ,cis 1 a :13.'s a e tares d taking the Syrup mouth after month ; b 1t o sung to th, t e of 8t. John, my recovery was necessarily slow, although I could . al return of .trength for three years, daring which titre I continued t v. My pre ant weight is one hundr-t and e'g'str-ri,rht, b-•ing thirtyei •+ t. i Lova no rymp to :Ai !: a : •1's as,. .T re only no'able • , nosh, was the et p r:o .t \ .'e tit t 1115 atnpp d, and 1 d , The n•..d-r may ask, llos d . y • t know y •are d:tllculty to hart?t d o. u1 ertn- loc.d )nom, 1 1 . s cr, 1n the most twriatn of a r i g. 1 s ?is c1 last I cougbe1 finch the ri,rht lung a piece of I'I . . (t,' LIME, 1 ,11 the file of a pot, which cowl hiss cont from no other 1 it the hi;} eaantlioriy in Lung I) cues kLiteinnec) stitee is the rest , w ids k'i bra curet. Added to this, 1 had the leaden ad .re i, purol u ke-1 rt e,dwr+till t, A.d the opinion of ono of the best diagnosticians in 1 I -b ier� 1 1. r rep 'X - the all the symptom. i ori lent 10 the two F ('••ns osptioe, andi.... ave successfully combttte•1 them, .h that I do not d w d• -e th». d is left sullicient lung tissue to build Mars. 1 ran enl_ s urct.t y ext sidrr. tion of i'i "•"- + •' res wool 1 r:,•ver i:.dncr ire rp�r ,len: s ai •rte '.eyu•it villas to trills. sympathy for the poor (:on.nmptlYe, with :; :.oa,e,e � ]f it speet(u.1v, AM iwwafor n%Fellows' SOLD BY ALL L !STS. When Fefl:►we Cotapound'Synrp of ifvp 4 rrq.tird, tat ihr "FELLOWS' COMPO ),IP," Ind be sure no irnitntioe ie !r ,r ut -r u%•tale threat ejn,. y, .TW” SENO FOR A fAN t q, �•ue of IlypophaspA(bs• PERRY DAVIS & SON -,.41i.NCE, Agents for the Dominiot C•ina;la, MONTRE SUBSTITUTES! ---••-- lT The imbue sr • rant 111 tl aesin•t * custom which it growl$5 seise roan i ht• 'miner. eftam etas h, 1. 'is .: t1'./ asked ft a bottle of !tits-t':ler. th • aur'if nhtiheevev that they are " sold no •1 h•••• en.,thg article id•t Is `nod. if not better.' • t• • '1 entv.t the Mal price. The nhjecc of ' . • • ••,n , rano-only. Tf•ees ash*tit.tes are rota• d• it r , .e l / p t1i • rrsat recisions et the Pain -Ehlers 11,-+ "r ,emewierf ref the ••lest sad cheeping drug. r r • 1 r • ,1e trite? at street of medicine deakr.. n • half whet he revs f r to. teeeirie Pahl-Ttl1Mr, which enables Ms there.`-• .., r e ,s. t w raga r.we x�e.tit pee le -sole vein th- • • it • • to t • (ant ren the gement For tU DEN COLDS — -taus, fetlseMNO , AL1. (n -Hu PA11 PERRY I rr (Ales e PAIN -1(111.15 . ti sed semen de 101.0 ee IT PART oil Til*